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B 1 CiE CF AISLES v- Silvertown Enters This Port After

::.;: and Sensational 3;rWS V- -:' . v;: 4 Voyage. V Deep Sea Line Is Now Successfully Placed and Only the Shore and Intermediate Lengths i j Are to Be Put Down. r 7 2ii4 Arriyar-o- the;; Ship .Greete'd:'.With-'AccIain- by a Concourse of the A People Line From Waikiki to Deep Water May Be Laid mi: blLVtKJUWN AKKiVcy . (Photo by Rice & Perkins.)

Today Connection Next Week. a loop to the stern, which was gently vas made, and the outlook was for off to the south and bound for th lowered into the sea, the strain wa? the same kind of fast work duriiig the coast. The day's work, too, showed taken' by the paying : out drum, the remainder of the trip. Thursday's the deepest valley of the ocean's floor. propeller began to revolve as the ves- record was better, with 207 miles and The average, closing with the noon tt TING in 450 fathoms of water. tendered. Admission will be entirely sel's head swung into the course, there a total of 661 for the half of the week hour, indicated that the cable of the was nothing in the way of or which had been passed, and with the day had dropped into 3,000 fathoms, attached by a strong line to a by ticket, issued by the company. ; The electrical connection, or apparatus promise of further trouble, for a fall- the deepest point being 3,083 fathoms. Li buoy which rides the waves connection is yet in the distance, but which did not respond to the touch of ing barometer gave indication of worse STORM ON THE COAST. above, indicating the presence it will not be beyond the first of the life, the order for the cruising speed luck ahead. There was to be no holiday for the and furnishing the connection with week, the time depending somewhat was . given, and at a half hour past The Friday after the false start had busy men aboard the ehip, though the beneath,- - the cable upon of on midnight on Sunday, December 14, the been made saw a perfect, day, but ow- the strand the subsidence the storm holiday feeling was there and everyone, new actual start of the Silvertown, with ing to the fact that the main tank of which means the advent of the the north. from chief to scullion, was in .fine hu- seven miles laid which do not appear cable had been exhausted, there hav- - Hawaii, is now within twenty miles HOW THE LINE mor over 300 mile3 would WAS LAID on her reports as they were taken dug been taken out $29 miles of cable, the fact that bring sight of land. The morning of the Island shores. The foretaste of the Pacific's way of from the lighter, was made and re-- there was a delay of about an hour cool strong After twelve days of such cable lay- receiving the thread which will soon ported. during the evening in changing, which showed a breeze and the causing experien- cross from side to" side and complete 204 sea was running with, vigor, ing as has never before been t cut down the record to miles. STORMS MARK THE JOURNEY. ship, which now nearly the exploration of the deeps of the i the thowed ced by the experts aboard the ves- There was little out of the ordinary great engi- or night, twenty feet of free board, to roll al- sea which was 'had by the uut into the darkness the wni(;h marked the week end, the ves-wi- th sel, days when the question of cutting most to .langerous angle. The sec- neers of the expedition on Friday. the slender thread of copper and fiel relieved of nearly half her cargo, the uppermost the minds ' change time from the cable was in December 12, when the unsuccessful its multiform coverings, steamed the rolling like mad and the speed being ond of tanks, this ft all, as. the only means to save the attempt was made to put down the San Silvertown. There was little sea on eigM the after one to the fore tank, was d of It was a tale of high seas and the at about knotSf the at time, everything had to be ; made during the night without trou- precious line, the Silvertown, yesterday Francisco shore end was more than the but days. work netting lg9 Sunday. putting out or a Duoyea caDie ena tnat fuifine(j by experiences which smoothed up, and the speed was a lit- - ble, and the last leg of the work was morning,, two hours' steaming the ,4jusfc seyen days out from Californlaf when seven speed fairly on. The noon hour observation the officials on board told. The seas crowd the record of the twelve days" tie below the knots. This wag tie mosfc perfect day of tte entin oft Makapuu Point cast overboard the was to 11 o'clock, ' showed 215 miles for the day had swayed the light vessel so that to splice cable laying. Rough and boisterous maintained till close trlp and meUf batfl Jn englneers that Com- passed, 2,109 of the first stretch of the was upon wnen rmtnerto smooth sea iook on ; been and that miles of end and lay intermediate cable was Im- the treatment bestowed the the depaiiment and, In the management of the grey of an approaching storm, and cable had been dropped into the sea. Pacific cable and ran into this great ship which, as Its precious load the ship, was-passed- . mercial possible, and so the end was marked the felt that the worst r upon, the hour between the time when the j But the afternoon and evening were harbor to look over the ground and was laid the floor of the ocean, and dropped and the ship came in for became more and more the toy of the barometer began to fall and the noon puch as to try the hearts of the bravest before undertaking the putting .x refit coal which will put it down so that wildest waves which, have been seen reckoning was one which gave presage un. of all. The wind which swept as a local shore end and the down of the some steadiness will result. along the track of the be- of approaching troubles. When the Monday was marked by two events, gentle breeze through the all weieht line, which will! was up noon was was 4 da into gale and howled over in.rmiuiiti 1 tween San Francisco and Honolulu count made at it The British cable crossed at turned a 1 , MAY LAND connect the ed rock cable with TOIJAY. for many years. found that 70 miles had been traversed, o'clock in the morning and the Call- - the rolling craft. Empty, almost, the as ship's rew day began the fornia folk some news out-- vessel turned on the sides,, the angle the deep sea line, which is now off thel While nothing can be said as to the The story of how. the surf beat back and the sent of the - J the boats and rendered unsafe the lay- motion of the Silvertown took on sev side, world for the workers afloat, j ot rolling passing forty degrees, and lee coast. movements looking to the completion ing of the slender cable has been told eral new things in rolls, and early in There was some increase in the seas the life boats on the upper davits being great feat, the laying of the! of the work, it is believed that the It was a and the trip of the vessel described the afternoon the rails were under . and the winds and the appearance of I dipped into the green seas which went it will laid off j - cable, and the men who carried shore end of the cable be througQ the brief Dulletlns which pass- - water and seas were shipped with another storm was imparted by the swirling over the decks. The officer through successfully were received Sans Souci this afternoon. The plans ed between the ship and shore at noon each toss of the vessel. , choppy seas which rose and sent the of the was lashed into his place During night seas increased, great and the quartermaster was kept busy with acclaim when they arrived at will be announced this morning and each day. Then alone was the line the the ship rolling about like a porpoise. used for speaking purposes. Every the wind coming from the west, and The tecord showed 211 miles for holding his place beside the wheel. - the ' their destination . for the Silvertown the laying of the mile or more of cable twenty-fou- ac-bei- ng were as the head of the vessel was to the . r hours. The The pitch of the light ship was increas- when, other minute of the day there first real finished its task the will take place as soon as possible j will have pressed the tests, which were southwest there was a nasty cross sea, J cident of the trip was recorded this ing and the screw half exposed In thirty-fiv- e en- cable yet to be put down, some thereafter. The only trouble now continuous and exhaustive, each man- - ' accompanied by a roll which made life day, owing to the slipping of one of smooth water, often raced as the seas miles in all, is under water and countered is to secure a power lighter ute the cable, as it passed over the aboard anything but pleasant. Tues- - the men whose duty keeps him in the lifted the stern high out of water. Men who have given part connected, and the remainder of some- to carry the thirty tons of special ar-- great wheels at the stern of the ship, j day morning broke with the vessel tanks, where, with a score of others, the better making ground and lofty tumbles, he watched uncoiling, of a generation to the laying of sub- ehowing that no damage had resulted ( the assisting in thing like 250 miles rests in the cable mored cable inside the reef and close ' irom. its wearing as it sped to its rest-- reen water spraying over the bridge, itf of the great circles of .the cable, marine cables admitted their impotence Iwilei reef. Met off the to the shore. If this cannot be done anA OT1 cro. tank oa the - hn w , v. uy . to cope with the conditions. To no ing place on tne noor nunareas or iain j v" mtu nmir"-- was caugui tne running Biranus by prominentmen of the city then the great Wire wound conductor move about doing "so by the aid of ' subordinate did Mr. Benest and his harbor oms below. These tests were made, not J to and suffered the dislocation of his the ship was cheered, its men were will be transferred from the ship by only on board the shipbut when the P63 which were stretched from end shoulder, as well as many bruises. chiefs leave the watching of the cable to was J as was drawn out of and greeted with-- a hearty aloha and the its own small boats.. California shore was left behind, there end of. the decks. It a terrible Tuesday of this week marked the it the tanks west time foT men and cable together. Seas mozt unusual meather of dropped out into the foaming waters, music of the band helped, to make the The task will not consume many were in the cable hut facting the the entire con- - j broke over ladders, smashed in lights was which, radiant- - with phosphorescent vessel four men whose duty It was to cruise, for it decidedly uncommon occasion of the coming of the hours and the question then will be the anQ glow, in mountains astern stantly watch the fluctuations of the , nooaea gaiiey auu btaiooaiu for the latitude In which the ship then stretched bridged the distance putting down of the intermediate cable n, and two minor help were and ahead as well. All night men which will have spot upon the scale. It was a matter , of the was. The great vessel was rapidly los- the eye upon between continent and islands, one. which weighs about fifteen tens to the of arrangement when the tests should injured. Through it all the vessel ing its load, and in consequence be- - with and hand the brakes held to southwest, and despite the ; which held the great drums, regulating memorable to citizen and visitor alike. mile, and which will reach from the' be discontinued so that the day's re-- ; came more and more the sport of the me- - desperate pulling of the cable strand waves which swept over the speed of the cable, into the ocean, Disturbed by the reports from Fan- mile of rock cable to the junction with' ports could be made. The hour of the rails. The I stood to ob- - . there was nerfect control maintained. ron was something their task and when the relief weighs ridian is usually chosen, for the terrible, and the ning, heartened by the news in the the deep sea conductor, which More than once on Tuesday there came, it meant only that two men In- servations made at that time show the that ( handlers of the slender cable had jubi-- 1.864 San Franciseo journals and made only tons to the mile. The work position of vessel and enable the I was seriously considered the cutting Dad night of it. Another man was stead of one watched the working of the ' lant by the telephone from-Waimana- lo to be done will require time, princi- engineers in charge to make compan- - and buoying of the cable, but the ex-so- n caught in a coil and had to go to thn the machinery. Capt. Morton had fig- management ship by ured the end of the deep sea 10 o'clock yesterday morning pally owing to the splicing to be per of the work they have done during cellent of the sick bed; but despite wind and sea the that line before ' r i 3 tl 1 1 J3 , captain .uonon, mu uie buperu day for progress should be dropped at 3 a. m. and all coming, v.. 'thA run. i . . . netted the record of that the great ship was the formed. vo.uie win iiit ue inu i". . . , , , . , So careful are the men who do this ns or xne caDie macmnery uy 197 miles. hands were ready for the task, which people of Honolulu, despite post-holid- ay deep water. In comparison with what at was five minutes less than an neer Benest and his capable corps, pre-- The end wa3 approaching and every- it proved was to be one which tried seeking, out in has been passed, as during trip thel ' treat- - solitude turned the hour between that the News. vented recourse to this heroic one 'was ready to welcome it, for be- the mettle of the men engaged in it. --were pitch ship 0 numbers to see the Silvertown. The ship put down cable in an average of, DOyr the steam lighter, had carried off ment, and the day and night tween the westerly winds and the The of the increased, until ! abating in the was drawing something took'to offing where the cable 2650 fathoms, reaching above 3000 and! the shore end of the cable from the weathered, the storm the light of the ship there was a roll cable with Eleu the ' ' Silver-tow- n - evening, though seas continuously like five tons pressure upon the drums raiifnmia rna;t to the lav- , which made it far from pleasant, even vessel was undergoing examination by getting as shallow as 2400 out in the , , , , ins seven miles out at sea, and the swept tne aecs. ana mau iue auove iu for the men whose lives had beeu and brakes. It was a serious question port physician, the officers of the seas. ' the receipt of the first signal from the hatches a problem. During the period spent in the business of cable laying. if the pitching of the ship would not government, and the Ke Au Hou had a There will be speciai invitations for toiling thfi fonnprtion was between noon of the loth and noon The wind did not freshen, though, miike it necessary for the slender - that ' and T- public, while prow Ui Lilt; jo. iiiiicrs v.umu uc Wednesday was strand to be cut and sent adrift rather all crowd of the general the witnessing of the laying of the made, was perfect, and that the l'nu greeted with applause. logged. Wednesday was a good than to risk the possible serious damage er special guests of Irwin & Company shore end, and the recipients will be of the ship might be turned to the The for the sky cleared and the ship rolled ill. 'southwest and the eventful' journey j day, however, the sea smoothing out t right along, adding the score of 207 to the by the tugging which went the Fearless. The band - or,. butift a- ; marked : plunge-- ship. At . begun Thiq was a work of onlv few its ruffles and giving the navigators miles to the long line of strand wMf h 'tach of the was tug and was music all premises Mr. M. Hatch, j 2,239 en the there at the of F. har, ty. chnro. nd was an idea of how nice the Pacific could' then rnnnpctpd . length the records showed that 030 3 iUlUUCCOl IWl ""VIA VW MUVA-- M.. l th raiifnrniaww.ymJMf- .ViJ, the way into the naval dock, where the The lands of the company are too small' received from the Newsboy it was treat strangers. It was with a record with the mid Pacific. The first vessel 1 ship is now berthed. and those of the neighbor have, been' taken in over the bow, but there Va of 195 miles that the noon report of the trip was sighted, a far (Continued on Page i.) - THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL RPVERTISER,' HONOLULU, DECEMBER 37,- 190a. 1. N. 24 40' W. true 100 feet on the BY AUTHORITY. Waikiki Road; 2. S. 71 3' W. 121 feet a!orS Lot Number 20; OF VENEZUELAN COAST AND Office'of the Board of Health, 3. S. 25 22' E, 104 feet along L. C. A MAP ' Honolulu, Hawaii, December 24, 1902. 104 F. L. ; X. 71. 3' E. 102 feet to the place of FOREIGN VESSELS GATHERING THERE On and after this date the manufac- beginning. ture of poi shall not be carried on in the Containing an area of 103S2.3 square District of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, feet, and being the same premises con- except in such places as a pure supply veyed to the mortgagor by deed of Emily and Antone Manuel of water is obtainable and used for that dated March 14th. A. D. 189S, and recorded in the purpose; and no supply of water shall Office of the Registrar of Conveyances be used for the manufacture of poi un- in liber 177, page 287 and 288. Said two less a certificate has been obtained from last above described parcels of land be- ing portions of Apana 29 of Land Com- the Government Food Commissioner S559-B- mission Award Number .. and ly- stating that the same is sufficiently ing together and forming one compact pure for such use. parcel of land. The above resolution was unanimous- AUGUST DREIEli, ly adopted at a meeting of the Board of Mortgagee. Health, held December 24th, 1902. Terms Cash. United States gold H. C. SLOGGETT. coin; deeds at the expense of purchaser. President, Board of Health. For further particulars apply H'.:nes C'tz-f--' crwwr mrrnr ZZmTTUm Attest: & Stanley, Attorneys for Mortgage?. Dated Honolulu, December 26th, 1902. C. CHARLOCK, 6361. Secretary, Board of Health. 6361 MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- TION OF FORECLOSURE AND OF SALE. FIRE CLAIMS WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that pursuant ! to the power of sale in Warrants eovering the first install- contained that j certain mortgage dated December 7th, ment of ten per cent, of amount award- 1900, made by Frank Hustace of Hono- ed by the Fire Claims Commission, will lulu, Island of Oahu, Territory of Ha- be ready for delivery on Wednesday, waii of the first part and F. A. Schaefer, W. Lanz and H. Focke Hono- Dec. 24, 1902, held up by reason of said unless lulu, doing business in said of being subject to the interest of some Honolulu under the firm name and style other claim or by reason of sub-rogati- on of F. A. Schaefer & Co.. of the second of claim to some Insurance Com- part, and of record in liber 215 on pages 324-32- 6 Hawaiian Registry of Convey- pany. ances, HENRT C. MEYERS, the parties of the second part ' intend to foreclose the said mortgage Deputy Auditor. for condition broken, to wit: the non- Dec. 23, 1902. payment of the principal and interest when due. WATER RATE NOTICE. Notice Is likewise given that the premises bargained, sold and conveyed by the said mortgage will be sold at public In accordance with Section 1 of Chap- auction at the auction rooms of James F. Morgan, Queen street, Hono- ter XXVI of the Laws of 1880: lulu, Monday, the 19th day of January, All persons holding water privileges 1903, at 12 o'clock noon. or those paying water rates hereby The premises covered by the said are I notified the water rates for the mortgage consist of: that All that certain piece or parcel of term ending June 30, 1903, will be due iland situate at Kaliu. Honolulu, Island and payable at the office of the Hono- of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, bounded lulu Water Works on the 1st day of and described as follows, to wit: Commencing January, 1903. . at an angle in the line of Queen street on the mauka side, AH such rates remaining unpaid for which point bears S. 54' 40' W. true fifteen days after they are due will be 264.6 feet from an Iron pin at the south subject to an additional 10 per cent. corner of King and Queen streets, near All privileges upon which rates re the Hooliliamanu bridge, and running: 1. S. 3 00' E. true 167 feet along ma- gain unpaid February. 15, 1903 (thirty uka side of Queen street; days after' becoming delinquent), are 2. N. 47 00' E. true 99.2 feet along liable to suspension without further L. C. A. 170 to Kekuanoa; 3. N. 46 35' E. true 124 feet along notice. same: Rates are payable at the office of the 4. N. 17 SO' W. true 113.7 feet along Water Works, In the basement of the part of I C. A. 11225 to W. L. Lee sold V - Capitol building. to Armstrong, to Queen street; thence ANDREW BROWN, 5. S. 54 40' W. true 166 feet along Queen street to initial point. Containing Supt. Works. 53-1- Honolulu Water an area of 00 acre, and being the Honolulu, December 20, 1902. 6356 same premises conveyed to the gagor by deed of Royal D. Meed. Com- MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTENTION missioner, dated December 7th, 1900, and being portion I AND also a of the premises de OF FORECLOSURE scribed in Royal Patent 1S79, Land In 1 OF SALE. r. Preparation Commission Award Number 11225 to From the uSteinBloch Habit." William L. Lee. . Notice is hereby given that pursuant F. A. SCHAEFER & CO., A COLOSSAL to the power of sale contained in that Mortgagees, self-respe- 1899, ,' will increase your ct certain mortgage dated July 27th, It. made by Frank Hustace of Honolulu, Terms. Cash. United States gold" and your bank account at the same Island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, of coin; deeds at the expense of purchaser. For further particulars apply Holmes time. the first part, and August Dreier of said Honolulu, of the second part, and of & Stanley, Attorneys for Mortgagees. 26th, 1902. of num- record in liber 196 on pages 143-14- 6 Ha- Dated Honolulu, December It is wonderful to think the 6361. waiian . Registry of Conveyances, the CI of ber men in this vicinity who have party of the second part intends to fore- for years worn close the said mortgage for condition MORTGAGEE'S NOTICE OF INTEN- broken, to wit: the non-payme- nt of the TION OF FORECLOSURE AND principal when due. OF SALE. Notice is likewise given that the premises bargained, sold and conveyed by the said mortgage will be sold at Notice is hereby given that pursuant public auction at the auction rooms of to the power of sale contained In that James F. Morgan, Queen street, Hono- certain mortgage dated May 9th, 1891, In accordance with an inexorable rule lulu, Monday, the 19th, day of January, made by Rosalie A. Andrews, wife of 1903, at 12 o'clock noon. Thos. L. Andrews, of Honolulu, Island of pur business our store must be The premises covered by the said of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, Mortga- cleared of and who have the reputation of spend- mortgage consist of: gor, to Elizabeth Muther, Mortgagee, ing a lot of money for their wearing First: All that certain parcel of land and recorded in the Register Office, all accumulations, all surplus goods, all situate in Makiki, Honolulu, Island of Oahu, in liber 131, pages 150-15- 2, and Stiii apparel, yet save half of what they Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, described as which said mortgage was duly assign- Con' r?cing at the south corner of ed on the 9th day of May, 1893, by said stocks peculiar to a season, at least twice a used to pay their custom-tailo- r. this, being the west corner of Ihuole's Elizabeth Muther to William O. Smith, If you don't think this possible, fence as it stands joining the King's Mary S. Parker and Henry Waterhouse, and run Trustees under the will of W. C. Lur.a-lil- o, " year. come and let ua show you those N. 25 15' W. true, 800 feet to the com- deceased, which said assignment

mencement of the plain above the is recorded In said Registry Office in . be sur- famous garments; you will gulch; thence liber 131, page 151, said Trustees un- We are now preparing for the greatest prised when you see the quality, and S. 84 E. true 162 feet cutting the der the will of W. C. Lunalllo, deceased, gulch to a point of sliding sands at the intend to foreclose said mortgage for de-ta-il. note the exquisite finish in every East side; thence going down condition broken, to wit: the non-payme- nt sale we have ever undertaken. 26 700 along the is this attention de- S. 25' E. true feet of principal and interest when It strict to Eastern edge of the Heiau adjoining due. tails that gives" every suit and top the Loi land to Ihuole's fence 20 feet Notice is likewise given that the prop- from the corner as it now stands; erty conveyed by the said mortgage will coit that much desired air of individ- thence be sold at public auction in the auction uality demanded by men of fashion S. 60 W. true, 14S feet along Ihuole's rooms of James F. Morgan, Queen Gutting fence to the place of commencement, street, Honolulu, on Saturday, the 27th-da- The Price custom-tailorin- g and usually attributed to Containing an area of IVt acres, and of December, 1902, at 12 o'clock only. further described as being a portion of noon. the land described in Royal Patent The property covered by said mort- The cost of these splendid clothes ? Number 4519, Land Commission Award gage consists of all those certain lots Will be Deep Number 6489 to Kaihiwa, and the same or parcels of land situate on the mauka land conveyed to the mortgagor by the side of Young street In said Honolulu, 4 - - following deeds: known as lots P and Q, on the Hawai- Suits and Top Goats, $15 00 to $35.0Q (a) Deed of William C. Achi to ian Government Map of Kulaokahua 1897, YOUR Frank Hustace, dated October 19th, and bounded and described as follows: AND MONEY BACK FOB THE A8KING. recorded In the Office of the Registrar Beginning at a point on the mauka of Conveyances in liber 173, page 159. side of Young street 348.6 feet, N. W. of (b) Deed of William C. Achi to the N. corner of Young and Keeaumo-k- u FULL Frank Hustace, dated October 26th, streets, and running by true bear PARTICULARS SOON 1897, and recorded In said office in liber ings: M imited 172, page 438. N. 21 12' E. 146.9 feet along Lot R. ciflierny9 Second: All that certain parcel of N. 68 48' W. 100.0 feet along Lots E: land situate in the 111 of Pau, Waikiki, and D. Honolulu, Island of Oahu, Hawaiian S. 21 12' W. 146.9 feet along Lot O. Islands, bounded) and described, as S. 68 48' E. 100.0 feet along Young 3 IER3 Beginning at a point on the Waikiki street to the Initial point. Road 100 feet N. 24 40' W. true, from Area, 14,690 square feet. Being the the east corner of the whole lot and same premises described in Royal Pa- run tent (Grant) No. 3538. Together with alf Whitney &:M Si. 1. N. 24 40' W. true 300 feet along the the rights, easements, privileges and Ltd Waikiki Road; appurtenances thereto belonging. GREAT REDUCTION SALE 2. N. 35 W. true 162 feet along the Terms Cash, United States Gold Coin. Waikiki Road; Deeds at the expense of the purchaser. OP 3. S. 71 3' W. true 120 feet along For further particulars apply to Wil- land of Leslie; liam O. Smith, Judd Building, Hono- 4. S. 35 E. true 50 feet along land of lulu. Spillner; Dated Honolulu, November 28, 1902. 5. S. 31 03' W. true 59 feet along land WILLIAM O. SMITH, New of Spillner; HENRY WATERHOUSE, IV1IL.L.IIMEZRY Year's 6. S. 25 22' 424 o, Goods E. true Luna-lil- feet along L. Trustees under the Will of W. C. ALL KINDS C. A. 104 F. L. ; deceased. 7. N. 71 03' E. true 121 feet along 2439 Dec. 2. 5. 9, 12. 16, 19, 26. Arlington Block, Hotel St., near Fort. Lot Number 21 (formerly belonging to 3637 Nov. 28, Dec. 26, 27. E. M. Manuel) to the initial point. American and Japanese Toys Containing an area of 70715 square The above mentioned foreclosure sale feet, and being the premises conveyed is postponed to Saturday, January 24, A New Arrival of ; to the mortgagor by deed of Lau Chong 1903. dated December 20th, 1897, and duly re- 16(1001112 prices to 8ive OT3r customers the bargains of a corded in said office in liber 176, page REMOVAL NOTICE. Pattern Hats, and lifetime Street Hats elegant line of Third: All that certain parcel of land situate In the III of Pau, Waikiki, afore- Children's Trimmed Hats at reduced - price on ac- said, and bounded and described as DR. W. J. GALBRAITH has removed count of arriring to late for Christmas trade. Beginning at the east corner of this from Beretania and Union Sts. to the Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel parcel of land on the Government Masonic Temple. Alakea St. Resi- Street, Road, and thence running, dence at the Hawaiian Hotel. 6J61 3 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAE ADVERTISER, , HONOLULU, DECEMBER 27, 190X I Advertisement Changed Mondays. 3 i il ' II- -

