Vol. 7 Valdez, Alaska, September 24, 1908. DIVISION BILL ONE n AND TEN DROWN NEAR WRMiGELL

Denis Judge Reid Says That In Washington He Was As- Cannery Bark Star of Bengal Goes ASliore On Coro- Donohoe Says He Is James Godfrey Expresses his Satisfied that Values Go Gratification At sured That Congress At Next Session Will Take nation Island and Report Out of 137 Whites, Chinese to Great H. Depth Made By Expert

Action Creating New Judicial District. and Japanese Aboard" 27 Are Saved 4 s Only

Denis Donohoe, head of the Dono- James J. (iodftyy, secretary of (lie hoe Kxploration Company, owner of Mother Lode i'opper Mining Com- Alaska will l>e given the Fourth Alter 1, unions all 23—One July promises fail, Wrangell, Sept. hundred inanity went oil the rucks. copper property in the Kennec.ott pany, accompanied by A. \V. .Icnks, judicial division by cou&iokh ;»( the the Tanana aiul VaUUte will each and ten went to their is persons death After finding it impossible lo render district in Vuldcz having arrived a Now York mining expert, is back coming short session but it will not have a resident afternoon and last, judge. yesterday night any assistance the Ifa11i<> (i;ige came last night. Accompanying htm is from an inspecth u ol the companies take elfect until July I, is the assur- his to the states when the Alaska Packers' During trip Judge Company to this port for reinforcements in the John 10. Barrett, also interested in properties on MeC'ariy Creek. Mr. ance 11oi< 1 1 rrojn Wash- Heid visited the hark Star Judge rings president at. Oyster of Bengal crumbled to hope that something- might'he done Hie company. Mr. Donohoe is not (Jodfrey is elated at tli.v result, of his ington. There is lie opposition to and some time at Wash- on the storm heaten shore of Bay spent pieces from the land side of the island. H\ only well pleased with the showing trip and says (hat Mr. Jenks lias es- the bill,.in any directhtn and the de- lie was much Coronation island. ington. pleased with Only twenty-sev- the time tlie trip hack to the scene of ! resultant from the season's work on tablished tin1 truth of tin- of ' suppositioti partment justice hi it so his at the of en of those aboard the vessel were his own urging reception department theAVreck had been' made the hark properties hut declares that that the mot Iter lode propert y is an that even the senate will and increased ad- saved. Of those on the Star of ' no probably justice acquired Ben- was fast going to pieces under the longer is there question as to the extenlion ol the Bonanza lead. allow it lo grind through. It banal- I miration of Hona- were whites and the Attorney-General gal thirty-seven battering she was receiving. future of the interior copper district. When Mr. (Jodfrey arrived in Yal- ready passed the house. The I The officials who remainder Chinese and can- He depart- parte. department Japanese The rescue crew made heroic* says that the work done on his dez on his way inside he was mot ment to have it into effect lo«»k Alaska are prefers go after well satis lied nery employes. efforts to to those who own and the other claims in the Ken- with of tlie " bring safety Mattering' reports season's at the H the fiscal with the The Star of beginning year. present operation of judicial Bengal, in tow of the were clinging helplessly to the wreck- neeott district establishes beyond the work on the property in wliieh ho is Judge Iloid will elean up the dis- in the Ilattie was 011 her machinery territory. tug Cage, way to age but in only a few cases were t heir peradventure of a doubt that the sur- interested and he says that his visit trict court docket in Valilcz, Roid is Mrs. San Francisco after the close of begin- Judge accompanied by the efforts successful. Many of those, face showings continue in depth and more than verilled the truth of these ning October 10, and will go over the lteid and have taken a house on season at where they cannery Kyak, she the bodies of whom now lie on the that high values exist. reports. There is a vein of chalcorite, to trail Fairbanks early in the winter. Sherman street, on the Reservation. has been the summer. There t'ntil this during island, came to their death by being year Mr. Donohoe was twelve feet wide assay ing from 70 to was a wind and sea and heavy the hammered against the rocks. inclined to be skeptical as to the re- 75 per eent and running the entire bark broke away from the tug. Every Coronation island lies a short dis- sult consequent upon seeking depth. 100 feet of I he < «i:n. effort, of the to control of ' lb- tug regain tance off Prince of Wales island and has had much experience in cop- Mr. (Jodfrey i.