
Trinity River Sub‐basin Environmental Flows Data Report for Quality Assured Data Collected between September 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015

Final Report

August 1, 2015 Sub‐basin Environmental Flows Data Report for Quality Assured Data Collected between September 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015

Prepared by: of in collaboration with the Texas Instream Flows Program (TIFP).


The preparation of this report was financed in part through funding from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality under Agreement No. 582‐14‐40097.

Prepared by: Webster Mangham Manager, Special Studies and Assessments Trinity River Authority of Texas 5300 S. Collins St. Arlington, TX 76018 (817) 493‐5127


Table of Contents Tables ...... ii Figures ...... iii Introduction ...... 1 Instream Flow Studies ...... 1 Trinity River Reconnaissance Studies ...... 1 Methodology ...... 2 Site Selection ...... 2 Indicator Species ...... 5 Hydrology ...... 5 Field Data Collection ...... 5 Water Quality ...... 5 Sediment Mapping ...... 7 Fish and Habitat ...... 7 Single Event Completion – Site 080223 at Low Baseflow ...... 8 Future Data Collection Activities ...... 14 Field Data Appendix ...... 15 References ...... 16

Tables Table 1. Site selection components used for the middle Trinity River instream flow study (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review)...... 3 Table 2. Target baseflows for the middle Trinity River Instream Flow Study...... 5 Table 3. Summary of field data for the middle Trinity River instream flow study. Preliminary data collection consist of data needed prior to the scheduling biological sampling events...... 8 Table 4. Field data appendix description...... 15


Figures Figure 1. Steps in sub‐basin studies of the Texas Instream Flow Program (Adapted from TWDB, 2008). .. 1 Figure 2. Map of the middle Trinity River Sub‐basin reaches and study sites...... 4 Figure 3. TRA staff deploying water quality sonde on the middle Trinity River near US Hwy 287...... 6 Figure 4. Sediment collected at one site along the middle Trinity River and categorized as small gravel according to the modified Wentworth Substrate Scale...... 6 Figure 5. Data from the USGS gage Trinity River near Oakwood between July 15, 2014 and May 31, 2015...... 7 Figure 6. Map of site 080223 showing the substrate mapping...... 9 Figure 7. Map of site 080223 showing the mesohabitat mapping...... 10 Figure 8. Map of site 080223 showing the mesohabitat overlaid on the substrate mapping...... 11 Figure 9. Map of site 080223 showing six of the thirty‐four stratified random sampling locations...... 12 Figure 10. Map of site 080223 showing the sampling locations and box corners where depth, velocity, and field water quality parameters were collected...... 13 Figure 11. USGS gage at the Trinity River near Oakwood showing extended high flows...... 14


Introduction The 77th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 2 (SB 2) in 2001 which created the Texas Instream Flow Program (TIFP). This program is administered jointly by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD), and Texas Water Development Board (TWDB). The Program’s charge is to determine how much water Texas rivers need to maintain a sound ecological environment. The middle Trinity River was identified by the TIFP as a priority sub‐basin in the Texas Instream Flow Studies Programmatic Work Plan (TPWD, TCEQ & TWDB, 2002).

The contractual objective of this report (Contract Number 582‐ 14‐40097, Amendment 1) is to:

1. Acquire the available processed and quality assured data between the start of the TIFP sampling efforts in the Trinity River basin (anticipated June 2014) and May 31, 2015 from TCEQ, TPWD, and the TWDB; 2. Create data summary and methodology report; and 3. Provide an electronic data appendix.

Instream Flow Studies Figure 1. Steps in sub‐basin studies of the The TIFP adopted an approach for studying the entire riverine Texas Instream Flow Program (Adapted from ecosystem and have defined a sound ecological environment as TWDB, 2008). a “resilient, functioning ecosystem characterized by intact, natural processes and a balanced, integrated, and adaptive community of organisms comparable to that of the natural habitat of the region” (TWDB, 2008). Multidisciplinary studies are needed in order to understand the hydrology, geomorphology, biology, water quality, and connectivity of aquatic ecosystems. Components of instream flow studies are thoroughly reviewed and explained in the Texas Instream Flow Studies Technical Overview Report 369 (TWDB, 2008) and are well documented in the discipline’s literature. In general, the SB2 process follows the steps outlined in Figure 1.

