Tobjasf As Harsh Peace

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Tobjasf As Harsh Peace . V ^ • f > • -•<:•••.• .•••• 1 V \ X TT TK* Arcrag* Dalfe^ Q reblit ^ Of V. ;- 3** roc tiw Moili ot 1 Cloudy w ttk. ocruoloUAl nila>to>' mjj|%t.»nd U'rdnrM ay m orlildfrM ' 9,138 lowM bjr.slow rl««tnif WodMotejr of tbo A«dit oftorliooa: ,oot oo edit ttwM a, of Gtreolat Memcl ■‘'4 jQMx ®/ Charm i = : 2 (TWELVE f AGES) * BRICE THREE CENTS Pa«o ll*) M A N tJI^TER , CONN., TUESDA^V APRIL 24, 1915 I VOL. LXIV., NO, ] ^ y (CMlfloa A(9 ,|■ ^ '■ I . ,-'^1. ' .......^ ,,,, - . V - X a , . ___ \ f ';\ ■J ..v ••■r^ V v*. '■•> \- Yanks TryJW'^oiiillet Bill lor^Griinting _ ' V ^ X \. t o B j a s f \ \ as V ■>* ^Bcui^ W ilb^^M aler^'^j^/g { J p ^ e S 2 - x In/Adoplifig.-Mealure^ ^ - O V ,T)iiri\ Li^niy’s Troop To iSet Up '^achiner^\TTar P lants /■ Preks ih Wiliiin - 93 y / F o r Boys "in Service; .MileM -of\^trohghold» • AsMmbly T ables Of I^iii'z Rfin SaU burg; Lyng Calendar Today. to 'Eisenerz Seyetflh ArniyX Closes Program' See - jD ^ n I.ii8l ,S() \M iies State Capitol,- Hartfoi-d, Little April 24.—</P)—The House .4ir(iXMiO, /rom J "T»>wanl Munich ; \ R ^ unanimously concurred ' with A h4 /S p u r Linktipi n p With Amen- > X ". fliioe Three =Tock^f, the Senate today ,^in ^ p ro v ­ iA m -^ Fmpl^yment ing a bill setting up machin-. tan Third Army)^ Sav- ^ l o | l g P o Paris, April 24,^i<P)—The ery Jfor Connecticut youths W’a s h ln g to n ^ A ,p i^ 24.:-,-(S^ age^ BattlesRnttlg>*'in in .S/*. y" , '- v ^ I thi'ee-Arfny a.ssault on the now in the armed forces to Attorney General . Biddle today outer ramparts of the Ger/ get high jschool diplbmas aft­ recommend^^easin'g. rather - than •TtiOhdonr'"^April 24.-r(A^>^ X South ^ n k i man Alpine redoubt burst er leliving the service. -The outright xkale of aiit^lua war I'^pioasure, which Ita sponaora aoid' Russian''troops" have ttighte^-< i g h t e n / ^ ;AVIu^n^across theLiic DanubeL/ttiiuuc at •A ti(irdti^iu plants,tb help little buslhess and affect approximately lOO,- At 9th Army outpost in Elbe river bridgehead, Arst Ileiitenant of ^ liu .army, recently lib«|ratod ed their encirclement ^ Ber- P artial NeWs - B lackout! b!*ce today, overran th/trkf- yoMtbs, w as passed by the spuy"peaeetime employment..^ ' by V th's 83rd division, tries to -co n tact approaching Uus.«ian foiccaw it Xignal Corps radio, aided by lin^—already:........... mmore o re tham/one-. I center of Ulm and cairieiL-^' Houi^f without debate as the Gen­ '^^LeSslng of p la n ts, by th e , Apv- Yanks. Radio contact between Russians and Yanks has been k^ta.bWshed. (Signal Corps radiotele. third-in Soviet handsXandlkl_/nH in t, 9 Vers, Latest ^«‘«^to tvithin 105 m%a of Hit-- , eral Aeaembly tacHled one of the enimeht would not only give busi- photo from NEA radiotelephoto.) a swift .dash halfwa/ ^ o r Fifth and Eighth ler's hideout at B^chtesgad- l<^est calendars, of the year. - ness And government an opportu-- central Austria h ^ i’e swept Aritiips in Ilalv Todiiv A*> Auierican-Russlan junc^n A o th b d s^ isauiiic QtpioqMM’^ ntty to deterrain* more reallStlcal- A nnies. Ill liaiy *.