Portland Daily Press: September 21,1880
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ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.—YOL. 18. PORTLAND, TUESDAY DAILY THE PORTLAND PRESS, ENTERTAINMENTS. MEDICAL. MISCELLA NEOUS. Prove or Retract. House in Published every .ley (Sundays excepted) by the the press. Washington. Thackeray used to The Democrats have ceased to shout delight in similar speculations as to what l oHTLWH PlBLlSHIftO 0»M Fruit & Floral might have been had not a trifle intervened to Exhibition. “fraud. That cry. from the KT lOW EXCHANGE ST., PORTLAND. saTUESDAT M0RYIX6, SEPT. 21. coming history running its course. In 1717 THE CIRCLE mou of 8v«nt, HIGH ST. LADIES' hs the men who made the miscount the English crown was much nearer the Stu- mud: Right Dollars a Year. To mall snbscrlb arts than it *■ Will hold a and Floral Exhibition in their last grasp was later Scot- «■ ^even Dollars a Year, if lii advance. Fruit Fall We do no t read year, provoked incredulous and thirty years pakl anonymous letters anil communi- angry Veatry Parlor, on land might have been the Pretender’s bad all Styles. cations. The name instead of and address of the writer are in laughter belief. It was his friends had the THE MAINE THURSDAY Inducing oourage of the earl of Mar STATE PRESS EVENING, SEPT. 33. all cases and For indispensable, not necessarily for publica- too evidently the “stop thief’ dodge of the eight thousand Highland gentlemen » published every Thursday Morning at 60 a A choice of aud You, tion but as a who rallied $2 variety Fruit, Flowers, Refresh- guaranty of good faith. to divert round him. Edinburgh Castle ,car, if paid in advance at a ments will be for sale. rogues attention from themselves. $2.00 year. We cannot undertake to would undoubtedly have been taken had not Adrai«»ion Free. SPECIALTIES. SPECIALTIES. return or preserve com- sep21 d3t* But the charges made Democratic the men who were to escalade it Katas ok Advertising: One inch of munications Laat are not used. by tarried so long space, the in a lenptk of should not be tavern that while they were coIuoid, constitutes a “square.” Madam, newspapers suffered to pass "powdering $1.50 first 76 their hair” their confederates under the fort- per square, daily week; cen>,s per APRON Ladies’ Men's without severe censure. wetk after; three insertions or continu SALE. Kvkby attache They have not ress grew weary of and the rendez- less, $1.00; The Ladies of the tor regular of the Pkess is furnished waiting, up other after first Whose Oil Gt. button Boots (New Last), Street wear, Single Sole Congress Boots Plain Toe Bevel Kd"e vous was reached too every day week, 60 cents. betrays a been withdrawn. These asserted late. But for that complexion Boyd’s N. V„ AA, A. B. and C. A. B, C and 1). with Card certilicate signed by papers pulve- Half square, three insertions or less, 76 cents, FIRST BAPTIST SOCIETY some Stanley Puller., ris exiguijacta of the jovial conspirators all one $1.00: 60 cents week after. humiliating imperfec- ■editor. All steamboat and that Republicans were the re- week, per will hold a festival in their railway, hotel managers manipulating Scotland have been Skkciai one-third Vestry, comer of Con- might King James’s, and Notices, additional. whose mirror tells you will confer a favor ns turns gress and Wilmot streets, on tion, upon by demanding credentials for the purpose of altering the true Northumberland and the North of Coder head of “Amusements’" and “Auction Ladies’ Men’s England that are Sallow c' every person to our would have risen in force. Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three inser- WEDNESDAY SEPT. 22. you Tanned, claiming represent murnaJ. vote, and with the intention of In that ten min- EVENING, B. Double Sole counting utes tions or less, $1.50. Oil Goat Side Lace Boots, Boyd’s X. AA. A. Congress E and F. James lost his crown and was A large assortment of Aprons will be for sale. and in count enance, Y., Boot?, B, C, I), out Kiug Advertisements inserted in disfigured and C. successful candidates. We doomed to die a the “Maine State Also Flowers, Candies and Refreshments of all challenge French pensioner at St.J Ger- Press” has a or have (which large circulation in every part kinds. Doors open at 0 o’clock. Admission Free. Eruptions, ltedness, them to name one instance in main's, Prince Charlie to to it or the which this attempt regain State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, or ’ under leas favorable and 50 cents septSO d3t* Roughness unwholesome was circumstances, and Cardi- per square for each subsequent inser- Ladies attempted. Unless they accept this nal York to end the tion. we Calf Balmorals all widths and