International Business Sources
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International Business Sources Abstracts and Indexes American Statistics Index (ASI) 1973 - Gov Docs Ref Z 7554 U5 A46 ASI is a comprehensive index to federal government statistics. This two part index provides complete bibliographic information. Similar to SRI index. Also available as part of the Statistical Universe database. Business Periodicals Index (BPI) 1958 - Ref Z 7164 .C81 B983 Best single source for periodical articles in business, including economics, banking, advertising, marketing, management, specific industries, finance, and international business. CIS 1970 - Ref KF 49 .C62 This two part comprehensive index covers publications of the U.S. Congress: hearings, committees, and reports. Part 1, the index, is arranged by subjects, corporate and individual names. Part 2 consists of abstracts which include complete bibliographic data and SuDoc numbers. Index of Economic Articles in Journals and Collective Volumes v. 8 - 38 Ref Z 7164 E2 I4812 A classified subject index to articles in over 200 journals and to selections in Festschriften, essay collections, conference proceedings, and books of reading. Volumes 1 - 7 cover the years 1886 - 1965; volumes 8 to date cover one year each. Also available online as EconLit. Index to International Statistics (IIS) 1980 - Ref OVZ Z 7552 I53 IIS is a comprehensive index to various types of publicationspublished by international agencies; United Nations publications, U.N. Regional Commissions, and affiliated agencies, such as the World Health Organization, International Labor Organization, and the International Monetary Fund. Corresponding documents are part of the IIS Microform Library. IIS is also part of the Statistical Universe database. Monthly Catalog of United States Government Publications 1895 - Gov Docs Ref GP 3.8:672- The Monthly Catalog is issued with monthly, semiannual, and annual indexes. The catalog is organized by issuing agency and gives complete publishing information. Also available online. PAIS International in Print Ref HB 1 .A1 P35x Index to articles, books, some government publications, pamphlets, and agency reports relating to economic and social conditions, public administration, and international relations. Also available online. Predicasts F&S International Ref HD 2328 .P74x Social Sciences Citation Index 1972 - Ref Z 7161 .S65 Citations from over 4000 journals are completely or selectively included, with adequate coverage of business and economics. SSCI is both international and multidisciplinary in coverage. This is available online as a part of the Web of Knowledge database. Social Sciences Index Ref AI 3 .S61 Index to journals that include the fields of economics, area studies, public administration, geography, law, political science, and related subjects. Statistical Reference Index (SRI) Ref OVZ Z 7554 .U5 S79 Carol Schuetz, Baylor University Libraries, 12/18/2006 This two part comprehensive index covers statistical publications from private organizations and state government sources. Part 1 of the index is organized by subject, personal author and data sources. Part 2 contains the abstract, which includes complete bibliographic data. Company Information America's Corporate Familes and International Affiliates Ref HG 4057 .A146 Directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries Ref HG 4538 A1 D5 Directory of Foreign Firms Operating in the United States Ref HG 4057 .A155 Directory of Foreign Manufacturers in theUnited States Ref HD 9723 .A76 D&B Europa Ref HG 4132 .Z5 D86x Hoover's Handbook of World Business Ref HG 4009 .H66 Marconi's International Register Ref HE 7710 .I6 Who Owns Whom: North and South America Ref HG 4009 .W464 Who Owns Whom: U.K. & Ireland Ref HG 4135.5 W48 Dictionary of Business and Economics Ref HB 61 .A53 International Dictionary of Finance HG 151 .B274 2003b International Dictionary of Management HD 30.15 .J64 The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law Ref K 487 .E3 N48x 1998 Routledge Dictionary of Economics Ref HB 61 .R92 2002 Periodicals The following is a list of selected periodicals that includes those that deal almost exclusively with international business subjects. Many other journals often include articles that are international scope. Use of the indexes listed in the section "Indexes and Abstracts" will enable you to locate such articles. Finance and Development 1968 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***Also available online IMF Survey 1972 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor International Business Review 1995 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***Also available online through Science Direct International Economic Review 1960 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***Also available online International Financial Statistics 1961 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***Also