
International Club - NC State Club Constitution

Article I Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name This shall be known as the International Business Club

Section 2: Purpose

The International Business Club is an organization that exists for the purpose of promoting the integration of international business and among the students of North Carolina State University, as well as any visiting or exchange students from abroad. The club should act as an intermediary for Poole College of students and international students attending North Carolina State University, aiding in the facilitation of engagement and networking between those students. The International Business Club also exists to provide students with access and information regarding globally focused enterprises and international job positions. We strive to present opportunities for students to hear from diverse speakers who are highly knowledgeable and involved in the global marketplace.

Article II Membership

Section 1: Eligibility

Registration is open to all regularly enrolled students, as well as foreign exchange students attending North Carolina State University. Registration is also open to any students from abroad currently attending partner universities, such as the SKEMA Business School.

Section 2: Selecting Members

All students are currently welcome to fill out the application form. Once the form has been filled out and turned in, along with the $10 due per semester, the student should be admitted into the International Business Club.

Section 3: Event Requirements / Point System

3a. Point System

There is no minimum or maximum for the number of events members are required to attend. All attendance will be recorded on a point-per-time basis—students will get a point for every event they attend and check in at. For an event to be deemed a valid event, students must register the event with the Social Director. The event must have at least 2 native students and 2 international students present when hosted, with the exception of large events (10+ members), as there may be times when no international students are able to attend an event. Students who make an event suggestion will get an extra point accredited to them only if the Executive Team use the suggestion and make it an official event. Members will also have a point allotted to them with each time a mentorship meeting is attended (see Article VI).

3b. Rewards

The top 20% of attendees will be awarded at the end of each semester for their involvement in the organization. The award will be decided between the Executive Team based on the financial capabilities of the organization at any given time

Section 4: Priority Registration

Currently there is no need for priority registration. If the attendance numbers become excessive to the point of hindered organization, the Executive Team can decide to put a limit to the amount of members able to attend. They can then implement a priority registration policy if needed.

Section 5: Warning / Probation

Due to the expected highly multi-cultural environment assumed with any international organization, there will be no tolerance for any kind of discrimination in the International Business Club. Any notice of an offensive discriminatory action, whether within the Executive Team or with any other regular member, will result in immediate confrontation by the President, Vice President, and at least one other member of the Executive Team appointed by the President. They will then be able to decide the severity of the case, and based on a vote between the Executive Team, the meeting will result in either a warning or probation. As for attendance, no warnings or probations will be necessary.

Article III: Officers

Section 1: Definition of Officers

The appointed authors of this program shall be the positions of President, Vice- President, Treasurer, Secretary, Poole Council Representative, Director, Webmaster, Fundraising Director, Social Committee Chair, and Director of Professional Development.

1a. President

The President is responsible for aiding in the facilitation of communication between the Executive Team and the rest of the organization as well as calls and presides at meetings of the chapter and of the executive committee. All other members of the Executive Team and the other members of the organization may report to the President for immediate advice and/or referral to another member based on the inquiry or issue. The President is a member of the Executive Team. The President is responsible for leading periodic revisions to the Constitution when warranted by changing circumstances. Overall, The president seeks to promote the welfare of the club.

1b. Vice-President

The Vice President position supports the President in all duties, and completes tasks that assist the President. The Vice President is a member of the executive team. The Vice President will also focus on maintaining relationships with leaders of other international associated with North Carolina State University as well as communication with the Faculty Advisor.

1c. Treasurer

The Treasurer will be put in charge of all financial aspects of the organization. The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Team. The Treasurer will handle any donations and funds from fund-raisers. One of the Treasurer’s main responsibilities is developing relationships with local companies with the possibility that these companies might make a contribution to our organization, whether these contributions are monetary or event-based. The Treasurer is responsible for applying for appropriations from the Student when necessary.

1d. Secretary

The Secretary will administer and receive membership applications, track and collect dues and attendance, and maintain the membership database. The Secretary is a member of the Executive Team. The Secretary shall take notes during Executive Team Meetings. The Secretary will be responsible for organizing mentorship relationships with native and international students. This position will also be in charge of making sure that mentor-mentee relationships are running smoothly, as well as monitoring the attendance of mentor-mentee meetings. The Secretary will help pair students together in the most relevant manner possible, based on the qualifications and backgrounds of individual students.

