HMRVBMIS MOIORLESS SERVEL Truman Against Bombing Manchuria

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HMRVBMIS MOIORLESS SERVEL Truman Against Bombing Manchuria 'VV' :fllanrl;r0tpr lEttpnfn^ 1|?ralh WEDNESDAY. APRIL 11. 1961 Join With Your Neighbors—7 Save Rags for Cancer Thee." Ronald Borkus rendered a ter'a wife to the annual MinlateFa Mrs. John Teomans served tea Sunday were Mr. and Mra. B. G. The taiga la one of the greatest to 2,000 miles wide, scrota Si­ vocal aolo aa the special musical Wivea Conference to be held thia and aandwlches. Nelson and Miss Ellen Edstrom of forest areas of the world—8ome beria and consisting principally of | ATorago Daily Net Press Run TheWooUifOr lilB lil Reports Audover selection, year at tha Monteweae House, New Supper, guesU at the home of Hartford and Mr: and Mrs. George 4,000 miles long and from 1,000 coniferous trees. For the Week Ending ToUand County Fans Bureau Haven in June. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spear on NelMn. A pril 7, 1081 Fereeaal at 0. & Weather Bmess Revenue Boost H m annual msetlng of the And­ will sponsor a Garden meetlAg at Action waa taken on the formal over Congregational church wrlll North Coventry Grange hall on ballot of the Hartford District, be held In the Social room on A pril 13 at 8 p. m. There will be Feltowahlp Congregational Chris­ 10,168 TPsOw elteidy. rilpwesa la the tian Women. THURSDAY im alU'ilFiiiirir IwUFullUt ItlF raill afternoon: tonight rain; Friday , , Haw n m a. ApiH ll^IncwM e April 30 at 8 p.m. movies, garden Ideas and plans, Member of the Andit Officers of the church and church Voted to pay our dues to the speakers, questions and answers and Bareaa of CUrcnlatlone of M on *»««« 16,000,000 bi opent- organizations are requested to hand and a quiz with prizes. Owen 8. Wllllmantic Council of Church M anchester—^A City of Village Charm ttm lawBUM and a drop of more their reports to Marlon Stanley, Trask 4-H Vegetable Specialist, Women. GflRTnEliS O n 91,000,000 in oxpenMS taat clerk before April 15. University of Connecticut will pre­ The president announced the fol­ TIT Mairs Si Morschea’of, Cofin t-144 FRIDAY ■s compared with 1940 were lowing nominating committee: The monthly "Family Night" of sent the five Ps of 4-H Garden (CISMlfled Advertlning oe Pnge 19) nvo rtadrted--to -- New Haven Railroad the church and community will be Mra. John Shepherd, Mrs. Arthur VOL. LXX, NO. 168 MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1951 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE nVE CENTS today at their annual Club work—Plan, Prepare, Plant, 1 held on Friday, April 27th. Preserve and Participate. All 4-H Savage and Mrs. Donald Richards. lare by the directora and The Vernon l^aboratory School for Tha meeting was closed with devo­ F. CL' Dumlne, president, and Garden club members are urged to Sunday and vacation church school attend. tions by Mrs. Crook. ekalrman. leaders will be held at the Vernon TfnH tw t TIm awelllnf of revenue waa re- The Ladles Benevolent Society Congregational church in four ses­ will sponsor a rummage,- food and ■ortad da due largely to a aub- sions April 12-19 and 26 and May Increase In fKlght trana* flower mart In the church social 3 a t 3:30-8 p.m. Enrollm ent Is rooms on Friday, April 20. Plans ation which more than offset limited to those planning to attend Chewing Wrigley’s LARK C reduction from passenger serv- all sessions. For details see Howard for a waste paper drive are pro­ Quolify Hm now iDa. Jennings, Deborah Hamvor the gressing. Each member of the so­ low prieo of 18" Cut Truman Against Bombing Manchuria Operating expenses were re- pastor, Rev. Malcolm Crook. ciety is urged to sove such articles Spearmint Gum dneed despite increased costs. Guest pastor at the 11 o’clock and temporary storage space has Greater operating efficiency was service April 8 was Rev. Marion been offered at the homes of Mrs. This Year’s effected by use of additional dlesel- S. Hostetler formerly professor of John Hhepperd and Mrs. Herbert Freshens The Taste dlectrlc engines and other cost­ Bible at Westminster College, Thompson. BIGGEST VALUE saving equipment. The Improve­ McCarthy Sees DiHrii88 MarArtliiir Resolutions Salt I-akc City, Ctah, presently do­ At the last regular meeting of When the mouth is dry or the ment program last year cost $8.- the society Mrs. Harrison Topltff, in P o w er ing advanced study at the Hartford taste is stale, there's nothing American Planes Down Five 903 000 Seminary Foundation. "Christ and president of Wllllmantic Council Lawn Mowers Maintenance of roadway, struc­ Christian Women waa the guest more refreshing than a stick of ^^reasoii in Sees War Risk Family Life" was the topic of his tures and equipment are calculated speaker. delicious Wrigley’s Spearmint to cost approximately f.lO.OOO.OOO Sermon. The hymns were "Come Thou Almighty King." "O Love Further biisiness transacted — Gum. Its lively, cooling flavor- MIGs in Biggest Jet Fight In 1951. vote to underwrite expenses of real. old-fashioned garten mint Regular $2.00 Value Net Income from other than rail That Will Not Let .Me C.o" and White House” "O Master Let Me Walk With Mrs. Malcolm Crofjk. our minis- —freshens the tasce and breath operations amounted to $2,315,2.'