1 1

At a Stupendous Discount. f I! All I IMS Week We havent the room to carry any over for next season, so will sell out the entire stock far below cost. The goods are all on display and so ar- ranged as to make a selection easy. They are big bargains. Don't miss them. New Arrivals of Seasonable Goods Ladies' Chally Just Opened Shirt Waists Ladies' tailor made walking skirts, un lined, in black, greys and other shades. The very latest in tilk stripes. Just All wool. Special at $7.50. the thing for this season. Price $3 00. Tailor-Mad- e New Laces Dress Skirts - ( ft'. , X J M () I The Florodora Sextette- I3 looked We have just opened a beautiful stack An elegant new line just arrived, in forward to with great interest by the black, blue and tans, all handsomely trim- of new laces in Valenciennes, black and fine musical public. In the sextette are med. This ia an exceptionally line Iv-'- 1 white silk applique galoones. All over and prices range from $4.50 to $9.50. D. Tenney, Mrs. Julia Macfar- - I 7 i Mrs. E. V laces in black and white. lane, Mrs. C. E. Camp, Miss Gardie Boys Shirt Waists Miss Jennie Giffard and Macfarlane, es MOTHER'S FRIEND BRAND Mrs. Mary Gunn. The gentlemen at- Lad Silk are Mr. Walter Dillingham, Cre pe Waists Nw stock inst onened. in white and tendants patterns percale. Unlaundered at Dillingham, Mr. Robert At- also de Soie latest in Mr. Isaac A beautiful line, Peau 25c. 50c and 65c. Mr. Tarn Mc-Gre- w, kinson, Mr. B. E. Wright, 1 Waists in white, pink and light blue. On We have all 6izea and our prices are the and Mr. W. D. Adams. The I I $6.50 $7.50. lowest. gxs0 H special sale at and Dr. and -- cast in "In Honor Bound" is to remain here for a few a beautiful scene was presented. Ev I the Sierra greens, Mrs. F. Howard Humphris, Miss Edna weeks, when he will return to San ervwhere were flowers and in vases, arid Kelley, and W. D. Adams. For "My Franoisco to accompany Mrs. Lake and festoons, in bouquets, in Turn Next," the cast ds Mrs. William Master Lake to Honolulu. The little mvor the windows ana aoorwa."&. by young laly Montrose Graham, Mr. George Potter, fellow sustained a broken leg soon Several gifts, presented association, were Miss Ward, Mr. Robert Shingle, Judge after reaching San Francisco a coupla members of the Mr. Allan fmiTirf bv her. one a large Satsuma CO. Stanley, Miss Hartnagle and pf months ago. PACIFIC IMPORT ft8 members Dunn. x. vase coming from eighteen Mr. Eustis, special agent of the S 2 for the two Limited Misses May and Bertha Young Treasury Department, will return to rast nf characters The -- Model Block, Fort Street for Korea. plays to' be presented by the Kilohana are booked to leave San Francisco the mainland in the on Oak- Art League at the Opera House Honolulu on January 7. Two mgJMM T,,00iavj. oTOTiin?. - are as follows: "In J""IJL land society ladies are to accompany Mr and Mrs. H. F. Wichman enter uouuj A jj nmgg for sev Honor Bound" them. ; tained at a Christmas dinner friends;. Sir George Carlyon ...Dr. Humphris eral pf their rv.n;n p.raham. W. D. Adams Miss Bertha and Miss May Young & t j Kelly on Tuesday Lady Carlyon... Miss Edna will entertain at cards Judge and Mrs. Stanley were hosts Rose Dalrymple Mrs. numpnus afternoon of next week at their home at a delightful Christmas dinner for "My Turn Next" Heights, says Chronicle on Vernon the a number of friends. To.a-rioiit- Twitters. Geo. C. Potter guest - its Oakland news. The of fi Tim Tirana Allan Dunn in Shingle honor will be their sister, Mrs. Conrad Mrs. T. Clive Davies was. hostess on Tnm Tran Robert W. who leaves in the reception T?armAr TVheaton ...... C. von Hamm, later jSaturday afternoon at a .....Judge W. L. Stanley BLANK BOOKS game for the week for Honolulu. The given at Craigside, the Nuuanu home n . .Mrs. wm. M. uranam t u' 1 afternoon will be five-hand- ed euchre, of the Davies. k Peggy Alias narumsic We are Manufacturing Blank and the guest list numbers about sev-- j ntnolv , ansa wuu enty, with a small receiving party? Colonel and Mrs. Samuel Parker Allan Dunn will be the stage mana Books which for price and work- assisting the hostess. entertained a large family gathering ai r Lovette Rockwell, musical director, ' day, and the & & dinner on Christmas and the entire entertainment under the manship are equal to Coast or Mr. W. A. Love returned on the last evening before a tree celebration was management of W. D. Adams. A spe engage- - steamer from the Coast. His enjoyed by a large number of their cial orchestra will be under the leader Eastern Work. Call for. Prices. Ohio; belle has . ment to a Portsmouth, friends. ship of Mr. Jocher, and Gerard, the cor just been announced. p notiat will be a soloist. A. R. Gurrey, Telephone Main 88. . . .: ftdt Mrs. Frank Woods and Mrs. Carl committee on tt ia chairman of the '"s-- yj Sz?i B. F. Dillingham returned from are in the city for the hol hii S"' ''.' Mr. Widemann decorations. GAZETTE the mainland In the Sierra. idays, the guests of Colonel and Mrs J J J HAWAIIAN CO. Samuel Parker. A Christmas Eve dance was enjoyed young society men $ s Quite a number of on the lanais of the Hawaiian Hotel, New Year's day man a Christmas are planning to make Mrs. Walter Hon had Manager Wills being the host rails, a revival of a fad which, in olden tree celebration on Christmas evening days in Honolulu, was widely appreci for about a dozen of her little friends A large number of "homeless ones. good things, dinners at the ated. . The tree was loaded with enjoyed their Christmas ftt ftC and the young guests enjoyed a royal Hawaiian and Moana hotels. The Honolulu Symphony Society will treat. - ,- evening in ftS Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Isenherg enter I j " x' - , - .1 have a ladies' night this sc ' 1 Z. St . A thirty of the clerical force s ,' cosy clubhouse on Punchbowl. principal attractions of tained about it' . , - A their 'One of the evening at a "Bowie,, ' w limited number of guests will be pres services at the Catholic of Hackfeld's last tlie Christmas young men of the ent, and arrangements have been made Cathedral was the singing of the "Ave only the unmarried establishment being invited. for an enjoyable entertainment. Maria" by Miss Alice Campbell. The ftjC ftjt ft$C every part of i soloist's voice penetrated Miss Christine Finkler arrived on the Mrs. Philip Frear will go to Cali- notes edifice as clear as the -- . the large steamer from the Garden Isle and ,''--', 4. 4 1 fornia in the spring for a visit of a few was last t ' of a silver bell. The selection is the guest for the holidays of Mr. and weeks. : and gave some jX .4 jsl 'i exquisitely rendered, Mrs. W. F. C. Hasson range tne - Mr' C. L. Wight and Mr. conception of the wide vocal f- and Mrs. was in Mexico ftnent Christmas voune sineer possesses. Mr. A. k Mrs. Paul Neumann lo, Mot Cunha was the accompanist on the whe last heard from. McCorrlstons at Kama ftj with the organ. loKal, and return nuiue wuaj. ' The Florodora Sextette costumes are ftSC gauzy Miss Laura Iaukea, daughter of Col in the course of making, dainty, Mr. Eric Knudson of Kauai is in the stunning upper hand corner called onel and Mrs. Curtis P. Iaukea, who is creations and will be quite The book in the left is city.: picture in finishing her studies, will when seen upon the stage. Big an Extra Russia with patent back. Jt is a sub- (nee Europe summer with a party hats form a part of the costumes. . Moritz and wife tcur next style for first class Mr. Jacob $ ft? V stantial binding and the usual departed for the mainland of friends. C. Iuisson ftj Mr. and Mrs.. von Hamm returned work. The one in the centre ehows how the in the Sonoma and after spending a Mrs. Locke, who has been visiting to Honolulu in the Sierra. book open flat. The one few days in San Francisco will leave patent back throws the daughter. Mrs. L. Tenney Peck, for their nome in Salt Lake City. her A new Year's ball will be given by the in the lower right hand corner is called a Full will continue her visit and spend the 1, O. O. Pacific Rebekah Lodge, No. I. Russia with patent back. It is suitable for those Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gay of Kahal summer here. F.. at Progress Hall on Wednesday 5 p are spending the holidays with Judge - riwomTicr si. uancmg win wishing something more stylish than an Extra The board of directors of the Young c.Tno- I' 'tf c. And Afrs. Hart at Waikiki. commence at 8:30 o'clock. Russia. We also manufacture any other style Men's Christian Association has issued r TT T New Years desired, such as quarter bound, half bound, r a. j. . Rwsnjv enteSr- v invitations to the annual SCORES AGAIN. jir. auu iui 12 SCIENCE tained at dinner on Christmas eve an, reception on January 1, from three-quarte- r .bound, full bound, etc., on short will be a Christmas day. fill 2 o'clock. There . A Preparation That Will Destroy the notice. Every book guaranteed. . - tt ?8 ft? rferention in the parlors, and luncn Dandruff. Uerm jjiscovereu. .... On New Year's eve there will be sev vrfa be served in the upstairs Finally the scientific student has dis eral dinner parties at the Moana Hotel hall bv the lady friends of the asso covered a certain remedy for dandruff. will be given during the Y. W. C. A. will assist in When it first become known that dan and a dance ciation. The para evening by the hotel management. and serving of the druff is the result of a germ or the preparation scalps, and saps The victorious Punahou football team site that digs into the lunch. of hair at the root, causing banquet the hotel & v will also enjoy a at J falling hair and baldness, biologists set the same evening. A Christmas eve surprise was given to work to discover some preparniiun will germ. After a year's H. C. Brown, secretary of the that kill 'the to San Mrs labor in one laboratory, the dandruff Mr. Mana Widemann returns she returned to her discovered; and it spending W. C. A., when germ destroyer was Francisco in the Korea, after cottage the Theo. Richards prem is now embodied in Newbro s Herpicide, in curing Daiane!-- , uiiu hPiflfl several weeks here. being at the asso which besides tfi ises after detained thinning hair, speedily ana permanent- ntinn rooms on many pretexts all ly eradicates dandruff. "Destroy the " were turned on cause, you remove tne eneci. new Young Building hotel, returned on day. When the lights ...... - - ' ., :v? . v,. nmrum i .i. ,.,w.h.t--'- v"" .;.

-- - - 'y"'l"v'i-!"- ' jfr-"- THE PACIFIC THE CABLE. Did as the Pyramids ft i- -' ' J Yesterday did not bring a cable to frtTM " ' " i i 1 l i r iB n PRESIDENT l And as little changed V :zzr .n,. r r i Commercial Advertiser the shores of Oahu but one came near by the ages, enough to be dropped temporarily is Scrofula, than which no disease, while its carrier made a short run to save Consumption, i3 responsible VfALTESL O. SMITH - - EDITCB. this port for coal.. News up to the inT nrn for a larger mortality, and Con- 22d was received. In a very few days, sumption is its outgrowth. SATURDAY DECEMBER 27 the time depending somewhat on the uisnnu affects the glands", - weather, daily news of the world It the mucou3 , the membranes, :? ' THE LATE CRISIS. will be at the disposal of Honolulu tissues and bones; and tourists causes bunches in the neck, ca- The appointment of President Roose- readers, and merchants Report on Tanbara will find themselves in instant touch tarrhal troubles, rickets, r v . . ; velt as arbitrator in the. Venezuelan inflamed ( markets. confirms a premature report, via with the continental eyelids, sore ears, cutaneous erup- affair day long worked and Fanning island, of the choice of arbi- That will be a Case Goes on tions, etc. waited for. It is nearly half a cen- tration as a remedy. Just why the M suffered from Bcrorala, the disease af- tury since soundings were first made fecting the glands of my neck. I did every- " American executive should be chosen I i . with view of an ultimate cable be- Today. thing I was told to do to eradicate it, but It when a competent tribunal exists at the without success. I then began taking United States tween San Francisco and the Orient Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the spelling in my Hague and when the ; The neck entirely disappeared ray re- ; via Honolulu and there have been and skin . " 13 also a Venezuelan claimant, does sumed a smooth, healthy appearance. The surveys since. Many times cure was complete." not appear in the brief cable dispatch- some other JAP PROBABLY Miss Anita Mitchell. raised to a 915 Scott St., Covington, Ky. es, but presumably there Is some good have expectations been Celso Caesar reason. It is enough to know, as high pitch. Even when WILL HANG SOON high-soundi- ng Hood's Sarsaparilla - came with his i basis of public satisfaction,- that the Moreno , were hopes of imme- West waters has pass- projects there and Pills crisis in Indian Disappointment the second Venezuelan diate fulfillment. No Writ of Error Execution Will Thoroughly ed and that pub- eradicate scrofula and one happening in followed disappointment until the trouble like the first build up the system - - J lic mind got into such a state of dis- Take Place Unless There Is that has suf- . ' l I 1 President 's time, will come fered from was hardly a ripple of it. ). --- -r before a just judge Instead of that trust that there Quick Action. W J wherifthe Advertiser,- in its its court of last resort of nations where interest Washington, correspondence, announc- the verdict goes to the heaviest bat might expect a cable Gisaburo must be again sen f talions. ed that Honolulu Tanbara Thanksgiving Day. There had be- The effect of the peaceful recourse by tenced to be hung by Judge Estee NOW KING i thing in the been no inkling of such a fore his execution can take place, be- OF HAVANA CIGARS news before, reports of possible action fore this, registered itself upon the cause of the reprieve granted by Gover- Mwta in Havana and Tampa by Congress on Corliss bill cov- business Interests of the nation. There the promo- nor Dole. were' distinct symptoms 'of a flurry ering the whole theme of cable IRIAL OIOAR RC, Distributor.' this' office where the A statement regarding, the reprieve For the good will and preference of when the news from La got tion. Even In exciting James Hill, the great rail news resources or our wasningron cor- by Governor Dole will be sent to Presi- our Patrons and the Public. ap- road financier, said that a panic in respondent were best known and dent Roosevelt today by Secretary We are sure that with the continu ' preciated was a feeling of mild the stock market was imminent and there Cooper and same mail will carry ance of our Policy: news was true the that many business men, fearing a war Incredulity. Yet the for the except put date also the recommendation of the Federal "RIGHT GOODS . with , were beginning to haul that circumstances the AND RIGHT of realization a further along. authorities regarding the matter. From f X. In their lines of investment. It was little PRICES," . YEA It would take a long time to name statements made by Judge Estee and - NEW inevitable that an attack by one or we ' publicists who have ' shall continue to maintain the same. both of the allied powers on the Mon the statesmen and United States Attorney Breckons pre- to bring this cable about. Wm. roe doctrine would have sent values labored vious to the granting of the stay, the Why not figure on putting in H. was among first tumbling. The banks would have Seward, who the and maintaining Incandescent to see the' importance of the Pacific to recommendations of the Federal officials Shot off and called In loans both at Lamps in your,home? They don't genius would , win be against a further reprieve by home and abroad. Another era of the expanding of America glad to cable President Roosevelt and the chances are cost as much as you Black Fridays would have been upon have been include the WISH among of public IE con- us.... But all's well that ends- - well and the achievements his that Tanbara will be hanged before the probably think and career. a now. there. Is nothing to keep business President Grant was friend writ of error is perfected by his attor- - To remind everybody that we believe sider the convenience. of the great project, but perhaps first of from once more getting into its old we carry the finest stock-- and .variety pace. all those whose sagacity foresaw the ; oooo need public ror Tanbara m the trial of the case, of Perfumery in this city, or any other specu- of the cable and whose ( It Js always interesting to ' ' was y virtue or Judge Estee's appoint- - place. j We "will be pleased to late what the United States would policies reached out towards it G. great states-- give you have done in the event of war with the James Blaine. That j ment, said yesterday afternoon that he an estimate. doorway allied powers or with one of them. man reaJly died at the of his had n0't been notified as yet to take Y Expansion was political '. Acknowledging our comparative pau- work. his ' further steps in regard to an appeal, WE ARE city of naval and military resources gospel but before destiny opened thet way quote and was waiting for the Japanese to and enormous extent of our coast his ears were filled, to his the makeknown their wishes in the mat-- Sole agents for the Justly celebrated Co., line, including those of the "colonies'' words at the bier of his friend, the Hawaiiaa Electric Ltd. martyred Garfield, with "the sound of ter. and the fact remains that the outlook King Street, near Alakea. Telephone Main 390. would not have been altogether hope- the great waves breaking on a farther it is certain that Governor Dole wilif shore" and he "felt upon his wasted less. It has been noticed that nottnterfere again to stop the execu-bro- w morn- - ' the breath' of the eternal has, in this, whole matter, preserved a tion if the writ of error is not out ing." One must think of James GT' sued neutral . attitude, though she has as Blaine when the cable comes ashore , , . . . much reason, financially, as Italy, to me cnier reason given ...tne petition he flag which was raised here in join in thjj, naval demonstration. But. for a reDrieve was that, thorp rrmlr1 h nrst wun nis Desi wisnes ana Dy nis H. F. France knew that if the United States i no Writ of error ohtainpr! frnm tho Perfumes WICHMAN .'. Fort St. life-lon- g friend. In one way it will be became, embroiled with England and i Unitedr States Snnremp fnnrt nr nr tr memorial to his faith and hope in' Germany .or with, the latter poweri (the day of execution and this n ho. , the spreading greatness country; alone, she. would at-- once effer herself of his lieved to be the only reason that it was- AND and its messages will bear to our pio- - ...... i as a third. member;of . the offensive and I .n.3 no ibj)s are Demg neers of civilization words of cheer feianucu. laKen defensive alliance of France and Rus- the now 10 pusn tne appeal, is hd congratulation which he would iuriner it sia. ,Ijik.4;ha.t. .eve.n.t. the . British . fleet probable that nothing will go out on - Countless to ; would be 'he'e'et'ed' on the home and co- have wished frame. today's steamer from Tanbara's attor- lonial coasts and the German war of- i ney, in which event the President will Toilet fice would have to bend its energies George Ade's love affair with Miss art unnn thp-- rpnrlftvd Yicfrrh n n ,1T. multi-jth- er . e, . for the protection of two frontiers and Astor, daughter of the move can be made. The recom-millionai.r- . Holiday . . . . the defense 'of German ports and colo- will answer him very well mendations of United States Attorney nies. ' There would have been a world for advertising purposes. Mr. Ade is Breckons are also to be sent to Wash- ations war, more dreadful in1 its consequences bringing out a new light opera, the ington by this steamer, in order to . . than any that' had gone before. 'Sultan of Sulu," which is expected avoid unnecessary delay, as it is the Suggestioris Doubtless it was "a growing concep- to carry London by storm. Interest rule to always forward such applica- AND ALSO carry in stock complete tion of this peril which brought the in it will be heightened by the author's tions to the District Attorney who ap- lines of Roger & Gallet, .4711; Colgate ; powers to a peaceable flirtation with Miss Astor its peared in the case, before final allied around and action & Co., and other manufactures. frame of mind. " They started bump- sudden ending for the lady in a paren- is taken by the President. Roosevelt's ; PINAUD'S LATEST French Carna- tiously; they end reasonably; and a tal cyclone. Doubtless Mr. Ade look- order in the case . will be . sent back, great mark has been ; set up on" the ed more to, this than to any prospect probably by cable. Secretary Cooper tion Extract just received. The "New Art" Silver, coasts of precedent to'' guide future of plucking a star of the first magni- said yesterday that his report was go- wayfarers. .Curiously enough the tude for his wedding day boutonniere. ing forward On today's mail and that Ladies' Toilet Sets Monro doctrine which Canning got -- 1 . .' th cable would not be used to notify retinas We've made a special effort to s - . up to preserve the balance of power Things are getting lively in the Sum the President. The Federal officials will make this ari elegant assortment" s any in old Europe,-find- in the balance of ner case. His own language failing also not send, cable message, unless Co. ind have a variety of beautiful I in the meantime, Hollister Drug power of new Europe its strongest him, one of the lawyers resorted to President Roosevelt patterns which we Bell guarantee. asks for information. eeperately France and Russia stand Taimage's famou$ phrase: "A boat of WE WANT YOU or in Eets. ing alone are great; with the United stone, with of lead, and of 1056 Fort Street to see personally the f States joined with them they would be iron, with the wrath of God for a gale CABLE beautiful pieces of The eame set would also do for paramount; opportunity to ap- NEWS BY jewelrj and in the and hell for the nearest port," and WII. C. IRWK& CO., LTD. shown in oa gentlemen, replacing military become their war partner or to be plied it to the perfidious crew in the show cases. We have hair brushes and gentlemen's come war partner THE SILVERTOWN thousands the of their enemies, other legal . The unhappy navi of matchless comb for some of the other lies the immunity from old world as Wm. G. Irwin... President and Manager article suitable o articles. gators thus assailed should now look Vice-Preside- f Claus Spreckels.... First nt Christmas gifts sault .while developing its hemispheri up scrapbooks something Vice-Preside- nt in almost their for SAN FRANCISCO, December 22.- W. M. Giffard... Second Sterling Silver cal policies, which the United States equally choice. , H. M. Whitney, and Sec. endless variety and at a iaiiway accident six Jr.. Treasurer has so long enjoyed. miles from San George W. Ross Auditor i eat range of ences. Chatelaine Purses , jrtiuciBco. twenty Kinea ana very SUGAR FACTORS Everything new We came as near having Kriss Krin- - and German - on many injured. . :AND: sparkling and Silver and The Committee Territories threw gle weather as one can get in the low- the verv selections out the Wilcox Fire Claims biil and land tropics. Quite likely on the SAN FRANCISCO, December 22.- Commission Agent3 choicest Cut Steel Beaded , up one by Mr. from all parts of th took the introduced higher elevations elsewhere in the Tne Humberts have been captured in Chatelaines Knox, which is identical with th- - Sen- - i world. group there was a chance to throw Madrid. FOR ate bill. Wilcox put in his measure AGENTS THE snowballs. . ' SAN FRANCISCO, Leather Goods ' December 22. more to assert his Individuality than - Oceanic Company President Roosevelt has been appointe.l Direct importation Vien- -' I anything else and if possible to make from It is not likely that Gisaburo will arbitrator in Venezuela affair. Of San Francisco, CaL na. capital with at home. The Com Many new creations and ex- it vDvjauu Hanging, out. ii was just as wen saw a .KA.NUISCO, December 22. mittee treated the bill as it deserved to give him clusive designs. Only one another chance to be heard Marconi claims to have sent long mes-an- d Wilcox had scant consideration before each pattern. : to keep the shadow of the gibbet 'sage across Atlantic to King Edward at Washington but he gets much less out of the holidays. LONDON, December 22. Education Houses to Rent The "Mew Art" designs in Copper, Bronze, now that Congress has witnessed his fr Bill passed. Silver and Gun repudiation here. Association SAN Metal in a great variety of the most modern Football Game. FRANCISCO, December 22.-- Mr. and most highly i. V Men of the Silvertown" will play Mackay left for New York on Mon FURNISHED artistic designs. Prices from $3.00 to $15 unlikely 00. it is not that the United "socker" at MakikI this afternoon, the day. Mr. Ward left last Friday. Slemons, Manoa 42.50 Stales weather bureau, will take and 25.00 Department game according to present plans, taking da fKAust'O, December 22. Weaver, Manoa Our Art publish a daily meteorological report the place of the league contest and a Weather cold and damp. Temperature UNFURNISHED Calls for special attention. The most from these Islands and return one exquisite ware ever picked team playing the visitors. The has fallen once to SS deg. Fahr. Keeaumoku St. 75.00 frequently Auerbach, shown in Honolulu is found here in great Conditions there and here Silvertown men expect to play as fol- Heilbron, Klnau St 45.00 variety. are such as to coming 40.00 influence the lows: Goal, Lumsden; right back, WHAT IS A Atwater, Kinau St Fans COUGH? Magazine St 35.00 w.ather at the other end of the line. Rowe; left back, Crawford; half backs, Pratt, f Cummings, Artesian St... 30.00 Tortoise Shell Combs'" j Walker, Barker and Bumpus; forwards, A spasmodic effort to expel Atwater, Pensacola 30.00 . the mucus St... Marconi claims to have srnt a long . Silk Sangster, Rutter, E. Jones, Morrell and xrom tne Dronchial Weaver, Makiki St 27.50 Umbrellas rm-ssag- e across the Atlantic to Kin tubes. A cold causes Pender. a more abundant Camara, Young St 27.00 Writing Portfolios, etc. Edward. The truth of this statement secretion of mucus, Ouderklrk, Makiki St 21.50 and when the lungs cannot be doubted. Whether King and bronchial Haynes, Keeaumoku St... 18.00 Bishop Gulstan Resting Easily. tubes are inflamed, they are er extremely in parts Edward got thfe message or not is an-oth- Bargains in houses all There was little change last night in sensitive to the irritation. Unless care of the city. tVe may have just matter which awaits advices. Is will please you the condition of Bishop Gulstan, Dr. taken, the cold may result in pheu- - the thing that mcn and at a proper price. When Artist Tardley hears of the Herbert reporting that he was resting ihlo., is swirt and deadly. If the cold Sumner proceedings he yearn easily and' that there was no immediate is a lingering one, the more will to leisurely give them an absent treatment. danger of a change for the worse. but equally fatal consumption Henry Wateraonse & Comp'y. may set In. Do not . , neglect a cold or . The prospect of BORN. cough. Take Chamberlain's Cough Stock and Bond Brokers. P four cent sugar is Wichmaii, Remedy. enough, to give special To the wife of Thomas It always cures and cures 313. - fair zest to one's daughter Patton, a Tel. Main Fort and Mer- at five o'clock Christmas quickly. Benson, Smith & Co. Streets. FORT STREET, wishes for a happy New Year. norning. Ltd., ehant wholesale agents, sell it. i Vie ciMr Aic,:.yviC r