sizes. hapless Stuart line amid tints of complexion, say challenge and tlieir tha wealth of Address all communications to Cloth Top Button Boots, the Popular Style for tlii3 prove words they must song and story which their mis- IHISH VS. SCOTCH. use Hagan’s Magnolia Balm. season, N.V. in the fortunes have evoked. Had Clive succeeded PORTLAND PUBLISHING GO. Boyd’s stand, opinion of all honorable men, and in his attempted would not the It is a delicate, harmless Mell’S convicted of malicious suicide, Eng- Athletic falsehood and slan- lish and the French have in Contest Cloth changed places Between delightful article, producing ■8. ■ Top Button. Men’s Cloth Top Congress der. The Fusion town India'/ If Lord John Russell Capt. J. C. DALY, Cork, Ireland, and Boots. officers whose hon- had not shown ENTERTAINMENTS. THOS. LYNCH, Boston, Irish Champions; vs. W. the most natural and entranc- au unwonted firmness when Louis M. French Kid, Side Lace, Boyd’s N. Y., A A. A .B esty they have questioned, and whose char- Philippe JOHNSTON, Rutland, Vt., and Prof. D. C* the of and C. was displaying a suspicious anxiety about "pri- ROSS, Glasgow, Scotland, at Thurs- ing tints, artificiality acters have of City Hall, they aspersed, ought to, in jus- ority discovery” at the antipodes, would our day 33d. at HP. can Evening.Kept. M., sharp, which no observer detect, tice to colonists have beeu that for the Champion Belt and Medal of America, themselves, demand an immediate enjoying to-day peace Calf and Grain which the absence eveu value 91.000. and which soon becomes per Balmorals. and of such amiable neigh- EXCURSIONS ample apology. bors as the 1. Collar and Johnston and French affords them? Suppose Wrestling Elbow, Lynch manent if the Magnolia Balm Seamless Button in Kid and Oil Goat, widths A A, 2. Wrestling Graeco-Roman.Robs and Daly. “night or the Prussians” had not come at 3. Wrestling Catch as Catch Can is judiciously used. Detkoit Rost! People who talk about Waterloo, what would have been the result— .iDlinBtnti onA T albeit me Wellington always declared tlmt he nev- TIii'OmIi the \otrli 4. Side Hold.Ross and Boots, Black, Brown, White, Blue and lYt'puuncan party to Wrestling *aly. Pink^ | aesinng “persecute er expressed his for either? O 5. Wrestling Back Hold.Johnston and Oliildren’s longing --—J Lynch. the South” are ignorant of that its War clouds have and 0. Heavy Dumb-bell Feats.Ross vs. party, burst, millions "f Lynch. Spring Heel Boots, the proper Boot for weak ankles. •tout men have beeu slain VIA. Belt and Medal can be seen at C, D. B. FISK’S, members, and its history. No party ever owing to the veriest under the Preble House. Admission 26 cents: trifles. The cropping of Louis VII's chin FOR exercised its punitive power with so much Reserved Seats 60 cents. Reserved Seats can be eodly PRESIDENT, brought on three centuries of bloodshed, and a obtained at BeI__ PORTLAND & OGOENSBURG R. City Hotel. Referee, John H. tenderness to no ever treated sarcastic remark of Frederick the Great on R, of Walsh, rebels; party Boston, the well known sporting man. Elizabeth Petrovna of Russia, roused that vir- COMMENCING sep20 rebels so generously; no party ever treated dtd tuous empress to take such a vigorous part in JAMES A. its with EXTENSIVE REPAIRS GARFIELD, captives the same degree of human- the seven years’ war that at one time Pru-eia OF OHIO. seemed ity. It is to this the ex-rebels of the well-nigh stricken unto death Kv«n * j+ % party CITY « Catherine ol 1‘ois- HALL, South owe their II.—profoundly suspicious 20th, 1880, political rights and exis- dam after the. “scandal about. Queen Eliza Sept. & and Are about to be made in our re, Friday Saturday Saturday spacioussto ence. If that had beth“—carefully examined her husband's cor- Aud continuing to close of Season mmmm VO It VIVE party been animated Matinee, Sept. !i4lli & SStli. and to better our PRESIDENT, befoie she concluded an ' accommodate workmen, by a desire to persecute them there respondence alliance with the royal letter-writer. Perhaps had she ¥ we desire to reduce our would be no “solid South” as present stock Chester A. existing found Frederick II. condoling with Peter III., Tickets for the Kotind trip to Fa- to as a Arthur, a threat against the nation. Europe might have been spared much misery Carte's London Co low as and undismembered byan's aud Return will be sold O’Oyley Opera point possible. Poland beeujyet in exis- Composed of the members cf the OF NEW YORK. tence to bold the balance principal Orig- Of n Far Claim than between the north- for $3 00 and made good for 7 inal 5th Ave. Theatre will in Higher any other pro- The Cincinnati Co., appear medicine of the Enquirer, Democratic, ern empires.