MS10 Captain Lloyd H. “Kinky” Bayers Collection, 1898-1967 General
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Alaska State Library Historical Collections Bayers, Lloyd H., 1911-1968 Captain Lloyd H. “Kinky” Bayers Collection, 1898-1967 MS 10 General Marine Files [email protected] 907 465-2925 PO Box 110571 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0571 S.".1 1 S'tbd , br-oz-d speed , ~~o-t 3"y as ST 39 " KAHLOKE 1 Ex 1.'City of Sacremento" ~L-E-ic t ._aTId_s.t0 r-y pp-19-;-P~-W.B. Aug~---l953 - 2. Plot and t nr o, tcagea 8 and 27 ln Bool<4¥ -a-.-Mo-re-p-t"c"t""s-. -and-i-rr ·o-.--B"()ok-42-j-pp-.-22-.-2 ; I - - -- ~ - - - - - ~-- -- -I - - -- I I KAHULIU 0:1 d -s-tean sh-t-o-'- I1Clevelandll 1-. No "0 .l-ct.s .~ --====--===--==------==-:...::......=::Il---- See ou.r-d on "C'Leve Land" BOOk@ KAIULANI Rark;_ Later ltstCl:cr of Finland" Not too go.od a plot. stbd. bow only. KALAKALA Album~. PHP• .4. streamlined ferry. e- BOco!<@ Book~ Stbd. bow, speed, .aee t t.Le Hbr. VG stbd. nearly broad, near slip Bremerton Hbr. Old Port Orchard ferJ:l "Thurow" also in pi-cture. Post Card Al bumG1 Port near b r'oad., ashore in Rich Pass. (r,'Iag. cu t . ) 4. .Po r-t br-oj d , speed, in Rich __PaS_EL. (Porthole) ® Port broad, speed, Hf ch Pn s s , 0:<,-:-;. cut) 6. PICTS. Info. (BOOK 44; pp 18-39-50) 1 Rebuilt from the char--ed h1..1-11of the bur-ne d S.F. ferry "Pe r-e.Ltall in 1935. In 1948 3:18 1" p.c-;' E'. r-eot rcenent vr.Lue of t'.70 8.11'- r-hr.Lf million. She car~"ies 90 veju ct es end 2000 oe.s s enge r s . Oce r-et e s at 16 ~:nd'st speed. Ran r'.sbc r-e in a heevy :;:'o,~A)~('.. 7,1.945 in Rich P83S. 'She \,"<".8 J'Lce t.ed off.l'Fitllout -::.<":lD.,;eLr.t r- in t'e dr.v it.-' t ..e' 11e19 of Hevy tll[;S anrl the ferry 11\111'[1_:98.11 Had a ne% 261 three ton crank shaft installed in 1949 and returned to the Bre -e r-ton run on Apr. 20, 1949 to continue on her 14th year. M.D. Apr.23, 149 says she packs 100 caY's and 1000 passengers. (7) 1417 tons and Dowered with a 3000 h s p , diesel which shoved her along at better than 18 knots on her trials. 265.1' long 963 Net tons. PHP-:® KAL/KALA PCA(9= ai, ck_Bell Ee.rry Index Card No.!! -A'H>UI!l~ i , p Lc t s all listed on Index Card No. i , po·ct neor broad, speed: close up. (Porthole) ~- ELu~...t_b.cL\IL,,------f.r.D.m.......the-al~. ~ Good coLar-ed DOS t card. Sneed. 5. va- scenic view; speed. (PCA-1O) 6. PICT:--'lIJOIr)2; pp II , - She attempted early in Aug. 1949 to live up to her given name, which transalated into English means 'Flying Birdl Her reverse failed to function and she started on up tovm---first shearing off piling and timbers on the SW corner of the Coleman Dock, then side-swioing the dredge n seenor-see a converted LSM. She hi t-the dock so hard that office workers, etc. 'took off in every direction thinking the were in the midst of another earthquake. The «aeahor-sen WE'S badly dented and the Kc.Laka.Lahad a gapirg hole in her port bow. No pass. injured bpt one car <as completely demolished and a second wa a dameged . Shipyard workers swar-med aboard' the Kalakala shortly after the incident and patched her up temoorarily so that the 'r~ptured bird' was back on the Bremerton run in a few hours. M.D. Aug. 13, '49 <'<:--9<:sa28d 9£# llOOE[ 'O<lNI :!iliOn " . KALAKALA _P_._S,F. & ll.-CO- Bl, Ball ferry I--------Se.e-pag.e_29_in-Ra.oJL.32J.o_"__$llil_d_h1_s_tnl':La.s-"1'eralla • f-C=-i-ss-1o_d--- - ~--Se-e---l"fl-.-1S_;---BOQk_4l+~_) '·10-0' M n' -B_s.L.f'ar...Aug. 2] , J 943 8B.JLS-: Kalakala was out of com~ission a short time the first ~~""tl1e, WOclla.s tlTe-"-esu-ttur-,,-c~ln-SsY611vr1"th-the B'oss I,.., .argfLraj]way car-barge OTT' pt. Glover iU-th.e-..ea..rl;!L...