

APRIL 2016

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RECTOR (usual day off: Monday) The Revd Prebendary Edward Ward, Edgmond Rectory 820217

RESIDENT MINISTER (part time; usual day off: Saturday) The Revd David Stokes-Harrison, Tibberton Rectory 551117

LICENSED READER Paul Benton 603071

CHURCHWARDENS John Ingram, Lovatt Cottage, 5 Turners Lane, Edgmond 810337 Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, High Street, Edgmond 810880

PCC SECRETARY Jane Gill 811201




TOWER SECRETARY Paul Lewis 820135

PUBLICITY c/o Penny Westgate 812920

MOTHERS’ UNION Margaret Matthews 825976

MAGAZINE EDITOR Sara Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY 810880 Email: [email protected]

MAGAZINE ADVERTISING Chris Taylor, Provost’s House, Edgmond, TF10 8JY 810880 Email: [email protected]

MAGAZINE DISTRIBUTION Penny Hughes 07964 030621

2 Dear Friends,

“We want to make sure that we give more consumers the flexibility on Sundays to do what is right for them”, so said the Minister for Communities before the debate in Parliament about extending the Sunday shopping hours. This gives us an insight into this Government’s thinking and attitude because it suggests that for them, everything in the end comes down to money. We are no longer the electorate, passengers, shoppers, we are consumers. There is no consideration for shop workers; for those distributing the goods; for the residents who live near the shops. The consumer is the god of all things and his/her will must be satisfied whatever the cost.

We are told that extending the shopping hours on Sunday will be good for the economy because people will be able to spend more money. But no one has explained to my satisfaction where this money is coming from. There is only so much money to go around and opening shops for longer will not create more money to spend.

The Minister also used the softer word “flexibility” instead of power, which is only available to those who have the money to exercise it. And in his remarks we see the individualisation of ethics “what is right for them”. No longer are we to think what is good for the community as a whole, or for the family. From now on what matters is what is right for me.

Successive governments have championed choice. It is what people use their money for, but often having a choice depends on whether you have the money, or where you live. The wealthy will always have the freedom to make choices denied to the rest of us.

It is clear that many people want to shop on Sunday, because recently I was in Liverpool city centre on a Sunday with our daughter and grandchildren, and it was as busy as on a Saturday afternoon.

However a government has a duty to care for all its people, and this care overrides the dictates of personal choice. Just as the Government can decide that it is dangerous to drive at over 70 miles an hour, so it can decide that there should be a period of shared rest and non-consumption, which will be beneficial for the whole community.

And this is the reason why the Churches want to keep Sunday special. We do not want to return to the days of my great uncle Frank (a Pastor in an evangelical church in ) when you went to church three times, and were only allowed to read the Bible or other improving books, and were even forbidden to do knitting. Those days are long gone, thank goodness. The Churches want to ensure that Sunday is a day for communal rest and recreation, when families are able to spend time together. After all if MPs have time off to be with their families, why shouldn’t the shop workers and others?

We should remember the words of Jesus; when the respectable Pharisees complained that his disciples weren’t keeping the Sabbath correctly, he pointed out that “the Sabbath was made for the sake of man and not man for the Sabbath”.

May God bless you. Your Priest and Friend, Edward Ward 3



DATE EDGMOND KYNNERSLEY PRESTON SUNDAY 3rd 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 2nd of Easter Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion Thursday 7th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 10th 7.45 am 10.30 am 10.15 am 3rd of Easter Holy Communion Holy Communion Family Service 10.30 am Sung Eucharist 6.30 pm Healing Service Thursday 14th 9.30 am Holy Communion SUNDAY 17th 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 4th of Easter Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.30 am Family Communion 3.30 pm Holy Communion Thursday 21st 9.30 am Holy Communion 8.00 pm Compline SUNDAY 24th 7.45 am 10.30 am 9.00 am 5th of Easter Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion 10.30 am Sung Eucharist Monday 25th 9.30 am St Mark Holy Communion Thursday 28th 9.30 am Holy Communion




DATE TIBBERTON GREAT BOLAS WATERS UPTON SUNDAY 3rd 10 . 30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am 2nd of Easter Family Service Morning Prayer Holy Communion

