SETTLEMENTS (! Whitchurch Ellesmere (! (! Market (! (! Drayton

(! (!


(! (! (! Bishops Castle (!

(! Settlements A - B Settlements C Settlements D - G Settlements H - K These are population estimates prepared by Settlements L - M Commissioning Support Team Settlements N - Q based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates by Settlements R - S LLSOA, Office for National Statistics Settlements T – Y

Office for National Statistics, © Crown Copyright 2014 For further information on population please click on following link: People, population and community - Office for National Statistics Back to Contents Page Settlements A – B

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Settlement Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Abdon 20 Bentlawnt 90 Ackleton 270 Berrington 60 Acton Burnell 220 Berwick 50 Acton Round 30 Besom Woods/Wheathill 50 Acton Scott 20 Bicton 350 Adderley 220 Billingsley 130 Alberbury 110 Bings Heath 60 Albrighton 4400 Binweston 10 Albrighton (Pimhill) 30 Bishops Castle 1700 Aldon 10 Bitterley 100 All Stretton 280 Bletchley 40 Allfordgreen 40 Bomere Heath 1240 Alveley 1560 Boningale 50 Angel Bank/Farden 230 Boraston 30 Annscroft 220 Bouldon 30 Arscott 70 Bourton 80 Ash Magna 160 Bourton Westwood 20 Ashford Bowdler 40 Brandhill 20 Ashford Carbonell 320 Breadon Heath 40 Asterley 110 Bridgnorth 12620 Asterton 20 Broad Oak/Six Ashes 40 Astley 110 Brockton 50 Astley Abbots 80 Brockton (Shipton ) 70 Aston 60 Brockton (Sutton Maddock) 60 Aston Botterell 30 Bromfield 70 Aston Eyre 40 Bromlow 60 Aston 110 Brompton 20 Aston Pigott 30 Bronygarth/Castle Mill 110 Aston Rogers 40 Broome 100 Aston-On- 220 4660 Atcham 130 Broughall 60 Babbinswood 160 Brown Heath 20 Badger 100 Bryn 10 Bagley 80 Bucknell 410 Barkers Green 50 Buildwas 140 Barrow 20 Burford 1200 Baschurch 1570 Burlton 110 Bayston Hill 4830 Burwarton 110 Beambridge/Aston Mill 30 Bushmoor/Leamoor Common 80 Beckbury 220 Button Bridge 50 Bedlam 80 Button Oak 90 Bedstone 60 Back to Contents Page Settlements C

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates by LLSOA Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics published by Office for National Statistics

Total Estimated Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Population Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 Settlement Name MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Callaughton 40 Clunton 120 Calverhall 160 Cockshutford 30 Cardeston 40 Cockshutt 600 Cardington/Gretton 120 Coed-Y-Go 60 Castle Pulverbatch 120 Colebatch 70 Catherton Common 120 Colemere 80 Caynham 150 Colemore Green 40 Cefn Blodwel 20 Condover 650 Cefn Einion 20 Coppice Gate 50 Chapel Lawn 30 Coreley 30 Chavel 40 Corfton/Corfton Bache 70 Chelmarsh 250 Cosford/Donington 900 Cheney Longville 40 Cound/Upper Cound 170 Chesterton 60 Coundmoor/Evenwood Common 100 Cheswardine 550 Crackley Bank 40 Chetton 70 Craven Arms 2390 Childs Ercall 510 Cressage 620 Chipnall 110 Crickheath 60 Chirbury 210 Croesaubach 30 Chirk Bank/Gledrid 640 Cross Houses 730 Chorley 130 Cross Lane Head 60 Church Preen 40 Crowsnest 40 Church Pulverbatch 40 Cruckmeole 50 Church Stretton 3750 Cruckton 90 Claverley 670 Culmington 130 Clee Hill 670 Clee St Margaret 90 Cleeton St Mary 50 2880 Cleobury North 30 Clive 410 Clun 760 90 200

Back to Contents Page Settlements D – G

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Settlement Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Darliston 40 Fenn Green 50 Deuxhill 10 Fitz 30 Dhustone 90 Ford 600 180 Ford Heath 50 Ditton Priors 420 Forton Heath/Mytton 140 Dobsons Bridge/Roving Bridge 70 Frodesley 120 Doddington 260 Garmston 70 Donnington/Charlton Hill 30 Glazeley 30 Dorrington 610 Gleedon Hill 20 Dovaston 30 Glynmorlas/Rhyn 40 Dovaston (Bank) 30 Gobowen 2720 Draycott 50 Grafton 110 Duddleston Heath 460 Great Ness 80 Dudleston 30 Great Sutton 20 Eardington 340 Great Wytheford 30 Eardiston 40 Greete 30 East Wall 40 Grimpo 50 Easthope 60 Grindle 30 Eaton Constantine 130 Grindley Brook 110 Eaton Upon Tern 110 Grinshill 150 Edge 20 Edgebolton/Moretonmill 180 Edgerley 50 Edgton/Basford 70 Edstaston 40 Ellesmere 4080 Elson 80 Enchmarsh 20 English Frankton 20 Ensdon 20 Exfords Green 30 Eyton (Lydbury North) 20 Eyton On Severn 10 Farley 20 Farlow 20 Faulsgreen 110 Felhampton 30 Felton Butler 30

