First Church Congregational PO Box 326 4 Georgetown Road Boxford, 01921

the grace of the Lord Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. II Corinthians 13:14


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4 Agenda 5 Warrant 2018 5 Warrant 2017 6 Minutes of Previous Annual Meeting

Reports 7 Report of Pastor 9 Report of Associate Pastor 10 Report of the Itinerant Pastor to the Elderly and Unchurched 12 Report of Minister of Traditional Music 13 Report of Moderator 14 Report of Church Clerk 15 Report of Church Historian 21 Report of Financial Secretary/Collector 22 Treasurer’s Reconciling Balance Report 23 2018 Operating Budget 25 Endowment Secretary’s Report on Special Funds for 2017

Board of Elders 28 Report of the Elder to the Congregation 29 Report of the Elder of Christian Education 31 Report of the Elder of Community of Care 33 Report of the Elder of Facilities 34 Report of the Elder of Finance 35 Report of the Elder of Missions and Outreach, Outreach Financial Report 38 Report of the Elder of Music and Worship

First Church Ministries 39 Report of the Women’s Fellowship 39 Report of the Ladies Benevolent Society 40 Report of Four Mile Village 41 Report of the Food Pantry

42 Report of the Nominating Committee

43 Notes

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ANNUAL MEETING January 26, 2018


Call to Order Moderator Ian Fitch

Opening Hymn

Opening Prayer Pastor Andrew James

Annual Business Meeting Ian Fitch

Closing Hymn

Closing Prayer Pastor Andrew James

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Warrant 2018 First Church Congregational, Boxford, MA January 15, 2018

This is to inform you that the Annual Meeting will be held on Friday January 26th, 2018 at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center.

The following items are to be voted upon:

 Acceptance of the minutes of previous Annual Meeting held on January27th, 2017.  Acceptance of the Reports contained in the Annual Report.  Adoption of 2018 Budget.  Election of Officers and Elders as reported in the Nominating Team Report.  New business to come before the meeting for discussion only.

In His Service,

Ian M. Fitch Moderator, First Church Congregational, Town of Boxford, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Warrant 2017 First Church Congregational, Boxford, MA January 13, 2017

This is to inform you that the Annual Meeting will be held on Friday January 27th, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Family Life Center.

The following items are to be voted upon:

 Acceptance of the minutes of previous Annual Meeting held on January29th, 2016.  Acceptance of the Reports contained in the Annual Report.  Adoption of 2017 Budget.  Election of Officers and Elders as reported in the Nominating Team Report.  New business to come before the meeting for discussion only.

In His Service, Ian M. Fitch Moderator, First Church Congregational, Town of Boxford, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

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FIRST CHURCH CONGREGATIONAL of BOXFORD Minutes 2017 Annual Meeting January 27, 2017 7:00 pm Sanctuary

CALL TO ORDER: Noting a quorum present, we sang the hymn “I Love Thy Kingdom Lord”. Gerri White accompanied on piano.

Pastor Andrew James opened in prayer

Ian Fitch read the warrant for the meeting that was posted on January 13, 2017

Acceptance of minutes of previous Annual Meeting held on January 29th, 2016 A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes of the 2015 Annual Meeting. The minutes were accepted unanimously as presented.

Acceptance of the Reports in the Annual Report: A motion was made and seconded to approve all the reports as published in the Annual Report. The motion passed unanimously.

Acceptance of the Budget for 2017: A motion was made and seconded to accept the operating budget for 2017as presented on pages 27-28. The vote was unanimous.

Slate of Officers and Elders: A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate of officers as outlined in the report on page 45. The vote was unanimous

Nominating Team: A motion was made and seconded to accept the slate of the nominating team as presented on page 45.The vote was unanimous.

Pastor Andrew James closed us in prayer Meeting adjourned 9:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Susan Moniz, Clerk

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Report of the Pastor

This year has been a great joy! I thank God for His continued faithfulness in our midst. I praise God for all of you. This has been a year of transitions and new beginnings. His grace has been evident through it all.

I want to start my report by highlighting two key beginnings on a staffing level for our church. In September of 2016 we began our search for a new associate pastor. This process had many twists and turns as we sought the Lord for His man for this job. Then finally in mid-summer of 2017 we had come down to three qualified candidates. In the midst of those three candidates one man truly stood out. We saw in Tom Fagan a clear heart for God, a teachable spirit, a gift with youth and an excitement and willingness to serve the Lord in many ways. Thus, with joy we extended the offer to Tom in July and with joy, Tom accepted the offer. I am so grateful for the Lord's leading in all of this. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last six months of partnering with Tom in ministry. We firmly believe the best is yet to come! Tom has a steady hand of confidence in God which was so needed for this season as we establish this role in the midst of many unknowns along with rebuilding and starting afresh. I am grateful for the good work he is doing in building up our youth program as well as contributing in key areas of preaching and pastoral care/hospital visits to our congregation as a whole.

I am grateful for the work that Walter Woodward did in “standing in the gap” after Mike Haddad's departure from contemporary worship as we sorted out who would fill in this key role long-term. For over a year, Walter did a good job of leading worship and working with a team. We knew when Walter started that it would be a temporary season as he sorted out his future. We began the process of helping to transition him to the next season to which the Lord was leading him, while also giving us the time to sort out what was next for FCCB. In this process I asked a good friend of mine who is a pastor, for recommendations of solid worship leaders whom he may know. This pastor didn't hesitate and said: “Steve Kercher.” Therefore, Steve became one person in this process of searching for who the Lord was raising up to fill this key worship position. We knew we were looking not only for excellent musical ability, but also a spiritual leader who could lead a congregation in musical worship to our Lord. The more we got to know Steve, the more we realized that he was one who was clearly qualified in both of these areas! Steve has been with our church for the last three months and I praise God for all He has been doing in and through Steve as he leads us. Steve will eventually establish a worship team as he settles in more and will continue to lead us “to the heart of worship.” Thanks be to God!

Obviously, both of these searches took a lot of my time. So much of this last year was trusting God and helping people transition into their roles and learn the lay of the land as well as begin to build a cohesive team. I praise God I am seeing that unfold and I look forward to a season that is moving more into stabilization and then building into what is next. The Lord is growing me and teaching me what it looks like to build and lead a team and trust His hand through it all.

I enjoyed growing through preaching this year as the Lord taught me many things. I consistently say, “if someone gets something out of the messages that is great! But I know that I need that time and prep and preaching for my own life, so if I am the only one :)...” We did a preaching series through the “Sermon on the Mount” in Matthew in the beginning of the year. We looked at the “Lord's perspective on everything.” We covered this from January-March. Then I preached from some passages in Luke through the end of Lent and Easter. Then I did some “one off” messages for awhile. Starting in June through the beginning of September we covered the Book of Joshua as looked at what it meant to have courage in God and to trust Him through many challenges. At the end of September into December we

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looked at Gospel stories. The last week in January we will begin a sermon series in John which I look forward to!

In terms of outreach, I was delighted to see how everyone was reaching out to the community. For the Apple Festival we had quite a parking team (thanks to Ron Giovannacci for the cool blue shirts and leading this effort)! We had five different “touch points” to the community “FLC (waters/bathrooms, Sanctuary (historical tours), outside the store (apple food), booth outside church (waters/material, smiling faces), and parking. We truly were the church to the community that day and so many commented on this. Amazing connections were made- many good times to come! The Topsfield Fair was a joy as always, despite the torrential rain! Many solid Gospel connections were made. I am very grateful for Pastor Rolan's continued partnership in this. I am excited for Elder Paul Sidmore's team who continues to partner more in ministry opportunities in reaching out to those in need. We also have made the FLC more “mission oriented” to make it a place open to the community in the mode of “hosting events.” A big thanks to Dan Frasier for all his work in beautifying and preparing our property for mission. With the landscaping in front etc., we are getting ready! We also did a hugely successful movie night/BBQ with the Boy Scouts in the summer and have done some “play dates” with kiddos and families in the challenging winter months. Speaking of families and the community, I praise God that we launched “MOPS”- (Mothers of Preschool Children). Every other week, there are about 15-20 coming together to learn about the Lord and raising children God's way. A few of the moms have no Christian background, which is very exciting! In the new year, I look forward to maybe a '3 on 3' basketball tournament in April/May, perhaps another wiffle ball tournament in the field in the fall and even a movie/concert “on the green” in the field! Please pray for that!

This year, we have also had many people come to faith in Christ. We had the joy of seeing Vic Pimentel come to faith and be baptized. Vic impacted so many of us for the Gospel! Sadly, Vic passed in November after a valiant fight with brain cancer, but his witness for the Lord was clear and we will continue to remember His life, even as we miss him greatly.

I am thankful that we have seen more intimate communities grow in the Lord. Our Thursday morning men's Study has grown to about 9-10 men in my study. Susan Humerian felt led to start a women's Bible Study and that meets on Monday evenings. Elizabeth Kuczun helped us deepen our growing focus and commitment to prayer as a church by beginning weekly prayer gatherings on Wednesday nights. Praise God! This spurred us on to make “prayer” the focus of our teaching for Sunday School through the Fall. Much fruit came from this. We also had a total of 20 men and women attend the Great Banquet in Northern Virginia in 2017. We praise God for the transformation that He is bringing through the Great Banquet in our church and what He has in store for the future in seeing this unfold in New England!