Thursday 7th

SUNDAY 10th 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am 3rd of Easter Holy Communion Holy Communion Said Communion

Thursday 14th

SUNDAY 17th 10.30 am 10.30 am 9.15 am 4th of Easter Songs of Praise Holy Communion Holy Communion

Thursday 21st

SUNDAY 24th 9.00 am 10.30 am 9.15 am 5th of Easter Holy Communion Holy Communion Holy Communion

Monday 25th St Mark Thursday 28th



HOLY BAPTISM 14th February at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Emily Rose and Maisie Joy, daughters of Matthew and Kate Cooper. 14th February at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Annabel Rose, daughter of Paul and Victoria Pritchard. 20th February at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Rosie Alexandra, daughter of Jonathan and Katie Chadwick.

WEDDING BLESSING 11th March at St Michael’s, Waters Upton, following a Civil Ceremony – Quade and Shelly Adams.

FUNERAL 25th February at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Arthur Godfrey (Geoff) Jones. The service was followed by interment in the churchyard.

CREMATION 19th February at Crematorium – Alan Coulthard-Jones. 8th March at Telford Crematorium – Ronald Forshaw.

BURIAL 10th March at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Joan Kathleen Hall.

BURIAL OF ASHES 28th February at St Peter’s, Edgmond – Keith Reynolds.


As you may know the Rector is the Chaplain for the Marches in the Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem, which is an ecumenical, international Charity and which raises money for the treatment of leprosy and other skin diseases. He has recently been promoted to the rank of senior chaplain in The Order and will be invested as such at a service at Belmont Abbey in Herefordshire.


2016 Magazine Appeal

Yet another year has rolled by and yet again we ask you to help us towards the ever escalating costs of producing the Parish Magazine. We are most grateful for all the donations received from you, dear reader, and we hope you will understand our turning to you again and asking for your support in 2016. We hope the magazine, which increasingly includes news from the villages in addition to church news, you find of interest and value in keeping abreast of events and progress at Edgmond Village Hall and some of the planning applications etc. in the village.

An envelope is included which can be returned in the church or left at the village shop, thanks to Paul and Pam's kindness. If you are able to help in our appeal and are a tax payer please complete the Gift Aid declaration to enable us to recover an extra 25% from HMRC.

Please accept our thanks for past donations and those we hope you are able to make this year. They are much appreciated.

CHRISTIAN AID Christian Aid Week begins on May 15th. We need volunteers to deliver and collect envelopes during the house to house collection. If you can spare an hour or so please contact me. A group of people have collected for years and it would be good to have some new faces. Chris Supple - 820047

CHILDREN`S SOCIETY COLLECTION BOXES We would be grateful if all holders of Children`s Society collection boxes would let us have them for opening during the next few weeks. We can collect your box if it helps – just phone us. Many thanks. Keith and Jane Norton 3 Bayley Hills, Edgmond. Tel: 810684

NEW BISHOP OF LICHFIELD As many of you will know, the name of the new Bishop of Lichfield has been announced by Downing Street. The new Diocesan Bishop will be the Right Revd Michael Ipgrave, at present Bishop of Woolwich. The date of his enthronement in Lichfield Cathedral has not yet been announced.



The Rt Revd Michael Ipgrave OBE, MA, PhD is pictured top left on our front cover. Dr Ipgrave, currently Bishop of Woolwich in London, will shortly become our next diocesan bishop. He will be the 99th Bishop of Lichfield, succeeding the Rt Revd Jonathan Gledhill who retired last year. You can read more about Bishop Michael on the diocesan website at and we will be featuring his arrival in future issues of this magazine. Below him is a photograph of Lichfield Cathedral where the diocesan bishop has his seat or “cathedra”. It is the only English mediaeval cathedral to have three spires which are affectionately known as “the ladies of the vale” – well worth a visit this summer! Below that is a delightful photo of the late Duke and Duchess of York, later to become King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, with their baby daughter Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. As we all know, this baby grew up to become our present Queen who celebrates her 90th birthday on April 21st this year. On the right is a picture of the tree planting which has been taking place in our village – read more about that on page 18.

