
Salt Aboveground Production in New England in Relation to Nitrogen Loading and Environmental Factors

John M. Logan

Wetlands Official Scholarly Journal of the Society of Scientists

ISSN 0277-5212

Wetlands DOI 10.1007/s13157-018-1056-z

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Wetlands https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-018-1056-z


Salt Marsh Aboveground Production in New England Estuaries in Relation to Nitrogen Loading and Environmental Factors

John M. Logan1

Received: 29 May 2018 /Accepted: 20 June 2018 # Society of Wetland Scientists 2018

Abstract Aboveground production responses of alterniflora and S. patens in estuaries in Massachusetts, USA were assessed in relation to temporal (date) and physical (elevation and distance from creek edge) factors as well as nitrogen loading using stem δ15N, column dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), and upland nitrogen loading as nitrogen input proxies. All nitrogen input proxies had negative relationships with S. alterniflora stem density while stem height and increased or were unaffected. Nitrogen content of S. alterniflora increased with stem δ15N but was not related to DIN or upland nitrogen loading proxies. For S. patens, stem density, biomass, and height all increased with stem δ15N while nitrogen content decreased. Stem density and biomass also varied with elevation. For S. alterniflora, this relationship was parabolic for stem density and declined linearly for biomass. Both stem density and biomass increased linearly for S. patens. Across the growing season, S. alterniflora stem density decreased, S. patens biomass increased, and nitrogen content declined for both Spartina species. S. alterniflora stem height also decreased with distance from the creek edge. Results show different responses for Spartina species to upland and nitrogen inputs and provide complementary information to results from controlled fertilization experiments.

Keywords . δ15N . Spartina . Stem biomass . Stem density

Introduction could increase sediment accretion through more effective trapping of suspended particulates and consequently assist Anthropogenic impacts to the nitrogen cycle have increased marsh platforms in keeping pace with sea level rise the transfer of nitrogen through to estuaries and - (Morris et al. 2002). could also be adversely al (Vitousek et al. 1997). This increased anthropogen- impacted by nitrogen additions (Turner et al. 2009;Deegan ic nutrient loading in many coastal and estuarine ecosystems et al. 2012) resulting in diminished ecosystem services in- (Paerl et al. 2014) including the northeastern United States cluding nutrient removal. Increased marsh microbial res- (Nixon 1995; Bowen and Valiela 2001) poses potential piration in response to nitrogen inputs could lead to marsh threats to vegetation and associated ecosystem subsidence and increased greenhouse gas emissions (Wigand services (Turner et al. 2009;Deeganetal.2012). Salt marsh et al. 2009;Martinetal.2018). vegetation could potentially buffer impacts to bordering Salt marsh response to increased nutrient loading has coastal ecosystems by acting as a nutrient sink (Valiela and primarily been studied through controlled fertilization ex- Cole 2002) if vegetation responds to increased nutrient sup- periments over the past nearly half century (e.g., ply with increased production. Enhanced primary production Gallagher 1975; Valiela et al. 1975; Darby and Turner 2008a, b; Turner et al. 2009;Morrisetal.2013; Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article Johnson et al. 2016). Individual fertilization treatments (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13157-018-1056-z) contains supplementary have varied in duration from a single year (e.g., material, which is available to authorized users. McFarlin et al. 2008) to several decades (e.g., Turner et al. 2009;Morrisetal.2013). Studies have also used * John M. Logan [email protected] different application methods (e.g., direct application, ad- ditions to tidal water), amounts, and nitrogen forms (e.g., 1 Massachusetts Division of Marine , 836 South Rodney nitrate, ammonium), which may influence observed veg- French Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02744, USA etation responses to eutrophication (Johnson et al. 2016). Author's personal copy