So the Lord has indeed been faithful. So much more that could be reported. I am truly grateful for all of you, particularly for the joy and encouragement you have been to Becky and me in so many ways. It is a joy, but not always the easiest road with three children under the age of nine years old :). We praise God for Luke, Wesley and Juliette and the ways they are growing before our eyes. So thank you for loving our family and helping us. God is faithful! (Scripture here)

Blessings, Pastor Andrew

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Report of the Associate Pastor

This is to be my first of many annual reports as I wrap up my sixth month as Associate Pastor here. As many of you remember, this was a year of many transitions for Kori and myself. I finished seminary this summer, began in this role in August, Kori and I married and moved in October, and Kori began applying to law schools this fall. I have truly enjoyed each change and challenge, but I am also grateful to be in a place where there is less in the periphery, and more time can be spent on the things that matter. This time has also been one of learning. I am learning to be a God honoring husband to my wife, I am learning about the ins and outs of our community here at FCCB, and I am learning what I can give to ensure that God’s vision for this community is fulfilled. In this and all things, I want to thank you all for your support and prayers and we journey together towards a deeper faith and understanding of our relationship with our Father. Thank you.

My first Sundays here were shared with our VBS program, lead by Beth Santarpio along with many volunteers. Creating a new paradigm for VBS by running it on Sundays instead of a weeklong format created unique opportunities to minister to our children as well as visiting families, and has enabled us to grow our ministry. Additionally, Patty Chick along with all of the children’s church volunteers has been some of the biggest blessings of my time here thus far. As we look into 2018, there are many aspects of this ministry I would like to continue to grow and emphasize including evaluating the structure of our children’s programming to ensure that each child is being fostered and discipled in the best way possible, researching and testing new curriculum that cultivates fun and transformative environments for the children and equips our volunteers effectively, and exploring special events for children and parents in our community to facilitate community growth and fellowship.

It has been a pleasure and absolute delight to grow in relationship with the students in our youth programs. When I began here it was important to approach our programing in this area intentionally and with a special lens. We were able to maintain and build on the Sunday night programing, participate in day retreats, and plan and participate in weekend long retreats. On December 10th I invited youth and parents to meet together to discuss the youth ministry, hear from each other, and hear some of my thoughts and concerns going into 2018. Now that I have had to opportunity to be a part of the youth ministry at FCCB I have been able to learn and strategize for different obstacles that need to be addressed. This includes addressing meeting space, evaluating Sunday morning and evening programing, and implementing special event programing and mission/service events, as well as streamlining communication. In order to build a youth program that is sustainable, it’s imperative that we first build the infrastructure required to do weekly and annual events excellently. This may lead to changes to how the youth program was traditionally run, but will reflect our core mission to cultivate and foster spiritual growth in our youth.

Another big step was creating Ministry Participation , which we hope to begin to roll out in a variety of ways this year. This document sets up the foundation for inter-ministry relationships that are reciprocal, God honoring, and give us a structure for fostering discipleship. It came together through the combined efforts of James, Abby, Steve, Gerri, and the pastors, and we are excited for the opportunities it will provide us. This will roll out first with the Contemporary Worship Team, but moving forward we are excited to implement it with all the ministries to which it pertains.

While there are many ministry projects and ideas that we would love to catalyze, we are also prayerfully considering God’s vision and leading in all areas. It has been a privilege to be here for this short time, and I am immensely excited to be part of the life and community here going forward.

Thomas Fagan Associate Pastor

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Report of the Itinerant Pastor to the Elderly and Unchurched

These days I certainly have come to understand what “Itinerant” means. It certainly has been quite a year and I am amazed at how quickly it has past and how faithful God continues to be through all of it. The year began for me as I continued to serve as Interim Senior Pastor at Middleton Congregational Church. It was a great beginning as Pastor Larry Schell began improving and was able to begin the process of assuming some of the duties of Senior Pastor. It was an exciting and challenging time as I was reminded of John the Baptist stating, “he must increase, but I must decrease.” A step at a time the transition was completed with the Easter Sunday celebrations, what a blessing!

God continues to bless the Chapel Ministries. Even as I was serving in Middleton He gave me everything I needed to serve. One of the ongoing blessings is Myra Lou Denton’s faithfulness, she is such a blessing and the residents love her ability to play their favorite hymns, thanks as well to Gerri White who has filled in when Myra was unable, God always supplies what is needed to serve Him.

At Masconomet Healthcare Center in Topsfield we continue to see new faces each month and with the aid of care givers and administrators I am afforded the honor of ministering to many residents and their families which often results in officiating at their celebrations of life. God is so gracious!

The Stevens/Bennett Home in Haverhill is a great source of fun and praise as the ladies show us such love and attentiveness, often giving Myra a well deserved round of applause. They continue to challenge us with old hymns, what fun it is to be taught them and sing to everyone’s delight.

The joint ministry with Free Christian Church to Academy Manor in Andover, likewise continues to be well received. My accompanist there, Mary-Ellen Driscoll encourages more and more residents to join in as she supplies such a joyful exuberance and voice for our services. She has told me, on more than one occasion, how much she enjoys my challenging her to learn more of those “Protestant” hymns, her not being familiar with them as a Catholic. My other, four legged assistant, Woodrow Wilson “Woody” DeLoach, continues to delight the residents, offering himself for loving pats on the head and some serious scratching. To return the favor they will often receive a big slurpy face lick. This year Woody has been designated as “The Service Dog” because he attends so many services.

The year ended with a celebration of “Billy Graham’s, Christmas, the Father’s Gift” program. The residents love this program where they get to hear the Christmas story in Scripture, hear a lesson by Billy and sing an assortment of their favorite Christmas Carols. I love this program and my hope is that we will add it to our Advent celebrations in 2018, possibly with the Youth Group joining in the fun? God continues to be faithful giving me these great opportunities to share His love and truth with many who need to receive His comfort as they prepare to meet Him. Again, let me extend a huge, “Thank you!” to Leslie VanVolkinburg and the youth of First Church for the wonderful handmade Christmas Cards, the smiles they put on so many faces is such a blessing.

Reaching out to the unchurched continues to provide unique and creative ways to share God’s truth using social media. I continue to post a daily Scripture reading on Facebook including a photo from my ever increasing portfolio. It’s a lot of fun trying to match the visual image with the text. I continue to get a lot of, “likes” and a fair amount of questions. The bi-monthly e-mail sermon also continues to receive positive feedback and some very interesting questions. Please pray that our God continues to provide me with resources and answers to their questions.

The Tri-Town Council of Churches, provides another great way for cross denominational ministry to grow God’s Kingdom. The high point for me are the ecumenical services held during Holy Week, the lunches don’t hurt either. This year we will discuss in depth how as followers of Christ to serve our Page 10

community together. It has been a bit of a challenge but a blessing none the less, to act as the Council’s unofficial secretary. Pay attention, there are going to be some exciting changes to Holy Week all designed to cause greater community involvement.

The monthly CCCC Pastor’s Round Table discussions at Free Christian in North Andover continue to be a great source of support and information as we encourage each other. The group is working its way through “Old Paths, New Power” by Henderson. My hope is that as we finish our prayer lives will be more contagious.

Again, over the summer I had the privilege of officiating and co-officiating at a number of weddings. My favorite part is the pre-marital counseling, I get to know these couples and help them to understand the commitment they are embarking on, such fun!

Chelmsford Street Baptist Church sold their 144 year old facility and has re-incorporated as Faith Chapel. I continue as their Adjunct Pastor along with Rev. Dick Norwood. Presently the congregation is meeting at the Radisson Hotel in Chelmsford. Please pray for God’s leading of this faithful group.

The Topsfield Fair, this remains such a wonderful outreach and one I look forward to every year. This year the Praise Team from Middleton supported me and Pastor Tom, it was a great time. I am really excited to see this cooperative effort. Pastor Andrew, Tom and I are invited to come and minister to the Fair workers each morning before the fair opens. This is a great opportunity to share Christ’s love with many new and interesting friends, it doesn’t hurt to have a pocket full of treats, they help to get a day started sweetly. God is so good!

Tuesday’s Men’s Lunch at the Village Pancake House in Rowley continues to be a high point in my week. Sadly we have lost some regulars, Alan Wizwell and his wife Ann have relocated to Maine and our songster, Spencer Campbell is leading an angelic choir now. The topics of discussion remain quite varied, but still, what happens in Rowley, stays in Rowley. If any of you men are looking for something to start your Thursday mornings, come join me, for prayer, devotion and breakfast at Agawam Diner in Rowley, 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. My commitment is to be there for any who would like to join me. We are using Scripture Union’s Encounter with God daily devotional as the spring board for discussion.