1e. Poole Council Representative

The Poole Council representative represents club at the Poole Council meetings. The Poole Council Representative is a member of the Executive Team. This position is a liaison between IBC, PCOM faculty, and other PCOM student organizations. The purpose of this representative is to help IBC partner and share ideas with other students in the PCOM for the benefit of everyone. The Poole Council meetings involve talking about what each club does in the College Of Management and ideas and events for getting other students involved. The Poole Council Representative is responsible for recording timesheets after every event as required by Poole Council as well as applying for Poole Council appropriations.

1f. Communication Director

The Communication Director is responsible for communication with club members about events using Facebook, Email, Calendars, etc. The Communication Director is a member of the Executive Team. The Communication Director is responsible for communicating event details with the Social Committee Chair and the Director of Professional Development. The Communication Director works with the Webmaster to ensure all website data is current and up to date.

1g. Webmaster

The Webmaster is responsible for the IBC website. The Webmaster is a member of the Executive Team. The Webmaster should make sure that website information is current and up to date. The Webmaster works with Communication Director as necessary to receive information for website.

1h. Fundraising Director

The Fundraising Director is responsible for facilitating fundraising for the club. The Fundraising Director is a member of the Executive Team. The Fundraising Director should frequently brainstorm, plan and execute fundraising ideas (restaurant fundraising nights, product sales, donations, etc.)

1i. Social Committee Chair

The Social Committee Chair is responsible for organizing Social Events for the Club. The Social Committee Chair is a member of the Executive Team. The Social Committee Chair is responsible for maintaining communication with the Executive Team about social events and notifying the Communication Director with event details no later than one week prior to event. The Social Committee Chair should recruit, appoint, and manage members of a Social Committee and should delegate responsibility for individual events to committee members. This position is also responsible for securing venues for events through the Vice President and should collaborate with other clubs in planning events. The social Committee Chair is responsible for promotional events (Organization Fairs, etc.)

1j. Director of Professional Development

The Director of Professional Development will be responsible for developing relationships between local (or foreign) companies, both CEO’s and employees, who might be interested in participation with the International Business Organization. The Director of Professional Development is a member of the Executive Team. The Director of Professional Development is responsible for maintaining communication with the Executive Team about events and notifying the Communication Director with event details no later than one week prior to event. This position is also responsible for securing venues for events through the Vice President and should collaborate with other clubs in planning events. The Director of Professional Development should also provide a gift on behalf of the Club to any guest speaker.

Section 2: Nomination, Selection and Term of Officers

Regular terms will be per year. If an officer leaves because of graduation, work or to study abroad, that officer can decide to either give up the position entirely or lend the responsibility for the semester. Whenever an officer leaves or graduates, whether at the middle of the year or the year-end, another member may apply to run for that officer’s spot.

If another member would like to run for a position on the Executive Team, the members of the Executive Team will vote between the applicants for that position. The Executive Team will then bring that decision before the rest of the organization. If a third or more of the organization opposes that decision, the decision will then go to a majority vote between all members of the organization.

In order to join the Executive Team, it is required, unless approved by the club President and Vice President under a special circumstance, that a student must be an active member of the IBC for at least one academic semester.

Section IV: Dues

Registration dues will be $10 per semester.

Section V: Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws

Any amendments will be discussed between all members of the Executive Team, and may be approved by a majority vote of the Executive Team.

Article VI: Meetings

The President will schedule all club meetings when necessary. Meetings between the Executive Team will be held at the discretion of the President throughout the year.

Article VII: Mentorship

Mentorship will be an essential part of the International Business Club, but it will not be mandatory. Some international students who are members of the International Business Club may opt to not have a mentor. Native students within the club may choose to mentor international students within or outside of the organization. Points will be given to all members involved in the mentorship program for each meeting they attend, but only if a brief summary of each meeting is recorded and sent to the Director of Mentorship. The maximum amount of meetings per week between mentors and mentees is completely left up to the discretion of each mentor-mentee couple, but a maximum of only 1 point per week will be given to members for mentorship meetings.