IN NEWS OF THE WATERFRONT. A fU LIKE OF to take their turns, and frequently BABCOCK wait weeks for a chance. The San AND Big Fleet Enters Francisco Drydock Company has ap- 0 plied to the harbor commissioners for wharf room, and the board has practi- This Busy cally decided to build the necessary piers. When the' drydock company an- Port. nounced its intention of building the three floating docks if the commission would supply the necessary wharf Cappiag room, the matter was taken under consideration. The bulk of the board's Transport Lawton and Income is pledged for some time to come, so it was decided that if the con- Seven Sailing Ves- - tractor who got the job would take part payment In cash, and the balance To make room for sels in warrants extending over one, two. this line we Arrive. three and four years, the commission- arff ers would go on with the work. At a foil recent meeting of the board the dry-doc- k vessels arrived in this port company announced that con- EIGHT It is a lone time since tractors would bid on the board's harbor has experienced terms. Commissioner Herold then Road Wagons -- such a busy day. The tug Fearless moved that the chief engineer prepare was kept on the move from sunrise. plans and estimates for the necessary were in a position to view wharves, which will be built near the Those who S3wTT'!r!... '"' the harbor and the sea from the hills Arctic Oil Works. The motion was car- i . ... Top Buggies $95 yesterday witnessed a scene that was ried, and the work will proceed as soon to was significant. as the preliminaries are completed. HE SCENE aboard the United States battleship Oregon while she was on as entertaining as it the rocks in the Straits of Pechili was a busy one. All pumps were sight at once, in- the Nine vessels were in Railroad Ties for Equador. hard at work throwing out the water as fast as It came in through the cluding the great battleship Oregon, great hole in the ship's bottom. The above illustration shows the pumps at lying at anchor off port. Eight of the The British tramp Adato was by ' work. The picture furnished the Advertiser Engineer's Yeoman J. S. vessels came into the harbor. sailed from San Francisco on the 24th Pollock of the Oregon. The first to enter was the United of May for Guayaquil, Ecuador, with transport Lawton from San $175 States the first consignment of lumber and Phaetons & to $; Francisco. She came in at an early tracts for government work of ten of his present month. The Buffalo brings home hour, being reported the first thing. railroad ties to be used in the comple- most experienced draughtsmen for duty quite a number of officers and men, Then followed, one by one, as fast as tion of the toad between that seaport in the office of the Supervising whose terms of service have expired and several invalids, condemned by the Fearless could tow them, the seven and Quito. The contract calls for medical double-turrete- j on sailing vessels, from Newcastle and the The docking of the d survey the station. in all, and will the I U. S S. S. - coast. They were the American ship ties it take monitor Amphltrite at Port Royal is The Dixie, Comdr. M. Ack- Adato eight trips to land that number ley, New York May 6 Governqr Robie, Captain Harrington, probably the last duty that unfortunate left for Venezuela ALL OF THESE VEHICLES at Guayaquil. There was some spirited piece of extravagant econo- - with men and supplies for vessels on the ARE NP forty-nin- e days from Newcastle; the Government bidding for the order, and at one time my will be called upon to perform. It is South Atlantic Station. She will bring A. Campbell, ha-t- American J. the Puget Sound lumber dealers hoped the vessel will succeed in gettting a number of seamen whose terms Captain, Smith, thirty days from Port thought they had secured the plum. free from the dock before :t breaks down, nave expired to tne is aw Yard New Blakeley; the American ship Balaclu-th- a, They made a miscalculation, however, as it threatened to do while the Indiana York. forty-nin- e days S. Captain Peterson, and San Francisco secured the con was In the dock. The old U. S. Minnesota, a vessel of from Newcastle; the