Ornithol. Sci. 17(2): 229-235

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Ornithol. Sci. 17(2): 229-235 Ornithol Sci 17: 229 – 235 (2018) SHORT COMMUNICATION Prey items delivered to young Northern Goshawks Accipiter gentilis by a single pair breeding in central Tokyo, Japan Haruka MIZUMURA1,#,*, Teruaki IKEDA2, Toshio KAWASAKI3, Fumio SHIRATORI4, Hidehiko SETO5, Yoshiomi KUNISHIMA6, Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI7, Tomohiro ICHINOSE1,8 and Hiroyoshi HIGUCHI8,** 1 Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University SFC, Endo 5322, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252–0882, Japan 2 3-8-19 Heiwadai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179–0083, Japan 3 2-43-1-405 Tagara, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179–0073, Japan 4 1-14-9 Yahara, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 177–0032, Japan 5 6-33-9 Takamatsu, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179–0075, Japan 6 3-7-2-504 Hikarigaoka, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179–0072, Japan 7 1-18-26 Hayamiya, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 179–0085, Japan 8 Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University SFC, Endo 5322, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252–0882, Japan ORNITHOLOGICAL Abstract We examined the diet of young Northern Goshawks Accipiter gentilis before and after fledging through the direct observation of prey items delivered SCIENCE by a single pair breeding in central Tokyo. Observations were conducted from 13 © The Ornithological Society May to 14 August 2015. Three hundred prey items primarily belonging to five bird of Japan 2018 species and two genera of mammals were recorded both before and after fledging. The species contributing most to the total diet were White-cheeked Starling Spodi- opsar cineraceus and Feral Pigeon Columba livia, with pigeons contributing most to total biomass followed by White-cheeked Starling. Prey item composition differed between the periods before and after fledging. After fledging, the contribution of White-cheeked Starling to the diet decreased, whereas that of pigeon increased. Key words Accipiter gentilis, Fledging, Prey items, Urban area The Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis is con- cial wards, goshawks mainly live and breed in large sidered to be at risk of extinction in Japan. The parks and woodlands (e.g., at the Imperial Palace and status of this species has been designated as near Meiji Shrine) which are surrounded by urban areas threatened since 1993 (Ministry of the Environ- (Kawachi 2012; Yanagisawa & Kawachi 2013). ment 2016). However, its population and distribu- The abundance and distribution of goshawks in tion have recently expanded (Kawakami & Higuchi Europe also increased during the 20th century includ- 2003) and it now occupies some urban areas (Horie ing in urban areas (Rutz et al. 2006). One of the & Endo 2013). Surprisingly, the goshawk population most important factors influencing the urban expan- has even increased in the special wards of Tokyo sion of this species is an increase in the abundance (i.e., 23 municipalities in the core and most popu- of avian prey items (Rutz 2008). In addition, the gos- lated parts of the city) (Kawachi 2012). In these spe- hawk exhibits considerable flexibility in its choice of foraging habitats (Rutz et al. 2006). Thus, the (Received 13 August 2016; Accepted 17 December 2017) availability of prey species and dietary adaptation # Corresponding author, E-mail: [email protected] * Present address: Laboratory of Forest Zoology, Department of are both important factors contributing to the urban Forest Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sci- expansion of this species (e.g., Mañosa 1994; Toyne ences, The University of Tokyo, Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 1998; Smithers et al. 2005; Lewis et al. 2006). How- 113–8657, Japan ever, studies on the diet of goshawks breeding in ** Present address: Research and Education Center for Natural Sci- ences, Keio University, Hiyoshi 4-1-1, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa urban environments are limited (e.g., Rutz 2004). 223–8521, Japan Information on the diet of nestlings and fledglings is 229 H. MIZUMURA et al. important for analyzing the survival and subsequent 5.0% amenity grassland, 1.3% farmland, and 0.2% dispersal of young birds. water bodies. This land use composition was calcu- The objective of this study was to determine the lated using vegetation maps (Biodiversity Center of prey items delivered by a pair of Northern Goshawks Japan 2016) at a scale of 1:25,000 in ArcGIS Version to their young, before and after fledging, in an urban 10.2.2 (ESRI 2014). park in central Tokyo, Japan. 