The next edition of the Parish Magazine and Village News will cover the month of May 2016 and the deadline for contributions is Sunday, 3rd April. I would be very grateful if you can deliver your contributions in good time to me at the address on the inside front cover – or you can email them to me at [email protected]. And I’m always delighted to receive your photos (preferably by email) not just for the front cover, but also to illustrate your articles and contributions inside.

Don’t forget that you can also read this magazine online on both the village and church websites (addresses on the front cover).


It’s the time for the annual Easter Vestry and Church Meetings, which by the Church rules must take place on or before April 30th.

The Easter Vestry is open to all parishioners, not just members of the congregation, to attend and elect the two Churchwardens for the ensuing year. This is a carry-over from the time that the Vestry acted as the Parish Council and the Churchwardens had secular authority in the parish, but in the nineteenth century these powers were transferred to the newly created Parish Councils or County Councils. Nevertheless the Churchwardens still hold and exercise considerable authority in the Parish Church, and all parishioners can elect them.


The Annual Church Meeting is a more modern meeting and again anyone can attend but only those whose names are on the Church Electoral Roll can vote. At this meeting the Annual Accounts are presented; the Parochial Church Council members are elected; and various reports on Church life given.

If you want to know how the parish church spends its income and why there is a need for fundraising this is the meeting to come to. For instance, St Peter’s PCC has learned that in order to be able to pay all its bills it has had to transfer £4,000 from its deposit account. If this continues then in about 10 years St Peter’s will be in the red, and then decisions about its future will have to be made. And St Peter’s is not the only church in this position.

Dates of Easter Vestry & Annual Meetings

St Peter’s, Edgmond - Sunday April 10th after the 10.30 am Eucharist. St Lawrence’s, Preston - Tuesday April 26th at 7.30 pm in the church.


This will be held on Tuesday May 17th at 7.00 pm for 7.30 pm. It is at this meeting that the newly-elected Churchwardens are sworn in; they can report their Incumbent for any misdemeanours; and the Archdeacon brings matters of importance to their notice.


The next Thursday Coffee Morning at St Peter’s Church, Edgmond will be on Thursday, April 21st following the 9.30 am Holy Communion Service. You don’t have to attend the service to be able to have a cup of coffee. Just turn up at the church at about 10.00 am or thereabouts, and join us for coffee (or tea) and a chat. We shall look forward to seeing you.


Just to remind you all that the next monthly Healing Service at St Peter’s, Edgmond will be held on 10th April at 6.30 pm.



7.45 am Holy Communion 10.30 am Morning Service (as announced) 6.30 pm Healing Service (2nd Sundays)

10.30 am SUNDAY SERVICES AND BIBLE READINGS APRIL 2016 April 3rd Family Communion 2nd of Easter Gospel: John 20: 19-end April 10th Sung Eucharist 3rd of Easter First Lesson: Acts 9: 1-6 Second Lesson: Revelation 5: 11-14 Gospel: John 21: 1-19 April 17th Family Communion 4th of Easter Gospel: John 10: 22-30 April 24th Sung Eucharist 5th of Easter First Lesson: Acts 11: 1-18 Second Lesson: Revelation 21: 1-6 Gospel: John 13: 31-35


The two missing bases for the acolyte candles have not turned up and we must presume that they are gone for good. However, Mr Brian Howlett has very kindly volunteered to make another pair for St Peter’s, and we are extremely grateful to him for his kind offer.

The next meeting will be on Thursday 21st April at 2.15 pm in St Peter’s Church, Edgmond. Our speaker will be the Stoke Archdeaconry Leader, Debra Tudor, on “Action and Outreach”. Everyone is welcome.

For further information and/or help with transport please contact Margaret Matthews on 825976.


The Friends of St Peter’s committee would like to thank all of our “Friends” for their generous donations which are having an impact on our beautiful church. A plaque will be appearing soon on the gates at the back of the church saying that they have been restored with donations from the Friends of St Peter’s Church. The committee has also donated £1,000 to the church fabric fund towards the cost of repairing the vandalised church porch roof. In addition, three ranks of organ pipes have been cleaned and repaired with a donation of £450 from the Friends of St Peter’s. This work will reduce the frequency of tuning of the organ and make it sound much brighter.

