

Minimally Invasive Foraminotomy of the Cervical Spine: Improving Technique and Expanding Indications

he rise of minimally invasive tech- Laura A. Snyder, MD niques has returned the posterior Justin C. Clark, MD T cervical foraminotomy to the arma- Luis M. Tumialán, MD mentarium of the spine surgeon. The morbidity associated with a midline The minimally invasive foraminotomy allows surgeons to treat multiple patholo- exposure, especially with the complex gies with minimal muscle dissection and less disruption of the native spine. insertion patterns of the posterior cer- Pathologies that have traditionally been treated with fusion can be safely and vical musculature, has been difficult effectively treated with minimally invasive and motion-preserving techniques. to reconcile with the well-tolerated The smaller exposure used with the minimally invasive foraminotomy results anterior cervical approach. However, in reduced blood loss, shorter operative times, and faster patient recovery the development of minimally inva- compared with traditional open surgical techniques. sive techniques for posterior cervical Key Words: cervical spine, foraminotomy, minimally invasive foraminotomies not only has reversed the decreasing trend of posterior cervi- cal approaches, but also has steadily ex- panded our capacity to address a variety of pathologies in the posterior cervical spine. In this report, we describe the minimally invasive technique for pos- terior cervical foraminotomy and lami- nectomy. The application of this tech- nique in three distinct clinical scenarios is presented.

Anatomy The limited 14-mm-diameter field of view in minimally invasive forami- notomies has the potential to be disori- enting, even to surgeons familiar with posterior cervical approaches. Review- ing the anatomy within the context of a minimally invasive approach is of value, before reviewing the operative tech- nique. Thus, we describe the anatomy for standard lesions at C3 or below. The posterior cervical spine is pro- tected by multiple layers of muscle with their investing fascia. From superficial to Abbreviations Used: MR, magnetic resonance imaging deep, these muscles include the trape- zius, erector spinae, semispinalis capitis, Division of Neurological Surgery, Barrow Neurological Institute, St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical and semispinalis cervicis muscles.The Center, Phoenix, Arizona

4 BARROW QUARTERLY • Vol. 26, No. 1 • 2016 Snyder et al: Minimally Invasive Foraminotomy of the Cervical Spine: Improving Technique and Expanding Indications

Figure 1. Posterior cervical spine showing the Figure 2. Axial view of the docking site of the tubular retractor in the posterior amount of removal needed (blue circle) cervical spine that allows access to decompress roots. for a posterior cervical foraminotomy. disruption of these multiple layers of forms the floor of the foramen for of compression of the nerve root, often muscles and their complex insertion the C6 nerve root and the C5 pedicle the dorsal root. patterns may contribute to painful forms the roof.The nerve root lies in Knowledge of the foraminal dimen- muscle spasms that are common after the inferior one-third portion of the sions allows one to feel comfortable open approaches.1,3,4 In the minimally foramina, while the superior portion is that tubular retractor access will provide invasive foraminotomy, this pain is miti- filled with fat and veins.1 The ventral adequate exposure. The intrapedicular gated by a focal dilatation through these or motor roots emerge from the dura distance ranges from 10 to 14 mm, muscles. mater more caudally than the dorsal depending on the disc height, but on The spinous processes in the midline or sensory roots, and the ventral roots average is no more than 12 mm. The are formed by the union of the bilateral course along the caudal border of the distance from the lateral aspect of the lamina. Laterally, the lamina intersects dorsal roots within the intervertebral disc space to the medial aspect of the the pedicle to form the lateral mass. The foramina.3 superior articular process usually mea- inferior portion of the superior lateral The anterior boundary of the fora- sures from 8 to 10 mm. The rostral- mass and the superior portion of the men is formed by the disc space (C5-6 caudal exposure should be from pedicle inferior lateral mass create the superior disc in this case) and the lateral unci- to pedicle, a distance of at least 12 mm. and inferior processes or facets. The su- nate process. Compression of the nerve The medial-lateral exposure should be perior facet often overhangs the supe- roots typically occurs anteriorly from from the medial aspect of the pedicle rior one-third of the inferior facet. The disc herniation or uncal vertebral to the middle of the lateral mass-facet superior articular process makes up the osteophyte complexes. Thus, more complex, a distance of at least 10 mm. posterior wall of the foramen. often the ventral root is affected. The Thus, a well-positioned 14- or 16-mm The foramen is bound superiorly posterior wall is formed by the superior diameter tubular access port can ade- and inferiorly by the pedicle. Nerve articular process of the like-numbered quately provide the surface area needed roots in the cervical spine exit the fo- segment (i.e., the posterior wall of the for a comprehensive decompression of ramen just above their named pedicle C6 nerve root is made up of the supe- the nerve root (Figs. 1 and 2). (i.e., the C6 nerve root exits above rior articular process of C6). Arthrop­ The vertebral artery enters the the C6 pedicle). Thus, the C6 pedicle athy of the facet may also be a source transverse foramen of C6 and ascends