“ ''‘*7 V wak expected pi(.mentarily in ttr It authdrlcad the Sjtats^ Board ly the ultimate sales prices but to. within 89 railek of Berch- ■ ' C*......."'Xrenter, splitting Germany. of Education to JaSue high school would encourage bidding by small Stalin Holds teegaden, IHtle^’s mountain Ro.m^* April 24 —(/^- Thi^Fifth:! French Report. JuWu business furnished with more lim­ Yankees Bt^e Down retreat, the German high com­ Report. Junctldii diplomas to an^ veteism who aub- and Eighth Armies s p r e a d ^ t in-^' (The ,, mlta sa'tisfactory 'svtdencs that he ited capital resources than its mandiiunu ucriared"today,derlare ,L.i' 1. I Freu^ti Prsss'.wo- agency._ larger competitors." Biddle said The surge,-Ihrough Austria c a r-! -----'O along” e» the souGwrn- banks------ — quoting "Moscowwv ..aritports «^a/va wa reach-a' [. has' acquired an 'ediicatldn equlva- Key to Unit< .:o.l vt*t«^nooo ST Moitofi*' /....m tho Prt Hvsr tnflaV ■■ a ’ lent to tljat Cequli^ for high" in a report to Congress under the o f O k in a w a Tied to Elrtnerz, 87 mllef from bl. the Po river t p ^ aa a partial j ing Londp^" wUd Ami-rfcan and schMl educptlbn, arid''dtrscta the war Biobuization and reconversion Linz, and 88 front Salzburg, .the news blackout covered the latest | ./'troOps._ had---- joined.,------- aV board to provide free, iristira^bn act. Of Big Three broadc^kt bulletin said. Ameri- Allied gains in northern Italy. ■ Filcnburg.r'lnlne rrmiles northeast of to thow "wbo need it to the 'Ths disposal-of surplus prop­ Arlillery HoW, cans ,Of the Third_____ ____Army _are_____ 93 The_____ EHghth„ ____ Army_______________ broke into__ the i L e l p ^ ^ aacoijdrity school requirenteips.' erty," the at^ney general added, miles from those two cities, and | outskirts of Ferrara last night if-1 >Afflhough there were* iridlca- Ibhator Benjifinln GeljriieW'ft)) Delegilw , 1, CenterOuter otof Line m*** ^ AAV ,milessiiiira fromaisfsii Berchtesgadenuv • \. ii aroi^case’ |n ; ter plungirg through "dlsorganlZed/trons eai\y today that the formal Bridgeport, authorjbf th« bill, their; soiithWara' inice .toward------ • ---the ‘ aridmiu fleeing1IUCIII|I^ GermanVVCIMIUU forcesiun;c» toIW tlj*f|' announcementsMi»ivM«»vssa#viiv ofVI the Jijpkup—to b#asw told the Senate l a ^ Week thV San Frand«»-Kio dieck; Marines Gbn- Nazis' Alpine redoubt. i road hub city 30 mile# nortU^andJ made from Washington, Londoit measure would make U possible Sei^re Cuts By German account. Russians slighyy-east of Bologna. The Fcr- and-Moscow-^ was imminent, noon, Less Reluctant to Leaae rara air field was captured. e. w txRSsked without indication an f<r veterans to take ,advantags Moscow U NWi irol Northern Etiil. in Austria were but 188 airline 1i hiiggesting that Industry, with­ ^jpiiles frprti a linkup with the U.,S. I trying to Eso^X croaa Po /. to whem it w'oulc* come. ) the opportunitXto go to yqllege out \curtaill«g war production.: Movis in Polish Row- 'made-available hy the Federal Q. I. 9 Japs ill Hnlf Third Army. I! Official reports said the Nazis ' ' Troops of the American Third am,_ April 24.