cable foremen, leading hands, petty

i officers, cable men, and sailors and FAUHU HARDWARE CO., PAnFIF (PARI F firemen bring the make up another LIMITED. one hundred and twenty-seve- n men. Household Department, BENEST BOSS OF THE JOB. Bethel Street H. Benest, chief of the cable lying expedition, im- - (Continued Page L) is perhaps the most from j the end of the cable in the fore tank of ' j portant man on the vessel. Night and miles of the cable had been sent over - the vessel was carried on. Some cable. ; day during the strenuous work of board. It was the end of the sea line consisting of the tig shore end, still I cable laying he is puzzling his brain and 'the time for the splicing of the in- remains in the after tank, and all Annua the i over some weighty problem concerning Opening of Holidav Goods termediate cable. But could not cable in the fore tank had this not been the cable. There were many minute be done. With, a ship so 4ight It was paid out at the time the line was cut . things to be done. It required a man Impossible for the men to -- 4t to and buoyed near Molokai yes- channel with a master mind, quick, energetic, the sea and so it was decided to buoy terday morning. . Our store ; and cool to master the many difficul- Js overflowing with the finest stock of new goods we hava.ever carried, and the cable and make foHHonolulu, there CABLE RACING THROUGH ties that lay In the path of the cable first111 December our recor month. .New lots on every hand, and to take in coal and be ready for the go the WHEELS. layers. Night and day he was sending best final task. There were two jobs, how- If one were to mark with chalk a little words through wires in order ever, for the buoy, a great iron tank portion of the cable and watch it as that there could be no mistake as t FINE CUT, (J LASS. twenty feet high and as-muc-h in diam- KNIVES AND FORKS. . SEWING MACHINES. it left the. vessel's tanks he would have their serviceability. eter, had to be handled, was a we carry . and it a complete stock of T. B, . Medium knives, solid steel, plated A sewing machine is a very useful and seen some lightning like work. Dowrf The officers of the Silvertown are as Clark & Co.'s high grade ' a pure sllver an5 hand burnished, job w hich i meant risk. But it was rich American One-ha- appreciative Christmas present. Wil in the tank Itself the cable was coiled follows: I lf dozen in box, $2.00 per box. done, the sounding apparatus showed cut glass. " " & " "' cox Gibbs new automatic chain nd a big drum and frameg known Commander, D. Morton; chief officer, dessert forks, silver plated on solid 420 fathoms and with a manila cable SWISS CARVED : One-ha- - - WOODENWAKE. steel, just about half price. . lf stitch; New. Ideal lock stich; Pan- as crinolines kept the cable from mix- A. Troan; officers, Rowe, Cluney, bent on to the chain of the buoy, and Our assortment Includes paper cutters, dozen In box, J1.50 per box. American hand machine. ing up, while a dozen men were always Sangs.ter. all made fast to the cable the end was pen holders, napkin rings. FANCY ORNAMENTS. oaaving mugs ana brush in box, a stationed in the tank to keep the cable Cable engineer staff: H. Benest, en- Jewel and t very cast adrift at 3:40 o'clock. It was a stamp boxes, leaf trays, Inkstands, We offer some bargains useful present, 50c, 60c, 75c, com in good shape. As it went up from gineer in charge of the expedition; unusual in plete. x v fateful and terrible hour. The wind brackets, mirrors, easels and picture 'ancy ornaments of all kinds. the tank it went along through a metal staff F. C. Crawford, P. Bates, H. P. Children's was blowing in gusts, the force often frames. ENGLISH dinner, tea and table sets, trough until it reached a big drum, Daley, E. Rymer-Jone- s, E. H. Walker, CHINA. reaching eight or nine, hurricane di- BEER STERNS. all kinds marked at half prices for the round which the cable was wound sev- M. Raymond Barker. We have just opened of ev--. several casks holidays. mensions, , and the moment when times. This was fitted opened a. cups and saucers and plates lnclud-o- eral drum with Electrical staff: J. Rymer-Jone- s, Just complete assortment odd f 1 1 Japanese trays,-al- l crything was ready to send off the .t j wer-- j J kinds, shapes and many yuwenui urates, auu xnese vjAf cWtHpian. X?. "Romnna Beer Steim, all newesigns; prices Croat btiov and the. nrl nf th lin to ,j.x. . . ' J " Ti.ri. 'jiSo sizes, take your choice while they last. " - comiecieu witu. si uj uimiuiiieif 1 ' range from 50 cents to $6.60 pes. :; "SlS second electrician; P. C. W. Dixon, A. Coalport, Royal Crown Derby, Etc. 5c, 10c. and 15c. San Francisco came at a mosi un- - y17.rmfrh whif.h ah1 nnSRPd This: each. th G. Rutter, B. E. Bumpus. toward moment. t registered the strain on the cable, and Hydrographer, C. R. Wylle; asist-- "when became too heavy Oont 5c, 10c, CABLE SENT ADRIFT. j the strain a ant Ky&rvgT&vheT, R. G. Wood; chief miss our 15c and 25c .bargain counters on which man waicmng xne uyuauioaieier oyer- - 1 The suddenly gained in engineer J Stoddart; chief assistant wind ated the brakes or the big arum. Alter i engineer, A. surgeon. vye have placed some, remarkable values to make shopping strength. The ship rolled and tossed . . White; Dr. easy leaving this instrument, the cable hnprhm . plAotr, A and the strain on the cable was terri- lftrht ttntr,nr during the holiday rush. Open Saturday until 5 o'clock. passed to the massive wheels which G. Sumdsen. ble. To those who were doing all that are situated at the stern of the vessel ingenuity and skill could do for the Inspecting staff: Captain Pattison, and glided down into the sea. Hib-berdy- ne. safely of cable, was trying Mr. Barwell, Mr. Merrell, E. B. the it a As the cable paid out over these moment. men making The who were massive wheels it slowly sank to the fast the lines and swinging the "TELEGRAPH STREET." out bottom at the rate of from one and a buoys, grasped safe- the stanchions for half to two feet per second. The direc- Captain Morton has very cozy quar- ty aa mighty waves pecia. a 3ent the ship high tion in which it sank was twofold, ters on the upper deck of his vessel, into 'the air, and the threshing sliding and falling, sliding down the while below the machinery deck, In screw urniiure added its roar to the thunder of j the after 'portion of the vessel, one inclined plane of descent and falling great guns the winds above. All was by gravity in a direction parallel with finds a miniature city. In "Telegraph ready go and the cable was let and the itself. Street'.' there are rows of cabins in Some of our new stock for the manila rope went singing through the which quartered. TREMENDOUS WEIGHT OF CABLE: the senior officers are Christmas trade is now' on hand. sheave, burying itself as it sped, and Aft of this street is "Hotel Cecil," or Including the following: . Art then all was quiet The weight of the cable at times was 0V6itses and except the elements, the senior officers' saloon, and on the and the searchlight showed the red tremendous. When the vessel was lay- ,. "MORRIS R ECLINI NQ port side of the vessel one finds the ing cable in 2,000 . fathoms of water CHAIRS" in Mahogany, Golden buoy floating on the waves. The "suburbs." Here, are many junior lights the ground end of the cable was twen- Oak, . Flemish and Weathered went out and for a moment all officers and electricians, who have ty miles astern and as the cable left Oak; CUSHIONS In Leather; Feocy Goods was confusion. A mile was traversed finer quarters than are usually found the vessel took nearly three hours ss TAPESTRY and VELOUR and then a second buoy with a light it for first-cla- passengers on the larg- to bottom. During LOUNGES and BOX COUCHES which will" burn for ninety hours was for it strike the est of ocean liners, while the quarters x this time the speed of the vessel waj In many styles.- - ; v set out as a guide with which to find of the many other people aboard the the cable buoy. seven or eight knots an hour, but the FOLDING SCREENS lit the Tops vessel, according to their classes, are' Pillow Work Boxes was done and only thing was cable was moving much faster as the latest pattern of Art .Burlap. It the very good. 10 mafce cable had to "go up and down over hills Pin Cushions : Collar and Cuff Boxes for Honolulu harbor to rent FACTS ABOUT SILVERTOWN. and lay the shore end and intermediates and valleys and was longer than the Hug Pillows The cable steamer Silvertown Is the Handkerchief Boxes and thence back for the dropped sec- distance the vessel traveled over the property of India Rubber, Piano Covers Glove Boxes tion of sea cable. The position of the sea level. the Gutta Percha, and Telegraph Works Com- Rugs ship was known only by dead reckon- During all the time that this cable Lamp Mats, etc. Boxes pany, Ltd., of Silvertown, England, Powder ing and it was figured that land" could was being paid out electricians were , Our stock of Rugs is not lim- popularly known as not be more than twenty miles away constantly testing at In the testing the Silvertown ited to the American makes only. Company, and largest so there was nothing done but keeping room connections were made with the is the of the We keep some of the best prod- cable steamers company. the head of the ship Into the seas. shore house at San Franciso, where of that She ucts of foreign manufacture. was 1873, since Dawn showed. Makapuu Point 'and at four other electricians were posted. built in and that tlm I many gov- MUSIC CASES, LADIES' Suitable New Year's gifts. once speed was made and the vessel, Work was being done every moment, has laid cables for various DESKS, SECRETARY ernments over many leagues of BOOK reported first from Waimanalo, was off so that a fault in the cable could not the LIBRARY BOOK world's oceans. Her length ds 350 CASES, your . the harbor at 11, o'clock and came to possibly occur without the electri- CASES. Don't overlook friends feet, breadth 55 feet and depth 24 berth in naval slip at noon. cians knowing it. , feet the 6 ' a- inches. She is designed specially On the last steamer we re-f- :o: It was a dramatic and terrible ending While all , soundings were made for for cable laying and can secure a mod- ceived a shipment of the to a trip which Is for many of the ex the cable before the Silvertown started 1 -- erately high speed .on small coal con- mous ' perts the worst ever made. The ship on her voyage, the vessel still had to sumption, so can long was adrift almost, the weather was make soundings very often. She also that ehe travel & per- distances without having to seek a L W. Jordan Co., Ltd. terrible and the seas which swept over had to have difficult navigation coaling station and ds big re- Phoenix Brass the ship and the drifting about of the formed. She could not simply take the this the quirement of a cable laying Fort Stroot dunnage made the scenes memorable most direct route to Honolulu, but had vessel. a Filled for all who were on board, and yet to go over exactly the same route as PLANS FOR CABLE DAY. thtre was no serious damage done and the United States Fish Commission At a meeting of the Cable Day Com- Beadsteads he was kept on the course. steamer Albatross did in makdng the mittee yesterday It was decided that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT-O- F THE vessel ANNUAL MEETING. dropped the cable just where It was original soundings, and in order to do the great meeting in honor of the open- - In all the latest colors and de- FIRST CIRCUIT, TERRITORY OF intended and quit just where the In- this the navigators of the Silvertown ing of the cable shall be held upon the signs. .... FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HAWAII. AT CHAMBERS. IN HAWAII. showed it wise. took more observations than are ever signal of repeated blasts from the Elec- PROBATE. , - structions GENUINE SCOTCH LINO- But there wa3 no holiday for the taken on any battleship or big passen- tric company works whistle. One half LEUM, in both inlaid and print- - IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BY-la- ws In the flatter of the Estate of Chas. ger liner. By day a close watch was hour will elapse before the meeting is of Roesch, deceased. Order of Notice men, and after they had come to '. of the First National Bank ed. . . upon sun, at night the to v.:..: ." Hawaii, at Honolulu, notice is hereby of Hearing Petition for Allowance port yesterday there was a decided kept the and called j order. Beside music by the required study. including WINDOW SHADES ; of all given that; the annual meeting of the of Final Accounts, Distribution and period of quietness, for the men were stars the closest of band, the new cable march, sizes. stockholders thereof will be held in Ho- Discharge. played out. Captain Morton and Chief Right at the stern of the Silvertown the program will include the introduc- - Oahu, Territory of " nolulu, Island of On reading and tiling the Petition and were seeable, down to her steam sounding gear is located, tlon and address of welcome by Secre- - UPHOLSTERY and REPAIR- Hawaii, place of business, on Accounts W. Azbill, Esq., ad- Benest not and at its of K. and this works the minutely, thin but tary Henry E.s Cooper, a historical ad- ING orders promptly attended Tuesday, January 13th, 1903, at 3 p. m. ministrator, wherein he asks to be al- the mildest man of all there was a purpose meet- $S98.55 apparently endless, wire that tells how dress by A. S. Hartwell, a response by to... of that day, the of such lowed and he charges himself desire to rest. ing being election of Directors for the with J1388.25, same to bottom of the sea. S. S. Dickenson, an address by Com- and asks that the AN INTERESTING CRAFT. far it is the ensuing year, and for the transaction of may. be examined and approved, and TAUT CABLE. missioner Eustis and another by Henry as may nec- dis- THE all such other business be that a final order may be made of There is no more interesting ship E. Highton. There will be fireworks in essary or brought before the Stock- tribution of the property remaining in afloat cable steamer Silver On the port side of the vessel one thereto-entitled- , than the evening and a salute of 100 guns holders for action. his hands to the persons could find a second cable apparatus! the Dated Honolulu, December 9th, 1902. and discharging him and his town, unless perhaps it be another when the President's message arrives. Silver-tow- n, Thl3 was the "second cable," for two J.Hopp&Co. W. G. COOPER, sureties from all further responsibility vessel of the same type. The All business houses will be asked to 6347 Cashier. as such administrator; to an outsider, is a mass of ma- cables are laid by the Silvertown. decorate with flags. . ... LEADING FURNITURE It is ordered, that Monday, the 26th chinery, a perfect maze of wheels and One was the deep sea cable and the day of January, A. D. 1903, at ten RATES ARE FIXED. DEALERS. LIST OF OFFICERS . cylinders, but to the electrical men on other irraa a small yet tough wire, o'clock, a. m., before the Judge of said of the Commercial Pa- Court at the Court Room of the said board it is the simplest kind of a toy, which was kept as taut as possible in Rate sheets King and Bethel Streets. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF cific Cable Company will be Issued soon,, stockholders of the California Feed Court at Honolulu, Island of Oahu, be although one that is played with seri- order that the engineers might know the and same hereby is appointed as the though of course all rates are subject e Phone Main 111. Co. Ltd., the following officers were the ously. A run straight through the what amount of slack the big cable elected to serve during the ensuing time and place for hearing said Petition climbing up submerged without notice. The San Fran- persons In- vessel vwould bring out enough infor- used in hills year: and Accounts, and that all cisco rate will be 50 cents a word and: terested may then and there appear and mation to fill a cyclopedia, A reporter and descending into the deep valleys Cecil Brown...... President show cause, if any they have, why the of the ocean. to this must be added four cents a word T. J. King. Vice-Preside- nt and Manager was taken by one of the engin3ers over same should not be granted, and may On the fore part of the vessel is for California points and nine cents for C M. V. Forster..... Treasurer present evidence as to who are entitled the Whole vessel. He explained . how cents for New L. C. King ....Secretary gear identical with that at the stern, and twelve to the said property. And that notice the cable machinery had been worked $2.22 L. C. ! up York. To China the rate is a word Abies...... Auditor of this Order in the English language, during the whole voyage only this is used for the picking of "' L. C. KING, published m .facmc commercial cable not for laying one. .This and to Japan $2.38. To Australia J1.08 be the j Starting with the main cable tank, a and 6360 Secretary. Advertiser newspaper printed and pub- Is used to pick up the cable and again a word is the rate and Fanning Island lished in Honolulu, for three successive I a great cavity in the vessel lar:3 is 96 cents. WILDEIi'S STEAMSHIP CO. weeks, the last publication to be not ' enough to take the whole cargo of splice it in case the cable should break less than two weeks previous to the many a large , from which during a heavy storm, and will be used time therein appointed for said hearing. up off Makapuu THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF 964 nautical miles of cable had been in picking the cable this corporation having declared a divi- Dated at Honolulu, this 19th day of Point when the vessel picks up the Hawaii December, 1902. paid out, one sees machinery after ma- The Bank of dend of 2 per cent on its capital stock, buoy dropped there on Friday. If the Dividend No. 3 is payable December J. T. DE BOLT. chinery in every direction. When th? LIMITED. 31st, 1902, to stockholders of. record at First Judge First Circuit. engineers found they had but fifty or modern cable is a marvel, the machin- Thayer & Hemenuay attorneys . for ery handling much more the close of the stock transfer books sixty miles of cable remaining in the used in it is Incorporated Under the Laws of th December 24th. at 3 p. m., 1902. administrator. 10. marvelous. Republic of Hawaii. will ed 6356 Dec. 20, 27. Jan. 3, main tank they took the end of the The transfer books be $600,009. 0 ',Ww January 2nd, 1903. cable leading up from the bottom of ANIMALS WATCHED CABLE LAY- CAPITAL tut S. B. ROSE. NOTICE. the tank and spliced it to the end of ING. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. Treasurer. the cable in the after tank. This was Side by side with the cable machin- Chas M. Cooke President A Beautiful and luxuriant Honolulu, December 24th, 1901;. .' Vice OF ery of Silvertown are rows of P. C. Jones President hair, with clean, wholesome scalp 6360 AT THE ANNUAL MEETING a work of three or four hours, and the C. H. Cooke Cashier, is founded in the perfect action of the Kona-Chica- go Coffee Company, during all this time the cable was be- pen3 in which are quartered cattle, F. C Atherton Assistant Cashier M'KINLEY Ltd., held this day In the office of the ing paid out the regular rate. When sheep, pigs, and poultry, for there are Directors Henry Waterhouse, Tom the pore?, produced by WILLIAM. LODGE company, 601 Stangenwald Building, the at May, F. W. Macfarlane, E. D. Tenney, Pacbeco's Dandruff Killer NO. 8. K. OF P. election of officers was postponed to a it was discovered that but a shoit a large number of people on board who J. A. McCandless. For sale by all druggists and at the meeting to be held subject to the call piece of cable, was left in the main have to be fed. There are squawking Solicits the Accounts of Firms, Cor- Shop. Telephone Main 232. of the President. long within porations, Trusts, Individuals, and will Union Barber THEEE WILL BE A EE tank the vessel was stopped so that ducks and horned cattle promptly and carefully attend to all HENRY C. B1RBE, JR., by eniar convention 01 the above Acting Secretary. the remainder could slide out easily a few feet of each other, and near business connected with banking en- For- Co. namea JLwcifre eararaay even 23, 1902. making too big a jerk on the a butcher can be seen industriously trusted to it. Sell and Purchase flonoluiu Iron Works wfcSJ i Honolulu, Dec. without eign Exchange, Issue Letters of Credit. zM J ing, Veo. L'7, m iiannonj part with which it was connected in carving away at a big carcass of beef. ST1SAM ENGINES NOTICE. the after tank. The delay in this case The provender department has to be SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. BOILERS, SUGAR MILLS, COOL ELECTION OP OFFICERS. was less than five minutes. Then the well cared for, for there are about a BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGS Ordnlary end Term Deposits received IRS, No. 1 Mysti? DR. L. MINER has returned and re- SOI-flake- flake contain- hundred and sixtey men on board the machinery ef every dcrlptios Members of Oahu and F. of cable, 'each nd Interest allowed In accordance with and No. 2 and all sojourning brothers aw sumed practice. He can be found at ing 3.8 nautical miles, was paid out vessel. ule3 and conditions printed in pasa made to order. Particular attention invited to attend. his old home aijd office, corner Bere-tani- a ioks. copies of which may be had oa Sts. 1st, frojn the after tank, and the opera-tio- ft The ship's officers, cable, and elec- ald to rfclp' Wacksmlthing. Jofc verl B. S. GREGORY, and Union ' after Jan. ppuoation. 1903. 6361 of splicing the end of this with trical staff numbers thirty two and Judd Building, Fort Street. XMUtea o shortest notlca. X. of R. ft S. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, DECEMBER 27, ioox

JaS. F. FtiCRGMI, FISH NG IMoier aoi Broker The Christmas Dinner BY 65 QUEEN STREET. HOW ABOUT XT? Kerr Co., P. 0. Bos 594. Telephone 72 We're always interested in the f hristmas dinner because we have quite an important part in rt.aiing it a goo on Methods of Hawaiians Good company and a convivial hos; are big neius but good LIMITED. things to eat are most important. In Waters About We have genuine English plum pudding in tins and excell- ent fruit cake, besides mince meat, turkeys, chickens, ducts, :o: Islands. geese, oysters, nuts, figs, raisins, etc.

(By Mrs. E. M. B. Nakuina). Gruenhagen's Candies, 50c lb. . Torchlight fishing is practised on calm ow Sitowing dark nights. The fish are either caught with small v scoop nets, or are speared . Torchlight fishing is always Our Trees l j in shallow water where one can wade. Christmas rash on bie aiior The fisherman must be spry and light . Will be here Christmas Eve and will be green and fresh. of step, passing through the water If you haven't ordered better do it right away. without a splash to disturb the fish :o:-- which remain quiet as if dazzled by the side light unless alarmed by the splashing or concussions in the water. The torches are made of split bamboos se kV Bt Skirts are being worn fuller and str&ighter than cured at regular intervals with ki O before. leaves, Dracoena terminals or twigs of 2--Toloph- onoo the naio (spurious sandal wood) bound 92 together in the same manner. Should We Have the light burn with a pale flame, then Them the fisherman will not meet with good Navy and black, plain cloth skirts. luck, but if the torches burn with bright red flame, he will be apt to be Fashionably trimmed Oxford Grey cloth skirts. very successful. The Hawaiians have four kinds of Navy and black Estaimene serge skirts. basket fishing Hinai. The Hinai opae, Turkeys sometimes called apua opae, is a basket At Auction ALL HIGHLY FINISHED GOODS looking something like the coal scuttle bonnets of a hundred years ago, and Chickens $6.50, $7.50, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00. is woven from the air roots of the Freycinetia Arfcorea (Ieie). This Is used Household Geese for mountain shrimping, and women al Furniture. ways attend to it. They move in :o:-- crouching position through the water, Ducks moving small stones and thrusting ON WEDNESDAY, DEC. sticks under the larges ones to drive 31, For the Christmas Dinner the shrimp to a suitable place which is AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., always some place where the grass ferns, or of trees droop At the residence of Mr. Ralph Geer. branches over adjoining 1250 Ladies' Silk Umbrellas on the water; the shrimps refuge No. Matlock Avenue, be- take tween Piikoi and in or under these a,nd the fisherwoman Keeaumoku streets. I We have the very choicest the country' affords. Live Superior Quality places will sell at Public Auction, fine house- her basket under the leaves and hold Furniture, comprising: island turkeys, chickens and ducks and choice Cali- Natural and ivory and pearl handles. lifts them out of the water, when the burnt carved shrimps drop into the basket; she then 1 Large Handsome Inlaid Koa Table. fornia dressed turkeys and geese. GOLD AND SILVER MOUNTED unties the small end and drops them an elegant piece of work. We advise you to leave your order early and get into a small mouthed gourd attached to I Fine Koa Card Table. Part of a manufacturer's samples. Truly a hand- a string, which she keeps floating after 1 Large Round Kca Table. just what you want. her for that purpose, and putting some 1 Fine Koa Cosy Seat. some and useful present. Going at a big discount. fern leaves inside the gourd to keep the 1 Roomy Cedar lined Dresser. Koa shrimps from creeping out, as these are Top. $6.50, $8.00, $1000, 1200. lively little fellows who live a long time Calabashes. out of water and scamper about on Oak Bedstead and Bureau. Metropolitan Meat Co. terra firma like cockroaches. The Hinai 1 Ash Bedroom Set. Hooluuluu is used in Hinalea fishing, 6 Dining Chairs. (a small species of Julis,) and is a small 1 Garland Range and Utensils. basket made from the vines of the awi Crockery and Glassware. IMITED kiwiki, a convolvulus, and it is renewed A collection of Fine Palms and from day to day as wanted. A light Ferns. TELEPHONE MAIN 45. frame work of twigs is first tied to Particular attention is called to the gether and then the vines, leaves and rare Koa Furniture to be disposed of at Muslin Under all, are wound in and out round and this sale. round till of the requisite size, three or four feet in circumference and about JAS. MORGAN, rand wear one and a half in depth. Shrimp pound P Sweeping Christmas ed and enclosed in cocoanut fibre is oc AUCTIONEER, The quick sale we find for the new lines we casionally placed in the bottom of the are basket for bait, but usually the scent of showing in this department speaks volumes for the value the bruised and withering leaves seems For Sale. to be sufficient. They wade out to suit Sale Now On we are offering. able places, generally small sandy open Ings in coral ground or reef, and let One "Palace" Organ, manufactured the baskets down suitably weighted to by, Liorlng and Blake Organ Co. of keep them in position, the weights at "Worcester, Mass. Double manual, --:o:.- tached in such a way as to be easily pedal bass, blow and foot pedal. Lacquer Ware, detached. Each woman then moves A splendid Instrument, in good con Fioe China Ware, away from her basket to some distance, dition. Silk Jackets, but from where she can watch the fish Instrument cost over $900. enter the basket. "When all the fish Will be sold at a bargain. Silk and Cotton Kimonos, that are in sight Can be seen at my office. 65 Queen Linen have entered, they street. Center Pieces,. Millinery Millinery take the basket up and transferring the Cushion Covers and Bureau Scarfs, small-mouth- MORGAN. fish to a large ed gourd JAS. F. move the basket to a fresh place. Fish Piano Covers, Exclusive Ideas, Newest Creations ing in this way can only be carried on, Gent's bilk Hankercbiefs. Why pay large profits for your millinery when we on a calm sunny day, and at low tide, Fine Straw Hats for Ladies and Gent?, Since the introduction of the . weeping For Rent can give you advanced styles for a moderate price? willoWi baskets for this fishing are sometimes made of willow twigs. Such and many other, fancy goods for the holidays. can be used over Premises of MRS. S. W. L.EDERER and over again. Men 782 Kinau Street. Three large bed sometimes take such baskets and using rooms, wana (sea eggs), parlor, dining room, pantry, --:o:- for bait, with the top kitchen and bath. Large yard. Stables of the shell broken to expose the meat, and quarters. place them in comparatively deep wa servants' ter, piling stones around them to keep them in place. They leave them for a Good drainage. On high side of street. L pcial A Large Stock of Lace and Embroid-- day or two, and if the place is good .... AT . . . fishing ground the basket will be full OAS. red Linen Handkerchiefs. by the time they come for it. F. MORGAN, The Uiui basket Is shallow, of about .65 Queen Street the same size as the above but wider mouthed, used in deep water for catch ing a small flat fish called uiui that makes its appearance at intervals of FORWENT 36 and 42 Hotel from ten, fifteen to years. Street twenty Two cottages on Whenever it appears It is taken by fish Walkiki Beach Road. ermen and people generally as a sure Six bedrooms each. Rent $20 each. In Swell Neckwear, new and up to date. precursor of the death of a very high cludes water rates. Make your selections from our chief. At the last appearance of the fine stock. uiui, the imported marketing baskets JAS. P. MORGAN, 1 No Need were generally used by those who could 65 Queen St not obtain the ed kind, as any old cast-awa- y basket would do, of Argument with a little patching, occupying per- haps, five minutes, and two sticks bent over the mouth or opening from side to The delightful flavor and. healthful ide, and at right angles to each other qualities for a handle to which to tie the draw are the test for string. It should be twisted round and G round above the jointure with a little For ood, Honest Value or the sea convolvulus, (pohuehue,) with the leaves on, so as to throw a little shade Primo in the basket to keep the Lager fish from being drawn up to the sur face of the water. In these baskets Order a trial ca6e from the brewery cooked pumpkins, half roasted sweet or your liquor potatoes'or raw ripe papayas were nlac- - dealer. ed for bait. The canoes thus provided wouia sau ngnt into the midst of a school of these fish; the basket being lowered a few feet into the sea. the fish being attracted by the scent of the bait; would rush into the baskets and feed greedily. As soon as the baskets were Every full of fish they would be drawn up and Table emptied into the canoe and then lowered again, with more bait if necessary, and During This Holiday this would so on till the canoe was Season loaded or the fisherman was tired. Should Have These fish are very good eating when they first arrive, as they are fat, with liver very much enlarged; after a month they become thinner, not per- Epicurean L Q haps procuring their proper food here, Goods and then taste strong and rank Sold by - all first class grocers. It will not do to fool with a bad cold. Insist on Having them. LIMITED. Xo one can tell what the end will be. QUEEN STREET. Pneumonia, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, ames F. Morgan and consumption invariably result from II a a neglected cold. As a with- medicine for liOIldaV fePared - extra fine s the cure of coUs, coughs and influenza, S0da dear's nothing can compare with Chamber- tradby'the'111113 W lain Cough Remedy, it always cures G5 QUEEN STREET. and cures quickly. Ber.'--o-r, Smith & HAWA,,AN Co., Ltd., whol-- - anr:h, 'se'l 't P.O. Bos 594. : : Tel. 721 SODA WO Emma and Vineyard RK8 Streets. Phone Blue 187L i i Ttn in " '".