Settlements H-K Back to Contents Page

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics

Total Estimated Total Estimated Settlement Population Settlement Population Settlement Name Settlement Name MYE 2015 MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Habberley 70 Hopton Heath 40 Hadnall 570 Hopton Wafers 90 Halfway House 140 Hopton/Valeswood 100 Halston/Plealey Road 60 Hordley 30 Hampton Loade 160 Horsebridge 30 Hanwood 610 Howle 10 Hanwood Bank 380 Hughley 40 Harley 140 Hungerford/Broadstone 60 Harmer Hill 370 Ightfield 200 Hatton 20 Jackfield 110 Haughton (Upton Magna) 10 Kemberton 190 Haughton (West Felton) 20 Kempton 60 Haytons Bent/Up Lo Hayton 110 Kenley 50 Heath 10 Kinlet 60 Heath Hill 60 Kinnerley 340 Heathton 60 Kinton 120 High Hatton 50 Knockin 180 Highley 3120 Knockin Heath 110 Hilton 180 Knowbury 340 Hindford 40 Hinstock 780 Hinton 30 Hints 140 Hodnet/Hodnet Heath 670 20 Hollinwood 120 Homer 240 Hookagate 120 Hope 40 Hope Bagot 30 Hope Bowdler 140 Hopesay 60 Hopton Bank 70 Hopton Cangeford 10 Hopton Castle 50

Back to Contents Page Settlements L -M

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Total Estimated Settlement Population Settlement Population Settlement Name MYE 2015 Settlement Name MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest (Rounded to nearest 10) 10) Lea 10 Marchamley 190 Lea Cross 80 12050 Leaton 20 Marshbrook 40 Lee 40 Marton 120 Lee Brockhurst 100 Meadowtown 20 Leebotwood 110 Melverley 30 Leighton 130 Melverley Green 80 Lilyhurst 30 Merrington 40 Little Brampton 20 Middle/Lower Hengoed 120 Little Ness 110 Middlehope 10 Little Stretton 240 Middleton 100 Llanfair Waterdine 40 Middleton Priors 50 Llanyblodwel 70 Middleton Scriven 40 Llanymynech 530 Middleton/Aston Square 50 Llynclys 290 Mill Green 30 Lockleywood 70 Milson 40 Long Meadow End 50 Minsterley 1390 Longden 240 Minton 30 Longden Common 110 Monkhopton 90 Longford 60 Montford 40 Longnor 270 Montford Bridge 310 Longslow 30 More 20 Longville In The Dale 60 Moreton Corbet 40 Longwood 40 Moreton Say 40 Loppington 280 Morton/Morton Common 90 Loughton 10 Morville 90 Lower Frankton 60 2260 Lower Hordley/Bagley Marsh 110 Muckley 20 Ludlow 10180 Muckley Cross 10 Lydbury North 230 Munslow 100 Lydham 90 Myddle 460 Lyneal 180 Lyth Bank/Lyth Hill 210 Maesbrook/Maesbrook Green 160 Maesbury 210 Maesbury Marsh 250 10

Back to Contents Page Settlements N – Q

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Population Settlement Name Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Nantmawr 60 Plaish 30 Nash 30 Platt Lane 50 Neen Sollars 80 Plealey 120 Neenton 90 Ploxgreen 110 Nesscliffe 220 Pont Faen 40 Netchwood Common 40 1650 New Marton 20 Pontesbury Hill 220 Newcastle 160 Pontesford 80 Newtown 100 Porthywaen 140 Noneley/Commonwood/Ruewood 80 Posenhall 30 Norbury 60 Prees / Prees Wood 1050 Nordley 40 Prees Green 90 Nordley Common 80 Prees Heath 130 Northwood 110 Prees Higher Heath 1020 Norton 160 Prees Lower Heath 70 Norton in Hales 300 Preston 20 Nox 20 Preston Brockhurst 70 Obley 20 Preston Gubbals 40 Oldbury 200 Priest Weston 60 Ollerton 60 Priors Halton 10 Onibury 110 Purslow 20 Oreton 160 Quatford 340 Oswestry 19070 Quatt 80 Overton 70 Queens Head 90 Pant Glas 50 Quina Brook 80 Pant/Pen-y-Coed 1240 Park Hall 580 30 Peatonstrand 20 Pennerley/The Bog 100 Pentre 50 Peplow 30 Petton 90 Picklescott 40 Pipegate 230 Pitchford 100