Monday evening’s, Community Prayer and Study group is working its way through the Apostle Paul's Letter to the Romans. The letter provides no end of fodder for great discussion and faith strengthening. I am using two main expositors, John Stott’s meditations and a series from Preaching Magazine. The group is made up of members from a number of different congregations as well as a few who are unchurched, many rabbit trails and a lot of energetic conversation. We begin each week with approximately 20 to 30 minutes of sharing and prayer. Then we continue in study finishing up at 9:00.

Again, let me conclude by saying how much I appreciate all of you and thank God for allowing me to be part of such a loving church family, a family that overwhelms me with support and prayer even, and especially, when I am apart from you, I am truly blessed.

Trusting in God’s grace, Pastor Rolan

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Report of the Minister of Traditional Music

“Sing for joy to God our strength; Shout joyfully to the God of Jacob. Raise a song, strike the timbrel, The sweet sounding lyre with the harp.” -Psalm 81:1-2

Out of all the verses in the Bible about music, I cannot help but come back to the Psalms every time. There is something about the simplistic purity of the Psalms, of its earnest poetic style towards nothing but proclaiming glory to our wonderful and almighty God - especially through music - that I continue to be drawn to. Indeed, the Psalms have served as the lyrics for many songs old and new, and the passion with which David and other psalmists gave glory to God through music is not much different as to how we do things today here at FCCB.

In retrospect of this past year, I am happy to report that our music ministry continues to be blessed by our Lord and Savior in many ways. We had a wonderful Sunday afternoon summer concert and reception this past June that featured quite a few talented musicians in our church. It was wonderful to hear how God has gifted us through musical ability and I am hopeful this can become an annual event!

Walter Woodward helped lead the Worship Team throughout most of last year and it was a highlight of mine to be a part of the team leading worship at the Topsfield Fair with him and several others. As he ultimately felt the call to pursue a career in software development, we welcomed Steve Kercher in November. It has been a joy having him help lead us in worship on Sundays. Steve brings a wealth of professional experience to our church and I am excited to see what the future brings as we head into 2018!

Our choir of 12 remains a steadfast and faithful ensemble to our church. I have been extremely blessed by their willingness to continue to follow my direction every Thursday night and Sunday morning, and they certainly work hard at any music I give them. We do miss those in our choir that are no longer with us, and I continue to welcome any members of the congregation with musical inclinations and abilities to join us in the choir as we head into the new year! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me for specifics.

Gerri White continues to be an integral gift to us as well. Her piano accompaniment is both exact and expressive, and has helped lead the worship planning team with devotions and prayer. Not to mention she also reliably bakes some of the best tasting treats every Thursday evening as well!

My wife, Abby, continues to lead us through worship for the offertory, hymns, and choir. I accompany her for offertories and she is the glue that holds Gerri and I together for hymns. She has also helped direct the choir during rehearsals when necessary, and our music ministry together has been a continued blessing to me with each passing year.

We have also had many other individuals who have helped contribute to the music ministry here at FCCB. Becky James has played in piano duets with Gerri to wonderful effect and applause; Jim Middleton, who sings in our choir and occasionally plays the trumpet for hymns and other songs, especially this past Christmas; Chelsea Wood, choir member and occasional soloist; Emili Van Volkinburg, who periodically shared her violin gifts alongside the choir and for offertories; Alice Gould, occasional soloist for offertories; and of course Helen Wallace, who continues to be a dearly welcomed presence as she assists with keeping our organ in tip-top shape, our music library's organization, and other musical aspects where needed.

Respectfully Submitted, James Cassell, Minister of Music

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Officers’ Reports Report of the Moderator

I have just completed my second year as Church Moderator, a position in our marvelous church in which I am as humbled and honored as ever to serve. I thank my fellow Elders and the entire congregation for continuing to place their faith in me as I assist in the shepherding of our church and its dynamic growth.

2017 was a wonderful year in the life of First Church Congregational despite having lost a few of our long-standing and beloved brothers and sisters to God. We all miss them but are comforted by the knowledge they are now in Heaven and in peace. Through the dramatic improvement to our grounds and facilities, to a new worship team, to the new and more familiar faces that appear on our doorstep, God has used our church to bring the Word and Spirit of Jesus Christ to those who have never felt the Holy Spirit in their lives or those who desire to feel it anew. In either case, God be praised!

On the heels of our Elders Retreat last March in Kennebunkport, ME, we boiled down our church’s vision statement to three things – “Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples as we go” – 1) to love our Lord and His Holy Word of all else, 2) to love others as ourselves as Jesus commanded us to do, and 3) make disciples as we go. If we continue to keep this credo in the forefront of our minds despite the world’s day-to-day distractions, we will be that much more focused as to how Jesus Christ called us to be and act as His followers.

I anticipate 2018 to be another wonderful year in the life of our church. As we look to further our presence in Boxford and its neighboring communities, we have much to look forward to. Pastor Andrew James and Associate Pastor Tom Fagan continue to reach out to fellow Boxfordians through a variety of means. They also have made it their mission to embrace our fellow evangelical churches on the North Shore. Having a close-knit consortium of spiritually-aligned churches in the area can reinforce our individual churches’ strengths and mitigate our weaknesses to further glorify the Lord. Is that not, after all, what we are here to do?

If there is anything I would ask of every one of us congregants in 2018, including myself, it would be to prioritize our lives in such a way where we always place God first in everything we do. Vince Lombardi, famous head coach of the Green Bay Packers back in the 1960’s, repeatedly told his players to place in their lives these three things in the following order: 1) God, 2) Family, and 3) the Green Bay Packers. Of course many of his players had a hard time believing that he didn’t breathe, eat, and sleep the Green Bay Packers 100% of the time since she was so intense and demanding as a coach. Yet, isn’t it so easy to lose track of God as we try to keep our families and jobs safe and secure? But if we keep God first and foremost, the other two items will sort themselves out far easier than if they are left up to us alone. This requires a faith that Jesus called his disciples to have during his ministry and He calls those disciples who came after him including all of us to have that same degree of unbridled faith.

I thank you all for being my Brothers and Sisters as we go forth to make our church a shining beacon in Boxford and beyond.

In His Service, Ian M. Fitch

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Report of the Church Clerk

We were saddened by the death of the following members who went home to be with the Lord: Loren Wood – April 30, 2017 Scott Winslow – May 17, 2017 Ted MacDonald –September 22, 2017

Special Baptism June 4th, 2017 Vic Pimentel

Infant Baptism August 27th, 2017 Genevieve Collette; Parents Jonathan and Jordain Reed

Board of Elders: Don Wood Elder of Finance Paul Sidmore Elder of Missions and Outreach John Noyes Elder of Body Life and Membership Dan Frasier Elder of Facilities Ron Giovannacci Elder of Congregation Gerri White Elder of Music and Worship David Allen Elder of Christian Education

Officers: Ian Fitch Moderator Bill Cargill& Chuck Wood Auditor Susan Moniz Clerk Alan Haupe& Phil Chick Financial Secretary (collector) Jeff Kruck Endowment Administrator Taylor Robinson Treasurer Chris Wood Librarian Charlene Mead Historian Bruce Clay Stewardship Administrator

Membership at the close of 2017 is as follows: Active 119

Respectfully submitted, Susan Moniz, Clerk

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Report of the Church Historian

Sunday School Classes: Adult Classes, 9 am, Coggin Room Children’s Classes, 9 am, PreK through elementary grades, Room 15 Children’s Church , during sermon time, PreK through Grade 3, Room 15 Weekly Events: Monday Community Bible Study, 7:30 pm, Pastor Rolan DeLoach’s home Prayer Night, 7 pm, Coggin Room led by Elizabeth Kuczun moved to Wednesday nights on July 19 in FLC Tuesday Women’s Prayer, 12 noon, Coggin Room Men’s Lunch, 12:15 pm, Village Pancake House in Rowley Thursday Women’s Bible Study, 9:15 pm, Coggin Room Men’s Bible Study, 6:30 am, Coggin Room Sunday Youth Group, 6 -8 pm, Youth Room Missions and Outreach: First Church Food Pantry continued to meet the needs of the local people throughout the year. The second Monday of each month was Bread and Roses Day for our Lawrence-based ministry. Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the first Wednesday of the month in the Coggin Room at 10 am