Mary Sabin, the two year-ol- d daugh- - McKinley Lodge, K of P. meets to- - ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Sabin died night. yesterday. E. D. Moore of the Associated Press Work has been begun on the new re- arrived on the Silvertown Congo Gnat Oil form school by Contractor Bertleman. The band will play this afternoon at The building: must be completed by 3 o'clock at the Fishmarket, by general Anti-Fl- y March under the contract. request. and Antiseptic B. F. Dillingham Manufacturer's Shoe returned from San Bishop Restarick preaches at St. An to., Stops flies and gnats and B Francisco in the Sierra. He says busi drew's cathedral Sunday morning at cures all Bareness. ness there is brisk and that investors 11 o'clock. LIMITED Sixth year of unequaled success. This oil is seem to have plenty of faith, in the fu ture of our securities. The Christmas tree celebration of the pronounced the very best on the market. ' . . . Methodist church Sunday School was , Supt. Cooper had another conference held last evening. STYLISH SHOES with Bishop O p y the trustees of the Estate Installation of officers evening No ro Roqulrod yesterday over the Postoffice site, and this at Fall Styles are now rdy. Congo the Hawaiian Lodge. All members are Styles you could never buy except Gnat Oil has been used exclusively by while no definite conclusion was reach- requested to ed, there is a probability of an early attend. made to order, before now. Louisiana sugar planters on their cattle and agreement. Wray Taylor is preparing a shipment THE ladybirds has given general satisfaction. . . . The final accounts been approv of to be sent to California at ... have the request All America ed in the Hugh Morrison estate. In the of State Quarantine Officer $3.50 Shoe Crow. . order of discharge the widow is allowed Is the very best shoe on the market. Prlco $I.OO St. Por Gallon to turn over to herself $9,000 in United Andrew's Priory and the Sunday Hade all styles and shapes. 4 M States bonds which it was shown be- School of St. Andrew's will have their Every pair guaranteed. it longed to her Individually. Christmas tree celebration on Monday It's a pleasure to show then). n evening. - 0 Judge Little Is sustained by the a Supreme Court as to his dismissal of The death of Mrs. Charles Nordhoff I Theo. H. Davies & Co., S the case of Wade Thayer, Trustee vs. is reported from Lucknow, India. Mrs. A. Lidgate, but not as to his reasons Nordhoff was here with her husband, 3 LIMITED. for dismissing the suit. The decision Is the distinguished journalist in 1893. written by Justice Perry. The suit was Subjects for services at the Methodist Distributing Agents to recover $1765 paid by C. T. Amana Episcopal "church tomorrow are as fol to defendant which is alleged to be an lows: 11 a. m., "The Parable of the Honolulu - - Kaahumanu St. act of bankruptcy. Leaf;" 7:30 p. m., "The Influence of the 5 b The Christmas entertainment of tfce Future." Christian church took place last even Captain Joseph B. Douglas, Artillery ing in the presence of a large audience. Corps, has been ordered to proceed by ATRIAL WILL There was an interesting program com the first commercial liner from the convince anyone tlip.t we can per- prising songs, recitations and dialogues, mainland to Camp McKinley, Honolulu form dental operations without concluding with the cantata, "Christ to join his company. pain. . OUR mas at Grandpa's." The last number The Bank of Hawaii received by the STOCK OF was one of the most enjoyable and Sierra their cancelled bank checks, PLATES evoked much enthusiasm. bearing the revenue stamps imprint. ffl) Col. C. M. Davidson, chairman of the The Treasury Department redeemed IFil Board of Managers of the Hawaiian the stamps for their full face value, but 111 If1 Tramways Co., Is in the city in connec the blank checks are a total loss to the 0 8 Christmas tion with the proposed sale of that line bank. ... and to the Rapid Transit Co. He made an airs, ueorge iiarnson swore out a Inspection of the company's property warrant yesterday against her husband yesterday but is not ready to say what charging him with assault and battery will be done. Manager Pain Is opposed alleged to have been committed on Special Offer Full Set of Teeth, S5.00 to any sale, though the remaining Christmas Day. Mrs. Harrison's face stockholders in Honolulu favor it bore evidence of having come in con Perfume is acceptable to ten peo Cold Crowns, 5.00 tact with something, there being sev pie out of every tn. We've one of Bridge Work, pertooth.5.00 eral nasty bruises upon her cheeks and Comprises all the latest novelties suitable for Ladies and BUSINESS LOCALS. mouth. the largest stocks ever imported. Gold Filling, 1.00 Everything is Gentlemen. The following are a few selections: The box of lantana insects and seeds, that new and fice Silver Filling, .50 can be Cnrist-ma- s New Tear's presents to be had at Fu supposed to have been lost, turned up found here. Until All work and material uuaran-- . Atomizers, separately and in sets with kuroda. by the Sierra and were at once taken in we will make this special offer: teed. All our instruments are powder bor and tray Blank book diaries office supplies hand by Prof. Perkins. It appears that With every $2 50 worth i f perfume thoroughly sterilized before and in Dresden ware and and after each of all kinds, at Wall, Nichols Co. the State quarantine officer who re we will give free one of our 35c operation. Art China ceives the packages at San Francisco WE ARE :o:-- Special prices on left over holiday Mexico, was away Hawaiian Calendars. goods 36 from Koebele, at the at IwakamI, Hotel street. time and did not get back in time to Party advertises today for a horse catch the last steamer, Shaving Sets. and buggy. See our classified advs. Christmas SPECIALISTS Commissioner of Agriculture Wray :o:-- A competent and experienced house- Taylor received by the Sierra another FOR keeper Is wanted at the Hawaiian Ho- large quantity of lantana pests from Kodaks Collar and Cuff Boxes, Glove and Hand- tel. Professor Koebele. In the consignment Crown and Bridge Work The New England Bakery will take was the box of bugs which was sup- Our line of kodaks was never kerchief Boxes, in plain and burnt leather. your order for New Year's cakes and posed to have been lost in transit sev more complete. The new cameras! Leather Music Rolls', Hand Satchels, Shop- confections. eral weeks ago. Koebele is now visiting ping Bags. Sayagusa's stock of goods for the relatives In California and will return RFNTAI PARI (IRS :o: New Year are very attractive and will to Honolulu next month. show them. Remember, our prices w mm mw s mm III! mm w V Interest you. A Sunday School class comprised of areff.tilrWM20 per cent off the regular cata- O-t- . Toilet Comb and Brusb, Manicure sixteen children with their teacher from The holiday rush is over, but Asada log figure. We've a fine line of IOS7 Fort & Co. at 28 Hotel street have a fine lot Aiea will join .with Kaumakapili Sun- Recently removed from Elite bid., Hotel Sets in staghorn, etc. of Japanese goods to selL day Schools in. their review exercise, albums, too. Street. will at- - Kaumakapili :o:-- S. OzakI has a fine line of goods suit- which be held presents. church on Sunday, at 10 a. m. "To en- able for New Year's Call in courage poor Sunday Indian Heads and see fine display. the and helpless Our Branch Grand Tournament at in Steins, Matchboxes, the Schools is the only main spring of suc- onaving bets. Eleven fine pictures of Hawaiian cess in our Sunday School works." by Logan. 25c. Store volcanoes Daniel Price BOWLING :o:-- Send one to your friends East. The aged Hawaiians of the Lunalilo PARLORS Home had an excellent Christmas din- is located the Sachs Block, cor New ready to wear apparel for ladies in ner on fish, kindly furnished by Prince ner of- - Beretania and Fort, where SOAPS in endless variety hy the best now being shown at Sachs's. The latest and Princess Kawananakoa. They ex- fall styles in excellent assortment. pressed much satisfaction at this atten- w. carry a complete line of drug- known makers. Colegate & Co's Cashmere Dr. W. J.Galbraith removes today to tion, a reminder of the relations of the store goods. We have a fine assort- POSal Bouquet, Honey, Oatmeal, Sweet Lavender, Masonic Building, Alakea and Hotel old natives to their allis. Over this re- ment of stationery suitable for the PIG Roger & Gallet's Bouquet des Amours, streets. Residence, Hawaiian Hotel. vival of an ancient custom, several of holidays. Our stores are easy to Heiiatrope, Marguirete. Mr. I. Levingston has not been con- them sung oleole's in the ancient Ha- find if you will look for the yellow Cut: Floworo Co., what- waiian language. "Wire Baskets nected with The Kash Ltd., painted in different sizes. :o:-- soever, since the 31st. day of October, The inmates of the Kapiolani Home fronts. Colored Mats for Baskets and 1902. enjoyed very merry Christ- at Kalihi a Pots. High & prep- mas, to the philanthrophy of grade Perfumery of Roger Whitney Marsh Co. are making thanks MRS. ETHEL. M. TAYLOR ; arations for a grand clearance sale. many ladies and gentlemen who With Honolulu Drug: Co., Fort Street Gallet's Pinard, Lundborg, Colgate & Co. Full particulars will be announced thoughtfully remembered the unfor- 'OBROH DRUG GO. later. tunate beings detained there. Besides Phone Zte. Orders filled. presents Parties having certificates of stock, good things to eat many useful found their way to . the institution. Ehlers' Block, Fort Street . bonds, sugar stocks, etc., to sell can VV. by consulting our Among the contributors were Mrs. C. Sachs' Block, Beretania J. L. McGuire find a purchaser Du Roi, who sent clothing; Lewis & and classified advs. Co., groceries; Mrs. Walter, Hoffmann, M 'Fort A number of good dressmakers, also dolls, candy and fruit; Mrs. A. E. Mur- Glove Order girls to learn the art of dressmaking phy, toys, and Mrs. H. H. Williams. Orders Left at 381 Half -- tone and zlneo cuts at are wanted at Mrs. Kelly's, No. By Wray .made, Beretania street. the Sierra, Commissioner the Gazette office. If you nave a rood Hawaiian Bazaar, This order entitles bearer to Taylor received a request from Alex. you may A. A. Montano Is offering special low Craw, State "quarantine officer at San photograph be rare' of a rood Masonic Building prices on trimmed hats. This lot ar- Francisco, for a strong colony or more ent Alakea and Hotel Sts. Phone Main 387. pairs of. rived too late for Christmas trade, of the ladybird known as the Crypto-laem- us hence this reduction in price. Montrouziera. Mr. Craw states Gloves. The Oriental Bazaar has received the that the mealy bug is very troublesome m$ new crop of Chinese teas, and have a in several districts in California, and m very choice brand put up in -- l and 1 this ladybird is an enemy to it. Mr. and lbs. tins and lacquered boxesv Taylor . will at once collect a number of Dr. F. L. Miner has returned and w!U the larvae of the Cryptolaemus, breed them and send them to Mr. Craw. He 1048-105- reside after January 1st in his old home. 0 Alakea streetbetween King and Hotel. PHONE BLUE 1801. on Beretania and Union streets. The ls particularly anxious to do this for doctor's office will also be In the same that gentleman, for the local entomolo place. gist? have received many courtesies from him...... Three rooms at 1264 Emma' street are Bo F Ehlers offered for rent. The furniture in same ' will be sold at a bargain. Location Ready-to-We- ar Latest Designs, Italian Marble, Scotch and American GraniU, very central being opposite Emma many eizes, from $5 00 up. No two designs alike. Square. Apparel Iron Safe?, different sizee on hand. Another shipment of those All of the household furniture be- "safe things to tie to." Wrought Iron Hitch ng Posts longing to Mr. Ralph, Geer at 1250 Mat- to inspect our stock and compare lock Avenue will be sold at public auc- Notable Fall Styles You are invited pricrs. tion by Jas. F. Morgan on next Wed- nesday at 10 o'clock. New and snappy garments for news. ladies wear now being shown. Come Pacific cable for the latest and examine the materials and The up-to-d- ate expert dentists, Arling- ton Block, in front of Young Building workmanship. . . To Cut a Long Talc Short . . for modern high class dentistry at low : prices. The largest and most complete Ladies' Tailor Made dental offices in the Hawaiian Islands. Suits " Very stylish, from $16.00 up. SUNDAY'S CONGEST. Dress and Walking "TTTTE LIST a few desirable Christmas Presents. We Program to Be Rendered Tomorrow Skirts Afternoon at Capitol. have a great many more, and are pleased to show ' A splendid assortment of the PART I. latest Cut, 95.50 upward. them. Every article listed a useful present: Grand March. Festival Kappey Overture, Holy Days Laurendeau Black Silk Dress Skirts Grand Selection, Faust ...... Gounod The most stylish out, well made Air Rifles. 85c. up, Electric Bell Outfits complete, only $2.0 Golf Sticks, Caddy Bags, et.. Red Rubber Brownies, In sets of ten handsomely , $3.00. Gem Safety Razor Sets, $2.00 to $18.09 figures. Vocal Selection: Four Hawaiian Songs. and trimmed either A new Bicycle. Electric Scarf Pins, xanena ante or .reau ae tsoi, sil.50 A Typewriter, from $40.00 to $100.00. Electric Night Lamps. per set. Sponge Rubber Balls. PART II. upward. Bicycle Coaster Brakes, Bells, Lamps, Electric Bicycle Lamps. Gents' Fancy Bath Suits. Shot Guns. Reminiscences of Verdi Godfrey and various sundries. . Electric Flash Lights, $4.00, $5.00 $6.00. Gents' Fancy Leather Belts. Sporting Rifles. Monte Carlo Silk Coats BaseballSi 5c. to $1.50 each. Electric Motors, from $1.50 up. Graphophones, late records. Single Sticks. Intermezzo, Cavalleria Rusticana..... Gloves, Masks, Bats and Electric Toy Dynamo Shocking Ma- Home Gymnasium Outfits. Sprinting Shoes, te. Baseball Mits. Suits, etc...... Mascagni Strictly np-to.da- Jnst a few chines, only $1.25. Horizontal Bars. samples. You can't resist getting general outfits. " Sandow Spring Dumb Bells. Fantasia, In .... Hume Basket Balls and Goals. Electric Tops, $1.00. Hunting KniTes and General Sundries. Silverware and House Safes, from $12 one if you see them. Don't let Hammocks. Overture, The Viking . . ..Luscomb some one get ahead of you. Boxing Gloves, all sorts and prices. Electric Medical Batteries. up. Baby Swings, $1.50. Electric Batteries, Miniature Lamps and Indian Clubs. The Star Spangled Banner. Nets and Sundries. Table Tennis Sets. Ladies' Cloth Capes Broadsword outfits. General Novelties. Tennis Sets, Rackets, Nets and Sun-- Calendars. Electric R. R. Trains. Ping Pong Sets. dries. Col. Fitch in Luck. and Jackets Croquet Sets, a big line. Exercisers The Whiteley, McFadden Pocket Knives, from 25c. to $2.50. W Caddy Bags. and others. have a Sterling Silver Handle that Vaulting Poles. forty-thre- e $3.00, $4.00, $4.50. Thomas Fitch won cents All new and the latest styles. Carving $1.50 to $15.00 per set. Fishermen's Outfits. Is a beauty, also Pearl and Stag Whiteley Exercisers, Sets, from $3.00, $10.00. In the awards made by the Salt Lake Chest Weight Machines. Footballs Intercollegiate, Association, Handl.s. These Are Not All Play Tents, $4.00, $5.00, $8.00. Rugby. Polo Balle and Mallets. Wrist Machines. Tribune for the closest guesses on the Children's Motors. I boys, sizes Punching Bags, Water Utah, Idaho and We have a full line and you should Dumb Bells, Wood or Iron, from lb. Fancy Sweaters for men and Platform., Glore. " official returns of to 100 22 to 44. Parlor Rifles, from $3.00 to $15.00. Yachtsmen's ex- not miss seeing it. lbs. Wyoming In the last election. The Dog Collars, Chains, Combs and Sun- Fencing Foils, Masks and Plastrons. Razors The Blu. Steel, $3.00; ajs. Caps. Code Books, Yacht Cannon, act figures were 169,181 for the three dries. Globe-Wernic- ke Book Case. fancy handle and complete sets. Ensigns, Intrnatlonal Code of States, .a boy of eleven years of age DRY GOODS Deep Sea Fishing Outfits. Gymnasium Goods and Suits. Rubber Balls. winning $10,000 by guessing the exact N.S.Sachs9 OO. .LTD. number. Col. Fitch's guess was 168,919 forty-thre- Cor. and and out of the $30,000 he received e Fort Beretania Phor e centa. Streets. PEARSON & POTTER IVlFAlMYt LTD; C?r. U i o . and Hot Ms. THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, DECEMBER 27, 190a.


Canadian-Australia- Royal 1902. HalsteadCo.,Ltd. n Commercial Advertiser 1ST PAY Honolulu. December 26, Entered at the Postoffice at Honolulu, STOCK AND Jail Steamship Company IL T., Second-clas- s Matter. NAMB OF STOCK Capital Bid Ask. Issued Every Morning Except Sunday nr BOND BKOKERH by the M EPXX5 ICJ Steamers of the above line running in connection with the CANADIAN B. C, and Sydney, JN. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE COMPANY. C. Brtwer A Co. 1.000,000 100 PACIFIC T.AIUVAJT COMPANY between Vancouver. . Q. are Holt Block, No--. 5 South King St, L. B. Kerr Co., LtdM. AO.000 50 43 S. W.. and calling at Victoria. B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane. Von Money A. W. PEARSON Business Manager. Advanced ei RATES: -- DUE AT HONOLULU SUBSCRIPTION wa. 5.0CO.0OO 20 23: 24 On or about the dates below stated, viz.: For the United States (including Ha- Haw. Agricultural Co. 1,OCO,000 1C0 Two Decisions by Haw. Com. A Sug. Co, 2.312,760 100 MX row attrtt?AT.Ta'. I FOR VANCOUVER. waii Territory): Haw. Sugar 2,000,000 20 28 $2 00 co...... 17 MIOWERA JAN. 14 3 months ; '.. Bonomu 750,000 100 115 MOANA JAN. V 20 15 6 months 4 00 Honokaa 2,000,000 : FEB. 14 AORANGL the Supreme 600,000 100 921 MIOWERA ; V;- .- 1 year S 00 Haiku Fort Straot. AORANGI MARCH 14 MOANA l Kahuku 500,000 20 22 - ' Co., L'd. . 2,500,000 50 MOANA . APRIL 11 MIOWERA APRIL Advertising rates on application. Kihei Flan. Tel. Main 188. MAY 6 Kipahulu 160,000 100 "70 , AORANGI Court. Koloa 500,000 100 145 ,...... McBryde 8ug. Co. L'd. 8,500,000 20 4 uanu bugar uo. 8,600,1100 100 b5 nan Suva Fiii. on both ud and down voyages. 20 ct... nnr at daily Onomea 1,000,000 The magnificent new service, the "Imperial Limited." Is now running RAILWAY & LAND GO. Ookala 500.000 80 10 "12 TO RENT MONTREAL, making the run In 100 hours, Olaa Sugar Co, Ltd 5,0v 0,000 20 between VANCOUVER AND NOT 150,000 100 "126 . T&SLE. BUILDINGS Olowaia without change. The finest railway service in the world. ?m Pa&uhaa 8agar Plan Through tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and Eu- tation Co. 5,000,000 50 18 VALUELESS Pacific 50',000 100 1, 1901. MADE Ten-roo- rope. From and after Jan. 750.000 100 HOTEL STREET m house passage all go nera Information apply to For freight and and OUTWARD. Pepeekeo 750,000 100 and two cottages Pioneer 2,750,000 100 90 ....$60.00 and passage and all general information apply to Dally Daily Dally Dally Dally Waialna Ag. Co 4,500,000 100 66 ?rit Station. ex. Judg Little Was Wrong in Refus Wailuku 700.000 100 HOTEL STREET Six-roo- m house 30.00 T&eo. H. Dayies & Company, Ltd Sun. Waimanalo 252,000 100 a.m. p.m. p.m. Seven-roo- m a.m. a.m. j ing to Hear Bankruptcy STEAMSHIP CO'I WILDER AVENUE :15 11:05 80S too Honolulu ...7:10 shouse, new 30.00 GENERAL AGENTS. Pearl City. .8:03 3:48 U:48 : I:S0 Matter. Wilder 8.8. Co 500,000 100 Ewa Mill ..8.33 - 1048 11M 4:01 Inter-Islan- d S. 8, Co. 6W.000 100 10:60 4:45 WAIKIKI BEACH Ten-roo- m Walanae MlSCKLLUNBOUS Walalua 11:55 1:40 house . 45.00 The insurance companies must pay Kahuku 12:32 COI .... Haw'n Electric Co..., 500,000 100 B. T. & L. 1,000.000 x-room INWARD. for the buildings destroyed through the Hon. Co.. 50 60 PUUNUI -Si- house 20.00 Oceanic Steamship Mutual Tel. Co 150,000 10 10 Daily Dally DaUy Daily during O. K. A L. Co 4,000,000 100 95 ft Station. ex. order of the Board of Health the Sun. p.m. p.m. plague time, according to a decision of Bonds , . 5:15 .... 2:08 Kahuku 5 p. . &10 J:60 the Supreme Court filed yesterday. The Haw, Govt. c. .... port Waialua Hilo B. B. Co. 6 p. c.. 101 The fine passenger steamers of thl s line will arrive and leave this Wai&nae .... 7:10 .... 1:65 - Hon. K. T. A L. Co. 4:Sa case . at issue is that or u. Li. ak- . Mill . 5:50 7:45 1:05 6 p. c 105 a hereunder: . i I Ewa UNO Pearl City 6:15 tid 1: 4:52 wai vs. Royal Insurance Co. in which Ewa Pl'n 6 p. c GAM Ml FOR SAN FRANCISCO: FROM SAN FRANCISCO: Honolulu . 6:50 8:8$ 1:05 iJH A L. Co ioi 104 sought to escape pay Oa58 Pl'n 6 p. e DEC. 23 DEC, 24 the defendant Olaa Pl'n 6. p. 0 Real Estate, Insurance, SONOMA ...... SIERRA G. DENISON, C. SMITH, 7 ZEALANDIA JAN. 2 P. F. $1,000 policy on Waialua Ag, Co. 6 p. c ioo 5s! ZEALANDIA ....JAN., Superintendent.'" G. P.. & T. A. ment of a insurance the Kahuku 6 p. c 13 SONOMA . JAN. 14 Investments. VENTURA ... JAN. ground that the property destroyed Pioneer Mill Co. . I100X ALAMEDA . JAN. 28 ALAMEDA JAN. 23 METEOROLOGICAL RECORD. RIERRA FEB. 9 VENTURA FEB. 4 By the Government Surrey, Published was valueless, having been condemned SALES BETWEEN BOARDS." STANGENWALD BUILDING SIERRA ... .FEB. 3 ALAMEDA .FEB. 13 ICvery Monaay. by Fifty Ewa, $24. 18 SIERRA ...... FEB. 25 as insanitary the Board of Health. Rooms 506. and 7, Fifth Floor. ALAMEDA FEB. SESSION ., FEB. 24! ALAMEDA MARCH 6 decision is by Chief SALES. SONOMA .... THEBM. "to The written Jus ..MARCH 11 ! SONOMA MARCH 18 BABOM. Five McBryde, $4.50. ALAMEDA a tice Frear and syllabus is as fol - VENTURA ...MARCH 17 ALAMEDA . MARCH 27 the ALAMEDA ...APRIL 1 VENTURA T. APRIL 8 lows: 7 j ALAMEDA APRIL 17 SHHRRA ....APRIL In an action on a policy of fire insur Classified Advertisements. ALAMEDA ....APRIL 22 SIERRA APRIL 29 steamers, agents pre 8 13 SO 04 29 M! 67 .15 KB 3 ance for loss caused by the spread of a In connection with the sailing of the above the are 8 14 30 09129 99 68 84 3 ' any SO fire by of Board of WANTED. n&red to Issue, to intending passengers, Coupon Through Tickets by M ilS 80 09 00' 70 00177 01 NK 3 started order the 4--10 AT once. Gird Dressmakers. ap Railroad, from San Francisco to all points in the United States, and from T Id 30 06,29 98 0574 NK 8S 0 Health for the. purpose of destroying, Also au European ports. W 17 3 ) 04! 9 91 00 P4 9 8-- 1--0 prentice to learn the art. Mrs. F. T. New York by any steamship line to 1:8 29 98 29 90 03 90 10-- 8 K-- K as being by ' T infected plague, certain Kelly, 381 Beretania St. 6361 19 29 97129 88 .14,72 2-- 9 1-- : F 0 previously condemned buildings situ- " A COMPETENT . and experienced . FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS, APPLY TO ' to S3 sea ated some distance from the insured Barometer corrected F. and housekeeper, Ap- level, for gravity of LaL 45. building, an parte unexecuted reso- at Hawaiian Hotel. and standard ex. 9 This correction Is .06 for Honolulu. ply between hours of and 12 a. m. & GO. lution of the Board, adopted after the - 6361. WM GrlEWm TIDES, BUN AND MOON. commencement of the fire, that all the FOR SALE HORSE and Buggy. Ad- . buildings in the block, which included State Price. LIMITED. W H "Horse," 6361 " v..... o the insured building, were so insanitary dress this office. KING STREET . Agents Ooe S. S. Co. General anio a tr and by plague as to require sp5 infected FOR RENT, LOT 52 ft. front H destruction, is not even prima facie evi- a, dence, that the building in question was 120 ft. deep Pacific Mail Steamship Co. p.m. Ft. a.m. p.m a m Rise so insanitary or so much of a nuisance 100 ft. on back line Mon.. 2211.28, 1.4 9.C4J 4.22 4 21,6 24 5.24' 0 a as to be absolutely valueless in the eye 9100 square ft. Co. Tues. 23 a.m 10 52 5.05 48 6.3t 5.25 1 20 of the law so as to entitle the defend- NEW seven room cottage; rent only Occidental Oriental S. S. Wed.. 24 0.21 1 6 11.48 5 43 7 04 6.35 5.25 2 12 ant insurance compauy to judgment. $18.00. Apply at 1317 Beretania. 6356 I p.m $800 Thur. 25 1 10 1 8 12 40 6.28 8 04 6.85 5 28 S 03 oy Frid.. 26 1.50 1 9 1 28 7 081 8 54 tt 36 5.2tt I 54 THREE rooms suitable for light house Tormo McE-wen'- , : 27 2 30 2 0 2 12 7 4S! 9 35 6 34 5.27: 4 45 C. . 1264 andToyo Kisen Kaisha. Sat... F. N., Nelson, Mrs. Nelson keeping at Emma St. Furniture ! Bun..;28 8. 05' 2.1 2 52 8 25'10 12 6.37,5.27 5.84 6351 One lot only I I I and maid, C. N. Nelson, Jr., IL B. Pal- in same for sale cheap. Mon..'29l S 33 2 01 3 S5 9.00il0 47 6 37)5 28 6 22 mer, Mrs. J. F. Berry, Mrs. D. Childs, i Demp-se- y, A SIX room cottage 1015 Steamers of above companies w 111 call at Honolulu and leave this J. Creedon, James Dean, C. V. at Artesian the New moon 29th, 10:55 a. m. -- pert on or about tho dates below mentioned: G. S. Garnett, A. Glein, E. G'ein, street; rent $30.00; water free; all S3 A Times of the tide are taken from th Mrs. M. S. Jensen and child, M. John- modern conveniences; electric lights, icClllly FROM SAN FRANCISCO: i FOR SAN FRANCISCO: United States Coast and Oeodatlo Sur son, C. etc. Apply to Cummings P. vey Kauffman, Miss E. B. Kellogg, J. H. or 26 tables. H. 79 6J55 NIPPON MARU...... DEC. AMERICA MARU DEC occur Mrs. M. Kennedy, O. Landucci, Miss Burnette, Merchant street 3 JAN. The tides at Kahulul and Hilo E.-- STTlTCTtTA JAN. KOREA about one earlier Honolulu. Nettie Lathrop, Mrs. F. Lee, Miss 10 GAELIC JAN. 13 hour than at "W. COTTAGES; Christley lane, off Fort St Land Co., Ltd. COPTIC JAN. Hawaiian standard time is 10 hours SO F. Lee, Miss M. Lee, E. "Woodcock, 17 HONGKONG MARU JAN. 20 "W. Rent reasonable.' Apply Wong KwaL AMERICA MARU. JAN. minutes slower than Greenwich time, be-i- ns E. "Warren, R. Smith, Mrs. M. A. JAN. 30 . ' 6340 KOREA JAN. 27 CHINA ... that of the meridian of 157 degrees 50 Lewis and 2 children, E. J. McKenna, 204 Judd Building. GAELIC FEB. 4 DORIC FEB, minutes. The time whistle blows at 1:30 Ignatz Off, wife and 3 children, George HONGKONG MARU. FEB. 12 NIPPON MARU...... :....; FEB. 14 p. m., which Is the same as Greenwich, I Read, James Read, Miss'A. -- B. Rlchey, SEVERAL cottages on Cottage Walk, . FEB. 20 SIBERIA FEB. 24 hours 0 minutes. Sun and moon are for E. "W. Russell, Jose de Levard, W F. off School St ; rent reasonable. Apply CHINA to owner on premises. 6328 DORIC FEB. 28 COPTIC MARCH local time for the whole group. Bingham, S. Johnson, H. Wallace, KtJt-te- r, 10 NIPPON MARU..'.i...... MARCH 10 AMERICA MARU MARCH H. "Westfall, John G. Clark, Z. Na-kamu- ra, SO SIBERIA .j...VU...... MARCH 13 KOREA MARCH WHARF AND WAVE. E. Ato, K. Yonahara, L.-- A. FOR SALE. COPTIC MARCH 26 GAELIC MARCH 28 Temple, H. Katuoka, F. S. Grexton, S. ONE right drawer, flat top desk and WEATHER BUREAU. A. Cutter. , revolving chair, in good condition. In quire at . Honolulu Automobile and Honolulu, Alexander Street, Dec. 26. 1116-1- . Shops, 8 . Machine Union near ...... Mean Temperature 68.3. . IN 6359 VESSELS PORT. Hotel street. Minimum Temperature 63. -fe k k k For further Information apply to Maximum Temperature 72. it k Barometer at 9 p. m. 30.04; falling. ARMY AND NAVT. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR Rainfall, 24 hours up to 9 a. m. .05. U.' S. Tug Iroquois, Rodman. RENT. oooooooooooooooooooooooooc SB Mean Dew Point for the Day 57.7. U. S. S. Solace, Singer, San Francisco, ON Nuuanu Ave. above School and next & Ltd Mean Relative Humidity 71. Dec. 18. door to residence of Capt Fuller. Ap "KAIKV1UKI" Iiclfeli m, "Winds N. E.; force 4 to 6. ply M." P. Robinson, Stangenwald $500 will purchase a desirable CABLE STEAMER. AGENTS. weather Partly cloudy. Somewhat Building. 6320 building lot m above residence squally. Silvertown, Br. stmr.; Morton, San district, on easy terms of $50 cash, Forecast Strong northeast winds Francisco, Dec. 26. STORE FOR $10 per lot, monthly installment; some rain on the mountains. MERCHANTMEN. RENT. no interest Water laid on. American-Hawaiia- DOUBLE in Day Building. n Steamship Company. CURTIS J. LYONS, (This list does not Include coasters.) store Will SIZE OF LOTS, Territory Meteorologist. be divided if necessary. Rent reason lOOx 150. v Alden Besse, Am. bk., Kessell, San . SIZE OF LOTS, 75 x 200. ; " Francisco, Nov. 6. able. Warehouse in back. For par Monthly Service Between New York and Honolulu via ticulars inquire of W. O. Smith. 6351 Each lot contains 15,000 sq. ft. Direct ARRIVED. Andromeda, Nor. bk., Rotter, Iquique, Sept. 23, In ' ' distress. Wm. M. MINTON, . Thursday, Dec. 25th. IN BREWER building. Queen atreet, THE SPLENDID NEW STEEL STEAMERS. FROM NEW YORK. Archer, Am. bknt., Hanson, San Fran- on reasonable Authorized selling agt for Trustees b. S. cisco, Dec. 5th. term. Apply to C 8. 8. AMERICAN, to about.. DECEMBER 31 Sierra, Houdlette, from San Brewer A Co., Ltd. of Gear, Lansing & Co. B. HAWAIIAN, to sail about JANUARY 20 Francisco. Aloha, Am. schr.. Fry, San Francisco, 8. S. S. Phone Mpin 369. Judd bldg. Freight received at Company's wharf. Forty-secon- d street, South Brook Nippon Maru, Greene, from San Dec; 26. Francisco. Bille, Ger. bk., Dade, Leith, Dec. 22. lyn, at all times. & Globe Navigation Co. Ltd oooooooooooocooooooooooooo FROM SAN FRANCISCO. Stmr. Kauai, Bruhn, from Ahukini Foohng Suey, Am. bk., Willett, New and Koloa. York, Dec. 22. .. 2 Remember we connect with N. S. S. NEVADAN, to sail. JANUARY Friday, Dec. 26th. Helene, Am. schr., Christiansen, the O S. S. NEBRASKAN. to sail JANUARY 20 San N. P. and O. P. Hyg. and offer competi- every days Cable Steamer Silvertown, Morton Francisco, Dec. 26. tive rates from CHASi BREWER & CO8. 4 And sixteen thereafter. from San Francisco. Jos. L. Eviston, Am. bknt, Ramselius, the East Ships leave ; Freight received Company's wharf, Stewart street, Pier 20. the 10th of each month. at S. S. America Maru, Going, from the Newcastle Dec. 21. NEW YOES LINE TO SAN Ala, Am. L. E. BEEBE, Agt. FROM HONOLULU FRANCISCO. Orient. Mauna bk., Smith, San Fran- Phone Main 201 Brewer Bldg. 3. S. NEBRASKAN, to sail.. DECEMBER 31 Am. schr. Aloha, Fry, from San Frari-- cisco, Dec. 13. Bark " NUUANU" S. S. NEVADAN, to sail...... JANUARY 20 ciscq. R. P. Rithet, Am. bk., McPhail, San Sailing from FROM SEATTLE AND TACOMA. Am. schr. Helene, Christiansen, from Francisco, Nov. 11. The Pacific NEW YORK to HONOLULU San Franciscd. Rosamond, Am. scjir., Hotel S. S. CALIFORNIAN, to sail 31 Johnson, San DECEMBER Francisco, Dec. L 1182 Union St., 'opp. Pacific Club About Dec. 15. For further particulars apply to DEPARTED. S. C. Allen, Am. bk., Johnson, Seattle, For freight rates spply to ' v Newly Fnrnislied Rooms Dec. 22. , CHAS. BREWER & CO. & Thursday, Dec. 25th S. G. Wilder, Am. Hackfold Co., S. bknt, Jackson, San Best 25c Restaurant in the city 27 Kilby St., Boston. C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent S. Sierra, Houdlette, for the Colo Francisco, Dec. 21. nies. S. N. Castle, Am. bknt., MR8. HANA. ob C. BREWER & CO., S. Nilson, San Prorlto. ZJKXTKD, MM S. Nebras.kan, Green, for Kahului Francisco, Dec. 1. HONOLULU. Friday, Dec. 26th 3. D. Carleton, Am. sp., Amesbury, Ta-- HAWAIIAN AGRICULTURAL Stmr. Waialeale, Mosher, for Kauai coma, Dec. 13. . CO. ports at 5 p. m. Star of Bengal, Am. bk., Henderson, Stmr. Mikahala, Gregory, Newcastle, 17. Honolnln f Volcano Mineral Water for Kauai Dec. NOTICE IS HEREBY French Lanndry ports at 5 p. m. Wallacetown, Itl. sp., from London and GIVEN THAT S. S. Nippon Maru, the Stock books of the above Company MRS. LB BEUP, MANAGER. Greene, for the Calloa. will be closed to orient at 11 a, m. W. H. Mar3ton, Am. schr., Curtis, San transfers from Monday, 1104 S. King St Reasonable prices. Kawaiakoakua -- Dec. 22nd, to . 8. Friday, January 2nd, in- Lace Francisco, Dec. clusive. curtains and laces a specialty. From the Springs at Puna" PASSENGERS. William Nottingham, Taylor, Newcas- Gents' washing done on reasonable 22. GEO. H. ROBERTSON. tle, Dec. 6349 terms by the week or month. Suits This fine mineral water is bottled directly at the springs Arrived. Willscott, Am. bk.t Macloon, Hongkong Treasurer H. A. Co. cleaned and pressed, one suit per week fer S. S. Sierra. December 25, from Dec. 21. at 12.00 per month. Phone White 412. TERMS: One Case of I OO Bottles (pints) $8. San Francisco: George One Case of 60 Bottles (pints) 34. fate wart, Dr.- - T. H. MrsiWhite J C.- - To prevent croup, begin in time. A rebate of One Dollar will be made upon the return of shipping Weidner, Mrs. M. P. Spindle, HF The -- first symptom is hoarseness; AT T case and 100 bottles. TELEPHONE MAIN 270. faturaevant, Miss Vander Horst, P, this is Brooks, Miss Martindale, Mrs. C. S soon followed by a peculiar rough r. Pasley, Mrs. Palmer, 4 v Hawley's Millinery Parlors Elmer E.. Paxton cough, which is easily recognized and fa. Fiesser, Mrs: C. F. Peterson and will never always child, Mrs. K. be forgotten by one who has the latest in Hats and L. Redmond, Miss Estel Trimmings. Boston I: Vice-Preside- heard Bid., Fort St. James F. Morgan, President; Cecil Brown, nt; F. ie, U. M. Rolph, C. F. Scholl, Miss J, It The time to act is when the Secretary; Charle.3 H. Atherton, Auditor; W. Connell, Thomas Constance, Mrs. child first Open Evenings. H. Hoogs, Con becomes hoarse. If Cham- i i - and Manager. stance, .Misses Constance, Mrs. M J. berlain's Cough Remedy is freely giftren, Coulson and 2 children, M. X. Davis, C all .Davis, c. M. tendency to croup win soon disap- . Ss Davidson, Mrs. David pear. BEAVER LUNCH ROOM Hliastace Co., son, Lreorge Dey, F.- - Even after the croupy WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERSLtd.. Ii. Dillingham cough has IN Miss Clara Dudley, II. S. Fisher, C C developed, it will prevent von the attack. f j Hair.m and .wife, F. M. Grimwood, There no II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Firewood, tova, Steam, is danger in giving this reme- BhcsmitVsCoa! iirs. C. A. Hawks, E. IIirn, J. F, !Hum- - dy Fort Street, Opposite Wilder & Co. - as it contains ! Al--- o ber and wife, F. 1"!. Hutohir.s,- nothing injurious. m )ck White Sar.d. Telephone Miss It FIRST-CLAS- S LUNCHES SERVED, sr4 Main 295. Hutchiris, A. T. Huiaey, D. E - always cures and cures ' Nathon- quicklv. Ben- With Tea, Coffee, Soda Water, Ginger i ion ivfn to Dravirrp. v-- it, . s.n, IT. V,'. La-- and G .n-- Lin son. Smith & Co., Ltd., Ale or Milk. en, J. we. "W. , " wholesale A.. E. .lv'tin agents, sell it Open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. m. ' it Smokers' Requisites a SpeeiaUy.