Future events

The Children’s Workshop will be taking place on Good Friday 25th March from 10 am – 12 noon, and we are looking forward to welcoming 30-40 children and their parents into our church. There will be a variety of activities to engage the children including making cards, a banner and an Easter garden. We will also make friendship bands, face masks, egg baskets, goggles and biscuits; we will sing some songs too. Everyone is welcome to come and take part in this workshop. We are always grateful for volunteers to run one of the activities for us too. For further information please contact Jane (820217) or Julia (550164).

Also on Good Friday St Peter’s Church Choir will give a concert of Easter music at 7.00 pm and the Friends will provide the refreshments afterwards. This is a free concert given by St Peter’s Choir, joined by some members of other local choirs.

We will be running a “Come and Sing” on the Saturday of St Peter’s weekend (25th/26th June) which will be a good opportunity to hear the organ. This will be followed by a light lunch. Other activities are also being organised for St Peter’s weekend so watch this space!

There are a number of concerts arranged for 2016 including the Abraham Darby Academy clarinet choir and Saxophone ensemble in September, the New College Chorale, who were extremely well received last year, in November and the Beaumaris Singers will return in December. More details will follow in the next parish magazine.

If you would like more information about the Friends of St Peter’s Church, or any of our events, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr Julia Brown (Chair) Stephanie Egleston (Secretary) 01952 550164 01952 820457 [email protected] [email protected]



As most people will be aware, on Thursday April 21st HM the Queen will celebrate her 90th birthday, and bellringers across the country will be celebrating this event with much ringing of bells. The Queen’s official birthday will be celebrated on the weekend of 10th to 12th June, when the official celebrations take place, including The Patron’s Garden Party for about 10,000 people on the Mall on Sunday 12th June. The Palace is officially encouraging bellringing, particularly between 12 noon and 2.00 pm on Sunday 12th June.

Edgmond bellringers plan to be part of these celebrations by attempting two full peals. The first will be on Saturday 23rd April, near to her actual birthday, and the other on Sunday 12th June, to coincide with the official celebrations. For the peal on Saturday 23rd April we plan to ring a method named 90th Birthday Surprise Major, which we feel will be very appropriate for the occasion. Details for the peal on 23rd April can be found in the notice on the opposite page. Details for the June peal will appear later. We hope that the village will enjoy the ringing for these special occasions.

Note A peal consists of at least 5000 changes, and takes about three hours to ring, without any breaks or change of ringers. Because it takes great concentration the church door will be locked during these attempts. Edric Broom, Tower Captain


Tuesday 19 April 2016 - John Butterworth will present "A hotel with a famous guest list" - John tells the history, in a light-hearted way, of 's fascinating Lion Hotel.

Tuesday 17 May 2016 - Annual General Meeting - members only.

Tuesday 21 June 2016 - David Bartley returns with "An afternoon of Black Country poetry and banter".

The venue for all meetings is the Royal British Legion Club, Audley Road, Newport. The meetings commence at 2 pm. Admission £1. With the exception of the AGM, visitors are always welcome.


St Peter’s Church, Edgmond



Saturday 23rd April 2016 from 3.00 pm to approx. 6.00 pm

On Saturday 23rd April a band of local ringers plan to attempt a full peal of over 5000 changes. We plan to start at about 3.00 pm and if successful finish at about 6.00 pm.

If successful, the peal will be rung as a 90th birthday tribute to HM Queen Elizabeth.

In order to avoid disturbance of the ringers’ concentration the church door will be locked during this attempt.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Thank you.

Edric Broom - Tel 825851



Bluebell Walks are continuing throughout April. To book your walk phone Anne Furniss on 01952 550216. Walks cannot take place when it is very windy! For the less able there is a 5 minute walk, the longer walk takes 30 minutes. No dogs please. Tea, coffee and cakes, are available after your walk, in "The Stables" kitchen, if you have time. Donations are for The Friends of St Peter's Church.


The village has had a quiet start to the year, as far as reported crime is concerned. “Our” local Policing Team received a report of a vehicle being taken without the consent of the owner, but this was a family issue. That occurred in January, as did a report of vehicles being parked on the Recreation Field Car Park, with illegal substances being smoked by the occupants. Police monitoring of the latter has been continuing.

The Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinators and Parish Warden have been delivering leaflets about Rural Crime (in response to a request for help from our Policing Team). The most important message from the leaflets is to report unusual happenings immediately on 101 (i.e. not several days later) – 999 should only be used if a crime is in progress or in an emergency.

P.C. Lee Thomas, PCSO Andy Protheroe, a Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator, and myself “walked about” the village on the 4th March, in the afternoon. Pipers Lane, part of Rock Lane, and most of the High Street, were covered. Unfortunately, the weather was foul. As a result, not many people were out and about but a few issues were raised, and will receive attention.

A reminder – on 29th March, between 1300 and 1400, the local Policing Team will be on the Recreational Field Car Park. If you, your children, or grandchildren have any bicycles or scooters you would like marked with a postcode, please bring them along. The Team will mark them “free of any charge”. John Keeping (813125)



Lost the Plot proved to be another successful evening event for the Village Hall. We had a good attendance from both inside and outside the village. Once again we would like to thank everyone for their support for the event which made approximately £600 for village hall funds.

The Village Hall Committee is currently looking for a Secretary. The role includes taking minutes at the monthly Committee meetings and managing correspondence. If you are interested in this voluntary position, please contact Jeremy Bowman (Chairman) on 01952 820342.

200 Club

Results from the last draw are as follows: Number 165 won £10 Number 52 won £10 Number 167 won £5 Number 57 won £5 Number144 won £5 Number 189 won £5

Forthcoming events

Edgmond is in for a treat on Saturday April 9th when Shropshire Orpheus Savoyards will entertain us at the Village Hall with a concert version of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gondoliers". Tickets are on sale from Anne Green 01952 814312, e-mail [email protected] or Denise Bishop on 019652 812850 or 07718 424957. Tickets cost £5.00 which includes cheese and biscuits during the interval and a bar will be available. The performance will start at 7.30 pm prompt. The interval will be about an hour after the start.

Afternoon Teas start again on Thursday 12th May. We are still looking for people to help out in the kitchen, bake cakes or just set out tables (which takes about 20 minutes). Any offers of help to Anne Green on 01952 814312.

Other activities to look forward to are our Summer Fun Day on Sunday September 4th, Pamper Evening on Tuesday October 4th and Christmas Fair on Sunday November 27th.

Further details of all events are available at

15 News & Reports from Edgmond Parish Council

The Parish Council is now governed by the ‘Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities’. This code was first issued in 2014 to meet the government’s desire to place more power into citizens’ hands to increase democratic accountability. The Code shapes our audit regime and ensures that we are carrying out our duties in an open & transparent manner. It also defines the information that should be available and the format in which we must make it available. The freedom of information publication scheme also lists public documents that must be available.

Some years ago, in response to recommendations from the Parish Plan, the Parish Council set up a ‘Community’ website with the aim of improving communication within the Parish. We have used a specialist company to host our community website since about 2009. Although initially we thought that local groups and organisations would like to contribute to the running of the website and have their own tabs that they could manage, we have found that the take-up of this facility has been limited. Although normal access to the website does not require logging-on, there is a facility to register to benefit from an emailed ‘news’ facility. Relatively few people have registered on the website so very few people benefit from the occasional emailed newsflashes. In addition, social media has in many ways overtaken the participative nature of the community website. These days many groups have their own website or Facebook presence. This has resulted in the website looking rather out of date and a bit tired as well as not being fit for purpose in relation to the Transparency Code.

The Parish Council has now agreed with our website provider on the design of a new site that will ensure that we meet all the requirements of the Transparency Code. Whilst we will not be able to offer the same functions as before, we will encourage local groups and organisations to include their contact information and links on the website. We will also be able to hold a database of email addresses so that anyone who wishes can be kept informed of important issues in the community. We will keep you informed of the progress of this project.

The Parish Council has decided to convert the rear of the rights of way notice board in the car park to a closed notice board for Parish notices. There will also be space available for other notices to be displayed.