American ship C. tract. The U. S. S. Concord has gone to 4,700 tons displacement, which has been F. Sargent, Captain Melville, thirty Amoy, In soutli of China, will used as an armory by the Massachusetts Pacific Vehicle & away 1,889,353 the and Sup Tacoma; The Adato took feet of probably at that important point Naval Militia at , is to be sold by days from the American bark lumber, 50,029 and a small remain Charles B. Kenney, Captain Anderson, railroad ties for some considerable time. Amoy has the Navy Department. Secretary Long -p quantity of merchandise. i- fifty days from Newcastle; the Ameri- suddenly become of prime interest to this has appointed a board of officers, con- COMPANY, V ED can schooner Defiance, Captain Blum, Schooner Robert Searles. country by reason of the fact that the sisting of Captain Wadleigh, Commander is now Kearny and Naval Constructor Baxter, twenty-si- x days from Tacoma, and the Island of Kulangsu the official E. L. CUTTING MANAGER They are not a happy family in the to examine and appraise her. rORT AND BE American schooner W. F. Wltzemann. foreign residence district, including, of She is the HONOLULU. course, U. S. Consulate. last of the Tennessee class, and was Captain De Witz, twenty-fiv- e days cabin of the schooner Robert Searles, the U. S. S. Is now In built at Wasiungton, D. C, in 1855, and now on way Pu- The Essex Havana, from Gray's Harbor. , her from Honolulu for Cuba, and will remain at that port for was one of the largest vessels of the old Harrow Escape From Creditors. get Sound, says the San Rrancisco Call some little time to come. This vessel, Navy. of May 22d. The vessel left here which is in command of Comdr. Richard The plans o.' tin U. C. . St Louis, The Occidental and Oriental Steam- last were supposed year, Captain wife G. Davenport, U.S.N., will return to which to have been lost, ship Company's Coptic sailed for the and Piltz took his United States waters the present according t.. the daily papers, were rest- along him. lady's laten ing safely RACING Orient yesterday, says the San Fran- with The brother month, and late in July the Essex will all the time in the ufflce of wanted to go to sea, so the captain be stationed at Newport, R. I. At last Messrs. Neafie & Levy, at Philadelphia, cisco Call of May 22d. There was a ship who were awarded the to con- shipped him as boy. All went accounts the health of the continued contract big crowd of Chinese down to see the cabin excellent. struct the vessfcj some time since. vessel away, and some of them would well for a month or so, and then the The U. S. naval ccllier Alexander has Cooling Blankets, Salt Sacks, Toe Weights, lad decided that his brother-in-la- w been reported as having arrived safely ADMIRAL have liked very much to have detained Lucia, en route for the Pacific FAWKSPASS. should treat him as one of the family at Santa Derby Bandages, Sulky Whips, Etc, Etc. one of the passengs, who was poking Coast. The next point from which this 1 and not as one of the crew. Mrs. Piltz When was a boy I waited table. fun at them. vessel will be reported is Montevideo, And was in a livery stable; sided with her brother, but the captain Uruguay. It may be remembered chambermaid Sponges, Chamois Skins, Sen Yung Lun was, up to Saturday night that I curried the horses and I swept the Chi- could not see it in that light. In con the Alexander sailed, a short time since, last, a female impersonator in the sequence, gallant skipper had to floor, nese on Jackson street. He the from the United States with a cargo of voted a theater many Things 5,000 And life deuced bore. was paid a high fan tan take a curtain lecture. some tons of bituminous coal for But I to an tie, salary, but new coaling recently estab- learned tie Ascot and lottery keeps him always in debt. reached a climax at Honolulu. There the station And now in the navy I'm a great big Captain Piltz discharged his brother- - lished at Pichilinque, Lower California-I- Lun finally came to the conclusion t guy. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF in-la- w is not probable pay and shipped another cabin boy that the ship wiil that he would never be able to - reach her destination before some date in owed, so quietly packed his On May 10th he sailed for Port Town- CHO.