Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017 (International Academic Conference)

The 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda & The Construction of the Belt and Road


Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center Guangzhou, P. R. China Nov. 3-5, 2017


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017


China Society of Emerging Economies China International Culture Exchange Center Guangdong University of Technology


Guangdong People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries Guangdong Social Sciences Association Guanzhou Association of Social Science Societies Strategic Partners

Research & Training Institute, Boao Forum for Asia UIBE Alumni (Guangdong) Association Organizers

Guangdong Emerging Economies Society School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology Center for BRICS Studies, Guangdong University of Technology National Economics Research Center, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics Research Center for International Trade and Economic, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies Guangzhou City Technology Innovation and Economic Transformation Research Center


Time:14:00-22:00, Nov. 2

08:30-18:00, Nov. 3

Venue:Lobby Hall, 1st Floor, Block 1, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center

(Address: NO.1039-1045, N. Baiyun Dadao, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, South China)

Time:8:30-09:00, Nov. 4

Venue:Jiangmen Hall, 3rd Floor, Block 2, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center

Meal time: 12:00-13:00; 17:30-19:00 ( breakfast served based on the hotel's schedule)

Venue: All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block1


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Roundtable of Emerging Economies Think Tank 2017

The Cooperation & Sustainable Development of Emerging Economies

Agenda (Working languages: Chinese, English)

Date: Nov. 3, 2017 (Friday) Venue: Jiangmen Hall, 3rd Floor, Block 2

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in charge: Ms. Liu Meixiang (Guangdong Emerging Economies Society)

9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Mr. Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology)

Opening Address:(5 minutes per speaker)

Dong Weihua (Associate Director, Research Office, International Department Central

Committee of CPC)

Cristovam Buarque (Brazilian Senator)

Chen Qiuyan (Director of Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province)

Su Yifan (Director of the Environment Protection and Resources Conservation Committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress; Research Fellow of Guangdong University of Technology)

Zhang Yuyan (President of CSEE; Director and Research Fellow of Institute of World Economics and Politics , CASS)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

9:20-9:40 Group Photo

Theme 1: The Development of Emerging Economies

9:40-10:50 Session 1 : Emerging Economies and the Belt and Road

Moderator: Mr. Cui Daiyuan ( Distinguished Professor and International Consultant, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Ocean University of China; Republic of Korea Distinguished Scholar)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Cristovam Buarque (Brazilian Senator)

Title: Challenges for sustainable development for 2030

Dolana Msimang (Ambassador, the Republic of South Africa to People's Republic of China)

Title:South Africa’s Perspective on One Belt One Road Initiative

Li Xin (Professor, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies)

Title:Building the comprehensive Eurasian Partnership through the Belt and Road 10:10-10:50 Discussion ( All guests)

10:50-11:00 Tea Break

11:00-12:10 Session 2: Sustainable Innovative Development and the Belt and Road

Moderator:Mr. Marcos de Paiva Vieira (Deputy Secretary-General of Center for BRICS Studies, Guangdong University of Technology; Professor)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Ravi Bhattarai (Consul General of Consulate General of Nepal in Guangzhou)

Title: Sustainable Development and the Belt and Road

Alexander Golyashev (Deputy Head, Department for Research Studies,Analytical Center

for the Government of the Russian Federation; Doctor)

Title: UN Sustainable Development Goals and Russia

Li Fan (Professor of International School of Business, Beijing International Studies


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017


Title:National Innovation Capacities Research based on Multi-dimensional Proximity

11:30-12:10 Discussion (All guests)

12:10-14:00 Lunch ( All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block 1)

Theme 2: The Cooperation of Emerging Economies

14:00-15:30 Session 1:The Cooperation of Emerging Economies: Issues and Challenges

Moderator: Mr. Xu Xiujun (Executive director and Assistant Research Fellow of BRICS Research Base, CASS)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Badar Alam Iqbal (Professor, Department of Commerce, Aligarh Muslim University, India)

Title:BRICS 9th Summit: Issues and Challenges ahead

Yuan Zhitian (Professor, the Party School of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee)

