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Bymon Public Litatrf THE LOWELL LEDGER.• ^ i ..1 INDEPENDENT BUT NOT NEUTRAL. VOL. XVI, NO. IS. LOWELL, MIOHIQAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1908. 10 PAGES You Are Invited to Open An Account \CR0SS STATE CANAL WITH SUCCESS GtANtE 1231 n 'roject to Unite Grirint Stfiuw Val- lent Couty Pomoni Grange Will Hold at the ^ leys In Dce» Witerwiy. Octoter Neetln|. Look's Drug Talks. Prom the Grand Rapids Herald, Sep- The October meeting of Kent Coun- tember 29. j Pomona Grange will be held with You cannot be too particular in the .selection your Six cities have snnt acceptances to Success Grange October 7. Tuple, CITY STfVTE Bf\NK be invitation of the Grand Rapids school of Instruction. drug wantfi. We are just as particular in the -ekction of board of trade to send delegates to State speakers. E A. Holden, Lan- every drug we sell as if it were (or use oi our u\vn li )r..se We ndd four per cent Jn- be deep waterways convention to sing, Mrs. F. D. Saunders, state tereot Heml-aunually. Why )e beld In the board of trade roams grange lecturer. and we never recommend an article uulosr *ve can guar- not Re* the Havings Bank today. Two delegates each are ex- Wed esday, 9.30, a. m. antee complete satisfaction. HahliV Every hoy and ev- )ected from Saginaw, Bay City, Music. THE ery {.jlrl Hhoiild have a Bank ^besanlng. Maple Rapids, Ionia and Welcome, Mr. Ferrol, W. M., Sue ncconnt—It Is a part of their Grand Haven, and it is possible that cess Grange. education. Every woman more delegates will come from towns Responne, Mrs. Lena Burch, Lady Denatured Alcohol. Peroxide Cream BANK should have a Bank Account which have not formally accepted Assistant, Pomona Grange. of her own. If nhe doesn't the invitation. Besides these delega- Music. We have just stocked a mild skin bleach and ab- nee to It, her man Hhonld tes there will be present to disenst Business session. THAT PAYS And the man who hasn't a the proposed new deep waterway Conferring the first degree, the de- tins new fuel—It's super- solutely harmless, an iden' I a Bank Account will often rom Saginaw to Grand Haven Sen- pee team. South Lowell. Imagiiic thnt fate has It In ator William Alden Smith, City En- Paper, music, close In form. ior to Benzine, Gasoline preparation to soften and \ for hi m. gineer Anderson, Government En- 1.30, p. m. gineer G. W. Bunker, who bas been Music, roll call, everyone respond or wood alcohol and low beautify the skin, as ^ood We have been serving some __ " 4-%" employed on Grand river, and the with quotations from ritual. in price. ISc per pint 25c In this community for eleven members of the river Improvement Recitation. as anv 50c cream ana only I years. May we serve you? committee, composed of L. W. Paper, "Fruits." Mrs. Phlla Giles. per quart. Anderson, Wm. H. Anderson, Alvah Conferring fourth degree, degree 25c. 1 W. Brown, B. S. Uanchett and John team of Success Grange. Sebler o! the board of trade. Some Address, E. A. Holden, State of these are in Detroit attending the Speaker. Rexall Blackberry I Liggztt's Genuine Republican state convention, but Music, paper, music. they will be represented. Informal reception to Stat • Speak- i*orclial Saturd ay Candy The object of the convention today ers. which will convene in the board of Evening, 7 30. cures crumps—DIarrhorea Dys- 25 lb-<.—(a!i chovolaterO fienii Open In fifth degree. entery, ('IioIimm, Infantile Chol- * trade auditorium at 2 o'clock will be for next Siitur-l r.—an ^ood m? , ^ § Money Saved by Buying of Oliver J to perfect some kind of an organisa- Business session. nra aii'l other Intesllfril tronb tion to push the project of a canal Conferring fifth degree. Officers of les. Don't be without St most 50c choe:.-la ^>ai.'i only j from Lake Huron to Lake Michigan, Pomona Grange. and to secure the sending of delega- Music, paper. Large ^Ize bottles itte. 29c. i i Goods Oif^UT Prices | tes to the great national deep water Address, Mrs. F. D Saunders, State way convention In Chicago October Grange lecturer. |Service •%Ill I Everyth'g | 7 to 9. J. F. Nelllst hvdrographer of Music. Everything we sell is the best mnde and we r.ny the Michigan state geographical sur- E. A. Holden will act as critic and vey, will present to the convention Instructor on degree work. The mu- everything to be found in a First Class Drug JStor . Here are just a few of the many |up-to-date and com- today a map showing the topogra «lc will be in charge