Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 104(Suppl. I): 89-100, 2009 89

Structural organization of Trypanosoma cruzi

Wanderley de Souza

Laboratório de Ultraestrutura Celular Hertha Meyer, Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Av. Carlos Chagas Filho 373 Bloco G subsolo, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Diretoria de Programa, Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil

Since the initial description of Trypanosoma cruzi by Carlos Chagas in 1909, several research groups have used different microscopic techniques to obtain detailed information about the various developmental stages found in the life cycle of this intracellular parasite. This review describes the present knowledge on the organization of the most important structures and found in the protozoan, such as the surface, , , - complex, , acidocalcisome, contractile , inclusions, the secretory pathway, endocytic pathway and the nucleus.

Key words: Trypanosoma cruzi - ultrastructure - electron microscopy

Since its initial description in 1909, the morphology The cell surface of the various developmental stages of Trypanosoma The surface of intracellular parasites such as T. cruzi cruzi has been the subject of intense investigation (Cha- initially interacts with cell surfaces in the vertebrate host gas 1909). A color drawing found in the original paper and then with the membrane of the parasitophorous vac- describing T. cruzi (Fig. 1) points to variat­­ions in the gen- uole. It is also through the cell surface that the protozoan eral shape of the protozoan and the presence of several interacts with the epithelial intestinal cells of the inver- structures that can be stained with Giemsa. It is impor- tebrate host. Therefore, it is important to understand the tant to point out from a historic point of view that T. cruzi structural organization, the molecular array, the compo- was one of the first cells to be examined by Transmission sition and the functional properties of all of the cell sur- Electron Microscopy (TEM) and has continued to be ex- face components of pathogenic . Here we will amined by almost all of the techniques developed over consider the cell surface to include the lipid bilayer and the last 50 years, as recently reviewed (De Souza 2008). the associated components that face the extracellular In this review, I will briefly cover the main structures medium and form the glycocalyx (also known as the cell and organelles found in T. cruzi after 100 years of mor- coat or the surface coat). The molecules found on the cell phological descriptions. In view of space limitations, I surface of T. cruzi include the mucins, transialidase and will be necessarily telegraphic. However, I hope that the the Tc85 family of glycoproteins, among others. illustrations presented will speak for themselves. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is the most Due to the ability to obtain in vitro axenic cultures, commonly used electron microscopy approach to an- most of the studies on T. cruzi have been done with the alyze cell surfaces since it allows for the visualization of epimastigote form. This is the proliferative developmen- the entire surface of the cell. Recently, detailed informa- tal stage found in the intestine of the invertebrate host. tion has been obtained with the use of a high resolution For a better understanding of the description of the vari- field emission scanning electron microscope (Sant’Anna ous structures and organelles found in T. cruzi, a sche- et al. 2005). Using such an instrument, it is possible to matic view based mainly on images obtained with the visualize specialized areas of the cell surface such as the electron microscope was provided in De Souza (2008, of epimastigotes, a structure involved in the Fig. 1). Below, I will describe the most relevant struc- uptake of macromolecules from the medium through a tural information of the following groups of structures/ typical endocytic process. SEM has also been used to vis- organelles: the surface of the cell, flagellum, cytoskele- ualize the surface domains of the protozoan, especially ton and the metabolic organelles (that is, the kinetoplast- by examining the localization of gold-labeled lectins us- mitochondrion complex, , acidocalcisomes, ing backscattered electrons. For instance, Fig. 2 shows lipid inclusions, components of the secretory pathway that gold-labeled concanavalin A is preferentially local- and components of the endocytic pathway). ized to the cytostome region of the epimastigote forms of T. cruzi (Nakamura et al. 2005). Conventional TEM of thin sections is the most com- mon approach to analyzing the structural organization of cells. However, this technique only gives a general idea about the thickness and density of the glycocalyx. It has been shown that the trypomastigote form of T. cruzi Corresponding author: [email protected] presents a thinner surface coat when compared to the Received 23 March 200 thick coat characteristic of the bloodstream form of Try- Accepted 29 May 2009 panosoma brucei (Vickerman 1969, De Souza & Meyer

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Fig. 1: of the original drawings of the first description of Trypanosoma cruzi by Carlos Chagas in 1909 where developmental stages found in both the invertebrate and invertebrate hosts were seen.

