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WM *. iSS^fgg msm •a s-: v. ,.-•: fcllsll • fg&miii& ,f f; Founded in 1800J * •*'•' ' JLn Entertaining and Instructive Bowie Jowrnal, Especially Devoted to Local' News and Interests. .•_> . [$1.00 a Tear VOL. XCIIL—NO. 36. y-• NORWALK, CONN;- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8^1893. gj PRICE TWO CENTS. HI:* state an#rs Port JarVis Cyclone Swept. Those Suspended Pensions. ' 'Vf - Danbury Fair. '* W& * * TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. Premium lists for the Danbury Fair Bort Jarvis, N. Y., was struck by a i If a Washington correspondent of the can be obtained at the GAZETTE office. WHO OWNS iy Edward Taylor, of Great Plain, has a cyclone last night, a little before six. | New York Sun has the facts straight, Sheriff White, of Ridgefield was in tomato vine eighteen feet long growing It lasted but five minutes, but wrecked town to-day. ^ the Methodist and Reformed churches, ; " Secretary Hoke Smith's decision not -" • A Paper House. One Thousand^and Forty Shares up through the branches of a grape tore roofs from several houses and fac- ; ; any longer to cut off the pensions of Attorney Hurlbutt is confined to his It is a pleasant fact that a house of vine* • tories. The loss on the M. E. church ;; the old soldiers pending inquiry was house with an attack of malarial fever. paper erected by a Norwalk citizen on pi of the Norwalk Horse ^ United States Treasurer Morgan has is $30,000. The town last night was in f - not voluntary. It is the result, accor- Caukeen's island, to serve the purpose been called to his summer residence at total darkness the electric light, tele- 7 " of a tent during the hot spell,withstood } ->* Railway Sold. Huntington by the illness of Mrs. Mor graph and telephone wires were all > ding to the correspondent, of an over- —Rhode Island Escallops, only 35 cts. a quart at Bates' Market, Water St. the recent great gales, and now smiles gan. She was better yesterday.S|||g| down. Several persons were^badly in- : whelming protest from all parts of the in effect from its eastern and southern The Directors of the Trolley Com- A library of valuable books worth juried, but no one killed. sides.—Bridgeport Standard. .country. A distinguished Western The brothers Ward hav<3 gone into -pany Bid It In. about 8500, belonging to F. Matthews democratic senator was dissuaded from the industrial insurance canvassing / - - .<?£• and J. Tilson, Yale '96, was destroyed .{2 "/'The New Jolly Surprise. openly attacking the pension policy of business. A. O. of F. - by mice during vacation, nearly every Says the Memphis Appeal: The meeting of Foresters at Pleasure The advertised auction of the ma book having been ruined. One of the most brilliant .of the sea the administration only by assurance jority interest in the Norwalk Horse- Bates, the Water street marketman, beach Bridgeport, next Monday is an From the present indications the son's houses greeted Fanny Rice at the that it would be modified at once. is cutting rates on fresh and delicious important gathering of delegates from Railway was sold at auction yesterday Lyceum last evening. The boxes were afternoon by James Mitchell, auctioneer number of students at Yale this year "The President has felt the pressure escallops. all over the country and many import- will be the largest in its history^ If all filled with prominent society people. :i * persons will be present. After business at the Norwalk Probate office. The The play, ' The New Jolly Surprise," and yielded to it," we are told. ' 'Hoke's thousand andjfifteen shares, or 40 more all the students who have passed the department is not the special delight of Miss Hattie Betts, of Englewood, N. has been finished, pleasures of various examinations and signify their inten was preceded by a charming little J., is a guest of Mrs. Mary P. Stone, kinds will be followed by a shore din than half, were the property of the late curtain raiser that was a gem in its way, Mr. Cleveland." Perhaps the great Hon. J. W. Hyatt, and pledged to Mrs. tion of entering the attendance at Yale on Camp street. ner and it will be a feast such as many will be over 2,700. r- entitled "The Little Broom Seller." gathering of the old soldiers at Indian of the visitors have never tasted. Eben Hill, the Fairfield County, the It is a lively Alsatian picture, and the apolis may have hastened the modifica MissAllie Gregory, of Danbury, "is Central, and the Bank of Norwalk, for A meeting of the Confiecticut Veter music is catchy. The "Jolly Surprise" visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Ward loans thereupon. The several lots of inary Medical association was held is a novelty and