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Attachment 2 w P 0 co HUMAN RADIATION RESEARCH REVIEW MATERIALS: 0 SIXTEENTH SUB MISSION 0 0 0 A 0 HRE Title Action Research Subject Number Item Category HRE-701 Priority of Effects Program for 26 -DoD Effects programs: blast, thermal, Operation REDWING- fall-out, and radiation exposure HRE-702 Annex G to CTG 7.1 Operation 26 -Radiological Safety NO. 1-56 -NTPR -Eniwetok and Bikini Atoll HRE-703 Appendix 6 to Annex A 26 -NTPR Operations Plan 1-56, -Radiological Safety Operations for Radiological Safety Operations Eniwetok HRE-704 NARA Still Photo Search 26 -NTPR RG374 -List of photos from atmospheric test program HRE-705 Air Force Involvement in 26 -Outlines the aircraft penetration policy Omration REDWING for Operation REDWING HRE-706 Affidavit of Dr. McDonald E. General -List of papers by Mr. Wrenn: "In Wrenn, Dr. Edwin H. Haskel, vitro Measurements in Man" & and Dr. Prasad L. Kaipa "Assessment of Radioactive Contamination in Man." ~~ HRE-707 Operation CASTLE - 26 -Organization and operation of Radiological Safety Radiological Safety Unit -BiomedicaVradiation research and programs during Operation CASTLE HRE-708 Operation SUNBEAM, Shots 26 22 -Radwarfare Experiments Little Feller I and 11, Project -Animal studies at Little Feller I and I1 Officers Report - Project 4.1, -Initial neutron and gamma radiation Tissue Dosimetry doses from detonation of a low-yield nuclear weapon HRE-709 Operation TUMBLER- 26 -Responsibilities, organization and SNAPPER Radiological Safety: facilities of Rad-Safe Group and data Report to the Test Director obtained in test series ATTACHMENT 2 -1- HRE Title Action Research Subject Number Item Category HRE-710 Operation PLUMBBOB: 26 Biomedical effects: effects on large Technical Summary of Military biological specimens (swine), eye Effects, Programs 1- 9 protection, effect of proiectiles HRE-7 11 Message: Tactical Troop 26 1 -Ethics policy Orientation for Little Feller I 22 -Radwarfare experiments and I1 -Policy on training given to troops for tests HRE-712 Funds for Joint AEC - DoD 15 48 -Organization Information (budget) Biomedical Program -Biomedical research HRE-713 Request for Allotment of Funds 15 -Organization Information (budget) HRE-714 Staff Visit Report 26 -Exposure by members of SA-16 and C-54 aircrafts HRE-715 Commander Task Group 7.2, 26 Operation and organization upon JTF-7, Final Report completion of Operation REDWING at Eniwetok and Japtan Islands, to includc radsafe and mound monitoring services HRE-7 16 Operation JANGLE Summary 26 -Extrapolation of low yield atomic Report: Weapons Effects Tests detonations and HE tests to determine properties of large surface and underground atomic explosions. Includes effects of tests on service equipment and operations. HRE-717 Operation REDWING: project 26 Cloud penetration missions with 2.66a, Early Cloud Penetration radiation dose rates and hazards encountered by flight crews. HRE-718 History of Air Task Group 3.4 5 21 Radiological safety of all personnel Provisional, O1FEB51- 26 assigned to Air Task Group. Also 3 1MAR51 covers decontamination of aircraft and drones at Operation GREENHOUSE ~ HRE-719 Authority for 3.0 Roentgen 26 Letter requesting authorization for B- Personnel Exposure 50 aircrews to receive up to 3R/Uhrs at Operation GREENHOUSE ATTACHMENT 2 -2- HRE Title Number Item HRE-720 Radiological Mission 26 Aircrew procedures for first sampling Requirements of ATU 3.4.4 flight after each shot at Operation GREENHOUSE HRE-721 7.0 Program Functions Assigned Frequency, priority and specific tasks to ATU to be accomplished by B-50 aircrews collecting cloud samples at Operation GREENHOUSE HRE-722 Operation REDWING: CTG 7.3 Report of naval support commander. Final Report Calls out contamination of sampling aircraft rendering them unusable for subsequent tests. HRE-723 AEC Troop Participation in 26 AEC discussion re Army participation Continental Tests in atomic tests and Army request to exceed AEC guidance on rad/therm/ blast exposure levels HRE-724 History of Task Group 7.4, 26 Positioning of aircraft for cloud Provisional (JUN56) penetration efforts at Operation REDWING, Shot Flathead HRE-725 History of Task Group 7.4, 26 Fallout on test personnel site in Provisional Eniwetok Lagoon following Operation REDWING, Shot Tewa HRE-726 Troop Participation in 26 Preliminary meeting between AFSWP UPSHOTKNOTHOLE and services re manning and operations at Desert Rock V. HRE-727 Troop Participation in Operation Discussion of blast and radiation UPSHOTKNOTHOLE 26 I I exposure limits HRE-728 AEC Meeting No. 794 Recommendations re troop 26 I I Darticioation in Continental Tests. !IRE-729 AEC Decision 487/21 on Troop Decisions re troop participation in Participation in Continental Continental Tests. Approved Tests. delegation of responsibility