

Hydrologic Data for North Creek Basin , 1978

By C. C. Kidwell

Open-File Report 80-573

Prepared in cooperation with the Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Texas Department of Water Resources



GEOLOGICAL SURVEY H. William Menard, Director

Reproduced by the Texas Department of Water Resources as part of the continuing program of cooperation in water-resources investigations between the Department and the u.s. Geological Survey CONTENTS

Page Metric conversions------5 Introduction------6 History of small-watershed projects in Texas------6 Objectives of the small-watershed projects------9 Purpose and scope of this hydrologic-data report------10 Description of the watershed------10 Floodwater-retarding structures------12 Hydrologic instruments------12 Summary of data for the 1978 water year------14 Compilation of data------16 North Creek subwatershed tJo. 28-A near Jermy'n, Tex.------17 Monthly and yearly rainfall------18 Monthly and yearly net inflow------19 Monthly and yearly net outflow------20 Water budget of pool, annual summary------21 North Creek near Jacksboro, Tex.------22 Monthly and yearly average rainfall------23 Monthly and yearly mean discharge------24 l~ater budget of poo 1s, annua 1 sunma ry Site 24------25 Site 25------26 Site 26------27 Site 30---··------28 Rainfall-data summary------29 Storm of April 9-10, 1978 At site 28-J\ Inflow and outflow computations------31 Weighted-precipitation record------33 Hydrograph and mass curves------35 At stream-gaging station Runoff computations------36 Weighted-precipitation record------37 Hydrograph and mass curves------·------38 Storm of August 5, 1978 At site 28-A Inflow and outflow computations------39 ~eighted-precipitation record------40 Hydrograph and mass curves------41 At stream-gaging station Runoff computations------42 Weighted-precipitation record------43 Hydrograph and mass curves------44

-3- ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1. Map showing location of the North Creek study area and other study areas------7 2. Map showing locations of floodwater-retarding structures and hydrologic-instrument installations in the North Creek study area------11

TABLES Table 1. Small-watershed study areas in Texas as of September 30, 1978------8 2. Floodwater-retarding structure data, North Creek study area------13 3. Storm rainfall-runoff data, 1978 water year------15

-4- METRIC CONVERSIONS The inch-pound units of measurements used in this report may be converted to metric units by using the following conversion factors: From To obtain Unit Abbrevia- Multiply Unit Abbrevia- tion bl tion inch in 25.4 millimeter rtiTI foot ft 0.3048 meter m mile mi 1.609 kilometer km square mile mi2 2.590 square kilometer km2 cubic foot per second tt3;s 0.02832 cubic meter per second rn3;s foot per~ mile ft/mi 0.189 meter per kilometer m/km acre-foot acre-ft 1233 cubic meter m3 0.001233 cubic hectometer hm3


INTRODUCTION History of Small-Watershed Projects in Texas The u.s. Soil Conservation Service is actively engaged in the installation of flood- and soil-erosion reducing structures in Texas under the authority of "The Flood Control Act of 1936 and 1944 11 and "Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act" (Pub 1 i c Law 566), as amended. The u.S. Soi 1 Conservation Service has found that approximately 3,500 floodwater-retarding structures would be physically and economically feasible in Texas. As of September 30, 1978, 1,786 of these structures had been built. This watershed -deve 1opment program wi 11 have varying but important effects on surface- and ground-water resources of river basins, especially where a large number of the floodwater-retarding structures are built. Basic hydrologic data under natural and developed conditions are needed to appraise the effects of the structures on the yield and mode of occurrence of runoff. ruring 1951-62, the U.S. Geological Survey began hydrologic investigations in 12 small watersheds (fig. I). As of Sept. 30, 1978, data collection in all of these study areas, except for North Creek, had been completed. This study is being made in cooperation \'lith the Texas Department of Water Resources, the u.s. Soil Conservation Service, the River Authority, the city of , and the Tarrant County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1. The 12 study a rea s were chosen to samp 1e watersheds having different rai nfa 11, topography, geo 1ogy, and soi 1s. In five of the study areas (rJorth, Little Elm, Mukewater, little Pond-North Elm, and Pin Oak Creeks), streamflow and ra i nf a 11 records were co 11 ected p.ri or to construction of the floodwater­ retarding structures, thus affording the opportunity for analyses of the condi­ tions "before and after" development. A sunrnary of the development of the floodwater-retarding structures in each study area as of Sept. 30, 1978, is given in table 1.


'l/;/'/~~~ Trinity River basin

* North Creek study area II Data collection completed

0 50 100 MILES '-'___,_.._, ___,___,,

FIGURE I.- Location of the North Creek study area and other study areas

-7- Table 1.--Sma11-~ater s hed study areas in Texas as of September 30, 197R

Drainage area Data-collection Floodwater- retarding Period the Watershed above stream- pE'riod structures above structures gaging station stream-gaging were bui 1 t (mi2) station

Trinity River basin: Au~ 19 56 to North Creek near Jacksboro 21.6 presen t 5 1970-72

El m Fork Trinity River near t-fuens ter 46.0 July 1956 to 14 1954-57, 63 Sept. 1971 Little Elm Creek near Aubrey 75.5 June 1956 to 17 1966, 70-71 ' 76 Sept. 1976 Honey Creek near t-1cKinney 39 . 0 July 1951 to 14 1951-57, 69. 73 Sept. 1971 Pin Oak Creek near Hubhard 17.6 Sept . 1956 to 6 1962-63, 65 Sept. 1972

I co ~razos River basin: I Green Creek near Alexander 46.1 Oct. 1954 to 8 1954-56 Sept. 1971 Cow Bayou at Mooreville 85.0 Sept. 1954 to 26 1955-58t 64-65 Sert. 1975 !/Little Pond Creek at Burlington 22.2 Oct. 1962 to None - Sept. 1972 !./North EL Creek near Cameron 48.6 Oct. 1962 to None - Sept. 1972 basin: Mukewater Creek at Trickt>am 70.0 Aug. 1951 to 6 1961-62, 65 Sept. 1973 Deep Creek ncar t-tcrcury 43. 9 June 1951 to 5 1951-53 Sept. 1971 San Antonio River basin: Calaveras Creek near Elmendorf 77.2 Aug. 1954 to 7 1954-58 Sept. 1971 Es condido Creek at Kenedy !./72.4 July 1954 to 11 1954-51, 73 Sept. 1971

1/ Adjacent watersheds; considered as one study area. !I 8.43 ai 2 above Escondido Creek subwatershed No . 11 (Dry Escondido Creek) near Kenedy not included in this total. Objectives of the Small-Water~hed Projects The purpose of these investigations is to collect sufficient data to meet the following objectives: 1. To determine the net effect of floodwater-retarding structures on the regin~n of streamflow at downstream points. 2. To determine the effectiveness of the structures as ground­ water recharge facilities. 3. To detemli ne the effect of the structures on the sediment yield at downstream points. 4. To develop relationships between maximum rates or volumes of runoff with rainfall in small natural watersheds. 5. To deve 1op a stream-system mode 1 for basins with floodwater­ reta rdi ng st rue t u r ; ~ s . 6. To determine the minimum instrumentation necessary for esti­ mating the flood hydrographs be 1ow a system of structures, as needed for downstrea~ watrr ~ anare~ent.

-9- Purpose and Scope of this Hydrologic-Data Report This report contains the rainfall, runoff, and storage data collected during the 1978 water year for the 21.6-square-mile area above the stream­ gaging station North Creek near Jacksboro, Texas. The locations of floodwater­ retarding structures and hydrologic-instrument installations in the area are shown on figure 2. To far.ilitate early publication and distribution of this report, certain material has been included that does not conform to the formal publication standards of the u.s. Geological Survey.

DESCRIPTION OF THE WATERSHED The headwaters of North Creek are near the town of JermYn in the western part of Jack County. The Creek flows northeasterly for approximately 19 miles where it flows into Big Cleveland Creek, 4 miles upstream from the West Fork Trinity River. North Creek drains a 43.1-square-mile area; however, the study area for this report is the 21.6 square miles of the watershed above the Geo­ logical Survey stream-gaging station at the U.S. Highway 281 bridge near Jacks­ boro (fig. 2). The topography of the watershed ranges from steep to gently rolling. Altitudes in the watershed range from about 1,310 feet above NGVD (National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929) at the headwaters to about 1,016 feet at the gaging station. The average channel gradient is about 18.4 ft/mi. Underlying rocks in the study area are limestone, shale, and sandstone. The ridges are formed by the harder sandstones and 1 imestones, and the deep valleys are cut into the shale. The s ils are fine- to medium-textured and are slightly- to moderately-permeable. Most of the watershed area is used as rangeland, with oats and wheat grazed by livestock during winter months and harvested during spring and early summer. Livestock is the principal source of income for the area. The climate of the study area is temperate and subhumid with a prevailing south wind. The most common storms are thunderstorms occurring frequently in the spring and summer. Long-duration low-intensity storms, triggered by southward-moving continental polar fronts, occur during the fall and winter. In late summer and early fall, hurricanes moving inland from the cause some of the heaviest rainfall. Individual storms, although most frequent in the spring, may cause serious flooding and sediment damage during any season.



/ •. 08042700: ... ----- / \ J : / .· .·~ .~.(it< ... .. -· :; · · ~ · .. f . J I )

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Bou map from Work Plan of North Crull Woltrllled furnitlled by U.S. Soil Contervatian Service ( Februorr 1960)

FIGURE 2.-locationa of floodwater-retarding structures and hydrologic-instrument installations in the North Creek study area

-11- The records of the Environmental Data Service show that the normal annual rainfall for the 30-year base period (1941-70) at Graham (about 18 m1les south­ west of the study area) is 28.03 inches. During this period, the annual rain­ fall ranged from 14.12 inches in 1956 to 48.99 inches in 1957. The wettest months are April, May, June, September, and October.

FLOODWATER-RETARDING STRUCTURlS There are five floodwater-retarding structures in the North Creek study area. These structures which have a total capacity of 4,425 acre-feet below the flood-spillway crests, regulate streamflow from 16.3 square miles or 75 percent of the study area. Table 2 contains a summary of the physical data at each of the five floodwater-retarding structures in the study area.

HYDROLOGIC INSTRUMENTS Instruments to collect rainfall, runoff, and storage data in the study area consist of a network of rain gages, staff gages, a water-stage recorder at site 28-A (08042650) and a stream-gaging station on North Creek near Jacksboro, Texas (08042700). The locations of these instruments are shown on figure 2.