-- Hc learned to tie, etc. what he he send, but hove to o ffDiamond Head. June. trunk and purchased a ticket for China Decoration Day in receiv- The American Maru did not bring the Baltimore currying I on the Coptic. When he attempted to ed an added interest this year from (At horses did excel. FINE HIGH GRADE end of the story, but the supposition And 1 curried favor, too, as well. board the steamship yesterday his the fact that the three torpedo boat de- I plugged along way, Is that Mrs. Piltz won the day, and stroyers, the Truxton, Whipple and in a menial creditors grabbed him and a free fight his But I knew my chance would come some followed, in which Lun part of his that the captain sent ashore for Worden, now nearing completion at the lost in-la- day, queue. brother and is bringing him works of .the Maryland Steel Company, The customs officers interfered, passenger. For I learned to feed my face with a as was no warrant for the home as a Sparrow Point, were to be launched on and there day. fork, of debtor, they insisted on of that These little vessels are each of, And now in navy pork. arrest the Movements Steamers. 433 tons displacement, are intended for a the I'm all the his being allowed to board the ship. It WASHINGTON, May 21. A cable speed of thirty knots an hour and will was then Lung Lun showed his mean- CHO.-- He learned to feed, etc. gram from Manila announces that the be among the most powerful craft ness, as he secured a prominent posi type. horsepower . ' . on afloat, of their Their t , i tion and laughed and jeered at his Hancock, Buford and Aztec sailed is guaranteed to be 8,300 and they are . t1,Pika and ,Walt' i Subie angry creditors as the Coptic moved Saturday with volunteers. The Logan provided with twin screws. And corrected my social faults. Collars, Hames, Chain Traces, Etc. Horse and kmfe to open a away ch usel a roll, from the wharf. Kilpairik and Ohio will not later The work of removing the eurr!1"1" Constantly on Hani. in the U. S.aBDS. 'And never drank out of the finger bowl. Furnishings of all Kinds Mew 30th, forward turret of the e n Ship Iroquois for York. than the and the Grant and Kearsarge, at the Navy Yard. New York, "p80t Was' as ,yo" see, will return as soon as they ar ..'jx IT 1 m the biggest guy ie whole navee. SOLE AGENTS FOB Since the advent of the American-Hawaiia- n Thomas is progressing favorably under theit di rive in Manila and can be loaded. The rection of Naval Constructor Capps. Bteamship line between San On CHO. The upshot was, etc. cable announcing the departure of the May 2 and 3 two plates from the turret,, Specialties, Francisco, Honolulu and New York troops Han- weighing 35 25 remov-- . Wilbur's Stock is as follows: "Transport and tons, had been Now, landsmen, all, to cock, 31 officers, 1,042 enlisted men. ed, exposing the carriages upon which whoever you may be. the sailing vessels have been forced If you want to top HOOF PACTO. Thirty-firs- the big guns rise to the of the SEED MEAL ROCK look for charters in other directions. t Volunteer Infantry; trans- rest. It will be necessary tree, AND WHITE port Aztec, 2 officers, 62 enlisted men. to remove the gun, which weighs 70 tons, Since January and up to May 23d. Don't eat with a knife or cut a roll. last Company H, Forty-secon- d Volunteer from the carriage, slide it through an had sailed from opening made in the front part of And don't drink out of the finger bowl. not a wind Jammer Infantry; transport Buford, 21 officers. the pattern your me, gen- turret by the removal of the plates, Just actions after Harness San Francisco for the East with a 910 men, Forty-fir- st and enlisted Volunteer then from And some day Admiral you may be. Manufacturing eral cargo, but on the date named the Infantry; 225 remains, May 18th lift it the io the wharf sailed 100-to- rr by a" crane, T monotony. chartered for the UV-l-R- STREETS. ship Iroquois broke the She via Nagasaki." purpose. CHO.Iust pattern, etc. r'OTJMTTT? TfTVfl is now on Jfcer way to New York with Ex. ln vajued Shipping Notes. Rear