By Don Basham One Man's Tribute to His Natural and Spiritual Fathers

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By Don Basham One Man's Tribute to His Natural and Spiritual Fathers tion to the past or showing much Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to Mo- concern for the future, Esau ses and Elijah, to Paul and Tim- could well have invented the othy, is ours as well. But we must phrase "Live for today" as a phi- activelysearch out that inheritance losophy of life. Evidently, it was and apprehend it the very attitude which caused In this issue of New Wine we him to disdain his heritage and look at heritage from a number of exchange his birthright for the perspectives. Don Basham remi- momentary, transitory satisfac- nisces in his article about the god- tion of a bowl of stew. ly men who were instrumental in In the brief time it took to say encouraging him to seek God's yes to Jacob's bargain, Esau dis- highest for his life. For anyone carded the rich inheritance of who has been influenced by Don's Abraham and Isaac, totally dis- life and ministry, reading his arti- regarding its significance not on- cle is like meeting spiritual ly to his past but to his present grandparents. Other perspectives and future as well. No wonder his on heritage-John Duke's defini- actions that day set into motion a tive article, Jerry Noah's biblical chain of events which would examination of the significance of cause him to be cursed instead of Jacob's blessing, Charles Swin- blessed by his own father! No doll's humorous and candid shar- wonder God says of him: "Esau I ing, Diane Doyle's testimony, and have hated, and I have turned his Robin Conner's short story- mountains into wasteland and left combine to provide a convincing his inheritance to the desert portrayal of the importance of jackals" (Mal. 1:3 NIV). Esau was heritage in our lives. Finally, Don a man who cut himself off from Basham aptly sums up in "To the his heritage, and it cost him dear- Point" the response God wants ly. He realized, all too late, that from us: We need to find our her- heritage is a life-and-death mat- itage, embrace it, enrich it and Editorial ter. transmit it to future generations. Unfortunately, Esau would have Perhaps Jeremiah's words to sau. The name brings to felt at home in most of modem the people of Judah (Jer. 6:16) Emind an image of Isaac's society, for the life-style he ex- best capture the heart of the mat- favorite son, a big, strapping out- emplified is rampant today. In ter. We need to stand with the doorsman-a likeable, easygoing fact, the influence of that life- prophet-looking back over the sort of fellow, who wasn't one to style has extended even into the generations before us, and for- take himself or life in general too Church, so that many of us at times ward to the generations to come seriously. Not paying much atten- border upon becoming Esaus our- -and hear what God has said selves.Too often we tend to disdain about apprehending our inheri- the inheritance we ought to re- tance: ceive and cherish from those who have gone before us. By cutting "Stand at the crossroads and our moorings to the past, we, like look; Esau, endanger our future and ask for the ancient paths, the blessing that God desires to ask where the good way is, place on us. and walk in it, However, if instead we can and you will find rest for open our eyes to the vast treasure your souls." ... that is our heritage, we will learn to value it and to invest it in our own lives and in the lives of our children. The precious inheritance ~J4~ of faith and grace that belonged to Dick Leggatt, Editor 2 NOVEMBER 1982 This Month HERITAGE Vol. 14, No. 11, November 1982 Articles: 4. _ Four Faithful Men by Don Basham One man's tribute to his natural and spiritual fathers. 9. _ Heritage: A Life-Style by John Duke Passing on a way of life. 10. _ Jacob's Blessing by Jerry Noah Joseph lost his name so that his sons could receive his father's inheritance. 14. _ Building Memories by Charles Swindoll Cover Photo: Photofile Ltd., New York Thoughts from a father who wants to be remembered for more than just the basics. 16. _ World Communion Service: A Report From Fort Worth 18. _ Magazine Staff: Sons Who Walk in Our Ways by Dick Leggatt Editor Our children's future depends on Dick Leggatt our faithfulness. 