4th International Canopy Conference “Tropical versus Temperate Forests” 10 - 17 July 2005 in Leipzig, Germany Abstracts edited by Martin Unterseher 4th International Canopy Conference “Tropical versus Temperate Forests” 10 - 17 July 2005 in Leipzig, Germany Abstracts edited by Martin Unterseher Printed by Merkur - Druck- und Kopierzentrum GmbH Hauptmannstr. 4 04109 Leipzig www.merkurdruck.de
[email protected] Published by order of Faculty of Bioscience, Pharmacy, and Psychology Institute of Biology I Department of Systematic Botany and Botanical Garden Johannisallee 21-23 04103 Leipzig GERMANY Editor and Layout: Martin Unterseher System: LATEX The 4th International Canopy Conference taking place in Leipzig, Germany, 10-17 July 2005 www.uni-leipzig.de/leipzigcanopycrane/conference Conference Secretariat: Ms. Ogarit Uhlmann MSc. F&U confirm Permoserstr. 15 04318 Leipzig GERMANY ogarit@fu-confirm.de The authors take responsibility for the quality of the contents. All rights reserved © University of Leipzig ISBN 3-934178-51-0 Contents I Lectures 1 1 Vascular Epiphytes in Forest Canopies 3 1.1 The life history of vascular epiphytes – does it differ from other perennials? 4 1.2 Biogeography of vascular epiphytes in South-East of Brazi . 5 1.3 Andes versus Amazon – patterns of vascular epiphyte diversity on different spatial scales . 6 1.4 Long-term changes in epiphyte assemblages – dynamics and underlying mechanisms . 7 1.5 Litter decomposition within epiphytic Bird’s Nest Ferns (Asplenium spp.) in a range of forest habitats in Sabah, Malaysia . 8 1.6 Spatiotemporal variation in population dynamics of epiphytic orchids . 9 1.7 The ecology of vascular epiphytes on Ficus crassiuscula host trees in a Peruvian cloud forest .