-..! hours of last Sunday. T~e V!aS i~-cmv-ITr-trre-ADELINE~USS and -bound......f..o n.jsr-emer-ncn. The KAT.AKAT ,A eSD~d-miLh-minQr. damage but the barge had a hole in one side mer suring one h:.l.ndred-rt .-long-"oy-flnfr-rt . deep. Al.sotwo rail1tl~Y ~~e of'f' 1nto the SO!JDd. The be'ege was bea_ ch ed and later taken to Seattle by Paul Pearson of the Foss CO:-for extensive reoairs. KALAKALA Seattle ferry. 1. Info. o.n.Ly in A-l-bum43; P'&. 4.- 7/11/1935j8 VrJ.J)ict. and storL of her~---world' e first st~eam-llned ferry, etc.. Makes initial trip to Brem- e r t on , last we-e-k.~ Has ac-c-ommedat Lcn s for 2GOO·-pass. and 110 cars. CaIJt. wet Lace 11an&an (Dacl of Gre.g) is master. Makes 6 tr~ps daily! 2. Assisted after br-eakdown, -by "Sandra F08S"- EWE. Nov. 1956 pp It. Latest info. (Lg• G.S.Flle under FERRIES, (Wash. e'te t e s ) BOOK, 32 KAld:A CuI. 3.i ver Survey !T.S!''' - I ~. UU ....u-. "-,u \-~<- u . 0' ~'~~~ 80 I vessel built in 1';3 to r"e~)lD.oethe "Robe r-t Grayl! '".'111011vren t to tile ATS. dur-Ln-; 't he war. ':'0 be used ,'"S P survey vessel on tl_e CoLumbde River. Power'ec ".'ith tl/fO 215 h..o . Buda diesels dru vInr- c. sin~le screry. Cost $150,000 to build. 801 x 181 X 513T1 fore. and 8.5' r r t . TVfO 190-215 hco • Buda s with 2.96 to 1 r-educ t Lon se, r-a (T"·in Disc) j-o-ver- trrnsnit'-ed to a s j.rr-Le sha f t ·0;.' "10, TIS of t\'IO series of 13 V-be L ts er-cr. 1~-!1 w.Lde nnd 13 ft. Long , 72' x 52" Cooli(se wheel. He s P dumuy 1"1l 011 98've::: as tvro nr.n OI'OWS nest "'itll s-u ve L ohaj r-s , t e l e o.ione s etc. for sur-ve 360 deg r'ee s , L~unched in Oct, 1943. 1I.::1:8ytB811 aeco A8l\.J.ns all:). Aq pao e j dag 1961 '02 'AoN J.8PPlq +S8q~1q all:).0+ at~S .xoJ pa.x8JJO KALAllAZOO Yukon River steamer 1. No Diets. stern-wheel st eame r' used on the Ucoe r Yukon (l.1acBride) L - -~- KALGIN ISLAND , - ~ ~ . -- - 88' B S.Y- of the_ Snug Hb r-, Pkg. CO' - l. No plots. j , , - - - - ~ I-- - -~ Repowered (M.D. '5/19/19.51) with t~o Buda 8 DCMn 1125 dIesels of 160 h.p;each \It 1400'r.p.m. whLch replaced two Buda 6 DCMR844' s,' Bur-ge s svgann tng silencers were furnIshed by H.G.McLaugh ln Co. of "eattle. EngInes In- stalled by the Maritime shlpyards in Seattle. " KALlYUGA No. 14458 Old ot., Lakes str. 1- No oct. - - - . -I Bu1lt 1887 at. st. Claire, Mich. 1941 gross; 1581 net; 269.6' x 40.2' x 20.7' L5 crew. 750 h.p. Foundered off Forty Mile Pt. Lt. in Lake Huron Oct. 19, 1905. with the loss of all 17 persons on board. PHP :3 KA1IIKAWA MARU New Jap Motorship Kawasak'i Kisen Kaisha Lines. 1. port broad, speed; (Porthole) Built'1951 and made first trip to Seattle in Dec. 195II~--~ 18 knot vessel of 10,681 DWT. Capt. H. Maeda. KAMISHAK Album~ Old~steam tug. stbd. broad, still, near rlv~_bank. G Built 1904 Qt A1aoeda Calif. 21 ~ross; 8 net; 54.5' x 14.5' x 5.3' KANAGA P.G.A. @ - Halibut schooner- ti'\ stoc , ner.r- broad hj.c-h ana. drv on KUllchkoff :tock ~ Sitka Sd. story of wreck. Book 30 Page 52 BO~'1\:®~>. v. KAnAK .3[\1v2.[;e tUE;. , st·OQ. I <Y br-or.d , sLcvr J r r-on -.t-ove . (l1['g cut. ) " 1291 long. " KANAK Pacific Coast -st eel steam gcrooner-s . L;y:ma-o. ;;,y;, ..ons; OU'H In ~"~0 oy una t ea mglneennc; wottk s • ~t-Ab"""",,,a Sr-~e VIa S owned by the A12s1:a P8cl~ers Assn. nnd was more cannery tender tn2.n s t eum SC~looner . She had twin sorews driven b" two J 35 h.p. cODpound. en-tme s suuo11ed by the build r s , "' p The A.P.A. still owned. her in 1940 --- -~-- I I -- KANSASCITY -D±-d--s teeU1Te.::e------- I-- [ISee ttAlaskall (old)_ 1. Piats. as T1Alaskali I-D.-A.-Dl.sp.-ll/-20/-1914---Str. "Kansas-Clty' of A.-S· cently purchased in S.F. by President Baxter of the Co. will soon De placed on the Alaska run. f--D-.-A.Dlsp.-lOf24/-1-9;cl;--To-t>e-rensmed---iLA-lssks-"'~----~-_1 D.A.D~. lO/20L1915 A.S.S.Co. has~urchased str. 'mansss C1ty II on the East CORst and will use her- on the Alaska run.