We are still asking for local people to come forward if they would like to help out in the Parish with small maintenance and improvement tasks. We would also like to thank all of you who already help out by cutting grass, sweeping leaves from outside your house and keeping your hedges and trees cut back from the pavements and roads. A little bit of TLC goes a long way. Katrina Baker MBE, Parish Clerk The Oaklands, Waters Upton, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6NP 01952 541939 (home); 07813 788094 [email protected] 16

You are invited to join members of EDGMOND PARISH COUNCIL for the ANNUAL PARISH MEETING to be held at EDGMOND VILLAGE HALL on 11th April from 7.30 pm

Come and meet the people who represent you, have an informal chat and see what we’ve been up to over the last year

Tea & biscuits available


A book has been published that is a product of the surveys of churchyards and cemeteries that Martin and Claire Nicholson began in 2008. It took them four years to visit every churchyard and cemetery in Shropshire, and “Gravestones of Shropshire” has 120 colour photographs taken at 80 of those locations.

They look for gravestones and memorials that are out of the ordinary. The gravestone might give details of how the deceased died – by illness or in an accident, or list many children of a family who died in infancy or childhood. Some gravestones of soldiers give interesting details of their military careers, other gravestones name the deceased’s occupation or give other information about his or her life. There is a wide variety of verses and epitaphs, (some of which include errors of spelling or punctuation!) and many different styles or designs of memorials.

Martin and Claire have photographed all the gravestones of interest and placed the photographs on their website They visit churchyards wherever they are in the country, from Scotland to Cornwall, and note that gravestones in coastal areas or mining areas show how dangerous life at sea or in coal mines is.

There are many books about church buildings and their history, but almost none about what is outside in the churchyards. Sadly, many old gravestones are no longer legible, and many churchyards have been cleared to ease management or for reasons such as health and safety. These processes continue, leading to the loss of a valuable social history resource.

“Gravestones of Shropshire” and also “Gravestones of Herefordshire” are available for £12 each from Amazon or via the authors:

Martin and Claire Nicholson Ticklerton Barn, Ticklerton, , SY6 7DQ Tel: 01694 724215; email: [email protected] 17


Tim Edwards of Boningale Nursery donated 1000 trees to the parish in 2010. These have been growing in a nursery site on Neil Furniss's land. Oaks, Field Maple, Ash and Black Poplar are now ready to be planted out into the hedgerows around the parish, although sadly because of Ash Die Back we cannot move the Ash trees, which is a shame because they look magnificent. This disease has changed our strategy and we are now looking at where there are lots of Ash trees and purposely planting Oaks so that when the Ash disappear we will have large established trees to take their place.

On Sunday 7th February a handful of volunteers planted 40 trees around the hedgerows on Mr Morris-Eyton's land and 40 trees on Mr Williamson's land. Mrs Morris-Eyton laid on a wide selection of gorgeous refreshments for which we were very grateful.

On Sunday 21st February more of us planted another 80 trees around Mr Furniss's land.

Many thanks to the land owners, to Tim for digging the holes for us and to the volunteers who gave up their Sunday morning to leave a fantastic legacy for future generations of Edgmond folk.

We will continue planting again in the autumn; if you would like to go on the email list please email Cath Edwards on [email protected]. Not only is it a great way to enhance the landscape around the village, it is fantastic for biodiversity and takes carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, offsetting some of those flights we all take.

For more details see


Community Art Group Open Day FRIDAY 22 APRIL 10 am-12 noon Tibberton Village Hall TF10 8PB

Come and see us at work and play! Refreshments available, for a small donation to the Tibberton Village Hall Fund. For more information contact Christine Ingram 01952 550078 or email [email protected]


Minister: The Revd James Whateley 11 Silverdale Close, Church Aston, Newport, TF10 9FA Telephone: 01952 813959


April 3rd 10.30 am Mr K Kaye April 10th 10.30 am Mrs Denice Morgan April 17th 10.30 am The Revd James Whately April 24th 10.30 am Mrs Lizzie Zukiewicz


May 1st 10.30 am Rowley Regis Girls’ Brigade will lead the service.

May 8th 3.00 pm Mrs Denice Morgan and the Revd James Whately

This service, to mark the closure of the Chapel in its present form, will be a Thanksgiving for 156 of Chapel life and witness in Edgmond. Light refreshments will be served in the Methodist Hall after the service. A warm welcome is extended to all friends of Edgmond Chapel.