a ITS' C3

16 PAGES. PAGES 9 TO 16.

V ESTABLISHED JULY L USl" VOL XXXV. HONOLULU, i HAWAII TERRITORY, jfgy? i SATURDAY, DECEMBER Z, 1902. PRICE FIVE CENTS. to Humphreys previous record as the latter had sought to do, but had simply SOME BY ZIPKOFESOIONAIi CARDS. SUMNER presented the motion for the purpose of ORIGIN AU CARTOONS THE LATE finding whether or not the opposing CONTRACTORS. counsel should be permitted to act as THOMAS NAST, NOW OWNED IN WM. F. PATY. Contractor and Build ' HONOLULU er, Ala--k- ea attorneys of record. store and office fittingj shop St, between King and Hotel; CASE IS "In other words," said the court, res., 1641 AnapunL "counsel went out of the record to fight their own battles." DENTISTS. Mr. "Watson replied saying he had no ALBERT B. CLARK. D.D.S. Bereta- - dirty linen to wash in court, but the ma and Miller; office hours, 9 to Porcelain Inlay fillings specialty. motion of Magoon and Peters had been a 1T1L an attack upon the reputation M. of the E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Alakea St law firm of which he was a member, three doors above Masonic Temple,, and which if true was sufficient ground Honolulu; office hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for disbarment. He asked court for the DR. A. C. WALL, DR. O. E. WALL. De Bolt Forces Out an Investigation of the said facts and Office hours, 8 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Love . that thla should be done before there Building, Fort St; Tel. 434. , was any further proceeding in the caseJg the Many Side air. Magoon said he was willing to let ENGINEERS. the matter rest until'' after the trial of ARTHUR C. ALEXANDER. Survey- or Engineer, 409 the case, and then renew the motion to and Judd bldg.; P. Issues. O. box 732. ' strike the names of the attorneys from the record. CATTON, NEILL & CO., LTD. Engi Mr, Thompson replied to this state- neers, Electricians and Boilermakers. ment,- saying that they were entitled LAWYERS USE C. H. KLUEGEL. Member of the to an investigation as a matter of American Society of Civil Engineers. privilege, and that; It would be absurd TirrigationI wontsr anaa ttauways, rrom j HARSH LANGUAGE to wait until after the trial, to find out survey to completion. Room 401 Stan-- ' genwald Building. ?. 5 whether the .. firm of . Humphreys, Thompson & Watson was entitled to JAMES T. TAYLOR, M. Am. Soc. C. E. represent Mrs. Magoon and Humphreys Ex- Buffandeau. He charac- Consulting Hydraulic Engineer; 306 terized Magoon's argument as "sense- Judd bldg., Honolulu; P. O. box 799. change Personalities Court less, absurd and idiotic." Here Judge. De Bolt interrupted to INSURANCE. Calls It Unprofessional. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE score the attorneys on all sides. "I re- CO. OF NEW YORK. gret exceedingly this unseemly squab- S. B. ROSE, Agent ' : : : Honolulu. ble among the attorneys," said the ; The John K. Sumner case was finally court. "That alone is unprofessional it MUSICIANS. yes - forced to trial by Judge De Bolt seems to me. appears we have COOK'S MUSIC SCHOOL. Love Build- It that ing, Fort street terday afternoon after three preliml-- . iost sight of the interests of the parties ' nary motions had been disposed of. On at issue, and the court is strongly of PHYSICIANS. opinion all of these there was a warm inter- the that the case should come DR. MARY F. BARRY. Office and to a hearing on its merits. seems as residence No. 144 change of compliments between at- It Beretanla street the if the attorneys are always trying to Tel. Blue 482. torneys, Brothers-in-la- w Magoon and put something way and in the of this DR. GEO. being we W. BURGESS. Office and Humphreys., particularly bitter cannot proceed now until the motion residence 240 S. King St., 10 a. m. to 3 In their personal references to each to strike from the record the name of p. m., and 7 p. m. Tel. Main 128. Humphreys, Thompson & Watson is other. ; "Vv'Vv disposed of. If the facts as set forth DR. J. B. DE FARIA. (Europeans-Physici- an, Judge De Bolt delivered a. scathing Surgeon and Obstetrician. in the motion are true there Is unques- Office and residence, Metropole build- rebuke to all the attorneys In the case, tionably the implication that they are ing, ; Alakea St. Office hours-Fro- m but it did little good, and the hearing unfit to act as counsel. It is a" very 8:30 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. by vivid person- illogical nonsensical view to take, yesterdav was marked ad DR: K. HAIDA. Office near presented Palama alities. The illness of the Bishop is that the matter could be Chapel, King St. Office hours: 8 to 12 after the trial. The only way I can see a. m., 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone 3521.. likely to put a stop to further progress is to withdraw the motion and affidavits in the case, as his evidence is required DR. T. MITAMURA. Office 1463 Nuur from the files. . This doie I will rule on anu St. Tel. White 152; 8 to 10 a. m. and the trial may yet come to an end motion to strike out the Ellis an- the and 6 to 7:30 p. m. . 7 '" '..'.'-"--"-"- before its completion. swer." .. ' The trial will be resumed at ten At this . point Davis asked that his TYPEWRITERS. o'clock this morning, but during the name be stricken from the motion, say- FOR SALE and rent at C. A. COWAN, holidays there will be only a half day ing that he had simply filed it formally The above cartoon was one of the series in which Nast pilloried the dishonest officials of New York, result-- j Union St, opposite pacific Club. a. sessionof court each. day. as one of the attorneys. ins in the cleansing of the public offices of that city. The cartoon was published in Harper's Weekly. The k up Mr. Humphreys said he objected to Alsct Ki lite iaiIviIa 4 U UiIMi!n () NOTICE. before r4i4nnn ronrdconff An 1 1 1 When the case was called VUUUWII I Vpi VJVUW VI& HU tirtrTTCKJ J VUIVVrffla TT I 111 W lilt, TrvMd II I ICLI Gl X, UUI1L!IU tUVCIl Judge De Bolt yesterday morning. Mr the striking out of t$ie motion without PERSONS needing', or knowing of those who do need, protection physi- Humphreys aked to reply to the mo- an investigation, which he was entitled from Thomas Nast was born in Landau; cal or moral injury, which they are tion of Magoon & Peters that ' "the to. Mr. Magoon said he would with- not able to obtain for ..themselves firm's name be stricken from the record draw the motion without prejudice to Bavaria, . but was brought by his par may consult the Legal Protection . as. counsel for the Ellises. Reading the renew it at a later date. ents to New York in 1849, when he was Committee of the. Anti-Saloo- n, motion, he Humphreys made a formal objection League, 9 Mclntyre building. W. E. affidavits and stated that age. very : six years of He developed RICE, Supt. . proof of the allegations therein would saying he was entitled to have either early in life a Skill for drawing char- be 'sufficient for disbarment and asked an acquittal or conviction of the the court to investigate. He denied the charges made against him. acters, arid obtained employment in Pacific Transfer Co. truth of the affidavits and stated that Peters interrupted to say that the the office of Leslie's Illustrated News- Jas. H. Love, Manager, prove professional attofheys he would like an opportunity to honor of the had paper.- He prepared sketches for the EV1 falsity of assertions. "The mo been touched in a soft place, and that . the the papers while in Italy in 1860-- 1, while AIN 5O tion and affidavits of Peters and Sum- - he objected to being referred to as "that Office, King St., opposite Nw connected with Garibaldi, in his cam- Young Block. ned when counted with the statement . Mr. Peters." He withdrew the motion made In open court by Magoon and with the court's consent, and' with. the paign. On his return to the United reck-lae- o Am F9. Peters show them to be the most remark that it Would be renewed at States he was engaged by the Har- OUR ,Jr xclirt ever embarked some future day. Hotel and mariners havs pers and during the Civil war did Alakea Sta. upon judicature,! Judge Humphreys then stated that he the sea of Hawaiian superb work for the Union, by his il- without a chart or compass, in a boat j would witnaraw tne personal remarxs op-pos- ed coun-sail- lustrations and caricatures of ;nen of stone, blackmail for. a. crew, with he had made concerning opposing a of lead, God's wrath for a breeze' sel. To this Mr. Peters objected saying to the war. President Lincoln, and hell for a port. This 13 the affida- - he wished to have them on tjhe record, especially, admired his work, 5.nd cop- vit of the affidavit man of a law firm1 Judge De Bolt then ordered the with-sun- k ies of Harper's Weekly were always belly deep into the quicksands of draw al of the motion and affidavits. "I found on his table. It was said that Elder & 7 wish to state," he said, "that I consider infamy. meet-ing- s, upon Mr. the personal remarks of counsel undig-- during the most serious cabinet Sberpards Peters as an honorable and rising at- - nified. They 'do not assist your case in he would have a copy of the Publications' ' r ri i ri rt fi Ciyl A torney but his conduct In this case n tit ir r rfi ttir n n em "Weekly in his hand, and, at limes, improper, practice be clearly shows that he Is but the shadow a which should switch off the secretaries fron:. import- discouraged every way." of a moral idiot." in ant work, by showing theri Nast's me-ir- f your re- :. , i Legend of Mr. Magoon tried several times to "Tou do not include cartoons, and reading aloud the letter you?" interrupt the tirade of Humphreys but marks, do asked Davis. press comments by the humorists. "Mr. Davis, you behaved remarkably was unsuccessful, the court refusing to "When Tweed took political posses- . . . 1 I f7 i - i. . A Ufa crnATl G rti . well today, though know how billow B4iy siaieuicuu lua&wi ..u. I don't sion of New York city, Nast opened any .they will affect you later," he had a right to protest against his battery of caricature on him. The De Bolt then denied motion W HI II CALENDAR such remarks in open court. Judge the large cartoons, presenting Tweed as a Magoon & Peters to have the an-- Both Magoon arid Peters replied at of scoundrel, attracted the attention of Hum-- swer of the Elllses stricken from the length to the statement made by the common people who cared little HALEMAUMAU phreys saying tnat tne cnarges in uie m. for the newspapers. Tweed finally of- so Both motions having been disposed of (house of fire) motion were true and wouia be fered Nast a large sum, about ?25,000, Mr. Davis renewed his motion for an Shown. if he would abandon his attacks. It Volcano of exchange of immediate trial, when the motion for Kilauea Davis interrupted the was a tempting offer but he declined ON THE BIG ISLAND brothers-in-la- w a continuance was presented by Mr. courtesies between the it, and remained with the Harpers for Thompson on behalf of the Ellises. to say that he wanted the issues tried some years. $48,000 Davis contended that there was not HAWAII'S to find out whether or not the Nast illustrated several books, but said he sufficient ground shown in the affidavits f should be paid to Sumner. He genius was in drawing political of Mrs. Buffandeau for a delay in the his Greatest Attraction woa T,nt interested in these side issues.. some years he had a S &s)&2)&s case. He said W. S. Ellis and cartoons. For iS Mr. Magoon said he didn't know that both business, sub-an- v practical monopoly of this For cost and particulars of a visit see court wished to hear John Ellis had been served with . J. Wight and wife to Kohala Sugar whether or not the but younger men gradually entered the REAL ESTATE more diatribes from counsel but poenaes before their departure and had Co., Ex. D., R. Ps. 2360, .5451 and 661, RICHARD H. TRENT, General Agt field, and became his rtvals. 733, Ha- ,at the. xmrfls of an attorney whose refused to obey them. This being the Has and Grant Halawa, Kohala, . Cor. most successful as a lecturer, as he TRANSACTIONS Fort and Merchant Sts. blackened in records case they were not now entitled to de waii. Consideration . name had been the his remarks by off hand Courts by the lay because of their absence. The ar- - illustrated M. M. Heha and husband to Malie of Supreme and Circuit drawings, which displayed marvellous HAWAIIAN ENGINEERING AND Rar Association, didn't count for much, gument on the motion for continuance Mrs. M. Kapule to T. C. Davies, D., Kuhau, D., int. in R. P. 5721, kul. 1153, skill. not court ad t a, Nuuanu Valley, 'Honolulu, Con- said was more infamous than had been finished when one-fif- th int. in por. of Gr. 904, Papaa-lo- Oahu. This he i Min- CONSTRUCTION CO. He received the appointment of sideration $100. ever heard in a. civiliz journed for the afternoon. Hilo, Hawaii. . Consideration $1600. anything he had ister to Ecuador last year and his community. He referred also to AFTERNOON SESSION. "Wm. "Wolters to Lihue Plantation Co., S. M. Damon and wife to Polpe Ka- - ed recently took place. death muo, D., por. of kul. 1044, and 508-51- Humphreys as "defiling his own sisters re D., lots 2 and 3, Hanamaulu, Kauai. water Rooms 0 Stangenwald In the afternoon Mr. Thompson One of his pastimes in" the Bldg. by publishing scandalous things." Consideration $1. right, Moanalua, Honolulu, Oahu. Con- plied to the argument of Mr. Davis. eighties, when he was a member of Judge De Bolt interrupted the state- Dec. IS M. Scott and husband to sideration $1, etc. -- s he opened Mr. Magoon interrupted New York Atheneum Club, was to ment Mr. Magoon by saying too the Miria Smith, D., Ap. 3 of R. P. 8052, kul. Dec. 19 Julia W. Castle and husband AHO of that end there was another exchange of Col. "War- E3GIMB3 CONTRACTORS. is- draw caricatures of the late to Kahuku Plantation Co., Rel. D., Int. MM much time was being wasted in side compliments. Magoon wished to pre- 43FL, Aipaako, Honolulu, Oahu. Con- ing, the sanitary engineer, and , his in Leasehold Kahuku, Koolauloa, Oa- sues. "Your clients are not here to de-- sent affidavits to show Mrs. Buf- - sideration $1, etc. that friends. "Club nights" were not com- hu. Consideration $1. fend your reputation," said the court, j knowledge of intend- - Emma "Warrent to. S. M. Damon, D., 3ox 537. Phone Main 60 andeau had the plete without his sketches, which were S. M. wife to attorneys snoum looK xne - . , int. in R. P. 3508, 'kul. 5261, Moanalua, Kanakanui and J. W. alter inter departure of her brothers, three up by , quickly gathered his friends and $25 Moanauli, D., int. in Gr. 2160, Nienie, esis 01 tneir ciieni3 ana not miucn.' aays prior to their froiner. and made Honolulu, Oahu. Consideration and carefully preserved. Hamakua, Hawaii. $450. HORSE CLIPPING enlighten n Va mtg. $300. Consideration other counsel. It doesn't theino effort 0 deta-- them for thtriai to up Kohala Sugar Co. to Jas. "Wight, Ex. court to continually seek bnn The affidavits were by Mrs. Sarah Tirrm to buv 1903 Excelsior diaries AT T V i The foreclosure mortgage sale made issues, nmr fUtn Ati f? nn-n- Dm por3. R; P. 660 and 70 acres land, side Hawaiian Wws fo. havp a snlen. by Rosalie Andrews advertised to be your on sizes Halawa, Kohala Hawaii. Considera clients, both sides." did assortment of all kinds and at i sold today has been postponed till Jan 13.) to . Club Mr. Magoon said that he didn't go in (Continued on Fage prices suit. tion luary 24th. Fert Street. StablooPHONE MAIN in. 27, THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER. HONOLULU, DECEMBER 1902.

OLD HONOLULU DAYS ! SCIENTIFIC ! Miscellany I A new map shows that the peat-bog- g of Ireland cover 1S61 square miles, mostly in counties Donegal, Mayo and Gal way. Their average depth is twenty-- Pad ' five feet.

The mass of Saturn's ring, as com- MAbCAG. THE BALLAD OF PIETRO pared with that of the planet, is found by Prof. Hall to be as 1 to 7,092, or Pietro Mascag was an artis' gran', only about two-thir- ds the mass of Ti The patron of the hand-orga- n tan, largest of saint . 'it the Saturn's satellites. man. ; . , Mascag he did write the Inter-mez-z- o, Kissene pepper, a new species de- It may be that signor has heard it! scribed as quite unlike any other, So! ... ..iJ- - grows abundantly in a wild state in Guinea. Rich in piperine and volatile An Pietro, he get him so very well oil, it is claimed to be valuable, both as known, a spice and a condiment Its small He stan by himself, in a class all grains, characterized by a pedicle at alone. ' 4 their base, give a reddish brown pow- here, der, highly perfumed, of a peculiar One day a vera reech man from 5 and He wrote him a letter: "Pietro, dear, .!. aromatic savor. good "If you'll come to this countree I . queeck, The Sylphs called also the electric and V.-- I give ' you say twenty-f- i' dollar a battledore and shuttlecock is a novel - week." Parisian game. The sylphs, or shuttle- "Make twen- - cocks, are butterflies or feathers made An Pietro write back: it of collodion; and when one of these Is ty s6x thrown into the air it floats, and la driv- An maybe I come for a couple if f ' II ? - 4 en back and forth between the two weeks." J h in il. WAk, players. Instead of striking it, however, An it was arrange'. He come to this the players repel it from some distance land, by wands previously electrified by They meet him with flowers and shaka his hand. cop. He arrests Pietro For a number of years tetanus has But up comes a 0'': They all, say "Why, why?" The cop been treated especially In Italy with don't know. hypodermic injections of dilute phenol he solution. The disease Is usually ar- They let him go then, but take Mm rested, and at the end of several days again, " the symptoms begin to diminish. From An throw him In jail. Ah! the stone-heart- ed the eighty cases thus far recorded, Dr. men. f Croffl finds the mortality to be about gets loose, but, eh, what's thirteen per cent, while with treatment But soon he anti-tetan- ''I- with ic serum the deaths have the use? , -- . reached thirty per cent. 1" They arrest him again. Carramb; it . ir . What excuse?' . You ask me for why? Yes, sir, an I Balloon photography as a means of military map-maki- ng is being developed . know Inter-mez-z- o. by Rev. M. Baker, aero on. (account of that J. the English It all naut. He uses a small balloon, and, to An' the (hand-orga- n, men who have OPERA HOUSE WHICH WAS BURNED. (Photo by Williams.) avoid the trouble and expense of hydro- play him all day, ' gen, is quickly by (he this Inflated hot air So they say to Pietro: "In jail you From roof of this the sharpshooters fired on Wilcox and his men in the revolution of 1889. from a petroleum heater. A small auto- . mus' stay. matic camera Is carried. In a recent Or maybe you start up some other trial the ascent was made in two min- tune. utes after beginning to inflate the bal blame loon, as everything so simple us all nuts our head ; ' - and is and An' make la ' : ! pretty soon." . C easily portable it is predicted that the New York Sun. system will revolutionize army observa i. tions. A BEAR STORY. Flowering plants have been shown by Dr. H. T. Brown and Mr. F. authen-- ; Escombe An extraordinary but well to be very nicely. adjusted to an atmos- ticated story of a bear's freak comes phere containing 3 parts of carbon dioxide 10,000. from the village of Saretschye, In the in A slight increase of village the carbon dioxide proved surprisingly diBtriot of Gdoff, Russia. The unfavorable to growth and reproduc- lies on the fringe of a forest, whence tion, and the experiments made it evi Is of frequent occurrence for bears dent that an increase to two or three It present to make prowling excursions both by times the amount would result set- in the speedy destruction of all flower- day and night into the adjacent ing plants. If the air's composition has tlements. Some ten days ago two greatly varied since the advent of the young girls, aged respectively 5 and 12, plants, the change must have been slow. were surprised by ia huge bear at a short distance from the village. The The balloon constructed by the oft the French War Department for crossing animal seized and carried the Sahara is to carry no passengers younger child, while the elder, terror-stricke- n, except six pigeons, whose safe passage fled home and gave the not will show the feasibility of travel by j this means in the desert. As trip unusual alarm. Towards sundown, the i: may require four or five days, the re t4 three days later, the bear and her cording barometer, thermometer and booty were discovered in a dense barometer have clockwork to operate The child was perfectly un- five days; and a camera, carrying a, thicket. long reclining lirt a deep mossy strip of film, is so arranged that harmed and exposures will be made by clockwork couch made for her by the bear. Al- at intervals of fifteen minutes during though, naturally delighted to be re- the time. Leakage is to be balanced leased from her strange guardianship, by water ballast, released by a valve when the ground is touched by a baU . the little girl had subsisted fairly well l ja-C- v ,..,. hanging from the car. on the nuts and other forest fruits ,f o--- by bear. fvl brought to her laager the The birth and death rates of Italy for .. forty years have been reviewed by WHEN ALLEN SAW THEM. Prof. Giuseppe Sormani. The births reached highest point 39.34 Mississippi, their of per "Private" John Allen, of 1000 in 1876 and their minimum was 33.49 and Senator Mason, of Illinois, were in 1898, while the corresponding limits experimenting with, ir- of the death rate were 34.39 in 1867 and discussing and IV. S the New Willard cafe the il. - ' '" " ' 21.87 in 1899. Both birth and death rates rigation in have been diminishing, although there other day. has been a constant excess of births "Say, John," said Mason, "I under- over deaths varying from 2.40 in 1867 to stand you saw the G. A. R. parade here 12.80 In 1897. Assuming the lessened death rate to be a result of better con- last fall." trol of infectious diseases, it Is estimat- "Yes," Allen replied. ed that 200,000 persons have been saved Ma--- from "Fine body of men," continued .. , , death and at least twenty times ' ' i '' ' son. ' : ; .. - ...... as many have been saved from illness. Honolulu High School, Residence of H. R. H. Princess Ruth. . "Sure," replied Allen, who fought in Formerly Confederate army from the begin- The tuatara, the curious lizard of the New Zealand ning to end of the war. "I recog- islands, is supposed to the a good temper and a pleasant disposi- compiled by Siome authorities, but re- represent the oldest living type of ani- quite nized a lot of them." FRUIT EATING tion, even in a material sense, and as cent Russian travellers have shown mals in the world, and is of further in- did you recognize POOR PLACE terest as being "How in thunder fruit eating leads to this result its that none of the volcanoes exist. the first vertebrate in men?" inquired Mason, which was discovered a survival of an any of those b' encouraged. A sat eye wonderingly. AND TEMPER of invertebrate kind in addition to urnine disposition in a public man has FOR A St Louis humorist declares that a the ordinary seeing organs. The third "By backs," replied Allen. eye their done more than one nation harm and young lady applicant for a school was has more recently been found by its Senator wants to speak to original discoverer, an- "Waiter, the At a meeting of horticultural enthu- should be avoided if possible. asked tle" question: "What is your Dr. Dendy, in you." BACHELORS other New Zealand creature. This is the siasts in Minneapolis the other day one Shakespeare was undoubtedly ac- position upon whipping children?" New Zealand lamprey, a favorite food quainted good of Maoris, CANNON'S GOOD SPEECH. delegate declared that the eating of with the effects of fruit and her reply was: "My usual posi- the and the third eye, cover- on temper, for he says in "Macbeth": , The Argentine Republic, or, rather, tion is on a chair, with ed with thin skin and probably of no was conducive to equanimity of the child present use Congress- fruit "Now good digestion appe- one of the small states that compose it, for seeing, is exactly on top ,.'.' Said a Western friend to waits on held firmly across my knees, face of the head. temper and that children who were fed has no .use for bachelors. The law Dr. Dendy believes that man Cannon on Monday: "I haven't tite, and health on both." downward." Needless to say, she got far back in the earth's history this eye forgotten that speech you made on on fruit instead of meat could be easily There can be no appetite without holds that a man is marriageable in Ar- the school. was one of a pair of useful ones, both, national finances last session, Joe. tistinguished by their agreeable dis- good digestion and no health without gentina when he is 20. The exchequer the lamprey and the tuatara having gives point to the opinion by taxing then two eyes on the back of the head. That was a fine effort," "Yes, Jim positions. He accordingly urged, that both, and there is rarely a good tem- all General "Phil" Sheridan was once In 20 and. 30 15 a the tuatara it is the left eye that Courts gets up a good speech," said the consumption of fruit should be en- per without all three. And as fruit eat- bachelors of between riding down the line, when he saw an still remains, but in the lamprey it 30, up 35, is the congressman easily. Courts was couraged at home and In school and ing contributes to this condition Its month. After and to the tax Irishman mounted on a mule which the right one. 100 per 35 clerk of Cannon's committee on ap- - by all other means available. consumption cannot be encouraged too increases cent. Between and was kicking its legs rather freely. ' 50 single blessedness costs $20 a rapid 'propriations. "Did Courts write that The speaker may hav thought that much Philadelphia Press. month. The mule finally got its hoof caught in The changes that are taking he had made a profound discovery. Prom his fiftieth to his seventy-fift- h place in the production of motive pow- speech?" was the obviou question. the stirrup, when, in the excitement. er were year a bachelor - may follow own made evident in two striking n. In fact, he was only restating an old When Roscoe Conkling his be-gorr- "Sure. Didn't you notice that all the first began the Irishman remarked:' "Well, papers of the late British Association Good temper on good di- the practice wild road by paying in $30 a month. sentences were completed? You might truth. waits of law in New York, he if you're goin' to get on, I'll meeting Mr. H. A. Humphrey pointed have known I dida't write it." gestion and good digestion is largely lost a most important murder case on After that comes relief. The vicious get off!" out that a 600 horse-pw- er gas engine the result of diet. And no kind of food which he had worked very hard, not example of an unmarried nan of be- shown at in 1000 was of great TWO-MINUT- E BOUTS IN A so aids digestion good only tween 75 and SO is considered to be neu- interest on account of its s'.ze, but the x as ripe fruit in for the fee, which he needed bad- WHAT IS A COUGH? CHURCH. by same makers now build engines of season. Henry Ward Beecher to ly but for tralized inpayment of only $20 a horse-pow- used a reputation which he had 2,500 er are to be- say year, and when the eightieth and ready The boxing class which has been or- that some day people would call to make. Despite his efforts, his birthday A spasmodic effort to expel the mucua gin upon motors of twice that is passed the treasury finally caricit'. ganized by the Rev. Dr. Scudder, of things by their right names. They client wa i hanged. Later, when he ceases from the bronchial tubes. A cold causes Of gas engines larger than 200 horse- say - from worrying. A power, the First Congregational Church, of would not that this man has a presented bis bill' to the- man's widower is given a more abundant secretion of mucus. British makers last August had good temper and that man a bad tem- family, three years in which to mourn and and when lungs delivered or had under contract not Jersey City, has begun its season they refused to pay it, on the the and bronchial less 51. on per, they would say choose a successor, but a man who can than while the tot?.l the work in basement of church. but this man has a ground that it was excessive. Ho tubes are inflamed, they are extremely Continent and in America was 327 en- tke the good prove he has Two-minu- digestion and that man a di- that proposed and been sensitive to horse-powe- r. It contain 139 boys. te bad took the bill to Charles O'Cqnor, the the irritation. Unless care gines, aggregating 181,605 gestion. refused three times one year con- engines 1,500 horse-po- . bouts are the order of the evenings, This would be more explicit great criminal lawyer, asking him to in is is taken, the cold may result in pneu Gas of er have and more in accord with the facts. pass judgment sidered to have earned immunity. monia, which is been made in Pittsburg, and two gas and any boy who loses his temper and as to the equity of his swift and deadly. engine gas compressors Fruit eating, by aiding un- of 4,000 horse- "slugs" has to take off gloves. digestion, charges. O'Conor scanned the account the cold Is a lingering one, the more power the doubtedly encourage Asiatic volcanoes are gaining a repu- each are under contract in Buf- - does good temper, very closely, and then, turning leisurely but equally fatal consumption falo. In the secotd paper, by Hon. and good temper .to tation- for spuriousness. A lately re- the Scientific prophecy has never proven is an important fac- Conkling, very gravely may set In. Do not neglect a cold C. A. Parsons, it was stated that com- more tor in remark!: ported eruption In a mountain near visionary than in dealing with national life. The good tempered "Well, Conkling, taking cough. Take Chamberlain's Cough pound steam turbines were furnishiag into consider- Irkutsk, horse-pow- er power from liquid in Siberia, has been investi- T 3 1 . a total of 5,000 18S0. air. The substance man rarely commits crime and he ation the enormous j.i.trmcuy. Tl aiways cures in the : 3 is still little more amount of energy gated, and has proven it and cures largest exc?eding 120 hone-powe- r. than a laboratory works with more energy and produces to be nothing quickly. unit not yi curiosity, and time you hav Benson, Smith & horse-pcw- er and In a Cornell University devoted to this more serious than a fire probably Co., Ltd., Rising to 40.000 test the horse-pow- .more than the bad tempered man. 4ye other day a one er A case, the charges are reasonable; but to spontaneous wholesale agents, sell it. in 1896. now the aggregate of these engine running one houF yielded sunny-tempere- d wife is sure to combustion in some liquid only have see here, Conkling, don't you motors for driving dynamos has reach- air enough to run a one horse- a beneficial effect upon a think bed of carbonaceous shale. Like cases ed about 300,000, the largest size hav- power engine one husband's use the man could have been hanged 1JC6'u new year right by using minute. fulness. So it is. worth for are not uncommon. Lists of volcanoes ing increased to 3,000 horse-powe- r; and .v while to create less money properly fitted glasses Sanford op the horse-pow- er than that?" in . besides this, about 33,000 the Thian Shan chain have . been tician, Boston Building. is being applied to driving of boats.. i the sy I .THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, DECEMBER 27, 1902. 11