Three record i ng and two non recording rain gages are 1ocated at points throughout the study area and are used to define the total rainfall and rain­ fall intensities within the area (fig. 2). The rain gages, except for the one at the stream-gaging station, are serviced weekly by local residents. On Oct. 5, 1972, a continous water-stage recorder was installed at the station North Creek Subwatershed No. 28-A near Jermyn (08042650). Data are collected to compute the contents, surface area, inflow, and outflow at this site. l·leekly staff-gage readings of pool levels are made by Soil Conservation Servi ce personnel at each of the five sites. These readings provide data for use in determining the amount of water retained or released from the structures in the study area. A monthly water budget of the pools is given in the sec­ tion .. Compilation of data."

-12- Tab l e 2 .--Flood~ a ter-retarding structure data, North Creek study area

Datum of Emt-rgency Pnnc1pa1 controlled Oumeter gage spi 11~a,· spillway outlet of pipe Range Site O rain a~ e Date dam Da t e above 1\'idth Ga ge Contents Ga ge Contents Gage Cont.·nts through of numbe r area comp leted s t at ion ~C.\' [) height !I height 2/ height dam staff establi shed of gages invert (mi 2 ) ( ft ) ( ft ) (ft) (acre-ft ) (ft) (acre- ft) (ft) (acre- ft) (inJ

2J 5 . .n I - 11- 71 5- 20 - 71 1,1 4 . 38 210 49 . 6 1,400 29.80 133 25.36 68.9 24 17.5-54.3

.' 5 1. 39 5-24- 2 5-11 - ~ 1 . 1 0 65 8 22 .4 381 8.21 34.3 2.69 3.8 !I 18 0-27.1

26 1. 41 10-2 3- 1 4-19- 71 1,133. 56 100 ::s . 8 360 10. 18 25.0 5.65 4.9 ~I 24 6.7-35.7

28-A 6 .8 ~ 3-31- - ~ £! 3-14- 2 1 ,090. 39 ' 00 33.5 1,940 18. 12 245 8.61 24.5 30 6.8-47.5

30 1. 20 10- 23- 0 5- 19- 1 1, 031.24 60 47.5 344 24.80 41.0 20.20 19.8 ~ 24 10.2-54.3 1 .....I w 1/ Total capacity. I ~_I Sediment-pool capacity; to be used for flood retardation until filled with sediment. The floodwater-retarding pool capacity is the capaci tr between the principal spillway and the emergency spillway. a/ A 9-inc ~ constriction plate in the pipe reduces the cross-sectional area by SO percent. b/ A 1 7 -1 / ~- i n c h constriction plate in the pipe reduces the cross-sectional area by 78 percent . cl Cont i nuous water-stage recorder installed Oct. S, 19 72. ~I A 17-3/4-inch constriction plate in the pipe reduces the cross-sectional area by 79 percent. The stream-gaging station North Creek near Jacksboro (08042700), contin­ uously records the water level, which with a stage-discharge relationship, is used to compute discharge and runoff from the study area. Streamflow records at this gage began Aug. 8, 1956. Records of runoff for the 1978 water year are given in the section "Compilation of data".

SUMMARY OF DATA FOR THE 1978 WATER YEAR The average rainfall in the study area during the 1978 water year was 21.21 inches, which is much less than the 21-year average of 29.45 inches for 1958-78. Monthly rainfall totals ranged from 0.04 inch in July to 6.54 inches in August. The average runoff from the study area during the 1978 -ater year was 1.20 ft3/s {865 acre-feet). This value can be compared with the 14-year {1957-70) average of 5.75 ft3/s (4,170 acre-feet) for the period prior to construction of the upstream flood\-1ater-retardin9 structures, or the 8-year (1971-78) average of 2.09 ft3/s {1,510 acre-feet) for the period of control by the structures. A storm is defined as a period of rainfall separated by at least 6 hours from other rainfall. Storms are generally selected for detailed rainfall­ runoff computations on the basis of rainfall totals and distribution, the peak discharge produced from the rainfall, and the assurance of good rainfall and runoff records for the storm periods selected. Data for these storms will be used later in calibrating a watershed-response model to show the effects of the floodwater-retarding structures. T\'IO storms \'lere selected for detailed hydrograph-related computations for the 1978 water year. These stonns occurred April 9-10, and August 5, 1978. Patterns of storm rainfall and runoff are illustrated in this report by the use of hydrographs and mass curves. A summary of rainfall and runoff data for the year is given in table 3. The computations, hydrographs, and curves are given in the section "Compilation of data".



Table 3.--Storm rainfall-runoff data, 1978 water year

Rainfall (inches) Ratio Maximurr. Date of Storm Duration I Total I Maximum increment Runoff runoff to discharg · (hours) jl5-minute I 30-minute I 60-minute (inches) rainfall (ft 3/-::.1 North Creek sub\vatershed No. 28-A near .Jermyn, Tex. (Drainage area 6.82 mi 2 )

Apr i 1 9-10. 1978 13.0 4.62 1. 18 2. 19 3.55 0.67 0.15 i, 330 August 5, 1978 3.0 I. 19 . 36 .47 .69 .22 .18 456


U'1 -I

North Creek near Jacksboro, Tex. (Drainage area 21.6 mi 2 of \vhi ch 16.3 mi 2 is above floodwater-retarding structures) April q-10 13.25 4. 75 1. 13 2.06 3.21 .61 . 13 1,610

August 5, 1978 4.0 l. 18 .23 .44 .60 .03 .03 165 C 0 M P I L A T I 0 N 0 F D A T A



LOCATJOM.-·llt JJ•14'52", long 98.19'19", Jtct County, Hydrologic Unit 12030101, nur center of etrthflll du on unntllled tributary of North Cl'ftk. 0.2 •I (0.3 It•) upstreta fro~~ North Creek, tncl 4.0 •I (6 .4 It•) southeast of Jerft!Yn.

DRAINAGE AREA.--6.82 aP (17.66 1t111 1 ).

PERIOD Of AECORO.-~rch 1972 to current yen.

GAt£ .--Water-sUge recorder and f ht-crl.'sted wet r on concrete drop Inlet. Datua of IJIIJe 1 \ 1,090.39 ft ( ll2. JS1 11) Soil Conser•~t· tton Service O.tu111, Prior to Oct. S, 1972, staff gage at Ulllt datutll.

AEfWtiCS,--Records pour. The 11001 Is fortll'd by • rolled earthflll d111 1,800 ft (549 111) long with 1 100-foot-wlde (30 •) earthen splllwty at th left end of daa. The crest of ta~trgency spillway Is at gage height 33.S ft (10.21 111). The da• was c011111leted In March 1972, tnd stortge began May 12, 1912. The outlet str'\lcture consists of • 2.5- by 7.5-foot (0.8 by 2.3 •) uncontrolled concrete drop-Inlet structure that Is connected to • 30-lnch (762 •l concrete outlet pipe. The drop-Inlet structure Is also equipped with 1 12-lnch-dl.,.ter (lOS •> slide gtte nur the bott.. of the tower with Invert tt • gtge height of 8.61 ft (2.62 •>· The crest of the drop Inlet Is It gtge helgtlt 18.12 ft (5.52 •l· The ctpactty of pool at crest of eMrgency splllw1y Is 1,940 acre·ft (2.39 hJt1 ), the etp~etty at crest of the drop Inlet Is 245 acre-ft (302,000 11 1 ), 1ncl the capacity 1t the crest of the controlled outlet pipe Is 24 acre-ft (29,600 •'). The Clplclty tlble below 18.12 ft (5.S2 11) wu CD~~PUted using the lvtrlge­ end-arel llf!thod fi"QQ:: • surface area t1ble based on 1 survey of Mar. 14, 1972. The capacity table tbove 18.12 ft (5.52 •) was cQIIIPUted using the average-end-are• ~~ethod 1nd bueo on 1n tru ttble furnished by the Soli Conservltlon Service.

AVERAGE INFLOW.--6 years (water YtiM 1973-78), 593 ICre•ft/yr (731,000 • 1 /yr). 1.63 ln/yr (41 •lyr).

AVERAGE OOTFLOW.--6 ye~rs (wter years 1973-78), 363 ICrt·ft/yr (448,000 111 /yr), 1.00 ln/yr (25 •lyr).

UTREMES frAI PEAIOO Of RECORO.--Muii:IUI!I Inflow, 1,430 ft 1 /s (40.5 •'Is). lvtrtge for S4lnute Interval, Oct. 30, 1974, conputed fr0111 change In pool contents 1nd adjusted for r1lnhl1 on pool surf1ce during tiN of petit Inflow; no Inflow tt tiNs e1ch ye1r. MutCIU outflow, 96.2 ft 1 /s (2.7Z m1 /s) Oct. 30, 1974, IJIIJC! height, 22.80 ft (6.949 m); no outflow most of tll!lt each yur.

EllRE.U:S fOR CUkiiEHT Y[AA.--Peak Inflow above bur of 200 ft 1 /s {5.66 aJ/~) and .,xl~m (•) :

Ttoe 01 schar91! Date 01 schctrqe (ft 1 /s) (m 1 /s) (ftl/s) (m 1 /s)

Hlnunun d1Hharge, no 1nflow ott llMI:~. Hulcutn outflow, 47.? ftJ/s (1.36 mJ/s) Apr. 9, 9191! he ight, 19.14 ft, (!> .834 m); no outflow October to H•rch, Hcty to July 4nd Septef:lbe r.


Tot.d J} '. 9 U.9 U.? 0. 4 2 . I 0 .8 24 3 1.2 3. 7 0.1 127 0.8 Outf l ow 0 u 0 0 0 0 76.4 0 0 0 5.2 0 (f) • 19. 3 • 13.4 ·I 3. 'J • 8. 3 • 2.8 ·I o. I +1!>0 • 2!>. 1 -28.3 - 3?. I •?7 .1 -29.9 (") ' 74 . ?3 .l4 .70 I. 19 I. 4 2 4.86 I. 89 I. !>8 0 7.34 .80

l AL Yll I 'J II I NHOW lf>l OUTfLO W td7 • 128 23. 1'l WTIC YR 19/8 I Hf LOW 384 OUTflOW 81 .6 ·~7.3 "tt 2Z .2?

1/ lnf I Ow 4dJusted for r din f 4 I I on poo I ctnd pool losses. ' Chan9e 1 n co ntents, tn 4Cre-feet. '' We1ght~d· n~4n rJ1nfall, tn 1nches.

