Newsletter for the Wisconsin Society Sons of the American Revolution, May 2021


First, I would like to thank all WISSAR members for allowing me the privilege of serving as your president for the next year. I would also like to thank outgoing president Bill Austin for his guidance and leadership during his two terms as WISSAR President. He will be a tough act to follow.

A little about me. I’m a retired senior executive for global consumer and commercial financial services companies. Married for 53 years with two daughters and six grandchildren. My hobbies include grand kid activities, horses, hunting and working around the house – outside. I am also active in the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War (SUVCW). I have been an SAR member since September 2017. I also currently serve as the Elisa Raymond Chapter President.

One of my primary objectives will be attracting new members and retaining existing members. This isn’t anything new but continues to be an issue for our organization. My intention will be to charge the WISSAR Membership Committee to come up with viable ideas to solve these problems. The committee includes one member of each chapter. A way to retain members is to get them involved in chapter activities and leadership positions, then reward that participation in some appropriate manner with a chapter level award or recognition. As the Awards Chairman for the last two years, I have noticed chapter level awards are sporadic and encourage each chapter to be more active.

Hopefully the Covid-19 Pandemic will be less of an issue as we move through the year and we can resume in-person WISSAR and chapter meetings. Although we will keep our WISSAR Zoom contract active and available for chapter use, as it has value to do so, I urge all chapters to resume in-person meetings as soon as possible.

I urge the leadership of our chapters to get your members involved in projects, programs etc. and then award recognition as appropriate for those efforts. In that regard, I would like each chapter to send me their nomination to serve on the WISSAR Membership Committee.

I look forward to the opportunities that will come our way during the year. If WISSAR members have suggestions as to those opportunities, I welcome having discussions with you.


Sam Keith

May 2021 – [email protected] - NEW WISCONSIN SAR STATE SEAL

The Development of Wisconsin SAR's State Seal: The Backstory

Not by accident, in January of 2021 Nathaniel Ames (NA) Chapter President Ben Hobbins asked Wisconsin SAR State President William Austin for permission to develop a new logo for Wisconsin. President Austin gave NA President Hobbins the green light. As a matter of fact, Wisconsin's new state seal came to be as an extension to other national logo branding development work Hobbins was conducting for NSSAR on personal request of President General (PG) Jack Manning to rebuild their very own Massachusetts SAR State Seal in October of 2020. Hobbins met PG Jack Manning along with former PG Warren Alter at the Orange County Congress in July 2019 when he was a Wisconsin delegate to Congress. Alter, Manning and Hobbins hit it off in a very personable manner. Hobbins wrote an article about his 1st NSSAR Congress experience and it was published in the fall 2019 SAR magazine.

The Hobbins Logo Series, Gift to SAR

A team player and part of two state SAR Societies, Hobbins sought constructive feedback on look and feel during his new NSSAR logo series development with CA's President Littlefield and WI's President Austin, who both strongly supported the Hobbins logo brand series. The new logo series was substantially donated by Hobbins who gifted his 100+ of hours of work and all Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the NSSAR as a Hobbins family tribute to all son and daughter patriots and ancestors of the American Revolution.

Massachusetts State Seal

May 2021 – [email protected] - PG Manning's request came at the time when compatriot Hobbins was developing the striking four new SAR color logo brand series for the NSSAR. PG Manning supplied Hobbins with the NSSAR minuteman logo elements as guide, and the old Massachusetts SAR logo, asking him to try to improve the old logo using these pieces. Voila, the new Massachusetts SAR seal (following NSSAR branding) was born.

California State Seal

In December 2020, SAR President Littlefield contacted Hobbins to revamp multiple state logos and for a CA State SAR seal redesign. In December Hobbins produced both CA and WI Christmas and New Year’s 2021 cards.

Wisconsin State Seal

In January 2021, Hobbins asked the Wisconsin SAR President Austin if he could produce the Wisconsin State logo design. Hobbins' collaboration on state seal development followed previous NSSAR branding guidance, procedures and collaborative development processes. Hobbins understood that NSSAR would examine and confirm, strengthen current IP, policies, procedures and validate approval processes. Hobbins' idea was to reinvigorate and reinforce NSSAR IP policy and procedures on state seal use, establishing order in the process, while strengthening NSSAR original IP branding systems. Hobbins filled the use case for a NSSAR- administered state seal portfolio of uniform state seals, following its own brand systems with uniformity of design.