deserves its name. It tion a bit. v Selleck, on Camp street. Sons of Revolution. stpek were sold in detail, and brought Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Buckley is full of surprises. A State branch of the Sons of the Rev jefet about enough to cover the loans, of Meriden, president of the associa Miss Rice is one of those fortunate olution was organized in Bridgeport, interest thereon, and costs of sale. tion, presided. There was a large at women who charm audiences without Death of Hamilton Fish. —Sugar Cured Hams,13£c; shoulders, Thursday. The following officers were This, in the. total of the sales, aver 11c, on Saturday, at New York Grocery tendance, which consisted of veterany obvious effort. Their entire beingt The sudden death of Hamilton Fish, elected: President,.Col. Dwight Mor aged a fraction less than par for the surgeons from all parts of the state. seems to be a rollicking compound Of . which was announced to our readers Co., 33 Main street. ris; secretary, Cyrus S. Bradley of entire block of stock. The purchasers The clerk of the Bridgeport city nerves, energy, magnetism and sweet yesterday in a special telegram to the Southport; treasurer, Col. H. W.Wes- were Messrs. E.J. Hill andE.O. Keeler, ness. Few women could endure the The next meeting of the Connecticut sels of Litchfield; committee on cre and as both these gentlemen are direc court reports the whole number of' amount of work she takes upon herself GAZETTE, ends a long, conspicuously Editorial Association will be held at dentials, Re v.Alexander Hamilton,John tors in the Trolley Co., the surmise is cases before the court for the quarter ending Aug. 31st as 646; nolled with every performance. She will appear at able and honorable career. He will Manchester, Monday, Sept. 18th. S. Jones and Rev. H. N. Wayne. general thht the purchase was in the Music Hall, South Norwalk, next Mon chiefly be remembered as the United interest of the Trolley. It is stated out costs or found not guilty, 100; judgment suspended, 48; cases appeal day night. t, , •' Mr. James McKiernan will on Octo that Mr. Hyatt was offered by Mr. E. J. '•Ar ¥* 1 Secretary of State by whom the Ala Osborne Avenue Bids. Hill, for the Trolley Co., fifty dollars a ed, 25 ; committed to jail, 198; bound 1 f, - I ber 1st, assume the management of the The proposals for excavating, etc., " Friends Hurt His Case. bama arbitration was carried to a suc sample room at the Gilsey House, New share, or double its par value, for his over to Superior court, 21; other cases, cessful result. • A statesman of the old for the .extension of Osborne avenue, holdings, prior to the construction of 254. The total receipts were, 84,815.55. Patrick Mulvoy, a resident of Spring York. at East Norwalk, were opened at the Hill, was arrested Thursday night on * school, Mr. Fish possessed the powers the electric road, which offer was de —Oysters, in every style, at James Selectmen's office this morning. They clined. It is further stated that Mr. Sargent & Co., of New Haven, have' the charge of assault on James E. Hef- •m of mind, the tenacity of purpose and M. Creagh's, 8 Main street. • 684-tf were as follows: William Lawlor, 82,- Green, as administrator of Mr. Hyatt's resumed work under full time. For fernan, in Fayhan's saloon on Main the requisite degree of tact for the ac 854; Irving Hall, 83,523; William Shel estate, was also offered the same pre the past few weeks they have been run street. Mulvoy was taken before Jus complishment of that negotiation which don, $2,527.50; A. Bach, $2,463; D. M. mium just prior to the monetary panic, ning three days a week. The contract tice Austin, who decided that the pris Connecticut pensions: — Increase — Finch, $1,900.50; C. E. Squire, $3,750; ors think that the financial crisis and oner was too drunk for trial and he ad has passed into history as one of the John Holt, Eagleville. Original wid but a sale was not consummated in con ows', etc.—Martha Maria Osborn D. Connelly, $2,408.50. The contract sequence of the currency stringency. general stagnation of trade, which has journed the case until this morning. great triumps of modern 'diplomacy. was awarded to D. M. Finch. been noticeable during the past few Heffernan was also present with a bad Windsor. ______ Be these rumors as they may, the fran Ml He will rank in history with Jefferson. chise is a most valuable one, and many months, is rapidly decreasing, and the looking eye. This morning Mulvoy Adams, Webster, Marcy, Seward and Ex-Selectman Martin S. Craw re USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA,IT'S of our keenest financiers are of the prospect for business picking up this confessed to being drunk and admitted §§ winter is good.