which was, I believe, caused by my " cococococococococococo lifting heavy weights whilst young. Pains in the small of my back were Don't one of the symptoms of my complaint polish stoves with SILICON, use Rising Sun Stove Polish My trouble extends back to the time o Hard Times and use the Silicon on your silverware. when I was 28 years of age, and as I am now 49, that is, a considerable pe- riod. During all this time I was sub in Pawaa Trac Metal Polish ject to pains in the back. They con i - tinued despite the fact I consult- both liquid and paste, Universal, Putz, Brilliantshine, that :o:-- ed several physicians and took numer- " U. S." are the right things to use of metals on all sorts Customs Receipts ous remedies. No relief thus gained to make them bright. , can be compared to the benefit ob- 7 houses and 12 lots for cash in 3 months Put Her Near tained from using Doan's Backache Shoe Kidney Pills. I have got on wonder- time. Why Is this? While many people have Polish fully well since taking . them., I am from the old fashioned "Mason's Blading" to the latest Head. quite satisfied with the result, and been attracted by the beautiful designs of in French Dressings, also Day & Martin's in jars. shall always have some of the pills by me, even when going from Honolulu buildings going up, the cool, healthy atmosphere to other missionary fields in the South Steel Polish DUE TO FOREIGN Pacific. There Is no other remedy like and other irresistible conditions which present will clean rusty tools, cutlery, instruments, etc., and make Doan's Backache Kidney Pills for kid- POPULATION ney complaints, including backache." themselves immediately to a home-seek- er On in- them as good as new. Don't throw anything away be- HERE Kidney are cause it is badly Doan's Backache Pills vestigation, rusted get a package of Steel Polish and sold by all druggists and storekeepers have caused them to purchase at you can clean and eave the article. When you get 50 per Collector StacRable Gives Inter- at cents box (six boxes for once Call and see ready to shine up, call on $2.50), or will be mailed on receipt of esting Figures Concerning price by the Hollister Drug Co., Ho Imports and Expenses. nolulu, wholesale agents for the Ha Aft. V3. Campbell. E. waiian Islands. Hall & Son, at his office on premises or to my special agent That Hawaii should stand "in the ARTHUR WOOD'S ....LIMITED , - first ten of customs houses of the AA-I- V! EViiri-fcon- JaiBidg- Corner Fort and King Streets, United States whose receipt's were SON INJURED over a million dollars for the past fis- JOOCOCOCOCXDOOOCOOCOOCOOaDCXDO cal year, has surprised the most san- Loses Tip of Left Forefinger guine resident of the islands. Stand- in a Feed ing . tenth in a list of Customs Cutter. The Best Island Views Houses numbering 156 all told, which Alfred do not include cities of the Philip Allen Wood, the six-year-o- ld son of and Calendars pines, Hawaii has jumped to the front Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. "Wood, met They are to be found at our store because we Benjamin with strides that are little short of with a painful accident yesterday handle not only our own but those of all the Clothing wonderful. morning lin the stable of Mr. Wood in The list includes those ports ' of which he lost half of "his left fore- other dealers in town. 'Nough Said collection dating from June 30, 1901 finger. In company with Another little In making your selection you have ali the bsst December now and how about your winter to June 30, 1902, as follows: boy, Allen went into the stable and work of Honolulu before yDU and can make your clothing? your has pleased you in If tailor New York . . . ..$166,807,010.38 began playing with the feed cutter, past seasons, we will do at least as much at celections by comparison. half his price. If your tailor has not fulfilled Boston ...... 21,077,872.43 which is equipped with sharp knives. your wishes, give us a chance to show what Philadelphia ... 19,299,485.12 In some unaccountable way Allen al- Alfred Benjamin clothing is like. Chicago 9,325,722.46 lowed his left hand to follow In a Figure it out for yourself. The best paid San . . 7,551.217-7- 8 feed, and an tailors in the world study out trie styles, and Francisco handful of in instant the Honolulu Co. shape these garments. See, now, why our New Orleans . 6,077,889.05 left forefinger was cut off, one of Photo Supply clothing has that smart, dressy air? The best Baltimore 3,517,319.75 the knives severing that member Jn NEW STORE ON FORT STREET. paid buyers select the Alfred Benjamin fabrics. St. Louis .. . 1,885,698.98 a diagonal direction above the first -- to See, now, why your tailor is never able . . '1,336,543.96 match our splendid goods? Detroit . joint. The little fellow held up brave- Speaking of the ordinary ready-mad- e cloth-in- g, HAWAII... .1,327,518.23 ly and rushed to the house, where Mrs. not to be mentioned in the same breath, Cuyahoga, Ohio 1,128,784.21 it's Wood compressed the finger and Advertisement Changed Mondays. Alfred Benjamin clothing is so different, so Tampa 1,008,834.89 stopped flow of blood. ; the much superior. 1,087,242.23 semi-dres- Newport News, Va...... Owing telephone , Business suits, s suits,' long and to the failure of the short overcoats. Cincinnati, O. , . ... 969,715.19 to work, it was some time ' before a Porto Rico . . 922,327.19 physician could be summoned. The end Playthings for Boys and Girls :o:-- Puget Sound 07,057.23 of the finger was brought to the doctor, Buffalo Creek (Buffalo, but he saw at a glance that it could --:o:- N. T.) . . 848,848.34 not be restored to the hand. Mr. Wood St. Paul, Minnesota 827,947.50 permitted the physician to take 'flesh A treat for the boys and girls at Blom's. Toys will be sold I out of ash Clot C0.9 Portland, Ore. , 726,401.71 from his forearm, which was grafted regardless cost. Come early and make your selections. Pittsburg, Pa...... 603,709.13 over the end of the finger to fill it out i-i-ezd Vermont (Burlington, Vt.). 589,202.66 to the first joint. The little fellow had ' 521,540.05 Handkerchiefs and TWO STORES Milwaukee, Wis...... a similar accident when fourteen Christmas Piattsburg, N. Y. . 462,044.60 Corner Fort and Hotel Streets and Hotel near Bethel. months old, when the end of the left Port Huron, Mich...... 411,646.32 thumb was niipped off by a door which Novelties Key West, Fla...... , 401,706.63 closed upon it. The end was restored, Louisville, Ky...... 349,237.25 however, and healed perfectly. Rochester, N. Y. 323,228.15 Very acceptable and reasonable priced goods, including the Los Apgeles, Cal. 280,248.69 latest, and most useful novelties. Our handkerchief values are the greatest bargains ever offered see There iyihsre Newport Vt. 267,583.26 in Honolulu. Come and strengths. them they will for Kansas City, Mo...... 265,377.95 speak themselves and our neckwear stock is really swell. and viger in a single, . Tampa, Florida, with its big Im ports of Cuban tobaccos and Central battle sf American products, is even below. Ha- PROGRESS BLOCK waii, while Baltimore, one of the im- Mil?'I ' tea 9 Fort Street. portant hipping ports of the At- lantic coast has a return of duties less 3 em in than three times those of Hawaii than a with Hawaii takes rank the .. fL. 4 t w In fact nr M' ri i r uu tf ordinary bccr.- - nine most important commercial cities Once; jwcdAlwflyMjSed; of the Union. is your Husr "Why Is it that Hawaii stands so Oeto high matter of imports?", was worth BoHas 7 in the If bo, buy a bottle of Newbro's Herpi-cid- e Rainier Bottling asked of Collector of Customs Stack-- and 6top that dandruff that is slowly but surely rendering you bald, able yesterday. ' HEWBRO'S HERPIC1DE EXCELSIOR DIARIES Works "Well, it is probably due to the big Is the only preparation on the market that really will stop it, for it is the Telephone White 133L foreign population dn the Islands, only one that kills the microbe at work 1 was his rexslr. "The imports from on the hair root, thus destroying the cause and Consequently removing the Time to buy one now. We have every China and Japan especially for the effect. One trial will convince vou, the same kind at prices to suit your pocket book. Both two races resident in Hawaii are an as it has this " doubting Thomas ": important totals. Sake San Francisco, Cau., Ppc. 1, factor in the When I bought that bottle of Herpicitiea office and pocket diaries. big so are sugar bags few months agp, like tlie majority of such is a item, and. preparations, I thonght it would prove a from and China. There are al fake, but lam happy to state that itdnes all. India and even more, than you claim for it. ily so a few of these which come from hair is growing rapldl; Kespecuiiiiy, Just Arrived Alp.E. Kelli, 2195 Devisadero St. HAWAIIAN NEWS CO., LTD. Dundee. For Sale at all FirstCIass Drug Stores. "It may be of interest to residents MERCHANT STREET. A FINE LOT OF here to know that it cost on an aver- UOIAMTKM DKUO COM LTD- age for all the ports of entry in the Agwf- Hawaiian Islands, iust .0730 cents to collect a dollar. For Honolulu alone it Japanese Goods costs .068, for Hilo, f13.35; for Mahu-kon- a, W .W.Ahana Co., Ltd. $52.27; for Kahului, $13.87; for Koloa, $31.37. Suitable for Christmas Presents. No trouble to show goods. Pleased to Lahaina, $77.51; for ; imports for the year amounted - "The see you. Prices reasonable at .. . to $3,036,583, and the duty collected as Merchant Tailors WIS I have it was $1,285,454.80, the average B B ."WAITY BUILDING, KING STREET rate of duty being .423 per cent ad Phone Blue 2741 The expenses for collecting 28 HOTEL STREET. valorem. L Oppite Advertiser Ojftcc RSHDfi & this duty and earring on the affairs of 0 the department were, according to the ' f Goods 6. Secretary the Treasury's report, tfew Store New New Styles of A v 0 S3y S. 23. China $96,932.82." Prices Reasonable Tstpsiri. ' N K ZDIxect froim. S9S. p. o. A Fine Assortment of COMMON PROPERTY Telephone Main bx ia . Ynn Nam Thim TFiaca S Hawaiian Warm Days Japanese Ballasting Co. Plain Soda, Vichy, Carlsbaad, oliday Goods Public Praise is Public Prop- Seltzer, Congress, Lithia and Ger- erty Honolulu People OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX. Office: man Mineral Water (containing all , Suitable for Christmas Presents 1018 Smith St.. near King. the properties of Apolinaris), Come Prices May Profit by Local We carry the product of the manufactured from chemically pure Early Reasonable Book Co., recog Experience. National Blank BLACK SAND water put up in 28 oz. Syphons, Delivered for $2.00 to $3.00 per load, nized as the leading manufactures $1.25 per doz., 75c per half doz. . of fine goods at a' fair price. A according to distance. Robinson Block. Fukuroda.Phone White 2421. 14 Hotel Grateful people will talk. glance at our show windows will Street. i public Filling: In material either eart Tell their experience for the give you a good idea of the line. coral, furnished at a very low pric The FoDntain Soda Works, good. . No more need to wait four weeks as we have a large .stock on hand. Honolulu citizens praise Doan's to have your books made to order Sheridan Street. Kidney Pil!:. CONCRETE WORK guaranteed, aat Backache we can supply the lone at a very low price. Calimyrna Kidney sufferers appreciate this. & California Figs PATENT FLAT OPENING COTTON BROS. CO. They find relief for every kidney ill. Special low price In CRUSHKL NOW ON SNGINXXR3 AND OENXHAK COR-TRACTO- SALE AT Read what this citizen says: kind on demand your money ROCK of all grades from No. 1 to Nt i, or rock sand. Rev. J. Nua oi Kawaiahao in- savers. The Plans aat Estimates farnUksi 21 aO forms us: COMMON J5.00 per 521 King Street. Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. DRAT, day. t!ase ef Contrasting "Work. 2So a Box. "I suffered from kidney trouble, LARGE DRAT, ?6.00 per day. Boston B10C&, HtltSsSak JUL


' - -:- - liir -- r""1 """" Have a Bath S- -i fs eg v (rSv ff '" "I

and a good nightrs rest 1 That's the number to call up if yo3 want the choicest table wines be town. and liquor to had in T&8 yon Hanm-Yons- g Co., Claret, Port, Madeira, Tokay and . Sherry from 75c. a gaUon up. ; &.year old O. P. S. Whisky, I3.C0 LIMITED per gallon. 8-y- ear old A. A. Special Kellogg, have just received $5 50 per gallon. . Case Wines, St. Jclien, Cabernet, full line of Sauterne Chateau Yqnene, Riesling and Zinfaniel from the famous I de YANKEE SHIP B UTTERED 8 I Turk Winery; Pooamery Sect and for. CHRISTMAS Extra Dry in Quarts or Pints.. Orders promptly delivered to any Bdtti Robes! part of the city. a I- - 1 TYPHOON OFF J A fine line of goods which AND Gomes & KlcTighe, will make a fine Christmas

Wholesale Wine and Liquor Merchants. present. , 93 and 95 Kins Street. Main 140. Main 140. Main 140. Main 140. Crew Starving, One Man Dead, and One Dying When the America Maru 0"f To Let or Lease which they offer you ' pociol Lino at wholesale prices. Hove in Sight Th following described properties pon moderate terms: The liner America Maru which arriv-- j David ti Captain Ryder, said to be well Premises on the Pauoa roatf, at pres HRISTMAS i known. In Honolulu, and at time nt ocnnfed b A. T. Atkinson. Pos ...in Tinrtj . fmm the Orient last ni?hta - . that Captain Ryder ship session give a immediately. brought a story of disaster and starva- understood that the Will take your old harness in exchange. Sundries well enough provisioned to . on was make Stores In Ornheum block Fort INDIES tion on American ship St. David, of street. the the voyage to Tacoma. In a few days' all kinds, Whips, Robes, etc. Land of the area of one acre, situated bonnd from Manila 'to Tacoma In bal- time they found that there was practi- n the comer of South and HalekauDa last. cally no provisions on board ' and for streets, and suitable for storage pur- days they had been living on salt beef, The Best Goods The Best Prices poses, ware- On December ISth, in latitude 18 or for a building site for - " ' flour,' and tea.- There was notfting else houses or factory. North and longitude 145 Eaat the Wholesale I in eatables on board. One ave- the line of Three building lot3 on Kaaihee America sighted the David which ilIne3g to nue and opposite the Experimental Sta- wa3.f the men died from tbought tion at MakikL flying signals of distress. A boat was have been brought on by starvation. Prices away - fifty days out and Kles land at Alea, Ewa. manned and sent from the steam- When from Manila er. On the St. David they learned that'011' about eighty-fiv- e miles off the Ja Vehicle ';& Co., pan coast a typhoon struc them. Tne Pacific Supply Ltd agricul- to be had at the crew were sick and starving. Cap- Also 6ther lands suitable for three lower topsails, six feet of the tural and other purposes In different tain Going sent a boat load of provis- Forte" farts of this Island, fore yard arm, the fore braces, mizzen Beretania St, Near MILLER CANDY CO. ions to the St-- David and took off one gallant , fore royal yard, and sev- man, Harry Johnson, an ordinary eral pieces of gear were carried King St. opp. Metropolitan Market. John other Apply to seaman of Los Angeles, who was said away. The mainsail and mainyard were I also damaged. On next day efforts to be1 dying. The St. David intended to the apiolani Estate, Ltd. frwere made to put the ship in some kind Order Your, try and reach Yokohama although she i of sailing condition and during this Lemon Soda, had been badly up Root battred in the work one of the men had his ankle Beer, t I Castle & Goeke Ginger Ale, storm. sPrained. Cream Soda, .Johnson recovered from malaria and" With the men all starving and the LIMITED. Orange Cider, in the hospital of the Maru boat last vessel in a bad way eight days passed Pineapple Cider, night told the story of the disaster. He before the Maru steamer hove In sight, The TRIANGLE STORE LIFE and FIRE Komel, said that he had shipped at Manila and. With fresh provisions Captain Ryder Corner of King and South Streets. Strawberry, at . the same time Captain Harrington thought he might be able to get his Inguranoe had given up the command of the St. ' vessel to Yokohama for repairs. Agents, Sarsaparllla Star Brand New Zealand Mullet 15c. tin Gloss Starch, b. boxes ...50c. per box and Iron Dwight's Baking Soda 2 pkgs. for 5c Golden Gate Garden Ceylon Tea, from an old house with an estab- DAY FIREWORKS GOODRICH HAD Burnett'3 Flavoring Extracts, 2-- oz. 25c. pkg., 30c each. AGENTS FOR lished reputation. Free delivery per bottle. "Wesson's Coking Oil ...... 25c. per tin to all parts of the city and Waikiki. Rose Salmon, $1.65 per HEW ENGLAND MUTUAL IN THE HARBOR PLANNED A FEAST Prairie flat tins, Balboa Extra Standard. Fruit, per . LIFE INSURANCE CO : doz, 13c per tin. case, 15c. per tin. Diamond No. 1 Eng. B. Tea, Ab. pkgs, Bee Brand Asparagus ...... 25c. per tin '... OP BOSTON Consolidated Soda When America Maru Leaves for Bui Nippon Maru Was Not Speedy ." later fcris 15c. each. v Corned Beef Hash . ...15c. per tin Z2TNA JTRE INSURANCE CO, San Francisco During ;Enough and Did Not Ar- Schilling's Best Eng. B. Tea, -- lb. pltg. Gold Dust Washing Powder, 2 pkgs for S Company, Ltd. ' 30c. V,'" '' f Vv 6fthartford. rive in Time. each. 45c Telephone Main This -- 71. Forenoon. Schilling's Best Japan Tea; lb. pkg. Fifteen Different brands Toilet Soaps, 601 w. . Works Fort Btreet, 25c. each. 15c per box. About ten o'clock this morning Ho- The most disappointed man that ever We also have numerous other articles J. Lando. a at corresponding prices. You Most Acceptable nolulu will see an unusual exhibition in entered Honolulu harbor aboard of will save money by giving us a call. A , Kewt Lines of steamship was genial Lacey Goodrich, We will ' harbor. Purser of the liner deliver all orders if desired. t Gift for Xmas the Roberts purser of the, Jap liner. Nippon Maru. America Maru promises an exhibition I The .Nippon got In from San Francisco TERMS STRICTLY CASH. L0THING Don't wait 'till the last minnte. of day fireworks just as the steamer i3 about seven o'clock on Christmas night " leaving port. - Anything - from cats to expected she ,i 'C We but Goodrich had that shirts. want you to take that which elephants can be seen floating in the would arrive in the morning and had suit3 you best. You choose the X : TIES and . air above the harbor If the fireworks laid his plans according. He expected style and we furnish you the best are a success. This , was to have been to invite half Honolulu to a dinner in PERFUME SALE :r:' HATS;; a Christmas novelty for celebration the evening arid a dance to follow later photographs you can get anywhere. a Roger & Gallet's and Ricksecker'd sea but Maru but the slowness of the steamer caused goods the best made. 5 TRUNKS and VALISES at the steamer met with this plan to fall through although all IS A FOTO OP such rough weather that she could not who got within a stone's throw of the YOURSELF let them off. . big liner enjoyed the finest kind of a HOLIDAY The Jap liner arrived In port last treat from the larders of the big vessel. GOODS night and not get. away San She had no passengers for Honolulu 2 STORES will for but did not sail from this port to the Seasonable and at prices that are right. 152-15- 4 Hotel 'Street, near Union Francisco before ten o'clock today al- Orient jlntil eleven o'clock yesterday and Fort Street, near King. J. J. WILLIAMS though her definite sailing time will be morning, going out the channel just as arranged this morning. She celebrated the cable-steam- er was pulling up out- Christmas day In regal side. Will Make Your Clothe Photographsr a manner while passengers at sea. Among her was Count F. Entrance Fort St., Boston Block. Her saloon is a mass of decora- Pratt on his: way to HaaSow where he HONOLULU DRUG CO. tions. There are clever Japanese paper will be Italian consul. Look Like New ORDER OF flowers in every portion of the cosy din- The vessel will spend New Year's day 926 Fort Street. ing place closely Interwoven with many between this port and Yokohama and arrangements have been made to make flags. In the center of the saloon there the occasion a lively one. A. H. OTIS. OTTO 3 was a large Christmas tree composed of Although theA'essel must have passed A. BIEEBACH. FOB YOTJB paper novelties and small electric light very close to tne cable-steam- er Silver-tow- n bulbs. The decorations remain on view on her voyage to Honolulu she XT. TOTJ TAKE THEM TO TE3t did not sight the latter vessel. if Christmas Dinner today. Jm EAGLE "The Christmas dinner," said a pas- llnton1INBURANOE,Hutchlno, Cleaning and Dyeing Works. senger, "was about three leagues long Mince Meat, Citron Peel, Lemon and as wide as the Irish sea and I Bt, OpposlU Tort Star Eloak. Peel, Orange Peel, Seeded Raisins, thinks its depth rivalled the Nero Deep, QST1 Seedless Raisins, Currents, Nuts, so if you have any imagination at all 0 Life Ax Tel. White 2362. etc Betetaniaand Emma Streets. ' you can guess about what kind oc Phone 2312 Blue. spread it was." The vessel has lay-ov-er Hardware Co,, Ltd. passengers for this port: Miss F. S. Cozad, Miss Gertrude Cozad, Dr. A. W. Parsons, Wata-nab- MILLINERY PARLORS. General Hardware, Tinware, Dr. F. S. TinthDff, K. e Kitchen Utensils. Paints and Oils, and servant. Glass and Crockeryware- - The following are through passen- vjcrt zorr. trices gers on the vessel: Mrs. L. P. Drexler, Fire Mrs. Cressman announces the 89 K. King. Phone Main WJ. P. C Box 609. E. Goldberg, Mr. Mrs. Cap-tai- n darine removal of the WONDER from and Greben, Beretania St. to her new qnaters on F. Hanford, U. S. N.; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Achi & Co. C. H. Hyde, on fort St oppo. Convent where H. Komada, Lt J. L. Lati- olnairrtv mer, U. S. N.; Miss J. McCuIlom, the ladies will find a larce and fine REAL, ESTATE DEALERS. Robert Muir, Pin-eho- t, stock: ol millinery, trimmed, hats. HOUSES TO RENT, J. Nishiura, Giftord Hard Times, is it? etc. at reauced prices. Etc., Etc, Etc George D. Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Offie corner King and Maunakea. D. L. Smith, Mrs. Thomas, Rev. Well, 2bone Main 123. Swami Trigunatita, Mark Winchester, Counter's is the place you are Mr. and Mrs. Tey Yum Yick. In Speniiag ANY WOMAN OR GIRL NEEDINQ Money looking 13 New Wharves Being !( KIDNEYS for to buy your help or advice, Invited to communi for Chri.itma, if Used. WEfi cate, either In person or by letter, with you want to get The new Bishop Estate wharves were M. Underhlll, aomething , "VThen you have pains In the back and Ensign Nora matron of will be mostthatnry put m use yesterday. The schooner Holiday the Salvation Army Woman's Indus are unable to sleep, your kidneys are Presents. trial Home, Young street, between Ar lonW hare the Fx,,rt feic ?n A1ha from San Franci-c- o berthed there weak. Heed these danger signals by If. ton Block, front of Young look S. giving nP-toi"- ? tesian and McCully streets, mauk yonr Buiidin? after and the bark C. Allen was hauled nature the aid she requires. The Wa?ch 'tock of Jewelry', teeth. They hare the largest and mott best medicine to do is side, Honolulu. 60Sf complete Dental office in the city throne-ou- t over from the lumber wharf to dis- this Hostetters Silverware, Clocks, to chooVe with fiud Stomach Bitters. Try etc. the lateit appliance known o science charge general cargo at that point. it for INDIGES- TION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, V-t- t . . . LTVER Ainucj ii.iu6 prices again Open lor Business. PASTURAGE. AND KIDNEY TROUBLES. right and the goads as repre-- , Lightboats on Dastracttoa Island. OR MALARIA. Our PRIVATE DIE sented. The government will build a light- STAMP is over tha neck of the bottle. RIVER MILL CO., Pauahl street near GOOD PASTURAGE CAN BE HAD you na uuuaers, aiso house on Destruction Island, an espe-cia- llj River, Contractors for a limited number of horses. Apply HOSTETTER'S House Material and Furniture, orders dangerous point on the coast be- promptly attended to. to tween Gray's Harbor and Cape 988. 3W STOMACH M. . Tel. Blae M. P. O. Box J. A. OILMAN. BITTERS R. (2ountesv 1142 Fort Stre9t,LoTe Block.

v THE ODD PENNIES. For the sake of saving odd 'SUMNER pennies do not buy an inferior 1 : emulsion of cod-liv- er oil when you really need Scott's Emul CASE IS J. Clarke, 1st. " J. Marcallino, c. f. A. Marcallinp, 2d. R. Pearson, p. Blackman, 3d. sion. "S 'Scott's Emulsion costs more 01 TRIAL to buy because it costs more "4 make. to (Continued from Page S.)