NSSAR Efforts

Compatriot Ben Hobbins continues his work with NSSAR, PG Jack Manning, Executive Director Shaw and NSSAR officers in collaboration on branding, strategic development, advertising and merchandising. Hobbins was appointed to the SAR National Branding and Engagement Committee and the America 250th Anniversary Committee by PG Manning.

Article and picture submitted by Ben Hobbins

May 2021 – [email protected] - WISSAR ANNUAL MEETING

Saturday April 24th was the annual meeting and awards luncheon of the state society. We were fortunate enough to have our Knight Essay Award winner and Eagle Scout Award winner on hand. Herman Bender addressed the attendees and presented his 4th of 5 lectures in his series of events that led up to the American Revolution. Past President William Austin was thanked for his steadfast and enthusiast leadership and support during his 2 years as state president. Sam Keith (Elisha Raymond Chapter) was sworn in as State President, Bob Haglund (Capt Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter) was sworn in as 1st Vice President and Don Skarda (MK Chapter) was sworn in as 2nd Vice President.

Pictured at left is the Knight Essay winner Emma Ruth Jansky and chairman Tom Curtis.

Chairman Curtis asks you to please contact your local high schools to promote this essay.

May 2021 – [email protected] - Pictured at right is the Eagle Scout Award winner Riley Van Zeeland and Chairman Bob Haglund.

Riley is the son of WISSAR member Jay Scott Van Zeeland from the Capt Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter.

Nathaniel Ames Chapter Awarded Matthew Harvey of Elkhorn and Ivan Cermak of Middleton a chapter essay award certificate. The young men placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in the WISSAR essay contest.

Article and picture submitted by Aaron Krebs and George Abrams


George Washington’s birthday was celebrated at the Washington Statue in Oshkosh, WI by the Wisconsin Society Color Guard and Wisconsin Society DAR. The statue of George Washington is a cast taken from the original Houdon life size statue. Houdon used Washington’s life mask and measurements to create the statue. Pictured are Wisconsin Society DAR

Regent Brenda T Majewski, WISSAR Color Guard Commander Brian Barrett, Robert Haglund, Russ Buhr, David Grover, William Austin, Mike Nelson, DAR member Elizabeth Baker and Mark Nelson.

Article and picture submitted by William Austin


The family of Randolf "Lee" Will was on hand as well as Capt Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter members Russ Buhr, Bob Haglund, Robert Johnson (not pictured) and Past WISSAR President William Austin to place the SAR compatriot grave marker on Randolf "Lee" Will's headstone. The Wisconsin Color Guard (CG) rendered honors.

Right - Russ Buhr reads a prayer while Bob Haglund and William Austin hold the colors.

Compatriot Will’s family was present and a nice family chicken dinner was consumed after. The weather cooperated for a 4.5 hour round trip for Past President Austin.

Left - Three members from the CG gathered with Lee Will’s family for a celebration of life for compatriot Randall “Lee” Will. CG members Bob Haglund and Bill Austin with Russ Buhr officiating. This was the twelfth Compatriot Grave Marking for the CG this year.

Article and picture submitted by Bob Haglund


Compatriots George Bamman and Steven Bultman were inducted into the SAR at the Capt Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter meeting by WISSAR President William Austin and Chapter President Robert Haglund. George Bamman’s patriot is Eleazer Fisk Sr. Steven Bultman’s patriot is Abial/Abiel “Byall” Easterbrooks.

Riley Van Zeeland receives his Eagle Scout Medal and certificate for being the chapter winner in the Arthur M & Berdena King Eagle Scout contest. Riley went on to be the WISSAR winner.

George Bamman receives his War Service Medal w/Vietnam bar.

Article and pictures submitted by Bob Haglund


Pictured left to right is Elisha Raymond Chapter Secretary-Treasurer Brian McManus, WISSAR President Sam Keith, Deputy Sheriff Colin Coultrip and Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth.