Title: Innovative Cooperation Issues in the Framework of the Belt and Road Initiative

Rasigan Maharajh (Professor, Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology,

Stellenbosch University, RSA)

Title:Sustainable Development in the Anthropocene: Emergent Challenges for

Emerging Economies and Developing Countries

Liu Enzhuan (Professor, Tianjin University Of Finance & Economics. Facing the Global FTA)

Title:Network: Pattern of Strategy and Choice of Path

14:40-15:30 Discussion (All guests)

15:30-15:50 Tea Break

15:50-17:20 Session 2: The Cooperation of Emerging Economies and Mechanism Innovation

Moderator: Mr. Wang Lei (Director, Associate Professor of BRICS Universities League, Beijing Normal


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

University) Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

José Nelson Bessa Maia (Senior Advisor of the International Secretariat for International

Affairs (SEAIN) of the Ministry of Planning of Brazil)

Title: Economic Complementarity and Competition in BRICS

Lin Jue (Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)

Title:An Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Government Function Change on Trade

Facilitation and Intellectual Property Protection

Ren Lin (Vice Director and Associate Research Fellow of International Strategy, Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS)

Title: International Multilateral Co-operation: Mechanism Design and Basic Principle

Olav (Assistant of Canyon Energy)

Title: Decision Analysis, Innovation and Collaboration

16:30-17:20 Discussion (All guests)

17:20-17:30 Summarizing Speaking

Moderator: Mr. Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology) Speaker: Guo Liancheng (Vice Present of China Society of Emerging Economies; Professor of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics)

17:30-19:00 Dinner(All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block 1)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

China Society of Emerging Economies 2017 Annual Meeting Guangdong Emerging Economies Society 2017 Annual Meeting


Time: 19:00 - 21:00, Nov. 3, 2017 (Friday) Venue: Jiangmen Hall, 3rd Floor, Block 2.

19:00-19:30: Registration

Person in charge: Ms. Liu Meixiang (Guangdong Emerging Economies Society)

19:30-19:40: Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Yuyan (Present of China Society of Emerging Economies; Director and Research

Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS)

1.Introduction of the Agenda; 2.Introduction of Leaders and Guests; 3. Opening Address

19:40-20:25 Session 1: Work Report ( 15 minutes per part )


Yao Zhizhong (Vice Present &Secretary General of China Society of Emerging Economies;Vice

Director& Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics ,CASS)

1. Annual Work Report on China Society of Emerging Economies 2017

Chen Wanling (Vice Present &Secretary General of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society;

Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

2.Annual Work Report on Guangdong Emerging Economies Society 2017

3. Work Report Review & Suggestions


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

20:25-20:35 Session2: Award Ceremony

Moderator: Mr. Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology) 2017 Essay Prize Awarding Ceremony( Presenter:Zhang Yuyan, Su Yifan)

20:35-20:55 Session 3: Discussion

Discussion of future events of China Society of Emerging Economies Discussion of future events of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society

20:55-21:00 Closing Speech

Speakers: Zhang Yuyan (Present of China Society of Emerging Economies; Director and Research

Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Nov.4, 2017 Saturday

2017 Emerging Economies Forum

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals & the Construction of “the Belt and Road”

Agenda (Working Language: Chinese and English)

Venue: Jiangmen Hall, 3rd Floor, Block 2, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center, Guangzhou, China

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in Charge: Ms. Liu Meixiang (Guangdong Emerging Economies Society)

9:00-9:20 Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Mr. Chen Weimin (Vice President, Guangdong University of Technology (GDUT)

Opening Address (5 minutes per speaker)

Chen Xin (Professor, General Secretary & President of GDUT) Dolana Msimang (Ambassador, the Republic of South Africa to People's Republic of China) Zhou Hua (Party Member and Full-time Vice Chairman, Guangdong Social Sciences Association) Zhang Yuyan (Director and Researcher of the Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, President of Emerging Economies Society)