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Figure 3. Patients are positioned prone with their heads secured in a radiolucent Mayfield head holder.

through the transverse foramina to C2. tube. This makes the anatomy at a given In this region, the vertebral artery lies depth consistent and predictable during just ventral to the ventral rami of cervi- dissection. After positioning, the patient cal C6 to C2 and is surrounded is placed in a reverse Trendelenburg po- by a venous plexus and sympathetic sition, and the knees are flexed to pre- nerve fibers. Thus, venturing anterior vent the patient from sliding down the B to the cervical nerve root in the poste- bed while their head is fixed in the head Figure 4. (A) Initial localization of the rior cervical foraminotomy may result holder. The shoulders are taped down C3-C4 facet docking site with fluoroscopy in injury to the vertebral artery. En- to facilitate visualization of the level. allows (B) a small incision to be planned countering significant venous bleeding Some authors have recommended that is only slightly larger than the size of in this approach may indicate increasing that this procedure be performed with the desired tube to be used. proximity to the vertebral artery. the patient in a sitting position. The pu- tative benefit is that the seated position decreases epidural venous pressure and facet on a lateral fluoroscopic image Patient Positioning thereby the potential for bleeding. In (Fig. 4A) allows one to plan an incision At our institution, a patient undergo- our experience, this bleeding, although the size of the tube to be used (Fig. 4B). ing a minimally invasive posterior cer- frustrating at times, can be mitigated by An incision 1.5 cm off the midline spi- vical foraminotomy or is placing the patient in a reverse Tren- nous process will bring the initial dilator placed prone on an operating table with delenburg position to decrease epidural to the facet laminar junction, which is chest rolls. The head is slightly flexed venous pressure. The sitting position, the medial to lateral aim of docking, but in a Mayfield head holder (Fig. 3). The while conceptually advantageous, is should there be any question, anterior- chest rolls must be high enough on the typically met with significant resistance posterior fluoroscopy can be used to chest to maintain a slight neck flexion. by anesthesiologists at centers where it verify this trajectory. If positioned too low, the cervical spine is not routinely performed. Depending on the size of the le- will be extended. There should be no sion and the size of the retractor, inci- tilt to the head when the Mayfield head sion and dilation can proceed over this holder is in final position. Any tilt may Surgical Technique area. After the incision is made, the su- prevent lining up the facets on the lat- A perfect lateral fluoroscopic image perficial fascia, which can be tough, is eral fluoroscopic image. This is essential should be obtained to plan the incision. usually opened with monopolar cau- for ideal planning of the incision and The goal on lateral fluoroscopy should tery. In general, we believe that use of positioning of the tubular access port. be to dock onto the inferomedial edge a Kirschner wire in the cervical spine is Furthermore, every attempt should be of the rostral lateral mass of the foramen ill advised, as the wire may inadvertently made to keep the anatomy directly or- of interest. Initial localization of the pass intralaminarly into the . thogonal to the line of sight though the target level of the lesion to the desired The tubular muscle dilators are