Trinity River Reconnaissance Studies In late 2012, the TIFP and Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA) began working on the reconnaissance and information evaluation phase of the project. A large biological data gap was identified and a supplemental biological data collection study was initiated to obtain recent biological data along the middle Trinity River. The TIFP and TRA selected six sites spatially distributed between County and . Each of these sites were sampled twice by the TRA and TIFP between August and November of 2012 for fish and benthic organisms. These data were reported in the Supplemental Biological Data Collection, Middle Trinity River Priority Instream Flow Study, Final Report (TRA and TWPD, 2014). For the fisheries data, the results showed the upper four sites clustered together and the lower two sites clustered together (TRA and TWPD, 2014). Additional data collected and analyzed in the report included mussels, benthic macroinvertebrates, mesohabitat types, substrates, depths and velocities.


Methodology Once the Reconnaissance and Information Evaluation phase of the study was complete, Goal Development began during three stakeholder workshops that took place in the spring of 2013. From those meetings, the Instream Flow Study of the Middle Trinity River Draft Study Design (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review) was created which identified the stakeholders’ agreed upon vision for “a sustainable functioning, resilient ecosystem, with diverse habitats and biotic communities that is adaptive and capable of meeting today’s needs while maintaining future generation’s opportunities (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review).” During the stakeholder workshops, the TRA and TIPF staff led the attendees through:

1. An explanation of the instream flow study methodology; 2. A thorough review of the available data; 3. Study goal development for the middle Trinity ; 4. Site selection; 5. Flow target selection; and 6. Indicator species selection.

The ultimate goal of an instream flow study is to relate flow with biology. One technique used to establish these flow/ecology relationships involves sampling biological components in specific mesohabitat/substrate combinations at different flow rates. These data are used to create habitat suitability curves (HSC) by fish species or guild for substrate, velocity, and depth. These curves are input into a 2D hydraulic model which calculates weighted usable area curves for various flow rates. In other words, the inputs are used to determine which flows provide the most habitat of a certain value for a specific fish species or guild. Additional information is described in the Instream Flow Study of the Lower River and Lower , Interim Progress Report and Instream Flow Recommendations report (TIFP and SARA, 2011)

Site Selection Site selection was a tiered process that took into account the need for widely to narrowly focused studies. The middle Trinity River was divided into “Study Areas”, “Study Reaches”, and “Study Sites”, ranging from longer to shorter distances respectively (Table 1). The site selection process is explained in detail in the draft study design document (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review).


Table 1. Site selection components used for the middle Trinity River instream flow study (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review). Length Tier Name Selection Factors Range (mi.) Significant geologic features Ecoregions 1 Study Area 12 ‐ >100 2011 Longitudinal Study (TRA & RPS Espey Consultants Inc., 2013) Recent and historical biological data USGS gages Diversions Fish and mussel data 2 Study Reach 29.5 ‐ 65 Aerial photography Geomorphic data Water quality sampling sites Bathymetry Reconnaissance studies 3 Study Site 0.5 – 2 Mesohabitat availability Riparian habitat

Six study reaches were proposed and four representative sites were selected from those reaches. The study sites are designated by the river basin “080” and the river mile “###” (TRA, 2012) with river mile 0 at . The sites are 080223, 080295, 080344, and 080423 (Figure 2).


Figure 2. Map of the middle Trinity River Sub‐basin reaches and study sites.


Indicator Species Based on historical and recent fish data collections, ten species or groups were proposed as possible key species based on their historic and current abundance in the middle Trinity River, habitat use, life history, tolerance to change (flow and water quality), and, when appropriate, sport value. The fish include: freshwater drum (A. grunniens), alligator gar (A. spatula), blue catfish (I. furcatus), white bass (M.chrysops), smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus), ghost shiner (Notropis buchanani), silverband shiner (N. shumardi), Percina species, and paddlefish (P. spathula) (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review). Additional details are available in TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review.