JANUARY January 1 - Former Elder, Taylor Robinson, filled in for Pastor Andrew James January 8 - Bryant and Krista Peace were introduced to the congregation by Pastor Andrew. Bryant Peace will be serving as our Interim Minister to Youth and Family Church Directory became available. January 14-15 - Youth Retreat at Berea January 20 - Women’s Connection had lunch at the Wenham Tea House. January 22 - Pregnancy Care Center baby bottles were distributed. January 22 - Elizabeth Kuczun began presenting a six week Children’s Sermon January 24 - “Workplace Theology” began meeting every other Tuesday in the Coggin Room at 7 pm January 25 - Women’s Connection 7 week bible study began meeting on Wednesdays, 7-8:30 pm in the Church Library January 26 - Ron Giovannacci, Chief, retired from the Topsfield Fire Department after 40 years of service. Pastor Andrew gave the Benediction at the Retirement Party. January 27 - Annual Meeting was held in the Family Life Center at 7:00 pm. We voted acceptance on the following: Reports; 2017 Budget of $413,700; Elders David Allen, Dan Frasier, Ron Giovannacci, John Noyes, Paul Sidmore, Gerri white, and Don Wood; Officers: Moderator Ian Fitch, Treasurer Taylor Robinson, Collectors Alan Huppe and Phil Chick, Stewardship Administrator Bruce Clay, Endowment Administrator Jeff Kruck, Auditors Bill Cargill and Chuck Wood, Historian Char Mead, Clerk Sue Moniz, Librarian Chris Wood; Nominating Committee Rick Denton, Lois Frasier, Ramona Hendrix, Norma Rushton, Chuck Wood, plus two Elders to be determined. January 29 - A testimony by Anne Harrington gave us insight into her prison ministry in South Africa. January 29 - Laura Houck, one of our missionaries, shared her ministry with us during the coffee hour. January 29 - Safe Sanctuary Policy presentation at 5 pm in the Youth Room before Youth Group. January 31 - Revelation, every other Tuesday in the Coggin Room at 7 pm

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FEBRUARY February 5 - Bryant Peace our Interim Minister of Youth and Peace delivered his first sermon. Krista, Bryant’s wife, opened the service. February 12 - Rev. Peter James and wife, Chris, were in town this week for a Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary Board of Trustees meeting. The Rev. James gave his testimony on prayer during our worship service. February 12 - The Baby Bottle Campaign raised $1,077.94 for the Haverhill and Lawrence based Pregnancy Care Center. February 12 – It was announced that we are looking for a Nursery Worker for our nursery program for children walkers to age three. This paid position is for 3 ½ hours each Sunday from 8:45 to 12:15. February 23 - a Play Date was held from 1:00 to 3:30 pm in the FLC. Pastor Andrew and Bryant Peace led the play time.

MARCH March 3-4 - Elder Retreat March 5 - Pastor Andrew presented our latest Seminary Scholarship to Samuel Hauzel who has been serving in a number of ways in our church. Sam is a native of India. March 10-11 - CCCC Women’s Retreat was held in Tewksbury March 12 - Norma Rushton gave us a history of First Church’s relationship of more than thirty years with Bread and Roses of Lawrence. Each month our church prepares meals for the homeless that are served. March 13 - Women’s Connection “Monthly Monday Lunches” beganat the Village Pancake House in Rowley at 12:30 pm March 19 - Gerri White announced that we have hired a Nursery Worker, Lindsey DeMild, for our nursery program for children-- walkers to age three. Lindsey De Mild is the daughter of Liz Minich. March 26 - Pastor Tom Pfizenmaier preached. He is the professor of “Discipleship and Spiritual Formation” at Gordon Conwell Seminary. March 26 - The Youth Group met at 5 pm in the Coggin Room for pizza and took a look at summer teen programs at Gordon College. The Youth then moved on to the Youth Room for their regular Sunday Night gathering from 6 – 8 pm We are so thankful to the Kunkel family for donating their “grand” grand piano. It replaced the rather well used piano in the Coggin Room. Thanks to Don Wood for overseeing the installation by Shanahan Sound of our new audio speakers in the sanctuary this month. Gerri White was hard at work painting the nursery. And thanks to Anmarie Cote for supplying the paint. The Food Pantry steps just got a helpful face lift as well. Wayne Graham donated and installed the practical plus pretty iron railings. Tom Petter has been called to be the Senior Pastor at Trinitarian Congregational Church of Wayland. Chelsea Wood has been accepted at Compass for the coming summer. This intensive Christian training is offered through Gordon College.

APRIL April 2 - Our new Nursery Coordinator, Christine Malynn, (daughter of Nancy and Dave Bartlett) asked for volunteers to help Lindsey in the nursery. April 3 - “Women’s Connection” Monday lunch at the Village Pancake House at 12:30 April 8 - Saturday, “Women’s Connection” met in the FLC at 9 am for brunch

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April 9 - Palm Sunday April 10 through 14 - Tri-Town area church services at noon each day with First Church Boxford hosting on Wednesday April 12 with homilist The Rev. Larry Schell and lunch in the FLC. April 13 Maundy Thursday Communion Service in the Coggin Room at 7 pm April 16 - Easter—Resurrection Service at the cemetery across the street at 6:30 am followed by Easter Breakfast at 7 am in the FLC. Two Easter Worship Services in the sanctuary at 8:30 and 10:30 am April 22 - Spring Cleanup 8-noon April 23 - Bryant Peace, Interim Minister to Youth and Family, announced that he will be leaving soon to be near his ill mother in Florida. Pastor Andrew announced that we appreciated Bryant’s service, but understand why he must leave. The Elders voted last Thursday to change the search from Minister to Youth and Families to an Associate Pastor with focus on youth, families, and the church as a whole. April 27 - 7 pm in the FLC Chad Granger, a Birmingham, Alabama pastor, shared his personal journey through prejudice, calling, and ministry to the marginalized. April 27-30 - Great Banquet Northern Virginia for men. Sam Hauzel participated and Louis De George served as a volunteer in the kitchen crew. April 29 - From 8 am until 3:30 pm The New England branch of CCCC will be held at the Park Street Church, hosted by Pastor Gordon Hugenberger. April 30-May 7 - World Outreach Week FCCB children are joining a World Outreach Week project, “Feets of Service.” Adults helped out by providing packages of socks for boys and girls collected after the Sunday services April 30 and May 7. They will be distributed by the Community Giving Tree in West Boxford to local families in need. April 30 - Pastor Andrew James shared his outreach and missions experiences as we began WOW week with the traditional parade of flags. Elders of First Church Roles: David Allen, elder of Christian education, Ron Giovannacci, elder of the congregation, Dan Frasier, elder of facilities, John Noyes, elder of community care, Paul Sidmore, elder of missions and outreach, Gerri White, elder of music and worship, Don Wood, elder of finance.

MAY May 1 - “Women’s Connection” lunch was held at 12:30 at the Village Pancake House with special guest, Carolyn Gregan, specializing in local women’s prison ministry. May 2 - Men’s Lunch had as their special guest, Emmanuel Bawa, who gave his amazing testimony. May 3 - International Potluck Dinner 6 pm in the FLC featured international and traditional music. Grace and Emmanuel Muhammed shared their upcoming trip to their homeland, Nigeria, in May. May 4 - National Day of Prayer was celebrated in the Coggin Room. May 4-7 - Great Banquet, Northern Virginia for women. Kelsey Giovannacci and Kerry Langlois participated. May 7 - World Outreach Week concluded with the Teen Challenge Men’s Choir leading our worship followed by a picnic lunch in the FLC. May 7 - Potential volunteers met at 5:00 pm to make plans for VBS July 31 – August 4. May 14 - After the service, we had an opportunity to say goodbye to Bryant and Krista Peace as they depart for Georgia. It was also Mothers’ Day and Katy Souza, a new mother, gave her testimony. May 21 - Dr. Tom Pfizenmaier preached on ”The Shepherd and His Sheep”. Tom was recently named Dean of the Hamilton Campus of Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. May 25 - The choir enjoyed their annual cookout at Four Mile Village.

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May 28 - We met at Second Congregational Church for our traditional joint Sunday service to honor our veterans and our country while worshiping the Lord. Pastor Andrew delivered the message and participated in the ceremonies that honored our fallen heroes. Fellowship time followed with Benson’s ice cream and Elizabeth Meyer’s chocolate brownies.

JUNE June 3 - Church Yard Sale held with profits going to help upgrade our playground for church and community use. June 4 - Karol Joseph of Jews for Jesus joined us to share more about her ministry. June 5 - Women’s Connection lunch was held at the Village Pancake House in Rowley. June 7 - The Kaiter’s hung the beautiful, handmade shell cross in our Missions and Outreach Room (#22) June 8 - FCCB hosted a night with area churches (North Shore Gospel Partnership) to pray for our local churches and the North Shore. June 10 - We celebrated the life of Scott Winslow at 11 am in our sanctuary followed by a reception with his family in the FLC. June 11 - We celebrated Youth Sunday followed by a BBQ in the FLC. Sunday School will resume on September 10. Children’s Church continued through July. June 25 - James Cassell planned a special concert in the Coggin Room at 3 pm to dedicate the beautiful Falcone piano provided by Gary and Doris Kunkel. June 25 - Youth Group met at the parsonage with an Associate Pastor candidate. June 28 - Ernie Truax of CBMC led an evening of instruction and discussion on discipleship.