Admiral Remey has been author- a cargo at tens of thousands. ised to 4,499 conduct naval maneuver this Among it w of California Captain Charles. Baring has taken summer in the Gulf of Pechili, off wine, cannetl goods, cedar logs, scrap the command' of the steamer Conemaugh; coast of China. ' The Department appre-elat- es Iron, wire rpe and 4f8 bales of rags. j Captain Fred Warner, late chief officer the importance of holding maneu- - The latter Consignment when sold to vers in that strategic body of water and Co, paper will quite of the St. Paul, of the Newsboy; Cap Meal the mills realize a neat the Admiral has been given full author-- 1 Metropolitan sum, while ithe wire rope and scrap tain Apslund, of the bark Hayden 1ty to conduct them as he may see fit. In WAIIAN COMMERCIAL iron will be Sold as junk. Brown, and Captain Cook, of the gaso his report on the subject it is understood SUGAR COMPANY The wine as shipped for the sake of line schooner Barbara Hernster. that he said he intended to make an at- - the voyage. VThe trip around the Horn tack upon the coast in the vicinity of kslsvUIC Usui. Ifarch . TED. John Desmond, a longshoreman, fell Peking to effect will add Kam-byse- a landing at Taku. How I LOIR'S STEAMSHIP OOMP will give lt.;a racking that down the of the steamship s many Beveral years to the age of the cargo, vessels ne will take is not known ts John in San Francisco recently, and to Department. j A Roeblins's Is owners are the During hia absence kA' Honolulu. and that what the after. sustained some severe scalp wounds Rear Admiral Rodtrers will he Marc and a possible fracture of the skull. of the Manila j Oentlemei: tours of tSth Bengal's Gaptain Sick. station. Before returning catalogue 4f ship chandlery woods has Eevry The steamship Loa of the Compania to sianua rrom his present trip Admiral Fresh Meats and Fish by The bark Star of Bengal, from Remey peen receiv Sud Americana de Vapores line is not has been directed to visit New We have Qed a numberof the John Chemalnus, B. C, for Adelaide, Aus- going to San Francisco, her place hav- Zealand with the . Cold Storage. ' A Roebllng's9team plosr cables, and Prom the Coast That Has tralia, with a load of lumber, hove to ing been taken by the Colombia, which The U. S. naval transport Glacier has Slave found thwn far superior to the will arrive there June 5th. reached Sydney, N. S. W., for a cargo of Bngllsh cables. nd at Jne same time a off San Francisco on May 23d. A flag i The battleship Wisconsin will sail fresh beef and vegetables destined for eat deal cheapeV; InTact, we sent for was set for a pilot, and when the Am- the naval forces operating In the Phil- - me of these we put a new from the coast for the China , station ippines. cablland erica sent a boat alongside the mate this week. She This fine transport has been of , oebMng and a newYFuller cable on the takes the place of the inestimable to me set of Mows, one on Mutton captain was serious- Oregon, now "bull- service the forces under steamr each Veal, reported that, the which is here. The Admiral Remey, and it is probable nglne. of ccurseVanothat wu consld- - Choice Beef, dog of navy" en- that ly ill with tonsilitls, and wanted to be the will receive an her services will be retained until the rably over a jjear agdV The American taken ashore. The sick man was ac thusiastic welcome when she reaches occupancy of the Archipelago is brought ble Is muchSbetter thin the .English cordingly transferred to the pilot-bo- at San Francisco. io a conclusion. bis in eve way. andVtoday Is not Lamb and Pork. and in. He was at once sent to The Mariposa went on Hunters According to late cablegrams from early as baely worn. Welare perfectly taken ' ALWAYS ON HAND St. Luke's Hospital. Point drydock in San Francisco on the Rear Admiral Kempff the fleet operating satisfied hare that the Araevcan cables 22d of May to be cleaned and painted. in Philippine waters has been kept on fere the hast. AND HALI The Star of Bengal left Chemainus f We shell certainly bear fn nvnd roar ALSO POULTRY, SALMON on 13th May, into some She sailed for Honolulu, Pago Pago. tne move lor some time past, and the the of and ran