. V ^ • f > • -•<:•••.• .•••• 1 V \ X TT TK* Arcrag* Dalfe^ Q reblit ^ Of V. ;- 3** roc tiw Moili ot 1 Cloudy w ttk. ocruoloUAl nila>to>' mjj|%t.»nd U'rdnrM ay m orlildfrM ' 9,138 lowM bjr.slow rl««tnif WodMotejr of tbo A«dit oftorliooa: ,oot oo edit ttwM a, of Gtreolat Memcl ■‘'4 jQMx ®/ Charm i = : 2 (TWELVE f AGES) * BRICE THREE CENTS Pa«o ll*) M A N tJI^TER , CONN., TUESDA^V APRIL 24, 1915 I VOL. LXIV., NO, ] ^ y (CMlfloa A(9 ,|■ ^ '■ I . ,-'^1. ' ...... ^ ,,,, - . V - X a , . . ___ \ f ';\ ■J

..v ••■r^ V v*. '■•> \-

Yanks TryJW'^oiiillet Bill lor^Griinting _ ' V ^ X \. t o B j a s f \

\ as V

■>* ^Bcui^ W ilb^^M aler^'^j^/g { J p ^ e S 2 - x In/Adoplifig.-Mealure^ ^ - O V ,T)iiri\ Li^niy’s Troop To iSet Up '^achiner^\TTar P lants /■ Preks ih Wiliiin - 93 y / F o r Boys "in Service; .MileM -of\^trohghold» • AsMmbly T ables Of I^iii'z Rfin SaU burg; Lyng Calendar Today. to 'Eisenerz Seyetflh ArniyX Closes Program' See - jD ^ n I.ii8l ,S() \M iies State Capitol,- Hartfoi-d, Little April 24.—wanl Munich ; \ R ^ unanimously concurred ' with A h4 /S p u r Linktipi n p With Amen- > X ". fliioe Three =Tock^f, the Senate today ,^in ^ p ro v ­ iA m -^ Fmpl^yment ing a bill setting up machin-. tan Third Army)^ Sav- ^ l o | l g P o Paris, April 24,^i*'in in .S/rp.pl*. y" , '- v ^ I thi'ee-Arfny a.ssault on the now in the armed forces to Attorney General . Biddle today outer ramparts of the Ger/ get high jschool diplbmas aft­ recommend^^easin'g. rather - than •TtiOhdonr'"^April 24.-r(A^>^ X South ^ n k i man Alpine redoubt burst er leliving the service. -The outright xkale of aiit^lua war I'^pioasure, which Ita sponaora aoid' Russian''troops" have ttighte^-< i g h t e n / ^ ;AVIu^n^across theLiic DanubeL/ttiiuuc at • A ti(irdti^iu plants,tb help little buslhess and affect approximately lOO,- At 9th Army outpost in Elbe river bridgehead, Arst Ileiitenant of ^ liu .army, recently lib«|ratod ed their encirclement ^ Ber- P artial NeWs - B lackout! b!*ce today, overran th/trkf- yoMtbs, w as passed by the spuy"peaeetime employment..^ ' by V th's 83rd division, tries to -co n tact approaching Uus.«ian foiccaw it Xignal Corps radio, aided by lin^—already:...... mmore o re tham/one- . I center of Ulm and cairieiL-^' Houi^f without debate as the Gen­ '^^LeSslng of p la n ts, by th e , Apv- Yanks. Radio contact between Russians and Yanks has been k^ta.bWshed. (Signal Corps radiotele. third-in Soviet handsXandlkl_/nH in t, 9 Vers, Latest ^«‘«^to tvithin 105 m%a of -- , eral Aeaembly tacHled one of the enimeht would not only give busi- photo from NEA radiotelephoto.) a swift .dash halfwa/ acro.ss ^ o r Fifth and Eighth ler's hideout at B^chtesgad- l<^est calendars, of the year. - ness And government an opportu-- central Austria h ^ i’e swept Aritiips in Ilalv Todiiv A*> Auierican-Russlan junc^n A o th b d s^ isauiiic QtpioqMM’^ ntty to deterrain* more reallStlcal- A nnies. Ill liaiy *.“ ''‘*7 V wak expected pi(.mentarily in ttr It authdrlcad the Sjtats^ Board ly the ultimate sales prices but to. within 89 railek of Berch- ■ ' C*...... "'Xrenter, splitting Germany. of Education to JaSue high school would encourage bidding by small Stalin Holds teegaden, IHtle^’s mountain Ro.m^* April 24 —(/^- Thi^Fifth:! French Report. JuWu business furnished with more lim­ Yankees Bt^e Down retreat, the German high com­ Report. Junctldii diplomas to an^ veteism who aub- and Eighth Armies s p r e a d ^ t in-^' (The ,, mlta sa'tisfactory 'svtdencs that he ited capital resources than its mandiiunu ucriared"today, derlare ,L.i' 1. I Freu^ti Prsss' .wo- agency. _ larger competitors." Biddle said The surge,-Ihrough Austria c a r-! -----'O along” e» the souGwrn - banks------— quoting "Moscow wv ..a ritports «^a/va wa reach-a' [. has' acquired an 'ediicatldn equlva- Key to Unit< .:o.l vt*t«^nooo ST Moitofi*' /....m tho Prt Hvsr tnflaV ■■ a ’ lent to tljat Cequli^ for high" in a report to Congress under the o f O k in a w a Tied to Elrtnerz, 87 mllef from bl. the Po river t p ^ aa a partial j ing Londp^" wUd Ami-rfcan and schMl educptlbn, arid''dtrscta the war Biobuization and reconversion Linz, and 88 front Salzburg, .the news blackout covered the latest | ./'troOps._ had---- joined.,------aV board to provide free, iristira^bn act. Of Big Three broadc^kt bulletin said. Ameri- Allied gains in northern Italy. ■ Filcnburg.r'lnlne rrmiles northeast of to thow "wbo need it to the 'Ths disposal-of surplus prop­ Arlillery HoW, cans ,Of the Third______Army _are_____ 93 The_____ EHghth„ ____ Army______broke into__ the i L e l p ^ ^ aacoijdrity school requirenteips.' erty," the at^ney general added, miles from those two cities, and | outskirts of Ferrara last night if-1 >Afflhough there were* iridlca- Ibhator Benjifinln GeljriieW'ft)) Delegilw , 1, CenterOuter otof Line m*** ^ AAV ,miles siiiira fromaisfsii Berchtesgadenuv • \. ii aroi^case’ |n ; ter plungirg through "dlsorganlZed/trons eai\y today that the formal Bridgeport, authorjbf th« bill, their; soiithWara' inice .toward------• ---the ‘ aridmiu fleeing1IUCIII|I^ GermanVVCIMIUU forcesiun;c» to IW tlj*f| ' announcement sMi»ivM«»vssa#viiv ofVI the Jijpkup—to b# asw told the Senate l a ^ Week thV San Frand«»-Kio dieck; Marines Gbn- Nazis' Alpine redoubt. i road hub city 30 mile# nortU^andJ made from Washington, Londoit measure would make U possible Sei^re Cuts By German account. Russians slighyy-east of Bologna. The Fcr- and-Moscow-^ was imminent, noon, Less Reluctant to Leaae rara air field was captured. e. w txRSsked without indication an ff^"Kahacan Jin in savage street battles. othepArieans.!’ , and .Salzburg, eastern-gateways t<^ aembly repb^ed back to work to­ aouthem.coasfs of. Okinawa — - The German high command jiaid .The exart areas iiv^y/\in In the j the southern redoubt. .The Seven^*^ row jo^er Roland appears squarely Puts Y9nk^e^ /Nearly the 'Russian encircling drlve^-^ift-»wi^ rushr\iBii tolo JulieJ:he Pqi-p .were w ere with;w iin; ] Army A rm y closedcioseu down th e last day after the week-end* recess to to Marshal Stalin. yesterday, press ilispfttehes a'round the capital on the soirth- Arid, mpre thah po measures. PetaihAcros^ held from publicBUon to prevent j miles toward Munich an^ths. Anxious delegates looked to- from th^batllefront repwted Halfway X in Their -W'est had reached "areas siuitheasf the enemy fropi ascertaining j,>pnch First Ajrmy savlTn^ doss. ' Among them the controversial dis- today, buX Jai^nese artillery fo Brandenburg, and eastAif Fots- whftpe Allied spearheads had to tha Au.strian frontier«fid redijc. trtoi court bUl,- ready for action. WardN.Moscow today for whatever Drive/Towae«l Davao. .Swiss Eprd^pf chanee^there is of. Big Three unity held thp cdntefypf the line in dam,'" Berlin's — - • groah -western thfPst across (lie escape routes. i three large pocketr"behlnd^ th« - Deoieermta la Onscas on this fateful issue prior to t^e suBlirb Brandenbufg.,Mi 25 miles; Allied watiaaiWS,«have destmy-i / 7 Thie Houm tackled its pila^ df check. T h \ 2'7th division MaiTjli', A pril 24 CP)'-.- MaJ, ed or damaged at least 4.(MK) en- utm, aecond' w/rttembdiTr city - United iNatlons conference ope'n- made small gams on the west west of Berlin^ tottsineas a t once,'but the Senate Ing late torilorrow. G eny^ B, W bodr^’s 24th. Il)fan- Vi'MtIrig for Merging emy vehiqies in the Po x-alley in of eo.ood; ^ ik o n ^ ^ e Danube. It was w as me! brie Ay and then-recessed at To coalit. The 7th\took two more the past, two days. Two-thirds of Evidenca t6 this,-effecteffect came east coast crags ^.tH e painful ap­ \.ry UlViaiUlldivision UIIori wMuthern unicm Mindanao 4»gii»vrt»»civ ovuvit--' mt/a the me VIcrumbling uiiivAi«i(e vsaow*citadel th^ scene oj/one of Napolebn's the request of Democrats after )l£ » seized theXey-y\r»v. road' r, junction \ of NUzldom. other Soviet forces this total were credited to rocket- their leader, Senator Leon RlsCKa- from Waahln^on kA negotiations proach to Hill 17V'*fftrere ,ei»m y firing American Thunderbolts of £nier« .S^Uzerland among Secrefafy of State Stet replacement crews Nippohes of KabacanXf'most halfway to , jirev*- near American troops-wait- (C'onttkued on Page I'onr) si. amtotmced that he and hik cpl- r t...... -/.•lirlna-'.iDT,an»» tnrrrm in-Ting for sn'kpochal merging of the the 12th Air Force. tinlus, British'- Foreign ' 'kUnlster machtne-gui)s, machine-gui>s. into artloiK Davao, cutting/^apanese forces ip I'n the Advance to the Ferrafa leagiiea would probably be detain­ Crojs|(" Into France an .almost as/ fast as t^iey-xwero half.-Gep. Doug-lai. ' eastern and X ’estern frotVts. ed by."a long caucus” to diaciisa. len and Foreign Gommlaaar''Mpl-' ------— afea. the Eighth Arm.y's tanks ran )v ended and thky beaded for [UnoCke*! ou't; X , , X ported today'. ^ The German communique, broad-J 'jivild through •tbe fleeing Germ'ans. the many proposala-on.the calefh- iStirrender; LeopoW ,,-X* n > The .district court measure, a X 6f Belgiunf Expected. rounds: of artillery lire Phili ...... due In^oday by plank; the plans 96lh dlVlaion in the.beavily forti­ .ne8.-Mae>rihur commend- .«,v the northern and eastern «J3'" ,„uen up to mid-day ye.derday> bemocratlc.spons6red bill propose" ed th a 40th and of Berlin! 11 Ate Bulletins ol .(lie A8 W liv) of Molotby remained obscure. fied center'uf^the i.siand. th areas of..Bonde/q.'and Finale Ing that S3 tribunals be es^blifti- Bem.Xkpril.i2t— (Pi — Aged 4i.st dm„, , More thsi* a-third of Berlin Was alone. Both Bondeno^a'nd Fiphle lie AwalK News on Split Intensive Bairrage Lcasena ‘‘ThI.S'ls'a, modejof what a light in Jluslan hands. German repoila ed to reptlwe the £resenV munici­ Marshal Petalft entered Swltzer- Members W';-ths UnitecJ. States west of '^'erraro on the jpwItPdlat*- .Ariangn To Reliim Pelaia ' pal courts, was ariaong Ihe Senate from Germany today after The intensive ' Yank artillery but.-a'ggresaive eoitmmnd can ac­ approaches to the.-Po. complish in rapid exphd^tion.” (Continue4.oh '•Page Four) Paris, .April '|4.-«fi/P) — Formal ring himself Willing to stand : ^ JOontinaed on Pngo Eight) \ barrage of the Ia.st tWq.^daya less­ An official, report this Kighth arrangements to felurn Marshal (OolitlpiMd'wa Page Poor) S ened. But/the offeli8tv^s§till . 34,111 r.neniy Dead N«vv - . 'J ■/■. ’ - ''----r : — ■trial in France. And King Leopold -'. '' Enemy dead in the.^ Philippines ■ . / , , . j Army aetiPn saidx riti.sh tiicys UenrI Petaln. former. Vichy chief of Belgium, who surrendered to ,i' y' ~ 'tied strongly on flamcMtoU’ers [''“i-fported., ...... „ ^...„ .toncentratipn,...... of ofAtale, fo France have been com­ ■ . ' .- and heavy firing at cloae>ang'ei increased to 334.111 with the _ A f f « ^ , L - the Germans in 1940, was expected .dltion of 10,896 rkllled duriiig the X T I R I I C S K . ene'iuy -111*0800/1 in,.,Jhe nrea hut pleted, the government announced to reach' the Swiss fronUer some Polish Issue \ Thtril Amphibious pofpa Maknes past week. MacArthiir said- Prls- dei lded notattacli_when they late today. A .t:omn*iinlqiiA' de.- Harsh Peace-- lime during the day. indicated they h^/virtuolly com­ pnerk- pumbethd 383, - ; saw. it slre*dy_ was.mlrroundcl by i'tared “ Mar>rfial Retain bas Mked Fierre Laval, arch collaboration­ pleted controlxO? the northern end •Amerloa^n lossehj fpr the same Railw^ Yards our tanks, and'SVBS nU'Oad.v in ,the the Swiss government for permis­ ist of thfe Yichy regime. appesre^F Settled of the ialand, 328 m il p s „ - f t^ week w ere'534 kilted. 2 ,1 ^ wound; hag," • sion to pass-trough Swiss terrf- Seeft Needed at the fronUef of nearby JJechton- .Japan. -Tfiey released,ohlpa Which ed and three iWMltig. ‘ Roiinds-l-p-Many Prl*Minrr« ttir.v In o n ^ to slirrendeg himself 'Tile British Army alsT/ioundcd ■ \ • I stein. but was refused entry'. Lavsli had..been furnishing artillery sup- SeizureSeizure-of ^of KapacanK ^ a e s n /p/put u t UU.'S .-S. r -,;.!. Trv "l.i 4Tit O ff British Army aIso.^.t as.a prisoner at the freiieh fmn- Is usdea a death sentence Imposed jjxirt.. ' ‘ troops./neaTly______I.. hdfwky.