9:20-9:30 Group Photo


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Theme Forum

9:30-10:50 Theme Forum 1: Globalization and Global Economic Situation

According to World Economic Outlook issued by the International Monetary Fund in October, 2017, we recognize that there is obviously growing upward pressure in the world economy and a up-regulation of prediction to the world economic growth for this year and next. Moreover, the world economic recovery remains unaccomplished, in which lots of countries’ economies remain at low growth. Meanwhile, global challenges are increasing, “deglobalization” included, resulting the emerging economies facing new challenges in development and cooperation. ●What are the challenges and problems in the globalization? ●What is the prospect of global economic recovery? ●Present condition and obstacles in the global multilateral economic and trade cooperation and regional integration process ●How to respond to protectionism and promote trade and investment facilitation for emerging economies? ●How will BRICS lead to build the new globalization? Moderator Mr. Yao Zhichong (Deputy Director and Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Vice President and Secretary-general, Emerging Economies Society)

Guests Sun Zhenyu (Former Deputy Minister, Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China) Huo Jianguo (Vice President, China Society for World Trade Organization Studies) Zhang Yuyan (Director and Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; President of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society) Marc Uzan (Executive Director,Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, France) Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology)

10:50-11:10 Tea Break

11:10-12:30 Theme Forum 2: Emerging Economies and Sustainable

Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations took effect officially in January, 2016. The agenda calls on countries taking actions and working hard to achieve 17 sustainable development goals in the next 15 years. Viewing development as the top priority, emerging economies should further strengthen cooperation and solidarity so as to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

●How will emerging economies dock their own development strategies on the sustainable development agenda? ●How to improve development to the key position in the macro policy coordination? ●How to give more support to emerging economies and developing countries according to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities? ●How to play a role in enhancing global development governance for the UN? ●What’s the role of BRICS’s development in the global economic development?

Moderator Mr. Zhang Shuhua (Dean and Research Fellow, Institute of Information Studies, CASS; Vice President, Emerging Economies Society)

Guests Zheng Bingwen (Director and Professor, Institute of American Studies Chinese Academy of Social Science) Irina Yarygina (Professor, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) Guan Xueling (Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor,School of Economics, Renmin University of China) Zhang Chun (Director and Researcher,Institute for Foreign Policy Studies,Shanghai Institutes for International Studies) Xiong Qiquan (Director and Professor, Department of Economics and Trade, School of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University)

12:30-14:00 Lunch (All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block 2)

14:00-15:30 Theme Forum 3: Emerging Economies and the Construction of

the “ Belt and Road”

The “Belt and Road” Initiative proposed by China offers a new platform and many opportunities for emerging economies’ cooperation. Over the past four years, lots of emerging economies has actively supported and participated in the construction of the Belt and Road, and reached a series of practical cooperation agreements.The “Belt and Road” Forum for International Cooperation was held successfully in May, 2017, which sends a signal that emerging economies’ cooperation under the framework of the Belt and Road steps into a new developing stage. ●What challenges and opportunities will the “Belt and Road” meet? ●How does the “Belt and Road” usher in a new epoch for human civilization? ●How does emerging economies play an important role in the construction of the “Belt and Road”? ●How does the “Belt and Road” facilitate the establishment of global partnership network? ●How to push forward emerging economies’ cooperation on trade, investment and finance under the framework of the “Belt and Road”? ●How to further dock development strategies of emerging economies on the “Belt and Road” initiative?


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Moderator Mr. Chen Wanling (Vice President and Secretary-general of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Guests Lu Nanquan (Honor Division Member, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Yu Longyu (Director and Professor, Centre for Indian Studies of Shenzhen University) Farha Naz Ghuari (HOD, Department of Commerce, Marthwada University, India) Feng Weijiang (Director and Research Fellow, Department of International politics and Economics, Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Omar Ramon Serrano (Senior Research Fellow and Lecturer, Global Studies Institute, University of Geneva, Switzerland) Lin Lefen (Professor, Center of Finance and Monetary, College of Finance,Nanjing Agricultural University) 15:30-15:50 Tea Break

