Department of Catechesis Syro Malabar Catholic Church, Dublin, Ireland Question Bank - 2019
DEPARTMENT OF CATECHESIS SYRO MALABAR CATHOLIC CHURCH, DUBLIN, IRELAND QUESTION BANK - 2019 CLASS – 6 Part-A : Choose the correct answer. 1. The feast of epiphany? [8th of December, 25th of December,6th of January] 2. We observe the last week of lent as ___ [Danaha, Holy week, moonu nombu] 3. the centre of the Christian life is [Charity, spiritual life, social life] 4. The first Sunday of lent is called (Easter, Palm Sunday, Pethurtha] 5. Abstinence, fasting ,and ————-leads us to acts of mercy and charity. [prayer, spiritual life] 6. How many days in preparation for the birth day of our lady [Three days, fifteen days, eight days] 7. what is the liturgical meaning of the Malayalam word upavasam? [fasting, prayer, to live together] 8. The tradition of decorating cores of banana plants with light and singing is called.. [deneha, Rakkulipperunnaal, El-payya] 9. The last Friday of the deneha season is dedicated to the memory of …. [all saints, all souls, all children] 10. what is the centre of our faith and our life [holy Eucharist, the mystery of the holy trinity, the bible] 11. Who entered Jesus’ tomb first? (Peter, John, Mary Magdalene) 12. “Truly this man was innocent “said who? (Pilate, The Centurion, Simeon of Cyrene) 13. Who was the disciple who betrayed Jesus by a kiss? (John, Peter, Judas) 14. Are you the King of the Jews? Said who? (the soldiers, Pilate, Peter) 1 15. The parable of the ‘prodigal son’ illustrates? (Mercy of God to sinners, Joy of God to repenting sinners, love of God to sinners) 16.
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