. difference The in price is Objections were made to their being filed but the court allowed them. Mr. pennies. . The difference in Thompson contended that diligence results is pounds pounds of had been shown in securing the testi- ' mony of the Ellises and in any event flesh and days of new it ill hppflma nnnftointr nnnncol te maliA strength and comfort. such an accusation when they had been seeking to delay the trial, by ir- The consumptive and others relevant pleadings. He said further that the main issue had not been have-lo- who st, flesh get more touched upon, the affidavit regarding Bishop Gulstan. His evidence, it was cod-liv- er oil into their systems argued, was needed, and the trial of by means of Scott's Emulsion until he could appear. than in any other way. Mr. Magoon replied that a deposition might be the Bishop's home, Send for Free Sample. ; '' taken at and that it was not likely that he SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N Y. would ever be able to appear in court m any event. suggested . THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. He that the . f : 1 ccust? yruueeu as lur its possiuie, aim UKASES- i .. THERAPION. Sl1. if a was to continuance then shown be titerfy, vweii in the Continental Hospital! by Ricord, "4" rA iKosfcin, Jobert, Velpeuu, and others, combines nil inevitable he would make no objection. the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Judge De Bolt stated that he recog- - (THERAPION NO. I maintains its world-Tenowin- nized condition of the Bishop 4 and reputation for derange-nitnt- s that the of the kidneys, paiiu in the back, and was the gravest question and this kindred ailments, affording prompt relief where well-trie- d "My per- other remedies have been powerless. ' '"- must first be settled. view t THERAPION NO. for impurity of the blood, f. -- ' ' 2 1 ( - i sonally," court, to wait scurvy, pimples, spots, blotches, pains and swelling I .. : i said the "is . !' of joints, gout, rheumatism, & ail diseases for which until the Bishop is able to testify, and it has been too much a fashion to employ mercury, Li' sarsaparilla &c , to the destruction of sufferers' I cannot see how we can . Drooeed teeth ; -- and ruin of health. This preparation purifies the 1 -- - whole system through the blood, and thoroughly 7-'- ! y. j -4 i otherwise, and I think the best thing eliminates all poisonous matter from the bod v. ,fr- would be to postpone the hearing. 'Why THERAPION NO 3 for exhaustion, sleep, lesxnwu, and all distressing consequences of counsel for Mr. Sumner, in view of dissipation, worry, overwork, &.c. It possesses surprising power in restoring strength and vigor to the Bishop's inability to testify, still those suffering from the enervating. influences of insist on proceding with the case I do !on iosidence 111 hot, unhealthy climates. - THERAPION sold by the principal ' - not understand. Still Mr. Sumner is CheuiwU and Merchants throughout the m .A a world .; - -- z-- Price in .England, 2s. yd; -- S r hearing. for and is. Cd. In order' UmV ?z?f entitled to a The motion lug state which of tho three numbers is rc quired, and observe that the word "Thekapion a continuance is overruled; too much n appear on the British Government . 7 V has-bee- Stamp (irt : - Ed.. Desha, r. f. G. Desha, 1. f. B. Clarke, Capt. It. McCorriston, c. . time wasted already; thes white letters on a red ground) affixed to every S ' ' genuine package by order of His Majesty's Hon side Issues were uncalled for and un- , . BASEBALL Commissioners, and without which . INDOOR CHAMPIONS. HM a forgery.' (!) dignified and only delayed the trial. Hawaiian Opera House The plaintiffs "attorney stated that1, BASEBALL INDOOR BASEBALL SEASON POLO MEN he was ready to proceed if the court ordered and would present the cas as com- Tuesday Evening, December 30 best he could. The : trial was ' FANS WANT IS MARKED BY MAY HAVE menced then by the reading of the . At 8 o'clock. FINE PLAY complaint, in which the Bishop asked to resign. Certain parts relating NEW PARK CLUBHOUSE leave ( tc the fact that there had been a trust, deed were admitted as evidence, over Kilohana Art League Dramatic Circle Jf enthusiasm counts there is before Men Get Into With Many plans which are being consid-ere- d the objection of the Ellis interests. It Honolulu sport lovers a season of gqod Young the Game Energy for the future of the polo game, Will present" the;' following one act ted this to be a fact, The trust deed plays ' - games and Increased interest in the will make for the growth of the sport, and musical number: ' and Show the Greatest Interest waj? also admitted In .evidence, also In the way players Interested contests. There is no exception to this of and a paragraph setting out the Bishop's aa well...... a. I j 1 V A "ln Honor Bound'' rule as against either sport on the list, Jn Sport. ' onlookers aesire to resign., utot hu.vi uua iuw . but baseball men may be said It is understood that there may be was objection, it being contended that Tell Me Pretty Maiden From tohave the Bishop could not., resign without. ' 1 r. i a litlle the best of the argument when erected beside the Moanalua field a ' court and testifying that : "Florodora" it comes to making the best bid for the club house, and tables for the accom- appearing in support people. They modation of the horses, and the entire and of the are not The close of the T. M. C. A. indoor j for the quality of ball played by the contended also that the complaint la "My Turn Next" behind any others In getting ready and baseball season found the Diamond team. As a whole the team is fast equipment be placed at the disposal of the case could not be considered as ev- n " the prospect is that there will be the Heads heading the list and winners of Presses some of the best batters j the local ciub.. This would mean that idence. J:' - of the League. Several stars have would be an opportunity for Mr. Magoon argued that th mer finest series that has been seen foe the shield presented by the T. II. j there Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75 cents and 50 X . been developed In the Crescents. Dunn, resignation of a trustee was sufficient ' - j many young get game, ' many years. A.. men to Into the CentS..: u i. ; : - : C. . I Taylor, Johnson, and Cheatem, showing to make the resignation take effect, The prospects for the finding of a Indoor baseball come to stay as up to good advantage. who are now debarred by the expense 4 has and that the Bishop having signified Seats on sale at Wall, Nichols Co., park for the games of the League ar0 games will demonstrate At The Intermediates, although at the of training and keeping their horses, mis1-- tntAnHAn Via a a a nnw frAA Nft Ltd. the last good people interested say an(j bottom of the list, are by no, means as and the interest would be much greater evidence was introduced' by the plain- and the almost . every game the gallery ' bad as their standing will show. Twice excepting contained In the ad- AT THE they will not give up until they have other points of. vantage from where with added players. tiff that they succeeded in defeating the Cres- - allegations of the complaint, ground so pa- - The members of the local organiza- mitted an enclosed that their che game may be watched, have been) V. 1 a , - 1 A UA i emu uau lit- uuae au, witnesses will probably be called i j uul uic tion showed enthusiasm when but trons may have comfortable seats and packed to standing room only. Ivituls would have rested on theirv this morning. The plaintiff is In a they chose officers and considered 8 FIRST GLASS ENTERTAINMENT be enabled to witness, the game with- The following table will show the" other shoulders. The boys played in their peculiar position. , The Bishop ha no pl-- teams: in- n standing of the different out standing in the sun. The hard luck and deserve just credit for the accounts and conditions of the last concern in any of the . questions BY THE games up. to make use of Kapiolani park track G. P. W. L. Pctge. the plucky they always put tournament on Tuesday evening. The volved In the cajsand is willing to The Diamond Heads owe their vic- to dlsposi-tlo- n Palama Dramatic Co. for the games is being received with Diamond Heads .. 6 4 2 66S selection of "W. F. Dillingham for pres quit, without reference the 2 666 tory ' Crescents . .. 6 4 to the fact that in Pearson they to b made of the estate. Th - . - FOB favor. With sufficient patrols there ideut takes from the captaincy a man Intermediates . 6 2 4 333 pitcher League. could be kept out of the grounds all have the best in the who has done much for the game and defendants are engaged m a war is second disposi- ONE NIGHT ONLY who would not pay the price of ad- This left the Crescents and Diamond This the Diamond Heads' who ia looked to to make the next among themselves as to what year game, being run- - $48,000 now f mission and by placing the .backstop Heads tie for the championship and at the they the season play full of interest by his hard tion should be made of the Grand production of a series of inter- up during year's season. esting incidents in HAWAIIAN DANC- at the judges' stand and batting in the another game was played to decide :iere last work and example before the other in the hands of the court Davis, ING,, C. 1902 champions would be. A To Mr. Toung, T. 11. C. A. phys- Sumner, Humphreys,, adapted . for the stage by H. direction of Diamond Head, the pres- who the the players. The placing of S. E. Damon who appeared for Ulukou, manager. .. , Ma- ent grandstand could be used to ad- very Interesting game was played in ical director, the League owes the as captain Is a move which will im who represents the Ellises and Saturday, December 27. vantage, as it would give spectators a which the Diamond Heads came out success of the season, he having, work- part interest to the play, as perhaps goon, who appears for the Davlses, are The following Hawaiian dances will field, from over first victorious, winning the game by the ed hard to see the games through, even in conflict as to the disposition which, be given: Alaapapa, Pahu, TJliuli, Puili, view of all the none here knowthe game as well, ' 18 17. playing fill up a vacancy money. Hum- - T ; score of to himself, to should be made of the 111, Kui, Ohelo, Paiumauma. base. . and certainly none are more willing to To Crescents much credit is due In the Intermediates. phreys trust still , And Dandy Ioane, the Dude with his This plan will be discussed and prob- the make sacrifices for it. contends that the Hula Girls. ably settled at the meeting which will t exists and the $48,000 is subject to the open 1. Box plan will be at the Orpbeum 5th. are provisions in the will making the EE on Tuesday, can be had; be held on January There Boxers Want a Chance. when tickets beneficiaries. Magoop. several sites which may be considered "Jimmy" Neill and "Billy" Downey, lis children the trust deed was can- as well, but it takes time to make a two friends of Sid Boyd, arrived in the claims that the by and himself the day good field and this would be impossible Sierra from San Francisco, and are celled Sumner Bishop. Davis ap- if the full schedule which is contem- open to fistic engagements at their they visited the year. I pearing for Sumner, contends that the plated is to be offered this It New season weights. Neill carries about 125 begin In trust deed has nothing to do with the Is thought the season will i pounds and Downey a pound or two p $48,000, having been released from April, and two games be offered on 'more. Neither of the men have rec it sny through each Saturday. ords as yet, but hope to establish them provisionsf of the trust n agreement between Sumner, Mrs. There are some new men who will mese l e in Honolulu. Neill recently fought an i year Davis and the Ellis children, by which EEDED be seen on the diamond this and with Eddie Toy for six rounds ftnd was old man was to receive the whole there are coming into the city almost A Very Choice Quality defeated. Downey has no scalps at the sum in consideration of the payment weekly men. who have had experience his belt thus far. Both are said by uni- Received by of $10,000 to each of them. Curiously elsewhere, and may be found in Sid Boyd to be clever boxers. ?ncugh parties most in form during the summer. M .1 the at interest the suit, have now apparently the-leas-t HAWAl'AN LODGE NO. 21. concern in its outcome. The HO Match.. .nRDc nlSTAKr, Association Football & A. plaintiff. Bishop Gulstan, lies on his F. M. bed, no longer The second league match of the sea-- death concerned with afternoon on earthly affairs. John K. Sumner, the vem sen will be played this man whose money is at stake, appears the Makiki grounds at 4 o'clock, be- in court daily during the various hear- tween the Honolulus and the Pacifies. Put up in handsome lacquered boxes and THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL ing?, but he simply follows the . pro- meeting of Lodge No. 2L ceedings with smile. He A, The line-u- p of the teams is as follows: 1 1 Hawaiian an amused N. Sanford, tins. Sizes, lb lb , lb. F. & A. M., at Its hall, Masonic Tem- has about given up hope of getting out HONOLULUS. ple, corner of Hotel and Alakea streets. of the hands of the lawyers and. is en- Manufacturing: Optician, quality THIS SATURDAY, Dec. 27, at 7:30 p. m. joying himself as best he can, in Boston Bulletins. Fort Streat. Goal A. "A. C?ton. Also a fine of watching fight over money. Full backs W. H. Soper, Donnelly. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS. them his So far. it is admitted, the case of the Over May k. Co. Half backs H. Glass, Atkins, Hiltz. Members of Pacific Lodge, Lodge le Forwards Simpson, J. H, Catton, R. Progres, and all sojourning brethren plaintiff has not bten made out and un- n. Catton, J. L. Cockburn, Geo. Water- - Lichee Milts are fraternally invited to attend. less further evidence can be obtained trust deed is likely to house. By order of the TV. M. the stand. The PACIFICS. Large Stock of Chinese Fire Works for K. R. G. WALLACE, Suirtner and Davis interests agree New Year Secretary. that th proof is sufficient, and are Goal H. B. Sinclair. the willing to enter into a stipulation to NOTARY and CORPORATION Beard-nior- e. Full backs A. S. Guild, S. NOTICE ihot effect but to this the Ellis heirs make objection. The issues are very Chur-to- n. n Half backs Usborne, Stokes, Waity Bldg., King Street, Opposite Advertiser Office. much involved and' the-- , only thing which seems certain, U that in. any G. Black-ma- n, ALL kinds f certificates of stock, VA. Forwards J. Cattterall, L. . White 2746. way th case is ultimately decided Bookboi Wil-liaM- Phe bonds, etc., bought. 129 Hotel Street. C. P. Morse, F. Young. W. Address "R," Sumner will lost a ceedly partita f . this office. 1341 kis $,. H IL.

SI ' DECEMBER 27, 190 THE PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, . t & i Hi No Strength CRUZAN Oca I. Are yon easily tired? Is your work ncisco, a burden? Do you often feel weak and faint? Is your appetite poor? Are you easily discouraged? Then your blood '.4 your nerves are weak and GOES OUT SERVICES PATTOSIEN'S j impure. Sickness is not far away. Dig; Frnitur Exposition building Cor. 16tK and Mission Sts. f Hilo Notices for this charen column T- - Former Pastor must be in this office by 6 p. m. on Fridays. Otherwise the an- - nouncements will be run as the t RELIABILITY Leaves His week before. There is no charge AFFABILITY DESIRABILITY for these notices. . Church, PATTOSIEN'S CENTRAL. UNION CHURCH Rev PATTOSIEX'S PJiTTOSlEK'S William Klncaid, pastor. Sunday Good. Furniture Fair Treatment Your Money's Worth and More i school and Bible class, 9:50; public worship and sermon, 11; Y. P. S. C. E CON-GREGATIONALI- ST prayer meeting, 6:30; evening NO LONGER A servicer ' at 7:30; weekly prayer meeting,, Wed' Aii over me country these thoughts are associated with the name. Square dealing nesday, 7:30 p. m. has won this if nothing more. - .. We ask your confidence in the Furniture we oner, and shall prove worthy of it b' Mr. Frederick Pevigne, of Claremont, Cape ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. '',., Colony,llsi(JSouth Africa, sends bis photograph the values we shall render 3ou. . . Right Rev. H. B. Restarick, Bishop and this letter: Note. If you cannot visit our store, write us f-- catalogues, photos, prices or general information. " My blood often becomes impure, causing Mr. Cruzan Will Probably Enter and Dean. Rev.. Canons Kitcat and eruptions on the skin, and my general system Mackintosh. Sunday, December 28, prices below are gets all run down, causing indigestion and Sunday Christmas; 7 a. m.. The few illustrations and t: great debility. But I take Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Unitarian Ministry Some First after merely given as a stimulating suggestion i which quickly brings me out of my troubles. Celebration of Holy Communion; 10 a, For all those who are debilitated and m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., Morning weakened- - by the long, hot summers of our Past Experiences. country, there is no remedy equal to this Prayer, Choral, with sermon by Bishop 49. (4 (rand family medicine.". Restarick. Processional hymn Te ; Gar- :'?f; Deum, Vogrich in F, Jubilate deo, The says: rett in F. Hymns 58 and 5L Recessional I 60. 7:30 p. m., Evensong, A. Cruzan S3 no longer In ac- hymn Choral, Rev. J. with sermon by Canon Kitcat. Magni- If- cord wth the belief of the orthodox ficat and Nunc Dimmittis to chants. Processional, 49. Hymns 58, 51 and 54. I Congregational churches. He 6tated Y-- Recessional 60. IRON BED with .ass top rod, IRON BED with brass knobs, a'-- strength to any bed DrxiKG TABLE made of solid oat, finished arsapariila addressed to brass spindels d .knobs; sizes equal in the same in a letter the 3 ft, 3 ft 6 in, ana 4 ft 6 in. Price made. Price golden extendes to 6 feet, top is 42 inchei $2.90 when closed. Price There are many imitation " Sarsaparillaa.' Bay Association of Congregational ST. CLEMENT'S CHURCH. Puna- 5.60 $5.2S sure you a. hou. Rev. John Usborne, Rector. . ue get Ayer Churches and Ministers, which met at Morning prayer every Sunday, 11 a. . Always keep your bowels in good condition holy Sunday morning, with Ayer's Pills. They are purely vegetable, Berkeley this week. In consequence in.; communion acton the liver, and cure constipation, bilious-Bes- s, 7 a. m.; first Sunday of the month, 11 4 lick headache, and all liver troubles. of thiis change of belief, or loss of faith, a. m.; evensong, 7:30 p. m.; Sunday 9:45 m. Prepared by Dr. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mus., U.S.A. school, a. J. 4 or repudiation of creeds, the former All seats are free and strangers are welcome. The Punahou electric cars BOZXJSTKR DRUG CO-- Zsafa. Congregational minister asked to have pass the door. his name stricken from the roll of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Alakea St, association. The request was granted, THREE-PIEC- E near King. E. S. Muckley, Pastor. PARLOR SUIT, frame is made of Eastern PATENT KITCHEN TABLE, has two kins, two drawers, birch finished mahogany color; seats are upholstered as two kneading boards. Price The and the registrar and committee on cre- Residence, 1244 wilder avenue. Tele- vof order, either in velour or tapestry. Write for $2.68 phone Blue 1671. sample covering. Price of suit This table with sliding top to extend four feet, extra dentials we,re instructed to commun- $I3.SO $I.OO New England icate "with Mr. Cruzan and announce SLOAN MISSION. Of Christian Our Carpet Department to him that Ms request had been offic- Church, Corner Kawalahao street and Ward avenue. . "An house of prayer for Now occupies over 15,000 square feet of floor space Bakery' ially complied with. all nations." Sunday services Bible and is full of bargains in all possible styles school 3:00 p. m., preaching 7:30 p. m. and varieties. It has been known for some time You'll like our patterns, too. Is loaded up with Tou are invited. "Whosoever will Samples sent free. among people Con- may come." A. O. Hushaw, Supt. . church of both the Sanford's Brussels Carpets, per yard 70c, 60c, 55c gregational and Unitarian denomina- All-wo- ol Ingrains, per yard. 65c CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL, Wool-fille- ROMAN d Ingrains, per yard...... 45c GOOD THINGS tions that the minister was seriously the Bishop of Panopolis. Low masses, holy communion, and 7; children's Heavy Columbia Ingrains, per yard.. ..30c severing t Wilton Velvet Carpets, per $ 1 $ 1 95c for Christmas. . contemplating his connections mass with English sermon, 9; high yard .50, .25, Ready-mad- e Carpet Rugs, velvets, Brussels Congregational church, mass, with native sermon, 10:30; rosa- in with the and ry, with native instruction, 2; solemn and axminsters 6x9. ..$10.25, $8.75, $7.75 that affiliation, with the Unitarian body vespers and benedictions,' 8; week days, 3x11.6 ...$21.50, $15.50, $M.25 low mass, 6 and 7. Sanford's Brussels Rugs x 12 i3.75 probably follow immediately. 9 ' Cake?, all sizes, prices and styles, would It Bromley's Smyrna Rugs 9s 12...... -- ...$17.50 7.6x10.6 i Pies, just like your mother used to was simply a matter of waiting for an : ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH 6 x 9 , $ 1 0.25 High grade DINING CHAIR DINING CHAIR to match make. opportune time. At Kalihiwaena. , of Novelty Art Rugs 9 x 12 Jy ; $6.75 fine polished oak; has TABLE, strongly con- Cookies, Macaroons, Lady Fing- For over thirty years the clergyman leather seat. This beautiful structed, well braced, 99 $5.85 chair, $1.90 has cane seat. Price ers, Cream Puffs, and all the dainty has worked with the Congregational-Ist- s THE REORGANIZED CHURCH OF $4.75 A&sc to Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 9x6...... Chair match, $4.28 85 cts. styles suitable for Xmas. as pastor and church-orga- n editor. Mililani Hall (rear of the Opera House) OUR CURTAIN DEPARTMENT, is brim full of Novelties at lowest prices. Curtains sent on Tons of Pare Candy from cheap It will be remembered that he was for 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m., approval. Money satisfactory. p. back in all cases where goods are not grade for children up to better a period in charge of the Pacific, which Hawaiian service. 6:30 m., Zion's grades. For 40c we Religlo and Literary Society's meeting. it can famish later, under the editorship of Rev. Dr. 7:30 p. m., preaching, English service. 3i you a box of Delicious Candies Thompson charged him with overbroad worth a elsewhere. ris and wife, anl Ensign Mattbis, in en, superintendent. Prayer meeting, dollar religious views. In October, 1897, Mr. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH charge. Wednesday, 7:30. Cruzan, in an interview published in the Corner Beretania and Miller streets. Holiness meeting:, il a. m.; Sunday 3 p. 4 Chronicle, refuted charges made Rev. G. L. Pearson, pastor. School, m.; Bible Class, p. m.; the Weekly Services Sundays, public Salvation meeting, 8 p. m., also meet- Large Stock Xmas Tree Orna- then by the Occident, stating that he worship and sermon, 11 a. m. and 8:30 ings every night during the week ex- IT IS DIFFERENT NOW. held to the great fundamental truths p. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. m.; Ep-wor- th cept Friday in the ' Army Hall, corner Once upon a time students of ments Cheap. League devotional service, 6:30 Book of the Christian religion. He emphat- King and Nuuanu streets. Captain I. medicine held the notion Sale p. m. Wednesday, prayer meeting, 7:30 F. Hutchinson, that ically declared God; Monthly Meetings Monday, 2:30 Lieutenants Hutchinson there were as many his belief in in First and Gordon in charge. All are cor- different p. m.. Woman's Home Missionary So- diseases as the bodj has organs Jesus Christ as the manifestation, the ciety; 7:30 p. m., League busi- dially Invited. Don't . Forget Epworth Book revelation of God to the world; in the ness meeting; first Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., and parts; every one of these Sale MAKIKI On New England Bakery. Trinity, the three-fol- d revelation of Methodist Men's Club; third Friday, CHAPEL Kinau street. ailments requiring a different 2:30 p. m., Ladies' Aid Society. Preaching service, 8 a. m. God as the Father, the Son, and the treatment. So stupid a mistake DOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOCXX) Holy Spirit. Of course, some inseeing CHINESE CHURCH (Congregation- could lead only to miserable fail- ST. PETER'S CHAPEL. (Chinese al) One Week Longer church members might even then have Congregation.) Rev. Edward W. Thwing, acting ures. For the fact is, the body Emma St. Rev. Kong pastor. Sunday school, 9:30; preaching is a single machine; and what understood the trend in this to be Yin Tet, in charge. service, 11; Sunday school in English, AT Morning prayer every Sunday 11 concerns one part Unitarian, but Mr. Cruzan did not feel at 2:30; evening service, 7:30; Wednesday, of it concerns, Elegant Store a. m. Evensong at 7:30 p. m. Wednes prayer meeting, 7:30. more or less closely, all the himself evidently at time the day, 7 p. m. Holy communion Sun- that first rest. Thus we see how it hap- same pronounced convictions against day of the month at 7 a. m. and on third JAPANESE (Congrega- 12 10 CHURCH pens for Sunday at m. Sunday school at Oku-mur- that one remedy, or mode Rent tional) T. a, orthodoxy, which he now expresses in a, m. ' Nuuanu street. Rev. pastor. Sunday school, 10; of treatment, may relieve and his request to break the bond of fellow- morning service, 11; In the new Levers & Cooke evening service, cure a variety of complaints,-o- r All the VERY LATEST publish- ship that united him to the Congrega- ST. AUGUSTINE CHAPEL (Roman 7:31; Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30. building on King Street. Catholic), Waikiki. Every Sunday of what may appear like a variety, ed books included in this sale. Ij tional Association. Nor did the de- the year at 8:30 a. m., holy mass with CHURCH but are really various forms you want Floor capacity about 16,000 sq OF THE SACRED or to save 10 per cent go to nomination as a whole interpret his sermon; at 3 p. m., Sunday School, ro Heart. Marquesville, Punahou. outcominars of same cansn ' eat, including sary-.- the the three stories and a meaning as so liberal as to demand his Take, for example, Anemia, Scro- - well lighted basement. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF 1 T A - Til 1 ri . resignation from the ministry. He Latter-Da- y roveny 01 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES Saints (Mormon Church) xuia, .Diooa, uenerai Golden Rule Bazaar Supplied with Otis electric ele- was at the same time installed as pas- Regular services, Sunday,. 11 a. m.; Punchbowl street. Sunday services: Debility, Influenza, Throat and 10 a, vator and a large packing and ship- tor of the Berkeley Congregational Wednesday. 7:30 r. m. Place of met Sunday school at m.; regular ser Lung Diseases, etc.--a formidable Ing, No. 1095 vice, preaching, at 11:30 a. m.; Young ping room in rear, which is accessi-tl- e Alakea street, corner of array indeed to Church and later given as a charge the tioiei street. People's Mutual Improvement Associa- they look be; yet S3 from Merchant Street. First Foreign Church in Hilo, Hawaii- tion, at 7 p. m.; primary meeting, for WAMPOLE'S Hotel children, Friday at 3 p. m.; Relief So- PREPARATION Situated opposite the new Young an Islands. He served that church for GERMAN LUTHERAN CHURCH ciety meeting at 10 a. m., on Saturday. quickly abates worst of Rev. Mr. Felmy, 1032 the such building with the electric car pass- four years, evidently with satisfaction pastor; King All are respectfully Invited to attend cases, and absolutely cures many es. FORJJALE. ing by street. our meetings and examine our doe-trln- the door, it is one of the to the denomination and the congre- 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., serv to all; no which have been abandoned as most desirable Free contributions; business locations gation with, which he was affiliated. It ice. services In Hawaiian. Elder Wm. M. hopeless. The reasons are: its One Mill with cane LU-therlsc- and trash DEUTSCHE EVANGELISCH he in Honolulu Apply to was only his resignation that severed Waddaups, In charge. power over digestive as- Klrche. Pastor Felmy, 1032 the and carriers complete, of the following di- the pastoral relations at Hilo, as his King street. 10 TJhr, Klndergottes- - JAPANESE M. E. CHURCH. Q. similating process, its action in mensions: resignation and statement of belief dienst; 11 TJhr, Gottesdienst Metokawa, pastor. Sunday school, 10; expelling impurities from the One Mill, 26"x54", lowers & Cooke Ltd morning service, 11; evening built by have now severed the tie binding him service, blood, and its consequent abili- Tait & "Watson, Glasgow, THE SALVATION ARMY 7:45; class meeting, 8:30r prayer meet- with engine, i Fort Street. to Congregationalism. Corner ty to vitalize and rebuild the or ning ana jxuuanu sts. Major Har ing, Wednesday, 8. Services at Kukui built by same Arm. street, near St. Louis College. whole structure. It is palatable One as honey Mill, 30"x60", built by and contains the nutri- Honolulu Iron :ooooooooooooooooo KAWAIAHAO CHURCH Tlfv TT tive and curative properties Works, with Putnam H. Parker, Pastor. Sunday 10; of Engine, WX36". school. Pure Cod Liver Oil, morning service, 11 ; evening service, combined The above machinery Union Oil Co. 7:50; preaching in English by Rev. with the Compound Syrup of Is guaranteed In H. H. Parker; Christian Endeavor, Hypophosphites first class order, (almost as good as 6:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, and the Extracts new), of California 7:3t. of Malt and Wild Cherry. It was will be sold at a barealn. in PENIEL MISSION. Meetings are not dreamed out, or discovered whole or in part to suit purchaser. held corner Fort and Hotel streets by accident; it was studied out, Apply every night of the week. Sun- on the solid principles of PAAUHATJ SUGAR PLANTATION day morning 10 applied Fuol Oils at o'clock Bible study; medical science. is COMPANY, Office of Sunday afternoon at 2:30. holiness It precisely Hawaiian department, meeting; wharf meeting at the foot of what it is said to be, and has Or 9 6346 room 307, Stangenwald Bldg. Nuuanu street at o'clock every Sun- won the confidence "WM. O TTTWTM. w,jp day morning. of the public ' ' rnv. C. C. PERKINS, Supt. on that basis. Dr. Thos. Hunt Stucky says: "The continued HOUSES MOVED Main office Mills Bldg, San YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN Asso use ciation Hotel and Alakea street, Hen- of it in my practice, convin- HOUSES RAISED Francisco. ry C. Brown, general seeretary. ces me that it is the most pala- JNO. BAKER, Jr., Mgr. rne 4 o'ciock meeting will be ad table, leaBt HOUSES REPAIRED dressed by Mr. T. Thomas Fortune; nauseating, and best "Self-respe- preparation subject, ct now on the market." NEW HOUSES BUILT NOTICE OP LOST CERTIFICATE. and Its Basis." Every Christian workers preparation serv dose effective. "You can- Stores and Offices Repaired. ice, 99:30; service at Oahu nrison. 11 not be disappointed in it." Sold 12: men's meeting with address by by all chemists NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT some popular Bpeaker 4. the world over. certificate No. 1748 for 150 shares of the at capital stock of McBryde Sugar Co., RTSTTfYP XT V:Tr"RT AT. OTT A "DTT'T TT Ltd., standing on the books of the said mehameha Schools; Dr. W. B. Elkin. Contractor and Bailfler Company in the name of E. H. Wode- - chaplain. Sunday morning service at New house, has been lost, and transfer of 11 o'clock. Alumni and friends cordially Year s Ball Office 1048 Alakea street, the same on the books of the said invited. Given by between King and Hotel. Company has been stopped. All per- A TYirt7-VTTTc;.- Phone sons are warned against negotiating, SEVRNT.TIAV Pacific Retekah Lodgi No. Blue 1801. purchasing or dealing with said cer- CHAPEL Saturday, Sabbath school "at U Said shares are transferable 10 a. m.: Dreachine at 11 a m Wed !. 0. F. tificate. nesday, prayer and missionary meet 0. C. Q. YEE HOP only by endorsement on said certificate :dy p. m. & CO. Is- ing at All are welcome. J. AT and surrender of the same and the H. Behrens, pastor. , sue of a new certificate. No title will KAHIKINUI pass to the finder of said certificate. PORTUGUESE EVA Vf!RTTriT p"ogross Moll HEAT HARKET found? should be de- Wednesday evening, anu urocery. Said certificate if Church Corner of Miller and Puneh-bo- wl Dec. 31, 1902. , TT" . undersigned. ) streets A. V ?rnrto' : , livered to the REV. J. A. CRUZAN. ' Rv ' ' La.o LUI . dancing at &30. E. II. WODEHOUSE. - : o cic xa a.. III. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. TS3, Honolulu. land 7:S0 p. m.; SunoT;-- - school, 2:3e p Ticketa to te had at 6343 P. O. Box xn., the door or from Beretania Street, corner ''Z conducted In Er.g'ich- TV. A. Bow- - any of the members. Alaka. Phone Blue 3511. ti

