Counterpoint Religious and Philosophical Freedom For

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Counterpoint Religious and Philosophical Freedom For is the day we live up to the fundamental- ists' crude caricature of us as anti-religion bigots so fearful of faith that we will tram- Counterpoint ple on the Bill of Rights to stop it. Vitriolic, often vulgar attacks on reli- gion have been hallmarks of organized atheism. They are what drove many non- Religious and Philosophical believers I know to humanism, which is supposed to present a positive alternative. Freedom for Everybody: Part of that vision is supporting religious and philosophical freedom for everyone and advocating for the right of all citizens, A Reply to Tom Flynn including public school students, to pro- fess Christianity if that's what they want. Of course, we must oppose any attempt by Rob Boston government to require anyone to partici- he views expressed by Thomas Flynn pate in religion against his or her will or to in this issue of FREE INQUIRY and the force Americans to subsidize religious Winter 1995/96 issue of the Secular groups through schemes such as vouchers Humanist Bulletin do great damage to and tuition tax-credits, but we should also organized humanism by promoting a support religious freedom and advocate brand of extremism that runs counter to for the right of Americans to engage in the the spirit of the First Amendment. religious practices of their choosing, as In Flynn's view, public school students long as they do not violate the law. should be barred from participating even Perhaps Flynn went so horribly astray in private religious activity in the class- because his entire premise—that in 1962 room. In the Bulletin he wrote, "Student- the Supreme Court embarked on a course initiated prayer, extracurricular Bible of secularization that seemed likely to clubs, private religious expression among obliterate all traces of religion in class- students, even the wearing of clothing or rooms and in government—is simply accessories that incorporate religious incorrect, as any reading of the High symbols—all must go. That's been my Court's church-state rulings will attest. real agenda all along, probably yours too." Flynn accuses President Bill Clinton of Flynn is correct up to a point. "Student- killing "affirmative secularism" when, in a initiated" prayer, if done before a captive speech last summer, the president came audience, violates constitutional rights, out in favor of individual student religious and school Bible clubs formed under the expression in public schools. In reality, Equal Access Act are being increasingly there never was a trend toward affirmative being used by fundamentalist churches as "Vitriolic, often vulgar attacks on secularism. In its religion-in-public-school agents of proselytism on public school religion have been hallmarks of rulings, the High Court nearly always bent campuses, raising church-state concerns. organized atheism. They are what over backward to say that nothing in them However, I must part company with drove many non-believers I know was intended to block individual, truly Flynn when he advocates banning even to humanism, which is supposed voluntary student prayer or stamp out private expression of religious faith in to present a positive alternative." objective instruction about religion in pub- public schools and government and insists lic schools. If Flynn was expecting that that public schools cease engaging in even humanists to adopt. Flynn's desire to eventually the Supreme Court would objective instruction about religion. I'll squelch this type of private expression— declare purely private religious expression go so far as to assert that the views put to the extent that a child could not say a by students in public schools unconstitu- forth in his articles are dangerous ones for silent prayer before taking a math test and tional, he is either naïve or sadly misin- a Christian accountant working for the formed. Nothing in the High Court's opin- Rob Boston is assistant director of com- Internal Revenue Service could not put a ions even hints that the Justices would ever munications for Americans United for small cross on her desk—is, I submit, not elevate such a repressive policy to the sta- Separation of Church and State in only unconstitutional; it is also philosoph- tus of constitutional law. Washington, D.C. He is author of the new ically out of tune with the principles of In fact, just the opposite is true. The book The Most Dangerous Man in humanism and just plain morally wrong. Court struck down mandatory prayer and America: Pat Robertson and the Christian The day humanists oppose constitution- Bible-reading because it was state- Coalition (Prometheus Books). ally protected forms of religious worship sponsored religious activity foisted onto a 20 FREE INQUIRY captive audience. This is a far cry from an during the Civil War, to name just a few overstate how damaging these articles will individual student making the sign of the examples. Can it be done fairly and objec- be; thanks to Flynn, we will all be tarred cross before taking a math test or wearing tively? Of course—by demanding that with the brush of fanaticism. a "Jesus Saves" T-shirt, activities that, no teachers stick to the facts and keep their I realize that the Secular Humanist matter how you stretch them, simply do personal beliefs out of the classroom. Bulletin and FREE INQUIRY are forums for not infringe on the rights of other students. Before closing, I must note what is the exchange of ideas. I don't fault Flynn These activities—even in government-run possibly the worst feature of Flynn's arti- for opening a debate on this important institutions—are absolutely protected cles: they will be thrown in our faces by question. But now that he has expressed under the Free Exercise Clause of the First fundamentalists for the next fifty years. I his views, I hope other humanists will Amendment, and I would not want to live can hear them already: "Did you know give theirs. Quite frankly, I hope those in a country that tried to stop them. that secular humanists are against even views overwhelmingly clash with what (As a practical matter, I wonder what private prayer in public schools? They Flynn has had to say. mechanism Flynn proposes to keep public said so in their magazine! Now we know I do not claim to speak for other human- school students from voluntarily dis- what they're really up to!" Never mind ists, but I suspect that if Flynn's views are cussing religion among themselves during that this is just the opinion of one secular now or ever become CODESH's party line, their free time. Are teachers supposed to humanist. It was written by a Council for many of us will grow disenchanted and keep their ears open for banned words Democratic and Secular Humanism staff seek out or form a humanist body that such as Jesus, Muhammad, or Bible and member and appeared in CODESH publi- stands up for everyone's constitutional then swoop in and drag offenders off to cations. The die has been cast. I cannot rights—including those of Christians. • the principal's office? Are they to pounce on any student who dares bow his or her head to say grace over lunch? There's a term for that: oppression.) Church-State Separation: In his Vienna speech, Clinton took a sensible, moderate course. He pointed out that students may pray in public schools if The 1996 Elections and Beyond they like, but that nobody can make them do it. Since that speech, Clinton and Education Secretary Richard Riley have Edward Tabash expressed the administration's opposition to Religious Right-backed efforts to Why I Support President Clinton rewrite the First Amendment to do away "The time has come for those of with church-state separation entirely. To s an activist for church-state separa- us who reject religious dogma to hear Flynn tell it, Clinton's Vienna doc- Ation, I usually work with both believ- alter the generally prevailing view trine is some type of traitorous cave-in to ers and non-believers alike in trying to pre- in our nation that freethought is the Religious Right. Hardly. In fact, the serve individual freedom. In this article, I only for left-wingers." address put the Religious Right on the want to address the issue exclusively from defensive and could be the first shot in an my standpoint as a freethinker/humanist. aggressive strategy to keep television Freethinkers agree that government FREE INQUIRY does not endorse candi- preachers and their lawyers from trashing must never promote religious dogma. dates and that readers of this publication the Bill of Rights. Thus, in making my case to the readers of may strongly disagree with the president Flynn's articles note that by the 1970s FREE INQUIRY for the re-election of Bill on many other issues. textbook publishers began removing even Clinton, I do so only on the single issue of Realistically, though, at present two historical references to religion from text- church-state separation. I realize that people have the best chance of being books. I am appalled that he thinks this sworn in as president on January 20, 1997: was a good thing. Is Flynn seriously Edward Tabash is a lawyer in Beverly Bill Clinton or Bob Dole. proposing that humanists support giving Hills. He is the chair of the Outreach Bob Dole has been pathetically pan- our children an incomplete education? Committee of the Council for Democratic dering to the Religious Right. He is anti- Whether we like it or not, religion has and Secular Humanism for the Los choice on abortion.
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