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A B C Figure 5. Sequentially larger tubes are used to dilate the muscle until the final retractor is locked into place. Placement of the dilators and final retractor in correct position is verified by lateral and anterior-posterior fluoroscopy. placed sequentially in line with the angled curette at the undersurface of diameter of the desired retractor, with the inferior edge of the rostral lamina. each retractor docking onto bone be- One can then use a combination of a fore the next dilator is placed. Not prop- ball-tipped probe, a curette, and Ker- erly docking to bone will cause muscle rison rongeurs to further remove the to creep into the field with larger di- ligamentum flavum and tissue. As fur- lators. After a retractor of the desired ther dissection and relative anatomy will size is placed, the retractor tube can be depend on the pathology being treated, held in place by an arm that attaches we expand upon our description of this to the side of the bed. The location of technique by presenting a series of cases dilators and retractors should be verified that demonstrate how this approach can with lateral fluoroscopy and anterior- be used and modified for different in- posterior fluoroscopy as needed (Fig. 5). dications. Slight changes in tube trajectory can be made while still holding the retractor to the bone so that no muscle enters into Case 1: Posterior Cervi- the field. The retractor system is then cal Foraminotomy and locked to the side of the bed using a stabilizing arm (Fig. 6). A 58-year-old man presented with Visualization into the tube is per- increasing right arm pain and tin- formed with a microscope, and the bed Figure 6. The retractor is locked into the gling in his fingers. Magnetic reso- can be turned to help gain a more com- correct position using an arm that attach- nance (MR) imaging of the cervical fortable working angle. Starting later- es to the side of the bed. spine demonstrated a disc herniation ally over the bone of the facet junction, at C7-T1 (Fig. 7). The patient had no one can safely clean away muscle in the neck pain, and dynamic cervical radio- field, as the superior facet overlying the procedure will occur in this view. For graphs showed no instability at this level. inferior facet will protect the nerve root procedures that address intradural le- Surgical options for management of this in the foramen. Monopolar cautery and sions or lesions extending further to the clinical scenario include a C7-T1 ante- pituitary rongeurs allow visualization other side, the tube can be angled more rior cervical discectomy and fusion or of the bony landmarks. For orientation medially. However, it may be beneficial a minimally invasive posterior cervical purposes, it is important to visualize the to clear off the ligamentum flavum and foraminotomy with discectomy. Given medial one-third of the rostral and cau- other tissue overlying the lateral aspect the absence of spinal cord compression dal lateral mass, and the lateral one-third of the cord with the known bony land- and axial neck pain,we decided that the of the rostral and caudal lamina of inter- marks before adjusting the tube. patient was a candidate for a motion- est. For procedures such as minimally The ligamentum flavum and tissue preserving approach. invasive posterior cervical foraminoto- over the spinal cord can be removed The retractor tube was centered over mies and , much of the by detaching it laterally using a small the medial edge of the facet (Fig. 8,

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Video 1), allowing access to the be- ginning of the foramen, the pedicle, and the axilla of the nerve root. At this See video Play online location, the disc causing compression can be safely accessed. A small-angled curette was used to detach the ligamen- tum flavum from the undersurface of the inferior edge of the rostral lamina. Play When the lamina-facet junction was identified and the ligamentum flavum was dissected away from the inferior edge of the superior lamina and facet, a drill and Kerrison rongeurs were used to create a small , allowing visualization of the lateral border of the cervical dura and the proximal exit- ing cervical nerve root. In some cases, the lamina may be oriented in a verti- Video 1. Minimally invasive foraminotomy performed for nerve root decompression in cal fashion, which makes it difficult to a patient with a disc herniation at C7-T1. https://www.barrowneuro.org/Foraminotomy1 remove with Kerrison rongeurs alone. The drill and Kerrison rongeurs were used to create a medial facetec- tomy to extend the exposure of the exiting cervical nerve root. If present, osteophyte fragments overlying the foramen can be manipulated and frac- tured by using angled curettes. Removal of the dorsal bone overlying the root exiting in the foramen may be all that is required for nerve root decompression in a posterior cervical foraminotomy. The adequacy of decompression can B be assessed by palpating around the root along its course with a small nerve Figure 7. C7-T1 disc herniation shown on preoper- hook and by freeing any tethering of ative (A) sagittal and (B) axial magnetic resonance the nerve root. One should be able to A images. feel freedom of the nerve root on the superior side of the pedicle and as it starts to traverse the lateral side of the pedicle. If imaging demonstrates ventral compression, access to the ventral space without retraction of the nerve root or Nerve root cord can be improved by drilling the in foramen superomedial quadrant of the pedicle, providing further access to the axilla of the nerve root. A nerve hook entered Drilled into this space can be used to palpate pedicle the ventral foramen and identify re- maining osteophytes or disc fragments. Disc Cervical instability after surgery can herniation be avoided by preserving at least 50% of the facet complex during the bony Figure 8. Initial exposure for foraminotomy Figure 9. Visualization of disc herniation decompression. During drilling of the and discectomy. through tube.