-17- TX-67 ~?A.RT1·3 i :T C·F Trl~ INTERIOR Sheet 1 of 1 Sheets t ·I STRICT 08042650

North Creek .fonthly and yearly r ainfa ll, in inrhe~ . of Sub,,atershed No. 28-A n..ar _ __,;;;.J~erm~y~n;;...L,_T-=-e~x-=-·----- 1Droina~e nrcn, 6. 82 square miles]

OCT. DE . I J ... ~ . , Fl:B . APR. Jm.y Auo. 8zPT. I 14, 1~ ~d 1972) Station estab lished Mar;h 2 (con inuous recorder install Oct. ~' 1972 ------0.59 3.21 5.36 l. 75 1. 81 0.79 1.84 1973 3.96 1. 13 . 43 ! 2. 83 I 1. 62 2.56 5.46 0 5.55 I ! ! 1974 4. 14 I 1. 39 I 0 ' 3. 72 I 1. 60 2.12 . 89 7.09 5.45 1975 7. 32 . g3 I 1. 40 ! 1. 81 8.12 4.20 4.25 4.72 1. 31 I 1976 . 32 i .89 I I. 63 1 4.98 2.92 2.39 2.65 3.35 6.75 19 77 6.04 i .40 . 90 ' 2 .29 .96 I 4.02 2. 75 5. 19 1.66 1.68 3.26 0 29.15 I ~ - -- --,r----- +----+----+-----+----+----+---+------1---- : 1978 . 74 .93-- . 24 . 70 1. 79 1.42 4.86 1. 89 1. 58 0 7. 34 . 80 22.29 I ! ----4----~---- r---~---~i ~ --- - ~--~-----+----+----+-----+------+---~--~-----~~----- I I i l I I I I I co I I -I I ---t l L --I~ ---+---+!I --+-11- -- -J---~--+---+----t------+----t---+--- - I : - --4------1'---.L....---- . ·---- '-:.- ---l- ----+----t-----t-----+-·----+------~--~I I ---~---~----~---~---- ' ----~~---~----r---~---t---~-----+---- I I l

-----+----+---+----+----+---- ·- ----~r---- ! r-=L--~,--~~--~--~­

---+-~--+--======~=====1----4----- i~ ======I===~==J--~-i I i I ~~--~~--

=-~---+-f--1+-=---I--+-1--!--_ ~ i_ ]=-~~ ~ ~ - -] ~ --~------+---+---1---f------+--1--- - ~----!,___- - ~-- - t--t- i I 1 _ _ I ! 1 ~~-~]~=~ : ~~~~~=~=~==~===~===~==~ TX-67 UPITED '-.£. ~~ :; D KPt.J~TJv3:t\1T OF THE INTERIOR heet 1 of 1 Sheets GE ~ ~J I ChL SURVEY -TEXAS DISTRICT 08042650 North Creek Monthly and yearly net inflow, in acre- fetl. of Subh·atershed No. 28-A nt

ecord ~r insta led Oct 5, 197 •) :7~tipn ::~abjis::~ :,a-rc~~l~,j~~ :r~~~~t :~t- r· --- 1972 0 190 2.4 1.2 ------0.7 0.9 -- 1973 8.1 . 6 . 1 - ~ - · ~ I _ 1_. 8_ _I 3. 2 2.0 1.5 4.6 152 . 7 4.1 181 -----~----~------~----- I I - - · ------1974 146 4.0 1.4 . 2 I ·- I .7 35.6 12.3 10.3 . 2 64.5 109 384 ---]-- --·-· ---+1975 ---+-501 -6-7 -. 1___, __3 ~ -;-- ~ - ~~ - ~ 1- 2 4- - ·· L___- --~- -: ;- ~- --29.8 355 101 29.6 67.7 6.9 1,310 1976 2.7 2 4.9 12.6 21.9 243 379 1977 140 i~:: __! :~ +2~ . 7 _:~ ~--~- 1 307 ~~ ~-2= 1 ~~ ~ - 1.2 1.3 17.1 . 1 922 1978 2.9 43 1.2 3. 7 . 1 127 .8 384 --+---r-=~9_ + __.9-L _:4- IJ 2. 7"" t .8 ------I ...... I --,---- U) --+---t==F=L_J~ - -~--i I - ----+------;- - --+---· - ·-- - · - ·- , ·- - - - ~------+--+----~------I ------·------t-----f-- ---L- . ------· _~ I -----·------I ---, -- - - ·- --+----+---- -. I - ---- ~~: ~ ~ ~ ~ - ·- ~ - ~--- - -t --- --t------i---t---- · --l~=-- ~=~~ ~ - : ~ ----+------r------+-----i' - - ·---- 1 j =+= ------1- __j ___ I ---,,---r----, -- -=- ~-=- -:::.;;:;;;=-~·~· ~· -;;;; ...:; _-.::=... - ~ · - =- -- TX-67 UNITED ST.h.TES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Sheet 1 of 1 Sheets GEOLOGICAL SURVEY-TEXAS DISTRICT 08042650

North Creek Monthly and yearly net outflow, in acre-fee~of Subwatershed No. 28-A ~-J~e~rm=~rn~·-T~e=x~·~------[ Drainage area, 6 · 82 square miles] ,....,..... • .• . _.....'" ,...,... wncr W.tTt:a Yua OcT. Nov. DEC. JAN. PE• M.u. APR. MAT JUJta Jm.y Auo. 8aPT. Aw•vAL

Stati t>n estab ished M~rch 14, 1972 (c pntinuou ~ record ~r insta led Oct 5, 197 >) 1972 ------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1973 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1974 23.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15.9 39.7 1975 342 219 0 0 92.8 0 15.6 332 93.4 9.8 46.6 0 1,150 1976 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 125 125 1977 118 25.0 0 0 0 278 137 222 0.3 0 0 0 780 1978 0 0 0 0 0 0 76.4 0 0 0 5.2 0 81.6

I N 0 I






080426 _S_O____ No_r_th ______Creek subwatershed No 28-A near ____J_e_rmyn__.______, Tea. OroinoCJe Area 6.82 .mi2

water- stage recorder rat•o 1:6 Date of last sed•ment survey Mar. 14, 1972

~ . ge e Qhf, 19.14 ft; outflow,~ft 3/s; surface area.~ acru; contents,.1.2_L acre-feeti on ....:..Ap~~;:.a~r.... i.,.l...-9._ ___ Mtn ~rn a c; · ~~e hetQnt. 11. 86 ft, surface area, 18.6 acres; contents, 70.9 acre·feet; on April 19, 197a

Maa •rnuM •nflow, 1, 330 ft ~s (averaged for 5-m•n mterval and adJuSft'd for ra•nfall on pool surface) on April 9

Avt'JQt' $ ~water years, (1973-78 ); mflow, 593 acre-feet/year; outf low, 363 ocre-feef/year; ra1nfall, 29.63 inches/year. I N

I Pool water budget, mare - feel, water year October l.9.1.1_to September -1..9.2B· ------(olend r Mur May Aug wa••~ D:;--1- No;- Dec _I.e or 1977 Jon Feb Apr . I June July Sept ..I.lOr I 2. 9 l 0. 9 0. 9. 761 0.4 2.7 o.R 241 1.2 3.7 0.1 127 0.8 384 ~--0 _ _j _0 0 637 0 0 0 76. i 0 0 0 5.2 0 81.6 2'). l !23.8 ! li)~ _ 14.8 327 -· - - 9.9 8.5 13.2 --- 32.6 36.5 39.2 42.9 33.2 296 -13.5 -128 -8.3 -2.8 -10.1 +150 -25.7 -28.3 -39.1 +97.7 -29.9 +57.3 rn-13.4 f---- - :2 3. 5 21.8 34.2 20.7 20.3 19.7 11.- 36.2 33.2 28.0 37.6 36.5 27.9 ------.74 . 9 3 .24 23.72 . 7_Q 1.79 1.4L 4. 8f 1. 8~ 1. 5E 0 7.34 .80 22.29 I - - - · -

!/ I t .. ,w ad Jus ted for ra.nf 111 on pool and po01 losses. Peak •nf low - (bose . t Cl"' 1: f' ge •n c ntents, '" a ·re feet Dote Ttme O•schar9e .a..- ,_...... • W.~!u!1 surface area. tn acres -- - -- t t ~tt'CI meon ra1nfall, 10 mches *1\pr. 9 2045 1,330 (37.7 m3/~) Aug. 5 0850 456 {12.9 m3/~)

Note. -Average for 5-minute interval. Inflow corrputed and adjusted as explained atave. TRJNJ~ f R IVlR BASIN

()8042700 NORT H CREEK NEAR JACKSBORO, TX l(lCATJON.··L•t 33v16 ' S7", long 98. 17'!13" , J"k County, Hydrologi c Un i t 12030101, nur left banlt on downstream stele of brio~ on u.s. Htghw•y 281, 1.7 111 1 (2 .7 k111 } upstrum fr0111 Henderson Creek, 8.4 1:11 (13.S ltm) upstru111 fr0111 mouth, 1nd 9.5 • I (15.3 ka) nortlnofest or Jacksboro.

OAA1NACL AA EA.--21.6 m11 (SS.9 itn 1 } .

PER100 Of RE CORD .··Augus t 19!16 to curreut year .

CAG£.--W•ter-suge recorder. On uo of g a ~e i s 1,016.33 ft (309 . /8 m} lean Oe p•rtnent of ll l ghways and Pullllc Transportati on dltUIII ,

ROWIK S.--Records good. No d i vers ions •bove sut t on. Fi ve rd l n ~ 1ges (t~o nonrecordt ng and three recordi ng) •re operated In the basi n. At end o~ ye•r , f low froo 16.3 nP (42. 2 lta 1 } • bove t his station wu plrtly controlled by fhe floodwlttr-reUrdtng 1 structures with a total detent 1on c • p• c' t y :>f 3,940 dCre-ft (4 .86 ho ). Sever• I observat t ons of w1ter t~rature were Nde duri ng t he year.

AV£RAC[ 01SCHARGL --14 yurs (w.!t e r yN r s 195/- 70 } prior t o comp l etion of flo~•ter-ret•r<1 1 ng structurts. S,75 ftJ/s (0.163 111 1/s), 3.62 l n/yr (92 r:m/yr). 4,170 .cre·ft / yr (5 .14 hm1 / yr) ; 1 yurs (water ye•rs 1911-78} re~lated, 2.09 ftJ/s (0.0592 o 1 /s), 1.31 1n/ yr (33 ~¥~/ yr), 1,!110 acre·ft/yr (1.86 hC1 1 / yr}.

ElTR K S f()l PERI OD Of RE CORD .-·Hotxt mum

£XTREH£S OUTSIDE PlR1 00 Of RECORO .--H•xirun stdge s i nce a t le•st 1900 , that of Apr, 18 , 1CIS7. Si gnificant flOOds occurNid t n April 191 5 , froa tnfon.tat l on by loul rdl d ~nt, • nd on Hay 3 , 1956 . wh tch reached " stage of 2l.S8 ft (6.S78 111), fro- floodlllrlt, dis· ch•rge S,700 f t 1 /s (1 61 n 1 / s ). f r(JI:I r • tlng c urve .

