AA FirstFirst LookLook atat thethe FishFish SpeciesSpecies ofof thethe MiddleMiddle MalinauMalinau Taxonomy,Taxonomy, ecology,ecology, vulnerabilityvulnerability andand importanceimportance Ike Rachmatika, Robert Nasi, Douglas Sheil and Meilinda Wan A First Look at the Fish Species of the Middle Malinau Taxonomy, ecology, vulnerability and importance Ike Rachmatika, Robert Nasi, Douglas Sheil and Meilinda Wan ISBN 979-3361-67-0 © 2005 by CIFOR, all rights reserved. Published in 2005 Printed by SMK Grafika Desa Putera Jakarta - Indonesia Cover photo by Douglas Sheil Fish drawings by Yanuar Graphic design and layout by Eko Prianto Published by Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Mailing address: P.O. Box. 6596 JKPWB, Jakarta 10065, Indonesia Office address: Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede, Sindang Barang Bogor Barat 16680 - Indonesia Tel: +62(251) 622 622 Fax: +62(251) 622 100 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.cifor.cgiar.org Table of Contents Acknowledgement iv A preamble regarding CIFOR’s work in Malinau v Introduction 1 The Malinau Research Forest 2 Material and Methods 4 Results and Discussion 5 Conclusion 15 References 16 Appendix 1: List and description of sampled stations 20 Appendix 2: List and characteristic of collected fish 26 A first look at the fish species of the middle Malinau: iii Taxonomy, ecology, vulnerability and importance Acknowledgement The research was made possible by the funds from MacArthur Foundation and the European Commission, and the study contributes to a larger project undertaken by Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia and CIFOR funded by International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The first author would like to thank Dr. Arie Budiman (former head of Research Center for Biology, LIPI) and Dr.