JULY July 8 - We celebrated at 2:00 pm the life of long-time FCCB member, Loren Wood, who went to be with the Lord on May 31. July 9 - Sunday Services started being held in the FLC for the rest of the summer. Pastor Andrew thanked the Associate Pastor Search Team which consisted of: Dan Frasier, Ron Giovannacci, John Noyes, Colleen Wages, and Chuck Wood. He then introduced to the congregation the new Associate Pastor, Tom Fagan and his fiancee, Kori. July 10 - Work started this week on Phase 3 of Transformation Inside and Out. New Hope Tutorials is moving to the Christian Education Wing, The Youth Room will be relocated to the Vestry, Food Pantry Upgrades, Playground equipment replaced, Remounting of the weathervane and rail on our steeple, beautifying the courtyard and Georgetown Road side. July 16 - Pastor Andrew and Paul and Marcia Sidmore attended the CCCC Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. They were joined by Pastor Mike and Norma Haddad plus children. July 19 - the Monday Prayer Night was changed to Wednesdays in the Coggin Room. July 28 - Elders Retreat July 30 – Tom Fagan, Associate Pastor, preached “It’s Just the Beginning” July 30-August 27 VBS “Cave Quest” was held for children entering pre-kindergarten through 6th grade from 10 am – 12 noon on Sundays. Beth Santarpio was assisted by Anmarie Cote.

AUGUST August 1 - Official start date for Associate Pastor, Tom Fagan. August 7 - Pastor Rolan preached on “Where to Go?” August 13 - Pastor Andrew and his family returned after vacationing with family in Virginia. Blessing of IT workers during the service August 20 - Pastor Andrew preached on “The God of Second Chances” with a blessing of teachers during the service

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August 27 - Pastor Andrew preached “The Battle Is The Lord’s”. A paedo (infant) baptism was performed by Pastor Andrew. Genevieve Colette Reed, daughter of Jordan and Jonathan Reed was baptized. Dr. K. Clement and Sathya were in attendance. They have been our ministry partners serving in India since 1988. Landscaping work on our Georgetown Road side included new plantings, a new door and brick side walk to the Christian Education Wing. On the front of the Church we removed over 15 dead or threatening trees. Moved youth room to the new location in the vestry. M, T, Th New Hope will be using Christian Ed Wing freeing up FLC for other opportunities Summer for Our Youth: A number of our youth attended Camp Berea. Chelsea Wood participated in COMPASS. Brendan Wages attended boot camp at Ft. Devens as a U.S. Navy Sea Cadet. Dr. Emmanuel and Grace Muhammed returned after a successful mission trip to their native Nigeria.

SEPTEMBER September 3 - Tom Fagan, Associate Pastor preached. Tom Pfizenmaier served communion. At 9 am in the FLC, Dr. K. Clement gave us an update on his ministry to Indian pastors. Pastor Andrew and Becky attended a wedding in Nashville. September 6 - Rick Denton headed to Romania on a 10 day E3 medical mission trip. Meet & Greet at 6 pm for Associate Pastor, Tom Fagan. Pizza was served. September 10 - Welcome Back Sunday. Sunday School starts up again with “Growing Relationship with God Through Prayer” as the theme at 9 am. A cookout followed the service. September 10 - Mission Moment: Alison Gill spoke to us about her ministry in India for the past three years. September 11 - Women’s Connection Lunches resumed after a summer break September 16 - Apple Festival with parking, water, and restrooms available at FCCB. Apple flavored goodies were sold vs. our traditional apple crisps. We received $600 for our local ministry partners. September 24 - Associate Pastor, Tom Fagan, gave us his testimony as part of the service. September 27 - Vision Night 6 pm in FLC for supper and presentation by Pastor Andrew followed by discussion and prayer. September 29 - MOPS(Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)started meeting every other Friday with Esther Elmer coordinating the program.

OCTOBER October 1 - Topsfield Fair morning service at 10 am with Pastor Rolan preaching with Middleton Congregational Church worship team. Pastor Andrew led the service at FCCB. October 8 - Topsfield Fair morning service at 10 am with Pastor Andrew preaching with our FCCB worship team. Associate Pastor Tom Fagan led the service at FCCB. October 14 - Associate Pastor Tom Fagan and Kori were married October 15 - Rev. Peter James and his wife visited us. October 28 - Metal and Electronic Recycling Day ran from 9-2 pm in the FCCB parking lot. October 29 - Operation Christmas Child (a Samaritan’s Purse project), chaired by Sue Slocum, collected boxes for shipment. October 29 - Ron and Paula Sylvester, former interim pastor, visited FCCB. October 29 - Walter Woodward, our Contemporary Worship Leader, gave us his testimony and his calling to work among the poor in Lowell. He will be marrying Heroina Fils. NOVEMBER November 2-5 - Great Banquet in Virginia for men. Attending: David Giovannacci and friends Brandon Rafferty, Cory Obendendofer, Doug Bartlett, Jason Duncan, Emmanuel Muhammed, Morgan

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Spencer, Dan Buckley, Hermany DaSilva, Matt Kaminski, Mike Elmer, Brian McNeil, and servers: Andrew James, Dan Frasier, Ron Giovannacci, Don Wood, Chuck Wood November 5 - Associate Pastor Tom preached. Walter Woodward’s last day leading the Contemporary Worship. November 6 - Women’s Connection Lunch.—19 attended November 9-12 - Great Banquet in Virginia for women. Attending: Grace Muhammed, Caitlyn Cassille, Merril Allen, Sue Wiggill, Cynthia Cassille, Elizabeth Kuczun, Sue Giovannacci, Kim Thareja, and servers: Cathy Huppe, Jen Calverley, Michelle Robinson November 11 - We celebrated the marriage of Tom and Kori at 6:00 pm in the FLC. November 12 - Steve Kercher started leading our Contemporary Music at FCCB. Dr. Tom Pfizenmaier preached on the “Meal of a Lifetime” and served communion. November 12-30 - Community Giving Tree’s Holiday Gift Drive for children in need on the North Shore. November 18 - Dan Frasier led the Fall Clean Up from 8:00 am to Noon. November 19 - Pledge cards for 2018 were distributed. November 20 – Women’s Bible Study, 7 – 8:30 pm November 23 - we met for our traditional Thanksgiving service at 9 am December 9 - Bread & Roses Cookie Bake at FCCB at 9 am in the FLC kitchen December 9 - Family Board Game Night at 6:30 pm in the FLC December 10 - Tim and Anna Kercher sang during the offertory December 13 - Carol Sing and pasta dinner at 6 pm in the FLC December 15 - Memorial Service for Vic Pimentel at 6:30 pm followed by a collation in the FLC December 17 - Our choir led the singing for the Historical Society Grand Illumination December 24 - We had our regular 10:30 am service followed by the Hallelujah Chorus and an 8:00 pm candlelight service. December 31 - Associate Pastor, Tom Fagan preached. Pastor Andrew and family were on vacation.

Respectfully submitted, Char Mead, Historian

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Report of Financial Secretary – Collector

Income FCCB – Actuals vs. Budget: Fiscal Year 2018

Respectfully submitted, Alan Huppe - Collector Stacey Hughes - Bookkeeper

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Treasurer’s Reconciling Balance Report 2016

Respectfully submitted, Stacey Hughes – Bookkeeper

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Endowment Administrator’s Report on Special Funds For 2017

Restricted Funds: Historical Overview

The Restricted Funds play a very substantial role in the financial life of our church. For over 185 years they have contributed to church activities such as missions, building maintenance, major improvements, pastoral support, et cetera.

Although there is a long history here, I would like to give special thanks to the Fund Administrators who came before me: For over three decades Clem Sutton tirelessly managed the endowment funds with hand written ledgers, monthly statements, and an adding machine. In the early 2000’s he handed the fund management over to Karen Kruck, who made the administration more manageable with the introduction of computers to the process. This is my last term in this position and I look forward to “passing the baton” to the next trustee for the funds.

The 31 Restricted Funds are in reality, separate “endowment” funds with income and/or principal use restricted as specified by the donors. For example, our oldest fund, “The Ministerial Fund”, was established in 1824 to be “used, managed and improved with care and vigilance and the income and interest paid annually towards the support of a learned, pious, Trinitarian Congregational minister.” In 1974 the Board of Trustees delegated responsibility for managing the funds to the Endowment Secretary for oversight and management. The by-law change in 2012 renamed the position the Endowment Administrator.

2017 Results It is important to know that the restricted funds are funded primarily by “free will” gifts designated for a specific fund. These gifts totaled $13,645 during 2017, of which $9,725 was donated to fund the Transformation project, and $2,000 was donated to reduce our principal on the FLC mortgage. Although the last two items are technically not “endowment funds”, the collection and dispersal has historically been through the Endowment Administrator. The gifts during 2017 received were from many families. Thank you all for your generosity and support of our Church.

The following reconciliation shows cash flow during fiscal 2017:

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Restricted Funds: As of December 31, 2017, our investments consisted of the following:

On March 6, 2000 the church purchased two, two-acre lots on the Nelson property for $600,000 plus $7,567 legal and engineering fees. This purchase enabled the building of the Family Life Center and funding was provided with the assistance of a loan from Endowment Funds. In 2003 the Trustees established a 20-year payment program on that debt. The financial situation of the operating budget has not allowed for those payments to be made, but interest on the loan is paid quarterly. The Board of Trustees and the Endowment Secretary adjusted the original rate of 6% to 3% during 2011 to reflect the current market. Periodically, as shown above, donors provide funds to reduce the principal of the debt. The outstanding balance of the FLC Land Purchase is $236,187. The loan is included in the Endowment Funds investment portfolio and the interest payments received are included as investment income. The Pastoral Housing Loan reflects the balance of the loan FCCB extended to assist Michael and Jessica Williams to purchase their house, when he was here at the church. Currently that is generating no interest and the Elders are handling all negotiations.