15:50-17:20 Theme Forum 4: Emerging Economies and Global Governance

With the rising overall strength of emerging economies, the global governance structure has constantly changed.To adapt the changing global political and economic situation, deeper adjustment and reform must be conducted to global governance for new energy, idea and pattern. Emerging economies play a irreplaceable role in reshaping the global governance. ●What is the role for emerging economies to play in the global governance? ●How will emerging economies advance the adjustment and reform of the global governance? ●What opportunities and challenges will emerging economies meet in the global governance? ●How will emerging countries conduct risk governance and cooperation? ●Can BRICS lead the global governance? Moderator Mr.Sun Jie (Research Fellow and Editorial Director of “World Economy”, Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Guests Dabiru Sridhar Patnaik (Director, Centre for South Asian Legal Studies) Wang Lei (Director and Professor, BRICS Universities League, Beijing Normal University) Lin Yueqin (Director and Research Fellow, International Department Ⅱ, Social Sciences in China) Pierre van der Eng (Associate Professor, Institute of Management Research, Australian National University; Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University) Xu Xiujun (Executive Director and Associate Research Fellow, Research Base for BRICS, Institute of World Economics and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) Wicaksono (Consul, Consulate General of Indonesia in Guangzhou)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

18:00-20:30 Entrepreneurs Dialogue

Time: 18:00-20:30 Nov. 4, 2017 (Saturday) Venue: Ling Guoyan Hall, 2nd Floor, Block 5, Guangzhou Baiyun International Convention Center Attendee: All participants


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Nov. 5, 2017 Sunday

2017 Emerging Economies Forum Sub-forum (Working languages: Chinese)

Sub-forum 1 New Global Economic Changes and New Prospects of Emerging Economies

Date:Nov. 5, 2017 (Sunday)

Venue: Rm.3301, 3rd Floor, Block 3

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in charge: Shi Yujie ( Director, School of Economics & Commerce, GDUT )

09:05-10:30 Session 1

Moderator: Mr. Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology)

Opening Address( 5 minutes) Cai Chunlin (President, Guangdong Emerging Economies Society; Professor, Guangdong University of Technology) Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

He Shuquan (Professor, School of Economics, Shanghai University)

Title: Reflections on Global Value Chain, Manufacturing Guiding Growth and

Development Path of Emerging Economies

Yuan Zhitian (Professor, the Party School of the CPC Jiangsu Provincial Committee)

Title: New Characteristics in the New International Economic Structure


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Ma Wenxiu ( Professor, Vice Director, Institute of Japan Studies,Hebei University)

Title: Research on China’s Manufactured Goods Export Competitiveness and Potential to Emerging Markets in Latin America

Feng Xiaoling (Professor of Maritime University)

Title:The Research on Effect of Foreign Trade Cost to Export Growth Dual Margin of China

Zhang Zhiming (Associate Professor, School of Economics, University)

Title: Asia-Pacific Value Chains Deconstruction and China’s Role

Li Linyue (Lecturer, School of International Trade and Economics,Central University of Finance and Economics)

Title: Business Cycle Synchronization in East Asia, Intra-industry Trade and International Policy Coordination

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

10:30-11:50 Session 2

Moderator: Liu Wenge (Professor, School of Economics, Zhejiang Gongshang University)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Pei Guifen ( Professor and Director, Institute of Japan Studies, Hebei University)

Title: Deindustrialization and the Formation System in the First Period of Transition in Russia

Zhou Zhongfei (Research Fellow, Shanghai Institute of Taiwan Studies; Director, Institute of

Economic Studies)

Title: Cross-strait Relation and Emerging Economies

Wu Xiaojie (Associate Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

Title: The Influence of Home Country Intra-national Institution Quality on Overseas Market Entry Mode for Chinese Private Enterprise

Wang Fei ( Associate Professor, School of Economics, Minzu University of China)

Title: Motives of China’s Official Development Assistance to African countries


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Fu Zheng (Associate Professor, RCEPTC, Liaoning University)

Title: Analysis of the Reasons for the Change of Foreign Currency Assets in Russian Bank Sector during the Two Crises

