NEW YORK HERALD.' ' from Ou on Bill
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9 _ Revolution* of the Parties. UU ' Very Mi «M Fulte I i which *m d to | Mr. Root, of Ohio, In the chair; rhftl <mr«, who hurablv watch eaeh wandering etar, y TILEQRAPBIC tHTELUOHtC*, j The douM» process of the decomposition of the Th« correspondent of the New Orieana Pica when the committee took np the Clrll end Dlplomatlo Knd question, if hi* tpirtt lingers thorn. NEW YORK HERALD.' ' from ou on Bill. Heaven what ( and the of the new is unt, from Appropriation imlUng earth was dear. >ld, reorganization parties, writing Queretaro~on the"*30th alt , gnmnury. Mr. SewrcB, of Ohio, obtained the door, and spoke fStill pointing ou to Science, glorious sua, I'ill all its North-Wrtt C'ornrr of Kultoii and Nmmu its. *joing on with great activity throughout the says:. The Barnburners' Convention was at agnlnnt the aboliiionlet*. anil attacked the whigs, their golden radiance shall hare won. organized roeanuivs. t Sin rnl.irl Mr. Polk The first out from we policy and There were several beautiful of cnoivrh, is the author of day Mexico, met Lieut. IViso. " samples Utica Col. was . » *» w embroidery county.of the navy. with from Com. Jones, in the yesterday. Samuel Young chosen ". !>: : Vork. replied. j ind drawing which attracted universal attention, and JAMES OOKOON BKNKKTT, I his efh'iv.'-i ne.' m:i in the elements, despatches i J. * (' n. of followed, and ad- ;st political r&ciflc. to the Commisnioners. As far as I can learn President. A letter from ex-President Van Buren Maryland, ,lot unworthily, for they were perfect, aud showed the vo« a .. d the 1 11 .h ui the of u respect- PR0PR1KT0R. 1 ile ruslied with hot haste into the Mexican war, the people of Lower California, who have been friendly was lie endorses people territory (treat pains taken by the teachers to place them, iu to read, all the doctrines log slavery. , the with a view of his the Amerioan*. are threatened with vengeance, and >very department. above scbolarsof any other mncipally making have Com. Jones to by young John, on the Wilmot Arc. Mr. J. J. SLi.niiCRLAND next obtained the floor, and ,ichool in the and it in doubtful if another school, Tell Y MM dl.I) Brery day, ( Wisiif included,) ht» ttmh they requested urge upon the proviso,promulgatedadvocated internal the national go- city; Iinnim. :>opular, by giving force and adniinistraionto his the of a clause iuCommissionersthe improvements by (loutaiuiug three hundred and fifty scholars, can be pr $7 9 per { consistency propriety inserting They will probably make a nomination lor the Ternuent. j M KkKLY HRRALiy.K"rr\ S-iturday.ce..ti j*r copy. jtreasures, and success to his The treaty for their protection: and the Commodore has bund to compete with this. The examination being SI per a -inum.inthe United Stuff. securing dynasty. written for to-day. When ho bad concluded, the committee rose, and re- c>ver. books were awarded to a number of 1.'^ Kuropeantvbicribrrt, instructions in the matter. Mr. Wise Presidency 1 the scholars i a rivum, It include the an edition the French \\ar which carried progress. or f per pottage: (in Taylor into Mexico, and the returned from Mexioo. is now wailing here byhaving A stirring and lively debate in the ported j their energy and advancement in tho different ami E flah languaget), »nil be publuhed on every European transpired Mr. Kka i hbustox, of has the floor on of which was i«n ir-tth thin ran- ' achieved have a new turn to of the Commissioners, to carry a of thoinstruction Mississippi, ( education; among a beautifuldamrtmunts $tt packet day, iiitelltgem /coin all parti of riumphs by him, given copy yesterday, on the Oregon bill. Mr. Foote wasSenatethis subject for to-morrow. 1 floral Album to Miss Caroline Mies to the lainI wbxn. r.[. to the Pacific, aud will have to-morrow. Mis Smith i'eixote. I meat. I he movements of the treaty On the House over till to-morrow by aOYEKTlSEhlES TSf renewedmtryutrrtintu a:ul to go in political whole country. "We travelling has been extremely rapid. He left very solicitous of obtaining some knowledge of motion, adjourned jor her advancement in botany. Tb« morning was most morning and evening edition*, and all ixtrnn,) at raucmibU n ave finished a most successful war en the loth Inst., and arrived, sea, at SanMitr.utlanillas, (Friday). j ileasantly spent by those present, and it was. indeed, a to b* lorn with Mexico, by the of General none l>. ices ; ten fci a phiin, levihie manner ; the proprietor ou the 13th. At on the 13th. he left for principles Taylor.which rich feast to witness such intelligence and energy not errors in 11 nd covered our heroes with midnight, rrtpoiuible for manuieript. glory, and annexed a of this He arrived hero on seemed to declared that Con- l*IaAeis, , tmong the young ladies of the school, all of whom P RlS TISO all ktait ti-routed and with it- . Mexico, by way city. the prepared give.and of beautifully i themselves with credit to their patch. Ordert received at the Publication (jjfice, corner of prritory, equal to one-third of Kurope, to the morniug of the 20th. and met us on the 22d. within gress must not adjourn until the show their Boston, June 22..Flour.