>2, We u n only durable QUAL­ moat of this being rentals In the ■liixiet instantly. Two Chinese Divisions In Air Attack Grand Central Terminal, N. T., 'Then, too, chewing Wrigley’s ITY materials that add months Waves Goodbye for Death House Ride Charges Truman Ruled area, other non-income operating Spearmint Gum gives you long- of wear lo your shoes. Work Pull Back on Central By *^Boiirbon and Ren- properties, dividends and Interest lasting enjoyment for little done while you wail, if you Wn.ahinglon, April 12—(/P)—PreBident Truman Is deter* from subsidiary companies and AMESITE DRIVEWAYS prefer. Front; ROK's Advance edieline” on OiiMter mined (hut Uniled Nations bomberH stay away from Man­ leased lines, including $435,686 non­ e RF.nUURD RATES SINCE 1020 money. It’s a good idea to keep recurring net adjustment. This e ORADINU FREE WORK a package in your purse or For the man with an average lawn and a regard for his 26 Miles Into North Of General MacArthiir churia and China, at (hik Htoge of the Korean fiKhting, lest attacks on Red baseH touch off a general war. In his radio compares w ith $1,676..558 In 1949 e POWER ROI.I.ER USED GUARANTEED pocket, so you can eqjoy a stick pocketbook, the LARK is today’s best buy. Here...for the SUEDE SHOES and $1,746,647 In 1948. e FREE ESTIMATES CALL anytime, anywhere. Tokyo, A pril 12—{JP)— A m erl- j Milwaukee, April 12 ue\ The addres.s last night explaining why he fired Gen. Douglas Sold Real Estate Parcels e "HME PAV51ENTS MANCHESTER first tim a power mower with features previously found REGLAZED & CLEANED esn warplxiMa shot down five Milwaukee Journal totlay quoted MaeArthur, Mr. Truman made clear the "bomb line” moat H ie board reported sale of 278 e SAVE 10% FOR CASH 1601 only in more expensive models. No more push or pull ■ LIKE NEW! enemy Jete, probably destroyed Sen. McCarthy (R-\Vi.s) a.s saying remain at the Yalu River boundary between North Korea real estate parcels not required SAVE WITH when you buy a Lark. You’ll finish faster... feel fresher. two more and damaged 15 today for railroad operation. A sub­ in two roaring air fights over that "treason In the White Mouse " and Manchuria—unlesH the CommunistH themHelves compel stantial saving of real estate taxes I northweit Korea. has been accomplished by "bour­ other action. • ---------------------------------------- resulted and In many Instances DeMAIO BROTHERS All American planes came safe­ The President himself put the communities have been the bene­ Call Now—We Personally Supervise All Work ly out of the battles. bon and benedictinr." question MaeArthur long has been ficiaries of sales. c&oH 04tdclue One of the thunderous clashes McCarthy asserted, according asking: Korea Peace An additional annual payroll of Blish Hardware Co. was the biggest jet fight in his­ to the Journal, that the "trea.son" more than $10,500,000 will result "Why don't we bomb Man­ Jicwuftf/iec/eloef tory. In Involved 152 jet planes was accomplished by men who churia anil Clilna itself? Why from Increases for non-operating 793 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER —80 Russian-made MIO-lSs and Move by U.N. employees approved by the board knew how "to get the President don’t we a.-sist the I’hlnose Ns- . 72 American F-89s and F-84s tionallst troops to land on the In March and retroactive to Feb. and about 40 B-29 medium bomb- cheerful." and continued that the 1, last A new pension plan for ars. dismi.ssal of Gen. MaeArthur hy mainland of (5\lnaT’’ Unit Slowed supervisory forces, supplementing FREE YOURSEIF On the ground, two Chinese di­ the President Is "a Communist "If we were to do these things," 1 the Railroad RetIremnt Act Is es­ visions pulled back suddenly and victory won with the aid of bur- he answered, "we would he ninning tim ated to cost $4,400,000 annual- mysteriously on the central front. bon and benedictine." a very grave risk of starting a Offices Com m ittee FROM THIS! 0 Hep. Joseph W. Marlin (»Iass.) (left) and Sen. Ki-nneth Wherry general war.......... If we wore to Jy . American troops pushed cautious­ The Wisconsin Senator, accord­ with such additional expenses, IjOare ^ peacock -te present tne - • • ly ahead in their wake against no ing to Journal reporter Robert (Neh.), Kepuhlleiin floor leaders, go over resolutions ealling for Uoii- do these things, we would become 'I'o frive China Reda together with the "unsettled re- opposition.
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