AV THE PACIHC COMMERCIAL! ADVERTISER, HONOLULU, DECEMBER 27, xgoa. 15 THE BISHOP & CO.. BANKERS i Bank of Hawaii ESTABLISHED EST BURLEY WILL 1858. There is Happiness Wm,G,IrwinMo. LIMITED. . in Vigorous Health Banking Department. fceorporftted tinder the Lawi of the Don't you want to . feel the LIMITED. Territory 01 tuwau. Transact business in all departments new-bor-n of COflflE HERE glow of life in your banking. blood and nerves, to feel the Collections carefully attended to. Pall-U- p Cajital . . $600,00" bubbling spirit of youth again? Exchange bought and sold. Don't you want to have a strong Scrtlos , . , . 200.000 heart, courage, nerves of steel, ce, UBdiYidcd Profits . . 35,000 strength, ambi- Commercial and Travelers Letters of G. P. A. of the Oregon tion, energy, grit and endu- Credit issued on the Bank of California rance? Don't you want to be and N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London. rid of the "come and go" pains, Have in Stock and AND DIRECTORS. Correspondents: The Califor- Short Line Railway the Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, OFFICERS Bank of Varicocele, Weak Claries M. uootce .President nia, Commercial Banking Co. of Syd- Back and the ney, Ltd., many other troubles that make OHor for Sale h f, c. Jones ...Vice President London. to Investigate. life miserable? Then try C. H. Cooke Cashier C. Atherton...... Assistant Cashier J. ' Dr, Imm McLaughlin's Electric Belt Waterhouse. F. w. Macsarlane, Drafts and cable transfers on China j tL J B. T Siy .in .1 minimi , j, p. Tenney, J. A. McCazgten and and Japan through the Hongkong and u.T j. , nuriey, general passenger ij,r C H. Atherton. Shanghai Banking Corporation and It gives lasting strength. Its Chartered agent of the Oregon Short Line rail cures are permanent, forever. Bank of India, Australia and mag- China, . road, clubman, and society man of Salt Its touch is the touch of Commercial and Savings De- netism: It rrpfltpj n o wen VfriAr1 partments. Lake City, Utah, will make a visit to body new life, strength, energy, courage, happiness and long life. It is v Interest allowed on term deposits at Nature's Greatest Restorer, applied gently while you sleep. It will following Honolulu in February r March. Mr. transform your weakened, pain-rack- ed body into a paradise of ROOFING the rates per annum, viz: you health. to all Seven days' notice, 2 per cent. Burley one Try it, weak, debilitated man, you poor, weary and disheartened BUILDING Strict attention given at is of the best known rail woman; blood PAPER Three months, 3 per cent. feel the life warming your heart, the fire in your blood of Banking. at men west, and the eteel in your nerves. cure you. PRESERVATIVE PAINT. branches Six months, at 3 per cent road in the and when he Let it Twelve months, at 4 per cent was with the Union Pacific a few years THE BEST ARGUMENT WHICH CAN BE OFFERED IN PRAISE BOILER AND STACK PAINT Fort Street Trust Department. ago as general agent for the Utah and OF A CURATIVE REMEDY IS THE WORD OF ONE WHO HAS INSULATING COMPOUND Idaho Division, BRIDGE AND ROOF PAINT Act as trustees under mortgages. he had a record for TRIED IT AND SAYS, CURED 50,000 Manage "IT ME." HERE IS ONE OF THE FIRST estates, real and personal. attracting passenger traffic to his line. Collect rents and dividends. AND THE EVIDENCE OF THE OTHERS IS ON FILE AT MY OF- valuable papers, will3, bond3, etc., Since his connection with the Short FICE FOR ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED. received for safe keeping. LSne he has done much to Increase iiMpiiin Accountant Department. FREE TEST I will be glad to give you a free test if you will call. Or REFINED SUGARS, traffic from the East to the West you my EAWAH, LTD. I will send little book, with full information, sealed, free, Cube and Granulated. 07 Auditors for corporations and pri Mr. Burley 's visit to the Islands is if you will aend this ad. vate firms. xjooKs on. to look over their possibilities as a win examined and reported 906 Market Street, PAINT OILS, CattaL S2SMM.H. Statements of affairs prepared. ter resort, and ascertain how travelers Dr. f.l. G. McLaughlin, San Francisco, California. Cecil Brown Trustees on bankrupt or insolvent es Luool and Linseed. t President can be attracted to Honolulu by way Vice-Presid- ent tates. 1L. P. Robinson Never sold by Agent or Drug Stores. Cashier ...W. O. Cooper Office, S24 Bethel street. of the Short Line. He will make a STEAM PIPF COVERING, Principal Corner Tort Offlt: anl 5avlngs Department. tour of the Islands and carry back In Reed's Section En treat MM MM MMM4MM-MMMMMMMMM- Patent Elastic Deposits received and interest allow formation enough to concisely present Covering. ed per cent per annum, ac at 4i in delights in AVTNG8 DEPOSITS received and cordance with rules ; and regulations, the of the Paradise the INDURINE. taterest allowed for yearly deposits at copies of 'which may be obtained on company's annual folder. Mr. Burley poooooocoooocooooooooooooo application. Water-pro- ef Cold Water Paint, the rat of VA per cent per annum. has long desired to make the trip, hut Inside and eutslde, in white and upon Rules and regulations furnished Insurance Department owing to the distance away from his colors. application. Agents for FIRE, MARINE, LIFE, business and the atxsence of cable com- FILTER PRESS CL0TE ACCIDENT and EMPLOYERS' LIA i BILITY INSURANCE COMPANIES. munication he was compelled to defer Linen and Jute. 1 Insurance office, 924 Bethel street the trip. CEMENT, LIME AND BRICK .MMttHii BssBsss&snaaea&BBsssssssBa BBsa EBB BBS WILCOX HAS A Subscribed Capital, Tea 24,000,000 E3 BB Fancy European Crockery, Cut a NEW WHOPPER Paid Up Capital, Yea H Agents for mm w ES m Glass, Genuine Vienna Statuary, WESTERN SUGAR REFINING CO., l8serT0d Fnnd, Ten 8,910,000 m SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lift m Tells Washington Reporter That Bric-a-Bra- c HEAD OFFICE: YOKOHAMA. ii ii He Was Bronze and Metal Goods ii u Swindled Out . i Interested Allowed. a El BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Om fixed deposit for 13 months, 4 per ii it of Election. Just to hand ex German Bark " Werra : PHILADELPHIA, PA. cent per annum. ii SSI tl n fl On fixed deposit for 6 months, 8 per a cent per nu H (Special to the Advertiser.) NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., an m EC manufacturers of National Cane On fixed deposit for S months, S per H IS. a ra WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. In Shredder, New York. cent per annum. a THE buys and receives for col- El an interview with the Post, printed The bank H lection Bills of Exchange, issues drafts Dec. 11, Delegate "Wilcox is reported as PARAFFINE PAINT COMPANY, of Credit, and transacts a g Standard Accident Co. 1 .and Letters . San Francisco, C&L general banking business. giving utterance to the following state- of the above goods open for inspection and Bala of Detboit, Michigan . ments about the Territory of Hawaii: at the store rooms of OHLANDT & CO., Branch t Yokohama Specie Bank Writes Personal Accident and H According to the testimony of Dele- New Republic building. Honolulu, H. T. San Francisco, Cai. Sickness Policies for Men and a gate Wilcox, Hawaii is In the clutches Women. Send for particulars. H H of a gigantic a of Clans Spreckels. Win. Q. Irwin. II trust combination H. Hackfeld & Co., Hawaiian Trust Col.- Ltd. H the sugar planters and the recent Clans Sprecfcelsfi Go., Bankers ii M . election helped to fasten its hold upon g General Agents for the Hawaiian A special opportunity for purchasers to select HONOLULU, H. T. - the Islands. ICS Islands. H ' H Christmas Presents. Liberal terms, moderate prices. AN FRANCISCO AGENTS THE a "The' Republicans turned some sharp NEVADA NATIONAL BANK OF Fire, Life, Accident Insu- - taa tricks upon the Home Rule party last OOOCOOOOOOCOOOOCOOC BAN FRANCISCO. ranci Surety, Bonds. ra ii November," said Mr. Wilcox yester- DRAW EXCHANGE ON ra Na- 92S FORT STREET. ra day, "and this enabled them to count BAN FRANCISCO The Nevada ra tional Bank of San Francisco. Tel; 184. a majority irt the election, but we will LONDON The Union Bank of London, U Main u Ltd. ca te on our guard next time, and there NEW YORK American Exchange Na- ess story to tional Bank. will be a different tell. We Bank. New Years Presents CHICAGO Merchants .National ESBCSS2 have a form of the Australian ballot Coffee PARIS Credit Lyonnals. ' BERLIN Dresdener Bank. in Hawaii, but it Is far from being per- HONGKONG AND YOKOHAMA fect. The Republicans were able to AT Hongkong and Shanghai Banking secretly secure a large number of bal- Corporation. - a Pound HEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA lots In of the election.- These 20c Bank of New Zealand. ' were marked for 'Prince Cupid' for Bank UMITHD -- AT 1 VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER nil in Delegate to Congress, and for the Re- America. of British North publican BBBBBBDD otticirs. . candidates for the Hawaiian Transact a General mm eicmiqg Business H. P. Baldwin. President legislature, and passed out to the em- Linen Doilies, Table The Kalilii Store Deposits Received, Loans made on J. B. Castle...... First Vice-Presid- ent ployes of the large sugar plantations. Scarfs, Center Pieces and improved Security, Commercial and W. M. Alexander.Second ent These employes were instructed to King Issued, Bills of Ex- J. Cook Treasurer Small Table Covers and Beckley Streets. ttavelers credits F. cast the marked ballots and return to change Bought and Sold. W. O-- Smith Secretary heavily embroidered in Chrysan- Phone White 3161 COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY Gorg R. Carter .Auditor their employers the official ballots ACCOUNTED FOR. handed them by the election clerks. themums, Birds and Vines. & It was threatened that any employe Castle Cooke, Ltd.. Sugar Factors who failed to bring back the unmarked HONOLULU. C.BRBWER&CO., official ballot, proof mark- LIMITED. as that the ed ballot had been cast, be sum- RICHEST STOCK OF Commission Merchants. Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I. Commission Merchants would ' marily dealt with. ' SUGAR FACTORS AGENTS FOR AGENTS I"03t "This scheme was . carried out so JAPANESE GOODS Hawaiian Agricultural Company, Ono-m- ea Hawaiian Commercial anA Bngar CoM quietly that ' the Home Rulers knew -A-GTCJTTS FOR Sugar Company. Sugar Company, Honomu Haiku Sugar nothing of election. in the city. China, Cloisonne The Ewa Plantation Co- - Company, Wailuku Sugar Company, Company, it until after the Paia Plantation Everybody and Satsuma The Waialua, Agricultural Co., LtL Makee Sugar Company, Ookala Sugar Nahiku Sugar Company, knows it and understands Wares, Japanese The Kohala Sugar Co. Plantation Company, , Haleakala Klhel Plantation Company, it now, however, and the people will bilks and Curios. The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch. Ear Man Sugar Company; register their disapproval of such The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Shipping Company, Company, am Planters Line, and Kahnlul Railroad methods when given another opportu- Mo. San Francisco Packets, Chas. Brewer A. and B. Line, The Standard OH Co. & Co.'s Line of Boston Packets. Edward May, nity at the polls. The November elec- Hotel Street Stor. The George F. Blake Steam Pump. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters. Smily T. Whitney, tion was by no means an expression Weston's Centrifugals. Agents for Philadelphia Board of Un- W. B. Flint of the will of the Hawaiian people." 178 Hotel St. Phone Main 197 The New England Mutual Life In derwriters. ' surance Co. of Boston. Standard Oil Company. The Aetna Fire Insurance Co. of , Fortune for the-- Y. M. C. A. Hartford, Conn. OFFICERS: Fire Insurance LIST OF A large audience is looked for at-Y- . The Alliance Assurance Co, of Lon- C. M. George E. don. Cooke, President; M. C. Afl Sunday 4 p. m. when Robertson, Manager; E. F. Bishop, THE B. F. DILLINGHAM C0MPANT LTD. Hall at meeting toe by T. Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. F. General Agents for Hawaii. the will addressed GREAT REDUCTION SALE WOMAN'S EXCHANGE Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jones, H. Water-hous-e, Thomas Fortune, who is here with a G. R. Carter, Directors. atlas Assurance Company of London. commission from the United States OP Hotel St., Arlington Annex. Phoenix Assurance Company of Lon- don. government. This is one of the few op- O-- New York Underwriters Agency. portunities to bear this most interest- A LMlGE CONSIGNMENT OF THf Providence "Washington Insurance goes on to the Phil- famous Java sleeping mats just arrived SHIODAGENCY OF Company. ing man before he "Self-- Christmas Goods ed for the Christmas trade, as well Company ippines. His subject will be ! Phoenix Insurance of Brook- as the best assortment of Hawaiian ECEI BANK, lyn. Respect and Its Basis." ALL KINDS HIN LTD ALBERT RAAS, Manager. and Samoan curios in the city. VINEYARD ST. tasnrance Department office Fourth To prevent croup, begin in time. The Stangenwald building. Telephne White 1811. Floor, first symptom is hoarseness; this is American and Japanese Toys E. R. BATH, Plumber by peculiar rough soon followed a i Banking and Ex- Ag-en- transacts General easily recognized and We are reducing prices to give our customers the bareainsofa for tbe Celebrated Douflas change Business. cough, which is uosei will never be forgotten by one who has lifetime HEAD OFFICE, TOKYO, JAPAN Located at 165 King St., Asti Wines heard it. . The time to act Is when the EXCHANGE ON FIRST Opposite Your Bldg. DRAW child first becomes hoarse. If Cham- YOKOHAMA. Best Table Wines in Use. Sold by RATIONAL BANK, Cough Remedy is freely given, . TELEPHONE MAIN all Liquor Dealers. berlain's all tendency to croup will soon disap- Corner of Nuuanu and Hotel Street? . ALL KINDS OF pear. Even after th croupy cough has The Silent Barbershop "Dr.Alden's Electric Belt" developed, it will prevent the attack. Rl Warranted genuine. .Not There is no danger in giving this reme- F nritlmiif. rfmmj. f!irciilars free. nothing injurious. RA.CB MASSAGING ARTISTICALLY Sent by mail on receipt of $5. dy as it contains It Try Electricity.' No Agents. always cures and cures quickly. Ben- DONB. wo. Oeodjear Rubber Go. Call EX.SCIMSiiG son, Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesale MCdO mj?206 fost St., SAN FRANCISCO. CWor ES. EHAtB, JOASPfK FSZCSftWCJdB'Z, Prop., H- E. Frclst, Write 33 West 24th Street, NEW YORK, - Y. 4aa TransiM CaL, OJLBv agents, sell It. AHft Bet& Hotel Street


Chas. F. Herrick Carriage Company, Ltd.

: Upholstering and i ynnciiAL icwo j . . Amas tttttfttfftfttTfTTTTTT TTTTTyTTTTTTTTT t t tt B II Furniture Repairing Chris tmas week found the stock m arket weaker than it has been for some to greater in the holiday than Christmas Tree Box couches made to order with upholstering in leather,' time past, owing in powt of fact the interest In trading. The brokers remarked the fact that there was a falling off Matting or cloth. Sizes to suit. We also hare a fine line of outsiders in the market, and they in turn gave themselves up to enjoying Ornaments ef box couches on eale. ' ,T life in gTeat part The arrival of the cable ship as well made a diversion which took away from the street many of those who are usually to be BON BONO Polishing- - found where business is being done. Hand San Francisco prices continue to be out of proportion to the local rates. Largest Assortment In the There been a slight falling oft there, though there is still excellent feel- City ! of furniture if, one of our ppecialties. When hs polishing 1 The ing as io the future of the island shares. The closing prices before the last New Styles ' we turn out a piece of work it cannot-b- e distinguished from mail, showed the rates as follows: Hawaiian Commercial, $47.50; Honokaa, $15; Hutchinson, $17.12; Makaweli.x $29.75; Paauhau, $17.87. Special Discount new. All kinds of furniture repairing. The feeling as to sugar futures continues excellent on the Coast. In a letter to Henry Waterhouse & Company, Worthington Ames .writes: "The CO. sugar share market here continues very active of late owing to the rise in LEWIS & . Mattress Making , raw sugar. The highest price reached was 4 1-- and it is now steady at LIMITED. 1 3 15-1- 6. Statistics show higher prices still for 1903 and 1904, indicating an ..'. Leaders in Groceries. J' Mattresse3 made any size and the very best in town. If average for those coming ' years of 44 to 4 with possibilities of an ad- 240 Two Telephones 2 40 your mattress is hard in places or worn out we can fix it up vance beyond Vz cents. The Islands are to be congratulated on the outlook 9 1060 FORT STREET. and both Honolulu and San Francisco are to be congratulated on the cable at a email charge. which ought to be open and in use shortly after Christmas."

; , Locally the figure placed as the prospective price for the coming crop is BETTER THAN above 4:cents, but how much cannot be fairly estimated. Commencing with the new The feature of the week's trading was Ewa, and this stock was fairly year we will, until further Water Color Drawings Coyne Furniture Co., Ltd. active, though the week end marked a slight decline In it. Thera were 200 shares sold at the higher rate of $24.23, and these in greater part went into series of '. ' Progress Block. notice, have a special Comer Fort and Beretania Streets. the hands of the insiders who are taking the most. of this stock. There was arti- - 1 a . sale of 50 shares yesterday at the price which is now offered, $24, but there stock sales with only one For one week only a reduction of urn appears to be no more to be had at that figure, as there seems every reason cla at a time, and for one 25 per cent on Davey's to believe there, will be better rates soon. The plantation will begin to har- vest its crop on Monday week, and there should be a good yield this season. week only. Waialua sold In a block of 50 shares at $65, which was the old price. Watch our advertising col Iridium Pictures Changes There has been very little of this stock offered recently and it is one which the New Year's in the opinion of the brokers is marked for a rise when there is such feel- umn forN you will be sure to ing in the market that any advance may be expected.' This estate begins . seemany things you want at 1 n fn making your New Year's resolutions and plans grinding on Monday and the prospects according to the officials who have we wantyou to try our visited the western end are that the crop will exceed the- - estimates of the greatly reduced prices.

manager. ' , Private .advices tell of higher prices for Oahu at the Coast than can This sale will include many Manilla Mnchor Lager be had here as yet. The rate for this stock, a small block being reported household necessities. LIMITED. from San Francisco,' was $110 the nearest approach to figure here MOTT-SMIT- H BLOCK, A you taste once you will always want pref- that 'If it it in being $90 on the Board 'and $95 in a private sale. The information of the Corner Fort and Hotel Streets. ; ,i erence to any other beer. Pure, sparkling and delight-- . feeling on the Coast has beome general and the market for the stock may ful. Try a dozen from be said to be stiffening. Ookala has "gone, up to $10 bid on the reports that this year's crop of this plantation will be at least 4,000 tons and a Sterling the Painter prospect of a material advance on this figure. McBryde slumped a quarter Co. . Dimond & Shop large on a small block of five shares, but this is not taken to mean that there is 1.1 Has added to his Paint a & L stock of LOVEJOY CO. any real reason why this plantation should not be better off this year than LIMITED, before. LIMITED. WALL, Corner. Nuuanu and Merchant streets. Telephone Main 303. There was a' slight falling off in Oha, on the strength of the last assess- ment being due, the only sale being of 50 shares at $11.50. There are ru- mors of small blocks at slightly lower rates, but these are not of record PAPER Also an Experienced Taper Hanger as OOOOOOCXXX)OOOOOQOOOOOOOC and the belief on' the part of the brokers is that there Is to be any selling if salesman, who will be pleased to give of this stock, it will be only for the straightening of lines held by large own- i .1 8 ers 4 information about Paper Hanging and r and investors, and the selling will be by men who are not in shape Decorating. ... M for the payment of assessments. the This collection will pjace this stock Competent in the ranks of the paid-u- p plantations and will take It out of the list which Paper Hangers may be affected by the temporary tightness of the money market. When- employed and always on hand. ever there has been a call for payments, made at a time when the mar- Reasonable Prices. o ket was tight, the assessables have always pressure rap-Idl- y Japanese Silk Goods felt the but. this is SAME 01D STAND, UNION STREET passing. Five Kahuku at $22 and 35 Waimanalo at $160 completed the All Colors ' week's business. Curios, Japanese Toys REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING. stone--f There have been very few sales during week, - Large stock, in great variety. the the attention of the people being entirely turned almost to the celebrations of the season. There SAN FRANCISCO. HONOLULU , , j Headquarters for . WATCHES Is continued discussion of downtown improvements, waiting in effect for the NEW TORE. B DURABLE and ACCURATE K .fVI O N G 8 settlement of the site for the postoffice. In the event of the end of this Our prices arte lowS matter soon there will be a speedy arrangement of several plans for the The Keystone Watch Case Co. construction of public buildings for stores and offices in-- the district imme- tsTAKouuo iM. Philadelphia, U.S. A. diately in the neighborhood of the postoffice site. nl.S.Grinbaum&Co. America's Oldest and USA:;;'.I The reconstruction of Fort street houses which are to be cut back to LIMITED. Largest Watch Factory conform with the street line, will be taken up very soon, being 1211 Nuuanu St., near Hotel St. Phone White 3271. it understood Importers and Commission Merchants For salo by ODOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOC oooocooooocooooccXXXXXXXX500000000 that the settlement of the transfers to take care of the betterments will have The Principal Watch early attention at the hands of the Superintendent ,of Public Works. Dealers in Islands The partial destruction of the old building which has stood for so long SOLE AGENTS FOR Hawaii at the corner of the alley on King street back from Fort, which took place on Christmas morning will mean, it is said, that there will be a building BLANCHE BATES put 5c Oahu Ice $ there which will be in some consonance with the proposed improvement CIGAR. on the corner, the new O'Neill building. Electric Co. There are plans sight several in for Waikiki road lots. It is reported PHILADELPHIA UNDERWRITER that the scheme for the use of the Cornwell-Ahrens-Bowl- er property for an BRITISH AMERICAN athletic park may yet go through, there being placed at the disposition of ASSURANCI Ice Delivered to any part of the FOR THE HOLIDAYS COMPANY, of Toronto, Ontario. city. the owners a snug sum, as the result of the taking over of the roadway by 3 Special eonaia-ment- s the government. attention given to Island orders promptly filled. of Coffee and Rice. .. THE SUGAR LETTER. BERGSTROM MUSIO CO. Williams, Dimond & Co. in their letter to F. A. Schaefer & Co., under Hoffman & Markham date of December 18, say sugar : STAR 8 ODAWORKS COMPH Fort Street, Hanolulu. of the market: I Tel. Blue 31 51. O. 600 We you P. Box b3 last addressed on the 16th inst. per Nebraskan, Office: - QUEEN STREET, Kewalo. Sugar- No changes have since occurred in the local market or for export, s prices established Dec. 9 still being in force. Is now under the management of D, Basis Dec. 16, spot sale, 500 tons 3 15-16- c. at and on the same date' cost T.- - Bailey, S. L. Horner and John and freight sale, 13,000 tons at 3.95c, since which no sales, establishing basis Schlief, and are prepared to furnish Chinese Goods Great Reduction Sale for 96 deg. centrifugals in New York on that date 3.944c, San Francisco LEMON SODA, 3.569c. OP ROOT BEER, Curios, etc. New York Refined No change. GINGER ALE, London 16, Suitable for Holiday Beets Dec. 8s. ld.; 17th, Ss. 3d.; ISth, 8s. ld. ORANGE CIDER, London Cable-D- ec. 12, quotes Java No. 15 D. Presents Hats and S., 9s. 6d.; Fair Refining, BAILEY'S SARSAPARILLA Shirts Ss. endless 9d.; same date last year 8s. 10 7s. In variety and at low Commencing December 6, for 3 and 10d. respectively. January AND IRON, weeks. beefs, Ss. 5 Via, against 7s. 2Vid. prices, at corresponding period last year. and all other popular drinks. l ' Eastern and Foreign Markets-T- he -- market for Raws is in a quiet state, "Will deliver to all points i &C. according to In the city ISOSHIIEMIAl'' latest mail advices from New York under date of 12th inst. ana suburbs. WingWoCiian&Co t 30 King Views of buyers and sellers are apart. Refined is in fair demand. Stocks All orders receive our prompt atten Street, near Bethel. 931-9- 1 in Cuba are 60,000 tons, of which only 20,000 tons tion. 35 Nuuanu Street f are still available for sale v...... j.i.klo lunsiuuauii auuve tne parity or tne JNew York mar-- PHONE BLUE 871. ket. Grinding has commenced and four estates are working. Hawaii Shinpo Sha Latest Statistical Position Willett & Gray report U. S. four ports O.-'ZEB- - in PRINT-ing- r I a: AVJCjaJ XT 1 1j t- V, . a!! hands 165,433 THE PIONEER JAPANESE ml KK estimated Dec. 10, tons, against 127,530 tons same date last Collin. office. Established 1S!)L The publisher of Hawaii S year. Six ports Cuba estimated bee. 9, 60,000 tons against 27.7S5 tons, same Shinpo, the only daily Japanese paper Harnessmakers and Saddlers year. Manufacturer and Importer published Waverley date last estimated Dec. 4, 124,000 tons, against In . the Territory of Hawaii. Block, Bethel St. CO. S3,:26 Fine Harness and Saddlery C. SHIOZAWA, Proprietor. Main I tons correspond;.; pcriol last year. .Total stock in all principal coun-tiid- s STIW Y. SOGA, by cible, Dec. 11, at uneven 2.213,939 Island Orders Solicited. Editor. U..,l dates, "tons, ayainst 1,795,971 Editorial and Printing Office lO. - Telephone Main 144. p. 307, toi.s; increase over last year, o. Box Smith 307. KiHg St.. above King. P. O. Box Street near Fort Telepwie Main 37.

- ft 1 v j V m. ,1.111 IJMMIR ljin,JPiLHUUJll g? JifpUM jWff WiyaM!MIII