Old Fulton NY Post Cards by Tom Tryniski

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Old Fulton NY Post Cards by Tom Tryniski April 3, 1952 Page id Orangetowtt Telegram, P«mH River, N. V. Seen From County Bowling Tournament Starts Friday at thejlub Alleys the A BLE A C H ER S County and District 9 Bowling Champs County Schools ! " Records for Entries and Prize By ART HOPPER Spring Valley Bowlers Win Invited to New Money Broken Spring arrived officially, accord Section 9 Title at Middletown Paltz Carnival lng to thr calendar, on Friday of A special invitation 100-yard dash la.it week. March 21. Since then .>/ • Sixth Annual Tourney Coach Manny Singer's bowlers to bring together the 16 best sprin­ the weather hasn't been too nice, ters in the area will be the main or seamed much like spring, but put on another high class perform­ Brooks Holds Key Sponsored by Rockland balmy weather should be just ance laht Saturday, when they won attraction of the Hudson Valley Re­ around' the corner, The first com­ the Section 9 Class B title In a one lay Carnival, This year, and in the County Bowling Assn. petition in P.S.A.L. baseball, track, day tournament held at Middletown. To Baseball Hopes future, these relays will be held at and tennis is only a short way off, In winning this event, they com­ the Central High School at New By EI) M \I III- It To this writer, even without the Paltz, New York. The date of the pleted a clean sweep of all the com­ Of Nyack Indians 1952 Relays is Saturday, May 10. Spring Valley is playing host, to advantage of having previewed th.3 petition they have faced this year, Thirty-«ix other events will be this yeitr's Rockland County bowl­ schoolboy teams, it seems at this having previously won the Rock­ With 80 players out for varsity, ing championships for the second time that the. defending champs in jayvee and freshmen baseball at Ny­ held. The Individual events will be land County league title, and then the 180 yard low hurdles, discus, time and, according to tournament each of the three s[ orts will be the winning the Rockland, County ack High School, Coach Rudy Rej; officiate, is outdoing all previous teams to beat this year for the high jump, javelin, shot put, broad Tourney title in a one day affair holec hopes to improve the Indians' five events by a wide margin. This respective titles. That means Ha­ 8-6. fourth place finish of the 1951 jump, and pole vault. Relays at l't last Saturday. This is the second miles, I mile, 880 yards, 440 yards sixth annual tourney is being stag verstraw is t.e number one favor­ season. ed at the Hub Bow-ling Center, be­ ite to repeat in baseball, Suffern year in succession that the Spring and a freshmen 440 yards will be 1 Jar.e.s Brown, shortstop iwho ! ginning Friday, April 4, and all pre- 1 favored to again take the track and Valley bowlers have made a clean ; featured in each of three classes. sweep of the competition they have hatted at .405, and Ira Howard, out- viouq records, as to number of en­ held championship, and I'earl River fielder, both of iwhom received | Class A members will be from tc repeat in tennis. Nyaek will give faced. schools with 500 or more boys. tries, prize monies, and added All-County honorable mention last I special prizes will be broken. the Pirates a stiff battle for the rac At the Middletown affair, the Class B schools must have over 150 quet crown, however. Let'* look at season, are lost to the team this j team had to come through -wiUi year. Catcher Oalbraith is also no ; boys: while Class C members come This can only be attributed to the recoid of the winning teams a high score in the last game in from schools with under 150 boys. the excellent cooperation that the last spring in these three sports. longer available. Coach Rejholec I order to win out, and they did con.c seems to have a pretty formidable j This year, for the first time, priz­ Rockland County Bowling Associa­ tion and its tournament committee llifeli.nl Haverstraw took the through in grand style. Paul Clou­ squad, however. es will be awarded to all winnets. ser. ;i 3 year veteran roue to the oc The first second and third place has received from Mayor Anthony py.AL diamond championship j, For pitching there arc Car! year ago with a 12-2 record, while caston with a rousing 222 in his winners of the special invitation Milewskl, the proprietors of the third frame. Gerry Farmer, an­ Brooks, Frank Cuff, regular hurl- event will each receive an engraved Hub Bowling Center, Hal and Mui i'earl River finished a strong sec­ era last year, Robert