8 BARROW QUARTERLY • Vol. 26, No. 1 • 2016 Snyder et al: Minimally Invasive Foraminotomy of the Cervical Spine: Improving Technique and Expanding Indications superomedial quadrant of the pedicle, cancer and the possible need for post- can facilitate safe use of the Kerrison careful attention must be paid to drill operative radiation. rongeurs. only the volume necessary to allow a The tube was centered over the in- In this case, the fibers of the ligamen- nerve hook access behind the cervical terlaminar space just medial to the facet tum flavum had already been partially nerve root (Fig. 9). A No. 11 blade can (Video 2). The inferior portion of the separated by the tumor itself. Portions be used to incise the disc annulus, and lamina above and the superior portion of the ligamentum flavum and then the disc fragments can be teased out with of the lamina below were drilled away hemorrhagic metastatic lesion were re- the use of a nerve hook and micropi- to provide visualization of the pathol- moved carefully with a micropituitary tuitary forceps. Osteophyte fragments ogy. A combination of drilling to thin forceps and Kerrison rongeurs (Fig. causing compression ventrally can be the bone and the use of Kerrison ron- 11), allowing visualization of the dura tamped down with down-angled cu- geurs was used to further expose the beneath. The plane between the dura rettes. As a final check, the nerve hook lesion. Dissection of the soft tissue and tumor was further expanded using should be used to palpate all sides of from the bone with an angled curette a ball-tipped probe and a nerve hook, the nerve root and out of the foramen just lateral to the pedicle to ensure that no element of compression has been missed. For this patient, when the surgeon was comfortable that all possible de- compression had been performed, he- mostasis was achieved and antibiotic irrigation was performed, and the re- tractor was removed slowly to identify any further bleeding sites. The fascia and skin were closed with buried su- tures. In these cases, as the incision is small and the muscle dissection mini- mal, patients usually have a quick re- covery (Fig. 10). This patient returned home on the day of surgery. He re- turned to clinic 2 weeks later with no arm pain. Figure 10. A 2-cm incision with minimal muscle dissection allows a quick recovery.

Case 2: Cervical Meta- static Tumor Resection A 62-year-old woman with a his- See video tory of breast cancer presented with Play online acutely increasing neck pain and dif- ficulty walking. MR imaging of the cervical spine demonstrated what appeared to be an extradural hemor- rhagic metastatic lesion causing com- Play pression of the spinal cord. Given her overt signs of myelopathy and rapidly declining ambulatory status, urgent de- compression was mandated. Surgical options included a traditional midline approach for a complete laminectomy and decompression, or a minimally in- vasive laminectomy with preservation of the posterior tension band. A mini- mally invasive approach was selected, Video 2. A minimally invasive laminectomy performed to resect an extradural hemor- rhagic metastatic lesion that caused compression of the spinal cord in a patient with a given the patient’s history of breast history of breast cancer. https://www.barrowneuro.org/Foraminotomy2

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and additional tumor was removed. If erative pathologic findings confirmed Case 3: Synovial Cyst necessary at this point, the retractor tube metastatic breast cancer and radiation Resection could be aimed more medially as well began immediately. The rich supply A 68-year-old man presented after as superiorly and inferiorly to further of blood to the muscles surrounding a experiencing neck pain, bilateral arm drill the laminar bone and expose more transmuscular minimally invasive ap- numbness and tingling, and difficulty tumor. proach and the small size of the inci- walking for two months. MR imaging After the hemorrhagic metastasis sion avoid the constraints inherent in demonstrated compression of his spi- was completely removed and the spinal the traditional midline approach. In the nal cord posteriorly at C3 and C4 by cord was decompressed, hemostasis was traditional approach, the use of radiation ligamentous hypertrophy and a synovial then achieved and the surgical site was is typically deferred until the incision cyst (Fig. 12). Surgical options for man- irrigated with an antibiotic solution. has completely healed. In this case, the agement included a traditional midline The minimal access port was removed patient returned home on postoperative approach with complete C3-C4 lami- and the incision was closed in a multi- day 1 with complete resolution of her nectomies for resection of the synovial layered fashion. For this patient, intraop- myelopathy. cyst. The concern with this approach

A B C Figure 11. Intraoperative photos demonstrate progress of minimally invasive laminectomy for cervical metastatic tumor resection.

C Figure 12. (A) T1-weighted and (B) T2-weight- ed sagittal magnetic resonance (MR) images and (C) T2-weighted axial MR image demon- strate severe compression of the spinal cord by ligamentous hypertrophy and a synovial cyst.


