South Community Council Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 6th September 2016 At Chapel.

Apologies: Cllr. Mrs. G. Wilson-Butterworth, Cllr. J. Gurr (illness) Present: Cllr. J. Blanchard, Cllr. P. Jones, Cllr. Mrs. W. Sime, Cllr. Mrs. B. Wynn, Cllr. Mrs. R. Coathupe-Fox, Cllr. Lord Kenyon, Cllr. Ms. D. Kettle, PCSO Mike Simister, Mrs. L. Houston (Clerk) 1. Declarations of interest: None 2. Minutes of the last meeting: One spelling error was corrected – Item 9b) Shropshire County Council. The minutes were confirmed as a true record and duly signed by the Vice Chairman. 3. Matters arising: The interest of Bettisfield councillors in the iBeacon project has been registered and further information will follow in due course. The availability of planters has been advertised in Penley. 4. Police report: The report was received. Police are actively investigating incidents of poaching in the Bettisfield area. Councillors reported very high speeds recorded by the Vehicle Activated Camera. PCSO M. Simister requested that they send the data collected to him and it will be analysed by Roadsafe. 5. County Council Matters:  It was confirmed that a replacement bus service between Whitchurch and has started today.  An emergency Executive Board meeting was held this morning to discuss the new status of the former Grove Park Grammar School as a listed building. Council will take this to appeal because they need to provide one or two new schools in the town and had earmarked this site. The current building is not suitable for conversion.  Cllr. Lord Kenyon will attend a workshop on Community Policing.  Bettisfield residents are concerned at the unnecessary expense of new food caddies which have been delivered when they already had them. Also the bilingual leaflet is difficult to read. 6. Open Forum – no-one attended. 7. Bus Service in the Maelor South area. Although the provision of a new bus on the 146 route was seen as positive, the timetable may not be convenient for school, college and work times. The Council will keep this matter under review.

8. Revised Code of Conduct. The Council will adopt the new Code of Conduct and an advert will be placed in the Whitchurch herald to announce this. The clerk will provide a summary of the changes at the next meeting. 9. Penley Playground. Cllr. Mrs Coathupe-Fox is working on the Service Level Agreement for Mr. G. Williams and will email it to Cllr. Gurr on completion. The closing date for the application is 28th September 2016. 10. Website. The Agenda and minutes of recent meetings have been uploaded. Log-in details are to be passed to Cllr. Gurr. 11. Streetscene: a) Penley – Fridge that was fly-tipped in Grange Road has been removed -Following the cutting down of overhanging trees in the garage area of Penda’s Park, the debris has been left in the playground, presenting a hazard for children who are playing there. Clerk to establish who the land belongs to and arrange to have it moved. -Drains have not been cleared in Penley. Clerk to report again. -Hedge near to the junction of Lane and Chapel Gardens needs to be cut back. - Parents have recently cut back hedges near to the school. Councillors feel that WCBC do very little work in Penley. B) Bettisfield Clerk to write to Halls estate agents to request that the hedge at the Old Shop property be cut back. 12. Planning a) Applications P/2016/0164 Height of fencing at Chapel House, Penley was questioned. P/2016/0743 New power cables at Avenue Farm, Bettisfield. This would be on their land. P/2016/0751 Ellesmere Lane development P/2016/0685 Extension at 15, Ellesmere Lane There were no objections. b) Decisions – all decisions are currently pending. 13. Village projects a) Penley Weeds are starting to grow back on the waste land near to the hospital. Councillors will try to get it strimmed and look into the possibility of borrowing a mini digger to get rid of the roots. b) Bettisfield Councillors met with Ani Sutton regarding their plan to install a fitness trail along the tow path. They will pursue this now that the summer break is over. Cllr. Blanchard will also contact the Canal and River Trust again re: work on the Donkey Field. It was suggested that as part of the iBeacon projects, Bettisfield could be put forward for the Dark Sky initiative. 14. Meetings attended by Councillors. Cllr. Ms. D. kettle attended the meeting held in Overton to discuss the urgent need for a replacement bus service following the loss of the GHA service. 15. Payment of bills.

Paid to Amount Cheque Proposed by Seconded by number Hydramech 234.00 000723 RC-F BW Clearance of waste ground Scottish Power 122.72 000724 GW PJ WCBC 000725 DK GW Insp.+maint of 154.80 Playground G. Williams 265.00 JB RC-F grasscutting J. Blanchard 32.00 RC-F BW Planter P. Stokes 19.95 JB PJ Planter

16. Income and expenditure since the last meeting.

July - September 2016

Treasurer’s Account Date Credits Debits Paid to/from Balance 29.06.16 7,991.59 12.07.16 Chq. No 000712 JDH Business services 7,847.59 144.00 29.07.16 3,674.67 Precept 11,522.26 5.08.16 Chq. No 000722 Bettisfield Chapel, 11,492.26 30.00 For meetings

Business Instant Balance c/f

Access Account 9,484.37 11.07.16 Interest 0.42 9,484.79 09.08.16 Interest 0.38 9,485.17

Total available funds £20,977.43

Committed funds: Penley Playground 5,000.00

Funds raised, playground 500.00

Benches 1,000.00

Penley Village Hall donation 2,000.00

Legal fees, Broken Bridge Project 1,000.00


17. Correspondence. Information about NS Wheelers bus service. Clerk to place contact details on Bettisfield notice board. Letter from Cllr. Mrs. Wilson-Butterworth announcing her wish to stand down from the Council at the next election, or to resign her position with immediate effect. It was decided to ask for her resignation now so that the process to fill the vacancy could begin. 18. Co-option of new councillor for Penley.

The clerk had received to expressions of interest and these letters were read out. It was agreed to invite both candidates to the next meeting, to be held on Tuesday, 4th October 2016, when an interview would be conducted. 19. Any Other Business. There being no other business, the meeting closed at 8:59p.m.