UTRE H£S Fe.! CU RRE NT YEAA. -·Hu anum CliS Ch4rge, 1.6 10 ft 1 /s (45.6 m1 / s ) Apr. 9, gage heigh, 13.75 ft (4.191 •); no flow for uny d•y ...

01\CIIAR C.f , IN LU8 1( J [[T P!R \l tO NO , WA TfR ll AR 0( 1(111 ~ 1'117 TU Str' l£H8[R 1978 M[Ail "L UlS

[) , Ul ,,,., J lC 1rll HAll APR HA J UN JUL AUG SEP

. U'l . •'U .JO . ! 1 . 08 . II • 3'-' . 00 .o o .uo .00 .·till"' . 0 0 . 00 .ou . 1 ll . 09 . O

IJ .uu . 1111 . uc . 00 • OH . '19 . 7 . J f, 1. ~ .00 1.0 .oo I . 00 .uu . 00 .uo .o . ?II .o: • 34 • 4 J .oo .21 .00 II . )\) . !JU .uo .ou .u . I .o . Z1 .2 '> .oo .01 .00 ') . CI U . '1 0 . JO . Ub . I I 1 16 . l) .06 .OI.l .00 .06 l u .uu ·'.uu'' . l t (l . 0 0 b . I I 1l 5 .n . 0 I .oo .00 .oo

1 . Oil . 00 .uo .uo . O'J 7 !IJ . 2 2 .00 .00 .oo .00 1<' . U !, . 0 0 II .oo . l 4 . I 0 6 .4 .zz .00 ,00 .00 .00 1 3 .vu . Uti .uu . 00 . 19 . II 2 . 0 • I 3 .oo .oo .00 .00 1 4 .uu .ou .uo . 10 • () 'J . I 0 1. 3 . I Z .00 .o o .oo .00 .ou .uu . 110 .uo . 13 . 0 9 1.1 .I 3 .oo .00 .00 .00

0 . 11\J . O il . o • 1 J . o 7 .96 .o 1 .oo .00 .oo .uo I I .ou .uo . Ub . II . 08 .81i .06 .00 .00 .oo .00 l ·•'U .uo .04 . ll ') . I 0 • 7 9 . 0 5 .00 .00 .00 .00 l 'J . Oil .ou . Ol .09 . !0 . II .01 .oo .00 1.4 .00 20 IJ . 0 0 . 07 • 1 ) . I 2 . t 9 .00 .00 .00 .18 . 0 0

~ 1 . 00 .uo . 00 . 03 . !1 . 12 . b~ .02 . 00 .00 .00 .00 "l7 . UIJ . 00 .ou . 0 4 .! u . I I . 66 .03 .00 .00 .00 .oo n . 00 . 00 .00 . 06 . 1 1 • I~ .65 .01 .00 .oo .00 ,00 2 4 , 1r .ou . 00 . Ut! . ! 1 .I"' . 60 .o o .oo .00 .u o .oo z·, .ou . Oil .uo . I Z . 09 . 11 - ~2 .00 .oo .oo .uo .oo

. (II) n . uu . 0 9 . u 1 . I I .43 .oo .00 .00 .uo .00 l i . IIV , \)(1 .ou . 0 4 . 08 .1 2 .42 .oo .00 .1) 0 .00 .oo II . 1111 .uo .on .02 .I t) . 1 3 .42 1.0 .oo . 00 .oo .00 ~'J .uv .uo . ()0 . 11 3 . I: . 38 .06 .oo .oo .oo .oo 30 . (Jll .Ull .u' .06 .I I • J .01 .oo . 11 .oo .00 )1 .o u . 00 .1 z . \ 1 .00 .oo .oo T II Al . 00 .uo . 00 ,'i'l 2. 81) 3.44 314. 12 6.22 2.27 .11 H.74 .06 M[ AH .000 . IIUU .uou . 02'1 . I 0 .11 I 2. S .20 .076 .004 1.48 .002 HA A .uo .uo . no .ll • 7 4 . 26 11 6 1.0 1.5 .11 23 .06 Hi ll • 10 . UII .ou . uo .0'• . 0 3 . 06 .oo .00 .00 .oo .00 CF !> H . Ullll . 000 .uoo . 001 . U05 .0 0 ~ .~ 8 .OU9 .004 .ooo .01 .000 I H. .uo . 00 .uo . 00 .uo . 01 .6 S .01 .00 .00 .08 .00 AC -1 r . 0 0 .uo .00 1.8 5 . 7 6. 11 743 12 4.S .z 91 . 1

l Al YR 197/ IOT~l 1 oi . 2S H(A I 3.4 / HAX 44b Hltl .00 Cf SH .lfi I N Z .18 AC-FT 2S10 WTR YK 197 d tOT Al 4 3 .34 H[ AU 1. 20 HA X l I f, HI H . UO r rc; H .06 I • 75 AC-FT 865

-22- •aoc UNITED STATES (Oct. 11161) Sheet--of __ 8._. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 08042700 Monthly and ~early a\erage basin rainfall WATER RESOUftC£51 DIVISION in inches ____..;;.:u~stre am from North Creek near .Jacksboro, Texas----- [Drainage area, 21.6 square miles)


1957 2.~ 0.94 3.80 1.89 14 . 42 10.69 _~~~3·~9~8~~2~.0~9~_0~-~0~5~--2~.5~2~----~--- 1958 4.53 6. 79 . 94 I 1.99 -73 I 2. 83 5-95 3.06 I 1.81 3.17 1.36 3.54 36.70 38.55

1960 j 9.84 j .52 2. 74 i 2.82 1. 74 1.03 t 2.10 3.52 2.08 4.22 1.87 5.18 37.66 29.94 --~-~~~------~~- ~1~9~61~1~2~·~72~ - ---· -0~1-7 ·-~2 .~6~5 __ ~,1~3~. 8~5-+~1_. 5~3~'~3~· ~91~--~· ~0_6~-2~·~5~3-r-~3.~3~0+-_4~.7~54-~2~-~17~ ___4_.~51~~3~1~-~99~~34_._0~7- ___;;1=.9..;;_62_ 1-i___::.2...:....::.9~7__ 1 3.74 I 1.00! .14 .40 L 2.60 2.34 2.85 7.99 5.75 2.04 9.54 41.37 40.21 1963 , 2.25 ! 2.82 : 1. 48 t__ _: 07 I · -~ [_. _~4 - _ ..!:..:.I_4_J 3.o4 1.e4 1.13 2.27 1.4o 21.60 20.78 1964 !I 1 . 38 I 3. 31 I 1. 0 I 2.49 I 1 .10 lI 1. 65 l 2.16 6.43 I 1.1 4 .41 3.84 3.20 28.1 6 29.7 8 1 - 1965 . 03 - -~6-. -57-.,---. -76-~~--2-.~42~--l-. -50~~---.-36_ __2_ . _8_4~-5-.-7-1~--l-.-56~--- -.-12~-2~.-9-5~--6-.-5-2~-3-l-.-34~-2-7-.-8-7- I N w I 1966 2.4o .38 I 1.11 l 1.81 i _ 1.18 1.99 10.16 .34 _ 2.65 .55 4.43 5.11 33.43 3o.81 1967 I .65 l .46 L . 16 0 . 32 i . 61 L 1.73 6.00 1.53 3.22 .20 7.30 22.18 25.44 I . 1968 ~~ ---. 76 !- 1. 25 1 4 • 27 l. 97 4 • 65 1. 51 ~ 2_. 4_1_ ___3 ._ 0_4-1-_5_. 0_7_1-_1_._4__6 _1- _ _1. _9_7 ___3_ 0_.8_8--+_31 __ ._3_3 _

1969 ! .94 l 3.21 I! .83 i .67 i 2.20 I 4.83 I 3.14 5.51 3.51 -75 1.89 __5_._4 _6+-f-_3_2_._9_4_!-_3_6._3_4_ 1970_ 1 3.38 I .81 4.19 I .01 I 2.53 2.47 5.49 1 .24 .42 .32 .70 3.25 24.81 19.42 1971 i 2.35 ! .32 ! .32 I .19 I 1.05 . 20 .92 2.86 1.35 5.36 4.05 5.77 24.74 29.07 1972 i 3.84 . 71 : 2. 77 ! .23 .79 .83 3.00 5.69 1.86 1.32 1.01 1.98 24.03 21.98 1973 3.89 I 1.04 .34 3.69 I 1.40 2.26 2.28 2.09 I 2.28 5.24 .04 5.58 30.13 30.55 19 7 4 l 3 . 99 1. 7 0 0 . 30 1 . 45 . 51 3 • 30 1 . 7 3 j __2 ~ -l---· -· -9_1+---7_ . 0_7--+ __5_._4_1 +---2_8_.7_6--+_3_2_._6_0_ 19 75 i 7. os I 1. 04 1. 44 1. 40 2 . 42 1. 3 7 1. s1 7. 94 ~--4_.5_9-+-_4_._5_5-1- __I_. 3_7-+--_3_9_. o_1~_3_2_._2_6 _ 1 1 _ 1~9~7~6~'-~· ~~~ ~~~~·~8~8~~1~·~51 0 .14 .88 4.57 I 2.73 ~~ ·-~2~·~7~7~~3~.2~5~-~6~·~5~6~~25~·~8~7~~29~·~6~1- 197 7 i__ 5.3_3-+-_ __._4_7-+ ___. 7_2_-~ 23 1 . 78 3.74 2.73 1 5.41 I 1.931 1.47 2.76 .25 27.82 23. 13 1978 l .72 .89 . 22 1 .58 r 1.54 J 1.28 4.901 I 80 : I 75 r--.-0-4 +--6-.-54--+--.-9-5~-21-.-2-1--~---- l I -! ~- ~~ · ---~-~- _:_- - -f--: -~---f--- ,l----1-----l-- ======~==='' ===.... - -==.-..--=-~-=---==-~ - == --=-==} ·-- -r-- .- -~- GPO a.t•·22• .....c UNITED STATES 81Jeet __ of __ 8heeta (Oet.UII) DEPARTMENT OF ·rHE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 08-0427.00 WATER RESOURCES DIVISION yearly mean 3 Monthly and -.1 discharge, in___!_~ . ~s____ , of North Creek River:;.,. ___J~a~ck .... s~~.~bo~ro~, _.To.Jile_x_. ___ [Drainage area 21 6 square miles) ' ...... ~ ...... trftCII YEAR OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR, MAY JUNE JULY AUG. ~. ANNUAL

