Creating Income While Wildlife Is Protected the Kavango-Zambesi Transfrontier Conservation Area Is a Joint Project of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe
Focus Creating income while wildlife is protected The Kavango-Zambesi Transfrontier Conservation Area is a joint project of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The key objective is to join fragmented wildlife habitats into an interconnected mosaic of protected areas and transboundary wildlife corridors and at the same time to improve livelihoods of the rural communities through creating alternative income in the tourism sector. The Kavango-Zambezi Transfron- game reserves, community conserv- tion and tourism are therefore seen as tier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA) ancies and game management areas. the vehicle for socio-economic devel- is situated in the Okavango and Zam- Most notably, the area will include the opment of the region. bezi river basins, where the borders Caprivi Strip, Chobe National Park, of Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zam- the Okavango Delta and the Victo- In December 2006, the ministers of bia and Zimbabwe converge. It spans ria Falls (World Heritage Site and one environment and tourism from Angola, an area of approximately 287,132 of the Seven Natural Wonders of the Botswana, Namibia, Zimbabwe and square kilometres, almost the size of World). The Okavango Delta belongs Zambia met at the Victoria Falls to sign Italy, and includes 36 national parks, to the Ramsar Sites – wetlands of inter- a Memorandum of Understanding to national importance. In fact, it is the establish the Kavango Zambezi Trans- largest Ramsar Site world-wide. The frontier Conservation Area. This cer- Alan Sparrow KAZA TFCA promises to be Southern emonial event was the culmination of Coordinator Africa’s premier tourist destination with two years of preparation during which Peace Parks Foundation the largest contiguous population of key stakeholders were consulted to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe the African elephant (approximately secure support for linking the protected 250,000) in the continent.
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