The following is from the submittal for “Public Service & Heroism Awards as written by Sam Keith. Deputy Coultrip has been a Deputy Sheriff with the Kenosha County Wisconsin Sheriff's Department for five years. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater with a degree in Criminology and Sociology. While on duty patrol at about 5 p.m. Sunday, December 20, 2020 in the Salem Lakes area he responded to a call of a man who had fallen through the ice at Hooker Lake in Salem Lakes. The man had been struggling in about 6 feet of water for about 15-20 minutes. It was also growing dark making it difficult to see the man. He and other deputies knew they could not wait for an emergency response team to arrive, Deputy Coultrip then climbed into a canoe and began pushing it with his hands across the barely frozen water toward the victim. When he was about 5 feet from the struggling man he attempted to coach him to save himself, but the man panicked while trying to lift himself into the canoe and the canoe broke through the ice. Deputy Coultrip then hand paddled the canoe closer and balancing himself, stood up and got the man into the canoe. The man again panicked, stood up capsizing the canoe. Deputy Coultrip was able to extract himself from the water onto the ice and then pulled the man onto the ice. By then the Salem Lakes Fire Department had arrived and pulled them to safety. The 57 year old local man was treated at a local hospital, released and is fine. After this heroic action, Deputy Coultrip went home, cleaned up, changed uniforms and went back to work.

Article and picture submitted by Sam Keith May 2021 – [email protected] - LIBERTY TREE PROGRAM: SURGEONS QUARTERS, OSHKOSH AND KAUKAUNA

Past President William Austin and Michelle Abler are pictured at right planting a liberty tree at the Surgeons Quarters ground near Baraboo WI.

The Liberty Tree (1646-1775) was a famous elm tree that stood in Boston near Boston Commons, in the years before the American Revolution. In 1765, colonists in Boston staged the first act of defiance against the British government at the tree. The tree became a rallying point for the growing resistance to the rule of British over the American Colonies, and the ground surrounding it became known as Liberty Hall. The Wisconsin Society of the Sons of the American Revolution has planted or is in the process of planting six Liberty Trees.

The first will be on the grounds of the Surgeons Quarters in Portage, Wisconsin.

The second will be on the grounds in Oshkosh beside the statue of George Washington. Dedication date is May 22, 2021. The City of Oshkosh Forestry Department will do the planting because of underground wiring concerns.

The third will be by the cemetery in Kaukauna and will be organized by the Hendrick Aupaumut Chapter

At left is two of the three trees that came from the Liberty Tree Society and are Herbie Yarmouth ME elm clones.

May 2021 – [email protected] -

The picture at the right is what will be installed on the grounds in Oshkosh beside the statue of George Washington.

Article and picture submitted by William Austin


Nathaniel Ames President Ben Hobbins accepted a $200 contribution from the Madison Elks Lodge No. 410 for our Liberty Tree project, specifically for honoring Nathaniel Ames and 250 years of American veteran and patriot sacrifice. Elks is sponsoring Nathaniel Ames Chapter's pilot ''America 250th event, Proud America Days” This will honor Nathaniel Ames, 250 years of veterans and include the reading of the Jefferson Papers, the Declaration of Independence and a dedication of an American liberty tree Nathaniel Ames is buried in Prairie Mound Cemetery in Oregon WI. He died at the age of 102 after serving on and off from 1777 to 1783 in the Continental Army and Navy.

May 2021 – [email protected] - PROUD AMERICA DAYS. INDEPENDENCE DAY 2021!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

The Nathaniel Ames Family and Honoring 250 Years of American Veterans and Patriots

America's Freedom Papers: Reading of the Jefferson Papers, the US Declaration of Independence & the Planting of an American Liberty Tree

WISSAR Nathaniel Ames Chapter, SUVCW Camp #2 and WI-MN Department, veterans and patriotic association partners and the National Freedom and Liberty Tree Project (NFALTP) are organizing the July 4th, 2021 Independence Day pilot event. Since the fall 2020, foundational pilot development took place at NFALTP in CA, and in winter and spring of 2021, WISSAR Nathaniel Ames Chapter President Hobbins and SUVCW Camp Commander John Decker Camp #2 Henry Harnden/WI-MN Department joined up. South Korea Veteran Bill Raftery suggested the reading of the Declaration of Independent (complementary to the NFALTP Americanism model) and the reading of the Jefferson Papers, similar American founding documents, and other Americanism educational related materials. In April 2021, SUVCW Department WI-MN moved to support the joint veteran’s initiative in scope and vision. It became an enhanced Nathaniel Ames Chapter, SUVCW Camp #2, WI-MN Department and NFALTP initiative. The pilot developed over months between Chapter President Hobbins and Camp Commander Decker. Hobbins contacted the Village of Oregon and they have enthusiastically met the pilot’s various permitting and event support needs. A $500 16-foot triumph elm tree (a symbolic Liberty Tree) was donated by McKay Garden Center of Oregon. Partners take their oaths to the American’s Creed, profess love of country, freedom, liberty, individualism, pledge allegiance to our republic, to the history of American freedom, support for Americanism, celebrating our founders. We honor the over 250 years of service by American veterans, here and abroad, our service men and women, our military branches, and families, as we start to celebrate our coming America 250TH Anniversary. A beautiful plaque will be dedicated to this 1st inaugural event of the reading of a selection of the Jefferson Papers, our US Declaration of Independence and culminating with the planting of an American liberty tree. The plaque will also honor Nathaniel Ames and the 250 Years of American veteran and patriot sacrifices for our fabulous of America, its patriot citizens, families, widows, sons and daughters.