^ 1inm tK^Ir . nrU lflU 1 TV M) -Lul V.M1 up .many pnsoper-s . tn the area ller.” , Chinese Foreign Yliui^ \ Germans Read Solemn by a Marseille court which cpn- Fleet Adnalral Chester lA’. Nlmitz drtva toward the capltal-jefty of t G ^„„ailS W ithllraw illg 7^(c«htlnued on Page Right) ter Joins in Talks reportthg on the sU(?day-old south­ Davao, which the Japanese AiXfk SavH .s*'hu*u'lihlgg .Murdered W arning oh vJ>Ii«treat- (CXmOBiied on Page Two) y ern OklriSwa drive toward the pected to defend fiercely. , Into .DPtt»««*’k Now. X . K 1 O.S **e n h u r.g t ’oneenjjalflon Held at- Washingtoni capital of Naha said tersely In his Associated P1-e8s/-( ’orrespoiident ('Ump, G.ernvan.v, -Aprll^34C^R*— jrmenl of Prrsoners. Pi)IUk;aM>rN I-o^on, April 21^ ») April *4— Twri_. fqurth tyne |h th^ee nights. ed-today as-,western front . dia- Hlglier Banks .Appriiyed ' now'Mrihea affected war pro­ ter T. V. Sbong. '. Pilots said traffic on roads.and p.'iU’hes're'ported th a t the"G* rnnana , Washington, April $4—iPsUETli* ^“Wgshington., April 24.— These' four, representing the duction In Ue Detroit aren t^ ’ 'Am erican Annorr rails into - Denmark had beeiy^•ifeftntlv‘■peel had force-marched fho^i- .Senate Military wnninitts? today.-- Capitol bill heard deman^ today spqnsoring powers- of the Golden approved, promotions lo tbe mnU dny isi two plnnta of the Kel- ^ te . conference, discussed "ar- , . , . .heavy since Monday mqtnln^C: .,„* Rritish for a harah J4aat peace aa Gefriiana scy-Hayeo wSsel cjMnpnny ^ of four-star general for George S. themaelvea read a .solemn warning rangements”' for that meeting Paris April 24-^-(>f) -•T^^FrencK * gown creations w ith a . r..>eU raised .ye-|'tro4s, F*?*-»''n »"°vlng fronr priaoners ;-tpw’ard Hitler’s "na­ de^rtment of tho Pack­ lilw to the Berlin.' {Bremen (and Ha'inburg Patton, Third .Army i-oninuinder, that ruUtleaa [mysult an^d punlgb- after the White______House forqia': . tional redollbt" area for possible nn*l Courtiin.v II, llodgea. commao- ard Motor car company wero announced the delay in the PoU^h vvrite about this to my wife. area.Sr-all Besieged: Several rail: ment await those who' mistreat ctooed down. "At tho McGiaw culine 'armor today .where Amer­ 5« .-SSTSS. IT 5T- junctiphs were attacked, Includ-l,,,^ as hf'stage-v 'sh'T’of the First -Cmy. Both pri« .^lied prlaoneni.>“ — tatka, - ,. ’ They've msnaged to get s great avenuo nbd MlUtary avoooo ican women for years have failed. variety in styles,,hut the hats are ing th* Rendsburg-R. Jyards------■;—.. west — of I Column cohimn after- after column, oC Allied motions, from lieutenant'general. At ths same TiS“« United plants of-Kelaey-Hayea 4,COS / Maeaaaiomi to he continued Kiel «n .the- mato'llne.s-line. Pilots .said said ' prisoners pg,c.«rd.thpoughpa.«:.sed _ the Saal-, were made hy President Tniman, ' States' announced'lit had accepted Thai announcement, noting that Several hundred American men awfirt-vT*’^’'*' should b e'a govern-^ the trains ’were filled with troops feid hres .^(fg m, Thuringia until a day: "ho said'two sui-h exeellent Hght- . workers were affected by a ro- were-lured Into-'unashamed attend-. rneht dec»pe_ about „ihese great/ a Getman offer lo leavk American ' newal of 4aat week’s strike i-reaiaem.Preaident Truman i rumen twica had con y. v.» ------high haU. B^des, aproe of them and that'flak was Intense.Ship- or two before l,r.'''S.'Third..Arm,V ' Ing men should have the Increased prlscmera of war In cam{M where ferred with Molotov, said that In. ance at an out-and-out (ping at Travenmiiende on Luebeck troops ciptui*4; the towm^of Saal- 'raSli. " . , - thalt follawod dlamfaaal of a show put on with aoUa..yard-hlgh look like what we had in America they may be liberated by advanc­ r- grbop of workers accused by view of the limited time before to- two years ago.” . 7 bay Was hit. feld. front advices said. • t . ^ ing Allied Armies. tbe manaaenient of ejectlag - 'V tonovf^ conference opening "and models wlUr wire- modies and plas­ Other 'Mosquito ' squadrons An' A m etlcah.A lr Force lieu-; Hc»vy UfirtivicUon I l e l u ^ tic heads- Fiveitve modeU were Sergt. Max Rosenman, 424 Ash­ Leafleta Showered On Reich . a foiOmMu A strike by 110 tnXirder to permit Mr. Molotov to ford street, BrDoklyn,_N._Y;, made bombed railway yards at . Rends- tenkhl liberated by. the Third l -/San Fmaclsco,.,April 34— consult with his govemroent... . . in attendance^ Armv troops a lew l{ours before he I Heavy destruction left in Japan by The "waiming Against further iBopecto^ I'at tbe Packard notes on the. displays-' ihurg, west of Kiel on thV jnain atrocities and those already com plant c a u ^ the eompany' to- the' discussions In regard to the Buck privatea'- and generals line- from southern ifiSsrtmark.'-jand was ifotng to be execut,e*t-,by the American .Huper-Fortress^ 4ur* mingled Inlthe thrditg at the elab­ ”^"This is is terrlfiiS”terrinc. ■ hene said.saio. "The wic.nus: ...... ------mitted waa showered upon the oend honaa S.000 workers la Polish situation wijl ba'continued bast selling job I've ever seen.'Jhla. shipping in the harbor of-JTtavm Germans said lie saw a Nazi SS ; lag the past m*>nUi and b ^ f **as tho -Rolls Royce aircraft ea- by the three foreign secretaries at orate display of mannequins in the/guard shoot two • prisoherl who' pictured b.v ..Radio Tokyo^today aa rapidly shrinking Reich in the miniature coatumea, and oac WAC is-my business..! was a reidentjmuende op..Lue.beck bay in ' ■ form of leafiaui' 'bearing the fac glBoflaal akaemMy department. San'Franclsco.V buyer in New York for Chicago Baltic. collapsed during a .march of 12,000 ; It disrlbbed that g,14O,90# Thn OtrlkeO followed a dls|iute .^Seemingly -th# laade—over Pol^iah lieutenant commented after this American Air Corps officers, to -/ la four lad.,.. i4al ’ClUea *'*** ~ ^ almile signatures of President Tni preview for AlUed servicemen; stores.” -c- _ N« FIshss ward the Mooaburg .prison: camp ed aa "*Us4at«r vlcUma man, Prime Mtehter Chur^lll and m er th e o«mber of eaglneo to repreaentation at tha United Na­ T-3 Harbld .Pritger, « Melrose No planes were.^loat in aiiy. 'at be hwpected.oB each,ahlft. Uons meeting-r-had reached the “If La Guardis wants, th make tbeaa attacks. Two German air­ neat Mu.nich. PHI.MO homes were deabsysdJ Mamhal Stalin.' New York the world fashion cen­ ayenutf-ToIedb, Ohio, aeemed a bit -The-lieutenant had eiwaped from japaaese domesUe besadcaatt Any person, they said, "of what point where approval by the chiefa unhappy. ... craft were shot down by night Detroit, April Ap(- of state waa naeded.— at least ter, this display will mag#' bim flghtera On patrol north of Bgrlln. the line of march, had been reUk- eerded hy thy fCC. ^ soeVcr service or rank in whose plenty dlacpUiWod.” •T don’t know about thjff stuff, sdnd that esvwLwards toT eln^ proximately 1,000 wbrkoraiin tbo Stalin's ipproval. . T»e sard. ”I was drsgged/here by a German shipping around the e n 'h y .VqtksatUFasg.rii •'><> turned charge AUled prisohert of war, In- Russia has dblhanded that the Will W rite to W'lfa hijiMtriat aeetto^ wees ■ tcrpees or decried cjtlzeqe have McGraw avenne plant 'of tho Kel- friend. Those live* models ar*! i)sig. /Oen.'^Jl. F Loomis of (CeiMlasMl m Pa«h E)gM> (OiriitoMd a« r a n BtffMg R c^viua.' Co m ., viswUm avawki*' jwetty. tbaugli.” 4 r i

’ .--/..-.-J '• - t ^ l j { - (« i • ’f ''t ' ' * ! . ; ; ■’^ V : ~-^t i . m ■ ■■M .'. vJ.fJ- V V. ’ /■ ■ ; "'--I W oods and now the San Francisco j h r < ! > : 1’ : r ' s s u p p l y o : i M AN CH ESTER g’^^ENING HEltAJLDr M AN Cl CONN. )A Y , A P R it. ^conference/ Euel Oil Dealers -.of A p ril 1," C ipite said, j 9FRIMG fcmeriea, Urired \ "W e. Am ericana m ust,.-nsvef' 1( wwl i« vx-t • -annua) statem ents pro- CLEANING N B I^! ^iiYFFancrscft the, deadline Tor filing thelp.-scc6nd- vide, a m ethod of regularly check­ M OTH PRBFARATIONB o u r'-ttit«’est' in a. w orW o Must Fite Red' A rf»t«kV^AntJi. ahead kdth ita plana for the'nt^i^' h e s a i d goad ntgnt. Good nigh' ef Petain might not make,a great. tldh t& 'Pjreserve ths-peaqa. in g ration evidences, such W AXBR ANtI PO U M ilK W th* aUblHsatlbn :effort lo clear..hi'mseif and Whetnor t J j J . I S S I O 1 I AsJRuKhtSite "Th e April stataihents are to pona and ration checks, to^'aln^ itot^PhuH Hlay. Ing due to prioritlea aa the bul Via. mat out-'’ < 1 )1 mam- ^fetaiii A ^ o ss ^ end* I airi*^hop«tul th a t Arthur'.Onit Slot J> R o c k v ille . ing muBt tw rewired, Iti , heating hla 8taff>«^irylng lug- a large pwjrt df the French-popuIa-V w ill Sxtsnd to. Uie otlw FjiS tjo n a of Hartford, A p ^^# A A U dealhi l h t o give com plete/ttuonnktlon aa to the deataV inventory. O f fu N OlL Jh e TU. 11^ Contract . ^ airman o k floors and w slls of Tehheatee pink*; ^e«t Placexfde Peace w orld peach or|im izatlcin.” . . > workera coveredcovered^ kt |l.Wv<>rll.Ot'W Jt.oS.Stoll. ■* t ^ / braced Riiaaik^deiitapda for whetlier Petatn -ifiigliK be le ft ' ip Referiring/td’the San Fiw eisco the bunding „wojlld7< make . .thea^, To lee Newly Fortiieft EmaAiielr low/'Unitied lations w hite nm i'ble, m airtile atalrb dtaap- H eadqiiG rters. - f He aald the fflnolpal a^ge con- y p f S K f Y 1 * P a l l necc.aaary peimanertt Mhprova; Votes in the %Mbipbly-tj the proy Switzerland by the .French , tjo pearing akji^rd, great hraaa conferench^ihe gfovetuor said 'th a t Sab|ecic|d to ® * eaaaion-^ eeaaion-^ -broadanad broa The pew ly organized Mi.sslonary tragedy— gape dok^ on the audi­ remainder , Theaa Include ahltt " iforniatiou Place for U» iteroateff .apectatora. . The. smaller nations' request loy > » k g)nnce\v,'ith» , , should be m ade the hom e and head-^ m anen'tly'ahd to preserve'll, once , Waahingteti, Apry 24.?.4^ — /n ence fro n t-th e afiies o f the stage, differentiala, increaeed ' vacation / broke b r over the week-end. M larger-voicCvin the organizutllons i - %T.etain,Pelain, whiKOb.sewhiK observed his 89th days c ago. It forded to travel Circle -of tHe Enranuel I.uthersn ' San yt'ai)cl*co,-April j quarters of a w orld peace organ-' e a t a b l i s h e d . - / .slowly becauae_of disrupted high­ There are-th ree tieia of seats John U U w ta' aoft ,eOia agree- pay-allowancea and recjiui^ca- Rettirnihg Velerans. Forater ia a foitn^ ateeplejack *aira than \vaa blueprinted/ Tor. birtft^Jay tontr'y \>nlo r a u t o c o i i t o r conference. ' . y ' : /fthm ent of w ar crim inals ahd other Jacted today to tha t«Bt>< Ita e£- P'rance- to sUrf^der fliip^clf qUlhkjy in-collaiising Gerniapy, Palmer had . char'ge of devotions lille they’re in Sah Francisco. tratlon and W L.B offlClaleV m u^t ib,th5 ^nrerf)>Jeraiof Ihe.-Vt'ar Coun­ There w )jl be a ' bboefif cSrd and i»w Mr; Truman Shortly Describing tha confereiice a s/A im portant specific m atters." the fact'tin tha wartime ptabilizatior) isaue to Dayli. in party m'the-Sarred Heart churc^,,, \herfcufrtf. mbt ,wllh\ him bgain French autho'ritlekK/ ' , , and after a sho'itXiaincss 'session It’a a rich, lusty city, rippU h;. nd of consritutional ^.convenM oii governor 'ssaerted., 'jTheee w ilt cil luid Rcem ploym ^t: conimittee. [W ith people, w ith niovem ent, w ith progratd.--, ng by next.-Monday hall■ ■■ at ; vWnonnon Depot under,'under,'the the yeaUNrlay, Both\ Molotov . f-ettlng IloshtgeAf-pave^ some of the members under the di­ at w hich ,the fram e W ork for an not be on the agenda. The : con­ last exNining in regbrd to plana f-or’ Wiflo^tb (iel [■ ^ rla In su m m er d resses) w ith fifiw - O p es A r r e t e d mtract axtenaloit U' auspice;>a i}/ the.'^Mot.hera' Ctrcle on d Stettirmva refiia*^ toNfoniment The arrival of P.ctain."cpntral lr),forlhatlbn; Friday evening. April 27, at 8 J sra, w ith colo r: one o f the ‘!'R reat veloping the IJam barton Oaks two waaka ago wckild not upkat e ^ afier their i^mlniite ylfl|lK,to the expectation that l£l«gue ' ^ V oi;ganization w hich can be sub­ in'g Nazi regime had permitted its /Albuquerque, N . M ..'A t>Til . tnlnifig iillil .nlso enliglitbived the jn up U ie hills thaK ^FrlnK delegates from around the W orld JMractbr W l^ a w H, Davia. j t.cea''V.’efe. foi-rned aohie time, ago .Tii'M'p is'growing interest in pre Support Reo^mizatio 24 svety ^e re . the people have piled have, bem held in m e . United m itted fo r ratification to he xo v- O PA win dA^rmlne whether coal S working agreement .potential hostages to leave poasl-^ f/Pi -'The w idow 'of Frn le '.P w . w ar. ibejjjbera of. the new organization Bu^no.1 Aires.'NLprll 24.