3630 CONGRESSIONAL REOORD-·SENATE. APRIL 20, the District of Columbia, for the passage of House bill 4694, incorpo­ Also, memorial of Knights of Labor of Junction, of Denver, and of rating the Washington Traction ..Railway-to the Committee on the Boulder, Colo., against the free-ship bill-to the Select Committee on District of Columbia. American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. By JI.Ir. MILLIKEN: Petition of Elizabeth Brid~ers, fbr wido'!'s pen­ Also, memorial of Knights of Labor of South Pueblo, of Stout, of sion-to the ·Committee on Invalid Pensions. Salida, of Williamsburg, and of Boulder, Colo., ih favor of the construc­ Also, petition of D. C. Hall and others, to grant a pension to Charles tion ofthe Hennepin Canal-to the Committee on-Railways and Canals. :A.. Chase, of Fairfield, Me.-to the same committee. By Mr. TARSNEY: Petition ofM:rs. Anne Mattocks, for a pension­ By JI.Ir. NEECE: Petition of 60 citizens of Cable, ill., against the to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. change of the present law in reference to pilots-to the Select Com­ Also, memorial of the Knights of Labor of Grand Rapids, Mich., in mittee on American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. f.wor of the construction of the Henne_pin ·Canal-to the Committee on Also, protest of Knights of Labor of Cable, Dl., against the free-ship Railways and Canals. bill-to the same committee. · Also, resolutions of the United Labor League of America, for contin­ ·By Mr. NEGLEY: Papers relating to the claim of David Clark, ad­ uance ofstreet improvements and sewers in the District of Columbia­ ministrator of Samuel Clark, of New OrleansJ La.-to the Committee to the Committee on Appropriations. on War Claims. Tiy Mr. ZACH. TAYLOR: Resolutions of the Merchants' and Cotton By Mr. NELSON: Resolution of the Board of Trade of Red Wing, Exchange of Memphis, Tenn.• requesting an increase in the appropri­ Minn., against unjust discriminations on the .part of common carriers­ ation for the Signal Service-to the same committee. to the Committee on Commerce. By Mr. THOMPSON: Petition of citizens of Pike and Scioto Conn­ By Mr. OSBORNE: Petition of manufacturers of licorice paste and tie!3, Ohio, for the passage of a bill embodying the recommendations of ofplug-tobacco, :remoJ;lStrating against the passage of House bill No. the nationn.l ·pension committee of the Grand Army of the Republic­ 2522-to the Committee on Ways and Means. to the Committee on Invalid Ponsions. By Mr. PARKER: Pe.titions, &c., in favor of granting a pension to Also, petition of John P. Lacy, for pn.yment for services in the capt­ William Hicks-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ure of steamer Lady Washington during the late war-to the Com- Also, petition for a pension to John Richardson, late of Company H, mittee on War Cln.ims. · Twentieth New York Cavalry-to the same committee. By 1\Ir. TOWNSHEN.D: Petition for relief of George Cooke, Com­ By Mr. PEEL: Petition of G. W. Mitchell and of -John Miser, of pany B,. Thir{y-second Regiment Ohio Volunteers, to accompany bill­ Benton County, Arkansas, asking that their war claims be referred to to the Committee on Military Affairs. the Court of Claims-to t-he .Committee on War .Claims. Also, petition of Samuel Burwell, First Lieutenant Company 1\I, Fifth :By 1lfr. PERKINS: Petition of E. L. Barnes n.nd 136 others, citizens Regiment illinois Cavalry Volunteers, -for .removal of charge of deser­ ofNeosho-County, Kansas, praying for legislation that will embody the tion-to the !5ame committee. recommendations ofthe national pension committee of the Gmnd Army Also, papers and evidence in support of the bill for reliei of Fannie of the Republic-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Pemberton, formerly Fannie Glass-to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. PETERS: Petition of Dr. J. R. ..Duncan and others, citizens By Mr. _WHEELER: Petition of James a Patterson, asking that hls of Jiarvey County, Kansas, favoring the -creation of a national board war claim be referred to the Court of Claims~to the Committee on War ofthealth---'to the Committee on Commerce. Claims. - Ry Mr. P.RICE: Memorial of the board -of supervisors of Stanton, Byl\Ir. WILKINS: Memorial from Samuel W. Osborn, masterwork­ Wis., -on interstate commerce-to the same committee. _ man of Knights of Labor, No. 2444, of Zanesville, Ohio, for construc­ By 1\Ir. ROCKWELL: Petition of Burr L. Willi.'