Salt marsh eutrophication responses can also be Methods assessed by opportunistically sampling vegetation from sites with different nitrogen loading levels (e.g., Wigand Field Sampling et al. 2003; Alldred et al. 2017). Fertilization experi- ments allow the concentration of nitrogen inputs to be Aboveground biomass samples were collected as part of controlled through experimental additions, which is ad- a study of dock shading impacts on salt marsh vegetation vantageous for quantifying salt marsh response to dif- (Logan et al. 2018). Samples (n = 200) were collected ferent levels of nutrient input but potentially problematic from July through September 2014 from sites (n =193) as a means of understanding marsh response to existing along the Massachusetts coastline (Fig. 1) with varying nutrient inputs given challenges in accurately simulating nitrogen loads (e.g., Hamblin : 58 kg/ha/yr., Green anthropogenic nitrogen inputs. While lacking similar Pond: 124 kg/ha/yr., Pocasset : 302 kg/ha/yr) precision surrounding nutrient input levels, a more op- (Carmichael et al. 2004; Williamson et al. 2017). portunistic approach can complement controlled studies Estuaries included in this dataset are representative of by using available nitrogen input proxy data to assess the range of nitrogen loading conditions reported for relative marsh responses. Examples of potential proxy southern Massachusetts (Williamson et al. 2017). Most data include water column nutrients, land use, and ni- samples (n = 131) were collected in Massachusetts estu- trogen loading models. aries on or south of Cape Cod where total nitrogen load- For systems in which wastewater is the dominant nitro- ing inputs have largely been stable over the past twenty gen input, nitrogen stable isotopes (15N/14N; δ15N) can act years despite temporal changes in individual nitrogen in- puts (e.g., atmospheric deposition, wastewater) (Rheuban as a proxy for relative eutrophication states due to the et al. 2016; Valiela et al. 2016; Williamson et al. 2017). demonstrated positive relationship with the percent waste- Eight 1/16 m2 clip plot samples were collected five me- water contribution to total nitrogen loads (Cole et al. ters perpendicular to a dock at each site with individual 2004). Nitrogen derived from septic systems becomes in- quadrat locations based on a randomized grid system creasingly enriched in 15N as it travels towards the local within an overall square meter area. The sampling area aquifer due to ammonia volatilization and denitrification was centered mid-way between the upland and seaward processes that preferentially remove 14N(Aravenaetal. boundaries of the marsh platform. If the site contained 1993). The positive relationship between δ15Nandper- both high and zones, samples were collected cent wastewater contributions to nitrogen loading has from both regions with the two sampling sites centered been well documented in estuarine ecosystems in ground- in the middle of the respective zones. All stems were water, particulate organic matter, primary producers, and clipped at the marsh platform surface and stored frozen primary and secondary consumers (McClelland et al. until later analysis within the following year. 1997; McClelland and Valiela 1998; Carmichael et al. 2004;Coleetal.2006; Martinetto et al. 2006;Wigand Laboratory Analyses et al. 2007). This relationship has been documented for both Spartina alterniflora and S. patens (McClelland et Vegetation samples were later thawed, rinsed, and proc- al. 1997; McClelland and Valiela 1998; Martinetto et al. essed for stem density, height, dry biomass, elemental 2006;Wigandetal.2007; Kinney and Valiela 2018)pro- composition, and stable . For each quad- viding support for the use of these species as sentinels of rat sample, all live stems were separated by species and relative eutrophication states across estuaries for which counted. Total length measurements were made for the wastewater is the primary nitrogen source. five tallest stems of the dominant Spartina species from In addition to eutrophication and other anthropogenic im- each quadrat sample (± 0.1 mm). Stems were then dried pacts, salt marsh production can also vary seasonally inadryingovenat70°Cfor≥48 h and weighed (± (Chaisson 2012;Morrisetal.2013) and in relation to abiotic 0.01 g) separately by species. All dry, live biomass of factors (Wigand et al. 2003;Morrisetal.2013; Kulawardhana the dominant Spartina species (S. alterniflora or S. et al. 2015), which can confound assessments of eutrophica- patens) from each site was then homogenized using a tion effects (Wigand et al. 2003). To assess these various in- blender. The homogenate was precisely measured fluences, S. alterniflora and S. patens stem density, biomass, (±0.001mg)andvarioussamplesbetween6and7mg height, and nitrogen content were compared in relation to from each station were then packed into a tin capsule. nitrogen inputs (water column DIN, upland N-loading, stem Packed samples were analyzed for percent nitrogen and 15 δ N as wastewater proxy), elevation, distance from creek nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δ15N; 15N/14N) using an edge, and sampling date from quadrat samples collected in elemental analyzer coupled with an isotope ratio mass estuaries in Massachusetts, USA. spectrometer (EA-IRMS) at the Viking Environmental Author's personal copy


Fig. 1 Map of salt marsh sampling sites. All sites included stem δ15N(‰) data (red) while a subset also included water column DIN (μM) (blue) and/or local nitrogen loading (kg/year) (yellow)

Stable Isotope Lab (VESIL) at Salem State University. which was estimated (± 0.1 m) using the ruler tool in Google All nitrogen isotope data are reported in δ notation ac- Earth v. 6.1. Correlations among co-variates were quantified cording to the following equation: and evaluated based on Pearson correlation coefficients calcu-  lated using the Bcor^ function in R (R Core Team 2016). 15N=14N δ15N ¼ Sample −1 *1000 Water column nutrient data were obtained from Buzzards 15 =14 N NStandard Bay Coalition (Rheuban et al. 2016; Buzzards Bay Coalition 2017) and Center for Coastal Studies (Center for Coastal All isotope samples were calibrated using USGS40 and Studies 2017) datasets. Site average dissolved inorganic nitro- USGS41 standards and are reported as per mil relative to gen (DIN) data (μM) were used for the 2014 growing season Air. Reference gas stability on the EA-IRMS system was (July–September) from monitoring sites in close proximity to 0.02‰. For elemental analysis, values were corrected using marshsamplingsites(n = 110 samples). The Cape Cod a sulfanilamide standard, and for each daily run, factors Commission WatershedMVP application 3.1 (The Cape Cod ranged between 0.95 and 1.05. The mean standard deviations Commission 2017) was used to estimate upland nitrogen load- of duplicate samples were 0.2% (N, n =41)and0.1‰ (δ15N, ing. For each salt marsh sampling site (n = 80 samples), the n =21). total estimated unattenuated nitrogen load (kg/year) was cal- culated for the bordering upland region. This polygon region Environmental and Additional Nitrogen Input Proxy extended 25 m laterally along the shoreline bordering each Datasets side of the sampling site and 200 m landward into the upland. A 200 m height was included to capture the watershed area Additional environmental data were collected following field most closely associated with nitrogen inputs to bordering wa- sampling. Site elevation (± 0.1 m) was estimated using the terways (Cole et al. 2006). A 50 m shoreline polygon width National Elevation Dataset (NED) (Gesch et al. 2009)with was used to account for uncertainty in groundwater flow paths. data from the 3D Elevation Program (Carswell Jr 2014) where values are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Mean tidal range (± 0.1 m) was estimated Statistical Analyses based on available data from the closest station gauge obtained from the Massachusetts Resource To assess the appropriateness of stem δ15N as a proxy for site Information System (MORIS; http://maps.massgis.state.ma. nitrogen loading within this dataset, stem δ15N was compared us/map_ol/moris.php). Distance from the nearest creek edge with available measures of both water column and upland was based on the shortest straight line distance to the closest nitrogen loading using linear regression. For water column marsh edge with direct connectivity to the main water body, contributions, average site DIN and stem δ15N were regressed Author's personal copy

