Grand Opera Singers and In- and Everybody Who' Anybody in Burnt Cork

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Grand Opera Singers and In- and Everybody Who' Anybody in Burnt Cork "p- - --- ! yy - r ". "W V, ''"tv-r-' THE WASHINGTON TIMES, SUNDAT, MARGH 17, 1912. 15 AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS DRAMATIC NOTES BERT'S OPERA Coming to Capital Theaters MUSIC LOVERS TO During the engagement of "Mile. Miss Anna Held will TO BE CONDUCTED ENJOY TREAT OE wear Jicr $25,000 fur coat. In tho, gar- ment there are 11U Russian sable skins. Irene1 Vanbrugh, who has boon leading woman at Charles Frohman's Suko of BY THE COMPOSER SEASON TONIGHT York's Theater for several years and who was last seen In this country in support of John Hare, In "Tho Gay ix,, Quex." has agreed to come to America OPENING OF for a starring tour tho season next. after Chicago Company Will Ap-- Minneapolis Orchestra to Mile. Mlnnl Amato, .the French pre-Jme- re THE: THE danseuso, heads "Tho Apple of ROSE pear Here in "Aida" TjtkkkkkkkkW , 9BSt 'i k WWWWwLmV xS 3mMHbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb& Play at National on Paris company at ChOBo's this week. and "Natoma." First Trip East. The latest addition to tho Huniy B. COLUMBIA IN 0F Harris stellar force 1b none other than Jolly, big Frank Mclntyre, who, as tho fat boy in "Stronghcart,' first en- THE RANCH0 From present Indications largo audi- Among-th- great orchestras of Amer- deared himself to tho playgoers. Mr. PLAYERS Mclntyre tcn-strlk- o ences will Iiear tho two performances ica probably none Is uttracttng moio at- has scored a In Gcorgo BroriBon-Howard- 's scicamlnglv f tho Chicago Grand Opera Company tention and favorable comment than tho funny farce comedy, "Snobs," which PRICES: at the Belusoo Thcator next Saturday. Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, which comts to the National next month. THE PLAYERS: operas In HOHINS CAHSON DAA'ENPOIIT Tho two to bo Bung are Verdi's will bo heard for tho first time "Tho Traveling EDWIN II. 75c, "Alda," the afternoon, Vletor-- Na- Salesman," which has WIMjAIID HOIIEItTSON in and I Washington tonight nt tho New scored such a success the last four GODFIIEY MATTHEWS Herbert' now American opera, "Na- tional Theater. During tho past few seasons, will play a week'8 engagement J. HAMMOND DAILEY JOHN ELMS 50c, toma," at night. Tho former will bo-gi- n j cars It has won succss throughout at the Academy early In April. Henry AllTIIUR IUC1IIE VAUGHAN HILL B. at - o'clock, and tho latter at 8 the West, culminating In a recent con- Harris has cast this James Forbe GEQIKu?! XV. nAHDIEIl EHANCES NEILSON 25c. comedy In a manner upholding the tra- o'clock. cert at Orchestral Hall. Chicago, which ditions of tho Harris offices. Shep STANLEY JAMES A LINE McDEHMOTT Tho cast of "Alda" will bo headed by Is said to have been little short of a Camp will bo seen as the Jolly Bob JOHN M. KLINE CAIIUIE THATCHEIl Mats. Thnrs. and Carmen Mclls, tho Boston Opera Com- musical sensation. Wherever it has ap- Blake. HKNHY MILLEH, Jr. GERTIMJDE HITZ Sat. 25c & 50c pany soprano, In tho role of tho Ethiop- peared critics and public liavo accorded JEHOME WENNEH 1ILANG highest praise to A. E. Thomas, youngest o America's JULIA ian slave Tho part of tho Egyptian the the orchestia and MTTI.E HELEN HAYES DOHIS beats xclllni; two princess, Amnoris, will bo sung by hailed Its conductor, Emll Oberhoffer, successful dramatists, will havo three WOOLDUIDGE ks in Eleonora de Clsneros, American con- as ono of the foremost conductors of tho plays running at once in New York EDWIN II. CUIITI S, htnee Director. tralto. Aniadco Bassl, an Italian tenor, day, ranking him with NIcklsh, Muck, next month. His "Little Boy Blue" is will sing the part of tho Egyptian war- and Welngartnor. Muoh Interest at- still drawing capacity audiences to tho rior, Radames. Hector Dufranne, French taches to the present tour, which Is the Lyric Theater, Henry Miller began a NEXT WEEK baritone, will bo Amonasro, the Ethio- first the orchestra has mado cast of Broadway run In "The Rainbow" last "Mrs. Dane's Defense." pian king. Henri Scott, tho American Chicago. It has elghty-flv- c players and Monday, and Thomas' other now play, basso, will sing Ramfls, tho high priest, Is maintained by a guarantee fund ot "The Divorce Fund," is being rehearsed and Constantln Nicolay will bo tha C5,000 per year, subscribed by the pub- by Henry AV. Savage for Immediate Prices Egyptian king. In "Alda" tho inter- lic spirited people ot Minneapolis. Tho production In New York. Tonight NOX McCAIN national ballet, will appear, headed by Miss Alice H. Wo.i.vr, Mrs. Alonzo Hitchcock. MacElweo. Prlmm, Kampfe, soloists tonight will be Luclllo Steven- $1.00 