—(A)*’—A Tncludiii'g eduuatloh'ai[, eniplt)^m ent,junior, Btiscball League, made up l>tone u}>pn ston e^lnlo aky^acrap ers, ernm enta of the w orld.” . .'A ^|-hut waa extenoed through some uiiderstnnding pf tTlev w orthw hile w ork vrhich Is States; .iXim barton O ak\ Bretton prioaa ■ ngsut be hiked—ibot the liaijbn, iplaccme of tciiina '.from the grammar Of W^armtv Cov^iimeni eorrespXdcnt and coUiipnist'--v^'ho S c atte^ Am ong Big H otels week-end roundup* V /C 1 the Aided governments con- was .killed hu-t week-on-le Jimk, being aheom plished 'b y the Dear iBlne union and operatora aaid an to*April 3 9 .,/^' \ schools of eltockvllle arid vicinity Mogcliw, April 24 -,iAhA/ Provi­ Tha delegates - kre scattered of ']per8on8 were arrestod" in sever­ will receive th-a major portion, of, coness In.stlurtcval'O niaha. N eb ia s- 2 : Inoraaaa would be haccaaary— a^d Anthracita conti^-negotta^ns. tral plgce Avher^ iftformhthyi might which is starling shortly sponsor­ sional I^Ush government 'traders I 'am on g the big hotels. T h e food is y ' , his estate In tlXform of a trust kn, one of the iniSHtirtionB w hich is al Argentine cltles/vasXtplelned bavla win haVa the dual aay. There are under way. in Ncv^ York-The be giveiv out,’ 'The ^halrmikt;. Dr. ed by- the Rockville Recreation say tbby support reorganisation .' It yrda known that the' Alli-’if sponsored by .The Jiflsqionary S o -’ good,'as good ar any in A m erica. \ were Indlcationa O PA ’a find Inga hki^ contract alah^ fuha mit George R.^BfookeaYWUl aecurCj dp- Board. The gnmea will be played fund. . ' ‘ by-the government last'nlgi(t.ln a goyefriments had been,iw informed gover in ctetles of tlr 6 AugustarSt-^Synod. 1 A n d all the h otels 8T «'-on ly a sh o rt hextYMoftdaj^ mjidnigtit. tail.s in regard loTauch a IbtatlOTl a t -3:30 p. in. at the Junior dia* 'Fj-le'a .will, filed for probate y'es- commvinique a X an InveatlgaUpn ,1 l O l -__ .ai.C-__ of the prese,nt Warsaw gov^rm- adi-anbeXof Petain's cijniing and Th is w.-ui tio lley o r tax t fid e "from w h ere the of attempU/to embarrass the gO' « - md-anothcr meeting-of the grou^ mbnd at.-the new Recreation Cen roCnt along lines laid ^dowm by ttHY^csuiiiably gavl! their consent. / .terday, gave the family- hoW.e here t of a lette/ by M rsi- A strld W ieri'A l lelegatea w ill do their w ork, the ernment Slid Impede its war ef­ h«--^eJfP shortly. Following j ter. Schools expecting to take part Crimean conference,-bat'thevflo'k Petain_ arrived at ‘Ttnr Swis.s to M iir Pyle' and indicated'x^he bicki frortvonc of her relatives w ho V Is. Giveii^lo AIaJfn;/.Bum h'an>'s talk last eve- afi.'v/8t>..Bernard's, St. Joseph^, w.uriUI have'-JlOO weekly during hbe (^ar M em orW l buildings. fort- y ''""- " not plan to jncliide in thei’ rei^me; fijmtler/tciwn of Saiiit Margarc- l 8-staTlon?Xsom ew hcre In the P s- T f’Jhey vi*alk to work theji'll be An»0"8 those In custody - were hihg., ■ there was a discusaion Maple, street, Ecsl school, l» n g - Pole who■\ H oppose e w ak Its In theIntejnit! first qhd thw„by/automobilee .frorn the trii'st- fund. in a nine-car c'lflc/teU ingX bout the w onderful;, I vlew,^Biri»d Brock, Ellingtbn and external pptlcieA j .aqthuishe(L|/it theabundance jind Qen: Arturo Rawson, who held the period.-’- , ■tronwy.'w ith ins w ife. ■ N ew ''H aven, "April 23. — ( A h — A / * 81th Annl\'ersAfy Tolland; fpe" iat* ->r if . trA'nsporta- Such attitude,; they said at ■ "Tr ^.^*^f^’/?erwiiliam°c ^ h^r;:een do;e""an>‘:S^ I; variety o ig p o d a apd clotfilnR in ^e.sidency for tv^ ■ days after gift of VSOOO to establish the a preidi conference yesterday, The Jtged^arshal did rte^/f-'aVe to 'accompk.X^l bt the pX-'^ebt I the stores. President Castlllo'was ousted In 'r / a / kidw a (^dum ik Degree of Poca- t‘on ego ,w. arrange^ Pyle,D an/; lh

.V, IflTEaTOIG mW ALP, M ANCHlsfeRroONill^^^T^

eaptured the city of I^inmoha, on Ca^ Tedford the Mandaiay-Rongboh roUway First DegT4 /nnci] 20S airline milea from Rangooh, t^T lU ^lO M WTHT—1280 Allied headquarters announced vlo- WOBO—1$W ^8 R adio WBTD—1419^ High In Hnih^Debul AiretafL H ai^ton Not Alarming^ dsy-',/ . . Baoten War TlaiA': -'... -r ' ' Oil Way " Ten mUes /w ruthw ast of I»pln- Is Conferred Board Makes manii, the Allied forcea also seized the town of Lewe shd foua hesrby 4:00 -r- WDRC — House Pa < H o u fi/ W H ID -r-Alne' Man’s ; . Al„ West Telpplfttifps His ParPiHil' vvriop in air fields. * - . -v K.)of~C Council ■ News; WHTD—^Musical R o ^ „ Family; WXWp^-ArthUr Hale; lation o f Miss to engage^ sin additional teacher Tkat He Has Arrived in Are Scat­ /Armyed units meeting imly In 2 6 -Candidftli^^^ at up: WTirP News; Gltond’s , w n o —Dlc|nHaym*f ■ .from for the High'school. ^ , silghtTJapanese .realstance,* were Music Hall; w nc-/p» 6k8tago 7:45—WTHCr—U plghta of Oblutn- EntBitRin ito T ck v ille Brennan Rnth S* Crampton Re^ ! There are now 80 -mcire pupils The^TJiiUed States.' s' tered,Dr. Moorip. within 60 miles of Toungoo, anotlH. St. BridgeCt Htill. * ' Wife. , bus. , Several AttracRon to attending the clenientaiy schwils ef important centerjjji the railway . 4:15—'iVTlC—S W » Dallas. 8:00—WDRC—Big Town; If^HTD in Contest T^lated ---- r*— - 4{30^WDRC Feature Stofy; Milts in Various Teach* than the CH.se a year ago. In rinptain Kenneth Tedford,’ son Five n/W cases qf scarlet feVer to Rangoon." ; —Ted Mpoue: WTHT—FTaiife To Start at 4; HailWay Newell Fond for first deg.'se. was conferred w nc—Lorenzo Jonea.’ . SlngUer; 'W n c —Glnny SironU'. X Il^eM Sidelm Local Umpires the High school there are .poW of Mr. and Albert Tedford of Jhave developed in Manchester dur­ ^Bouthweat of Pylnmona in 'the w Aii%nmetats. ■1,381 enroHed. -< upomg.class of 26 candidates at 4:45—VraJRC — Danny O’Neil, 8:15—WHTD—Lum and A^ner; To Pitch for Veto nt; A 16 Proctor roacb who ' has served ing tjvfc past 10 days, Dr. D. C. Y. Arakan district, troops of the -15th Songs; w n c ’— Top's Wldd.er ^ Add* To Costs • Mootc, local ;heatw-©flHcer reveal­ IndJanXorpa were drivingateadily the nM ^ng of Campbell council, WTHT—Kay-O-Qula. ■ UiM H«tU 8., Ci«mj The .new teachcra to be engaged 38 months In the S.outh pacllfejis 8:$0—WDRO—Theater of Ro­ i^nia^sX Leg Reelected President of Sunday ed; The cosea ar sCatCej'ed through eastw ard to. the area north'eoat of Kplghts o?\Cdlumbus last nighL 5:0O-i-WDRC — Newg; Ad Liner; T h e local booeball season wlU/to •bout S5 yMn^ tonnected ■tor.inext.yva'1*. w i|l.add to the co.st the commander of hn Anti-Air­ -the town. Dr. Moore stated, and ’Taiingup., .- V Because of toa-Size of the class it mance; Bill Henry:' WHTD — Rida Oval, of the.4eai'her^’ .salary, and with WHTD—Terry and the Pirates;' ifticially launched this Otpriioon Most "Sefious; Med- Miinchester Oiatiter; i^ ^ lo a U tcbool^'' moat of tl«,t-'’tjine craft unit, has arrived In the Unit­ because of this it Is d'itieult to was necessaryPtb-ahWt the meeting WTHT—Chick Carter; w nC — Alan Young: WTHT*—Roy Rog->' game will be pit rS« pflnclpsf of the Lincoln schoc^l the /"usual increase granted' to ed State* nnd phoned hi* parent.* -from the Khlgkt^of. Columbus, ' era Show; W nC--A Date With At the 'West .Side' when Mimehestar. Three New Men Added .teachers for the coming ycar,-^lt trace Ihelr sourca "When a Girl Marries. High entertoins Ropri^lle jligh in wick, Foxii, Miller Ont Hamilton Props and ilnc^iMA. superVlsof of the' iaat night from ■ .San Francisco, Scarlet fever casd*, or throat in­ hbipe to £it. BridgetV. hall, 6;15.*— WHTD — Dick T omy. Judy. .ottUjrinS^ achoole, w ith the excep- ,^ 11 mean ah increase in teache/s' that-he Wpiild .soon Arrive' home, c l^ , together with twd'qthepftrst 8:00-—WDRC— Iftnef Sanctum; -a gatoe slated/ft^t underway at - ; ■ ' ■ 'X Aircraft of East Hartfor salhrle.s df about 2215.000 and vrtth fections indicative of scarlet fever, Masons to See WTHT- — Superman: WTiC —. By JoOk Hiuid BUI Brennan woZ unanimously ftv'j ’tton of the HoUlater and Roberf on leave.: ' - ' have been fairly numerous, , not d.e^ee elassea, will recelve>toe sec-; Portia Face# Life. WHTD—Trans-Atlantic - ^ulz: o'clock re-elected president of the Man­ mqtobeiz of th* .Twilight ^•dn achoola, last night reaig^d other'-^penditures' .such a.s In- Captain Tedefofdt has juu-ved ip WTHT Gabriel Htotter; (Aasooiated Preta Spofta Writer) with all prooeeids going crease^to JAnUors, beat anp other only In Manchester this^tnicr, bdt ;ond degree. Friday'jU ^tN at-8 5:30—WDBC — Waf Commen­ The vlMCorS -will, come here chester Chapter of Etoste-'n Board bar'. position to become e'f^tive Australia/thp'-Sblpmbn.s.; Admiral-'" o’clock at T inker holK'The tary; Ad Liner: WHTD -r Jack w n C—Mystery Theater. Baseball'e iodine list, .'aosum^'t of Umpirea-rit the annual meeting, swelling' the fund that pf" details wiM-hrlng the co.st tp about throughout the 8tate/'"^A peculiar P^Molay W ork fresh^toom a lop-slded win over serious proportions' today ' with way lo raise $50,006' f ^ tlto E<^^ » t tha^^cloae bf the p re se ^ y e a r; ty IslarMs, New Oijlnea and- 'the factor. Dr.'Moore states, is that/n degree will be'exemplified at Tto^ii^ ,. Arinstrong; WTHT — Baseball 9:15^WTHT '-fSan •■'/Francisco EOrt Hartford High scored last of the group last night at the East Her (^ignatlon. which4>aa been $525,000 forachnpls In Mnpche.ster Pljilfpplnes Ih his long tour of such key-men as Joe Cronin of'tlie Sl(Je Rec. , . _ atruetton of a.swlmmtog pool next year. Lnsi^Vear Iho'V.ost was moat instances tli)4 Illnesses are Iff Sr hail next Stfpilay afternoon. / Scores; South American Way; Conferehce. ^ e e k while' the Red and White, tioe- ■before the school hiaard 8ince| ’ Ufuty In the South Pacific, With ‘ly n C — Ju st Plain 'Bill. 9:30-vW bRC—Tills Is My BertJ^ ‘Red Sox, Joe Medwlck of -the Other officers re-elected/ncliide the blind soldiera 'M ' Old Fa older pCfsons, inost of .them over ^ e f H i b e r s f i t F r a t W n t y In pi/pafatlon for. the second' sera are still smarting under an 8 to Convalescent U q ^ta J , Avon. ilanch, giv^'the h ^ d an oppor- $403,500. ' ■ . , / ■ Battery B, 2llth Anti-Aircraft and thjrd^degrees the fcfegree com- 6:45r-WDBC — Swoon or Croon; WHTD — Spotlight Babds; Giants. Jlm'my Foxx of .the Phli- Vice-President Jimmy O’lAary bnd tinilty to tbxahgjr for several —------V —/— - Artjlle.ry, Automatic Weapons the age of 40,/he said. 4 licking dished out by Hall High lies, Eddie Miller of the Reds and T h e game tir'a natural and Most of the cases are severe, but .liivited to W itness mftteie will hold a meeting at tha WHTD — Captain Midnight; Coronet: Story Teller: xWTHT last Friday at West Hartford. *’• Secretary Treasurer Johnny Fal- . changes that w llf^ made in the Baltalibn, ■''''■ N-WTHT — Tom-Mix; WTIC — Hei^hri Martin and Mike Oarbark kow ski.. couldn’t be played for a bett there is no reason for alarm'’ be­ leThursday night at 8 o’clock. —American Forum b r the Air: Anxious to open the home sea­ o', the Yankees on ^ e sidelines. ■ eupervlslon ofemopls at the open'* Pr'eVious to entering _ the serv­ / greef;^1^s Evening. Frank J. Madden', .Jr„ of J ^ t Pogd konreU. ' WnC-r-Fibber MeGee and Mol Several new applications were cause, than, for the blind soldier cause they are Isolated and In no son wiCh'/^ win, Coach Tom KeHey,- Loss Cronin; perhaps for the sea­ The drive that got underway ser Ing next .fpJL These changes Lawyer^ ice. Captain Tedford was cniploy- Wetherafleld; deputy treasurer of -Kvetilng ly. ' is expSetre to counter with hia. ace reviewed , for membership In the sgere macie 1^^ the ,, board wt its' ed In Cheney Br'ither^H* trained /fay. Indicate, that toe disease is son, upset Boston’s infield plans. chapter and they were Joe 'Fla-; «ral days, ago-has swept the stat spl/adlng In. town, br, Moore re- Idanchester Lodge- of toe state of'Connecticut, will pa ' 6:00—News on ad stations, 10 :00-:-WDBlC-£Words from 'Ihe southpaw, Denny HalUdag against When the skipper broke his leg L it-night at-,I Camp ' Edw'erds, Falmouth, 6:15—WDRC—Edwin C. Hill; People;^'lOiHTD— Trehs-Atlan- berty, Ed Kovis and Emil Plitt. like ^/wild' fire. The response Retiirtt.Feb§ .port*,'' , Will have the oppbrtinrttF’ of wit­ th?; spea/er- a t' the. qomraunlbn. Marty Fagan’s toasftrs. Halllday Thursday he vvaa playing third All' passed their entrance exams been n e a t itbd to staging a g ef-Uiiehiii -Scliool ^ ‘-fi^ss., and Fort Bragg, Fayette- nessing the exemplffii^Oon of the breakfuit to be held after the 9^ WHTD—Les Smith Journal f tic Oiils: ’WnC-vBob Hope pitched in several games last year "Ctjlmpton ,Ca’ 11:15—WDRC -T Joan Brooks; about .returning servicemen, hut Fortunatb, Metropolitan New York' the Exception of the • High ■ siAool The Hebron Fjre company re­ ber of the 296th Combat Engineers who was wounded In Belgipm stood out like a aore thumb. Play­ Steve Flltpowicz because of a tnat h(s number be reservl -And this writer reviewed, the facta Hartford, April. 