22, _ Editorial Assistants Bob Robinson, Nita Steffanic, "Don't Forget Us!" Catherine Girod, Curtis Forman, an interview with Charles Ross Paul Thigpen, Stephen Simpson, An account of a recent visit with Kay Richey believers in Hungary. Art Director 25. _ Mark Pie' God Gave Me a Jewel by Diane Doyle Photography Chris Poole, Mike Reed An answer to a simple prayer became a sign of a father's love. Chief Editorial Consultant 28. _ Don Basham Editorial Board of Integrity Communications What Jamie Learned From Charles Simpson, Chairman; Don Basham, Great-Grandpa Derek Prince, Bob Mumford, Em Baxter, a story by Robin Conner John Duke, Joseph Garlington, Terry Parker, Bruce Longstreth. Other Publications and Ministries Associated with New Wine Magazine: Fathergram; Integrity Publications; Life Changers by Bob Mumford; Derek Prince Regular Features: Ministries; Intercessors for America; BusinessGram; Vino Nuevo Magazine; Editorial 2 Restore Magazine (available in Australia and The Lighter Side 8 New Zealand only). Did You Know? 21 @1982 by Integrity Communications. All International 22 rights reserved. New Wine [ISSN 0194-438Xj Tips for Fathers 30 [USPS 382-520] is published monthly by In- To the Point. 31 tegrity Communications, P.O. Box Z, Mobile, Alabama 36616. Second-class postage paid at The Word ' 33 Mobile, AL, and additional mailing offices. Dear New Wine, ,34 NEWWINE 3 Four Faithful Men ------------ ..... ------------ by Don Basham Photo: Don Basham with or the past fifteen years his father after F some of us have been trav- a successful eling the world over, preaching hunt and teaching the principles of the kingdom of God. We have em- phasized not only what it means to enter into a covenant relation- ship with Jesus Christ but also what it means to be covenantally related to each other. Our teaching has taken root and produced spiritual offspring, with the development of eight or ten spiritual generations among those churches and fellowships for whom we hold pastoral re- sponsibility. In these churches we have seen the results of obeying Paul's advice to Timothy: And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses, entrust to re- ize that a large part of the spiri- My Father liable men who will also be tual heritage which I desire to pass To grow up in a happy and qualified to teach others (2 on to those for whom I feel ac- serene home is a rare privilege, Tim. 2:2 NIV). countable-whether through fam- and I was blessed to be reared in ily, personal ministry or books such a home. I prospered under That one verse identifies four and tapes-stems from the life the love and care of a father and spiritual generations. Truth and and inspiration I received years mother whose first priority was life pass from Paul to Timothy, to ago from certain faithful men the welfare of their three sons. those taught by Timothy, on to whom God used on my behalf. At Whatever success I have achieved others who learned from those pivotal times those men depos- in my own marriage and with my Timothy taught. When truth is ited life and truth in me which own children is due in no small personally communicated from took root and helped shape my part to the parenting I received. teacher to disciple, from crafts- character as I sought God's willfor Almost all of my memories of man to apprentice, from parent to my own life. childhood are pleasant ones, and child, more than facts or methods I want to pay tribute here to all my recollections of my father are passed on; life is imparted. four of those men, sharing briefly are filled with respect and ad- Not only history, but heritage is what I received from .them. I do miration. Though not outwardly created. so with a grateful awareness of religious,mydad manifested Christ- Recently I have come to real- how deeply I am in their debt. like qualities of faithfulness, 4 NOVEMBER 1982 gentleness and loyalty. He was a loving, decent, hardworking man who respected the Lord and who was committed to his wife and children. An ardent and skilled sports- man, my father could catch fish where no one else could catch them, and scare up game where no one else could find it He passed on his love for hunting and fishing to his three sons, and my memories are filled with beautiful scenes of sunrises and sunsets during fishing and hunting excur- sions on the prairies, on the lakes and rivers of North Texas, and in the mountains of Colorado. I can also vividly recall how he praised me when I caught my first fish at Dr. Frank the age of five, and killed my first Laubach deer at the age of fifteen. His ap- proval drove shafts of security because of his demotion. So far the most Christlike men I have and stability into my character as we were concerned, however, ever met. that nothing can ever undermine he stood ten feet taller than those Dr.
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