Wetlands separately for S. alterniflora samples collected at high and low All models were ranked based on Akaike’s information crite- elevations since relative DIN contributions to Spartina should rion values corrected for small sample sizes (AICc) using the vary with tidal inundation. An elevation of 0.34 m, the aver- equation: age elevation among sampling sites, was used to delineate high and low elevation classifications. 2kkðÞþ 1 Generalized additive models (GAMs) were used to exam- AICc ¼ −2 Log Likelihood þ 2K þ ; n−k−1 ine the relationship between each nitrogen input proxy (DIN, upland N-load, stem δ15N) and stem aboveground production with the Bmgcv^ package (Wood 2006) in R. Sites with avail- where k is the number of parameters and n is the sample size able DIN data were largely constrained to Cape Cod and (Burnham and Anderson 2002, 2004). The first term reflects southeastern Massachusetts while local N-loading data were the deviance and tends to decrease with additional parameters only available for Cape Cod estuaries. Sites with stem δ15N while the second term penalizes model complexity by increas- data included Cape Cod and southeastern Massachusetts as ing with additional parameters. By combining these terms, well as estuaries further north towards the New Hampshire AICc values reflect a balance between improved explanatory border (Fig. 1). This latter dataset was used to assess both S. power and model complexity among candidate models. The patens and S. alterniflora responses to varying nitrogen inputs sum of Akaike weights of models and predictor variables was and to examine the influence of spatial and environmental also calculated for models with ΔAICc < 7, as all models with- variables given its larger size and inclusion of a broader diver- in this ΔAICc range have some support as best models sity of environmental conditions. Due to small sample sizes, (Burnham et al. 2011). Akaike weights range from zero to multiple linear regression was used to assess relationships for one. Models with higher weights have more support as best stem height and nitrogen content with environmental variables models. Variables found in a higher percentage of models will for S. patens. Diagnostics were performed on these datasets have higher Akaike weight values with variables found in all or and visually evaluated for normality. The relative importance none of the considered models having Akaike weight values of of each environmental variable was assessed using averaging one and zero, respectively (Symonds and Moussalli 2011). over orderings with the Blmg^ function within the Brelaimpo^ Percent deviance explained and adjusted R2 were also calculat- package (Grömping 2006) in R. Analyses were constrained ed to provide absolute measures of model fits and explanatory for the DIN and N-loading datasets to S. alterniflora as sample power as AICc values only reflect how a given model performs sizes for S. patens were limited (DIN: stem density and bio- relative to other candidate models (Galipaud et al. 2014). mass (n =54),stemheightand%N(n = 8); upland N: stem Different subsets of the dataset were used for models relating density and biomass (n =40),stemheightand% N (n=5)) to each stem characteristic. For stem density and aboveground and often consisted of only a few stems within an S. biomass, S. alterniflora analyses were based on all sites for which alterniflora-dominated area. S. alterniflora was present (DIN: n = 108, upland N: n = 79, stem For each vegetation metric, a set of candidate models was δ15N: n = 183) and S. patens analyses on all sites for which this generated with the full model including a nitrogen input proxy latter species was present (stem δ15N: n = 104). For stem height (stem δ15N, DIN, or upland N), sampling date, elevation, and and nitrogen content analyses, only datasets containing data for distance from creek edge. To account for sampling multiple each respective species of interest were used. Height [S. sites within individual estuaries, all models also included es- alterniflora (DIN: n = 101, upland N: n =79,stem δ15N: n = tuary as a random effect. For analyses of stem density, bio- 166) and S. patens (stem δ15N: n = 31)] and nitrogen content mass, and height, a Tweedie family of distributions with a log- [S. alterniflora (DIN: n = 101, upland N: n = 79, stem δ15N: link was used with p-values determined for each analysis n = 168) and S. patens (stem δ15N: n = 32)] models were based based on diagnostics using the Bgam.check^ function within on data subsets containing data for each respective species. the Bmgcv^ package. Since nitrogen content data are bound Stem δ15N was measured for both species at six sites where between zero and one, a logit transformation was performed samples were collected from both high and low marsh zones, on the S. alterniflora nitrogen content data, and GAM analy- and S. alterniflora δ15N was higher with a median difference ses were performed on the logit-transformed values using a of +0.9‰. This interspecies difference is consistent with pre- Gaussian family of errors with an identity link function. DIN viously reported data that have generally shown a 1–2‰ off- was included in GAM models as an interaction with elevation set (Deegan and Garritt 1997; Wainright et al. 2000; Wigand using a scale invariant tensor product based on a hypothesized et al. 2007) possibly due to partial reliance of S. patens on relationship between tidal inundation and water column nutri- isotopically-light nitrogen derived from nitrogen fixation by ent influence. fungal symbionts (Wigand et al. 2007). Stem δ15N was in- All possible model combinations were analyzed using the creased for S. patens (n = 32) by 0.9‰ (median difference BMuMIn^ package (Bartoń 2016) in R with site location between species) for direct comparison with S. alterniflora () included in all candidate models as a random effect. (n =168)stemdata. S. alterniflora and S. patens stem δ15N Author's personal copy

