Pregnancy, Childbirth and Maternity

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Pregnancy, Childbirth and Maternity Leaflet for pregnant women in the Region of Southern Denmark Pregnancy, childbirth and maternity Congratulations on your pregnancy Pregnancy Congratulations on your pregnancy! The Region of Southern Denmark has prepared this leaflet to describe the services the region provides for women and their partners during pregnancy, childbirth and maternity. It is intended as a supplement to the oral information and the area-specific leaflets you receive from the healthcare personnel you meet during pregnancy, child- birth and maternity. Pregnancy You will also be given a copy of your preg- When you become pregnant, the local nancy chart. authority offers a process adapted to suit your wishes and needs. Generally speaking, Your pregnancy chart it will comprise the following: Your pregnancy chart is used to track your condition throughout your pregnancy, so • Three examinations by your GP you will need to bring it with you to all ap- • Between five and seven appointments pointments with your GP, the midwife and with a midwife the hospital. You must also make sure to • Examinations at the hospital, including have it with you when you go into labour. two ultrasound scans Your pregnancy chart presents an over- • Classes to prepare you for childbirth and view of how your pregnancy is progressing parenthood and contains information such as your weight, your blood pressure, how the fo- Examinations by your GP etus is developing and, if appropriate, spe- At the first pregnancy examination by your cial requests and professional comments. GP – around 6–10 weeks into your preg- nancy – you will be asked to choose which Appointments with your midwife midwife clinic you wish to use. The Region Once the midwife has received the paper- of Southern Denmark operates midwifery work from your GP, she will invite you to clinics located throughout the region, and your first appointment. This will be the first it would be most practical for you to select of 5–7 appointments, depending on your the one closest to your home or workplace. individual needs. In good time before your due date, you will You will receive a letter stating the date also need to decide at which hospital you and time of your first appointment with want to deliver your child, or whether you your midwife. Please note that this letter prefer to give birth at home. may be sent electronically via the ‘e-boks’ system. Once you have chosen the midwife clinic Your first appointment with the midwife you wish to attend, your GP will send your is an individual appointment, and it is pregnancy chart and pregnancy records to normally scheduled for week 13–15 of your the hospital and to your midwife. pregnancy. As far as possible, the same midwife will see you you throughout your pregnancy. 2 PREGNANCY Hospital check-ups on your Consultations and health checks unborn baby The appointments with your GP Early in the pregnancy, all pregnant women and midwife comprise consultations are offered examinations designed to centred on your own health and well- establish the condition of the foetus. being, and health checks. The consul- These comprise: tations are based on the wishes and needs of the individual patient – i.e. • A risk assessment, consisting of an you – and generally focus on aspects ultrasound scan of the foetus – known such as: as a ‘nuchal fold scan’ – in week 11–13 of pregnancy. The result of this ultrasound • Your physical, psychological and scan is combined with a blood sample social circumstances, including diet, – a ‘double test’, as it is known – in week exercise, alcohol, way of life, finances 9–13 of pregnancy. Together, these and social network measures can indicate the risk of the • • Any ailments resulting from your foetus having Downs Syndrome or other pregnancy chromosome defects. • • Your ideas about pregnancy, child- birth, breastfeeding and coping with • An ultrasound scan around week 20 of a newborn baby pregnancy, which is used to check for a • • Your plans for the entire process, variety of deformities. including expectations for the time immediately following the birth. You are free to choose whether or not you want these examinations of your unborn The health checks comprise blood baby, and your GP will inform you of your pressure measurements, as well as options in this regard during your first examination of your urine to establish pregnancy examination in week 6–10 of protein and sugar levels, and to check your pregnancy. If you want to find out for bacteria. The doctor or midwife more about the examinations before will also check how the pregnancy is making a decision, your GP will give you a progressing, how the foetus is growing referral to the maternity ward. and how it is positioned in your uterus. Other examinations If your GP or midwife considers it neces- sary during your pregnancy, you may be referred for additional examinations at the hospital – by an OB-GYN, for example. 