Sta ~ion est ""blished Aug. 8, 1956 1956 ------0.10 0 - 1957 16.0 9.32 1.65 0 13.3 1.62 162 98.6 13.9 0.74 0 0.003 26.3 1958 1.43 21.6 .12 .39 .10 1.85 29.3 23.5 .31 2.77 0 1.01 6.85 1959 .08 0 0 0 0 0 0 .17 21.3 14.4 0 .17 3.00 1960 48.2 0 .006 3.48 3.44 .08 1. 57 .67 .41 .30 .32 9.25 5.69 1961 1.51 0 0 13.9 .65 19.8 .02 2.54 .04 17.4 .01 1.10 4.84 1962 3.69 2.13 .01 0 0 • 57 .92 .01 45.5 15.2 • 57 19.0 1.09 1963 .96 7.49 2.86 .03 .08 .06 14.7 2.09 2.13 0 .05 0 2.52 1964 0 2.38 0 . 54 .30 0 .26 15.1 .26 0 .65 .54 1.69 N• ~ 0 16.4 0 .33 .01 .003 1.10 16.7 .003 0 0 18.7 4.42 ' 1965 1966 1.10 0 0 . 315 .421 5.40 66.8 3.23 2.59 0 1.17 2.67 6.90 - 1967 .060 .003 .012 .001 .002 .013 .055 12.5 .706 1.75 0 5.45 1.73 1968 .006 0 0 2.90 .30 13.1 .89 .49 3.25 3.10 0 .18 2.04 1969 0 .098 .005 .016 • 51 12.5 3.12 33.6 3.25 0 0 2.64 4.71

1970 .012 .000~ 5.50 .08'1 .5'5 1.80 2~ 8 1.39 .00-:l 0 0 0 2.75 Runo1 If aftec't bd by fl loodwate:r ~retardi lng struc ltures 1971 .ooc 0 0 0 0 0 0 .40 0 4.52 .62 3.86 .70 1972 1.40 0 1.16 .13 .050 .18 .80 18.9 0 0 0 0 1.91 1973 .23 .001 0 .17 .00~ .12 . 29 . 27 . 01€ 3.97 .00~ .77 .49 1974 3.91 .10 0 0 . 30 0 1.74 .67 -95 0 3.45 2.43 1.13 1975 22.0 9.46 .22 .52 3.61 . 46 .68 16.5 9. 85 3.61 4.16 . 31 5.98 1976 . 039 . 14 .27 .22 .19 .15 1. 45 .18 . 27 . 089 .81 11.5 1. 26 1977 5. 14 . 26 .20 . 34 . 36 14.9 4.42 19.9 . 37 .056 . 72 0 3.95 1978 0 0 0 . 029 .10 . 11 12.5 .20 .076 .004 1.48 .002 1. 20 TX-74o UNITED STATES DEPARTh£NT OF THE INTERIOR Rev 2-74 GEOLOGICAL ~y - TEXAS DISTRICT



North Creek subwotershed No 24 near Jermyn , TeJt OrainaC)e Area 5 • 47 mi 2 ------. .. . staf f-qaqe , ------Conttnuous ~ ratio ____ Dote of lost sediment survey May 21 , 1 9 71 . 3 Moxtmo = gage hetght, 35. 25 ft; outflow, 59.6 ft /s; surface area, 46.9_ acres; contents,....l2.2_acre-feet; on Apr. 9. 1978

Mtntmo : gage heignt, 24.92 ft 1 surface area, 8 • 5 acres; contents, 65.0 acre -feet; on Apr. 9, 1978 . Maximum tnflow, ____ tt3;s (averaged for 5-mm. mterval and adJusted tor ramfall on pool surface) on------Averages : __6_ water years, l1973-78 ): mflow, 262 acre-feet/year; outflow, 185 ocre-feetj~ar; rainfall, 29,14 inchujyear. I N U'1 I Pool water budget .m acre-teet . water year October 1.9.11... to Septemberl Q7A Colendor J:.2l2. ! ....,.~ Oct Nov Dec yeor Jon Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug. Sept. }tor Total Inflow Y .9 1.4 .8 234 .9 3.6 2.3 226 5.9 1.6 0 15 5 1.7 261 Total Outflow 0 0 0 185 0 0 0 163 0 0 0 0 0 163 Total Consumptton 9.0 6.2 4.8 143 4.1 3.6 5.3 13. ~ 17.8 17.5 17.7 15.7 11.2 126 t -7.4 -4.0 -3.8 -54.7 -2.8 f+-1.1 -2.0 +56.5 -9.0 -13.0 -17.7 +7 -~ -9.3 - 3.2 11.0 10.3 9.5 17.2 9.0 9.0 9.0 16.4 19.8 17.0 12.9 13.1 12.4 12.4 t 1' .71 .90 .25 24.04 .59 1.51 1.28 5. :l2 1.80 1.90 .05 6.97 1.16 22.34

lJ Inflow adJusted for romfoll on pool and pool losses. Peak tn flo w- (bose . t Change 10 contents, tn acre- feet . Dote T1me Otscha'"ge Dote Ttme Dtscha~ t Mean surface area, m acres. t t We1ghted mean rotnfoll, m mches. TX-74o UNITED STATES DEPART~NT OF THE INTERIOR Rev 2-74 GEOLOGICAL s.JNEY - TEXAS DISTRICT


North Creek subwatershed No 25 near Jermyn , Tell. Drainage Area 1. 39 mi 2 --~~------ratao ___ Dote of lost sedament survey Jure 8, 1972.

Moxamo : 909e hetQht, 12.40 ft; outflow, 14.8 ft 31s; surface oreo.~Q acres; contents.~ acre-feet; on Apr. 9. 1978 M1n1ma: me he19ht, 2. 74 ft; surface area, 2.8 acres; contents, 3.9 acre-feet; on Apr. 9, 1978

Mallimum 1nflow, ___ ft lts (averaged for S·m1n. interval and adJusted tor raanfall on pool surface) on------Averages : _6_ water years, ( 1973-78): tnflow, 98.4 ocre-feetfyear; outflow, 60.2 acre-feet/year; rainfall, 29.14 inchttjyear. I N 0'\ I Pool water budQef, an acre-teet, water year October1977 to September 1978. I Oct Nov. Dec. Cale=~ J.9I1 Jon ! Feb Mar. Apr. May. June July AUQ · Sept. .,.'1978 Total Inflow Jj 1.4 .6 .3 106 0 0 .9 78.9 .3 1.7 0 12.4 .7 '"'97.2 - Total Oufflow 0 0 0 85.8 0 0 0 49.2 0 0 0 0 0 49.2 Total Consumptaon 5.3 3.3 2.2 56.7 1.3 1.1 2.2 5.2 6.7 7.4 6.7 7.4 5.6 54.4 t ~3.6 ~2.3 ~1.8 -21.6 -1.~ -.7 t-1.0 ~26.6 ~s 3 ~4 .6 -6.7 +8.5 ~4 3 .±1:1

t 5.1 4.7 __4_._2 6.7 3 7 1 r:; 1 1 ~ c; 7 4 ~ 7 e; 7 f,. 7 .li. .2 5 3 t t .71 .90 .25 24.04 .59 1.51 1.28 5.22 1.80 1.90 .os 6.9/ 1.16 22.34

Jj Inflow adJUSted for raanfall on pool and pool losses. Peak. I nf low (bose . t Change m contents, in acre-feet. Date T•me Dischor9e Date Tame Oischa~ t Mean surface area, in acres. t t Wetqhted mean ro1nfall, an 1nches. I TX-74a UNITED STATES DEPART~NT OF THE INTERIOR Rev. 2-74 GEOLOGICAL SRJEY- TEXAS DISTRICT

WATER BUDGET OF POOL ANM.JAL SUMMARY 1978 WATER YEAR North 26 Jermyn -----::-:=------Creek subwatershed No ___ near------' Tex. DrainaQe Area 1. 41 mi 2 Conttnuous ~ ' ratto ___ Date of last sedtment survey May 19, 197.1_. Ma~t1mo = QOge hetght , 13.00 ft; outflow, 10.1 ft 3/s; surface area, 8 • 8 acres· contents, 46 • 5 acre -feet; on Apr. 9, 1978 --- I Mintma: gage hetgnt. 5. 59ft; surface area, 2.6 acres; contents. 4.7 acre -feet; on~· 9, 1978

Maximum tnflow 1 ft 3ts (averaged for S·m1n. mterval and adJusted for ratnfoll on pool surface) on Averages : __6__ water years, ( 1973-78 ) : tnflow, 117 acre-feet/year; outflow, 90.9 ocre-feetjyeor; roinfall.29 .14 inchesjyear. I N ...... I Pool water budget, m acre-feet, water year October 1977 to September 1978. Cotendor ! I wort~ Oct Nov Dec year 197' Jon Feb Mar Apr May June July AU9 · Sept. yeor Total Inflow J.j .3 1.1 .2 235 0 .4 1.0 45.8 1.4 .9 0 8.4 1.2 60.7 Total Outflow 0 0 0 218 0 0 0 26.4 0 0 0 0 0 26.4 Total Consumptton 3.4 2.8 2.3 47.5 1.0 .8 1.8 4.0 s.o 5.8 5.7 5.9 4.1 42.6 t -2.9 -1.4 -2.0 -17.6 -.8 -.1 -.5 +17.3 -2.7 -4.0 -5.7 +5.1 -2.4 -.1 4.1 3.7 3.3 5.5 2.9 2.7 2.7 5.3 6.0 5.4 4.4 4.9 4.7 4.2 t 't .71 .90 .25 24.04 . ss 1.51 1.28 5.22 1.80 1.90 .05 6.97 1.16 22.34

Jj Inflow adJusted for rotnfoll on pool and pool losses Peak I nf low - lbose . t Change tn contents, '" acre -feet Dote Ttme Dtschorge Dote Ttme Discharge ' Mean surface area, tn acres. t t Wetghted mean rot nfoll, tn mches. TX-74a UNITED STATES DEPART~NT OF THE INTERIOR Rev. 2-74 GEOLOGICAL SRJEY- TEXAS DISTRICT

WATER BUDGET OF POOL ANM.JAL SUMMARY 1978 WATER YEAR North 26 Jermyn -----::-:=------Creek subwatershed No ___ near------' Tex. DrainaQe Area 1. 41 mi 2 Conttnuous ~ ' ratto ___ Date of last sedtment survey May 19, 197.1_. Ma~t1mo = QOge hetght , 13.00 ft; outflow, 10.1 ft 3/s; surface area, 8 • 8 acres· contents, 46 • 5 acre -feet; on Apr. 9, 1978 --- I Mintma: gage hetgnt. 5. 59ft; surface area, 2.6 acres; contents. 4.7 acre -feet; on~· 9, 1978