2) Observations of prey items MATERIALS AND METHODS A pair of goshawks nesting in the park was selected for the study. The delivery of prey items was 1) Study area observed on a daily basis from the day on which the The study area was located in an urban park in first chick hatched (hatching) to dispersal (the first Nerima Ward (35°44′N, 139°39′E), Tokyo (Fig. 1). day on which none of the offspring were found in the Nerima Ward has a land area of 48.08 km2 and a nest area). The date of fledging was confirmed when total human population of 727,252 (15,126 people/ all fledglings spent an entire day out of the nest. km2) (Bureau of Urban Development, Tokyo Metro- Observations were carried out on 92 days from 13 politan Government 2013; Statistics Division, Bureau May to 14 August 2015 (except for 14 and 15 May,); of General Affairs 2016). In this ward, vegetation fledging occurred on 19 June. The nest and specific covers 25.4% of the land area (Nerima City 2012). perch sites (branches of trees) where the male gos- The park covers 60.8 ha; Japanese False Oak Lith- hawk preferred to transfer prey items to the female ocarpus edulis and Chinese Hackberry Celtis sinensis were carefully observed. We used 8×binoculars and are the dominant plant species (Tokyo Metropolitan 30×telescope for observations, and identified the Park Association 2016). The park is isolated from male and female from their body color, size and call. other large parks and vegetated areas by urban land At least one author conducted the observations of use. The land use composition within a 1 km radius the nest and specific perch sites at an approximate of the goshawk nest was 80.6% urban (residential distance of 60 m from the nest to obtain a clear view and industrial), 12.9% forest (deciduous broad-leaved of both sites and to minimize disruption. Most hunt- secondary forest, vegetated parks, and cemeteries), ing was conducted by the male (only 10 of 300 prey Fig. 1. Map showing the location of the study site (Nerima Ward, Tokyo City). The diagonal lines indicate the area of the 23 special wards of Tokyo Metropolis, whereas the black-shaded area is Nerima Ward. 230 Diet of breeding Northern Goshawks in central Tokyo item transfers were made by the female); thus, we accordance with the Ornithological Society of Japan listened for the male’s call when he transferred a prey (2012). We estimated the total biomass provided to item to the female. All female hunting occurred after the young goshawks from hatching to dispersal (94 the fledging period. After fledging, we observed prey days) and hatching to fledging (37 days) based on the items at a shorter distance from the nest (inside the mean daily prey biomass per young calculated for 92 nest area) so that the three fledglings could be seen days of observation. To compare differences in the clearly and thus minimized oversight of the prey. prey composition during the periods before and after Fledglings did not leave a 60 m radius from the nest fledging, we used Fisher’s exact tests and χ2 tests tree for long durations during the observation period. (Sonerud 1986; Toyne 1998). Fledglings and parents rarely gave alarm calls or ini- tiated mobbing attacks. These features allowed us to RESULTS make direct observation of them at close range. The remarkable tolerance of goshawks to human activity A total of three hundred prey items were recorded has also been observed in the urban areas of Europe as taken by the Northern Goshawk pair. The avian (Ruts 2004; Ruts et al. 2006). We took regular turns prey items were identified as belonging to five species to monitor the birds throughout the daytime (from from five different genera; two genera of mammals 0500 to 1800). Prey items were photographed when- (not identified to species level) were also recorded ever possible. However, the goshawks may have (Table. 1). Photographs of 27 of 300 prey deliver- delivered some prey items outside our observation ies were taken. Photographed prey items and those periods. We could not confirm the initial clutch size, observed directly were coincident and could be identi- because we were not able to see inside the nest. How- fied as the same species in all instances. Twenty-three ever, three young were observed on 25 May, and they prey items could not be identified and were listed as ultimately fledged. unknown taxa (representing 7.7% of the total number Bird and mammal species delivered by the gos- of prey items). The majority of identified prey items hawk were identified based on their foot color, feath- were birds (95.2% of total biomass of prey items) ers, beaks, tails, fur features, and body size. Some and mammals (4.9% of total prey biomass). The diet prey items that could not be confirmed based on these was dominated by Columbidae and White-cheeked features were classified as unknown. Avian and mam- Starlings, which together accounted for 89.9% of the mal species were not abundant around the study site total biomass of prey items. Two Eastern Spot-billed because of urbanization. Therefore, we performed Duck nestlings were also taken. The Columbidae bio- preliminary identifications to narrow down the gos- mass consisted of Feral Pigeon Columba livia (56.6% hawk prey species.
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