Zou Zhiqiang ( Assistant Research Fellow, Shanghai International Studies University)

Title: Economic Stagnation of Emerging Countries and Its Governance Transformation

Zhang Yaokun ( Postgraduate of Hunan University)

Title: The Path Choices of Emerging Economies Participating in the Global Economic Governance

Wang Ying ( Postgraduate, International Business School,Beijing Foreign Studies University)

Title: Empirical Study on Factors and Convergence in Global Economic Growth-- Based on Reverification of Mankiw et al

11:50-12:00: Comments

Sun Wenli ( Professor, Vice Dean of International Business School,Beijing Foreign Studies University) Deng Changchun ( Professor, School of Economics,Sichuan University)

12:00-12:10 Interactive Activities

12:10-13:30 Lunch (All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block1)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Sub-Forum 2

Emerging Economies: Status and Prospect of Sustainable Development

Time:8:30 - 12:00, Nov. 5, 2017 (Sunday) Venue: Rm.3302, 3rd Floor, Block 3

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in Charge: He Zhiyuan (Party Secretary, School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

09:05-10:30 Session 1

Host: Mr. Ma Degong (Professor, Sichuan University)

Opening Address:(5 minutes per speaker) Ma Degong (Professor, Sichuan University)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Liu Yaying (Doctor, School of International Business & Director, the Institute of Geo-economics and Politics, SWUFE)

Title: Diplomatic Factors in the Choice of Location of Chinese Enterprises’ FDI -- Taking China’s Strategic Partnership Diplomacy as an example

Gao Weixin (Professor, School of Economic, Guangdong Ocean University)

Title: Suggestions on the Countermeasures of "One Belt And One Road" for the Marine Industry in ZhanJiang

Luo Cheng (Associate Professor, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics)

Title: The New Model of China's Economic Development and Its Guidance to

Emerging Economies—the Perspective of New Industry, New Technology

and New Formats

Li Bin (Associate Researcher Fellow, Institute of Japan Studies,Liaoning University; Liaoning University Japan and South Korea Creative Entrepreneurship Research Center)

Title: Research on Animation Industry in South Korea


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Yang Yongcong (Lecturer of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies; Guangdong-Hong Kong- Macau Greater Bay Area Institute)

Title: Did Policy Uncertainty Increase the Growth of China’s OFDI?

Dong Min (Postgraduate, School of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen University)

Title: the Effect of Combating Black-and-malodorous Water Body in China on Emerging Economies and Developing Countries

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

10:30-11:50 Session 2

Moderator: Mr. Li Huiming (Researcher Fellow of President’s Office, China Institute of Contemporary International Relations)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Yang Xueru (Associate Professor, College of Economics and Management, South China Agricultural University)

Title: The Strategies of International Cooperation for Chinese Agricultural Enterprises under the Belt and Road Initiative

Jiang Xinhai (Lecturer of School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

Title: On the global governance mechanism under the framework of “on Belt

and the Road”

Li Jingrui (Associate Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

Title: Influences of income inequality, liquidity constraints on higher education attainment: An empirical analysis of China's eastern, central and western regions

Qian Xinbei (Lecturer of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Title: Does China 's OFDI Improve the Infrastructure Level of Countries along the Belt and Road?

Huang Leilei (Postgraduate, School of Marxism, South China University of Technology)

Title: The Belt and Road construction is a Chinese Scheme to Solve Three Major Deficits

Huang Zhiping (Postgraduate, Economic Research Institute on Special Economic Zone,Jinan 18

Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017


Title: Accelerate the Construction of Carbon Trading Market and Promote the Sustainable Development in All Aspects

Yao Fangfang (Postgraduate, Management College,Guangdong Ocean University)

Title: Research on Trade Development of Aquatic Products between China and Thailand upon Maritime Silk Road in 21st Century—An Empirical Analysis Based on Trade Relationship, Influencing Factors and Development Potential

11:50-12:00 Comments

Liu Dexue (Vice dean and Professor,College of Economics, Jinan University) Liu Yuan(Vice Dean and Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