3 The graphics below present the programme of examinations offered by the Region of Southern Denmark: Examinations by your GP Week 25: 5 weeks after birth: Second examination Examination of your child by your GP by your GP 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Weeks of pregnancy Week 6–10: Week 32: 8 weeks after birth: First examination Third examination Examination of your health by your GP by your GP by your GP Midwife appointments Weeks 35, 37, 39 and, if Week 13–15 Week 21 Week 29 necessary, 41 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Weeks of pregnancy Examinations at the hospital Week 42: Week 11–13: Week 20: Examination, Ultrasound scan Ultrasound scan if necessary 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Weeks of pregnancy Week 9–13: Double Test 4 Preparation for childbirth and parenthood Prenatal support, i.e. preparation for child- You are free to choose what kind of prena- birth and parenthood, consists of: tal support classes you wish to participate in, and you need to take care of all registra- • Group classes: Five sets of two lessons, tions, etc. yourself where you and your partner meet other parents-to-be, giving you the opportunity You are welcome to sign up for classes be- to build up a network. fore or after your first visit to the midwife. • Theme classes for pregnant couples who prefer not to participate in group classes. The classes are free of charge. You and your partner can choose which theme classes to attend. Use the table below to determine how • Open house events: You and your part- and where to contact your local midwife, ner can visit the maternity ward and how to sign up for prenatal support • Classes for pregnant women with special classes. Visit the websites of the individual needs: Young mothers, overweight maternity wards to find out more about women, and women expecting multiple what they offer, including the times and babies. venues for prenatal preparation classes in your local area. Maternity wards Midwife clinics Sygehus Sønderjylland Sønderborg, Nordborg, Aabenraa, Tønder, Skærbæk and To find out more about pregnancy, Haderslev childbirth and parenthood, visit: Sygehus Lillebælt Kolding, Vejle, Fredericia, Give and Brørup. To find out more about pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood, visit: Sydvestjysk Sygehus Esbjerg, Brørup, Grindsted, Ølgod, Ribe and Varde. To find out more about pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood, visit: OUH Odense Universitetshospital Odense, Vollsmose, Middelfart, Bogense, Assens and Kerte- To find out more about pregnancy, minde. childbirth and parenthood, visit: OUH Svendborg Sygehus Svendborg, Assens, Fåborg, Nyborg, Nr. Lyndelse, Ringe, To find out more about pregnancy, Rudkøbing and Ærøskøbing. childbirth and parenthood, visit: 5 What is the point of prenatal support After taking the classes, you and your classes? partner will know how to tell if labour has Prenatal support classes are a service for started and how it may proceed – both if you and your partner. it progresses normally and if situations Participating in the classes will help you arise that require intervention. You will prepare as well as possible for coping with also have some information about how to pregnancy, childbirth and the immediate handle pain, and how your partner can help postnatal period. You will also have the and support you. In addition, the classes chance to meet other parents-to-be. explain what happens during the period of childbirth, both if you have to be admitted The contents of the various classes are into hospital and if you are discharged built up around main themes centred on: shortly after the birth. • Being pregnant • Becoming parents Finally, the classes will teach you how to • Bonding with your child handle the initial period at home with a • Breastfeeding newborn baby. In this context, they focus • Preparing for labour on how to start breastfeeding properly, the • Caring for the newborn child role of the father/partner, reactions from siblings, emotions, getting to know your The classes will provide you with knowled- newborn baby and forging bonds. They ge about pregnancy and the changes that also look at how to deal with mood swings, the situation may entail for your relati- post-natal reactions, your sex life and onship. They will also help prepare you for contraception. Briefly put, the classes are your new role and the physical, psychologi- designed to provide you with a solid basis cal and social changes that accompany it. of knowledge about becoming parents. 6 The birth During labour, you and your partner will Postnatal appointment receive support and guidance from the When you are discharged, you will be given midwife. The midwife will ensure that you a time for an appointment with the midwife have the best possible conditions for a at the postnatal clinic for the second or good, safe birth.
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