Hydrology The Draft Study Design statistically derived a high, mid, and low baseflow target for each of the four sites. The intention of the study was to sample each site once at each flow to see the differences in the indicator species or mesohabitat guilds. Because the Trinity River does not generally sustain a mid baseflow for the length of time it takes for the biology to stabilize after a pulse event, flow targets and stabilization times were adjusted to include only low and high baseflow (Table 2). Additional information on flow targets is available in the Draft Study Design and are currently being further analyzed by the TIFP and TRA.

Table 2. Target baseflows for the middle Trinity River Instream Flow Study. Site High Baseflow (cfs) Low Baseflow (cfs) 080423 1280 795 080344 1400 845 080295 1750 891 080223 2020 1010

Field Data Collection

Water Quality Water quality parameters are an important aspect of instream flow studies. Biological organisms have tolerance ranges for parameters like dissolved oxygen and temperature. To better characterize the expected ranges of pH, dissolved oxygen, specific conductance, and temperature that occur in the middle Trinity River, TRA staff assisted TCEQ staff with the installation of six water quality sondes at three sites (Figure 3). See Table 4 for additional information.


Figure 3. TRA staff deploying water quality sonde on the middle Trinity River near US Hwy 287.

Figure 4. Sediment collected at one site along the middle Trinity River and categorized as small gravel according to the modified Wentworth Substrate Scale.


Sediment Mapping A differentially corrected GPS datalogger was used to map sediment in the field. Depending on conditions, the substrate was observed by sight or feel and points, polylines, or polygons were used to delineate one sediment type from another. Sediment was observed by using a dredge or pole with scoop attached when water depths required (Figure 4). Sediment was categorized based on a modified Wentworth Substrate Scale as described in TIFP and SAFA, 2011.

Fish and Habitat Between June 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015, only one of eight events (low baseflow for site 080223) scheduled for fish sampling was completed. The remainder of the scheduled sampling events were cancelled due to high flows, lack of stabilization time after a pulse event, or the water temperature being too low to assume fish were in a normal pattern (Figure 5). A list of the completed field activities is shown in Table 3.

Figure 5. Data from the USGS gage Trinity River near Oakwood between July 15, 2014 and May 31, 2015.


Table 3. Summary of field data for the middle Trinity River instream flow study. Preliminary data collection consist of data needed prior to the scheduling biological sampling events. SB2 Site Site Name SB2 Task Type Date(s) 080223 Crockett Fish Collection Biological 9/29‐10/1/2014 080223 Crockett Sediment mapping Preliminary Biology 4/3/2014 080295 Oakwood Sediment mapping Preliminary Biology 9/17/2014 080344 Hwy 287 Sediment mapping Preliminary Biology 7/23/2013 080423 Grass Farm Sediment mapping Preliminary Biology 8/6/2013 080295 Oakwood Sonde deployment Water Quality 8/28/2014 080295 Oakwood Sonde retrieval Water Quality 9/24/2014 080344 Hwy 287 Sonde deployment Water Quality 8/29/2014 080344 Hwy 287 Sonde retrieval Water Quality 9/24/2014 080423 Grass Farm Sonde deployment Water Quality 8/29/2014 080423 Grass Farm Sonde retrieval Water Quality 9/24/2014

Single Event Completion – Site 080223 at Low Baseflow For the completed biological sampling event at site 080223, workflow consisted of the following:

1. GPS sediment mapping (Figure 6); 2. GPS mesohabitat mapping (Figure 7); 3. GIS overlay of sediment and mesohabitat (Figure 8); 4. Stratified random selection of 30‐40 fish sampling locations (Figure 9); 5. Fish sampling within each 10x20 ft2 (approximately) box using seine or backpack/boat electrofishing equipment; 6. Collection of field water quality parameters and hydraulic parameters (depth and velocity) in the middle and at the four corners of the box (Figure 10).