12:00-12:10 Interactive Activities

12:10-13:30 Lunch(All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block1)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Sub-forum 3 “Belt and Road” Initiative: Theory, Policy and Practice

Time:8:30 - 12:00, Nov. 5, 2017 (Sunday) Venue: Rm.3307, 3rd Floor, Block 3

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in Charge: Cui Shunting (Guangdong Emerging Economies Society)

09:05-10:25 Session 1

Moderator: Mr. Wang Fangfang (Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of School of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics)

Opening Address (5 minutes) Wang Fangfang (Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of School of Economics, Guangdong University of Finance & Economics)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Huang Jian (Associate Professor, Researcher Fellow, School of Economics Renmin

University of China)

Title: Research on Project Docking Under the Belt and Road Initiative

Xiao Kuixi (School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;Director of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area Institute, SunYatsen University)

Title: The Construction of Financing Support System Based on the Finance Resource Supply Reform under One Belt One Road

Zhang Qing (Dean Assistant, Associate Professor, BRICS Research Institute, Sichuan International Studies University)

Title: On the Feasibility of Connection between “One Belt One Road” Initiative and Latin America: Based on the Analysis of Historical, Policy and Reality Dimensions

Huang Qicai (Associate Research Fellow, Asia-Pacific Economic Review, Fujian Provincial Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: BRICS in Developing Free Trade Area under the “One Belt One Road” Initiative

Jiang Yingmei (Associate Professor, Institute of West–Asian and African Studies ,Chinese


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: Iran’s Economic Development Thought and The Building of “One Belt One Road” between China and Iran

Gong Jing (Lecturer of College of Tourism Economics and Management, Chengdu University)

Title:The Relationship between Industrial Structure Upgrading and OFDI for Great Emerging Economies under the Construction of "One Belt and One Road": Dynamic Panel Data Analysis based on China’s OFDI for 62 "One Belt and One Road" Neighborhood Economies in 2003-2015

Feng Kuo (Postgraduate, Central University of Finance and Economics)

Title: Trade Shocks and Human Capital Investment In China Under the Belt and Road Initiative

10:15-10:30 Tea Break

10:30-11:50 Session 2

Moderator: Mr. Huang Rongbing (Assisstant Professor, School of Economics and Commerce, Guangdong University of Technology)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Igbinoba Emmanuel (Research Fellow, Centre for Chinese Studies, Stellenbosch University)

Title: Africa and The Maritime Belt and Road Initiative, An Analytical


Hu Jian (Director, Researcher Fellow , Research Center of Soft Power , Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: Periodical Studies on “the Belt and Road”: Achievements, Risks and Prospect

Jing Baixiang (Professor, Guang Dong Peizheng College )

Title: The political and economic critique of “One Belt and One Road”

Yang Baorong (Associate Researcher Fellow, Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, CASS)

Title: State-owned Enterprises Development in Africa and “The Belt and Road” China-Africa Industrial Cooperation

Lin Jianyong (Doctor of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Title: Characteristics of Development, Risk and Location on the “The Belt and Road” Countries Where China Invested

Wang Yanfang (Doctor, School of Economic and Management,Southeast University)

Title: Research on Overcapacity of Chinese Steel Industry from the Perspective of Global Value Chain

Wang Haoyu (Postgraduate, School of Economics, Shandong University of Finance and Economics)

Title: Industrial Structure and Economic Growth Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe

Pan Li (Postgraduate, Institute of Industrial Economics, Zhejiang University of Science&Technology)

Title: Export Potential of China’s Infrastructure-related Industries to Southeast Asian Countries: An Empirical Study Based on Panel Gravity Model

11:50-12:00 Comments

Liang Qi (Professor, Research Institute of Industry and Regional Development, Sun Yat-sen University) Wan Lu (Associate editor, South China)

12:00-12:10 Interactive Activities

12:10-13:30 Lunch( All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block1)


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Sub-forum 4 BRICS: Deepening Cooperation and Sustainable Development