It should be noted that in addition to the debt outstanding to the Endowment Funds the church is indebted to TD Bank for a commercial mortgage on the Family Life Center construction. That loan is not part of the Endowment Portfolio, but rather a direct liability of the church to TD Bank. As of 1/16/18 that principal balance was $220,740.89.

Clearly the year 2017 was a great year for the investment markets. Our portfolio on an averaged weighted basis returned over 7% for the year. As we have done in the past, we have appropriated the unrealized portfolio gains and losses on a pro-rata basis to each fund. The funds are managed on a comingled basis, so the profits and losses are distributed pro-rata annually. The income from some funds, as per the original intent, is allocated to its corresponding line item in the budget. We have allocated $35,000 to the 2018 budget. The breakdown of individual endowment funds at year-end is as follows:

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Respectfully submitted, Jeff Kruck, Endowment Administrator

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Report of the Elder to the Congregation – Ron Giovannacci

My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our Mission is to Love Jesus, Love each other and Make Disciples as we go. This year, we have witnessed a rise in our attendance, generosity in our giving and growth in our programs. We are truly blessed. Most notably, we have seen spiritual growth in our members, youth and staff.

Ephesians 1:3 - Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Amen!

Pastor James continues to show his enduring love of the Lord in many ways but mostly by loving all of us. This is evident weekly from the pulpit but also by the ongoing building of relationships within the body and within our community. We are also blessed by Becky and her commitment to help out in as many ways as possible. Becky is Andrew’s partner in everything. It is truly a joy to watch Luke, Wesley and Juliette each week as they grow before our eyes. What fun, what a joy!

I am so grateful that God has called such wonderful and dedicated leaders for our Elder Board. Also, we are all so blessed to have Pastor Andrew’s prayerful leadership. A praise for our staff Tom Fagan, Nancy Gill, Pastor Rolan and James Cassell for the way they consistently love, pray and care for us.

I truly see God’s hand at work in our church and in our members’ lives. I have observed many individuals come to faith and folks deepen their faith and relationship with our Lord this year as in years past as well. Our Sunday morning worship service continues to grow in attendance as well as diversity. As a church family, I am always happy at how we always support each other in times of grief, times of sorrow, times of illness and times of boundless joy and celebration. I am convinced that this is an outpouring of our Creator’s love through us. But then again, I believe… Romans 8:28 - And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Amen!

In closing I just want to thank all the members of our church community for praying for the Elders. I am a blessed man to serve with Don, Gerri, Dan, Paul, John, Dave and our Pastor. I would also like to thank Ian Fitch, our Moderator for his prayers and guidance throughout the year. Our meetings are a blessed time of work, of prayer, of joy and of love for one another, as we wait on the Lord, as He guides our steps and as we seek His will for us.

In His service, Ron Giovannacci, Elder to the Congregation

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Report of the Elder of Christian Education – David Allen

The Sunday School program has continued for children and adults throughout the 2017 year. The children’s Sunday School has consisted of one class and had a rather small enrollment of 4-6. Patty Chick has done a marvelous job as Sunday School Coordinator. She has been efficient and creative in ensuring that our children learn about the love of God. She and Leslie Van Volkinburg have been co- teaching the class. David C. Cook materials have provided the basis for the classes.

Patty and Leslie have also tirelessly supervised the Children’s Church time. They have had a host of volunteers assist. (See the Report of the Sunday School Coordinator by Patty Chick.) The number of children in Children’s Church continues to grow slowly. A new curriculum is being explored for this next year, suggested by Associate Pastor Thomas Fagan.

The nursery has been up and running for 2017. Under the excellent care and supervision of Lindsey DeMild, parents have been able to relax and enjoy the worship service in confidence. Christine Malynn has assisted and coordinated volunteers as needed.

Adult Sunday School has continued throughout the year with good attendance of a faithful 25-30 members. Discussions have been lively, with much sharing of personal experiences. Fall and winter saw a series on Prayer led by Pastor Andrew James. He had the help of several team teachers, which included: Paul Sidmore, Elizabeth Kuczun, Dan Frasier, Mike Elmer, Dave Allen and Tom Pfizenmaier. Tom did an excellent teaching session that was very appreciated by all. This year is expected to start with a Bible study, which will be team taught.

Vacation Bible School 2017 was creatively led by Beth Santarpio. Having difficulty finding adequate staffing for the more traditional approach to VBS, we shifted gears. Gerri White suggested a new approach of running it out of and alongside of the Sunday service for 5 weeks in the summer. Beth Santarpio showed a creative genius in creating the “Cave” in the Vestry. Beth, Anmarie Cote and others led the children through an adventure which brought them closer to Jesus.

Sue Slocum again successfully headed up the “Operation Christmas Child,” shoebox collection working with Samaritan’s Purse to provide Christmas gifts to children who would not normally receive them.

The Youth Group sorely felt the loss of Mike and Norma Haddad. But God provided Bryant Peace to come alongside of the youth for the first half of the year. With Bryant’s departure things floated a bit until we hired Tom Fagan as Associate Pastor in August. Tom has been working with the youth to get them back in stride. The youth lost their dedicated room on the second floor of the Education Wing to the needs of New Hope Tutorials. Tom has helped turn the Vestry from a VBS “Cave” into a special place for the youth.

David Allen Elder for Christian Education

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Report of Sunday School Coordinator

Sunday School Our Children’s Sunday School attendance has varied between 4-6 students throughout the school year. Because of the small number of children, the original two classes have been combined into one multi- age center. Leslie Van Volkinburg and I have been co-teaching. Although our staff is small, we are blessed to have the teaching team that God has planned. Our lessons are spirit-filled, meaningful, fun for the children, and designed to further each student’s knowledge of God’s Word.

David C. Cook continues to be our teaching resource. It is being used for kindergarten through elementary levels.

Goals:  To increase our student enrollment.  To increase our teaching staff & substitutes. We warmly welcome new volunteers who have a heart for working with children and who are filled with a love of Christ. That’s all that needed! You’ll get help with the rest!!

Children’s Church Children’s Church has been staffed by a growing group of monthly volunteers. Many, many thanks to our talented, enthusiastic teachers: Kerry Langlois, Donna Tomczyk, Judith Judson, Hannah Menzer, Carolyn Gould, Caitlyn Cassille, Anmarie Cote, and Cathy Huppe. Thanks also go to our group of caring assistants: Sue Slocum, Colleen Wages, Susan Moniz, Sue Giovannacci, Beth Santarpio, Leslie VanVolkinburg, Liz Minich and Kim Mahady. We praise God for their commitment and unrelenting enthusiasm. Our Children’s Church staff has provided exciting, hands-on activities that bring God’s Word to life for our youngest children during our Sunday Service each week. Student enrollment averages from 9 to 14 children.

Our Children’s Church Kit continues to supply our teachers with clear, weekly plans that strengthen our students’ understanding of the bible, its people, and its stories through bible verses, puppet plays, crafts, snack, real-life applications, games and song. The program also incorporates the help of older students as Park Patrol Rangers. Keegan Langlois, Anne Judson and Katarina Cote provide energetic help with snack preparation, puppet shows, bible stories and music. They bring fun and support to our youngsters each week!

Goals:  To continue to increase our staff of volunteers. Children’s Church involves a nominal time commitment. The more volunteers, the less time commitment necessary. We’d love to share this ministry with you!  To continue to increase our student enrollment.

Respectfully Submitted, Patty Chick Sunday School Coordinator

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Report of the Elder of Community of Care – John Noyes

2017 has been another Spirit inspired year of exciting transitions and new initiatives; continuing a shift from primarily hospitality functions to the broader perspective of Community of Care. This broader perspective has emphasized the support of the Church body through events, service, fellowship opportunities, and spiritual enrichment.

New opportunities became available for mothers of Preschoolers when a new expanded group was offered at our Church. Many FCCB mothers of preschoolers are participating in this worthwhile program. For several years groups of men and women have attended the Northern Virginia Great Banquet, some as guests and some returning as servers. Currently our Church is working to establish a Great Banquet program in our area.

The Community of Care mission continues to seek out and identify the interests and talents of our church family, to best provide for the needs of our Church body. It continues to be gratifying to see more people respond to solicitations for volunteer opportunities, participate in brainstorming groups, and try new things. This is clear evidence of the Spirit working in our midst.