Wetlands values both increase as a function of percentage of nitrogen loading proxy although explanatory power was low for all contributed by wastewater with similar slopes (Wigand et al. biomass models with the model based only on upland N- 2007), so following a baseline correction, either species pro- load only explaining 5.5% of deviance (Table S6; Fig. 4). vides a comparable proxy for nitrogen loading dominated by Upland N-loading was part of the best models for stem density wastewater contributions. Separate analyses were also per- and biomass but not stem height, which varied mainly with formed using only the subsets of data with δ15Nvaluesde- proximity to the creek edge. However, deviance explained rived directly from the species of interest for comparison. was 32% for a GAM based on upland nitrogen loading alone, providing support for its positive association with stem height. For nitrogen content, the upland nitrogen loading co-variate Results accounted for less than 1% of deviance explained. Stem δ15N followed similar patterns to DIN and upland nitrogen loading Explanatory Variables and Dataset Comparisons for stem density (decreasing), biomass (increasing or un- changed), and height (increasing). Unlike the other nitrogen Of the explanatory variables considered for the GAM and proxies, stem δ15N was also part of best models for nitrogen linear regression analyses, mean range and elevation were content and had a positive linear relationship (Table S12; theonlystronglycorrelatedvariables(r = 0.71). Mean range Fig. 6). was excluded from further analyses due to this high correla- tion with elevation. Full Dataset - S. alterniflora Analyses based on full datasets using δ15NfrombothS. alterniflora and normalized S. patens as well as sub-datasets The best model of S. alterniflora stem density explained based only on single species for all analyses showed the same 28.6% of deviance and included stem δ15N, ordinal date, relationships between site δ15N and stem characteristics. Only and site elevation (Table S9; Fig. 5). Stem density had a neg- results for the pooled species analyses are presented as they ative linear relationship with stem δ15N and date and a para- are larger datasets and better represent the additional physical bolic relationship with site elevation (Fig. 5). Stem δ15Nwas co-variates. included in all top models, and δ15N, date, and elevation were all part of the two top models that had combined model Stem δ15N, DIN, and Upland N-Loading weights of almost 0.9. Distance from creek edge was part of three top models, but its inclusion in two of these three in- 15 Spartina δ N had a significant but weak positive correlation stances increased the model AICc value relative to the equiv- with both water column and upland nitrogen loading proxies. alent model with distance omitted. A model consisting of dis- Average site DIN was significantly correlated with Spartina tance and δ15N only had a model weight of 0.02 and resulted 15 2 δ N(P <0.01,R = 0.08; Fig. 2). When analyzed separately in an AICc increase relative to the simpler model, suggesting for high (>0.34 m) and low (<0.34 m) elevation sites, the its limited explanatory power. correlation was significant for low (P < 0.01, R2 = 0.16) but The best model for stem biomass included site eleva- not high (P =0.48,R2 = 0.01) elevation sites. Bordering up- tion and explained 20.2% of deviance. Biomass declined land annual nitrogen loading was significantly correlated with linearly with elevation (Table S10;Fig.5), which had an Spartina δ15N(P <0.001,R2 =0.15;Fig.2). The upland ni- Akaike weight of 0.71. Fifteen candidate models had trogen correlation was strongly influenced by two outliers ΔAICc values < seven. A model based only on estuarine 15 with the highest measured Spartina δ N values (12.5 and site had a lower AICc value than six of these models and 15.0 ‰) but only moderate upland nitrogen loading estimates had a ΔAICc value within three units of the top model. (26.4 and 16.8 kg/yr). The R2 increased to 0.28 when these The selected explanatory variables poorly explained ob- outliers were excluded. served biomass variability, which instead appeared to The three N-loading proxies showed the same general re- mainly differ among estuaries due to factors beyond those lationships with S. alterniflora stem characteristics for stem considered in this analysis. Consistent with results from density, biomass, and height, but not nitrogen content (Tables the DIN and upland N-loading data subsets, stem δ15N S1-S12; Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6). For the DIN data subset, low had the second highest Akaike weight with biomass show- elevation sample stem density decreased in relation to water ing an associated moderate linear increase with δ15N. column DIN while stem biomass and height increased The best model of S. alterniflora stem height explained (Fig. 3). The DIN and elevation interaction co-variate was part 46.3% of deviance and included stem δ15N and distance from of top models for these three stem metrics, but was absent the creek edge (Table S11; Fig. 6). Both relationships were from all top models (ΔAICc < 7) of nitrogen content. For the linear with positive and negative associations for the two re- upland N-loading subset, stem density decreased while bio- spective covariates. Stem δ15N was part of all top models and mass and height both increased in response to this nitrogen was the sole covariate in the model with the second lowest Author's personal copy


