the District of Columbia, for the passage of House bill 4694, incorpo­ Also, memorial of Knights of Labor of Junction, of Denver, and of rating the Washington Traction ..Railway-to the Committee on the Boulder, Colo., against the free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on District of Columbia. American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. By JI.Ir. MILLIKEN: Petition of Elizabeth Brid~ers, fbr wido'!'s pen­ Also, memorial of Knights of Labor of South Pueblo, of Stout, of sion-to the ·Committee on Invalid Pensions. Salida, of Williamsburg, and of Boulder, Colo., ih favor of the construc­ Also, petition of D. C. Hall and others, to grant a pension to Charles tion ofthe Hennepin Canal-to the Committee on-Railways and Canals. :A.. Chase, of Fairfield, Me.-to the same committee. By Mr. TARSNEY: Petition ofM:rs. Anne Mattocks, for a pension­ By JI.Ir. NEECE: Petition of 60 citizens of Cable, ill., against the to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. change of the present law in reference to pilots-to the Select Com­ Also, memorial of the Knights of Labor of Grand Rapids, Mich., in mittee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. f.wor of the construction of the Henne_pin ·Canal-to the Committee on Also, protest of Knights of Labor of Cable, Dl., against the free-ship Railways and Canals. bill-to the same committee. · Also, resolutions of the United Labor League of America, for contin­ ·By Mr. NEGLEY: Papers relating to the claim of David Clark, ad­ uance ofstreet improvements and sewers in the District of Columbia­ ministrator of Samuel Clark, of New OrleansJ La.-to the Committee to the Committee on Appropriations. on War Claims. Tiy Mr. ZACH. TAYLOR: Resolutions of the Merchants' and Cotton By Mr. NELSON: Resolution of the Board of Trade of Red Wing, Exchange of Memphis, Tenn.• requesting an increase in the appropri­ Minn., against unjust discriminations on the .part of common carriers­ ation for the Signal Service-to the same committee. to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. THOMPSON: Petition of citizens of Pike and Scioto Conn­ By Mr. OSBORNE: Petition of manufacturers of licorice paste and tie!3, Ohio, for the passage of a bill embodying the recommendations of ofplug-tobacco, :remoJ;lStrating against the passage of House bill No. the nationn.l ·pension committee of the Grand Army of the Republic­ 2522-to the Committee on Ways and Means. . to the Committee on Invalid Ponsions. By Mr. PARKER: Pe.titions, &c., in favor of granting a pension to Also, petition of John P. Lacy, for pn.yment for services in the capt­ William Hicks-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ure of steamer Lady Washington during the late war-to the Com- Also, petition for a pension to John Richardson, late of Company H, mittee on War Cln.ims. · Twentieth New York Cavalry-to the same committee. By 1\Ir. TOWNSHEN.D: Petition for relief of George Cooke, Com­ By Mr. PEEL: Petition of G. W. Mitchell and of -John Miser, of pany B,. Thir{y-second Regiment Ohio Volunteers, to accompany bill­ Benton County, Arkansas, asking that their war claims be referred to to the Committee on Military Affairs. . the Court of Claims-to t-he .Committee on War .Claims. Also, petition of Samuel Burwell, First Lieutenant Company 1\I, Fifth :By 1lfr. PERKINS: Petition of E. L. Barnes n.nd 136 others, citizens Regiment illinois Cavalry Volunteers, -for .removal of charge of deser­ ofNeosho-County, Kansas, praying for legislation that will embody the tion-to the !5ame committee. recommendations ofthe national pension committee of the Gmnd Army Also, papers and evidence in support of the bill for reliei of Fannie of the Republic-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Pemberton, formerly Fannie Glass-to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Dr. J. R. ..Duncan and others, citizens By Mr. _WHEELER: Petition of James a Patterson, asking that hls of Jiarvey County, Kansas, favoring the -creation of a national board war claim be referred to the Court of Claims~to the Committee on War oft