Figure 6. Map of site 080223 showing the substrate mapping.


Figure 7. Map of site 080223 showing the mesohabitat mapping.


Figure 8. Map of site 080223 showing the mesohabitat overlaid on the substrate mapping.


Figure 9. Map of site 080223 showing six of the thirty‐four stratified random sampling locations.


Figure 10. Map of site 080223 showing the sampling locations and box corners where depth, velocity, and field water quality parameters were collected.


Additional specific detail relating to the sampling methodology is thoroughly explained in the breadth of instream flow literature and the following documents specific to Texas instream flow studies:

1. TIFP Technical Overview (TWDB, 2008); 2. Instream Flow Study of the Lower and Lower Cibolo Creek, Interim Progress Report and Instream Flow Recommendations (TIFP and SARA, 2011); and 3. Instream Flow Study of the Middle Trinity River, Draft Study Design (TIFP and TRA, 2014, under review).

All of the processed and quality assured data is outlined in the Field Data Appendix and included in the appropriate electronic format on the accompanying DVD.

Future Data Collection Activities In the spring of 2015, the area received historic rainfall which filled many north Texas reservoirs to at or above their flood pool elevations. This extended event caused high flows throughout the basin and significant overland storage in backwaters and sloughs (Figure 11). As of August 1, 2015, reservoir managers continue to release water from the flood pools of north Texas reservoirs. As such, the TIFP was unable to sample in early 2015 and current flows are not expected to return to the TIFP high and low baseflow target levels until after the 2015 fall sampling temperature window closes. As of August 1, 2015, the TIFP and TRA are working to adapt the sampling regime and/or timing of sampling events in order to compete the study by the legislatively mandated deadline of December 1, 2016.

Figure 11. USGS gage at the Trinity River near Oakwood showing extended high flows.


Field Data Appendix

Table 4. Field data appendix description. Data Folder Source Site Comments Type Processed fish data from the low baseflow Fish TPWD 80223 .xls event at site 080223

080223, 080295, Habitat TPWD .shp Substrate mapping for all sites 080344, 080423

Habitat TPWD 80223 .shp Mesohabitat, field water quality, hydrology

30‐day sonde deployments along the Water SH 287, SH 34, TCEQ .xls Trinity River for water quality model (not Quality US 79/84 tied to specific sites)

See attached accompanying DVD for quality assured and processed data.


References Tarboton, K. C., Irizarry‐Ortiz, M. M., Loucks, D. P., Davis, S. M., & Obeysekera, J. T. (2004). Habitat Suitability Indices for Evaluation Water Management ALternatives. South Florida Water Management District, Office of Modeling. West Palm Beach: South Florida Water Management District. TIFP and SARA. (2011). Instream Flow Study of the Lower San Antonio River and Lower Cibolo Creek, Interim Progress Report and Instream Flow Recommendations. San Antonio: Texas Instream Flow Program and the San Antonio River Authority. TIFP and TRA. (2014, under review). Instream Flow Study of the Middle Trinity River,Draft Study Design. Austin: TIFP. TPWD, TCEQ & TWDB. (2002). Texas Instream Flow Studies: Programmatic Work Plan. Austin: Texas Water Development Board. Retrieved January 16, 2014, from http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/surfacewater/flows/instream/doc/Programmatic_Work_Plan.pdf TRA & RPS Espey Consultants Inc. (2013). Trinity River Long‐Term Study. Arlington: Trinity River Authority of Texas. TRA. (2012). River Miles, 2012. Arlington: Trinity River Authoirty of Texas. Retrieved July 27, 2015, from http://www.trinityra.org/default.asp?contentID=97 TRA and TWPD. (2014). Supplemental Biological Data Collection, MIddle Trinity River Priority Instream Flow Study. Arlington, TX: Trinity River Authoirty of Texas. TWDB. (2008). Texas Instream Flow Studies: Technical Overview. Report No. 369. Austin: Texas Water Development Board. Retrieved from http://www.twdb.state.tx.us/publications/reports/GroundWaterReports/GWReports/R369