Maximum tnflow 1 ft 3ts (averaged for S·m1n. mterval and adJusted for ratnfoll on pool surface) on Averages : __6__ water years, ( 1973-78 ) : tnflow, 117 acre-feet/year; outflow, 90.9 ocre-feetjyeor; roinfall.29 .14 inchesjyear. I N ...... I Pool water budget, m acre-feet, water year October 1977 to September 1978. Cotendor ! I wort~ Oct Nov Dec year 197' Jon Feb Mar Apr May June July AU9 · Sept. yeor Total Inflow J.j .3 1.1 .2 235 0 .4 1.0 45.8 1.4 .9 0 8.4 1.2 60.7 Total Outflow 0 0 0 218 0 0 0 26.4 0 0 0 0 0 26.4 Total Consumptton 3.4 2.8 2.3 47.5 1.0 .8 1.8 4.0 s.o 5.8 5.7 5.9 4.1 42.6 t -2.9 -1.4 -2.0 -17.6 -.8 -.1 -.5 +17.3 -2.7 -4.0 -5.7 +5.1 -2.4 -.1 4.1 3.7 3.3 5.5 2.9 2.7 2.7 5.3 6.0 5.4 4.4 4.9 4.7 4.2 t 't .71 .90 .25 24.04 . ss 1.51 1.28 5.22 1.80 1.90 .05 6.97 1.16 22.34

Jj Inflow adJusted for rotnfoll on pool and pool losses Peak I nf low - lbose . t Change tn contents, '" acre -feet Dote Ttme Dtschorge Dote Ttme Discharge ' Mean surface area, tn acres. t t Wetghted mean rot nfoll, tn mches. TX-74o UNITED STATES DEPART~NT OF THE INTERIOR Rev 2-74 GEOLOGICAL s..RVEY - TEXAS DISTRICT


----~::-No_r_th_____ Creek subwotershed No _3_0__ near ___.J_e_rmyn ______, Tea. Oraina9e Area 1.20 mi2 ------_s_taff_-_ga_qe_-- Cont1nuous ~ ratio ___ Dote of lost sed1ment survey May 20, 1971 Maa•ma ' QOQe he•Qht. 21.94 u, outflow. _0_ ft 31s; surface oreo • .!:....?__ acres; contents. 26.5 acre-feet; on Apr • 9, 1978

M1n1ma: QOC)e he1qnt. 11 33ft; surface area. 8 acres; contents. 2. 0 acre -feet; on Aug. 3. 1978

Maximum Inflow. ____ ft ~s (avero~ed for 5-m•n. mterval and adJUSted for ramfall on pool surface) on------

Averaqes : _6_ water years. (1973-78 ); •nflow. 90.2 acre-feet/year; outflow. 47.0 acre-feet/year; rainfall~? .11 inches/year.

I N (X) Pool water bodc}et. •n acre-teet. water year Ocrober l.91L to September ....l.9.1S I I Oct Nov Dec Cole=; 1977 Jon Feb Mar Apr May June July AU9· Sept. :::'.ill! Total Inflow y 0 .-3 0 207 0 .2 .2 22.6 0 0 0 4.6 0 27.9 Total Outflow 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total Consumption 3.9 2.5 1.9 70.0 1.4 1.2 1.2 4.0 6.2 5.4 4.6 3.4 2.3 38.0 t -3.7 -2.1 -1.9 -10.1 -1.3 -.8 -.9 19.1 -5.7 -5.0 -4.6 +2.0 +2.2 -7.1 2.3 1.9 1.6 3.7 1.4 1.3 1.1 2.7 3.2 2.6 1.9 2.0 1.7 2.0 t ' t .75 .85 .18 23.66 .49 1.68 1. 2~ 3.30 1.86 1.80 0 5.13 .67 17.96

ll Inflow adJUSted for ra•nfall on pool ond pool losses. Peak I nf low - (base . t Ch nqe m contents, 1n acre-feet. Dote T•me D1schor9e Date T1me Oischar91 t Mean surface area. m acres. t t We•qhted mean ra1nfall, 1n 1nches. Form A-88 UNITED STA'IES DEPhR'IMENT OF THE INTERIOR Rev. 1-63 GEOWGICAL SUR\"EY-hUSTIN ISTR ICT

RAINFALL DATI-. SUf.t-lkRY STUDY AREA M, db {l-eeK I 'I 74 Wh TER YEAR ..~J- IN GAGES IDat t of storn 1 - ~ :J.-Il ~-~ 41-fl 5-R II"~· ~ rJI"'..~ 5 .¥1 .35 'h) 3/J 5P ~~ 11) .IJ!. ./)~ /) IJ3 0 .22 • .!)~· . .25 :19 ~0 .:J{) 3t"J .o~ /')" fJ5 IJ5 J!J5 Ot!.JLJ ;.,._ 7A JA.I~ A:L 7/ 7~ -~A ~ ---7~

A'n6. 7 .()~ 0/, oz LiZ_ (J 8 /19 ~"' _A' 7A B5 I•'· J..~-;;,1~~ 9/ 9b 9~ ~5 .~5 IJ9

£)/!!L. :l~ .II/ .f)~ tJ4 03 _.12_ .2? .~ .j.b .~() /7 .,/A ln. J. 74-J.&I~ .H -~5 .:J.IJ ~ lA ..2_2.. J'ln /!..,/.. lA~, ~ "..tS- ~ 23./3 I N \0 .Jan 1 I ..:15 .:15 .~J . ,U) .~2. I /f.. .12 _J2 ,_L!j_. 12A_ //) 11-19 .1?5 .bl b 0 .1~ ~~ .07" ./J5 b~ 03 -;o-3/ .12.. /~ 17 16 I 'I 1- .741.. 1~ 51J ."2.1}_ c!J'- 4fJ _5£ _J I '"" ~61 .o7 J:l. ,I~ /~ AA £_ .. 1J ~5 14 .5-'1 /~ /tJ /:J. .57 .51 5'~ 51l JP L-¥-15 .3¥ ~:2. ~2. 22 ~ 17 /b ~ :1.1 /3 -~ r ... l .ln.L /--. L..5_!L , /.~~ J.S/ LztL LLLtJ /J,g_

AILU 7 .~~ A8 1.~7 .9.2 Ao ~3 .~o 6tH) .~~ •.2-"_ ~ A1LA,.~h Tlll~/4 1..25 }.~8 JJI.2 I./A 1.25 /,.29_

/Jo, ~ .;2~ 1J .24 .IJ5 4/J 9 5.::19 ~AIJ I.J....25_ ~'-"--- .2.¥£ //) t'' .4...2. .37 43 .~5 -- t., .biJ ~.22 5:/2. 1._3() An,.;/ 7LJI41~ ~8~ 4.91J f-.- - L. ~ -- --, ----- ·- ~- - · - r- - -· Form A-88 UNITED STATES DEPI-.R'IMENT OF THL INTERIOR Rev. 1-63 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY-~ USTIN LISTRICT

RAINFALL DJ... TJ... SUt·1r·1AR Y _t..,t..,.7A..,__ WATER YEAR RJ: IN GAG ES Date of storn 1-5 :2-~ j-$ J!-,e ~-R /1~. ~ d)._ 2 72 ,"'~ 6'1 AtJ ~>IN"""- I ~1.. .4 /~ b • ()2. .,1)3 '' :J~. ~·, .'If- J.IJb A5 92. ld1.u, 7DJ~J~ /.7' ' I.Ao /.A'I /.~7 /.8~ /.8()

JaA,_ I 5Z.. ·.3" .2S .:l~ ~3 ...,~ ~.J'J/J J.:w 9A .f.2 ~3 '~''.~ I~ o5 55_ /5 0 15 () o5 0 j LJAI U ./4/~ .2 .I !J /.9() 1.5R 1.~, /LJJ~. /.75

laf- /t b7 ()2. 0 ~ 0 , ~" ,./)" 1(), (') .o¥ 0 J~.~t~ lii.J... ~~ ,/~ J!!J~ L) HI- () "~

.~;/.. .b7 ,/lA JtJ IJ6 D4 , .3 :l.¥.1 ~.95 .3.7:1 ~.'!-? I ~-'2 w .4: -~ 5() ~I 3.2 7A 0 I ~ /,Jf) J.n /, l9 /.:t:J. AA /J .IJ~ tJ /J:l- f) /J,_ ::J'"' 4:l .,:J~ /!J /'}/, /'I /.~4S' /.~~ /.51 1.~5 9rJ /1. , .. _I -r;,.J.J~ "22. ~.97 7.~ 7.D3 61~ iL-.5¥-

-~J I J:J. .~ .?6 51) 15 A-9 ~ ~.2 Ill/ /LJ .~ /L . .a ~~~ /'_) /J /1 3'-~Jl -~q .:J.~ ::JA .~ ,}~ Iff:. -.1. J.. ,-,;,1~8 ~.2.9- /,//, _A/) A5 117 .95

/978 WtJ~ ,, ,~ ~,a, "1Af41 .21 . ~1

·- L __ ------·r- -· Form A-64 UNITED STATES DEPA.fO.!ENT OF THE INTERIOR (Rev •. 5-65 ) GEOLCXiiCAL SURVEY - rEXA3 i)I STR I CT


Creek subvatershed No. :23-;9 near_...,..t"".,j,j,;c.... mz&!Yi~~n,.,_ __., Tex. D.A. 1./.Z aq 111 Date and time

I ~r---~~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~-+~~--~----~----~~~~~~~~~~~~ I Form A-64 UNITED STATES DEPAR'Da:NT OF THE INTERIOR (Rev. 5-65 ) GEOLOOICAL SURVEY - 'I'E :·~t::: D ISTRI~T INFLOW ARD OUTFLOW CCMPU'l'A1'IONS StOI'Il per1o4._-'/Z~p"'c""i"'"/.....,9_-4'-~1?"'...,.1..,_9'-&lf'----

Creek subvatershed No. ::13-/1 near ..)p.,.~t,V' , .Tex. D.A. ~.A.2... aq IIL1 Mean Total Rainfall on Pool Ret IDtlov Date Gage Time Change in ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~ and height Storage int. storage G. Ht. Outflow inflO\I area Storage Rate Ace time ft ac-ft hrs ac-ft cfs ft cfs cfs in ac ac-ft eta eta 1n]lir 1n in