24—-t/Pi—Robert' sponded to a calf h/out noon Sat­ ' on ^October 1st while working , on the-/onstructlon of a bridge foF wh/?h opens $.•45—WORO-Newsr^ WHTD — Mt iTD — Musical Roundup: ing on their home,, field may find back injury. the AUye '>vho were prozen on the' pro; Pvt. Eddld^OIlVer; form er "un­ ^not gilven out to any new mom*'* to put on a boll game for thta which #aa across the street. With officers are WUUam Sinnamoti, • WTHT—^Baseball Scores; It' farto ,pr on w ar jobs and then find crowned”' opeto Champion . . . at cause. It was readily agTMV P, Puller, U. S. attorney for Con- urday to give aid in hchlmney iftre General I’atch's First Army. . Goverhi^ Baldwin was acCompattfed . Members . 'Of toe Children of the team a lot stronger and more Foxx, counted to F*'* WHTD—Headline Edi­ 1 1 :30r—WDROM3a*ey Press Pho- road." ' the exhibition games because of real headache . . . Naturally, list? above mehtl^ed men. Hero Ste­ the ftame with all proceeds going Orampton taught ^In the new County Bar .Aaloctation which ar­ There was, no damage afid the Valley lilacs were killed which is V/as transmuted to this',country Hone. SS; Robert Bell, JB; George tion; 'WTHT— Fulton L,ewU, ' tographer; WHTD^-MetropOll! Marty Fagan the new visiting sore feet and appeared only as a managers don’t want, to d'rop /S venson and Bob Mileskl. Steven­ Into the, fund. school and was principal'- ' After trouble was soon taken cat^.^of, often the case In th at locality," through the SivisS government, h prepared by /' Chairman Tierney Bonent, Marshal; Bruce Vander- with the /-Assistance of Frank Jf.; w nO —Supper Oub. ■ tan Opera, U. 8., A,; WTITHT—■ mentor who succeeds Francis Geis- during the first week fairly good player to make room Short* and l^< son, however, xa®*’’! ' “ctlve . last The tWp team s are well known the school fire in 1913 -the Lin­ ranged for arbitration of claims Thefh was a bad fire at the Woods where the thermometer la liable Jntot War and State department | brook. Chaplain; John Cfagtn, Sen­ to the stati: ranks while the Protoi against the Rlngliijg Brothers and SoulJi B ^ k s Qulsh. / ^ T:15—W DRC^M bsic th a t Satlii* George Sterneyb. Orchestra; sler aa head, coach is np stranger to of the aeagon . as Jimy Wasdell for a nmn who may not be as good, The White Sox fivs-nm*. win­ year in the ’Twlligto League. coln school was doubled m. slae place two or three years ago, when to take surprising plunges. ' 'l' announcement said, tinel; and George Kanehl, Robert local fans. After a brilliant pitch­ took over-Ti'is Job. ^ R e j^ a r Phil ahd a three-man “temporarily in­ ning .atlyak so far has f«|s talk- The chapter has x^pplied all have been .to'mimber of the Twi-' B a r n u m -and Bailey Nclrcus 65,000 In N a ^ Hands flea; W HTD—Rajrmond Oram w n c —Polish Orcheatra. and Miss Crampton remained a* part-of the interior was gutted and Several Hebron people attend­ , '\. Wright, Richmond Morriaon, Mar­ 12:30—WHTD — News; Music: ing. career at Rockvilie High and second baaeman Fred. Daniels was active' list doesn't give them much 4rig_ about. ' the , Browns' ur iplres for all organized baseball light Leaj^e for * number of prinolpal. With the consolida' after, last July’s, disastrous when the inmatM, a number of ed a meeting at the Broad atreet Up' to 65,000 American soldiers From Page- Swing: W T H T y H it TuhOs; years. /im my, Foley-local man haa big top fire, said today that a ma­ Ohey-'' shall Hodge. Everett Hewitt. Rob­ ■ w n c—^News. / ; w n c —N4wa; Roy Shield and the University of Connecticut he .out as the result of a back opera- room for ^experimenting . -y straight record at ihe start dt^lost games in ■Manchester fOT., a num­ Hop. of schools lii 1932 she was aged people whom' Mrs- Woods IRgh school, Hartford', Saturday, still are. to Nazi handSk. although" ert Wood, Francu SuUlyah, Pre- StaKn Holds was secured to teach at Rockville ^ n . There’s a'’campaign on now tp.d''- season . . . But back.In 1884 ber of years' and the work' and takem over- the managerial reins jority of the circus' counsel had was caring for, had to -be taken of boarda of educatioh. Among Allied Armies already have lib­ rtptors. , T;3p—'WDRO--Ain*rican Melody Orchestra. \ ghmn additional duties and to ad­ agreed to .return to the ' shotVa brth of Cento, 16 " miles north High. Locally he haa-played in / Martin collided with centerfleld- crease this list . . Meanwh^ the S^ Louis Maroons won 20 strai^t showmanship of the group has al­ and. local players with the .taaitt dition to being the principal of out. Miss -LllHan.^' Mrs. .' Woods’ them were Mr. and Mrs. Robert erated 47 of the 78 caippa^.where' of Bologna-. Official reports said O/garflat Kenneth Hiidsbfi will the-Twilight League tor the par" er Johnny ..LindelP chasing a long three ”A” circuits have thiir Own to start the Union Association sea: ways been commendable. Include Hawk Pongratz, li^key management'-'toore than $100,000 daughter by a previous marriage, U. S. fighting men were knowm^o Katkaveck, Johnny Qteen and .. ' Itoe Uncoln acfaool, she was named tn~ fees mailed them'last week. ' E. Foote, the tatter one of/'H e­ that WterjCroBsing the Reno river fumlMr the march -music' for the' ey to Unity few years ondls a^pable'mound fly during the same game in which rule Which j^rnU ts th e o rto carry son . . . And in 1908 th s . New. Of the three new men admitteo; ' sopervisq’r of the Washington, wais . nearly asphyxiated,, hut re­ bron’s representatives In toe Gen­ have been held. , \ In that vicinity "our patrols found openlng\and closing of the Chapi­ 'man. ■ 'z* ■ ' , Cropin was Jiurt. Lindell’s spiiies eight ex-service “men vfho aren't York Highlanders did so Welt eirly Joe /Flahcrty is a veteran of lAck Ecabert. The itoi^lng Atr-'§ Butler said authorlgatibn to pay" sponded to. treatment, at that In "accepting - the Gerrnmvy pro*, Manchester Green, Ruckland, the lawyers,Jiad^en given at an eral Assembly, Mrs. Albert W. |Cvldenoe of,great slaughter, with ter, j/iuas Eliott, Jr. plans to President-^ The Starting tlma will enable clipped Martin a hasty out across counted in thh player or Salary in the season that Ernest Barnard, ny' yea'rs behind the plate whi-J* Craft nine tnclito^ George M ay Highland Park, Keeney, South time. Nd lybndcr the family do not Hilding, and Mrs. Charles N. Fill­ posal, effective Sunday/mldhight, ^many corpses of Germans and Otog "The Lqst Chord’* and “The ►igTlireet many, of the defehse workers tp th nose and he waa out of ' the limits until 15 days after they play later American League President, \K o:ovl i 8 and Putt will be mak- and^Don Ballou; third sacinr. ahd-^ informalJ meetingig .of majority Welcome the idea of another fire. the State and War/aepartments pltehtov respectively. Mhln, punce and Sliver Lane stockholders to N___ ff^j,:Tork on more. There were several speak­ horses and much enemy equipment Td’s Prayer\whUe accompanied witneoi the entire game and Week-end serieSj to Washington their flmt grame- . . . The Majors called them ’’The fastest teSm ever ipg debut calling them. Ko­ ■eheols. ■ Lieut. Irving-'Orillln, ton of Mr. ers, L t Col: Hughes, chairman of said acceptance was for this gov­ scattered In the area.” by R ot/rt Woodtot the organ. Tomorrow Evening, at 7 Urge crowd Is expected,.,)' Mike GartxCrk of the 'don’t have to weirry about salafy" ornnlzed.” They promptly proved vis is \«ui -hpnorably' h . • discharged ■■ • The {tometorill s ta rt a t 8 o’cldelL April 17, thc/day before the clicircus’ and Mrs. W.. Sherwood Griffin of ernment alone. (Continued From PageX^ne) Cliaages Made - annual'stoCKholden’ and directors’ the Marine Training program," Lt. Presumably this slaughter wu* ' Scenery and props for the De- ■7 .Tanks had to takrA rest be'eause limits, of Course, and also con try it by losing games so fa^t that by World .. II vet and c'ampaign- Hebron Center, has bean, transfer­ Governor Wilbert Snow, and Com­ London said the British govern­ Molay Degree arenin^f’the super­ ed for {ral seas9i» to the Twl- The resignation of Miss Cramp- the resliU of air attacks of ,-Jhe delegation as well a^/other dele-, Hisr torlt. April 24—(F)—PreM -f Wednesday Programs: Of an .ear Intoetom, xlving' Herb out,eight players, bqt tha lower June 30 they were in last place and red to a training camp In Ncbraa- missioner Grace. They spoke bn ment also Kas accepted the Ger­ past few ouys.<> ■' . ,i • vision of Thomas M ^ell, mem­ Crompton and- Bill Drescher a leagues'Who need,, these >»**» the bad a new manager . Ex- light tea_ as a /pitcher after , ton rssulted to several changes On the followln^^y, he sai^ where he Is attending a school man offe. gates, whose number, junips w ith\ dent Triunon’s third broadcast NBC. S a*ml EJaArJSia Pol­ serving in the Minor" ----Leagues Leagues ’ being Buule by the Board last behalf of sChool bills 'before the ; /Americaivx'''*! South African ber of the ^vlsory Council. almost evelT’ train and plane, ' chance tp-"'break Into the' lineup. most have to count them as soon Mayor Jimmy Walker will talk to representatives of ^ l^ e c tlc u t^ |h aviation. Hia parents think he while, Elmer Davis, Office Ofllcer'a fSr the evening will be ly; 1 ft’‘/tS^^Stotche#^''lt*lody: a short spetl.^Utt is another «iet- Bight. teresta urged toe difectora that Legislature. 'Thefe were discus­ Units of toe Fifth Airmy moved up eagerly aw ^lt^ the principala for atope taking office, his oddrsiss via. 4:30—Leftorizo 'Jones: 7—Perry Local Sport B patm ’a Braves were hardest as they go on the payroll . . . And the New York boxing-writers to­ will soon be called for overseOa sion- groups. -The organization put of Wfar, Information director just to the Po north/ind northwest of Master Councilor, Stewart Kenne­ who ever' he'ard of a ball player day on the 25 .y e ^ Of boxing un­ eran hair playerplay§ that haa^ayed Miss nisabeth Berniet, who hSs payment of legal fees bef(»« pay­ duty. . 1 ■ nefurned from Europe, sald-'Gef- Information j u to how serious the radio from Washington to the Como Supper Chtoiij9:30—District hii''when Tom Nel- ment of_ vlctlml’ claims • might 'Hseif oh record as favoring' State Bologna on a steqftiiy broadening dy; Senior Councilor, Charles Mor­ 'ton, Whitey Wietelmann who didn't want to be on the pay­ der the Walker law . , , Coach of with numerous toamS ItoManches- Hot Stove been principal of _the Barnard Mrs. Frederica . Smith and "nuins thCnjselvo's will be /bid Big .ThreX split over Poland has opening of th* Son firancisco con­ Attorney. C^,<2;30l*—Perry Ma­ ter in his long.