Time:8:30 - 12:00, Nov. 5, 2017 (Sunday) Venue: Rm.3308, 3rd Floor, Block 3

8:30-9:00 Registration

Person in Charge: Li Jieling (Guangdong Emerging Economies Society)

09:05-10:30 Session Ⅰ

Moderator: Mr. Chen Wanling (Professor, Deputy Director &Secretary-general of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Opening Address:(5 minutes ) Chen Wanling (Professor, Deputy Director &Secretary-general of Guangdong Emerging Economies Society, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Xu Yongli (Associate Professor, Institute of Japan Studies,Hebei University)

Title: Research on Non-Equilibrium Complementarity and Productivity Cooperation in BRICS

Chen Huaqiao (Associate Professor, School of International Relations, Sichuan International Studies University)

Title: The Comparison of China and Brazil’s Implementation of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Based on the Synergy of Strategies

Chen Benchang (Associate Professor, College of International Relations, Liaoning University)

Title: the Impact of System on the Rise and Fall of A Country-the Comparative Analysis on Three Books

Lin Fabin (Researcher Fellow, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: The Construction of the five-connectivity between China and ASEAN and their Intra-Production Trade Pattern Deepening

Jia Zhongzheng (Doctor, Assistant Researcher Fellow, Institute of World Economics

and Politics Chinese Academy of Social Science)

Title: A Study on Economic and Financial Cooperation of BRICS Countries


Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Luo Jia (Lecturer, Doctor, College of Finance, Jiangxi Normal University)

Title: BRICS Capital Market Cooperation: Progress Status and Mechanism Innovation

Ye Fang (Lecturer, Huaqiao University)

Title: How to Get a Relatively High International Credit Rating for NDB under the Supranational Rating Framework

Marcos de Paiva Vieira (Professor, Deputy Secretary-General, Center for BRICS Studies, Guangdong University of Technology)

Title: The Pragmatic Multilateralism of the BRICS: Aiming at the Sustainable Development Goals

10:25-10:30 Tea Break

10:30-11:50 Session 2

Moderator: Mr. Cui Daiyuan (Republic of Korea Distinguished Scholar, Distinguished Professor, International Consultant, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences,Ocean University of China)

Speakers: (10 minutes per speaker)

Tian Xu ( Assistant Researcher Fellow, International Strategy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: Understand the Innovation of BRICS Cooperation Mechanism

from the "BRICS+" Model

Zhu Ming (Doctor, Shanghai Institutes for International Studies)

Title: Prospects Analysis of BRICS Cooperation in Space Industry

FLÁVIO PAZETO (First Secretary, Embassy of the Federative Republic of Brazil in Beijing)

Title: BRICS at the Age of 10: Challenges for the Road ahead

Liu Wei (Research Assistant, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Title: On the Role of Emerging Economies in Global Economic Governance: Future of G20, BRICS and Unofficial Governance 24

Agenda for Emerging Economies Forum and China Society of Emerging Economies Annual Conference 2017

Zhou Shuai (Assistant Researcher Fellow, Research Center for the Economies and Politics of Transitional Countries (RCEPTC), Liaoning University)

Title: The Role and Measures of BRICS Financial Cooperation from the Perspective of International Financial Public Goods

Priyanka Pandit (Visiting Fellow, Research Institute for Indian Ocean Economies, Yunan University of Finance & Economics)

Title: Domestic Constituencies and Negotiating Positions of India & China at the WTO: A Comparative Assessment

Si Qing (Postgraduate, School of Economics, Shanghai University)

Title: China’s Participation in the Global Value Chain-the Level and Tendency of Globalization and Regional Integration

Xie Dan (Postgraduate, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University)

Title: A Comparative Study on the Effects of Macro Risks on Success Rate of Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions by BRICS Member States

11:50-12:00 Comments

Zeng Qinghui (Professor, Hainan University)

Du Qiang ( Researcher Fellow, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences)

12:00-12:10 Interactive Activities

12:10-14:00 Lunch(All-Day Dining Hall, 2nd Floor, Block1)

14:00 Closing