\s that inside the her tow was futile and driven fast he- is exposed to the full fury of the per camps and realized that nowhere ntwsot the Hit-sell deal was received PLACER ore the the PLATINUM wind ill-fated Star of does SENATOR storm. the furnish such with iituelt satisfaction and FORMER it is present age that and her doomed of Bengal cargo hu- surface showings as are plentiful in believed that once the railroad is ex- ! the interior of Alaska. He is con- tended from Valdez to. where it affords vinced on STRIKE IS IDE UNDER FIRE now that the values the transportation for the copper mines QUITS surface are true indications of what the < ntire district will he tin- scene of tlie depths contain. On his property the greatest activity, lie says that fifteen men News of u |>1 -it iitm discovers that, ( incinnati, Sept. 22—Inn letter to INTERIOR COPPER BUTTE LOTHARIOS have been employed (hir- not only in t he ease of lifs own pro- the season run ma) result in eHtrtblidhing l ho Presidential Nominee Tnft Senator ing and have 1W> feet perty hut in the case of niHiiy other fact that there is a 1»i«.> deposit, of that Foraker has expressed the belief that of tunnel and an equal distance o! properties the fact that permanent cuts. The arc minora! in tlu> interior is brougnt to owing to the recent attack on him it PROSPECTS GOOD ARE BADLY FOOLED open workings down valiu-s exist lias been satisfactorily about 100 feet. established, lie to in a Valdoz hy Mof.sor Mriggs and (.nut/ will he hest for him not to appear to- | expects send Mr. out the who recently uiuno outside. 1m the, night in .Music Mali on (lie occasion Donohocvame by way big outfit this winter and next season i of < so as safe of t he Seattle Hotel it* a sack t»l Mr. Taft 'a address. In 'ordova to investigate the will resume operations on a large j campaign That the White river nnd the ftyrft- I Butte,'" Hept. *21—"Butti*,M men :il»on( *2/ of in scale eontaining of what is prao- his letter Si'U:itor Foraker thai • feasibility hiking supplies by |t«mi•<(-> says ina (listrids ill**- w• 11 wortl»''lfie iit-j town are 1:11111ii»at a juke i>| which that route he • • and about Iro'in eerlain sonrees known (<> he but is satislled dial Mr. (iodfr<*\ t-*.«• • to t'ordova lo tically pure platinum, (<•111 ion of am! tin- a «>f Vl h i\v< :,,v 'he prospectors i*x-; number th.v''.'I ;t course mil l»e such will look into I lie ol lifty p«>niitIh more of black sand be- Imve eoin" doubts as (<» 111«- practicable, eondiiioti Oscar Sail friendly pciulltiuv of ftiifllcicnt money to es- . The p<»l:ftt»y^re responsible ami and lie will send his oiittil in die by and i<> lo lieved fro oo.itain heavy of the of wav expeet.-i bring S'aldex platinum propriety joint appearance tablish whether or not the surface a snake charniejr^'orstwhilc an attrac- of Valdax, the llrst of it going in that tho inon out. himself and Mr. Tuft and that he has in December. Mr. Donohoe will and place him under medical treat- values, brought indicatioiiH of eopper are borne out is tion in one of the local museums, is I go hunt/ is an old timer in the decided not to attend the to on the Santa Clara. ment. country, meeting. the bolief expressed by Fred II. Mof- the cause. to Valdoz ton i Benn tor Forakcr coming nearly years expresses the fltt of the United States Geological On the stage the snake charmer ago and going over the with1 that his to the glacier opinion reply charges Htirvey. Mr. MoftHt is back in Val- presented an attractive appearance the lirst rush. This he wont, in made William K. Hearst in sufll- year by de/. after three months spent in the and when the attraction was adver- again to more cient vindication of the Foraker con- thoroughly investigate districts in (|ueHtion, having left hero tised the gay Lotharios of Butte soon the of ho discovered nection I WOMAN OUPIO with the Standard Oil IS signs platinum people, June 15 with four assistants and a found much business in the museum. at that time. Neither man will tell but that he does not want to injure paek train in the charge of James Boquets of rare flowers adorned the w'horo the is the cause and exactly discovery looa-, embarrass Taft. Sena- Bartlett. dressing room of the charmer, at tod hut it, is some whore near Mt. i tor Foraker has cancelled his other The outfit went into the Nabesna least they went in that direction WORRY ROOSEVELT IN TOILS OF LAW Wrangle. are very dates and it is Th'c-y consorva-j speaking improbable by the way of Sargent's camp and across the foot lights, and invitations t ivo in of their tlnd but that ho will take active talking say; any part in then to Orange hill whore there are to dinner followed. that, will go in this winter, tak- they the.presidential campaign. several copper