^cataej'tond to turn- ' 1. school and supervisor of the Na- shake confidence in the intentions aid and school ..huilding bills. front against only slight, realM- gan; Junior CDiihcllor, Stoney ,Har­ ference, goes on oQ networks at and second sackers Frank Drews roll? - , • . _ the U.: of Minnesota tennis team daughter, JalssJanet,- of New York '‘■plenty” about the "horrors u’ithin rison; Senior Deacbn, Chester Fer­ WsSomC// Many here are incltoed son: 4—House Party: 5—Special Chatter Irife t'6 thfi-new fie)$kne seems .to be than Hale school, is given addi­ of toe management” and 'possibly Prfipeity ow'ners and dog o ance. Ttn one sCtcor, aXGertnaiv -to regOrd it the real key to suc- 7:80 p. m. tomorrow.. Previously M id Ekldle Jpost were injured. is Phil Brain. „ The Urilted Aircraft teams, of, City, were at^Mrs. Smith’s coun- *! Nazi 'concentration camps. Allied counter-^attack w/s repulsbd. and ris; Junior Deacon,/' Robert K Philadelphia Orchestra (toncert; Rank Favoritism •fully qjtalffied tor th^ assightotoit. East Hartford engaged the tional dutiea Shr ta well qualified lead to the filing of a Federal re- era are'again reminded thatXaxes newspapers and. radio /thtions in cesa-'of plans for a world organi- ■ announced programs have/been 7:15-,-Monlea Lewis and Others, Clarence "Gyp' ’km for- Nelson was sent hime from cetveeshlp against the concern. tiy place In the Niirrbws Hill vi­ are due. through the/xpresc'iV 300 prisoners takeniken^, - X Wright; Senior Steward,-'James, mer local baseball basketba)! spring training tp have three teeth A Navy announcement Of a coto- Pfc. Eddie-'. Houck, son of Leo,-- Flphertyi aR5y StateKnow resid- ford . Senators to an exhlbiC ■nddlUntml work as she haa cinity over the weelr%nd. Miss, Ja- y will give lihC'ral enver. zo/tion designed to keep- the peace. cancelled. ^ . Song; 9:80—Whloh U Which QuU. hig in Radwille. is a leading col: held a supervisory position In .Htato'Receivership ' month, with usual-pwialty for »Ad»anca Tuwafa-. MrCaw, J r .j.'Jiinlnr SteWi ace haa reported a»W«w assign- extracted in the hopes, ofXurlng ipg golf match between the l^or- the Pennboxing coach,-liaa game—lest ' 8atdrday at Tiet Is reidainirtg for theXyeek, hav­ age to. thy atrocity stdriea ar-toey wood Browtt': Sentinel, Geqpgie Pot^-^ The situation lit" the-moment IlS. Urn half-hour also U to include' BLU, 12:30—Farm and Homd; folk Naval Operating . Base and lege tohlbaU, anft'baSfbail offlclat long been cpijbected The circus is in state receiver­ delinquents If ndt paio on or be­ Along the Ltguriai^coast to the I X See. of State E. R. StetUnius, ment at the Jrorfplk Naval Sta­ a sore arm. Drews coilided/with -been returned ta' this country for Field... .‘The Senators won ing a vacatldn.from her duties cori are unfolded, Dayis told, newsmen,' terton, Jr.; Marshal, 'WilBert Had-^ ia that the Big tbree have or-y 2:16—Ethel and Albert: 6—W alter Camp Patrick Henry lists the hospitalization. Ha was seve'rely ' iflB additlon-to the staff is a with- ths local system, it was ship but the state receiver has no fore May 1. Ml'i^F, Elton Post, He added- it .would be p a rt of their west. Fifth Army troops advanced ranged fof control 'of the whole >X lOOv. Earl Warren o# CokfornU tion. Gyp woAhotoe over the week­ plicher Al Javery In a camp gi ly 8 to 0 due partly, to te v e^ costa' rheans of eaclilbg funds Other nected with tnc -OWL iln 2.000 yards toward I*a Spezia, cap­ den; Chaplain, Rutlpdge Spilth; Klernon Optoment; 8—Ted Malone end artjl'.joumeyed over " ‘to the and hurt his kiibe. Jooat chippei teams this'-wayy burned When an tol stove exploded notable one. Miss Bennet, then supervlMf of is a sister of MrA Grace Mar tax Collector,. ha/"vi3iied Gilead at re-education, y 4 . -. conferehce and can put through' and M ayor 1L C. Lapham of San ly errors. ..‘.'The game w m than those actuall.v to Connecticut. Fogii’s store ..to receive payments turing. several, towns, and there Standard Bearer, Wtostofi Hiidson Overseas; 10:30—Tom, Dick and OvaJ-'to watch the Props practice. bone In his right foot sliding li Jn his fox hole on the weste to the last of the fifthjiM toCr/Mn ■ the grade schools to the Ninth Hebron’s town clerk. the'"Dumbart6n Oaks security plait FroncU^ ' - Hany./«BS, 12:30—Army Service dlstrtet. who turned to the alarm Furthermore, Butler said. It was d will b ^ a t the^ touTl clerk’s of- were Indications that enemy forcea Organist, -Kennrth Hudson; and second. Wietelmann broke the lit­ N.O.B.—Ctapt; .U P. TreadweB; front . . . Julie ■’ Kogan, >New ... . Dqn Ballou local oOuthjRw ' agreed when arbitration proceed­ Lieut. Lloyd 'Gray was ■ home in this area also were abdut-to go Scribe, JameaJSniott, Jf^ />- about as they want it. But they TonIghL on tha. eve of the con­ Forces; 2;15—Jane Cowl; J:30-^ ' Ed Uhnlak, who with Casey tle llnger*of his left hand and had Parker, Lt. H^en; Conn., lightwelghL/i^o has for the school fire on that Thurs­ from Atiantic City for- the week­ flce>ai/Nebron Cente'r April 28. are still striving to build a found­ C o n ^ . W- V jVKddleweights To) started for the Aimaft but ws» ings were set up here under au­ from^i'ito 4 .p..'m., for toe sania* into flight northward. 'All MasOim are I n w ^ t o attend ference, . toe MBS American For­ Smoothies; 7;15-i“-U sten to Magnuson will direct the mana­ the' first two joints amputated af­ C.,;M. Parker, Chief Special- boxed professionally, tor seven shelled from.fh* to the fourth day. afternoon on October 23, end, which he ■pmvt'’at the Jiome ation for unity among themselves, um at 9:80 oiiginatea from San ,ea! ;«1912, when nearly 1,100 children. thority of the Superior court, to piirpose. will receive pay-r TollatuI The German Air Fofee made one and airj^ttive andtoiajbrttyUeMo- Waves; 9:30—-Brownstone gerial duties of the Props is credi- ter he had been hit by a line drive. aul Runyan, former National years, turned up rectolily to an cx-- ... A scheduledlif^e between th a.. avoid costly lltigatloni that the clr- of his.parents.'-.Mr', and Mrs. Hitr- of its' rare appearanre's Sunday lays Are \re'qn^ed to' appear chiefly because, of the issue over Fronctsca Amorican delegates ter, "T he Scraji of Pa] tod with the discovery of Monk /t -fall'.on the, ice back In Feh* P.G,AX champion: Chief -^eciallst hibition at a SAtopson ^NKvai Offering Tonight 4BMtnlied out to safety. Mlae Ben* old L. Gray. Hla sister. Miss Mary rfienta at ailytlme at her home. T what government is to rule Po­ natora and th* Pratt and. whit*-- •Ht Is now to become supervisor ciia would pay no extraordinary Mr.s. Lulu Lbed, who has niadej Evielyn Franc wa-s th? night, sending four or five planes promptly /at p. m. Refresh-..^ m th* ponSl ON. azpected to in- Dublel now of the New York Yan­ ruary brolce Miller’s left kneecap, Jphn oXonnell and SpeclafChand- Training Center ’’smoker;" •. . Gray, returned ■with )jim to Atlan­ land. / ” clud* Sen. Tom Connollyi Cmdf ler Harper, Interpg.tlonal 4*baU neV team of ‘W'est Hartford lOrt lag llie Barnard, Natben Hale, expense* without approval of the h^-home. for tlw/past few j^ars' Orgapist a^the.XU,«V church services on over the Fifth Army area. joenta will be served following the' kees. -T-"' giving frestonan Kermit Wahl ( Right back^where. most fighters Sunday "Was called du* to the-t Bar coni'rnittee. tic City where both spent the The attitude of Jess powerful Harold E. Stassen, Rep. SoLSioqm chance to play shortstop tor Ci'n: ch am p lo n .\ start. Higlilsnd Park and South . Main nig/t. They were dinner guests aVsthe..Edmund H. Horton place,' In contrast tp th at puny effol mcetlng^/'/-'’”'^- L a s tiy jg i H artford, April 24.—H ard-hit­ and -Wtody weather conditions..! Butler said payment was author­ Sunday ApnbA This waa Eveljm's Allied wairlanes yesterday flew ------x ' nations waa voiced ' by /-Farelgn of N. 'if.. Rep. Chos. a/ Eaton Herman Wierzblckl, a member cinnati. ting middlewelghts Gie schools. A nexPday at the home of Mrs: Hel­ haa returned to Ellington where. M inuter EelCb Van Kleffens of Geo^qS^ayleojgeN whr earlier in tha day , Also AMMenal Danes ised- shortly after It became she is, how- .with her son-in-law [ first attempUaCHhe organ and re- more than 3,400 sorties. of N. J. and Dean VtopnU GH- pf the Marine Corps how stationed Skeeter Webb of Detroit /Was ten-round star bout-' at the Audi­ known'that John Ringling North, a en Boryea In Newark, N, j, ' Miss ■^cived many congrbtulajilons';' The Plianes Attack .X The Nethcriands , and Foreign a t Cherry. Point, N, C,, w rites that forced from the luieup.by a si^in pa*a*d 1 draft exam ptajredi: a >mas Bentley who has been Mary Is^pending part of the week and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mah-1 The possibility that thr' enemy, deraleeve. ' . / ./ torium: tonisjht, .iVitb St. Raul of minority stockholder and director, “egrular organist. Mto. Helen ”D. M inuter ' Georges , -Bid^uU of Also tonlgM at 10/CBS has an R y T h e Ai P re s s he is playing ball in /a 12-team ‘ed muscle. . / sm art bail game at third for tha of the .Hollister street therg,^ Shg^Ms having her spring Ion Chapman. She has not been in had massed aptl-atrornft -gjitts SprlngfleW trading hefty- Wallops losers and robbed of an extra as well as a .former head of the *Ipson wa.s. called to ’V^Tpriont'for around the ' Ito 'crossings in­ X ' Railwa j;'^rcl France. Van kleffens said on hour’s documeatanr^ '/Word From New Ortei k*pt Pete Gray, toeetlng priqr th the startloL Ihe Uncklaad school of which Miss hoprle f6r a few days over the week her former homj., | the one‘-arpiro .rookie, out pf the to get the nod ever q-Rudy, Rlch- Twilight League qeastto ir stated to courLi againa'C the present man­ V.er position In Manchester. force which the late President pants O re b e asked to express Mich., T. K. O. Tom Don 13*1100 ta slated to/ake his ’ardson whose "cufe” style nullified Rofeib is ths principal. agement how headed by his cousin, di"'spending the time "with his /dr. and Mrs. Charles .M. I/r-! Frislan islands and estuatiep lead­ ier’l 'Klene, 1^2, Jacksonville, pre-toductibn physical Saturday. box acorXfoc'a few game& take place on .tVeiniesday eveidjlg,' Miss (iSaAfasrtoe C.^Sbea, 'who rents, Mr. and Mr#. Clarence E.- ■comb and.-son,-Ciiarleil, Jr., 'are' Mr, and Mra. Maurice Sleight Roosevelt,'Prime MthUter Church­ their hoMO^^on the-outcomie of the the Home City’ ’’Slugger’s/ ./free- Robert Ringling./ ".re ehtc/taintog their m other from ing to north German ports also ill and Stelln worked out at Yal­ oonferei^. Persons in all walks , i- ’’ ' " '.!■ ■"■ ■ '\ The local amtUipaw has been'to lA Monttay was an open'”'-date In May 2 a t 7:80 a t ta e W est .flfd* ;b u bssn prtocipfd of the Waah- 'orter. He is still under treatrtigii^ -spending the week of school vaca- | for several' weeks. He pitched'/or both/eagucS'. Ident Herb Stevenson prel swingtog mode of' Operation.' He ^ington school, is td ''remain as < Papers Actually Served at the Springfield Naval Convales­ Verrnprtt. , . id Junction was attacked last night by R. A- ta. But he said that if the .ma­ of Ilf^ranging frdra a wdundpA Miami, FU.—A1 Fern. 132, Tam­ Lee’s EAso Faces staged two brawls with Jerfy .ftec. Team managersNue urgod^to;- tibn, in Main*/ where they went to 1' Mrs. Grace E. Clough l.s a guest F. pitots, who have sunk more the P.A.’s and the Hartford Sena­ with •the .4>ffictal business - bel. „ attend...... Team bond^coney ond^» principal of that schom-"hut to Papers In North's suit.,were ac­ cent Hospital, and though now in see Mrs. I.nrcomb'8 father, who is I jority wonted that, he’d go ale 'reteeaii ‘to Sem tory - Btettinfus/ pa, knocked out Marcfl Fourner, taken care of in an «*fflclent man­ -$laIonl, drawing record crowds and Mrs. Henry Gunther i than 150 small ships and barges Btdault told a news confereflee tors limt year to the Easterly Gunder the Golfer. A6d Jarvis in Opener;; eilglbiUty 11^ m ust b e 4)aad«mhoUt -tended to take her^'toace' with th* oontraot, tomoribw ha becomes the DanvUIe, III., 8. Bob Sattarfleld; Final details, w ere ■ ironed-- o ut and Ja rv lt.