10 BARROW QUARTERLY • Vol. 26, No. 1 • 2016 Snyder et al: Minimally Invasive Foraminotomy of the Cervical Spine: Improving Technique and Expanding Indications was that disruption of the posterior requires an incision long enough to occur frequently. Durotomies can be tension band could mandate an instru- expose and visualize the lateral facet repaired primarily or with muscle, fat, mented fusion. In light of this, a mini- complex. To achieve this amount of or Gelfoam (Pfizer, Inc., New York, mally invasive laminectomy was chosen. visualization and muscular retraction NY) over the tear and the application of The tube was centered over the in- at the desired region, one must mobi- a dural sealant such as DuraSeal (Con- tralaminar space rather than the medial lize muscles above and below the de- fluent Surgical, Inc., Waltham, MA). As edge of the facet to access the synovial sired region. The paraspinal muscles dilation of the muscle does not create a cyst and ligamentous hypertrophy caus- are stripped from the spinous process, significant dead space, pseudomeningo- ing compression (Video 3). A small- lamina, facet capsule, and their liga- celes are less likely to form. angled curette was used to detach liga- mentous attachments to the midline. mentum flavum from the undersurface This mobilization of muscle can cause of the inferior edge of the rostral lamina. increased postoperative pain as well as Outcomes The inferior portion of the lamina of increased dead space, which in turn can Patients who are treated with mini- C3 and the superior portion of C4 increase the likelihood of a hematoma mally invasive cervical techniques have were drilled away to provide visualiza- or pseudomeningocele in cases of ce- demonstrated good outcomes. In our tion and access to the entire pathology. rebrospinal fluid leak.4 In contrast, the experience, these patients often return The fibers of the ligamentum flavum minimally invasive foraminotomy ap- home the day of surgery in the case were carefully separated in a cranial- proach can avoid these common com- of a discectomy or within the first 2 caudal direction by use of a No. 4 Pen- plications. postoperative days for more complex field dissector. After the plane between Although minimally invasive spine pathologies. Patients usually see an im- the ligamentum flavum and the dura surgery can spare some of the compli- provement of their symptoms by dis- was identified, an angled curette and a cations that are associated with open charge, with continued improvement ball-tipped probe were used to detach posterior cervical approaches, the prac- over time. They usually can return to the ligamentum flavum from the dura. ticing neurosurgeon must be cognizant light work duties in 3 to 4 weeks and With the space created, Kerrison ron- of possible complications. As the rate of can have narcotic pain medication dis- geurs were used to further remove the infection is directly proportional to the continued by 5 to 6 weeks after surgery. ligamentum flavum. Dissection of the size of the incision and the time of the Long-term improved outcomes synovial cyst away from the dura re- procedure, minimally invasive surgery have been demonstrated by Skovrlj quires identifying its borders by slowly minimizes the risk of infection due to et al.6 in 70 patients who underwent establishing a plane over the top of the the small incisions and less time spent in posterior cervical foraminotomies and dura. This can be done with the assis- dissection. However, infections are still microdiscectomies through minimally tance of a No. 4 Penfield dissector, an possible, so antibiotic irrigation should invasive techniques. With a mean fol- angled curette, or a ball-tipped probe, or by using microscissors to divide any dural attachments. After the compression was removed, closure was performed as described in Cases 1 and 2. This patient was admit- Play See video ted due to his history of coronary artery online disease, but he returned home on post- operative day 2 without complication. As early as postoperative day 2, he felt that his hand sensation had improved and, on examination, he showed bilat- Play eral improvement in his grip strength.

Complication Avoidance In the minimally invasive forami- notomy, sequential dilation using tu- bular retractors prevents trauma to the muscles and the posterior cervical tissue, which is often a result in an open ap- Video 3. Minimally invasive foraminotomy performed for decompression of the spinal proach. Traditionally, an open approach cord by removing symptomatic ligamentous hypertrophy and a synovial cyst at C3 and C4. https://www.barrowneuro.org/Foraminotomy3

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low-up of 32.1 months, there were 3 complications (1 cerebrospinal fluid leak, 1 postoperative wound hema- toma, and 1 radiculitis), none of which required a second procedure. Visual analog scale and Neck Disability Index scores improved significantly for these patients.6 Although no large series have been published for synovial cysts and extradural cervical tumors, case reports and small series have also demonstrated good long-term outcomes at other centers.2,5

Conclusion We have described the minimally invasive posterior cervical technique for decompressing the spinal cord and the cervical nerve roots from 3 differ- ent pathologies. This technique is a re- liable method for treating patients and results in shorter postoperative recovery and minimal complications compared with open surgery. As surgeons’ com- fort with the minimally invasive skill set increases, we believe this technique will continue to be safely generalized to other pathologies with equally excel- lent clinical outcomes.

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