1910. CONGn:ESSION.AL .RECORD-HOUSE. 2405 "Byron H. Colburn, at Lawrence, 1llic11. rr'h-e communications a."l".e as fel1ows: William 'F. Crane, at "Manistique, .:Mich. lHouse "'.Document No. 271, Sixty-first ·Congress, second session,] l\fiohael H. Kern, at .. Menominee, 1\lich. U~AVAILABLE FUNDS, UNITED ST1'\..TES TREASURY. Glover E. Laird, at Mendon, .:Klich. LETTER ll'ROM '"'l'HE ACTING -8-ECRETARY OF 'THE TREASURY,\IITTING A .Josia:h .C . .Richardson, at.Jackson, ~fich. C(>l!l\IUNTCATION "FROM THE TRE:ASUBER OF THE UNITED ·STATES RELATING TO ITEMS OF UNAVAILABLE 'FUNDS :REPORTED 'IN :IIIS GENERAL ACCOUNT. J"ohn .J. Saxton, .at ·:Famv-ell, .Mich. :TREASURY J>EBAB:TMENT, OFFICE OF ~HE cSECRElTARY, Thomas 'II. WlITwick, rrt 'Litchfieill, 1\Iich. -Washington, February -15, 1910 . .sm ·: I :have he lronur rto drnnsmlt herewith a communication -:from 'MTS SIS SIPPl. the TreaBUrer of ·the United :states, relating to items of una-vailable "'funds ·report-ed in his ·genei:al nccount. W. J. Price, at Meridian, 1\fiss. This communication sets forth the history of the deposits of public NEW JERSEY. moneys, ·:amounting to =-$28,101,644.91, -made with i:he -States under :the provisions of rthe act of Jun~ 23, 1836, and ·subsequent 'legislation James ::E. 13a1dwln, nt"Newton, N. "J. taking the control of 'these 'funds :trom th:e ~.rreasury Department. It seems rd:esirable and important -that the Congress should ;mact NEW YORK. legislation -that will ..finally ·dtiwose of -said deposits, an'd Jny recom mend!U:ion s made "for such ~tion.
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