Fig. 2 Spartina stem δ15N(‰)in relation to (a)watercolumn dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations (μM) and (b) upland annual nitrogen load (kg/yr). The dashed line is the best fit linear regression line for (a) high elevation (>0.34 m) samples and (b) all samples

AICc value, which explained 44.8% of deviance. Date and all top models. Nitrogen content had a positive linear relation- 15 elevation both resulted in increased AICc values relative to ship with stem δ N. Nitrogen content decreased sharply dur- equivalent top models with these co-variates excluded. ing early summer and stabilized during late summer and early Stem nitrogen content was best explained by stem δ15N fall. Inclusion of elevation and distance from creek edge re- and sampling date with the top model explaining 33.3% of sulted in increased AICc values relative to equivalent models deviance (Table S12; Fig. 6). Stem δ15N and date were part of based only on date and stem δ15N.

Fig. 3 Outputs of generalized additive models (GAMs) of Spartina Fig. 4 Partial response plots for Spartina alterniflora stem (a)density,(b) alterniflora stem (a)density,(b)biomass,and(c) height in response to biomass, and (c) height in relation to upland annual nitrogen loading the interaction of marsh elevation (m) and water column DIN (μM). estimates (kg/yr). Shaded areas represent two standard errors above and Areas shaded yellow represent peaks in the respective stem characteristic below the smooth estimate, and the tick marks on the x-axis are rug plots while darker areas shaded red reflect troughs showing sampling density Author's personal copy


Fig. 5 Partial response plots for the best candidate model of Spartina alterniflora stem (a–c) density and (d) biomass. The best model for stem density included (a)stemδ15N(‰), (b) sampling date, and (c) site elevation (meters) while the best model for biomass included (d)elevation (meters)

Full δ15N Dataset - S. patens For biomass, the best model accounted for 30.1% of devi- ance and included positive linear associations with stem δ15N, The best model for S. patens stem density, which explained date, and elevation (Table S14;Fig.7). Stem δ15N and eleva- 15.6% of deviance, included positive linear associations with tion were included in all top models while date had an Akaike both elevation and stem δ15N(TableS13;Fig.7). Elevation weight of 0.84. Distance from creek edge increased model 15 was part of all top models while stem δ N had an Akaike AICc values when combined with the other three co-variates. 15 weight of 0.95. Date and elevation increased model AICc Stem δ N was significantly correlated with both values when added to models based on elevation and stem stem height and nitrogen content, which was also sig- δ15N or elevation alone. nificantly correlated with sampling date (Table S15;

Fig. 6 Partial response plots for the best candidate model of Spartina alterniflora stem (a–b) height and (c–d) nitrogen content. The best stem height model included (a)stemδ15N(‰)and (b) the distance from the sampling site to the nearest creek edge (meters) while the best model for stem nitrogen content included (c) stem δ15N(‰)and(d) sampling date Author's personal copy


Fig. 7 Partial response plots for the best candidate model of Spartina patens stem (a–b) density and (c–e)biomass.The best stem density model included (a)stemδ15N(‰)and(b)site elevation (meters) while the best model for biomass included (c) stem δ15N(‰), (d) sampling date, and (e) site elevation (meters)

Fig. 8). S. patens stem height and nitrogen content had Discussion positive and negative relationships, respectively, with stem δ15N while nitrogen content was negatively related The three nitrogen input proxies were related to almost all to sampling date (Fig. 8). Stem δ15N had the highest assessed Spartina characteristics and results for aboveground relative importance among explanatory variables for production responses generally agreed with previous controlled stem height while stem δ15N and ordinal date had sim- fertilization experiments. For S. alterniflora,stemdensityde- ilar relative importance values for nitrogen content clined while height increased for all three proxies. S. alterniflora (Table S15). biomass instead was unaffected or increased indicating a

Fig. 8 Spartina patens stem (a) height (mm) and (b) nitrogen content (%) in relation to stem δ15N(‰)aswellas(c)nitrogen content (%) in relation to sampling date. The dashed line is the best fit linear regression line Author's personal copy

