The Grand Valley Ledger M

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The Grand Valley Ledger M hcag s L.H.S. Graduates 4 SOK's- 333,- „ x Featured In — CHI CAN 43234 This Issue! The Grand Valley Ledger i UVolume? , Issue 30 Serving Lowell Area Reader* Since 1893 June 2f 1983 WCUZ weekend o BIG success The sun opened the door to fun and laughter Saturday and wel- comed over 6500 friends, rela- tives and guests to the WCUZ/ Budweiser Lowell Showboat m weekend Over $12,000 - $14,000 was raised for the Showboat fund. Of all the thanks owed by Showboat fans, the greatest and MEET THE BOARD CANDIDATES longest applause should be given to WCUZ's Kevin Reynolds, Meet the candidates night, sponsored by the Lowell Education who orchestrated the Softball Association, will be held Monday, June 6 at 7:00 P.M. in the Mid- Classic and the Bobby Bare dle School Cafetorium. School Board candidates will be on hand to Show. Another round of meet and answer questions for the general public. applause should be given to West 4J Side Beer and Budweiser for L.H.S. GRADUATION their cooperation and contrib- ution in the weekend's fes- High School Graduation will be held Sunday. June 5. in the Low- tivities. Drop a note to Kevin at ell Showboat amphitheatre. Commencement ceremonies begin at WCUZ, 1 McKay Tower. G.R. 3:00. 49503 or call him at 451-2551 to Senior awards night tonight Thursday. June 2. at 7:30 in the High express your thanks. School Gym. Awards Scholarships. Athletic awards. Leadership, The action kicked off Satur- • and senior awards will be presented. day morning with the first round of the WCUZ/B|idweiser Soft- SENIOR CENTER NOTES ball Classic wjfach was finally deckkw ^uiKiiy in a game be- Ginny Gauger flashes a big Showboat smile during Saturday's parade. U/ The Lowell Senior Center invites all interested persons to attend a tween Wheels Unlimited and special program on Tuesday. June 7.1983. Mr. KennOostdyk will Poor Arthur. Wheels Unlimited held in Lowell. Fred's Secret: be speaking and answering questions on Medicare. Medicaid and won the championship game 6 - Cook with love Select the finest Area men aid robbery victim Supplemental Insurance. This is especially important as the "Blues" 0 thereby winning first place ingredients, and when it's done, have petitioned for a rate increase that would nearly doable the cost trophy and Poor Arthur 2nd and let it cool and then reheit it." Four local men rushed to the Shortly after. Robin Fodrey of their senior coverage. We are sure you will find the program in- Bill's Gym Plus 3rd. Ten carnival booths, operated rescue of two women who were ran in yelling. teresting and informative. At eleven the Showboat by members of the St. Mary's being robbed and beaten, cap- According to Yerrick. the man Senior citizens! Keep Tues. June 14 open for the Senior Swim Parade started down Main Qiurch provided entertainment tured the thief, and held him for had confronted a 39-year old Day. Free transportation and entertainment. See next issue for de- Street. Eight floats representing for the fans as they made their the police. woman and a 34 year old outside tails. local organizations and busines- way down to the amphitheater to Steven VanderZiel. 22 of the restaurant. He took the older ses, clowns, fire engines, an- listen to local bands Shades of Lowell: David Fuss. 22, of Alto: woman's purse and assaulted the "Y" LEADERS CLUB GARAGE SALE tique and new cars, horsemen, Time, Cross Country. Northern Carlton Blough, 26, of Lowell, younger one when she resisted old time bicycles, the calliope Nights and Bust-N-Loo®e, who and his brother Gary Blough 29, the robbery. The Lowell YMCA Boys Leaders Club will hold a huge garage and local bands all entertained played from one to fivr. also of Lowell were finishing The younger woman received sale at the Foreman Building located on S. Broadway Street in Low- young and old. After a dinner break. Colonel their pizza when 8 year old cuts and bruises and was treated ell on June 4th from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Anyone wishing to do- Following the parade, pylons Gair McCombs, in his modified Robin Fodrey ran into the restau- and released at Butterworth Hos- nate articles for the sale should contact the Lowell YMCA office were placed in a curving, obsta- Cessna 152 Acrobat entertained rant yelling for help. pital. (897-4445) or Al Eckman (897-7586). cle course design down the the amphitheater crowd with Led by 21 year old Pizza Hut The five men have been rec- parade route for the running of aerobatk loops and rolls over the employee Chris Guis, the five ommended for citations for com- OFF THE BLOTTER the outhouses. Pfaller's River- river and under the wires. men rushed outside where they ing to the woman's aid. side Clothing's four man team The Rockabillies really woke found a man beating a 34-year Involved in a property damage accident on the 18th. was Craig proved victorious in their caf- the crowd, got their feet stom- old woman's head against the feine powered one-holer. Jim pin", and their hands poundin' pavement. They subdued the s.o.s. Stinchcoim. 