Churchwardens: Mr Jack Edge 07730 217813 PCC Secretary: Mrs Georgina Edge 01952 670153

SERVICES in APRIL 2016 Sunday April 3rd NT Lesson Acts 5: 27-32 Jack Edge 2nd of Easter (White) Gospel John 20: 19 -end Catherine Gregory 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday April 10th NT Lesson Acts 9: 1-6 Jack Edge 3rd of Easter (White) Gospel John 21: 1-19 Chris Blagden 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday April 17th NT Lesson Acts 9: 36-end Jack Edge 4th of Easter (White) Gospel John 10: 22-30 Judith McPherson 10.30 am – Holy Communion Sunday April 24th – 5th of Easter 10.30 am – Family Service


We are looking forward to a colourful evening at our next meeting on the 12th April, when Prof Lalage Bown gives her talk ‘Colours of Africa’, also bringing along several items of traditional clothing for members to see and try on.

Our monthly competition is now quite popular; last month’s winner was Wendy, with a beautifully painted Owl. The ‘produce/craft’ table is very successful too. New members are welcome. Visitors £4 – pay at the door. We meet in Kynnersley Village Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7.30 pm.


KYNNERSLEY RACE NIGHT Saturday, 7th May 2016, 7.30 pm, Kynnersley Village Hall £5 per person, to include supper Licensed Bar

Tickets available from: Khardine Rogers, 10 Meadow Place, 07790 396237 Ruth Evans, Kynnersley Farm, 07867 526267 / [email protected] or email [email protected]

20 Other Events in the calendar:


POP UP CAFÉ The Kynnersley Pop Café opens its doors on the following dates:  3rd April  1st May  5th June  3rd July  7th August Tea, coffee, soft drinks, cakes and bacon butties galore.

KYNNERSLEY WINE WALK - Saturday, 2nd July 2016 This is a great event, combining exercise and wines from around the world – what more could you want? Visit local properties and experience wine and cuisine from 4 different countries. Tickets limited so book early (£12/ticket to include glass of wine at each venue and nibbles).

Support your local Village Hall.

Anybody wishing to host please contact Ruth Evans on 07867 526267 or [email protected].


Churchwardens: Dr D Nurse, 1 Manor Barns 608455 Mr D Brown, The Conifers 676671 PCC Secretary: Mrs P Jones, The Rockery, Wheat Leasowes 603612

SERVICES IN APRIL 2016 Sunday April 3rd NT Lesson Acts 5: 27 - 32 Dr T Goode Easter 2 Gospel John 20: 19-end Mrs A Smith 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mrs J Shore Sunday April 10th – Easter 3 10.15 am – Family Service Sunday April 17th NT Lesson Acts 9: 36 - end Mrs B Vickers Easter 4 Gospel John 10: 22-30 Dr D Nurse 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mrs J Walters Sunday April 24th NT Lesson Acts 11: 1 - 18 Dr T Goode Easter 5 Gospel John 13: 31-35 Mr D Brown 9.00 am – Holy Communion Sidesman Mrs B Vickers 21

Following the success of the Shropshire Amateur Premiere of Evita, TADLOP takes another departure for their Spring show and performs The Wedding Singer, based on the 1998 film starring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. The Wedding Singer will take place from the 6th to the 9th of April at the Abraham Darby School and follows Robbie Hart, a wedding singer as he tries to continue working after being jilted at the altar. Julia Sullivan, a waitress, wanting to help her new friend Robbie, enlists his help in planning her own wedding to Glen Guglia. Can Robbie continue as a wedding singer after having his heart broken? Will Julia’s wedding go off without a hitch? Get your tickets for The Wedding Singer to find out –, from Society Members, or at the door.




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*Excellent dance floor* *Space for marquee adjoining* *Tables, chairs, crockery, kitchen facilities*

Contact Khadine on 07790396237 or email [email protected]


Rural Home & Garden Services Garden Maintenance Lawns, Edges & Hedges, Fencing, Patios Interior & Exterior Painting & Decorating Call Richard Sayce

Tel 01952 541534 Mob 07970 354703


Movements cleaned and overhauled. Cases repaired and re-polished. Dials repainted or re-silvered.

All other antique clocks restored.

Collection, delivery and setting up service.