Back to Contents Page Settlements R – S

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Settlement Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Name PopulationMYE 2015 Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Ratlinghope 10 St Martins Moor 40 Rednal 30 St Martins/Ifton Heath 1210 Rhoswiel 200 Stableford 60 Rhyd-y-Croesau 10 Stanley Green 100 Richards Castle/Batchcott 40 Stanmore Camp 160 Romsley 70 Stanton Lacy 20 Rorrington 40 Stanton Long 40 Rosehill 100 Stanton Upon Hine Heath 220 Roughton 50 Stanwardine in the Fields 60 Rowton (Craven Arms) 20 Stapleton 120 Ruckley/Langley 50 Stapleton Common 70 Rudge 40 Stiperstones/Perkins Beach 150 Rudge Heath 10 Stockton 10 Rushbury/Roman Bank 50 Stoke Heath 340 Rushton 40 Stoke St Milborough 70 Ruyton-XI-Towns 930 Stoke Upon Tern 120 Ryton 100 Stokesay 30 Ryton (Condover) 140 Stoney Stretton 50 Sansaw Heath 60 Stottesdon 170 Selattyn 130 Stowe 20 Shawbury 1550 Street Dinas 30 Sheinton 30 Strefford 40 Shelderton 20 Stretford Bridge 40 Shelve 20 Stretton Westwood 30 Shepherds Lane/Calcott 170 Sutton 30 Sheriffhales 250 Sutton Maddock 70 Shifnal 6340 Sweeney Mountain/Nant-Y-Caws 140 Shipley 20 Shipton 40 Shorthill 40 Shrawardine 120 Shrewsbury 71510 Sibdon Carwood 10 Sidbury 30 Siefton 60 Siefton Bache 30 Silvington 30 Snailbeach 230 Snitton 20 Soudley 40 Soudley (Great) 130 Spurtree/Hammerhill 60 Back to Contents Page Settlements T – Y

SETTLEMENT POPULATION SETTLEMENT POPULATION These are population estimates prepared by the These are population estimates prepared by the Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates Commissioning Support Team based on 2015 Mid Year Estimates by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics by LLSOA published by Office for National Statistics Total Estimated Settlement Total Estimated Settlement Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 Settlement Name Population MYE 2015 (Rounded to nearest 10) (Rounded to nearest 10) Ternhill 70 West Felton 1000 Tetchill 310 Westbury 510 The Down 20 Westhope 40 The Hobbins 340 Westley 20 The Hope 30 Weston 40 The Sheet 210 Weston (Stowe) 10 The Smithies 20 Weston And Wixhill 150 The Wern 80 Weston Heath 40 Ticklerton 50 Weston Heath (Sherrifhales) 20 Tilley 60 Weston Lullingfields 110 Tilstock 390 Weston Rhyn/Preesgweene 1550 Tong 100 Weston Wharf/Weston Common 140 Tong Norton 110 Whitchurch 9470 Treflach 190 Whitcot 10 Trefonen 740 Whitcot Keysett 50 Tuckhill 30 Whittingslow 20 20 Whittington 1540 Twitchen 50 Whitton 70 Uffington 140 Whittytree/Duxmoor 40 Upper Affcot 20 Whixall 70 Upper Astley 80 Wilcott 170 Upper Hengoed 40 150 Uppington 60 Wistanswick/Crickmery 360 Upton Cressett 10 Withington 140 Upton Magna 210 Wollaston 20 Vennington 50 Wollerton 200 Vernolds Common 40 Woodseaves 200 Vron Gate 10 Woofferton 60 Walford Heath/Oldwood 130 Woolstaston 30 Walkmill 20 Woolston (Oswestry Parish) 60 Wall Under Heywood 110 Woolston (Wistanstow Parish 40 Wallbank 40 Woore/Irelands Cross 840 Walton (Onibury) 10 Wooton 20 Waterloo 30 Worfield 200 Wattlesborough Heath 140 Worthen/Brockton 600 Weirbrook 30 Wotherton 50 Welsh Frankton/Perthy 190 Wrentnall 40 Welshampton 210 60 Welshend 30 Wyken 70 Wem 6030 Wykey 40 Wentnor 60 Yeaton 50 Wern Ddu 10 Yockleton 220 Yorton 40