Wetlands compensatory increase in average stem mass given the associated for S. patens differed (Vince et al. 1981; Deegan et al. 2007; decrease in stem number. S. alterniflora stem nitrogen content Johnson et al. 2016). The increase in stem nitrogen content with increased with stem δ15N but did not vary as a function of the stem δ15N is consistent with vegetation incorporating the addi- other two nitrogen input proxies. For S. patens, stem density, tional nitrogen made available by wastewater inputs. For S. biomass, and height all increased while nitrogen content de- patens, previous fertilization experiments demonstrated in- creased with stem δ15N. creased stem nitrogen content (Vince et al. 1981)ornoeffect Results for S. alterniflora agreed with recent findings from a (Deegan et al. 2007;Johnsonetal.2016), in agreement with long-term fertilization experiment in the Plum Island estuary in observed increases (Vince et al. 1981) or lack of fertilization northern Massachusetts (Johnson et al. 2016) while S. patens effects (Deegan et al. 2007; Johnson et al. 2016) on aboveground results matched previous plot fertilization studies (Vince et al. biomass. The negative relationship between stem nitrogen con- 1981;Levineetal.1998; Wigand et al. 2003; Morris et al. tent and stem δ15N in Massachusetts estuaries could reflect more 2013). The Plum Island fertilization experiment resulted in de- limited nitrogen availability in the zone with avail- creased S. alterniflora stem density but increased stem mass with able anthropogenic nitrogen used for growth. Nitrogen content the two effects counteracting for no net change in aboveground was the only stem characteristic with different responses among biomass (Johnson et al. 2016). Stem density also declined with the three nitrogen input proxies as neither DIN or upland N- all three nitrogen input proxies across Massachusetts estuaries loading were related to S. alterniflora values. while aboveground biomass remained constant or increased, The seasonal decline in stem nitrogen content for both consistent with an increase in individual stem mass. Best models Spartina species mirrored previous observations for S. for water column DIN and upland N-loading showed a positive patens (Deegan et al. 2007), S. alterniflora (Mendelssohn relationship with S. alterniflora stem biomass, and δ15Nwasalso 1979b;Morris1982; Ornes and Kaplan 1989; Morris part of several top models of stem biomass. Previous plot fertil- 1991;Deeganetal.2007), and S. maritima (Cartaxana and ization experiments produced increased aboveground biomass Catarino 1997). These declines across the growing season and stem density for S. alterniflora (Gallagher 1975; Valiela et are likely due to the dilution of stem nitrogen with increased al. 1975; Mendelssohn 1979a;Bureshetal.1980; Vince et al. growth and accumulation of aboveground biomass (Morris 1981;Levineetal.1998; Pennings et al. 2002;Grattonand 1982; Cartaxana and Catarino 1997). Denno 2003;Wigandetal.2003; Bertness et al. 2008;Darby The increasing trend in stem height in relation to the three and Turner 2008a, b; McFarlin et al. 2008; Langley et al. 2009; nitrogen input proxies is similar to past results showing in- Anisfeld and Hill 2012; Murphy et al. 2012;Morrisetal.2013). creased aboveground production with fertilization, but only Johnson et al. (2016) argued that the responses of aboveground partly matched the more tempered response measured at the production to their long term fertilization treatment differed from Plum Island fertilization site (Johnson et al. 2016). Increases these past studies as a result of differing methods. The Plum in S. alterniflora height have been reported consistently for Island treatment consisted of tidal delivery of nitrate while past fertilization experiments performed along the U.S. East Coast studies used dry application of ammonium to the marsh surface (Buresh et al. 1980; Vince et al. 1981; Levine et al. 1998; or rooting zone. Stem δ15N was positively related with both S. Pennings et al. 2002; McFarlin et al. 2008;AnisfeldandHill patens aboveground biomass and stem density, which contrasts 2012;Murphyetal.2012) including tall form S. alterniflora at with the Johnson et al. (2016) findings and may also reflect the Plum Island site. Height responses for S. patens varied methodological effects. The Plum Island fertilization experiment with experimental approach with direct fertilization inducing was conducted in a system with minimal anthropogenic inputs a positive height response (Levine et al. 1998) and tidal deliv- (Deegan et al. 2007) so nitrogen additions were reliant on tidal ery producing no detectable changes (Johnson et al. 2016). transfer from the experimental point source. This experimentally- Like stem density and biomass, these differing aboveground added nitrogen would contact low marsh zone vegetation regu- production responses could be explained by the mode of ap- larly, but only briefly interact with high marsh vegetation plication; direct treatment would provide greater access to (Deegan et al. 2007; Johnson et al. 2016). All of the sites sampled excess nitrogen than tidal delivery for the high marsh zone. across Massachusetts estuaries were associated with private Relationships between Spartina aboveground production docks, and the homes associated with these structures represent and elevation follow physical and biological factors that vary potential upland nitrogen sources (e.g., septic systems) absent across marsh zones. The observed parabolic relationship be- from the Plum Island site. tween S. alterniflora stem density and elevation supports The positive relationship between stem nitrogen content and modeled results of S. alterniflora distribution (Morris 2007) stem δ15N observed across Massachusetts estuaries for S. in which the lower elevation limits production due to abiotic alterniflora was consistent with increases following fertilization stress while the upper bound could be limited by additional in previous studies (Vince et al. 1981; Stiling et al. 1991;Gratton physical stressors like drought or hypersalinity (Morris et al. and Denno 2003;Deeganetal.2007; McFarlin et al. 2008; 2013) as well as competitive exclusion (Bertness and Ellison Murphy et al. 2012) while the observed negative relationship 1987; Bertness 1991a). Stem height declined with distance Author's personal copy