- O ther gam es in the" Ine off Monday, M a;^ Butler’s' statement followed returned to her. Tpnand home. . V dam aged nine sm aller veOsels . ibig powers.' ner. Robbins one of the ^vorites Relay /ftarnival Friday-, and. Sat­ St. Paul, whose real na-me ^ ..enrollment in "the Washington a cane, and thotigh vej^thin in (Coattnned' From Page singer la tbs CBS Tuesday-Wed 173, Chicago, knocked out 'Arftiur finished sixth while no/ record of for ~ the Manchester Softball. week Include the Wednesday Charles Nuttlngly, has won of and undejrway to stags publication here of pprporteil ex- flesh compared wiUj/bla former Seen Needed T-Sgt. LouiaXMiUer with his three tugrs. / The two deyelments together urday, hhs fallen under the bane­ ball game- at the West S lj^ , Bdiool for hm t year will show an neoday-Iriday series at 7il6, re- McWhorter, l78U, Gary, Ih(l, 1. Vlttner was carried It was learii- ful Influence of golf, carnival offl 17 bouts. Brown has staged'^rome . .tBCTCoae of 'a W t AO pgpila. 'cerpta from the dilators’--meetr appearance he IooJ«r very well. His" parents, Mr,Xand Mrs. Benjamin A usindlan, *iluid Neyr 2^i mtoated much of- the cH^eng-. League las,t night at the' T when Wnf Sunday' to assist to racing Miller of-«artford, were Sunday Richard Bergholz reported from lufighter pilots ' dived bef pUctoff Johnnie Johiiston. after P ittsb u rg h ^ Ossie Harris, 159, ed that he finished SithTwhlch Is. dais have learned. •■" ' ^^am managers and league offl- Aircraft and exciting duels here the past year Oota, Another School . Ing which were made public by injury was suffered aT Saipan. As (Contlnned From ftage One) Eighth Xrmy headquarters that .attittolA' that many of ' the Utota ito**l >PPc*<’anoes lost week. ood considering ple^fact that he fund "set up to build q/mvlmmipg Leonard Bisco, New York attorney guestX;^ Mrs. Laura Judson. foot cliffs in Sogne fjordj in If nations hod shown durin Pittsburgh, T. K. O. Cliff Beckett, Ha^ggi Btip^g with a friend dais met. Bond moneyAnd ellrt-? Gamble opposes Nlch- or- so. He held.^-Joe Brtinett arid Mias Esther M. Oranstrom, he walks alohg a slight limp ig opposition was. light and that pa­ . Frinc, who iS/marri^ and has a 165, Simbury,' Ont.,- 8. Willie ' I’t rim in eevjKrkt years. ols, Bristol, on Friday. Ray Rovelll to'draw^ and lost to pqpT at the Avon 0180— Ike, y \ UAfOi^rUse - D to^, Butler'saUj,.a 'number of thd Lloyd Gray, Johi/Phelps of the U. Miss Gloria Anthony a studenb stances of “anti-vitamin ‘E’ action. seating of the Ukralnla'h White^ Ossay, Press Photog. BLU, 7:80-t The public ta invited to. attend. . Wednesday, May 16' bases, while the tndlvldiuU players made administrative assistant at coin we drive home, to the Ggrman guns, including every type used by Rusaian Soviets. Mass., outpoint^ ■ the'U ncoln school.' , , -V- ; - bills' were.-bot -sufficiently-itemized 8. Navy, ahd Betty Officer. Henry nurse at the Wajerbury hospital Ffom toe Soviet embassy ia- One Man’s Family: ■ 8:30—Alan Lee’s Esso vs. Stqlle A/-"Gambl P lant J will pay the_ expense of* the um­ Jones. . copl* the,.fiitility of. war and the waa. a recent brief period gUest of the tl. S. Army. London came a report that the ad­ American delegates sfeto'-bope- ed Henry JoMan, 144%, PhUadel- / 'The ioftb sil League has ironed . Friday, May 18 Monday, Best Quality "’ •c O ther Change^ MadeC, .and. In any "event, should, have error xhd enoemousnesa^ of the Toung Show; _9!80XCUn* Krimd" pire, Th* league will play three Eye: Poppers been submitted In advance for ap­ Mr. amkMrs. Paul Cbates-have her parents Mr, and Mrs. Neat An- 'Strong Resistnpioe Met vancing Russian Annies in Poland ful such action would/6e ' taken.- pblo, 10,. , Bobby Snow, 148, Wa* out all pre-season liusineSe and the Knlghtff^'bf CoIumbUa vs a r Plant J VA .W Jarvis. rounds and ^he - championship will Miss Huldah A. BuUfr.'who has Nazi''" cruelties,” -Representative Against strong /resistance, the ^Bond; 10—*rrars-Atlantic /'Qmz. proval b^' the Bar Association, heard recently , from their son, U«xiy. , had found a Nazi atrocity camp Mr. Roosevelt dectosdsome.weeks le ri^ , jConn.FT. K. O. Eddi* loop Is ready tq Start i^rating on ren A Jarris. Wedneoday, be''decided oh a sudden death basts Certified been assistant ' principal /At the Slkes-lB -Fla) *told a reporter to 43rd division in the same' sector Imfore his dea^i-drat thU country 8i80—Roy Rogers 8how4^'j0:30— Nichols, Bristol ! Esso. - By. Duncan Othen Nathan Hale and haa taught grade committeer. ... SgL JjCsUe; Coates, who is with George C, Gordon GM2-c„ son of tor children, where himdreds ^ of Wtogi for TonxirrovL'MQft Dow­ Reardon, 140, Boston, $; Monday evening. MOy 7 with Lee’s Monday, May tl with team four, playing team Jthe^Alr Forces to Italy. He is co/-: Epical comment. Mr_.and Mrs, George C-i-Gordoii,” advanced within"^a mile of Mount emaciated youngsters were forced /would .npt/MK for,two additional.’.', Savinnah, Oa.—Maurice “Lef- Esso facing Warren and Jarvis. Nichols, Bristol . VA Knights .of F i l l !0 three, the winner to face teaih two New York— My greateet thrill Seed Po^toeB ' • three at that school, to the after­ { VaHous other fees had been paid Representative Price (D-Ill), MapaUd, another Japanese strong­ votes, ^evOn though he had told ney. Colutobus. - . ,. . ■ Stolle A Knights of in eports come in an internattona'i noon, is to be admii^strative prin­ nected with --the military police, 8r,7 It-now stationed in^thfe. Pan­ to toil ioh German estates Undsf t y ’ LaQhance, 129. Lisbon, Me., and the winner of this- grae to and Fertilizer at* earlier dgtes since thg d is^ elected to Congress while serving ama Canal Zohd. - hold." • threat of beatings,-^ S t at yalU that it m ight if'. outpointed Carloii-Oiavez, 128%, ■The No'rth End diamond ta beln^ Wednesday, M*J 23 ■ ; Colutobus*'^ match a t the' Polo Grounds to cipal at the'Nathan' .Hale school, trous fire whiim tbpk/.6 8 llveston Be has been overseas for--' three play team one Ifeat two out-nf years during wfilclT time he haa in the Army,-asserted:,, .The '4-H Sewing/CIub met at Navy, Artny and Royal Austra-" did. Chatham Flel^, GA, 10< eomptately oyerjjauled and the fl$lp Warren A Jarvis vs. Stolle A Third Round three for the chainplqnahlp.' ’This 1929, shortly after I signed with At Very toe advBticen)ent of these two will July ,6 last_year. ,/ ‘We will Jiist have stand Gamble.' " . •*'~- ■ the New 'Y'drk Giants. A fei Fa­ mean that toey will not fettinf as never been home. Mrs., Charles W. the heme of the/eader, Mrs. L. llan Air Forces planes, flying in Detroit —Charlie Smith. 134%, lylll bdi’to Ui> top shape to r toe M onday,'July 28 is the-aame system the Twi-* ■rhs tost of the fire ■vlCUms left Stewart, Mr. Coates’ mother, who guard over thefs and' wipe put Emiest Hall Friday, April 20, with advene . weather, sank three Neworic, N .. J., outpointed Xeroy isiitial game. The leawe'Will op­ Friday, May M > ^Lee'f Esso vs. Wiirfen A Jarvis. light league . and Rec . Bowllhg bian. one of the greatest goalits in R eas^aiile PiriceB 'teachers and an additional new a local hospital" only ISst week. 12 q>rmnt and worked on,aprons. Accord Read•W' \ • Firemen Called "* Plant J ■vs. Lee's Esso. soccer,' with some of our other teacher wlll have to be.secured to is 83 years oldr'tois been "taken ,to every, trace of the Nasrphllosophy, coastal vesseU and a small tanker Spenm n 186, D etroit; 10. Pete erate qn Monday, Wednesday uid Wednesday, Jiffy 25 'i league is operated on. -..take their places. r.- Butier also announced today a convalescent home for care. Sfie which has poisoned the minds of so Mre. "Allen'Twathe, has accept­ in a series of raids from Formosa /Bolos; 124, Detroit, outpointed Fritay evenings. " Monday, May 28 ' •Knights of Columbus vs-. Plant J. The next mee'Jng will o* held players, had been touring abroad. tha/ a meeting of till ^claimants broke, her hip some years ago and ■many Germans,”, ' \ ed a. pontion t o the office of the to The Netherlands Indies. In Dawge Suit For • Graas Fires .Stolle A Gamble -yi. P lant J. F'riday, July "27 on Friday evenIhg,-''May 4, at the They were recalled -to meet the Fnm k V. WilliamB principals In nH of t!he other .Institute of Uving to Hartford. Kuku OftlM, 122, Mexico City, 8 ThurdSy, May 81 Khbdhh-hjtownichools-to town \will remaih as they and . their counsel would be held since that time haa been in ftoling "We must continue to-force the Son Franclaeo"—Jackie RyoK, ‘ The T Bowling Leaffie lytll hold Stolle A Gamble ., vs. Nichols. Y * t 8. Hakoah stars of Vienna. 1632 Tolland BU BuchBuid here at 2 o’clock .fftdxt Friday health. -She baa been with differ­ ■ Mr. and-M rs, Saw yer..and'-— A Hamil­ through. It was enough, tor the 91 <'The ToUng People'a Society met the Ctoinesa htgtr command an­ instead of going to trial, an agree­ .went to Summer and Campfield ' American League Fridny, June 8 . Nichols, Bristol vs. Knights of reports th a t ducks', geejM,. crows ^ naw teachers to be engaged. ^ -Winter came back with a ven­ mtttee,'''mwre to tune uclth angrll. ton lad heard' hia mothtr lomfnt Columbus. r- _ visitors prevailed. 1 -0. the church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. nounced today, ment on the settlement was reach­ street and exttoguifehed the fire. St Louis at Cleveland.^. ‘ Warren A JSrvis vs. Plant J, and IS species of small b ir^ have / iBqieaae In CUm m ’ Ittorney Harold "^arrity this geance Sunday night and fiwt voiced sentiment expressed to tlje The worship period -was led by her tack of carpet tgckz and to* Detroit at Chicago. - . / Second Round ' WedoMtoa)*, Aug. 8 * • .The pang of defeat "was aalved, Additional , teachers are n^de/ House yesterday." / ' The zOOln column of the di>ive, ed which brought it before the been checked on their northward however, when my teammataa mo^'rii|hg'‘Wued a writ and Con- was reported in various sectiona .. .Mits Carol Needhmn. A debate fol­ Probate Court for approval os the ability to get any at the store. A ■ Boston if Waahtogton. Monday, June 11 Warren- A Jarvis vs. Stolle A migrations 10 days to two weeks there la going to be an toereaSe' -stabje-James Duffy served, an at- ■At Robert E. FootCs plafe to Several 'members urged speedy striking down ihs main highway tow mtoutea later he prooentad her Gamble.- gathered arourid me with the an' full punishment of Nasia re­ lowed, led by Harley Fogel, How­ to Kaosha. -75 mllre from the base, person injured was a mtooc,- An Appreciation (Only gomes scheduled.) Nichols, Bristol vs. Stolle A ■j ahead of their regular qchvdules. '•If about 50 puplU in ftie Waaliihg- tachmenti on* property owned by Gilead a temperature of 28 de­ ard Metcalf, Emily Hayden and with e hendftU. / “Oot ’em off the roatioiial Ltoigue ' Gamble. _ Friday, Aug. 10. crowd cheering and told me tha't "Jba school next. year. . Such an ta­ grees was reported. At Hilding sponsible for the mistfeatmeht of was rspulsed, ' Jlie Chinese F lah t J vs. tice’s Esso,^ ^ Snow 'disappeared"'"'from - the, evth the "great Fabfan couldn’t Mrs. Alice M..'Hennequln and Mrs. Carol Needham. telephone poles, -^ere the candi­ Philadelphia of New York. Wednesday, June 18 ■ prCIrtos In March. '» in toe firstly and second M argaret K. Blovlsh on Itoighton Brothers! place on the Amston prisoners; and three representa­ and yigorfius attacks were carr(«l Jneketo SHU BUaatng date^ pictuTM were ticked up.,. MondayK Aug. IS \ 'have dpne a better Job. tives and a senator introduced leg­ Saturday, Frank Kalas, chair­ out s ^ n s t suiaUer enemy> fo rftiit' We wish to express ouz. grati­ Brooklyn ht Boston. - Plant J vs. Knights of Columbus. tdss means that "a new room street to favor of Louis Hennequjn- road ■ the thermometer went man with the local committee tude to the fire.-nen, and to our., -mlUlons of ’em,” he' explained. Chicago at Cincinnati. F'riday, June 15 'SUdle A Gamble vs. Plant 3. i „ e:' ‘ *> * > The trouble was that I couldn’t he opened for the. secemd "The attachm ent w a s, for $3,000, down to, 24, while at Hope Valley islation to create a permaiient which bad infiltrated through-de-^ t Dalis*. Tex,—( il^ H a f r y Gold­ iget o/ut of bed tori two days there- ency -to tovestlgste and keep s rec­ nelpen, met at‘ the Commitolty friends, neighbors and relatives ’ (Qnly.gafnes scheduled.) Warren A larvls vs. Lee’s Esso. Wedneoiday. Aug. 15 ' Backer Msdloek . t-^Kmdc pupUs, .It will also be neces- The Writ is returnable to the June it really kicked over the * traces House to. w elvc contributions fbr fsiiM llhea and entrenched near the berg, city ambulance driver, got a for the ftoilstance rendered at the Monday, Jnne 18 NichOU, Bristol vs. W arren Jk after.''.- ■ ’ fo hold sessions tolhia "term of the'.H artford'C ounty Su­ and dropped to 22 degrees. Flow­ ord of war atrocities. ■■ highvtay in tha same area N ot W ^ ^ l o w Senator Chandler (D„ Ky.) and usahlf .clfitbto'g for the United N a­ thief, but not tha .ena he wanted, /time of toe fire which* destro'-cfi Warren A Jarvly vs. Knights Of Jarvis. . Ne«koto*s^ on Closed Saturday At 5:.'<0P. M he told policed . It also contained operation bn pis spine. He may 'Stolle A -GaniBle. vs._-iVar'reii‘A a'pack of clgarettae. undergo another oparsUon. Ijorvta. Warren Jk Jarvis va Ptant J. llANCMlCST^EVBNiNG