1975). The surface coat can be better visualized using cy- ide particles; additionally, some dyes are osmiophilic, as tochemical methods that detect carbohydrate-containing in the case of ruthenium red (De Souza et al. 1977). macromolecules (De Souza & Meyer 1975) (Fig. 3) as The quick-freezing, freeze-fracture, deep-etching well as with cationic dyes that bind to coat components technique allows for simultaneous observation of the and are intrinsically dense. Some examples of the latter protoplasmic face of the plasma membrane and a small are cationized ferritin particles and colloidal iron hydrox- area of the actual cell surface. Fig. 4 shows an extensive Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 104(Suppl. I), 2009 91

Fig. 2: high resolution scanning electron microscopy of an epimas- tigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi showing the cytostome (C), the flagellum (F) and the flagellar pocket (FP). The arrow points to the cytostome opening. Bar = 0.1 µm (Nakamura et al. 2005).

area of the surface of T. cruzi that has been visualized using this approach. Another means for the visualiza- tion of large areas of the actual cell surface is the use of the fracture-flip technique. Fig. 5 shows an example obtained by this method from the surface of trypomas- tigote forms of T. cruzi (Pimenta et al. 1989). It is clear that the surface of trypomastigotes is very rugous. The rugosities probably correspond to exposed on the protozoan surface. In the case of epimastigotes, the surface lining the cytostome region is more rugous than that covering the cell body and the flagellum. The conventional freeze-fracture technique allows for the examination of the inner portion of the plasma Fig. 3: localization of carbohydrate-containing molecules (arrows) membrane. Fig. 6 shows an example of an image ob- on the surface of an intracellular amastigote form in division (a) and tained from an epimastigote form of T. cruzi (Martinez- in the flagellum of a trypomastigote form (b). Reaction product, ob- Palomo et al. 1976). The use of this technique revealed tained using the periodic acid-thiosemicarbazide-silver proteinate that the plasma membrane is not homogeneous in terms technique, is seen in association with the thin surface coat. Bar = 100 of the density and distribution of intramembranous par- and 50 nm, respectively (De Souza & Meyer 1975). ticles (Fig. 6). Indeed, it is possible to identify at least three macrodomains of the membrane (Martinez-Palo- mo et al. 1976, De Souza et al. 1978, De Souza 2007): the cell body, the flagellum and the flagellar pocket. Each ited area is nearly devoid of transmembrane proteins, of these macrodomains possess specific microdomains appearing smooth in freeze fracture replicas. However, such as (i) the flagellar necklace, localized at the basal when the replicas are flipped, exposing the actual sur- portion of the flagellum; (ii) the zone of attachment of face, the membrane lining the cytostome appears very the flagellum to the cell body, where a linear array of in- rugous. As described above, this area contains a fibril- tramembranous particles exist on both fracture faces of lar material exposed on the surface. The combination of the flagellar membrane lining the adhesion region (Fig. freeze fracture and cytochemical data indicates that the 6) and (iii) the cytostome region, observed in epimas- membrane lining the cytostome is rich in glycoconju- tigote and amastigote forms of T. cruzi. The cytostome gates that are not inserted in the membrane. is an invagination of the plasma membrane followed by Freeze-fracture cytochemistry allows for the possibil- a few specialized that penetrate so deeply ity of identifying components of the plasma membrane. into the cell that they may reach the nuclear region. The The most successful example of this involves the use of opening of the cytostome can reach a diameter of up to digitonin and filipin to localize cholesterol and other ß- 0.3 µm; however, it is significantly smaller in the deeper hydroxy sterols. These compounds establish complexes portion, the cytopharynx, which resembles a funnel. with sterols and induce the appearance of either cylin- Freeze-fracture studies have shown that the membrane drical or protruding structures, in the case of digitonin lining the cytostome is delimited by a palisade-like array or filipin, respectively. These structures can be easily of closely associated particles, corresponding to trans- recognized in freeze-fracture replicas. Fig. 7 shows the membrane proteins that remain unidentified thirty years distribution of filipin-sterol complexes in epimastigote after the initial description of this structure. The delim- forms of T. cruzi (Souto-Padron & De Souza 1983). 92 Structural organization of Trypanosoma cruzi • Wanderley de Souza

Fig. 6: freeze-fracture image revealing a special organization of in- tramembranous particles in the portion of the flagellar membrane in- volved in the adhesion of the flagelllum to the cell body. Bar = 100 nm (Martinez-Palomo et al. 1976).

significantly improved the preservation of this structure (Fig. 8). Subsequently, the use of quick-freezing, freeze- Fig. 4: deep-etching view revealing portions of the plasma mem- fracture, deep-etching and rotary replication (Farina et brane (PM) and the underlying layer of sub-pellicular microtubules al. 1986, Souto-Padron et al. 1984) allowed the obser- showing connections between them (arrows). Bar = 100 nm (Souto- vation of several structures that were not visualized in Padron et al. 1984). thin sections (Fig. 8). It was seen that the PFR is made of a complex array of filaments linked to the . Two regions designated as proximal and distal were identified in the PFR. The proximal region is formed by two plates, while the distal region is formed by several plates. The plates are formed by an association of 2