Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-03-14
Ration Calendar Light Snow OA8 "AU o01lpoa • ulol... ,..,••• 1/ FllEL OIL OOUpGD • oxpl,.. April 1,8, IOWA: Licbt.Dow In north 00,.,.B8 o.u,.n 25 ...plr.. Mar•• 11/ liDd t porUou 8UOAIC .oupon II 'ICpl". ~r.. "b 161 THE DAILY IOWAN HROIIN, •• ",..n 17 upl'lI Iv.. J(' cold., loda,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper fIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 1943 VOLUME XLID NUMBER 144 e I e al 5 n, 1 U.S.·TRAINED CHINESE AIRMEN NOW FIGHT SIDE BY SIDE WITH YANKS Visiting Eden Warns Allies of Long Road Ador Very III To Victory as Talks With F.D.R. Begin Unloads 1,000 • War, Global Security Tons of Bombs Germans Gain Will Be Chief Points Of Vital Conferences Upon Railways WASHINGTON (AP) - Warn- On Kharkov ing that "we'vc gol a long way yct to go" on the road to victory, Pummels Supply Route Reds Admit Situation Anthony Eden, British foreign sec To Coastline Troops l retary, ha tened to get tOGether AJong Somme, Seine ISerious as Enemy Iwith President Roosevelt last night on the vast problcrru of war Advances New Units I LO 'DO~ (AP)-Thc RAF llnd global. ecurity. • h'oPP d mor thlln 1, ton LONDON, Sunday (AP)-Gcr The president invited Eden for J[ bomb on E "pn Frid , man troops gained fresh ground in a dinner and a lalk. the White the flaming right for Kharkov. a Housc announced. Anothcr guest night, and y . t rdllY 11ft rnoo;, midnight Moscow bulletin an was John G. Winant, the Ameri whil fil't' till w re l'1Il>ing nounced today, and Russian field can ambas.
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