Roslna GalU. Ettoro Pcrosio will con- Tweedale, Miss Ane Whcelen. Miss Mrs. Jennings, and Mr. Lerch. son, soprano, and Richard Czerwonky, The new starring vehicle, announccii I.nut Lecture duct Ade Gravel, Miss E. Day, Miss Isa- violinist, late ot tho Boston Symphony Homo time ago for Hattle AVllllaras' usr AT 75c "Natoma," which will be sung In bella Johnson, .Miss Grace Ford. Miss Miss Alice NlelBen will annear in Orchestra. at the end of her season with Ethel THE GOLDEN WEST English, will bo directed by Victor Her- Katl'iTliio Donovan, Miss Kilna 1II11-vai- d, Washington with a company of ai lists Barrymore In the Barrio skit. "A Slice 50c bert, the composer Tho rolo of the Miss Helen clary. Mis. Francis rrom tho Boston opera House, on Musical circles are now Interested in of Life," Is called "Tho Girl from Magnificently IlluNirated In Color and Indian girl, Natoma, will bo sung by Bowels, Miss Elslo Mlchclf-on- . Miss afternoon, March M. at the Colum- Miss Matie L. Nelson, who will give a Montmartre," a musical vaudeville in Motion. Mary Garden, McLaughlin. Miss M. Is to In- Now WUIurd acts. Is musical play 8:15 25c who created this part, Francis Pavnler, bia Theater. It owltlft her farewell piano recital at the threo This the and for whom tho opera was Intended Miss R. Selah. Mrs. C. A. McQuIot, domitable nluck land amutUon that. tomorrow. Miss Nelson was born six- that is now said to be tho chief success from tho start. George Hamlin, an Aliss llollv Halvuison; Mrs. Fred HIH, after being tho moBt nonular star on the teen, vears ago In the city of New York. of Its kind In Berlin. American tenor, ill bo heard as tho Mls Muiguarote Tediow, Mrs W. M comic opera stage, sho should reach tha She has given promise of a brilliant WEDNESDAY American lieutenant whom Natoma Pcnn. Miss Blanch Miller. Miss Ruby goal she linrt set and laKC ncr place as future In music Today sho stands al- "In "Lady Patricia," tho new comedy Piano Recital loves with hopeless affection. Jano M. Hedge. Miss Bertha Mathews, Miss Ine of the best grand opera artists. MUs most unsurpassed as the youngest by tho author of "Don," that Mrs. Flske MARCH 20 By an American soprano, lysli' Rucbsanvn. Miss Marion Boyd, Nielsen Is a number of the Boston pianist capable of combining original Is acting at Mr. Frohman's Empire The-ato- r. will sing tho rolo of Barbara, tho Span- Mrs M. Rousseau-Mac- y; Messrs. C. Opera Compan, and this season is also interpretation with exceptional tcchnlquo New York, the first two acts are ish girl, who Is loved by the lieuten- Risdon Mien, 11. Ralph Cadv. E S. singing at the Metropolitan Opera House. In the execution of the master works performed like tho last act of "Peter 4:30 o'clock C. Kiikpatrlek, Caughton West, Director Russell, of the Marie Estelle Belt ant. Mario Sammarco, Italian bari- Jnrvls. New York. of I.lszt, Chopin, and Bach. Pan," among tree tops. A giant English It y tone, will be Alvarado, the Spanish lov- Thomas Mears. Fred Hill. A. W. Jctt, Boston Opera Company, has promised oak Is made to enfold a tiny tea room Attainted HELEN WALTON I1ELT, ViollnlMt, er of Barbara. Hector Dufranno will M. Swartxell. H F. Aldridge, H. R. to send artists who will contribute to A vocal was given by Otto lookout, fully six feet above tho TICKETS, fl.OO, 75c, BOe. At T. Arthur Smlth'M Aecncy, 11127 V St., la O. Kvintz, L,. recital and Sanders) 4t staymnn'N. be tho priest. Father Pcralta. Others Davis. H. L. E. Dinars. the interest of a program which will T. Simon at his studio, 1720 P street. ordinary level of the stage. "Lc Mar-lag- o will be Armand Crabbo, Belgian bari- P. V'itcoinb, Ralph C. Grout. Andrew consist of songs, operatic nnd Is not more Inconse- Altorfer, F. S. Flynn, C. D. Herrmann, on Friday afternoon, when the fol- de Figaro" Wedneailny tone, as Pico: Frank Prelsch. as Cas- the second act of Rossini's opera, "The quential In plot nor more exqulslto in THE tro, tho half breed, and Constantln Dr B. F. Madrt. AValter F. Carter, Barber of Seville" In costume. lowing pupils took part In a lenKthy treatment than "Lady Patricia." Afternoon MOTET CHOIR TJtcolay. Eugeno I. Walter, H. L. Waggoner, program: Miss Todd, Miss Swlnp, MARCH 27 vo'Ss .1. ClifTton Sclunltz, J. B Wilson. Ph. Ic-:o- y Marie Estelle Belt, i brilliant oung I.ouls Thompson, Miss Bradford. At 4i30 o'clock. OTTO TOllNEY SIMON, Director. The fifth and last concert of the tenth M. Smith, Frank G Palcuo. James W. plnnlst ot high attainments, is an- "Glider. Miss Follin, Mlsa Shaw, Miss Catherine Calvert, who playa Ticket $1.50, 91. nee. I'lnko, J. K. Schofleld. Charlie E. Per- Campbell. Mrs. the leading role In Paul Armstrong's On anle nt Mrs, Simon lit the I'lauo.
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