/J 4/..c/J 19./12. ..2117.:J.J /.1'1 - :J.ot, -149 Jt;."" J/1 I J~L /JIJ 51.. 4 .~IJ. -ttl /:1.1 I. ALj~IJ .LJ~ ~~4 LC'A1. 19.. /X) ~1. 1/- ~~.0 I~ lcb 55 .3.~ 14.7 .~~4' ,hhfJ~ Jti9ii ?tj/_' 11..3 1,3 f)b~7 b~ ~n~ A All_ / d.b/J }AA4 :2.7A /~ .:7./J - ~.I/IA -::1.1 IA.A7 1"11 9 9.9 tJ,6 .LJb~~ - ~~ J.ll A/) ~ /,,:l., ~4. -~4 b,J~ A~~....t .~t4H. IA.72 !2./.A ~ . 4 ~-tl) AO~~ ALUA ·''t,.J. /~ L-3 1'7. I 1.9 J.-9 nnhltJ. LJLJ/~ ~L~~ JA.!il. /~.7 ~ '- ~LJLJI ~~Aoll /..L7tl 111.49 /IJ ~ L> A AAA~ -'JAAr.. f.i.~f

I ~ r-----T-----T-----~-----r----~----~----~-----+----~--+-~~--~----~----~---4----~--~ I