available online Carol Schuetz, Baylor University Libraries, 12/18/2006 - 2 - International Journal of Business & Economics 2002 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor IMF Staff Papers 1999 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***previously International Monetary Fund Staff Papers 1950 - 1998 Journal of International Business Studies 1970 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***Also available online Journal of World Business: JWB 1997 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor ***previously Columbia Journal of World Business 1966 - 1996 Statistics and Guides to Statistics American Statistical Index Ref Z 7554 U5 A46 Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook Ref HG 3882 .B34 CRB Commodity Year Book Ref HF 1041 .C56 Encyclopedia of the Third World Ref HC 59.7 .K87 Index to International Statistics (IIS) 1980 - Ref Z 7552 .I53 International Financial Statistics 1979 - Moody Library, 2nd Floor International Financial Statistics Yearbook 1979 - HG 61 .I57 Statistical Abstracts of Latin America 1955 - Ref HA 935 .S8 Statistical Reference Index (SRI) 1980 - Ref Z 7554 .U5 S79 Statistical Yearbook. Annuaire Statistique 1948 - HA 12.5 .U63 Statistics Sources Ref HA 36 .S84x ***latest at reference desk Survey of Current Business 1921 - Gov Docs C 59.11: ***Also available online World Tables Ref HC 59 .W669 1992 International Trade Statistics Yearbook 1990 - 2001 Ref HF 91 .U473 Other Materials Americas Market & Mediafact Ref HC 94 .A1 A47x Asia Pacific Market & Mediafact Ref HC 411 .A7365x Central & Eastern Europe Market & Mediafact Ref HC 240 .A1 C42x Carol Schuetz, Baylor University Libraries, 12/18/2006 - 3 - Consumer Asia Ref HC 411 .C59x Consumer Eastern Europe Ref HC 244 .Z9 C6138 Consumer Latin America Ref HC 130 .C6 C66x Consumer Middle East Ref HC 415.15 .Z9 C68x Consumer USA Ref HC 101 .C744 Encyclopedia of Business Information Sources Ref HF 5353 .E9 Major Companies of Central & Eastern Europe and Ref HF 5154.7 .A3 M35 the Commonwealth of Independent States Major Companies of Latin America and the Caribbean Ref HG 4901.5 .Z65 M34 Major Companies of the Far East and Australasia Ref HG 4244.6 .M35 Major Companies of the Arab World Ref HF 3866 .M3 Sources of European Economic and Business Information Ref HC 240 .S87x Western European Market & Mediafact Ref HC 240 .A1 W48x World Consumer & Expenditure Patterns. International Ref HC 79 .I5 W677x World Economic Factbook Ref HC 59.15 .W657x Databases ABI/Inform global Indexes 1000 worldwide business periodicals -- many full text -- covering topics such as advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, etc. Also provides information on 60,000+ companies. Business and Company Resource Center Contains company information, articles and investment reports. Some full text available. Business Source Complete Indexes scholarly business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting, international business, and much more. About 80% of the journals are available with full text. EconLit EconLit is the American Economic Association's electronic bibliography of economic literature. EconLit is an expanded version of the Journal of Economic Literature (JEL) indexes of journals, books, and dissertations. In addition, EconLit includes citations to articles in collective volumes indexed in the annual volumes of the Index of Economic Articles, articles from over 250 journals not indexed in JEL, and the full-text of JEL book reviews. EconLit also incorporates the Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics (AWPE) database licensed from Cambridge University Press. IMF International Financial Statistics Carol Schuetz, Baylor University Libraries, 12/18/2006 - 4 - A standard source of international statistics on all aspects of international and domestic finance. It reports, for most countries of the world, current data needed in the analysis of problems of international payments and of inflation and deflation, i.e., data on exchange rates, international liquidity, international banking, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions, government accounts, and national accounts. Information is presented in country tables and in tables of area and world aggregates. Lexis/Nexis Academic The business component of Lexis-Nexis Academic UNIVerse includes company, country, financial, demographic, market research and industry reports. Approximately 120,000 new articles are added each day from worldwide newspapers, magazines, news wires and trade journals. Many of the resources found in Lexis/Nexis UNIVerse are available in full text. Lexis/Nexis Statistical This resource provides access to some of the best statistical publications from private and state government sources since 1980 (from Statistical Reference Index) and approximately 2000 titles from about 100 international intergovernmental organizations, published annually