of E. F. Dean, phlcal and geographical features of M. Warner and Miss Zella Curtis. gr plete lines we handle: ^ the route of the proposed waterwav Committee from Success Grange will Look's Drug & Book Store ^ and will explain the project In full. meet morning trains to and from Watches ('locks .Jewelry The waterway across the state Grand Rapids at McCords station Sterling Sliver Plated Ware Cut Glass would follow the Grand river to with conveyances. Lowell or Alto. ^ Fancy China Dinner Ware Glass Ware Lyons, then the Maple, which is the L.H. MacNaughton. Worthy Mas- Stationery Pocket Books Fountain Pens largest tributary to the Grand, to ter. aaKr itT-Jw - Fountain Pen Inks Phonographs Phonograph Kecords Banister, Gratiot county. From E. F. Dean, Overseer. Eastman Kodaks Film Pack Kodaks Kodak Supplies Banister to Fen more, at the head Mrs. Addle Keeler, Lecturer. Carving Sets Eye Glasses Spectacles waters of the Shiawassee river, is but three miles, and from there to About thirty of the friends and Cheaper than elsewhere <iTade for p lake water at Saginaw Is bnt 27 relatives of Mrs. Alex Blakeslee gave miles. The highest level above the her a surprise at her home In this (PIANOS grade. ^ lake along the route is only 72 feet, village Tuesday evening the occasion A. D. OLIVER and while the canal would undoubt- A being her sixty-second birthday an- Best makes as cheap as it is pos- edly be costly to construct, there niversary. A picnic supper was ser- ORGANS Practical Optician. Eyes Accurately Fitted. - are no serious engineering problems ved and a good time enjoyed by all sible to sell o-ood ones for. ^ Involved. Mr. Nelllst, who has made Among the gifts of her children wa^ Repairs of all kinds. • a careful study of the project and li a beautiful gold ^ atch chain. Her Best m a k e s familiar with all tne country traver son Walter Blakeslee and daughter SEWING Machines and cheapcr * sed believes the waterway Is entirely Mrs. Audie Seeley and family of West mmmmmuumuimmmuimuumi practical and that If built it would Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. Loren than anywhere else. Best needles and oil also ^ be of immense value to commerce Lewis of Cascade were among the on hand. The canal could be sunk to lake party present. level, but the more feasible plan. It © Is believed, would be to build a series Junior Civic Improvement exhibi- EDISON tion will be held at the Central 9 of dams and locks. These dams TALKING Machines Phonograph and locks would probably be at schoolhouse Instead of a wettslde & Grand Rapids, Ada, Ionia and ttvy st .re build !og Saturday afternoon Columbia and Victor. Bryan or Taft records. We Cakes, Cookies, Pies Everyone is Invited, and there will to one to cover the crest between Bau- i->terand Fen more. Three and per be no at. mission charged. A pro- have the largest assortment in this part of the state. C taps four locks would be needed on gram by the children, under super- vision of Miss Chappell, muhlc in- •ie other side of the divide, between 1 and Bread Fenmore and Saginaw. The length structress, with duets, recitations, Watches, Diam^rK &l •>i the canal would be about 14 remarks by President Look, F. T King President of Board of Trade, R. D. STOCKING and Jewelrv. All thing's good to eat at Schloerke's Bakery. tulles, whereas the distance around by the Straits of Mackinac Is about Supt. E. J. Martin and Janitor j We bake all kinds of Cakes, all kinds of pies, all kinds 350 miles. To wnsend, will begin at three o'clock Weldon Smith has sold his bakers 44 The first step towards securing - • . .1- cm. 9 of Cookies, Just Rig-ht" Potato Bread and every- © the building of the canal would be building in Lowell to A M. Scott of to have a lurvey made by the gov Grand Rapids and has purchased a eeccccv. cceccep thing else in baked stuffs that's g-ood. Of course ernimnt, with estimates at the erst, third interest In the new plant of and the convention today will un- the city bakery which Is being erect- they're fresh—as fresh as they can be cominir out of doubtedly discuss how to have the ed there. Mr. Sm'.th informs us that J the oven several times a day. All materials used are survey made. the company expects to occupy tie new quarters by Nov 1. Considera- the finest. It's hard to beat our baking*. tions named In the deal were j$3.i 00 make ,ic NEW HARDWARE PIRN for the Lowell property and 910,0u0 for that In Grand Rapids. ft Slowell & Nrt Are Here With Their Charles Klnyon of South Bend, W.