(,l lfLoll ,f f \1. '111\1\ · "\II II IU' tJ IH t~ ' 01\I'JII\ Dati! H \ ' ... 1J I 'Till I T Check b\'

~~~ l l ,fi TJ P - t• tc~, It' ll \Ti n' un:wm Dat e

:o-t ud \ .\r e:a OIJo#-.1b5lJ AIL,/ -/I, f>r~Li 5w5, #~.!- A' AI~ ~ ---#I'J 7~x II. I '" A b- .~ iJ-/d, /??A \ c.: u •u J ..t e d I' r .. < " 1 1 ., t , " n ( , (., •. n,. , ( .. r II• · .- .. rd 1111 jl,, 1 ro ( ooJ I:• • Accu111ulated

~ IJr., - n ' ~I • .. n ., .. I .. h ~ ' r - (' 4£ I , c I' " · · I oU t' c ' . c ...... k e c nrdtn@ G•~re s H.. c. Ga tre s xKI I ttf , .. < " I ,j I>- t .. r JC ,\ I I l.11•es ) •• t (' !. 1 '"" !•. :•l• i i • rl • d I' I ... l ,. I n. ( .. rd .. tl ' I " 1 • r d1 · I' t ,, < 1 .. r ''"' .. r.t .. ,J r .. , ll .. c .. rol t' rl Fact nr A I I Ga•es ' ' "' \ oo l //.o,;/ 4 ~ 19~ /7tJt!J , 0 3t:> /~" /() .A9" /A/5 35 ~5' .32. ;'://) A5 A5' 77 #5 /95 /. 95 171 /9 J() t) ?:25 ~.2S ~ 9~ /5 ~.:J5 ~.:25 ~~7 3 1/ 4.2.7 4~7 3.A? #5 4.47 4..V7 4/!J7 :2~tJt) #. ~7 -4ili 4LJ7 liP .¢,97 4#7 4~7 I w :2~ ~49 ~ ',tJ9 4.n9 w I 3~ #5() 4 '!tt!J ~/A #~ 452 45'.2.. 4 i2.. #5 4~3 · ~ -5'3 4 ·n 5"~ ~5"3 453 4/~ 55 #_5# #~~ 4# 2./~~ 4.~5 45"5' ;/,/_/~ ..2:2/5 ~55 41:~5 4/~ 3tP ~59 .tS( 59 -:ll/A :2 ~ d/) 4_ (,~ 4/~4 4/9 30 ~'.2 ---:i1~.z. -~:J/ ;2 4t!J () #~~ #_~tf{. ~:23 ~~,.~ v /~ / P7A ~/'} 41-~4 ~.2~ 4u - f--· ~/1!}/) 4.~/ - 4/~7 ~~~ t):1~~ 4.73 4:73 -¥.3/ Ji .. l n [Pr,. r 1 I' 1 t • l I "" ~ [Tl ., 'n I .. I' IJ' I I " I " 0 ' ' '" 1 n [J'~:: •I ;~ ,' ; ·~r' oa lle \\1 . It h t t'.oo I • · f J•, , r- •r·•' ,, .. '· 1\ e oil , l t ,, r l • r (; ., ,. .. ll•· ol"lr t f .. l " ' l' r • r o 1 , I ,, 1 o "'' I\•>••' ' l·., rt r • •• Q • \\1 o ~ l, t r~ c 1 .. . l'ro· l ' '"I .11 r " " ;r.:l .1-S ~,t!Jtf} ..¢.1:.2. ~ /.) 5 tJ7 ~ r-


\\~II : Pr ,. r 'I" I .ot r .. n ~'• · o ot l · • f ,,, I ~~~I ' l •• I II· { .. , d I llf' '· ·· .. . . I · , .. . I • I 0 0 "u"' ,.t 1\ l' r • • op r • o· - ·- ~~ 9/ / .2 T\-:'11 (R,_,, ,. ,.d .luh l!io9J :'lo• I ..2 o f~ l'~ IT£0 " lA TE ~ DEPA RlMt-: ~T Of 1!'\TERIOH , um p. b, ._....c-. ...,~K~------CiHII.I)I ,Jc \I. 'Ill\ ~ ) · ~\Tt . li UE:--11111 1 1 .... lll\1'111\ oa I e 3/11171 n \ ':- o r ... nq r r n .. k b) ''Ell lll l lilllt.O-I'ItH II'IT.\T i n \ tHt OHI1 0 t e :f/+t/Q

Stud' .\r ,. .. OBt:J,P,?~ 'S'~ A;JdiL.CrL~~- -St~Y#;If.A de {e.rAD~OI ~ 11 11 , 1 • ., , , rr . 4.,.Pc..~.I"..J.I~/:....__~9--c....:;,/II-'"J~9}.;::~:...__------~------,------~------~'~'~'~L ~·~u~!~n~e~d~l~·r~~c~·~~·~·· •~l~a~t~a·~··~· ,r•~·· ~f~,, ~,. ~'·~· · ~·~t~, ~· r~l~t·~·· r~.r· •~~ ~IL''~-~~· ~I~• ·~· ~" ~t,~. ,~c· ~·~· ~------'~ ~ rc u~ul at~ d .1! LllLL t- !Ll ,c ltr.. ~ ' I .a oft l. dll l • .:• t .... l! 11 ( '"" t4,. c .. rd antr (o~tlf ":. Hr· . Gas~!! K ) J-ot•· & ,, ,, . ,, ... , .,, ·I ' t .• I I(., • . I• . ~ ' I a r \ •• r R•· • r d' oi I~ ~ , , 1 . • ...... , rj , d \ r .• (' ' .. r h · I rrltd r ~ J .. c l .. r Ji .. c .. rdPd" f ~tc t c· · r All (; ... e ~ ·\II GaR~S

w• ~ I

~------~------+---- .. --~------~------~------~------~------~------r------+------~------+------+------+------~

IP r"r '!" 'tl'"" ' "'" '" '"' '! ' '" ' "" '' ' " fl'r ~'r ara"l a lt••n" -~ " ll! ht f , ,~,. I .. a J'r' C 1 • I ,t l " " ' 1\,. Ill ,1 f" I l · I 1-=(.:.;i "::..;'(I::L '---+.....:.:.'A;_t' .!..l.:.il .:,:f'.!..l....:.f.:.:·'..;..'..;,'-·•:...:. I~J_;' r_'_;'_:_.l 1~.:.·· ~1 ;_I:;_·' .:_I~· _;1 · .::,11 ._,;_~_. ~·_:.• _. _' __:.i:...:.• •~t.l_· .:,:.r_H.:,:''.:.J'fl:..; •~~l\;;_':....!..llll...::.lh ..:_l __:._r..:::"..::,t:~l_::":.:,l..J-!.I~'r~•·....::· ' ...:':.J'1~ ··~·:....:·.:_:• 1:..:_;1•:.:; · ll~.....:.:..~~.:_f'.!..t,:.ll.:,:lo ~l_:.t..:;•'..:...,:C I~o :...:,• r__ -f

~--+------~~------~------~~----~------4------~- -· ------~~--~------~------~------~

------~--~------+------~------~ ., lt.UH HYDROGRAPH and MASS CURVES ~ .i t 1; · ; t ! : ; ~ : ~ : t ; J· t~ ~ for ~ . , r; . r--1- . , 1 • r !. i - ,- 1,500 - · ._._ ...... i ' ' ·- • • . j ... • ~ - - t - . +- STORM OF APRIL 9-10, 1978 j !l~i ! iil!~ -tlj~l l! ~ : i- 1 : • ; ! ; . :. :. !4 ~ , j I l ;:_ j f-0-" at _ ._ :. • 1 : ~ ~ r : l-t : i 1 : ~ · t· r r : - NORTH CREEK SUBWATERSHEO NO. 28-A 1,400 .;, : l : ! : ~ t.: : : ~:.: : "" 1- r~ -_[ NEAR JERMYN, TEXAS ·t.i~~ := i:. ~ !t : E ~ : .. • ~ : ~ .: ~ ~F- -- :-Hi . .. . t :,: 1:1.-.f ' 1- t:: - t : i ; : : : : : ; j ; : t ! ; ;-lj ~ ~ H-- Drainage Area 6.82 MI2 1,300 : ; ; : ! . . t • _1 • l • 1 ! ~ UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY t t ~::.. . i · · · · · ! I ! ! ; I i : ! l : r j : 1++- . : : ; ~ ~ r ; ; i : ~ ;..r r WATER RESOURCES DIVISION lp.'-. ! .. •-. j : I ; l I ! ! .. TEXAS DISTRICT I ·;-; : t ~ ; ' : I . i ; : : : : I f : i 1,200 t :!: ; • . .. It . t..!-U-W. 4-1 .:.-l l. l l ll-..J- ; ·: · · · 'rf · : ~:: ! : · · '· · Storm runoff for perioo = 243 ac-ft. -- t-----+-- r t-:- 1,100 ~-;-~ n l ~ ~ :! tf+9 ·r- ~t- q_~l-f : ! : ~ : \J : : : : : :. . - . I • : ; : : ! : ! ! : ~ ~ l rl i I :~ ~ 1-~ i ~ : i ! 1 t-----+-+-~--+-....,...__: ~ : -Net inflow . _. . _ . . : : ~ ; ~ f -: -f ! · 1 ! i : ! 1' 000 5.0 ~------+-+---~---+----~--~~---+--~+-~~~~rr~~~~-4 .-:- : : : ~ ; ~ j . . : : : : i ; t '1 1-. ! ; l ! I I t ; I i : 7 :-. -. -+-- 7'----+---+--. -. -t_ ----+--: __: _ ___ ;i ~'j--r,· ~~~ .wn~}~ed. .r .a, i .nf,a . l_I ;~ 900 .. · · · · ·· · : : :1: . .• , ·· · · • il • .:...t. • ,..., !'1 ' ! I : : . : . . .~ --: : ,J i_ r : ! : J i . I ! ; ; : ! . : ~ ~ : ~: . : :·: : ri I:: -: ! - T l; ': t J...l,;,·--- ~ . . . . . :. : ~ : ; : . : I : : : .: : ! ,. !I ! : . I l ~ - I ' r I t 800 4.0 I I'-~~ . ·i : :I ' , , . . : . :: . : !:: ' lf :t . ll - ;It! • . ~ . . . • .. . : : : 1 : l : : ! : .: : : : :: :: i :·; : : : . ! ~ : ~ t ; • ! ) ! il f · ' · ' I ' · ' ' • 1 • ' ' I l . I ' 1 j · - f.-t-! • 0 • . . . : I . : - · : - ~ . i I i : l ~ : I : ; - t ! ; ""7' , . . . · ' · · 11 i- ;- ·1 I b 700 u ' w V) c:: w 600 Cl...... w w LL 500 u a) ;::) u 400 z -.. -:- 300 6 -' .....LL ::> 0 200 a0 a 100 -' LL z - 0




(a.ot.OG IL-\1. '' IIH' · ll -\H I! lit .'Ill Ill t :-- 0 I\ I'''~ TF.~\' Ul,lHII r

1\E Jl;JilTil-PHH II' I f\ I I o \ HFCOHO

r------·- == ·-- ~--~~~~--~~~~-- -~~~--- - ~---~---rl~~- l~+r ~--+---~------~------~ ,,, jiP rr•r tJi t•lt • f• ' li cctlrl · r · '· i · ' · l, • , , 1 ll'ft' ftl' '' '' 1 " 11 \ .. d ' • ~. - I 1d 1 : I ,, < • , : I'I • t ll , l o ' • • I'· • I"" f t ' I L:.:.(,_..o f:.._• -+-\\ "__;1~~I l l ___;__ I " I • I f' t ' • t t t I i t • I • ,,,•,. 1 .- • I '! ,. _.o~.._ 1. _1 ~__:.I ., c ' .. I ~___;..L..:.,.;,.l'r ' • ' I • ' •' .;.•• _..;..I I ~-"--'-"•--·-• ' n u • I J ' I L ' o_l ( l ''_...•--f r ;;_$. __ ·~ - d~ - - - -- ~7..£1 ___ · s-~ t-r--t------t-----+-- -~ -- ~- .. ~u --· -----t-----~------1 it1 .;~ ; ·- d =!~~£ - ----/~ -~~-+! - ---+------t------4 i ~£ .1 « il6 1i IJ 7 /. 3 2- i J ~----~----+------+------1 5-~ 17 ~- 9P I - 49 I J, !---+------+----~------4 ~ l l .! --~ -~~-~-- --~•~uu ______~ 11~!1 1 'oum ,. f Vr "c 'I''' "' 1 nn ' " ' ' ICI.I ~ ,, r I .. r t.. " ~.. 1.t1 11 .. .. r d ttl~ <• ·•!1" · "'' I J: '• .,J I ''"~ _: · · - - ~ :-/.~11/) ______, 1,600 HYDROGRAPH and MASS CURVES for 1,500 STORM OF APRIL 9-10, 1978 at NCRTH CkEEK NEAR JACKSBORO, TEXAS 1,400

~~- : t· f r..l ' : ! ~ : : 1 : t .t-r -!. I ~ Drainage Area 21.6 MI 2 lt300 ~ - .! • : : I I. 1 . :I . : :.; l i i UNITED STATES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY WATER RESOURCES DIVISION

r; it ! : :t I ; r : .: ; ; : i . i_ l; ! ~t .! I- TEXAS DISTRICT 1,200 t i • . I. ' ' • . I. ' ! j • t ' l ; . l I I • ! ~ : .. : I I . 1 I ' I .... ~ . J - ~!- LL · · · · · :: : : , 1 l f r :. ~ ~ Storm runoff for period = 102 ac-ft. $ :::: ~ - ::: : . .. . :: !: ·: : f · _ ;:~ -r:r · n . t=1 - fr 1 ~+ . · -- f:t-!3 - _t- - d lf~ = 1,100 · · ·~ - ::. · .. . . ~~~~ ·t!'' ~·~ -~· - !, - - .. _ : tlf • - . . . . : : • • . . • . :-: : : : j : ; I..! l I ' : : ~ ! i I .-i ::t : . - I : . : .. . _;_--:- : . . -Discharge : ; : : H l= I ! . r . · · ~ : · · · - r : : : 1 ~ ~ : : : : : i : f ·! I - -~ r- F -I "t r- i 1,000 5.0 A ... ..__ ·· : ;. i ~ 1 . ·: . : :i : : : ccumulated ra1nfa11 -.t ~- :. • • • : : I ; • • 1 • 1 ' + ....-~ "1 · t - ~t t r j t ~ _1__1 J f · · ·· . . , ·· · · I · ~~!T t · .. . l - t ••! !' ! . • . . . I . . • . I ! : : ~ '"'!""!: : : . i ~ : : l . ! -:- ~- : i ! I l 900 . . . . : : : : ;~ ~ : ; : : : : . : i. : ~t- t- L~ ·t -. ~ n 1- : : : : : __ _ :_ _: · . __... ~ ~,.... ~ : : ~ · . : : : : . ·: -t. i: r - ~ - ; t J ~ 1 : ; : : : · . · ~ : : :: : . : ·· : : : · ' :1 t-1 :: 1 ! !t j i; j rl :i ::: 800 4.0r---~~--n~/:_. _· ~J~: _: ·-=~--~~--· -: ~·~·=_: _· _: +-: _. :_, _: ~: _: ~t ~: !~·+·-1 ~l H1· ~:-: _: ~: _: ~! :r: ~~ ~: lr . • I • • • • • l • • j ,, . I · • • ••! O• f iJ ' ~ - i - ! ' '' ! ! ,• 1' 1' ( . . : : · · ·· - ·~· · !- . - ~ . · · ~ ·t -H··i ·- f~r ~ ::hll i i ,; . . ~ - 1---f+ :. --. ,- ~ :- : : ·: ~ ~ ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ -t- -t- · ;1' f t ~ . I • ~ ' rt i i .:.' ; · .. : ;: : i . . .. : : : : 1 ; : 1 : : ·: : r :: • • : 1 t 1 .1 700 i -n ;- ;-li :

600 0 eu .. w u.. V') 500 u.. 0 a: ~- : . .. w . . .. . a. 5ex: t- 400 w w u.. u 300 en ::::> u z 200 . ~ ex: 100 ~ I u ~ : . : . I : : : : . : ! : : ~ i : : : _i ~ ~ : : .:. : : . ; • I • ~- -~ ·, --~ ~ = __. . ~ t:±f F! -t-= V') u ! : / : :; : ~~-"T : ~ - ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ :! . ~ : ·: : ~ ~ - : - tt!:f.ij ~cc ~ ulated runoff :: < ::.: .:__ 1 -0 0 ~ 0 ' /. . · · · · - _..-:- · : J .: : : : ; · : ~ 1 H ..., t 4 - • - tl 1800 2100 2400 0300 0600 0900 APRIL 9 APRIL 10

-38- Fom A-64 UNITED STATES DEPAim!Em' OF THE Dm:RIOR Sbeet--L. ot _./..___ {Rev. 5-65 ) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY - rEXAu ui2TRI:T


, ~X. D.A. 11/w-tit Creek subvatersbed No. :21-# near .t-t:4D. M.D. ,,12- sq m1 Date Time Ctla.cge in Mean Total Net Inflov acd int. stor G. Ht. Outflow inflOW' Rate Ace time hrs ac-ft cfs ft cfs cfs in cfs in br in in


l,f tll()(,JI\1 :o-IHH\ · ~\Ti l 1 1 ~ '11111 41 ·. :-- 01\i'ln\ Tl\\.' lll'fll lo·T

Ill lli iiTt-:0-J•IHI II'IT\IIn\ IU't oun

:'tud• h,.a08()¢~{,!]~ ~~~ l}~~tK 5141..£ 1_.:2A-/1 ~ ~~1/4 ~ n. I . r" ~~-.u, ~"' 5/9, 7A .\ 1 l U fP \o \ •I' t ' ~ I' r •· t 1J! ' t r1 t ~ • :a I I I It( I.. . I .. . ' h• • . I ·I n1r H.. n l .. £•· - Accu•ulated lfo P Ill• l • , c l n I tJ lh· • .. · ...... QR I I , .. (; k r.turd•ns 1: "' . I '" " .. ""' ...... Gasl!'s Hec. Ga11es x K I ) .. t f A T_o m• I• ' .. ,

I ~ 0 I

[P r ,. r 1 1• t t .. t 1 ,.n ~ 'II.OIIl . .. n f1 ,, 1 n rf' r 'l"' " ' '" 1 n ~ I ... a, llo· 1gl. 1 t ~- ;.; ~·~r • , ;o ~re ,,. 1rht ~ .o<.to r l'r t:c ll>l t.ol ou ll ll t- 1g h t L• ct .. r (i.o_g• ""•.Kiot ~ .. c l '" l' r 1· r 1 1 1 l ' ' • ••tl "'' IIIII ,oc r t·a c ur Pr t:c qt~l•l~t•n w;:: ;t::' ~5 ~ 1/?LJ /./9 .~ . ~ _i_2.2. .

'llUh f .• , r , , 1\MH -,U ftl l'r,.c q · o t~l'"' ' \\ •• t:f, r ... \\ ~ .. ..., H• ·r .. rd on., (,,,f , .. "'' I ~ J,t t .J ,.,,.( ., .•, .,, •·· fl "' ' - ~=,r_ ~91'51- 400

0 300 ~ V) u w w I V) ~ 0:: ...... I w ~ 0.. z ~ I ..... w ~ 200 u co u:::J z .. 3 0 _J u...... 100 :::J 0 0 ~ 3 0 _J u...z 0 TX.·6S(Rev. 2-H) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTEIIOI GEOLOGICAL SUIYEY · TEXAS DISTIICT


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<..i . Ht Sh D isc har~:~ Runoff G . Ht . Sh . o .. chnriC: Runoff T i m~ T•mc: Frrt AJj . Ft J /s lnL In ' Hr lnchu Ace . l n. Frc.- t AJi. t't lj, Inc . In/ Hr. Inch~ Ace . In /k/J. 5'~ r97A I'JPt'JO ~;~ 0 15 j() /J.I'ti'J/J /1/J/')/} /1/'l/VJ 15£/JtJ .I/ ?9- ' IJg t/:1. /J/1/)/./ 0/JOO. /}I) 11/J

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