^^Ittovmg—Truckingw W'ariled- Gnrdr*'arm- AnnouncemetiU ^X^AutombbUos for^Sa.Ie 4 I Business Services ^(^ifcred 13 Customer -I ^ Won't The Way HapplBeria • "Slwage -x^20 Producta Sil to HOLD EVERVTlifNG i a?'^^^NTIAC -^OACH. 1 WANTED—AlX'^klNOs' „t elec- WANTED"—EJtPERlENCJED sro-1 be ab|a -to pay Ke?p ythir he'-rt free from hatSy WELii^ROTTEO i.iiSanure. Tclt- 9 1938 tC----- >hone Ed ward. -iS^aglia. Pitoti a Packar^,^upe, 1936 Pontiac trie wirlng' raiid repairing. Any PIN Cora -.Jeer to take charge of small self- STRAWBERRY PLANTS. Prem­ ified six months. ifSiir irilnd from w orry... .Live coupe, l 9sV:t>Sdta aedan, .1936 *tM jQb given prompt attenuoo. any, Tr^ler van seVvl^, . Local aerve grocery department. Fori iers, true to name. Heavy baar- IBS Merchant Oh, that'a ily; expect lltUe; g irt milch; air.' sM ybqr Hie- with Irive; actAtef Chevrolet eerneh, 1940 Bulck CaU 8975 bafora. 7. p. m. loyihg/ packing-and 'atpraga. particulars call Hartford 8-8988] Ihg. Plant IOC in yotui Victory USUBURUi ■1^ I \ ^yvertifem^ ‘BUkCfi loam aim.-dlMn flll aedan. Bhmner, M Oakland, and aak for Mr. Chiaumano. faraon. 214 Gardner atreat. mts Some Oldy Some New, But- Neverthelcaw^ a Qiuckle or t'wW Chuitomer—TflAnka. When ^aunahlnaw.^oig'et self ...Think >r aait. Alao drlvewar^ repaired, atrect. Phone 5191. Open 7 a.^m.'' HAVE T O ^ VICTORY.^ f/.i I, '■____ :______;_____■’ __ ■' ' - • It be ready. ' df'-a^era, aill .^ 0 a*' you would be all Etk*t Hartf^jxT B-2866, to 10 p. m. Alao.Sunday’a plow.ed, harrowed and AMklKKlA Van Unea •WANTTOXW^ and- count- FOB. BALE— mn 'BER - ONE For Rent Sale aea. The aolaMq, fearful M erch an t/ ^ litx montha -sir. dorie\^.- Rent .^For SaleJ] Ed ward. Whtbel. CaJpgit Ocaat to' Cbaai moving terir- erman. Expfrlence helpful, but I Oreea Mt pofatbca; also Number of the bell'- buoys. ’The ^ Don’t 5th— Auctioneer—1 sai/iow 'offering Traveling 'eaman —-' Hello, tce. Dial 'Siat. , .< To Buy Our house , . of .the —DrlvA I ‘;Drink, thiri splendid motor ‘car at a haf- Cutey l la the'- fyer In? ' iriaui' 1937 DODGE PICK-yP, 1937 Ford North Street,^JAncheateiy: not eaaentiai. Good hours Slid 3 seconds^ A. Jarvla, 872 Parker To Acad- whlai tearing through^-qur ^ What To Buy"^ To SelH W'm a n u r e , *10 pick-up, .^ryal’er aedan, good pay. 7 Room, 883 street Tel. 7028.. village Just, beyond galn price.' Who will drive It , PWtty cn ,Nd, Freshy, but caused tt 1938 amy, on the road that I the plugged as a bo.at passed, Its good to kepp a-smllln*, f6r ■V* u ' • * . can 5608. . 1938 Chevrolet'coach, It^S Dodge RANG^^^URNEks And fibwer Main street T he ddark ar efht^r, .glistening under ..mYJtUa ■ Away foe *36.7 th* cellar Iri downstairs. Iixveatigi ;; flpontan* * Paiftting-^Papering 21 IL IT oMa TO PLANTS, 4 doien gl. hill. of'the older van ^ smlM will ebaer .ua , /Fanner (atandlng near the arriile’a a klild o f net, combustion BLEMTSH^Jj^vjTy Avon Spe- aedan, 1937 Pontiac cpach. 1987 burners of all majete a ^ kinds built kack • from the street a; the stars.' That .catches up beguilin’ Jtiat the IHLPOO poUc] Packard aedan <3ole Motora— leaned add adJ^tci^rlO years’ A GOOD PAINT-job inslue 67 Fl.rence street, comer HoU fe’s hilt-la. very steep; Yrbnt of the croiVd)—Right l GroCeir— rilrJ I wouldn’t cash on a'|5,()00 1 Formula ^A8 a child woul/^jn|Re ua crack a Jolly joke of'two, - P'OR .SALE.^1931 BUICK half ton taken lon/^tjips with 'Credit Manager—A r t , you flo- know your family beet ' ^XO0t -^ L A C K BdliroW n> * Mountain potatoea/’dellvered.^.by . Working- couple' or gentleman /•village, we had ii coW, « pig, and weep. ,- . And you’ll' find that things come duwter »tor«, SotunUy. 0 9 ijteliui rack body. Alao. one^^rig- QeU PA IN -H N a A N D .Paperhanging. WANTED— MAN OR WOMAN isg 'to pay ua aomethlng oh that Antomobile& foF Sa! rR^AIRING ahdbU peck br bushel, calling ,Olen'- preferred. (Jmnfortable and con­ a gardrin.' We had A horse, too, who had'.be^ a SO*f*. ____ Just the aunahiite^en the water*, headin’ straight for you. 5 o d (a / Situations aoney« ratton bpok« tnd.^-'peipert. •Ca.nvaas ceilings and,' wallpaper. bookkeeper for • general office with coaii|ectloriri^ln^all the I juat the rainbow lit tim aky. account7 . /' We heard of a taxi driver who irytte, Aak about ' .dui’' vlew Farmis, x'Hartfortf;^-0271. venient C. :i 8951. "but her uS^ was reSerVed for. my 'r"1K .foniMl pl«Mc c a ll' Haaowr cleaning For full litforma- John P Sujllvan. Phone 4280. work. Write Box D, The Herald. ing cltjea^'tSfthe eastSBy the/tlme It A Uttlri love, so Utue^and itri Long Ovepdbe—I can’t juat-nCriY did not make enough: nri^ney to 800 BEAUTIFUL CARS—Seda Also fresh eggs. S»'. "father.- Our'ham joi-ned the house No Need Tbe .Mtuatfoni You bring In the Lodf«, Bartforo ((-9449. tlop'^c^ii Van Camp Bros, 15 ahe''Wasahe'-mia 39 she had vurted New, la BO high. ' Credit- lianager—If you don'L pay th^ damage he done to'other coachea, coupes, conveitlblea b y ' way of SNShed. Being Wheje there- la Fallli, la newspaper and thefe- are Several j^ear^ekperience! TM- 5244. Free BAltER'S HELPER—Full or part | ROOM ’FOR RE Centrally PhlladeliHriA, and JWaShlng- .-7. —Author Unknenha. .I’ll t*U-pit your other creditors cars. - './.■■■■ .there l o s t —BtlLOVA'wriat watch I atatipn wagona In Forda, Chevro- Repairing time. Applyi'Federal Bakery, "bred; my mother could I-bve."'^ . -' '' others In the r'oarm. '\ , • ' ' ' n»|fecth)na! , 23 885 locate^./Telephk ne ton.. She had nleard/'aympho^ - .— . ■ you paldJ^a^ln full lira. Moore, director bt Jumble leta, Fiymoutha, .'Oodgea, De Main strMt. 'Osebokl Goods 61 quite get used to thia/twarigeineht X ■ Emiploymcnt. Bureau Worker Whefe there la Love, there la Wrong Way: ^ t down and Start -PIANO TUNED AND rej and- was forever reminding us to orchentra and seen k-Teal pjay- In Now wa/Mm promised in the Inn,'Saturday night. Return to Chryalera^ Oldamoblle*. ^ a theater. In W a^ngton she had Well, did you take :• the job I r Peace. ' reading. ' \ ^ '■ jr4lotora, In^868 Main ptrtet, LTVINO R0 0 !M conaista of three- 983 Main street. Phone 34W. / thgf she had met my fiither/then FUNNY BUSINESS \ and we have lt.^t(^ and get dur FLOOR SANEDINC speech difflcultiea—^apeed In silent piece living room suite, two epd 714 and a, abphomore In the Acad- BOOTS AND HEH BUDDIES Could Be BY artford. 7-8144^^peh ev4nlng*./l Laying ana nn ^ h g Poultry And Supplies 43 Sue waa quick. She- could medical Student at Bmvdoin MTer. Cole M ^ r a —4184. 1 reading Increased— vocabulary tables, coffee table, t#o lamps JZ ‘‘College. ' E. Jensen—;P h < ^ 2-0920 enlarged—tutoring In mathema­ ' hunt tXm-iqp faster than an yo ^ . EAL E ^ A T B LISl'INGS LOO.KING Fo r a COMBINATION / OIL chicken and rug. (Tan Be Purchased Sep* Wanted to Rent 68 For all her bricknOund, "my / v D No Anew —5329 ' ; tics—algebra— school subjects. , arately . d w h^ a" call came in, ■ and by ine Of AO Wanted .5.191, and tell ua brooders oityyand. 200 chick 8119 5 mother fitted n icely^tb our lit­ like. Maybe the Busine^'^ivlceg Olfei^ 18 White Studio, -.-799 Main street. BED ROOM conaistii of bed, dress­ H9 U8E OB APARTMENT, 2 or time he got hla things tbgeth^ahe' "V ^ Oaah A^llable. / capacity, U t A 6. ■ Montgomery more bddrooma ' umurniahaa, tle' village, w her^^y father’s wSl be Juat Ur ELECTRItr AN¥> Acetylene weld­ Phone 2-1392. would ha'** G** horsa hitch^ and R AD ^ , RBPAmiNO—Pick- up War/ Faph Store,'824-828 Main er; chest, sU^^dy spring, coinfort- family had lived ^ 'th 're e genera- open eveninga ing. Waltrt-i'Farker,,-^500, Bum- 'able mattress, pillows, vanity about *76. Best refefencea. WUl watting is Yhe drivewajL But she 18 REAtTV,^» h» bossy tions and whert/nis father had- aide kverrue/ or 187 VVoodlawn -lampa, chair and night tabic. Can 4982 been the d 'X . / feathering, low mortality, large 'TERMS ARRANGED 2 1289 oats had better sense Than my father, ---- i yM reward for rent ■ U , My father waa f>\ Automdti^ .WASrrjBD—A LADY ahort/dnler aired birds. Super for both meat Branch of'Oonnectlcut'a hria loo, though she and/ha respected it;, leaving all W/^SHBR.K V ACtlUMS. • Electric inOnil judgments to her dlacre- \ mbton. eteV repaired. All partia cook; and light kitcbei). work. and eggs. Hatches weekly, de- Largest Furniture Store. / Mni. m himself waa ten- jMachfnm mand strong. Drive over .to Fred 12 d—it took almost noth^ Mon, “Aak your mother,” he would SevetaM-Room Slpgieav'eoni- available. 24-hpur service. CSiarg- Short hours. Good.: Houses for Sale - tell US, when, "hoping for a gentler Good bsgea! l^dMtlal bosl- Oak GriU, 89 Oak atrrtt. MillerA- Poultry Fann, North A-L-B-E-R-T-S _ to fln his eyes with teama-y Ms! Apply Iq plefe with aKpInee/acreena and M C b. D. Manchester S-1489 FOR S/cLE~--d ROOM HOUSE,' verdict,’.we would appeal to him WK HAVE. CASH mora|nge or evei Coventry or phone evenings, Man­ 43 Allyn St,—Hartfo 1»ut Julia acorned aoftriCas of a/y y-fv Btorm wlndowA Available apnea WANTED—W O M ^ for general ateXm heat, with ollTjumer, 1 car "She Is th e. boss here." ("I boas AH hiring i In aocordanoQ chester 8626. kind. She had no qualdna a t/ a ll 2 i office. Work. Bookkeeping - and garage-Side of house, aun -parlor, ahoat such thing* aa baiting hooka the boys," He' Wii>(ild sometimes With a Uitatian plan. ^ for twr rooma\n>atalr£ Down, LOCAL MOVING—ijap^ ashes Ahd FOR SALE—FOLDING-baby car­ laughingly, add;F He asked her 4-Room Single '-xStenography experience heeded. riage. Telephone SQ59 o lot 70x140. 67 Blssell 8treet,'Man- and having klttena drowned. She payment • aa lo ^ a# 890O.M. rubbish, removed. Atwhdeen Strsw- cheater. (Tall after 6 p. m. / advice constaTrilUjr and took It— on ALLEY OOP ,^und8 Fflmiliar T. HAMLIN 8 and Side berries, g2; per-l9(),'*15 per .1,999. Apply by letter Ip own handwrit­ Articles for Sate '45 Onter street. gave no aympsthy and/derated Reaaonable monthl^^^^^ none. If she was ajck. She never town affaM, on any speech he ■•\ / CaU 6718 or 28 Foley street ing, Box .I, Herald. FOR SALE — TENEMENT S and 5 Duplex hr Flat Soniebel Bros. BABY'S PLAY PEN and pad, *3. FOR SALE7-6 NE 2 burner^ gi 3 acknowledged It. 'Wpen A teoth was asked to deliver (he loved “to 1 TXSM'T LUdDEUSTAMD house, car garage. dUllty make-Speeches). even on the cSm BUV WAR BOMDS Xj" L ^ t r them • and 6 Duplex or Flat RoM Tel. 8119 BOOKKEEPINQ'aervlcea ahd ac­ WANTED—SHIRT PRESS opera- Alad goTf cluba arid bag, *5. Tele­ plate. Also; Perfection oil heater. 2 2 had to come out, .she pulled It her­ ------~ ------—— ^ WITH B£MM, am PEOP>UE...l0UeS& |eds. with approximately aakgd tt When he contenripfated ^i.THXDnrry t’iV g to g-Roofli Single with H to Jarvi$ Remty counting. Reaaonable. Phone . , tor.r, 'Also one for flat work Ironer. phone 2-9473; Phone 3691. 1-2 self by tying one end of a string r r s UKE THEV SAN. 3627 acfa/f extra' land, beautifully ^ .tnveatmrtit. Bhe had never ■Ihat b -ikd I X JU S T AIKfT ' , I Aerea of Land PHONES 4 US OB 7275 days, or evenings. . Model, 78 Slimmlt street. to It, the.dther end to 'the door­ HARNESS SET for .sale! 0 >iripare LET'^ARD'S d o ..; the complete landaCqped, and pay* 19 per cent knob, th'en slamming the - door. -volunteer^ It, either, until that THEM.' CKhUXBD/ T to 8-Room Single with 4 Bed- Week Days and Sundays vATTENTION-MARRIED women. with the finest aetr'made. Full /eating Job. ..Pay nothing' until of value\Mnually<''^No brokers. Moreover, ahe had spirit. In thoie spring afternoon ln. J 9o9. roonM See owner/n p^mlaea. S Grand But/he went -ahead In spite of Full oc part time work i* avail­ size, sturdily made of good quali­ 'Nov. 1st. Steam qnd hot water 3 daya when children' were riup- Sir 9ftKf g to S-Room Single with l^d'^ "w a n t ed Roofing—Bepairing M / i able at McLellan'a, 97!