properties being pros- It is not of record that the charmer Oyster Bay, Sept. 23—That Presi- Fresno, ('«!., Sept. vj'»—Mrs. Mui'- ing a outfit. big pected, and where also is the Fjeld accepted any luros tending to result dent Roosevelt is in fear that the at- garct Waldcr, a comelj appearing Platinum in one of the most valua- gold quartz mine. On the latter in close acquaintance with admirers tacks being made by William it. woman about 10 years old, is in jail of ble metals being worth close to $30 e property tho season has been spent in but coy smiles came from lips that Hearst on Senator Foraker and other here barged by the federal authori- an ounce. Jn their the present poke HASKELL IS AGAIN running a tunnel and when Mr. Mof- broadened above some slowly crawl- members of the republican party is ties with fraud in connection with tin> men have a small fortune. fltt left it was expected that t he ore- ing snake as the charmer performed having a bad effect on Presidential line of the mails. Mrs. Walder has body would be reached within thirty the "act" that drew the crowd and Nominee Taft.'s campaign is evidenced for a year or nunc !»«*<• :i conducting a UNDER HEARST feet. The vein carries free milling the salary. by the energy displa>cd by the pree- matrimonial agency uikI the offioera gold, but the three stamp mill on tho Tt is hard to say to what lengths ident in refuting and trying in other j assert that she ha: heen the Mole at- > CHOLERA RAGES III property has not been operated this the Lotharios would have gone had ways to counteract these charges. traction alt hough sh Imfl widely ad- season. not the in and Following the letter recently sent to vertised as her agency Mompljl*, Bept//'22—WilliamGUNj H. police stepped sprung | having many Tho MoQltt then went, over the joke. t he be- Congressman MeKinley of Illinois, and clients. lle.H/fjt ban rrniotyed liin attack on party /Somehow police to the head of the BhUHhoiiA and to came suspicious of the charmer and more recently made public, the pres- From records taken from Mrs. Wal- RUSSIA'S Ootfe'ijudv- Hanked and in Insisting CAPITAL for Copper creek where Home work ia the resultant invest igat ion established ident has issued another appeal der by the officers and from other that cno ip using, and has ^ovotfnyr done. The mineral in thin the fact that the of so much of Mr. Taft. eyidenee in the officers' the used, his j>oajfttdin to favor the SfaOd- being object support poscssion loeallty in native copper and huI- masculine admiration is a mau-a President' Roosevelt's attitude in woman is shown t > have reaped a St. Petersburg, Sept. 21 Four hun- ard Oil Conipanw In, a ^ooeh 'de-. phiden, but nothing of a definite Hwede man f.t that- and that his name connection with the light heing in good livinir from tin* matrimonially dred stationed at (he garri* Ilvered hero last' nightv»M^. Hearst, soldiers nature han ho far been established by is Iver Nwanson. the doubt fill states waged against inclined hut unsophiseated men who Hon 111 this eity art) \ loUmn of cholera charged that OoverA^'OJr^T^f^kel1>.pre- .the Work done, and Mr. Moflltt Hays There is a great dropping oil of mu- Taft, and whieh is being led by Mr. have succumbed to the lure ol the ami the disease in with vented the at .Wy^lfla-' spreading torney//jfe^Viwi tlittt thin is truo of the aH a seum since the has caused other members of advertiseinents she has caused to he lioinn from country gate receipts expose. Hearst, alarming vapidity. Among llio poor- enjoining >tlfe fitahdard'a' whole although in many easeH the the republican party to take alarm pid>1islied in the many newnpapcra er elanH of civilians the (11 no a 90 i« cre- uilhsidinry company in this ntaty, and proHpeetn are exceptional, and in the and to view hs serious the situation throughout the country ating havoc, yofdovdjly'* record being that had it not been for the action of Chitina country the utincrtil has been conii'ontiuK them. In his latest ap- In her correspondence with her new eases anil I'JtldenthM. the stato'M chief executive prosecu- well uhown up. peal, Mr. Itoosevell makes public n vi<,tims. Mrs. Walder luis represented Tho authorities are doing all in tion of the Standard would have bo- WISCONSIN TOWNS letter written in July IH07 by Mr.1 •herself to he whatever in feinine form 1 lieir to cheek (ho gun long ago. The party then went on the head of power epidemic, Taft in which the candidate the man in search of a wife desired. lad. so far all elroiTs hnvc heen fu Further along in hiH address Mr. White river, making mapn of the refuses] to acquiesce to the plan of the Ohloi The men Would pay sums of various lilt*. Tho medical corps haw boon Hearst road