OLD ESTABLISHED HOSPITAL, All grow old and die. But see WILLIAM W. HANNAH, How 011 the fal 1eri11g footsteps ofdecny, No. 29.5 Warren-Street, You1h follows, ever beauJiCul and gay. Dr. LISPENARD, (OPPOSITE W YNKOOP's B oOKS'rO!lB,) the young man'd friend end the sick on~1• 1IUDS01', N. Y., compnnion, cout111ue~ 10 be consulted, Otrers for sale a good a,;;sortment of day and evening, at his old qua1tens, GOLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES, No. Ii Beaver-st., near Broadway, In every variety of Dialing and Jeweling, from the following ALBANY, K. Y, wakers : •r. F . Cooper, M. I. T obias, J. G. Bradley, I,. H . Samuel .&. Chizens and strangers, so unfortunate Co., Wm. Robinson. Jno. Harrison, Lewis " !olf1 E. S. Yatea HS to be afflicted with any form of private IL Co., Jos. Johnson, Ed. Bradford, 11 . L. Matde, Rich'd Hornby. di sease, ~ho uld lose no time in consulting Gold and Silver Anchor L ~ver Watches, the Doctor, who~e safe, quick and last Gold and Silnr Lepine and Verge Watches, · . ing- cures are _t he. womler of tl!e profes Silver English Watches, double bottomed and double cased, > sion nnd adm1rat1on of the sick. DR. Dllnning's T1me Pieces and Office Clocks. ~ V)I ;;, . LISPENARO informs 1hose addic1ed Wood and Brass Clocks, of everr description, ::__,,,I to secret habits. whose hollow cheeks, '1 J,wtlry, 4"c.-GoM and Silver Pencils, Gold and Silver Specta. pallid countenance and attenuated form, t4:ll the sto!y o_f their suf.. des, Gold and Silve r Thimbles, Gold and Silver T ooth Picks, Gol d fcrings that hi s success in this branch of his profession 1s unparal and Silver Sleeve Buttons, Gold Guard and Fob Keys, Gold Finger leled ~nd tli at hnndrt'ds are monthly restored to perfect health and Rings and Brooches, Gold Guard and Fob Chain•, Gold Beads and happiness under the use of his safe remedies.
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