While some things have changed, much of the Community of Care hospitality events are ongoing:  The Sunday morning after service coffee hour has attracted more people to this fellowship opportunity, including regular attendees, new members and visitors.  In April, volunteers hosted a luncheon as part of the Holy Week Ecumenical Services attended by the faith communities of Boxford, Topsfield, and Middleton.  On Easter Sunday morning Community of Care volunteers organized and served a breakfast following the Sunrise Service  In June there was the Children’s Sunday cookout.  In the fall, Community of Care organized a “Refreshed and Ready” lunch to kick off the resumption of our church schedule.  Several events such as Board Game Night, Carol Sing and Pasta Night, and the Celebration of our new Associate Pastor and his wife Kori’s marriage, were well attended and appreciated. Throughout the year, volunteers stepped forward and have done an outstanding job of making a warm welcoming place to enjoy good food, fellowship and fun.

As part of an effort to connect more positively to our community, Choir Members led the singing for Boxford’s Grand Illumination this past December.

Along with these events, Community of Care provided collations following Memorial Services for members Loren Wood, Scott Winslow, and Vic Pimental. Collations are a service to our bereaved families as we come together to honor their loved ones.

Ann Johnson continues to lead the Meals Ministry which organizes and provides meals for families in need due to illness, births, or incapacitating circumstances. She also manages the prayer shawl ministry, so comforting to those suffering illness, or incapacity.

Our Church continues to be very successful at welcoming, greeting and connecting with new guests. Doug Bartlett, our chief usher, and the many others who serve along with Doug, always have a smile and greeting to make anyone coming to our Church on Sunday morning feel truly welcomed.

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Goals for the future  Establish a solution focused brainstorming group to identify the current and future needs of our Church Body: Spiritual, Practical, and Social.  Create a practical resource directory for our church community  Develop a follow up program to connect with new visitors.  Create an updated Church Directory  Identify a publicity person, from our congregation, to help with more visibility in the community  Develop more small groups where people can share and address the various challenges and successes of life Blessings to all of you, who have answered the call to cook, set up, clean up, coordinate, greet, meet, try new things, and show your spirit of generosity and compassion. You are truly demonstrating your love and furthering the mission of caring for one another. Thank you all for exemplifying the best in Christian caring.

Respectfully Submitted, John Noyes, Elder of Community of Care

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Report of the Elder of Facilities – Dan Frasier

The most significant project this year involved the relocation of New Hope Tutorials from the FLC to operate entirely in the Christian Education Wing. That required a lot of effort both in preparation of the CE Wing with major relocation of spaces and functions as well as disposal of items that were no longer needed, plus a significant amount of effort to upgrade finishes and infrastructure. Overall, the space has been renewed with new finishes, repaired systems, upgraded electrical services, a new entry area and an upcoming new walkway to that entry.

Other 2017 upgrades and changes included:  New window treatments in the Coggin Room, thanks to Cathy Huppe!  New carpeting and paint in the FLC lobby and entry rooms  New landscaped front yard on the Georgetown Road side of the church property  General cleanup of the property  New lawn service to alleviate volunteer staff and to beautify the property. This also simplified fall cleanup.

Major projects that were scheduled for 2017 but will hopefully happen in 2018 include:  Restoration of the steeple (weathervane, spire and fencing)  Restoration of the carriage shed  Upgrade of sanctuary AV system  Maintenance, upgrades and upkeep of parsonage  Reconfigure front of sanctuary  Short- and long-term plan for youth room  Upgrade, beautify and improve indoor air quality and function of the vestry as a church “Family Room”

Respectfully submitted, Dan Frasier, Elder of Facilities

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Report of the Elder of Finance and Technology – Don Wood

Hebrews 13:5 New International Version (NIV) Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

It has been amazing to watch God work this year in the midst of our financial struggles. Time after time we had expenses that surpassed our resources and God always provided. He gave us just the right amount of money for what He had planned for us. I pray that we continue to walk in step with His plan for how to spend His money.

God was clearly at work during 2017. In obedience, as led by God, we invested in the operations of the church in order to address real needs as we grew. We hired a Full-time Associate Pastor and a Worship Team Leader. We signed contracts with a mowing contractor and a cleaning service. We were able to pay all our bills and do quite a bit of long term maintenance work on the property as well. We are in good financial standing and continue to grow in our faith and in giving as a church body. We’re confident God will provide in order for us keep pace with these increases in expenses. If every family were to increase giving by $15 per week, the 2018 budget would be completely covered.

What a blessing it has been to serve with the Finance Team: our Bookkeeper, Stacey Hughes; our Treasurer, Taylor Robinson; our Collectors Alan Huppe and Phil Chick; and our Endowment Secretary, Jeff Kruck. Jeff is spending more time in Florida now and will be stepping down from his role. He has done a great job for many years and I am very grateful for his support.

Carl Kuczun and his team (Alan Gould and others) have worked tirelessly throughout the year to manage our Technology. From Audio and Video to Building Automation, Computers and Networking, and the Website, Carl has done it all. He has somehow been able to make all this happen with very little money. Carl’s ingenuity, commitment and dedication to our church is truly awe inspiring.

Finally, the special gifts donated this year were breathtaking and inspiring for me. Thank you to all of my church family for your giving from the heart and your kind words and encouragement throughout the year.

Don Wood, Elder of Finance and Technology

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Report of the Elder of Missions and Outreach – Paul Sidmore ICD

"Be still, and know that I AM God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 M & O Team meetings are held every 'first' Friday afternoon at 3:00 in Room 22. In 2017 we met every month except July and September. Current Team members are: Rick Denton (M & O Deacon); Alan Huppe (Treasurer); Cathy Huppe Marcia Sidmore Leslie Van Volkinburg Doffy Falk (emerita) Gerd Tuchen (emeritus) Currently supported Ministry Partners: Domestic (Urban) Beth Kidd, Director - P.O.P. Emmanuel Gospel Center Karol Joseph - Jews for Jesus New Brothers Fellowship Place of Promise Pregnancy Care Center Foreign Mike & Ginia Cahill (Wycliffe) K & S Clement (Sram Ashram) Mark & Joan Coleman ((CRU) Mike & Martha Martens (Wycliffe) Paul & Diane Ohlin (United World) Bruce & Carolyn Young (Wycliffe) Alison Gill (Frontiers) Laura Houck (TEAM) Bill & Karen Mutchler (TEAM) Michael & Joann Shelton (U.W.M.) **A hand-crafted cross made of unique, colorful sea shells hangs on the wall of our Missions and Outreach Office, Rm. 22. A gift from Peter and June Kaiter, it beautifully symbolizes our commitment to take Christ's message to the shores of every nation.** 2017 - Year in Review - Theme: Nations Come to His Light January - Reviewed M & O 2016 reports for submission at FCCB Annual Meeting. Proposed 2017 Budget was discussed. 2017 calendar planning began. We continue to pray and look for ways to share our vision with all FCCB'ers. The possible addition of a new Domestic Ministry Partner was discussed. February - Hosted by Doffy Falk, Ministry Partner, Laura Houck visited FCCB on the 4th. During Coffee Hour she shared about her ministry in East Asia. A successful collection for PCC's "Baby Bottle Drive" was led by Lois Frasier & team. 'WOW Brainstorming' began. Evaluation/strategic planning continues in other ministries. March - Pastor Andrew attended our meeting; spoke about his personal experience and his heart for missions. He stressed the need to focus locally, involve the next generation, address issues such as addiction, 'adopt' an entire nation, give newcomers a 'taste of ministry', catch and keep momentum from WOW. The Team also discussed: upcoming Partner visits; prison aftercare; Short-Term trips; International Initiative; Kids' Mission projects and WOW preparations. April - Emmanuel Muhammed presented his May 'Vision Trip' to Nigeria with an application, endorsed by Pastor Andrew, for FCCB financial support for him and Grace. Financial needs of other seminary students are an ongoing concern. The Elders have advised us to 'go slow'; to prayerfully determine when and how we should offer assistance. WOW plans continued and finalized on April 28th. May - We met to review and reflect on WORLD OUTREACH WEEK (held April 30 - May 7) [an excellent drawing by Ann Judson had depicted the theme, 'Nations Come to His Light']; we approved several short-term mission funding requests; special medical assistance was approved for Ministry Partner Martha Martens; Peter and June Kaiter presented their handmade seashell cross for the M & O office. Paul attended Teen Challenge Banquet, a follow up to their (WOW) ministry visit. June - Hosted by Leslie Van Volkinburg, Ministry Partner, Karol Joseph (Jews for Jesus), reported on her ministry, especially featuring next year's ministry in Jerusalem. Back-to-school supplies for International Page 35