for safety ATTACHMENT 2 -3- HRE Title Action Researeh Subject Number Item Category HRE-730 Troop Participation in 26 AEC response to AFSWP re UPSHOTKNOTHOLE coordination of diagnostic experiments at UPSHOT and military effects observations in KNOTHOLE HRE-731 AEC Positioning of Troops at 26 Maximum allowable troop exposure to Atomic Weapons Tests overpressure, radiation and thermal effects at Operation UPSHOTKNOTHOLE. ))732 1 Radiation Exposure Criteria for 1 General 1 1 AEC/DASA policy re exposure of I1 DoD Personnel troops 18 years old and younger HRE-733 Excerpt from Draft Discussion on criteria used to II I Commissions Minutes determine when and under what environmental conditions test detonations are fired HRE-734 Request for Basic Biological General AFSWP response re probable signs and Information symptoms of exposure to ionizing radiations in humans ~~ ~ ~~ HRE-735 FY 65 Administrative Costs for General 48 Administrative files re funding to AFRRI 19 support construction of linear accelerator at AFRRI. Includes letter transmitting $100,000 to AMRL, Ft Knox ~ HRE-736 AFRRI Budget for FY 1965 11 48 Organization: budget HRE-737 DASA Apportionment Request 11 48 Organization: budget FY 1965 HRE-738 Personnel Input to NUWAX-83 General Exposure data collected during EXPLAN preparation for and conduct of accidenthcident (AD) training HRE-739 The NUWAX-79 Bioassay General Procedures and analysis of DOE Program program to monitor internal and external exposure of all personnel Ientering NTS during AD exercise area ATTACHMENT 2 -4- HRE Title Action Research Subject Number Item Category HRE-740 NUWAX-79 Personnel General Problems encountered with collecting Exposure Records Personal Data Forms and tracking exposure levels of participants at &I exercise (film badges & urinalysis) HRE-741 Meeting at Kwajalein on 26 Three memos documenting post- 14 Mar 54 exposure examination of natives, radiological survey of islands, and evacuation of the natives HRE-742 Joint DoD/DOE/FEMA Draft General Exercise plan for national level A/I Nuclear Weapon Accident exercise to validate lessons learned and Exercise; EXPLAN NUWAX-83 corrective actions generated in previous exercise HRE-I43 Joint DoD/DOE Nuclear General Exercise plan for national level A/l Weapons Accident Exercise; exercise to validate lessons learned and FCDNA EXPLAN NUWAX-81; corrective actions generated in previous Change 3 exercise HRE-744 NUWAX-79 Radiological Safety General Guidance for radiological protection of Plan all participants (players, staff, visitors, etc) in national level AD exercise HRE-745 Operation ROLLER COASTER; 6 27 Exposure data for biological test Project Officers Report, Project samples (animals) at Operation 5.2/5.3b; Radiobiological, ROLLER COASTER Radiochemical and Physiochemical Analysis HRE-746 Operation ROLLER COASTER, 6 27 Analysis of soil samples near Project Officers Report, Project Operation ROLLER COASTER to 2.1, Soil Deposition determine PU-239 denosition HRE-747 Proposal for Civilian Laboratory General Qualifications and potential-bidder participation in Operation concept of research tasks associated ROLLER COASTER with Operation ROLLER COASTER HRE-748 Test Program for Evaluation of 6 27 OSD tasks DASA to develop test Storage, Handling and program for Operation ROLLER Transportation Criteria for COASTER Plutonium Bearing Weapons ATTACHMENT 2 -5- HRE ritle Subject Number Category HRE-749 INWS SONACFONAC Courses Cieneral Collection of information on hazards 01 Supplement radiation, and response capabilities for radiation An HRE-750 NUWAX-83 External General Personnel dosimetry results. Includes Dosimetrv Results estimates from the exercise olan HRE-751 Atomic Bomb Casualties General Study re nature of casualties at Nagasaki and Hiroshima and possible effectiveness against American cities ~~~-752AR 340-18-2 (Army Functional Document filing system and destructior Filing Svstem) instructions HRE-753 Report of EIVR-19 Meeting Report of information exchanged with [ 1 1JUNh2) UK representatives re ROLLER COASTER HRE-754 Authorization for EIVR-19 Authorizes DASA to discuss specific Meeting with United Kingdom atomic energy information with Group Captain Rowlands 5( Dr Stewart (UK) re ROLLER COASTER HRE-755 An Investigation of Two George Washington University study re Measures of Palmar Sweat emotional stress associated with Under Field Conditions witnessing atomic explosion (Desert Rock V) HRE-756 Restrictions on the Handling of Classification guidance re studies of Information Pertaining to human response to ionizing radiation Exposures of Natives and examination/treatment of Marshallese natives HRE-757 Activation of Program 4, Various letters and memos re activatior Operation CASTLE of AFSWP study on the response of human beings to significant
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