Prindle. un­ ond "with an 11-3 ranking. The Red other 3-year veteran, had a good trophy. Victory plaques will be ray Orland, and the many mer­ 17'i. He and Clouser each posted beaten in three starts; and Mike awarded to those schools which win chants of Spring Valley. The con­ Raiders cop| ed despite the fact Condcllo up from the jayvecs. that Don Woods of the Pirates shut good three game totals of 535 and relays; the members of the win­ tributions that these people have them out fi-0 in the final loop game 641 respectively. Tom Roepe vet­ Jim Rldlon and Jim Gulezian, ning teams will receive trophies; made to the tournament is what The Riveiite hurler gave up only eran anchor man wasn't as shaip veterans, arc available for first and members of the second and third has enticed the bowlers ftom all one, hit in that contest, a single by as he has been thioughout the long second base, respectively. Jeff Del The Spring Valley High School bowling team whose achievements include county and district teams will receive ribbons. A, tro­ over the county to enter this year's Drescher in the fifth inning. season, but he posted a series total lolio, who played the outfield last phy will also be. given ,to all win­ event. year, is presently the leading candi­ championships. Left to right—Paul Clouser, Harold Johnson, Cal Schupner, Gerry Farmer, Ed Manion of 473. Hal Johnson, a rookie who and Tom Roepe. Coach Manny Singer, in the foreground, is providing technical advise. ners of the individual events. The program for the opening However, this year the Brick- hss been rolling excellently posted date for the shortstop berth. Larry Recently at the New Paltz Cen­ t owners will have three key players Pia, another veteran, will hold down —Photo by Eli Shuter. night will feature many dignatm- a 464, while Cal Schupner and Ed tral High School work was complet­ ies of Rockland County officialdom from last year, all of whom made Manion divided the duties in the the third base position. ed on the new athletic field. This the All-Cot nty team, available, and the bowling firemancnt. Al 5th spot. Between them they total­ Bob Kopenhaver, who played in field contains a big quarter mile Cirillo, of "Bowling Hcadlincrs," while Pearl River will be without ed a 452. Woods, Jerome Bcftiomolo. Frank the outfield last season, is currently Tiger Diamond Letchworth Big Five, Best in oval track which is highly res WOR-TV. will be the; master of Smith, Ralph Eriekson and other Suffern was the heavy competi­ t he number one. candidate for the ponsible for attracting the atten­ ceremonies. Jules Lazar wil wel­ last year's stars. tion for the Class B\ title, and they catching spot Jim Miele, who saw tion of several schools and this come the bowlers. Mayor Milewski held a slight lead going into the action in the outer garden last year, 1 L n 0ne Gome meet. The Red Raiders arc sure of good will be flanked by four other Rock­ 3rd game, but the 881 team totil and Walter Rose, who played for Some of the school* which have land County mayors, John V. Kilbj pitching again. "Red" Schassler, rolled up by the Valley in that 3rd Congers last year, should earn out­ Eg? JSl ^""'* °« ° 'yFor the umpteenth time in a received invitations to participate of Nyack, Harry Schuler of Ha­ now! a senior,, had an 8-2 pitching game was too much for them. Lib­ field positions. Bob Riker should in this years Carnival are: King­ record last year. He toiled 60 inn­ Spring really came early to row the Letchworth Big Five, with verstraw, Roy W. Spicer of Suffern, erty and Saugerties were the north see action in the outfield and as a ston, Roscoe, Liberty, Newburgh, and Charles P. Nardiello of West ings, pitched five shutouts, inelud area entries in the tournament, hav­ Spring Valley High School as last | Bucs, Defending a record of 22 victories and only utility inficldcr. Two other promis­ week's fair weather gftVf the Tiger Albany, Monticello, Poughkeepsie, Haverstraw. The mayors will be ing n no-hit, no-run game. During ing placed first and second in their ing rookies are Rudy Ran ocke and one defeat, is the) best team in- in­ Nyack, Arlington, Wallkill. Wald- the summer he gained valuable ex baseball team a chance to get, dependent basketball circles in called upon to open the tournament league, but they were no match for 1).' Waack. At the moment, the out­ Tennis Champs, en, Cossackie, Saugerties, Highland by rolling the first balls down the perience pitching for tin- New City cither of the Rockland entries.
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