William Dubilier Walter P
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JANUARY 25 CENTS .)13714`. cience and nventrioti: The City of Tomorrow In This Issue: "Casey" Jones David Belasco William Dubilier Walter P. Chrysler II Stock Stew. Ssivse01.0c. ajn. On every page of this big catalog for 1930 you will find radio Chicae:o3.Wle $ merchandise of unusual interest-priced at the lowest whole- sale quotations. No radio enthusiast or dealer can afford to be without it. The latest radio devices and improvements are illustrated - sets, accessories, parts and kits-at price -saving reductions that spell the buyer's opportunity. Astounding offerings in new, humless, Screen Grid A. C. all -electric and battery oper- ated sets; beautiful and artistic consoles; dynamic speakers of great vol- ume and rich tone; and everything considered standard in accessories, parts and kits. The startling values listed in this Catalog are made possible by our tremendous buying power, low cost of operation and willingness to take a conservative profit. Quick ser- vice, expert cooperation and unusual satisfaction are assured to every customer. Don't fail to get this FREE wonder book. It will save you big money. Mail the Coupon Today! CATALOGFREE, _ MP Mr Ow Stock Store P(ENgtpChicago Salvage pept. 128 Ill. Sos So. StateSt., Chicago, I (free of chargeand postpaid) Kindly send me Book ofRadio Bargains. your new148 -page Name.................................... Address................................ State ......... City .............................. MAI CHICAGO SALVAGE STOCKSTORE c'WORLD'S LARGEST RADIO STORE 509 So.State St. Dept. 128 Chicago, III.. Science and Invention .11ziays outside of things -that's where I was lust twelve short months ago. Ijustdidn'thavethe cash. that was all.No theatres, noparties, no good restaurants. No real enjoyment of life.I teas just getting bv, just ex- isting. What a difference today!I drive my own car, have a good bank account,enjoyallthe amusements I please. I Couldn't Get the GoodThings of Life Then I Quit My Job and "Found" Myself ! HOWdoes a man go about making "I've just been figuring out your fam- measly little clerical job and devoted my more money? IfIasked myself ily budget, Bill,for a salary of twenty- full time to my Radio business. that question once, I asked it a hun- eight a week.I've figured it several ways, Since that time I've gone right on up, al- dred times! so you can take your pick of the one you ways under the watchful guidance of my I know the answer now-you bet.I like best.Here's Budget No. 1:I figure friends at the National Radio Institute. They know the way good money is made, and you can afford a very small unfurnished would have given me just as much help, too. I'm making it.Gone forever are the days apartment, make your payments on enough ifI had wanted to follow some other line of of Radio besides building my own retail busi- cheap shoes, cheapclothes,walking plain, inexpensive furniture to fix suchan home to save carfare, pinching pennies to ness.suchasbroadcasting, manufacturing. apartment up, pay your electricity, gas and experimenting. sea operating. or any one of make my salary last from one pay-day to water bills, buy just about one modest out- the next one. the score of lines they prepare you for. And I own one of the finest fit of clothes for both of you once each to think that until that dayIsent for their Radio stores you ever saw, and Iget al- year, and save three dollars a week for eye-opening book. I'd been wailing, "I never most all the Radio service and repair work sickness, insurance, and emergencies. But had a chance!" in town.The other Radio dealers send you can't eat.And you'll have to go with- Now I'm making real money.Louise and their hard jobs to me, so you can see how out amusements until you can get a good, I have been married six months. and there 1 stand in my line. substantial raise in salary." wasn't any kidding about budgets by Mr. But-it's just a year ago that Sullivan when we stepped off,either. I'll I was a I 'began to turn red as fire. bet that today I make more money than the poorly paid clerk.I was struggling along "That budget isn't so good after all," he old boy himself. on a starvation salary until by accident my said, glancing at me; "maybe Iltxlget No. Here's a real tip.You may not be as bad eyes were opened and I saw just what was 2 will sound better -- off asIwas. Rut, thinkit over-are you the matter with me.Here's the story of "That's enough. Mr. Sullivan." Isaid. satisfied? Are you making enough money, just how it happened. "Have a heart.I can see things pretty at work that you like?Would you sign a clearly now ;things Ivas kidding myself contract to stay where you arc now for the One of the big moments of my life had about before.Let me go home and think next ten years. making the same money? If come.I had just popped the fatal ques- hisover." And home Iwent, my mind not, you'd better be doing something about tion, and Louise said, "Yes!" in a whirl. it instead of drifting. This new Radio game isa live -wire field Louise wanted to goin andtellher of golden rewards. The work, in any of the father about it right away, so we did.lie .\t home I turned the problem over and 20 different lines of Radio. is fascinating, ab- sort of granted when we told him the over in my mind.I'd popped the question sorbing, well paid.The National Radio In- news, and asked Louise to leave us alone. at Louise on impulse without thinking it stitute-oldest and largest Radio home - And, my hart began to sink -as I looked out. Everything Mr. Sullivan had'said was study schoolinthe world-will train you at his face. gospel truth.I couldn't see anything to do, inexpensivelyinyour own home to know "So you and Louise have decided to get Radio from A to Z and to increase your any way to turn.But I had to have more earnings in the Radio field. married." he said to me when we were money. Take another tip-no matter what your alone."Well, Bill, just listen to me. I've I began to thumb the .pages of a maga- plans are. no matter how much or 1 little watched you often here at the house with zine which was lying on the table beside me. you know about Radio-clip the coupon be- Louise and I think you are a pretty good. Suddenly an advertisement seemed almost low and look their free book over.It is filled upstanding young fellow. I knew your to leap out at my eyes, an advertisement tell- with interestingfacts,figures, and photos, father and mother, and you've always had ing of big opportunities for trained men to and the information it will give you is worth a good reputation here, too.But just let succeed in the great new Radio field. With a few minutes of anybody's time.You will me ask you just one question-how much the advertisement was a coupon offering a place yourself under no obligation-the book do you make?" isfree andisgladlysent to anyone who big free book full of information.I sent wants to know about Radio.Just address "Twenty-eight a week," I told him. the coupon in, and in a few days received J. E. Smith, President. National Radio Insti- He didn't say a word-just wroteit a handsome 64 -page hook. printed in two tute. Dept. OAS, Washington. D. C. down on a piece of paper. colors, telling all about the opportunities in "Have you any prospects of a better job the Radio field and how a man can prepare or a good raise some time soon?" he asked. quickly and easily at home to take advan- "No, sir ; J.E. SMITH. President, I. can't honestly say thatI tage of these opportunities. I read the book National Radio Institute. have." I admitted."I'm looking for some- carefully, and when Ifinished itI mad( Dept. OAS, Washington. D. C. thing better all the time, though." my decision. Dear Mr. Smith: "Looking, eb?How do you go about What's happened in the twelve month, Please sand me your (i4 -page free book, it?" since that day seems almost like a dream printed in two colors, giving all information Well, that question stopped me. about the opportunities in Radio and how I to me now. For ten of those twelve months can learn quickly and easilyat home to How did 1?I was willing to take a I've had a Radio business of my own! At take advantage of them.I understand this better job if I saw the chance all right, but first. of course, I started it as a little prop- request places me under no obligation, and Icertainly had laid no plansto make osition on the side, under the guidance of that no salesmen will call on me. such a job for myself. When he saw my the National Radio Institute, the institu- Name confusion he grunted."I thought so." he tion that gave me my Radio training.It Address said.Then he held up some figures he'd wasn't long before I was getting so much been scribbling at.