Tel: David Mason 01952 730592

A Member of The British Watch and Clockmakers Guild



 Tables, Chairs, Crockery GAS SAFE REGISTERED Kitchen Facilities  TELEPHONE: 01952 814016

Bookings: 01952 811561 MOBILE: 07976203629



Peaceful Chapel of Rest in Central Newport

Symon Tranter Dip.FD. Dip FSM. MBIE.


TELEPHONE: 01952 820292

GOLDEN CHARTER Pre-Paid Funeral Plans


General Builder Property Maintenance 24/7 - Prompt Reply

Roofing, Plumbing, Heating, Blocked Drains

No call out charge

Contact 0780 956 2403

or 01952 814568

Bishop Hendry & Edwards Veterinary Surgeons We’ve always been here for your pets and always will be Please ring for an appointment

01952 820165




CLEANING TTH CLEANING SERVICES in business for 29 years Local, Friendly, Reliable and Window Cleaning Professional Service Guttering Cleaning/Repairs

Complete UPVC Cleaning For a Free No-Obligation Quote, Conservatory Roofs Cleaned Please Contact Drives/Patios Decking Washed Steve Bate Newport 810578

Contact Steve – 07967 102045 Mobile 07811105123


Self-employed/Company accounts BUILDING PLANS Tax and VAT returns Payroll Architectural Drawings Bookkeeping New Build or Extension

For friendly and personal service DAVE WOODMAN at reasonable rates 07977 448231 Call Kate on 01952 813123 or 07764 892888 Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants [email protected]

ACCESS ALARM & CAMERA SYSTEMS LTD For people who take their security seriously

Home Office approved for the design, installation & maintenance of electronic security systems - see us at

Call 01952 840766 or 07813 369001



WINDOWS  Professional, reliable, family-run business. Celebrating 33 Years in Business  Dry carpet cleaning and wet extraction carpet cleaning  Local friendly service across Shropshire  Upholstery Cleaning  Styles to suit your home  Rehau unique doors and windows Tel: 01952 246980 / 07971 189579  Bespoke conservatory service Email: [email protected]  15 year guarantee (assurance backed)

 No deposit –payment on completion EDGMOND VILLAGE HALL  No Sales Pressure Large Hall, Small Hall, Meeting Room  Recommendations available Stage, Bar & Kitchen ------New salesroom now open Onsite parking and use of grounds

1 Madeley Road Ironbridge Crockery Cutlery & Glassware

Telford TF8 7PP Contact Janis (07805 641908) [email protected] Contact Number 01952 433 1459 or Debbie (07527 626522) [email protected] FENSA Reg. No. 10733

Kipper Garden Care EDGMOND OWLS A Reliable Service Provided

 Lawns and Edges PRE -SCHOOL AND OUT OF SCHOOL CARE FOR CHILDREN AGED 2- 11 YEARS  Border Maintenance  Planting  Hedge Trimming FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL Competitive Hourly Rates and Discounts for OAPs 01952 811692 Free Quotes for Larger Jobs OR VISIT OUR WEBSITE Call Ian – 01952 813924 / 07855 857611

Julie Highfield Interior Painting and Decorating Emulsion Woodwork Playrooms Murals Children’s bedrooms Special Finishes Feature walls Curtains * Blinds * Alterations

Contact 01952 670275 [email protected]



Sarah Irvine Edgmond Village Stores M.S.S.Ch., M.B.Ch.A. and Post Office for your everyday needs

CHIROPODIST Shop opening hours Mon to Sat 7am to 8pm HPC Registered Sunday 8am to 1pm

Home visits Post Office opening hours Evenings & weekends possible Mon to Fri 9am to 5.30pm Saturday 9am to 12.30pm

Tel: 01785 823151 Telephone 01952 811951 Fax 01952 811428

Mobile: 07966549709 See us on uk


The Shropshire Sweep

Chimney Sweep and Vacuum Service

Sean Caldwell 01902 727999 Mobile: 07971 729608

J.R. Williams

Funeral Director Ltd



 Complete 24 hour service

 Private Chapel of Rest

Why not advertise  The personalised funeral our loved one deserves  All types of funeral arranged in this space  Prepaid funeral plans available

for a modest fee? Please contact John Williams

01952 811140 (24 hours) Tel: 01952 810880 Member of the National Association of Funeral Directors