STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE at CORTLAND Instructor: Mark Cerosaletti Modern Languages Department Office: 228-A Old Main Ph

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STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE at CORTLAND Instructor: Mark Cerosaletti Modern Languages Department Office: 228-A Old Main Ph STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE at CORTLAND instructor: Mark Cerosaletti Modern Languages Department office: 228-A Old Main ph. & voice mail: 753-2032 (best for messages) ITA 329-501: e-mail: [email protected] Independent Study: Special Topics in Italian: mail: Dept. office – 228 Old Main Italian Language and Culture Through Film and Opera office hours: Mondays: 4:15 – 5:15 Tuesdays: 9:30 – 12:30 (3 cr. hrs.) Wednesdays: 4:15 – 5:15 Fall 2011 and by appointment I. COURSE DESCRIPTION, OVERVIEW, and OBJECTIVES CATALOG DESCRIPTION: ITA 329: Special Topics in Italian: Selected topics. May be taken more than once as subtitle changes. Prerequisites: Designated by department as appropriate for content and academic level of credit. (1-4 cr. hr.) ITA 329: Special Topics in Italian: Italian Language and Culture Through Film and Opera—Independent Study & THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK: This independent study, as is the case with all of our offerings in the Modern Languages Department, is rooted in the ideals of liberal learning. The underlying ideal in all of our classes, whether they be literature-, culture-, or language-based, is that all three of these elements are interwoven. The specific knowledge and perspectives that will be acquired in this class reflect SUNY Cortland's commitment to instilling in our students an acumen for themes and issues pertaining to Global Understanding (knowledge of the interconnectedness of the natural and human experience through exposure to the political, social, economic and religious differences of the target language's literature and civilization) and Social Justice (comparison and contrast of issues of social justice, equality, and democracy between our society and those of the target language). COURSE OVERVIEW: ITA 329: Special Topics: Italian Language and Culture Through Film and Opera—Independent Study is designed to afford the student of Italian language and culture the opportunity to continue her/his development of language proficiency beyond the intermediate level, through the screening of selected narrative films and a filmed opera, the completion of vocabulary and comprehension exercises and assignments, review of the exercises with the instructor, and the preparation of oral discussion presentation or take-home essay questions on assigned topics for each of the films. At the same time, this independent study will afford the student exposure to various moments in Italian history and various aspects of Italian culture. Prerequisite: Intermediate Italian II or equivalent. GENERAL COURSE OBJECTIVES: • to continue building language proficiency in Italian in all the major language skills: speaking/listening, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and cultural awareness and competence. • to continue building the student’s repertoire of vocabulary in Italian; • to continue strengthening the student’s knowledge and understanding of Italian grammar, in particular the subjunctive mood and its associated constructions, versus indicative mood constructions and constructions involving with the infinitive; the present and past subjunctive tenses; and the formal and informal imperative; • to continue to refine the student’s level of sophistication of expression, both oral and written; • to continue to gain an understanding and an appreciation of the Italian language, and to continue to become acquainted with aspects of Italy’s culture and history. -2- II. REQUIRED TEXTS & MATERIALS • Italian Through Film: A Text for Italian Courses -- Borra & Pausini (Yale University Press, 2004) • Italian Through Film: The Classics -- Borra & Pausini (Yale University Press, 2006) • L’italiano con l’opera: Lingua, cultura e conversazione -- Noè & Boyd (Yale University Press, 2003) -- Unità 5: Tosca, pp.201-244 III. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. SCREENING OF FILMS Each week, the student will view the assigned film on her/his own, and complete assigned comprehension exercises. Films will either be on reserve in the Media Collection center in Memorial Library, or will be supplied by the instructor. When viewing a film, the student should strive to listen to the spoken Italian as closely and as much as possible, and avoid relying exclusively on the subtitles. In fact, in the case of DVD copies of the film, the student may in fact be specifically be given a viewing assignment without subtitles, to practice listening comprehension. 2. COURSEWORK: The student will be required to do the following types of assignments for each film: pre-viewing vocabulary and content-based exercises, and, on occasion, grammar study comprehension exercises both during and after the viewing post-viewing listening comprehension dictation exercises from clips from the film under study (via eLearning) post-viewing grammar exercises, on occasion presentation of completed exercises for course credit oral discussion presentations & film writing assignments o Oral discussion presentations: For one half of the films, the student will be assigned a discussion topic or question to prepare for oral presentation for the instructor at the meeting session for that film. The student is expected to craft a well-developed and reasoned analysis and response to the assigned topic, and to then discourse on the theme for three to five minutes in Italian for the instructor. o Writing assignments: For the other half of the films, the student will be assigned a discussion topic to prepare in writing, as a take-home essay question. The student is expected to craft a well-developed and reasoned written analysis and response to the assigned topic, of one to two pages in length (typed) and in Italian. a written final exam, composed of the types of curricular activities in which the student has engaged throughout the independent study In both the viewing of the film and in the completion of assigned work, the student is free to consult with the instructor as needed. 3. PREPARATION FOR MEETINGS WITH INSTRUCTOR & EFFORT TO USE ITALIAN The instructor and student will meet weekly, following a mutually-developed schedule, to review the assigned exercises and discussion questions and topics. While a regular schedule will be adhered to, in the case of an emergency, re-scheduling a session will be permitted. These meetings will take place in Italian, to provide oral practice in the language. When assigning grades for each film (for completion of exercises, and for film review and discussion), the following factors will be taken into consideration: - the student’s degree of preparation - the student’s degree of participation in the review and discussion - the student’s degree of effort to sustain the discussion in Italian -3- ITA 329: Special Topics: Italian Language and Culture Through Film and Opera Fall 2011 IV. COURSE GRADE & GRADING The final course grade will be based on the following components, combined according to the given percentages: Completion of assigned exercises for each film .............................................. : 40.0 % Oral presentations, writing assignments .......................................................... : 40.0 % Final Exam ...................................................................................................... : 20.0 % V. COURSE POLICIES 1. COLLEGE POLICIES: ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Students should be familiar with the College policy on academic integrity, and its definitions of academic dishonesty, and should be aware that such instances of academic dishonesty carry penalties. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING EXCERPTS FROM THE 2010-2012 COLLEGE HANDBOOK: CHAPTER 340, "Academic Integrity" 340.01 ... It is...the professional responsibility of all faculty to explain the importance of honesty and respect for knowledge in order to ensure an academic environment that encourages integrity. is the responsibility of students to protect their own work from inappropriate use by others and to protect the work of other people by providing proper citation of ideas and research findings to the appropriate source. ... Academic integrity is absolutely essential to ensure the validity of the grading system and maintain high standards of academic excellence. In addition, all members of the academic community must exhibit behavior exemplifying academic honesty and encourage such behavior in others. 340.02 A violation of academic integrity as an instance of academic dishonesty can occur in many ways. At SUNY Cortland, instances of academic dishonesty are: 1. Plagiarism … 2. Cheating on examinations … 3. Other infractions … 340.07 RESPONSIBILITIES OF STUDENTS 1. Students are responsible for knowing the policy on academic integrity. Failure of a faculty member to remind a student of what constitutes academic integrity and academic dishonesty will not obviate this responsibility. 2. Students should not provide opportunities for others to obstruct academic integrity. 3. Students should inform a faculty member or member of the administration if any infringement of academic integrity takes place. Students are advised to read the Policy on Academic Integrity in its entirety, in the 2010-20112 College Handbook. The Handbook is available online at: 2. COLLEGE STATEMENT: Student Disability Services: PLEASE READ: SUNY Cortland is committed to upholding and maintaining all aspects of the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please contact the Office of Disability
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