May 2021 – [email protected] - An expanding array of event partners are providing event color guards, a brass band, cash and in- kind sponsorship, volunteers, and material ground support. Nathaniel Ames SAR, Madison Henry Harnden Camp #2, SUVCW Department WI MN, DUVCW Tent #23, DAR, VFW, Legion, Scouts, Police and Fire, Oregon WI and Nation support this pilot project. In the spirit of American freedom and citizenship, the WI pilot project is 100% collaborative. Sponsors are considered “Founders Circle Members” and will receive recognition. The NFLTP is based in California is acting as principal consultant and sponsor. Ben Hobbins is the pilot's designated organizer, representing our patriotic organizations, all veterans' organizations, NFALTP, other partners and pilot stakeholders. Help and volunteers are welcome. Contact Nathaniel Ames Chapter President and Event Chief Orchestrator, Ben Hobbins at [email protected]. Ben serves on the NSSAR 250th Anniversary Committee & Chairs WISSARs 250th Anniversary Committee.

Oregon, WI July 4th Event: 1pm Tentative Program

Event Introduction Ben Hobbins Presenting Colors SAR, SUVCW, Military, VFW & Legion Opening Prayer Chaplain Pledge Bill Raftery Opening Speaker Remarks Randy Glysch Oregon Village Pres Reading of Selections of the Jefferson Papers John Decker Nathaniel Ames Family History Ben Hobbins Reading of the Declaration of Independence John Decker, Ben Hobbins, Bill Raftery Dedicating of American Liberty Tree/Plaque Ben Hobbins National Anthem Singer TBD Closing Remarks Ben Hobbins, John Decker Benediction Chaplain Retiring of Colors SAR, SUVCW, Military, VFW & Legion

Free refreshments and ice cream!!


Former Nathaniel Ames Chapter Vice President and current member of the Chapter, Ensign Robert Muether, US Navy, soloed on April 26th at NAS (Naval Air Station) Corpus Christi.

May 2021 – [email protected] - UPDATE FROM WISSAR COINS COMMITTEE

Committee member Ben Hobbins has been working with the challenge coin fabricator for weeks on final version proofs, obtaining 3 from the producer this coming week. Once received, they will be submitted to the committee for selection, WISSAR approval and the order for 300 will be made. The goal is to have these within the next 4-6 weeks in time for the National Congress in Renton WA. Progress has been strong and they are awesome! They commemorate and celebrate Wisconsin's new state seal and WISSAR Compatriots!


May 2021 – [email protected] - STATE OFFICERS

President: Samuel Keith 1st Vice President: Bob Haglund 2nd Vice President: Don Skarda Secretary: Aaron Krebs Treasurer: George Abrams Registrar: Mike Meador Genealogist: Charles McGee Historian: William Austin Chaplain: James Hargan Chancellor: Eliot Held National Trustee: Samuel Keith Alt. National Trustee: Bob Haglund

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2021 May 15th – Surgeons Quarter Dedication of the Liberty Tree (Portage WI) May 20th – Nathaniel Ames Chapter Meeting, Elks Club (Madison WI) May 22nd - Liberty Tree Dedication at the George Washington Statue (Oshkosh WI) June 14th – Flag Day July 4th – Proud America Days (Oregon WI). SAR, SUVCW, Veterans America 250th pilot event. July – 131st National Society Annual Congress (Renton WA) July – WISSAR Board Meeting October - WISSAR Board Meeting October 29th and 30th – Great Lakes District Meeting (Madison WI) 2022 January – WISSAR Board Meeting February – George Washington Luncheon (Oshkosh WI) April – WISSAR Annual Meeting

The Badger Patriot is put together by Compatriots William Muether, Ben Hobbins and Aaron Krebs. If you have an article, picture, event, news report that you would like to share please contact the State Secretary at [email protected]

May 2021 – [email protected] -