what he allegCH to boa region at the head of thin and the IN FIRE'S GRASP state central committee to in the amounts for the privilege of heing increased and corrcapondence between John I). Bhushena river, the work being in the greatly ni:iny privale same resolution endorse Mr. Taft for placed in communication with the phyflieiani haw volunteered their Arehbold of the Standard Oil Com- nature of an extension of that done president and Senator Foraker for re- one whose (•harms were advertised. services. Public funerals have been pany and the late Congressman Hib- in 1902 by the Sehrador party, and in- Rhineiaud, VVIh., H«-j»t. 23—(lagcn election to the senate. forbidden and tho government!, is at- iey of Pennsylvania and having to do cluding the White river valley to the and Wood, two Hinall towna near From all prominent republican to the burial of nil cholera with Senator for boundary line. Topographical maps The democratic vote at the Wash- tending Bailey's friendship sources effort is *nadc to con- the here, wore yeatorday aftornoon total- being victinei. Standard Oil Company. were alao made and copper properties ington state primaries was less than ly deatroyed by a lire which atftrted vince the voters that Senator Foraker were examined at the head of Whit© 10 percent of the total, wherefore Gold Production Decreaaca In tho forest that hems in the Hottle- is in very poor standing with the ad- CANADIAN river, Olacier ereek and Lime ereek. according to stale law it will he Statistics from menta. Women and children joined ministration and with Mr. Taft. The recently compiled Adolph Knopf, a member of tho party necessary to place the democratic in fighting the (Ire, but in vain, and Hearst assertions that Foraker is ACCUSED 0f: POACHING figures furnished by the varloua gold went to on the Canadi- candidates on the Canyon City, the Standard official ballot, hy and allvcr of thia morning flnda4,000 pernona home- hand and glove with producing counties Cal- an boundary line, and thence to Beav* petition. %\ -The com- leaa. oil has from a political Washington, 8ept. ifornia hIiow that during 1907 the er ereek. The latter of Company part Auguat, course neces- mander of the revenue cutter Hear, stato a From New Richmond cornea word standpoint, made this OfHcern produced total of 809,218.62 while Mr. Knopf waa there, tho boun- Army I,ose *'Velvet" now off the Alaska coast, hu» to fltic ouncea of valued that. Flflold, near Aahland, l«ln flames sary. gold at $10,727,- dary aurvey party came into Canyon *21 officers went word that th© C'nna- and that a train tlr«' his views with Washington Sept Army Washington 928 and 1,138,869 fine ounces of ailver a Hpooial carrying F/Xpresslng personal City, having had hard experience on foreign service are hy an order just dliln nchooner ll.iy.'ird hfm been foal valued nt with fighting apparattiH ha» hccn din regard to the situation President *761,010. Compared to lack of food. Mr. in effect ;i owing Knopf the of placed deprived of fat pOaehfng in Abnka wa'tofH. There- tfie mine of patched from Minneapolis. The en Roosevelt says that defeat production 1906, these alao visited the Honanzamlne. in the of Taft cause to one set perquisite shape travel pay. pbftfittitetf Ihnf fishermen at Khnborn a tire country haH auffered for wnelo will satisfaction figures mIiow decrease of |2,004,624 Mr. Moflflt went over the Bkolai The order that of men those who provides hereafter harbor assert that l.'i .July th< Muvard in value of of from a drought and in and only, namely havo gold find $00,182 in value glacier to the NlrJna river and thence parched officers shall he t lleiirst been shown to bo behind army allowed only has /Sfttha in hov . ot a total off in dry. by wehty-el£ht (diver, foiling value to Dan creek and Chittltu, where the actual of as an of Taft. In expense tiav.cllng in The affair will ho' brought to tho of the of Foraker opponent precious-metal out-put $2,- and Kernan are Rtiefa 1/ftwyera Are Indicted Hen of the on a Inn of Katcrly hydraullcing. own and those of the payment mileage at tent the Cn pVuIIoii govern- 070.708. The average commercial , Taft.'s party, Mr. Mofflt came out the off Han 10- The basis as has by way Franelnco, Hopt. grand are heretofore prcviiiled. menl. value of silver hi New York per fine j other party who behind (lovernor Cordova, while tho pack train eame thia Indict- new rule will ounce In 1900 wna 07 cent*, and in jury morning returned 'J Haskell of Oklahoma. particularly effect What 1)1(1 lie Moan? out over the ne« jThln 1907 waft 00 cent*. The standard trail. Lack off feed menta agalnat Attorney a iVTurphy am officers on duty in Ahiika for these taMlVifr (n<, illnncrl"*!'unli !<