Wetlands from creek edges for S. alterniflora, similar to observed pat- loading effects by incorporating excess available nitrogen into terns elsewhere in the northeast U.S. (Wigand et al. 2014)and live biomass. This response translates to increased above- the transitioning from tall form S. alterniflora near creek edges ground and possible enhancement of certain eco- towards short form S. alterniflora higher along the marsh plat- system services (e.g., detrital energy source, benthic inverte- form. Tall form S. alterniflora has lower stem densities than brate ). Increased primary production could also facili- shortform(Valielaetal.1978), which would further contribute tate sediment accretion by enhancing trapping of suspended to observed increases in stem density from lowest to mid- sediment (Morris et al. 2002), although this mechanism may elevation sites. Higher elevation samples were often taken in be of less importance to marsh stability in systems with low areas with co-occurring S. patens, the competitive dominant of sediment supplies (Alldred et al. 2017). Declining trends in S. S. alterniflora (Bertness and Ellison 1987; Bertness 1991a). S. alterniflora stem density could result in reduced sediment alterniflora biomass instead decreased linearly with elevation, accretion and erosion buffering capabilities (Gleason et al. similar to experimental results (Morris et al. 2013). The decline 1979) although increases in stem biomass could actually pro- in biomass for higher elevations is consistent with the reduced mote deposition due to reduced turbulent kinetic en- stem density and likely due to the same abiotic and biological ergy over the marsh surface (Mudd et al. 2010). stressors. The lack of a parabolic relationship for biomass may Compensatory increases in stem height and biomass avoid be due to the influence of tall form S. alterniflora at the lowest any net losses of aboveground production so contributions elevations since this growth form would have lower stem den- to detrital per unit area may not be diminished across sity but possibly higher biomass than short form S. alterniflora nitrogen loading conditions. found at higher elevations. S. patens stem density and biomass This analysis only assessed aboveground production, and were both positively related to elevation. Samples were collect- negative impacts of eutrophication to salt marsh habitat have ed from the mid-point of each respective marsh zone, so sam- mainly been observed in belowground characteristics (Valiela ples collected from the high marsh zone would include the et al. 1976;Bureshetal.1980; Darby and Turner 2008a, b; upper bounds of S. alterniflora distribution where stem density Langley et al. 2009; Turner et al. 2009; Deegan et al. 2012; and biomass are reduced due to abiotic stress and competitive Alldred et al. 2017). Belowground biomass functions in erosion exclusion. For S. patens, samples would include the lower dis- resistance and maintenance of marsh elevation. Eutrophication- tributional bounds where more frequent tidal inundation and induced reductions in belowground production can inhibit these associated would limit growth. The upper limit of functions and compound effects of sea level rise (Deegan et al. distribution where S. patens would be displaced by competitive 2012). While aboveground production in Massachusetts estuar- dominants like Juncus gerardii occupying the terrestrial border ies showed positive or neutral relationships with nitrogen load- (Bertness 1991b) was not sampled, so only the positive rela- ing, negative impacts to belowground production could reduce tionship with elevation was evident. detrital production through net loss of salt marsh acreage as a Stem density declined across the growing season for S. result of erosion and creek bank collapse (Deegan et al. 2012). alterniflora while S. patens biomass increased. Seasonal declines SaltmarshesinLongIsland,NewYorkwithvaryinglanduses in S. alterniflora stem density could be due to self-thinning and nitrogen inputs had 60 to 70% declines in belowground (Chaisson 2012) or tidal action (Cranford et al. 1989) while S. biomass in systems with higher nitrogen inputs despite an ob- patens biomass increases follow consistent production rates served positive albeit weak relationship between aboveground throughout the growing season in the northwest Atlantic production and available DIN (Alldred et al. 2017). (Connor and Chmura 2000). S. alterniflora biomass in northern Each of the nitrogen input proxies used in this analysis is salt is less variable from July to September (Connor and likely only a coarse approximation of actual nitrogen available Chmura 2000;Morrisetal.2013), so sampling date was not part to the accompanying salt marsh samples. Best models using of the best models for biomass for this species. each proxy had relatively low percent deviance explained values, and this limited explanatory power is probably related to the coarseness of these proxies. For nitrogen loading esti- Conclusions, Caveats, and Next Steps mates, the upland area polygon may not have accurately reflected the actual sources impacting Spartina in a given Model results demonstrate some enhancement of above- sample site. The amount of nitrogen reaching the salt marsh ground production for S. patens in response to increased from sampled areas would also be influenced by biological wastewater inputs estimated through stem δ15N and mixed and abiotic factors not considered in this analysis (e.g., buff- responses for S. alterniflora based on all three nitrogen input ering from upland vegetation). Water column DIN concentra- proxies, which collectively could result in both positive and tions are only point estimates and inadequate sampling fre- negative eutrophication effects. Increased aboveground pro- quency can result in inaccurate representations of nitrogen duction for S. patens (stem density, biomass, and height) sug- inputs at a seasonal timescale (Costa et al. 1992). DIN in- gest that the high marsh zone can partly buffer nitrogen cludes the most biologically active forms of nitrogen, so Author's personal copy