18. of Lowell, when he backed his vehicle into a Sparked car on S. West St. near Main Street. The owner of the parked Pfaller. Leo Pfaller, Mike with rocked versions of old fa- man and sal on him until police vehicle was J.W. Schepers of Ada Feldpausch, and Steve vorites and original material as arrived. NEWS! Pamala Thompson. 18. of Alto struck a car on Foreman and Feldpausch pushed and pulled they anticipated the arrival on- Lt. Donald Yerrick stated that Beech Street Thursday, the 19th when she failed to yield right of their way to what was later des- stage of Bobby Bare. a man in his early 20's entered The Citizens Millage Steering Committee has opened a store- way at the intersection. Driver of the second vehicle was Minday cribed as a superior ability and Around 9:15, the Budweiser the restaurant at 3550 28th St. Walling 17 or Lowell, no one was injured. age motivated victory. The team inspired crowd was on it's feet S.E.. after 10 P.M. and acted front headquarters at 117 W. Frederick Mockerman. 19. of Lowell slipped into the path of a has already issued an open chal- with a Showboat welcome for suspicious, first loitering, then Main. The information center i> vehicle driven by Bryan Roth. 24. also of Lowell on Grindle Dr. lenge to all comers for the Fourth Bobby Bare. Bobby plunged into ordering a pizza and leaving be- open daily with limited houn near Fun Street. ThurMlay evening. There were no injuries. of July competition. Rumor has his round of country favontes in- fore it was served from 11 to ! and 3 to 7. Monday Kevin Vezino. 28. of Lowell and Jacqueline Sortnsen. 51. of it that the team is intending to cluding "500 Miles". "The Goal- thru Saturday , and with unli- mited information The head- Lowell colhdcd on West Main Street near the Admiral Gas Station add a secret paper shredder to post of Life". and "The Winner" PRECISION & FASHION Sunday. May 15. No turn signal used was the apparent cause of the their entry for the run. Midway through the show. HAIRSTYLING - For both quarters is manned by Rev Amundsen and a large group i>l ^accident The crowds then moved down Bare related his past, giving men and women. Man's World James Thompson 40, of Lowell made an improper turn into the to the amphitheater boardwalk credit to WCUZ in Grand Rapids Hairstyling. Phone 897-8162. volunteers Wesco Gas Station on East Main Street Sundas 22nd of May. and where seven contestants in- as being the radio station respon- Vision to the Millage head- was struck by Duanc James. 34 of Grand Rapids, no one was hurt volved in a heated chile cook-off sible for his early airplay and R. Stanley W illiams will repre- quarters will he greeted u nh cot- fee and in an informal situation William Spitsbergen. 57, and Man Randall, 27. both of Lowell, were simmering. Bruce Cor- subsequent success with RCA sent your interests on the Low- given answers to any and all collided at Main and Church St. Mondas. May 16. nelius. regional chile champ. Topping off the evening was a ell School Board: > arent, A 9 year old bicycle nder was injured. Monday May 16. when he Gordon Gould and Diana Fulker- fireworks display sponsored by Homeowner/Taxpayer. questions attempted to ndc his bicycle from between stopped cars across N. son were on hand as official Lippert Pharmacies and State Paid for by Stan Willimas If you are unable to m^e n lo the center, just call 676-WI3. Hudson St near Chatham The driver of the car involved. Joanne judges and samplers. After con- Savings Bank of Lowell for School Board Cooniittce. and an informal coffee meeting Strouse. 43 or Alto apparently did not have time to avoid the colli- siderable munching. Fred Ricks. Sunday the festivities wound can be arranged at your home sion. The Juvenile was taken to a Grand Rapids Hospital by Ambu- 289 Elm St. SE. of Clarksville down with a free polo match al Appointments not always A pancake, sausage, juice and lance. was awarded the $25 cook-off the Kentree Polo Club and the needed at Vanity Hair Kadi coffee breakfast is being spun- David Wmgeier.
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