\ms, for restoration tion of public works .of internal importance-to the Oommittee on Eai.l­ to ithe;pension-rolls-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ways n.nd Canals. .:By Mr. ROMEIS: :Petition .of Knights ·of Labor of Fremont, Ohio, By Mr. WINANS: .Petition of C. E. Osborn, A. W. Mathews, ·and against :the passage of the free-ship bill--'to the Select :Committee-on 60 others, citizens of Otisville, Oakland County, Mkhjgan, for a pensiun American Ship-building and Ship-owning Interests. to ·samantha Alexander. widow of W. ·E. Alexander-to the Committee -ny Mr. TIY.AN: Petitionnfcitizens -ofReese, Kans., for :the.reliefof on Invn.lid Pensions. · . third .and .fourth class postmasters-to the Committee on the Post-Office By Yr. WOODBURN: Petition of .John Hunter and 106 others, citi­ and Post-Roads. zens of Bingham 'County, Idaho, .requesting the passage of the bill in­ Mso, petition of .citizens -of .1\iadison, .Kans., for the ·relief of third tro.duced by Mr. WooD'BURN, of Nevada, to regulate the:rigntofvoters and fourth claa& -:post-offices-to -the same committee. .in the Territories-to the Committee on the Territories. .By 'Mr. SAWYER: Petition .for amendment-ofthepatent laws-to The following petitions, ·praying Congress 'for the enactment of:a 1:tw the Committee on Patents. · · requir,ing -scientific temperance ·instruction in the public schools of the .:By .Mr. SENEY: .Remonstrance of Cincinnati Board 'Of ·Trade and District of Columbia, in the Territories, and in -the Military and Naval T.raDSport.'l.tion .against Senate bill and House .bill to build .a bridge at Academies, the Indian and colored schools supported wholly or in pRI't Cairo, Dl.--to the .COmmittee on Commerce. by mon€y from the national Treasury, were :presented and severally 'By Mr. SKINN~R: Petition of Bryant Waters, of Wasillngton referred to the Committee on Education: . County, North Carolina, for relief-to the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. BOUND: ·Of citizens of Daupbin and Northumberland ·coun- Also, papers in the case-of John F. J>endleton, of PasquotankCounty, ties, .Peunsylvania. - Ne:r.th Carolina-to the Committee ·on War Claims. By lth-. HALL: ·Of crtizensofl3uena VistaandW:lShington Counties, Also, papers in-trre-claimofWilliam Chester, ofHyacCounty, North fu~ . Carolina-to ·the same-cemmittee. By Mr. KETCHAl!:t:: · Of.citizensuf'Putnam and Columbia Counties, By 1\fr. STAHLNECKER: ·Uemorial asking .an investigation of State NewYork. debts., and a remedy therefor--to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. A . .J. WEAVER: Df citizens of•Gage ·County, Nebl'Mka. B_y ..Mx. STEELE:.Concurrent resolution ofthe Legislature ofIndiana, asking the passage of a bill giving n .pension to .soldiers who were prisoners of war-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, petition ·of Martin.Coughlin, Company A, Thirty-fifth Iniliana SENATE. Volunteers, askingto ha-ve the charge of desertion removed-to the Committee on 'Military Affairs. TUESDAY, April 20, l88G. B_y .Mr. STEPHENSON: Petition of Huff Jones, asking for relief for Prayer 'by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. 'BuTLER, D. D. expenditures made under m1 agreement with the Indian agent at The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and appro-ved. Green Bay, W1S.-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. Also, petition of 610 citizens of :Marietta, Wis., requesting the pas­ EXECUTITE COl\IMU~~CATION. sage of an act for the construction of a bridge across the 1!Ienomiuee . The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communica­ River, -within 1t miles of its mouth, said river being the boundary tion ·from the Secretary· of the Interior, transmitting, in' .response to a hetween fhe States of Wisconsin and M:ichlgan-to the 'Committee on resolution of February 23, 1886, a report of the Commissioner of the Commerce. General Land Office relative to the payment by the Northern Pacific .By M:r. CHARLES STEWART: Petition of-certain citizens of Trinity Railroad Company of the cost of selecting, surveying, and conveying or County, Texas, asKing for. approp1iations to transport .negroes to Li­ patenting lands granted to that company by act of Congress to aid in beria-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the construction of its road, &c.; wbich, with the accompanying papers, . 13y Mr. E. F. STONE: Memorial of Knights of Labor, of Beverly, was, un motion of 1\:I:r. DoLPH, ordered to lie on the ta-ble and be lYlas.a., relatingio harbor of refuge .at Sari.dy Bay, Massachusetts-to printed. the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. COLUl\IBI.A INSTITUTIOX FOR THE DEAF .AND DUMB. Also, ·memorial of Knights of Labor of .E...<:Sex, Mass., relating to the .Hennepin Canal-to the Committee on Railways and Canals. 1\Ir. DAWES presentea ·the annuri11·eport of ·E. M. <Gallaudet, pres­ By ~fr. W. J. STONE, 'Of.Kentncky: Petition of Nathaniel Reuster ident ·of the Columbia .Institution forth~ Deaf and Dumb, si tut1ted at -and of 1\Iartha A. Lewis-'to the Committee -on lnvalid Pensions. Kendall, .near Washington, D. C., ·made in pursuance of the require­ By 1\Ir. SY:M:ES: Petition ofWilliam Collins, for a ,Pension land--war­ ments of section 4867 of the Revised Statutes; which was referred to rn.nt-to the Committee on Pensions.
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