DIN concentrations can be low during the growing season due applicability of this δ15N-proxy approach to systems where to rapid uptake by and may not reflect system wastewater is the principle anthropogenic nitrogen source and nitrogen loads (Costa et al. 1992). Indeed, water column ni- overall nitrogen loading is moderate. trogen showed only weak positive correlations with nitrogen Many biological and environmental variables that can po- loading rates for many of the systems included in this study tentially influence vegetation aboveground production were (Williamson et al. 2017). As salt marsh vegetation occupies not considered in this analysis. can have an interactive the interface between uplands and estuarine water bodies, effect with nutrient loading on Spartina biomass and nitrogen nitrogen from both of these sources can contribute to salt uptake (Medeiros et al. 2013; MacTavish and Cohen 2017). marsh production and so water column nutrients or upland Competition can also influence Spartina aboveground produc- nitrogen sources alone only reflect part of the nitrogen tion with interactive effects of both salinity and nutrient levels budget. The weak relationship between stem δ15NandDIN (Legault II et al. 2018). Failure to account for such additional in this dataset is likely at least partly a reflection of this latter drivers of aboveground production likely contributed to rela- caveat as the relationship improved for samples from low tively low percent deviance explained among GAMs. elevation sites where more regular tidal inundation would Despite these caveats, this nitrogen input proxy approach pro- increase the influence of water column nutrients on salt vides information on salt marsh aboveground production re- marsh production. Cole et al. (2004) observed a similarly sponses to coastal eutrophication that complements results of weak (R2 = 0.05) positive correlation between water column controlled fertilization experiments. By making use of existing DIN and aquatic δ15N and attributed the weak correla- nitrogen loading conditions, this study avoids potential method- tion to plant usage of both porewater and water column nitro- ological biases associated with artificial nutrient addition simula- gen. Macrophytes that rely entirely on water column nutrients tions in controlled experimental studies. Sampling sites subjected showed a stronger, significant correlation between δ15Nand to anthropogenic inputs over many decades also allows chronic DIN (Cole et al. 2004). eutrophication effects to be assessed that may not be captured in The relatively weak relationship between stem δ15N and both controlled fertilization experiments (Alldred et al. 2017). When DIN and upland N also suggests limitations to the δ15Nnitrogen applied to a large sample size, this approach also avoids possible input proxy approach, whose efficacy is reliant upon wastewater biases of site-specific effects and provides a cost-effective means acting as the dominant nitrogen source across study sites. of assessing eutrophication effects across a range of nitrogen Inorganic fertilizer runoff from lawns or agricultural fields would loading conditions and marsh habitat types. Generalized additive actually impart lower stem δ15N values and thus confound the models provide a robust, flexible framework for evaluating marsh presumed positive δ15N-nitrogen loading relationship as such production responses across such nitrogen loading gradients. fertilizers have low δ15N due to their atmospheric nitrogen origin Researchers employing this approach in future studies (Kendall et al. 2007). Sections of the Westport River watershed, should select sites with appropriate nitrogen loading charac- for example, have a high percentage of agricultural activity in teristics and include additional biological and environmental addition to residential development (Howes et al. 2013). The data. For example, a δ15N tracer approach should be limited to analysis of Spartina δ15N and upland nitrogen loading relation- sites that vary in terms of percent wastewater inputs but are ships included several outliers (low stem δ15N, high nitrogen otherwise similar. Field sites for use with more conventional loading rates) from sites located near a golf course, a likely input proxies (e.g., water column nutrients, land use patterns, source of 15N-depleted nitrogen (Flipse Jr. and Bonner 1985). nitrogen loading models) should be selected based on a priori Various natural process within estuaries (e.g., nitrification and identification of availability of such data in close proximity to denitrification) can also influence baseline δ15Nvalues marsh sampling locations. Finally, future studies employing (Cifuentes et al. 1989; Horrigan et al. 1990) and would further this approach should assess both above and belowground pro- weaken the relationship between nitrogen loading and Spartina duction metrics and consider additional biological and envi- δ15N. Nutrient recycling is another important nitrogen source in ronmental variables (e.g., salinity, competitive interactions). salt marshes (Valiela and Teal 1979; Hopkinson and Schubauer 1984; White and Howes 1994). In cases where anthropogenic Acknowledgements I would like to thank Amanda Davis for leading nitrogen inputs are low, internal recycling and other processes field sampling and laboratory processing for samples used in this analysis. δ15 Additional field support was provided by Charles Markos, Holly would influence stem N and weaken its relationship with total Williams, Alina Arnheim, Drew Collins, David Behringer, Christian 15 nitrogen inputs. The high degree of variability in stem δ N Petitpas, Tay Evans, Katelyn Ostrikis, Jillian , Kathryn Ford, and among sites with low water column DIN concentrations (Fig. Wesley Dukes. Vincent Manfredi provided equipment for grass measure- 2) is consistent with this decoupling of the δ15N-nitrogen loading ments. Tara Rajaniemi provided lab facilities for sample preparation. Brad Hubeny and the staff at the Salem State Viking Environmental relationship with low loads. Similarly, the relationship between Stable Isotope Lab performed isotope and elemental analyses. Craig 15 15 nitrogen loading and stem δ N is asymptotic, so δ Nisalsoless Tobias and three anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on suitable as a nitrogen input proxy at highest nitrogen loading earlier versions of this manuscript. This work was funded by a grant from levels (Kinney and Valiela 2018). Such caveats limit the general the Massachusetts Bays National Estuary Program (MassBays). Author's personal copy


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