-—<yP)— .'X X Two powerful Soviet Armies , were attempting t^'escapykcf”'** Army pressed to within 93-miles of hlli of rlghtaX Page Two) Fldi^-throwing 24th \corps With .only tl»"weefei left before. ^ !an *Fra|iicfsco, April 24 i.O - were cutting into the heart of Ber- .' the P6 cmX-afts, In boats;'and by t|}e Austrian stronghdida of Linz Anal adjhiuhment. the General As- . ,,‘he n e^ movs In the Big Three infanWymen edged down^ the L laphire t>f^"Kahacan Jin in savage street battles. othepArieans.!’ , and .Salzburg, eastern-gateways t<^ aembly repb^ed back to work to­ aouthem.coasfs of. Okinawa — - The German high command jiaid .The exart areas iiv^y/\in In the j the southern redoubt. .The Seven^*^ row jo^er Roland appears squarely Puts Y9nk^e^ /Nearly the 'Russian encircling drlve^-^ift-»wi^ rushr\iBii tolo JulieJ:he Pqi-p .werew ere with;w iin; ] ArmyA rm y closedcioseu down th e last day after the week-end* recess to to Marshal Stalin. yesterday, press ilispfttehes a'round the capital on the soirth- Arid, mpre thah po measures. PetaihAcros^ held from publicBUon to prevent j miles toward Munich an^ths. Anxious delegates looked to- from th^batllefront repwted Halfway X in Their -W'est had reached "areas siuitheasf the enemy fropi ascertaining j,>pnch First Ajrmy savlTn^ doss. ' Among them the controversial dis- today, buX Jai^nese artillery fo Brandenburg, and eastAif Fots- whftpe Allied spearheads had to tha Au.strian frontier«fid redijc. trtoi court bUl,- ready for action. WardN.Moscow today for whatever Drive/Towae«l Davao. .Swiss Eprd^pf chanee^there is of. Big Three unity held thp cdntefypf the line in dam,'" Berlin's— - • groah -western thfPst across (lie escape routes. i three large pocketr"behlnd^ th« - Deoieermta la Onscas on this fateful issue prior to t^e suBlirb Brandenbufg.,Mi 25 miles; Allied watiaaiWS,«have destmy-i / 7 Thie Houm tackled its pila^ df check. T h \ 2'7th division MaiTjli', A pril 24 CP)'-.- MaJ, ed or damaged at least 4.(MK) en- utm, aecond' w/rttembdiTr city - United iNatlons conference ope'n- made small gams on the west west of Berlin^ tottsineas a t once,'but the Senate Ing late torilorrow. G eny^ B, W bodr^’s 24th. Il)fan- Vi'MtIrig for Merging emy vehiqies in the Po x-alley in of eo.ood;^ ik o n^ ^ e Danube. It wasw as me! brie Ay and then-recessed at To coalit. The 7th\took two more the past, two days. Two-thirds of Evidenca t6 this,-effecteffect came east coast crags ^.tH e painful ap­ \.ry UlViaiUlldivision UIIori wMuthern unicm Mindanao4»gii»vrt»»civ ovuvit--' mt/a theme VIcrumbling uiiivAi«i(e vsaow*citadel th^ scene oj/one of Napolebn's the request of Democrats after )l£ » seized theXey-y\r»v. road'r, junction \ of NUzldom. other Soviet forces this total were credited to rocket- their leader, Senator Leon RlsCKa- from Waahln^on kA negotiations proach to Hill 17V'*fftrere ,ei»m y firing American Thunderbolts of £nier« .S^Uzerland among Secrefafy of State Stet replacement crews Nippohes of KabacanXf'most halfway to , jirev*- near American troops-wait- (C'onttkued on Page I'onr) si.
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