rapid suppression stock jn goods whenever we naed any heavy weather off Flattery. Captain Auckland and Sydney on the 30th. of the insurrection Cnlnsln your line. All work on the transport Sherman tends to confirm the statement made by ry truly. AT Henderson was suffering from a sore us some weeks ago FOR SALE throat when the vessel 'left the Sound, and the Oceanic Steamship Company's that the force on (Signed) W. J. LOWRIe; TtrtpW1! that station will soon be redistributed, Vf m UtrMt. but thought the sea air would cure Alameda has stopped, owing to the China and Japan ' of the on coming in for several him. The storm off the coast made strike machinists the coast. or the more important craft. is not nnm , - five-- ed It TOO nan iu worse, to The schooner W. H. improbable ! ouviiit him however, and he decided that some vessels will be de- - CENTRAL MARKET, Vwun jtWtt T1PP - at Marston, run for San Francisco. On the pilot-bo- which was moved from Mis- tailed for an extended trip into Russian j Captain Henderson could only sion street wharf In San Francisco on naicia uumig tne coming summer. The ARABIC" speak in a whisper, and he seemed to May 24th to make room for the four-maste- d movements of the Russian fleet have be- suffer a great deal. It will be sometime barkentine Lahalna, did con- come quite interesting of late, and it is before he can leave the hospital. siderable damage to the pier. Some of tne wisn ot the Navy Department in Jg fQr gale by: the piles were smashed and planking Yvasmngion tnat a correct idea of F"OrslTEL,U As soon as the owners of the Star of the Bengal were notified of Captain Hen- torn up while she was being moved. force and opposition of that fleet shn be upon I they once Both the Marston and Lahaina are be- reported as soon as possible. h. co. Everybody. derson's illness at secured Orders ! hackfeld:& Smoked by of Captain TJhlberg, who ing rigged. have been sent to Manila for the services the return of the U. S: S. com- On her next trip from Petrel to the Me went out to the bark and took the Sound the Mare Island Navy Yard purpose was on big tramp steamship Algoa will go to for the mand. The vessel at once put of a thorough overhauling and repair, of T. H. DAVIES & CO. her course, and before sundown was Oakland with coal for the Southern Pa- which this cific. After may little craft stands in great well on her way to Australia. Captain that she be returned need. The Petrel has been one of the BEST TJhlberg, who took command of the to the Mall Company, and will carry most efficient of the vessels on 5C smaller Star of Bengal, was formerly in the merchandise to the Orient. the Asiatic Station, and it is due to her LEWERS & COOKE, ONE. Abby Palmer, and is well known on the The collier Horda, which struck on that her repairs should be as extensive MADE. TRY coast. Should Captain Henderson re- an uncharted rock In Oyster Harbor, as her services hav been continuous. gone on The jijiji Sto cover in time he may sail on the Mari- has the Union Iron Works' smaller vessels of the Navy serving on Co.'s drydock in San Francisco for an In- in the Philippine Archipelago have been sale at Tobacco posa for Australia to resume command of the utmost Hawaiian of his vessel. spection. It is not thought that she value during the last two E. 0. HALL & SON. is damaged to any great extent. years, and the wisdom of the Depart- WjMjLe New Docks for San Francisco. ment In adding to this secondary force AND ALL CIGAR STORES Various Naval Items. becomes more apparent with each day's Is to have new experience San Francisco three Various changes in the arrangements on that distant field of opera- floating docks. The business of the tions. WILDER & CO. j of his office have been made by the new The training ship port has grown to such an extent that Buffalo, en route Cnief of tbe Bureau of Construction and from Manila for New York, has been re- - j the present structures cannot accom- Repair, Admiral Bowles, including the ported at Port Said, and may be expect- Advert modate all the vessels, and they have transfer to the shipyards having con- - ed at her destination by the last of the ALLEN & ROL NSON. Read the