children at GCTS will be collected again this year. We will look for other churches to partner with International Initiative. Suggestions were offered for consideration of a new Domestic Ministry Partner. July - no meeting - We supported Chelsea Wood attending Gordon College Compass Program; Paul and Marcia S. attended the 4-C's Family Conference, as did Pastor Andrew. We all returned, challenged to make prayer central to life at FCCB. August - Kuchipudi and Sathya Clement visited on 8/10 and reported on his various ministries in India. The Clements were hosted by Geri White. Paul S. met with Rev. Michelle Williams, Dean of Students at Gordon-Conwell, to discuss needs of International Students at the seminary, exploring ways to work more closely and involve other area churches. Rick Denton commissioned for Romania trip. September - no meeting - Rick D. served with E-3 in Romania from 9/7 - 9/14. Ministry Partner, Alison Gill, shared about her ministry in India at Morning Worship and the Refreshed and Ready cookout. Alison was hosted by Leslie Van Volkinburg. M & O International Initiative gave backpacks filled with, tee-shirts, socks and school supplies and gift certificates for 5 school age children at Gordon-Conwell. October - Overseen by Sue Slocum, Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes were made available. We sent Disaster Relief funds to World Relief and Samaritan's Purse. We met to recap M & O happenings since the summer and to update news from our Ministry Partners. A financial update was provided and discussed, as well as a prospective Domestic Partner, M & O Team building, broader 'visibility' of the life of Missions and Outreach within the entire congregation. November - Decision was made to return $3,000 unused Short Term Mission funds to the General Fund. Further discussion centered on our 2018 Budget preparation. We continue to discuss ways to improve upon traditional WOW activities and proposed a few potential ministry locations for FCCB Short Term Trips. Action on two invitations to join community action efforts was deferred to early 2018. Paul met with a seminarian who was seeking financial assistance. The nature of his need (tuition debt) does not fit our guidelines: food, clothing, medical, etc. December - We want to underscore the need to continue holding an annual Missions Emphasis Week (WOW). We discussed the need for opportunities to inform the congregation, especially newcomers, about our 16 Ministry Partners. We will approach Assoc. Pastor Tom to consider leading a 2018 Summer Short Term Mission trip. In 2018 we will ask all Partners to complete ministry update reports and give us current financial information. We are requesting $4,000 increase in our 2018 Budget to cover the addition of Ministry Partner(s) and to provide funds for an 8% increase in support to our current Partners, when approved.

Kudos to the Outreachers in our Midst We would be remiss if we did not mention that numerous, 'behind the scenes' ministry efforts go on regularly that are above and beyond those supported by Missions and Outreach. Following is just a partial listing: Food Pantry; Bread and Roses; Prayer Shawl Ministry; Topsfield Fair Outreach; Apple Festival; Nursing Home Ministry; Dinah's House; Boxford Community Giving; Prison Aftercare; VBS . . . please tell us if we missed you.

Wish List and Goals for 2018 1. Add two new team members with a heart and calling for Missions and Outreach. 2. Reinvent Missions Moments using media—including skype; live presentations, etc. 3. Updating website for M & O; to fulfill our mandate for informing and educating. 4. Creating an “Opportunities to Serve” list for all ages. 5. Continue to develop the International Initiative on campuses in our area. 6. Rework WOW to include various groups to take responsibility for one part of WOW. 7. Add at least one new Ministry Partner

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8. Complete annual assessment forms for our Ministry Partners and their organizations. 9. Investigate new areas of interest such as student ministry to prisoners, refugees and the homeless. 10.Discover how we can participate with other causes such as “Walk for Water”, Foster care, Dinah’s House, Common Ground Coffee House… 11. Investigate how we can incorporate our Sunday school's involvement in gathering children's vitamins for the E3 trips to Romania.

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Report of Elder for Music and Worship

"God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth."John 4:24 Music and Worship has been busy this year. Many people help to keep the worship services running smoothly.

Altar Guild: Headed up by Norma Rushton and her committee, Altar Guild continues to supply communion setup each month, decorate the sanctuary at Christmas and decorate the communion table each week. Ushers: Headed by Rick Denton and assisted by Doug Bartlett and a host of volunteers. They always welcome new people and "regulars" with warmth and a smile. Communion servers: Myra Denton faithfully gets servers for each month. Myra has also stepped in to play for services when James was unavailable. We appreciate her willingness to share her talents. Scripture readers: Doffy Falk finds people from all ages to read Scripture each Sunday. The Choir: Led by James Cassell, the choir leads the congregation in worship in music. Many volunteer singers add to this group. Abby Cassell continues to provide much assistance to the choir as well as provide solos. The choir led the singing at the Grand Illumination in Boxford this Christmas. The Worship Band: Walter Woodward led this group for most of the year with volunteers from the congregation assisting. Walter completed his service in this area and moved on to serve God in other ways. In the late fall Steve Kercher was hired to be the Contemporary worship leader. Steve has led the congregation in wonderful singing. He will be looking to develop a team of musicians in the coming months. The AV team: Carl Kuczun and Allen Gould handle all AV needs and assist in making the worship flow easily. I want to thank all of these people for their commitment and work.

We were blessed this year with the gift of a piano from Doris and Gary Kunkel. The piano is in the Coggin room and has been a great help to the choir during rehearsal time. In June a dedication recital was held, with members of our congregation performing on the new piano.

In December Music and Worship along with Community of Care organized a dinner and Carol Sing. Music and Worship committee has also assumed the responsibility to schedule people to lead in the Children's Sermon Time. Elizabeth Kuczun, Leslie Van Volkinburg, Pastor Tom and Gerri White have shared the duties.

The music and worship team has held two retreats this year to really hone in on what worship is and how we can best help all in our church to "worship in spirit and truth." We reviewed our order of worship and assessed where some changes could help all to join in worshipping and bringing honor, praise and glory to God.

There has been an emphasis on encouraging those who have participated in worship services to understand that they are leading in worship, not just participating. For example, the choir has taken on the role of leading the congregation in singing the hymns.

Each month the Music and Worship team meets to review services and plan services for the next month.

Respectfully submitted, Gerri White, Elder of Music and Worship

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Report of the Women’s Fellowship

The Carrie L. Bradford Women’s Fellowship of First Church Boxford participated in the Boxford Apple Festival this year, making and selling apple cookies, square and cakes. This year was a change from Apple crisps. Over 20 women worked hard both at home and at the FLC and it was a big success. Proceeds from sales at the Apple Festival plus donations totaled $800. One hundred percent will be dispersed in January 2018 to missionaries and Outreach programs.

Carrie L. Bradford Women’s Fellowship

Report of the Ladies Benevolent Society

Beginning balance $329.29 Income Fidelity $101.50 Cat’s Meow $ 35.00 Total $136.50 Disbursements Cahills $100.00 Hays $200.00 Young $100.00 Ending Balance $ 65.79

Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Orth and Doffy Falk

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Four Mile Village Report

Four Mile Village continues to be a retirement Village for those who are sixty years or older. It is located off Ipswich Rd in Boxford on Four Mile Pond. There is a Community Center where dinners, bridge, rug hooking and coffees are held. Around 120 residents live in the Village,

It was a full and busy year for the residents as the road was repaved which meant the asphalt was torn up and crushed. The road was rolled and repaved. During this time the road could not be driven upon so many of the residents parked their cars at the Town Hall parking lot and a shuttle went back and forth. New wells and new septic systems were built and new boilers replaced the old in the basements. Four of the buildings were repaired and painted and many trees were removed. A new parking area with lights was created by the Community Building and a new Bocce court was built which became very popular. It was a year of upgrading the Village and the residents were cheerful and obliging during all this work. Finally, life is getting back to a more normal pace.

Bethany Community Services continues to be Four Mile's management company and the nine member board of directors continues to be three from First Church, three from Second Church and three from the residents. David Benson is the president of the Board of Directors and they meet every month to discuss the policies and plans for the upkeep of Four Mile Village.

Everyone is welcome to visit Four Mile Village at any time and the office is open daily to answer any questions.


Doffy Falk, a Director

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The FCCB Food Pantry Report

The Food Pantry Staff ends our seventh year of service in the Tri-town area. As we enter our eighth year, we continue to be awed and blessed at what God is doing through the Food Pantry. Our mission is to provide nonperishable food, paper products and personal care items to those in need in our community. Our prayer is that by providing for these needs, we will demonstrate the love of God and will draw our clients closer to Him. We have an active client base of 28 families that consists of widows, single parents, disabled, under-employed, and unemployed. Each month our families make appointments to come and take a month’s worth of groceries, paper products and personal care items. This year we had 105 appointments. Our active client base has 55 children, age 17 or younger. The Pantry added five new clients this year through referrals and media awareness.

The Lord has faithfully provided this year through the ongoing support of The FCCB Congregation, members of the Tri-town community, The James L. Melvin American Legion Post, The Rotary, The Christian Angel Smile Foundation, West Boxford Grange, and The Ipswich Charitable Foundation.

Food drives were held by the Masconomet Middle School Council, The Cole School, Boy Scouts of Boxford, Institution For Savings-Boxford, Magical Beginnings Day Care, and various individuals and families in the Tri-town community. The Food Pantry uses financial donations received to pay for fuel for heat and building maintenance.

We continue to invite our families to church, ask them for prayer requests, and pray without ceasing that they see God’s hand in all of this, as we always give Him the glory when they thank us. It is a true work of God in the community with the provision of food and household items. As we see our families being provided for, we also see the heart of compassion of our Lord in you as you give to the pantry. This vital work continues to bear fruit for Him, and we are humbled to be His hands and feet through the ministry of the Food Pantry.

In His service,

The Food Pantry Staff

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Respectfully submitted, Ronald P. Giovannacci Chairman

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