Chapter 1: the Life and Times of John Owen 9
Christ Exhibited and the Covenant Confirmed: The Eucharistic Theology of John Owen John C. Bellingham, MDiv Faculty of Religious Studies McGill University, Montreal February 27, 2014 Submitted to the Faculty of Religious Studies at McGill University in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts There is a reception of Christ as tendered in the promise of the gospel; but here [in the Lord’s Supper] is a peculiar way of his exhibition under outward signs, and a mysterious reception of him in them, really, so as to come to a real substantial incorporation in our souls. This is that which believers ought to labour after an experience of in themselves; …. they submit to the authority of Jesus Christ in a peculiar manner, giving him the glory of his kingly office; mixing faith with him as dying and making atonement by his blood, so giving him the glory and honour of his priestly office; much considering the sacramental union that is, by his institution, between the outward signs and the thing signified, thus glorifying him in his prophetical office; and raising up their souls to a mysterious reception and incorporation of him, receiving him to dwell in them, warming, cherishing, comforting, and strengthening their hearts. – John Owen, DD, Sacramental Discourses XXV.4 ii Table of Contents Acknowledgments iv Abstract v Résumé vi Introduction: John Owen and the Lord’s Supper 1 Chapter 1: The Life and Times of John Owen 9 Chapter 2: John Owen’s Sixteenth Century Inheritance 35 Chapter 3: The Lord’s Supper in Reformed Orthodoxy 80 Chapter 4: John Owen’s Eucharistic Theology 96 Conclusion 133 Bibliography 137 iii Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the following people without whom this project would not have been possible.
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