^ Main S t ty, heavy leather. Well-setvn. aven’je, R^KviIle, Conn. pOMd to accept without question, her./ He bought , the American Boned tor chickens. Must be ______iL ____ , boilers.afe available. If your boil- .1 hlade for years- of hard ,f«fm she challenged anyone, ^regardless HotiSe and, - through a Portland aenr boa line. IsTwom ' out or la :paing too agency, hired A mAq named • Jim ROOF."’ OF ALL T Y PE S ^ la l;e d WAKTEDt-WOMAN or girt with seiwice.. Priced at only' VEIWON—’T U N N ^ ROAD, new of age or experience. ejTToit CAkPENtERil 482.95 fuel get your order to us room , house, . abre, garage, McClure to run It On shares YOUNG GIRL or repaired Including slate, com­ driver’8_hoeriae, to deliver auto Wards Farm Store, Mal*7 street, now. 'VPlumb'ing Dept. Mdnt 5 .1 Alao have hnyera for ika'ge' parts and supplies around Hart- * , . Phone Hartfora^M . (To Be Oontlnurd) Store ailBd Cen LOcat^ position, shingle hr tliyjMao val- Manchester. gOlrieryXWard A Go., 824-828 5 599 36 She could not tolerate lieri or ex- - ■ .J" leya flaahlngs, gmUera.chimneys. Yord, 5 days a week. Brunner'a Tavern, '^'v. WANTED Main atreeXManchester! . euaes. Often iny mothar aakgd X Bury Wrong-Cat “Give Ihe. 0 ri: iriitl »he'w8nt« «nd charge It to me E. V. Coughlin, 399‘ Woodland. 80 Oakland street. Open 1 a. m. to FOR SALE-t-ONE/'INCH Toledo Lota for-^Sale 73 gny father lb" bring something EM Tour . With Jarris LABORERS To Work In ChiM ior I>e- Phone 7 7 0 7 1 ; .______10 p.m. dye stock,. 2 pit>^ benches', 2 pair FOR SALE—2 BURNER Atlantic home from ^ba atore. It being Just for ipt- Reaalts! partment "ttf-- Moderit-Dry strong hardwoM ladders, 19 feet, kitchen heater cbal stove. Mod , Grtenaborq, N. C.—(/Ph~jif Tomi WANTED -r S’TENPORAPHER LOT FOR SALE—95x120 feet, below Ida office. When' he forgot, Apply > rCleaniiy; Plant. x x ROOlINQ —/PECIALIZING In 1-ona Inch/rtectric drill. Phone •rn black luid white.-Tel. 2-1136. Juat off. Spruce street on Birch. he didri’t like to admit It. Instead 13-year oM feline favorite could SIDE Gl BY GALBRAITH and gene^I office wofker---liUur- I t ^ >e'd probably pull the jdl -4.T.H--A—. repairing paoft all kinda. also 697.7. - Telephone 5992. -—^ Caa apt to Say, ’"Tim didn’t -¥ -*h Inquire ip Person At ance experience, helpful, but‘ not FOR SALE—ALL WHITE ateel n gag about neiYs of hi* death J a r ^ Realty Co; .-Cellar.' , yarlQua colors for stepping stones, Conn., In valley, fot^ifaiaing Both Sue arid Julia resembled my w to'take care of a sick parson, no tobacco,, vegetables'.: Prefer or 8-Room agle with lateet W a n t e d ^ MAN terraces and walks. Green, grey, I mother's family, sue .had pliie "Pigeon Whistle?* hQu^work, no chlidren., a good purple, varigated blocks. Richard FOR S/LE—HIGH CTHAIB,- good part. pf farm withput build­ Pi^ablnlera .jimprovements 4 or S-Boem GIRLS AND WOMEN ^ i/n>^e for somebody. Box S, Tb^ condition. Telephone 76’T3 . . ayes, a short,' straight nose,' and I Lewis, 56 Ardmore Road, Man­ ings (Unless ,Tn0xpensive.l [heavy chestnut hair which she cape Cod with dotnnaera —r Dn- M A LE H ELP W ^ N tE D H efs/.- Will pay cash. ,J7o agent Spokane, 'Waah.y4)p)-- CMunty .IN ALL DEPARl-MENTS ..-i- chester. ' FOR,SALEJt^2 Fa i r green drapes, I wore In coronet braids. Julia ha'd plexee or C^ts, 'hpd 8 aa ‘ V. J . . — ----- eommlsaioners are/Wflrrvln^■'/ ' 5 lined, 3 braided'riiji^'aolld maple ADDRESS BOSC [brown eyes, brotvn-.Cijrls, and a delay* In the deUvery of a "pic 8 and 6; l^ a ll FaimNinttaii] Pleasant cpiiditibRs. Clean Care HERALD I nose that wall pl^rikaritly ro'unded WANTED— -J4V, For3 feady Work H^lp \Yanted—Malo wall rack, makogapy dresser and whistle." Bulling'Supt. Kimball for ealalag goats. T>M.Mw steady Pays'welK Fuel and Feed 49-A baby’s maple high.chair. Phone I Both had slend^. grace'ful figures. Devereaux AAlq the experlmentrij- PuflW ftirt Tline. ^ l WANTED—E3 CP1^RI^N(TED lathe [I ^ S stiirdy«/ilke my father. I j : property khli JarvliC ’ \ See'Mr. B^rfett At operators. Appl^ ' (XL. Hilliard 3-1491. whistle. Which would dUiperse the TOBER Ihkd .{hln, mousv hair which .1, birds by. a"nigh pitched sound, had * . / - y Apply Mutual Heating Plant street Marichpater, Conm W(SGD* f o r SAXETirlnqulre 691 I wore In abort, limp brald-s, looped > ^ S E B A L L MFG. CO. Portrt/treet. 7 €orde*JBag8 I up and tied with a ribbon.! gray' been cqibpleted but burned out be­ JARVIS REALTY CO. Rear Circle Theater WAN'TED-T-BO'li TO mow liv Machinery and Tools ^ 52, fore It could be InaCalled. "They Ofloe 4 U 8 ■ Bpaldeaee TgIS •yea. arid a--noae'tl}at turned iip Elm Street ' Oak Street See or ..cMl A. W> Benson, had It,operating once, but they got JSjajjjjajjgAiWVBl yeakdayaandSaaday. 1 ColanioL^flMrd ' 4 ^ la little. Prinpeton street. '• Gardeti-^I -D a iry ’ GLETRAO c r a w l e r tractors Itz-mixed up .so that it affected dogy available to qualifying farmers mother had .bejn a native instead of pigeons.;’ said Cdmmts- / m ets SO Jof^ .Boston, and although my C^pany Sec ua for full details; Dublin aiqner Wyiie Brpm-n. / RED RYDER On-the Railroad BY FRED HARMAN T .-^15 Parker Street Tractor (jpmpany, Willimantio. ifather-uaed to joke her above hav- STRAWBEiCr Y. Piamiera: aspar­ married beheath her and agus, Ma/y ""Waahliwton*, 35 I come to live In the provln'cea, he » Faint .my .Spofa Ring / plants * 1.(X), 109 for fi.75. Del­ [felt the trutlr of IL jUst the .same. T G ^ t SOLD phinium, Canterbury Bella,, Bas­ Miuiral Instruments -5*' I Whenevi/.'Tny grandparents vla- Chicago— (>Pl—After Mrs./Shir- \, le; pfmstein lost a dlamgrid ring Here la a large dtq>lex house of six rooms each tenefiient."A ket ^ ,^ld. Sweet William and i tted ua^he couldn’t do enough for WANTED other wrennlals, .4 .for 85c,-^or- A STEINWAY GRAND piano, Ithenyw for us, either. Ordinarily in,f" Loop theater, attondA'nls turn­ Being rooiBh;|||« dtiung room—a kitchen—a pgsatry and a front geb-nM-nota,. deep blue, c. a beautiful period model For. full I If a-^tient wanted a splint or'a ed up the house lightg-full blast tc^ 59 help the search. Detective James m vestibule and Xe^arate porches for each half of the hou^RK basket. John Zapadka, 168 Wood- Traut stepped. l?v’'YQU’ye'got to aide has s te i^ heat-—the. other has a ^varm air furnace piped to TOP DOLLAR ;lSna street. Phone 8474. '-phone-number, Post' Office Box be'kitchen. but whrin my grarid- 766, H^tford. - ' Iparenta were with ua, he - took give, diamonds/tne right hind of the n ram ^ There Isi a one-car garage. ' Located on East Side ■ '/V... , ,/:. ■■ ■ llghL" he said; dousing all .the FOR YOUR ^wing- Machine OpeWitpr^' Spinners, Weavers,-- 'V leveryona down lo the office, as If ^lewi a abort mtanM from MiUh Street and East Center Street. Own­ |H were a matter of course. He lights and jnrtng hisTlashtight. AK VA __ __ _ fe^miiriutea search, the faint S' ers ar/haklng *7,9<)0. ■ ’ and General Help, both Male and Female. (Ranged hla shirt the minute he Wearing Apparel— itted the ring. “Moonlight /. Two P iecer |«ame ia without being reminded, -Family vlat north of the Center, 8 rooms ea^-floor. • Furs ’ 67 better," commented Traut cbwi. ■» mk usmetL sm or TRUCK X lAnd he kept nia coat ojn all the - - *’ -• ’ W for two ear*. t. • „ Products urg^tl.Y needed ..by Jh e Armed Forces- Jtlm*. (My mothefxhad to keep ... . . Smith—Yea; she's married to a “Regardless pf the food "lil^tage and evcf^'tliing. mirt J I BUY SUMMER sportswear at |(fluifp eye on Jiilia\^then.) , Hf^ V Mancheater Orem Section,;, Seven-Room Single. Fireplace. Op e n *t il lo p. m. Let's back our Victorious Afmies; They still nera7 factory- salearoom. Jerkin sqns; luked to talk businea^-.withwith T>»v *■«*'' estate agefit and a good, you dare-repeat A\Jial vou jiiSI said in front of tltg'chil- Steam heat. -Garage. ~ / - - ^ ’ W hqrieat fellow, too. ’ , d r c f t — a n d skirts, jackets, toppers, j»iey8, I grandfather, especially- aboiit 'the those" neighb^m may counl lltoir jjfiickens jtnnmKHiaa«iaj3fj. . PHONE 5191 our support- . -' \ - \ ibO pwcent wool sweatetW Man lahrewd deals he had made.y*' Man—My gracious! Biga'ray? ' '.e J. every eyifning anyhow!"/. 'X y cheater Knitting Mills, /luncbes- Rrora the tinM T waX t, my. ROBERT J. smith, IKC. U. 8. TIRES ter Green. Open 9 a s*/ to 9 p. m. Igrtriidindparants’ vtrilta /had been ./ 'Aliot^r Chanca BY LESLIE TURNER ■ / (HiENEY BROtHERS dally. / IgrowinIng leas frequ^s/ The trip lERVlLLE POLKS BY PAINE FOK WASH> TUBBS Real Estate and Insurance hard; they ^ d , and they PBEST-O-LITE '-V ^ gAwwHae.AT t^..oTTio peisRccs a p a r t m e n t WMT.ottO! 98* MAIN STREET . > .. TELEPHONE 8450. ' / V / ' . ■ and ■were getting older. They pre- w ot ABOUT THOSE MR, DESBEE PAID RAMON. VOU AND BATTERIES MONA HAP BETTERt' Plt)NEE^»ARACHUTE COMPANY Wanted>^To buy 58 Iftrred to have -ua come to Boston. CROO.K5 THAT THEV IHElte SAIL..THEy [EFT PlfPTy.'dRAHO AUMOSr E£H BRUUANT . t h e P 1U . B 0 X t h a t H e t D , o u t u n t i l , w a s h d a y ARRESTEO WitH'lriErt s>omE time AtSOi OOR FlMdER5 *!-Tt«M THAT MAKV OUT TO McKEE'S- ■ 7 7 : " ■ . ■/ _____ —...a— ,. I We girls preferred' that, too, "for 6ELV 00R P iCTUBf. lOSA! PERHAPS Iwa lovad to tail down the bay, GAWCN, 0E^K&'6 IN /AS S E T the' aala of alcoholic liquor on the same size but ia a bit more elabo­ ___ ’»■lOU'P PULllTH’ DON'T KNONU A^ SAVIN’ AS EYiie f X Guess ALSO GOES spinning 80 OARl AND STRET premlaca of 57 Blaaell 'atreet, Manchea- rate and makes a ripiendid dress-up UMDERPANTS HER—SHE’D YOURS. BUT I WB‘i.L HA.V.6 TI9 . ON-CtSUNfSTO ALDON MILLS S' 4k"' * Tal.cottville, Conn.. A & P SUPER MARKET' [ter. Conn. The (maineiS ia owned by bag. ■ ■ . . OUT WORE LIKE S a-V rr*U_ BB' JlST AlNTOROWlN AWM4D OX-tKp ' OOTSMOOT OPEN 7 A. M^TO 10 P. M, . 717. Main Street At BisseO Street John .paaaelll of 37 Clinfon street, Man- To obtain complete croebeUng TH1$ SHE'D SbOM SUMMER. / A S FAST AS.YOU. ' SUft+le FROM I Chester, (hnn., and Homer Smith of instructions for the Dorde’ Bags SEE THAT ■HDU 5 0 0 W AND ER I'D LOOK JlST- All hiring done in accordant with area stabili^ion plan. I Andover. Conn., and will be conducted AN’ TH’ UMDER- TDU WON'T AS DISREPUTABLE.* eooMi, Rooeo This SAtSiDLS I by Homer Smith of /hdover, (joitn., 1 (Pattern No. 5744) sAd (Pattern INCLUDING SUNDAYS VUEAR CAM’T n eed he avy IF A PENNY WAS PR.IY& P O «. AT A F»ES>^ I permittee. ^ ifo.: 5713) send IS' cents In. CMn P L A T e .O B ' r- . HOMER SMrfH BOTH LIVE INTH UNDERWEAR. BUTTER MY MA QOIC'UBGT DRftVJ Dated Mth of April. 1545. for;each 'pattern, pliu 1 cent pos­ s a m e PANnS,. AND THEM ftCCJUUP BUTTER CHsLTwe <&«fwv B t s e w ’S./ IH-4-34-41. tage for each...Y<>^FlName. AddroaS AN' SHE'D OIT PANTS WILL sot SLICES OF L A tftE / and Pattern'^ N ^ b e ra to Ann*' . -VOU A WEW LAST A L^C» -BREAD WrTH MICKEY J^INN ^.Taking No Chances LANK LEUNAKD OUTFIT.* Cabo^The Maricheriter'HeraM 1159 IME IT.' i.o.ar«i,ona YET.' IHAfRMD TNC I THINK A SHAVE SO yOUREA r.SLIT A By Sue Boraett* Read Herald Adva." Sixth avenue, New York *9. N. T. Perky two piecer that 'Will be --V-* BIHMY I 'MIGHT MAKE WE PRISONER, yOURSJlF, sitfRiFFS throat: ’hPERS ABLE ID GIVE HIM Any i FfEt BETTER, EH? WiiAT ARE Ideml for vAcation fun. You’ll rate SENT REPORTERS as the fashion expert of your group BREAKS AT Aii: 'm u t fOK? in this amoothly fittlng^ frock. OVERIOTHE JAIL “ Pattern No. 8798 la designed for CHECK ON PHIL.' TO sizes 11, 13. 13, 14, 16 and 18. Size 32, short sleeves, requires 3 7-8 WANTED: Experienced SiPiio^upheri yards of 35 or 39-lnch materiaj; 3 •SHERIFF * JO yards machine made pleatingt McHtifU *ra«nl«i. BORN_TH)Rryj;E^^SJ»o^oo^^

iikg'S ■. .A,..':-;

mraiTiTMwtTi 'i • V y