-Tho market continues teachers andao{uittedto and Saltan it recti. i n about miles of Mexico. If will look over whigs ihe institution. f^Jton and yet Mr. Polk and his are in a twenty you dull, and prices are still drooping.sales 800 barrels Al.L LETTERS by mail, for lubicriptioni, or with adver- dynasty reublic;the map. you will say this is a feat for a man to boast hands on the Wilmot proviso. tiiementi, to be pott paid, or the pottage will be deducted from Vvorse position than were before of. Mr Wise has furnished me with the Michigan, Genesee. Black Rook. Sic., at $5 I32>» a $G. (V money remitted. they they kindly The proceedings in Congress were, altogether, Iticntcliw* and natlcal. YOI.USTAR YCORRESPONDENCE, 1 war with comnenced memoranda of naval intelligence: The Ohio,followingCorn Corn.£>000 bushels sol.I part Western mixed, at 50o, containing important waging Mexico. Jones, arrived at on very interesting. They will be found in our de- Bowser Theatre..If there was any doubt of the newt, tolirited from any quarter <tf the world.and if uted will The first Masatlan the 9th of May. 42 days and yellow, at 55c. Kye.Sales 500 bushels at 75o> be Itera Hyp a id for. successful general in the cann>aigu on from Callao. Frigate Congress and corvette Cyaue spatches below. (rstimation in which John R. Soott and Miss Mary ran be were which is better Oats.1500 bu. hels hands at SO NOTICE taken of anonymoui communication!. the Kio Grande has created a a in port. On the 12th the rasee Independence. changed are held the of the Theatre, Wfojfrrrr u intended for imertum muit be authenticated the name, and evoked 4Gc. raylor by patrons Bowery by ovAlntinn .u_ .1:»: i 1 1 Com. Shubrick. arrived at Sau Bias. Store ships The Barnburners' Convention at Provisions remain about the same. Freights. tor T . Ctlca. an name and addrett of the iter; not neceetarily for pubH- .me t>uiiuctu parues, wnicn win and were also to insight into that house since, they have been ration, but at a hie W'< cannot under- Southampton there.the latterLexington Nothing new. guaranty of good faith.1 >e sail for on Utica, June 22, 1&48. would remove all With them lake to return retorted communieationi. completed in November next. Monterey.having board Lieut. Hailcck. U. Alb am. Jane 22..Receipts within the past 21 scruples. andengaged. ti l I'JVWRVrS tn he main in S. Engineers. The squadron was perfectly healthy. The excitement increases. A tremendous effort Burke aud Clarko. Mrs. and and with The nomination of Gen. the Masatlan wus hours:-Kl iur, 6400 bblsj corn, 18 000 bushels; oats, Phillips othcip, Taylor by garrisoned by the crew of the Congress will be made to the taken to the C and the marines of the It was nominate Martin Van Buren; still, 4100 do i'lour rules at a 50. Corn. pains please audiences, which areevi AMleCMANlU THIS CVKAlftU convention has demolished the Philalelphia Independence. steady $5 12>£ $5 lent to all. it would a strength the former would return to the with a the are to be wonder ludeed, if the house BOWKBT Til LA RR, Bowwy-FvEDAj. Time*.Cherry Jmd United Statessupposed\ portion of delegates opposed it, on the We no'e ales of 7500 bushels, mixed, round< were not well amd Fair Star. consistency of the whig party, which had Com. Shubrick. it was not decided which vessel of the Including patronised. Within a short time, these giuiuiu IIIUI 11 Will L I UK t JUI1I1 s i nose at :elebratcd actors aud uctrosses had jeen for the of would Com to Chi nil The OJHUL gun. and Hut yellow, private bargain. Kales of oats at appeurod iu several (* twenty years embodiment Mr. squadron carry Gelsenger on which aud on the we ATUAlt THEATRE, Cb»U:*t> itfMi.Drnovnoer, or corvette Dale was at and the Preble at who oppose the nomination of the elder Van Buren 42>ie. continues dull. pieces, acting havo favorably the Seven Ccrrke.Dawoiro.Sarah the Jivtu. Clay's political doctrines. The election of the Uuyamas Whiskey J commented.