Bibliographies of Northern and Central California Indians. Volume 2--Tribal Bibliographies P-Y
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 370 604 IR 055 087 AUTHOR Brandt, Randal S., Ed.; Davis-Kimball, Jeannine, Ed. TITLE Bibliographies of Northern and Central California Indians. Volume 2--Tribal Bibliographies P-Y. INSTITUTION California State Library, Sacramento.; California Univ., Berkeley. California Indian Library Collections. SPONS AGENCY Office of Educational Research and Improvement (ED), Washington, DC. Office of Library Programs. REPORT NO ISBN-0-929722-78-7 PUB DATE 94 NOTE 413p.; For related documents, see ED 368 353-355 and IR 055 086-088. AVAILABLE FROMCalifornia State Library Foundation, 1225 8th Street, Suite 345, Sacramento, CA 95814 (softcover, ISBN-0-929722-79-5: $35 per volume, $95 for stet of 3 volumes; hardcover, ISBN-0-929722-78-7: $140 for set of 3 volumes). PUB TYPE Reference Materials Bibliographies (131) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC17 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS American Indian History; *American Indians; Annotated Bibliographies; Audiodisks; Audiotape Recordings; Films; *Library Collections; Maps; Photographs; Public Libraries; *Resource Materials; State Libraries; State Programs IDENTIFIERS *California; Unpublished Materials ABSTRACT This document is the second ofa three-volume set made up of bibliographic citations to published'zexts, unpublished manuscripts, photographs, sound recordings, motionpictures, and maps concerning Native American tribalgroups that inhabit, or have traditionally inhabited, northern and central California.This volume contains the bibliographies for the following tribalgroups: Paiute, Patwin, Pomo/Kashaya Pomo, Shasta, Shoshone, Sinkyone,Tolowa, Wailaki, Wappo, Washo, Whilkut, Wintu/Wintun, Wiyot, Yahi/Yana, Yokuts, Yuki, and Yurok. Each tribal bibliographycontains citations to materials that are tribal specific, along withcitations to general materials that contain significant amounts ofinformation on that tribe. (MES) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRSare the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPAJIMMENT Of EDUCATION Office of Educational Reeeerch and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 0 This document bee been reproduced as received from Me person or organization originating it 0 Minor changes new been mad* to improve (08. (*Production quality Pounts of vow or opinions statid in thus docu- ment do not necessenly monesnt official OERI position or policy BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL CALIFORNIA INDIANS VOLUME 2 - TRIBAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES P-Y EDITED BY RANDAL S. BRANDT AND JEANNINE DAVIS-KIMBALL, PH.D. ....u.:4A4( Yen. CALIFORNIA INDIAN LIBRARY COLLECTIONS PHOEB:i. APPERSON HEARST MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY 1994 BEST COPYAVAILABLE 2 4.. 0 1994 CALIFORNIA INDIAN LIBRARY COLLECTIONS, PHOEBE APPERSON HEARST MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY (FORMERLY THE R.H. LOWIE MUSEUM OF ANTHROPOLOGY), UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY, CA 94720. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DESKTOP PUBLISHING BY CALIFORNIA INDIANLIBRARY COLLECTIONS UNDER THE DIRECTION OF JEANNINE DAVIS-KIMBALL, PH.D. PRINTED BY KINKO'S - BERKELEY. THIS PUBLICATION WAS SUPPORTED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE LIBRARY SERVICES AND CONSTRUCTION ACT, ADMINISTERED IN CALIFORNIA BY THE STATE LIBRARY, GARY B. STRONG, STATE LIBRARIAN. DISTRIBUTED BY: CALIFORNIA STATE LIBRARY FOUNDATION 1225 8TH STREET, SUITE 345 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 TELE: (916) 447-6331 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL CALIFORNIA INDIANS VOL. 2 TRIBAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES P-Y ISBN 0-929722-78-7 0-929722-79-5 (PBK) 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME TWO TRIBAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES (CONT.) PAIUTE 3 NORTHERNPAIUTE 41 OWENS VALLEY PAIUTE 63 PATWIN 71 PONio/KASHAYAPo1.10 87 SHASTA 131 SHosHONE 147 SINKYONE 169 ToLoWA 179 WAILAKI 199 WAP Po 211 WASH o 223 WHILKUT 279 WINTU/WINTUN 287 WIYOT 315 YAHI/YANA 335 YOKUTS 351 YUKI 377 YuRoK 397 t ) III tf.5 4.? 52.4 PAIUTE BIBLIOGRAPHY Aikens, C. Melvin. "The Far West." In Ancient Native Americans, ed. J. D. Jennings, 131-181. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Co., 1978. Anaerson, Kat.. "At Home in the Wilderness." In CalVornia Indians and the Environment, ed. M. Margolin, and J. Gendar, 3-5. News from Native California Special Reports, no. 1. Berkeley: Heyday Books, 1992. Special supplement to News from Native California (Spring 1992). "NativeCalifornians as Ancient and Contemporary Cultivators." In Before the Wilderness: Environmental Management by Native Californians, comp. and ed. T. C. Blackburn, and K. Anderson, 151-174. Ballena Press Anthropological Papers, no. 40. Menlo Park, Calif.: Ballena Press, 1993. Andel-son, Kat, and Gary Paul Nabhan. "Gardeners inEden."Wilderness Magazine, vol. 45 (1991): 27-30. Angel, Myron. Reproduction of Thompson and West' s History of Nevada, 1881: With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. Berkeley: Howell-North, 1958. Reprint of: Oakland, Calif.: Thompson and West, 1881. Angulo, Jaime de, and Béclard D'Harcourt. "La Musique des Indiens de la Californie du Nord."Journal de la Société des Americanistes, n.s., vol. 23 (1931): 189-228. Aschmann, Homer. "Great Basin Climates in Relation to Human Occupation." In Current Views on Great Basin Archaeology, 23-40. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Survey, no. 42. Salinas, Calif.: Coyote Press, n.d. Reprint of: Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Survey, 1958. Bailey, Paul. Ghost Dance Messiah: The Jack Wilson Story. Tucson, Ariz.: Westernlore Press, 1986. ..Wovoka, the Indian Messiah. Great West and Indian Series, 10. Los Angeles: Westernlore Press, 1957. Baldwin, Gordon C. "The Pottery of the Southern P-"ute."American Antiquity, vol. 16, no. 1 (1950): 50-56. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. "Californians." In The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, H. H. Bancroft, vol. 1. Wild Tribes, 322-470. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 1. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1875. Historyof Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming, 1540-1888. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 25. San Francisco: The History Co., 1890. ."Shoshone Languages." In The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America, H. H. Bancioft, vol. 3. Myths and Languages, 660-679. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 3. New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1875. 3 PAIUTE BIBLIOGRAPHY Barber, Bernard. "A Socio-Cultural Interpretation of the Peyote Cult."American Anthropologist,n.s., vul. 43, no. 4, pt. 1 (1941): 673-675. Barrett, Samuel A. "[Fieldnotes and Field Catalog, Washoe, Pyramid Lake and WalkerLake Northern Paiute, Shivwits Southern Paiute]," 1916. Hearst Museum of Anthropology, Universityof California, Berkeley, and Milwaukee Public Museum. Bates, Craig D. "Beadwork in the Far West: The Continuation of an Eastern Tradition."MoccasinTracks, vol. 6, no. 6 (1981): 4-9. "Dressing the Part A Brief Look at the Development of Stereotypical Indian Clothing Among Native Peoples in the Far West."Journal of CaWornia and Great Basin Anthropology, vol. 4,no. 2 (1982): 55-66. "Lucy Telles: A Supreme Weaver of the Yosemite Miwok/Paiute."American Indian Basketry, vol. 2, no. 4 (1982): 23-29. Whole issue no. 8. "Made for Sale: Baskets from the Yosemite-Mono Lake Region of California."Moccasin Tracks, vol. 7, no. 4 (198)): 4-9. "Yosemite MiwokRaiute Basketry: A Study in Cultural Change."American Indian Basketry, vol. 2, no. 4 (1982): 4-22. Whole issue no. 8. Bates, Craig D., and Martha J.Lee. Tradition and Innovation: A Basket History of the Indians of the Yosemite-Mono Lake Area. Yosemite National Park, Calif.: Yosemite Association, 1990. "Yosemite: A Melting Pot for Indian People and Their Baskets." In Strands of Time: Yokuts, Mono and Miwok Basketmakers, L. E. Dick, and et al., 25-30. Fresno, Calif.: FresnoMetropolitan Museum, 1988. Baumhoff, Martin A. "History of Great Basin Ethnography." In CurrentViews on Great Basin Archaeology, 1-6. Reports of the University of California Archaeological Snrvey,no. 42. Salinas, Calif.: Coyote Press, n.d. Reprint of: Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Survey, 1958. Baumhoff, Martin A., and J. S. Byrne. "Desert Side-Notched Pointsas a Time Marker in California." In Papers on California Archaeology: 70-73, 32-63. Reports of the University of CaliforniaArchaeological Survey, no. 48. Salinas, Calif.: Coyote Press, n.d. Reprint of: Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Survey, 1959. Baumhoff, Martin A., and Robert F. Heizer. "Outland Coiled Basketry from the Cavesof West Central Nevada." In Current Views on Great Basin Archaeology, 49-59. Reports of the Universityof California Archaeological Survey, no. 42. Salinas, Calif.: Coyote Press, n.d. Reprint of: Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Survey, 1958. Baumhoff, Martin A., Robert F. Heizer, and Albert B. Elsasser. The LagomarsinoPetroglyph Grc up (Site 26-St-I) Near Virginia City, Nevada. Reports of the University of CaliforniaArchaeological Survey, no. 43, pt. 2. Salinas, Calif.: Coyote Press, n.d. Reprint of: Berkeley: University of California Archaeological Survey, 1958. Baurnhoff, Martin A., and David L. Olmsted. "Notes on Palaihnihan CultureHistory: Glottochronology and Archaeology." In Studies in Californian Linguistics, ed. W. Bright, 1-12. Universityof California Publications in Linguistics, vol. 34. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1964. PAIUTE BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 7 Bean, Lowell John, and Hany W. Lawton. "Some Explanations for the Rise of Cultural Complexity in Native