
Extension A-17-06

FSchool of EnvironmentactSheet and Natural Resources, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, Ohio 43210 Benefits and Disadvantages of Aquatic in William E. Lynch Jr. Extension Associate, Management School of Environment and Natural Resources

quatic plants are not considered desirable by many green , and green algae, although other species can Apond owners as they are viewed as a nuisance to such be found in Ohio. A better understanding of planktonic activities as swimming and fishing. However, all algae is available in Ohio State University Fact Sheet aquatic plants should not be viewed as undesirable, given A-9-01, Planktonic Algae in Ponds. the benefits they can provide. Many plants are critical to and wildlife communities associated with ponds Benefits because they provide cover, nesting areas, and food. Planktonic algae are the foundation of the aquatic Ultimately, whether a provides a benefit or is in all ponds and lakes, and their abundance considered a nuisance rests entirely with the pond owner ultimately determines how many pounds of fish, such as and his/her goals for the pond. For example, a pond owner largemouth bass and , can be grown in a pond. Algal who desires a high-quality swimming pond often views abundance is determined by fertility with higher any as undesirable and may go to great levels of phosphorus and nitrogen resulting in increased expense to eliminate these plants. Conversely, a pond abundance. Higher planktonic algae density enhances successfully managed for wildlife will have a variety of food production for fish, making the pond capable of aquatic plants present with only a few plant species being producing more pounds of fish. considered a nuisance. As planktonic algae abundance increases, light pene­ The purpose of this fact sheet is to provide pond owners tration to deeper water becomes more limited. This, in with insight into the value or negative aspects associated turn, limits how far from shore submerged aquatic plants with various aquatic plant species. and filamentous algae can grow and whether or not they If control of aquatic is the desired outcome, can or will become a nuisance for the owner. As a rule Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheets A-3-98, of thumb, water clarity of 24 to 30 inches is desirable Controlling Filamentous Algae in Ponds, and A-4-98, for fish production and for limiting other plant species Chemical Control of Aquatic Plants, should be obtained abundances to tolerable levels. and read carefully. The University of Florida’s aquatic plant web site at aquat1.ifas.ufl.edu/photos.html pro- Disadvantages vides excellent pictures of most aquatic plants found in “Too much of a good thing” certainly can apply to Ohio ponds. planktonic algae if nutrient levels are too high. These algae can explode in response to high levels of nutrients and Planktonic Algae literally can turn a pond “pea green,” resulting in very low These algae are microscopic in size. Planktonic algae water clarity. In rare instances, pre-dawn levels assemblages are commonly composed of , blue- can be reduced to lethal levels for life. A-17-06—page 2

The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus determines whether for small fish, such as bluegill, to eat. Re- the planktonic community will be dominated by green algae search has shown that the optimal abundance of submerged that are readily eaten by microscopic animals or by blue- Table 1. Submerged Aquatic Plant Species Common green algae that offer less value to the food chain. Low to Ohio Ponds. ratios of nitrogen to phosphorus favor blue-green algae Common Name Scientific Name rather than the more edible forms of green algae. Spiny naiad minor Filamentous Algae Common naiad Najas flexilis Filamentous algae are microscopic algae that form Southern naiad Najas guadalupensis colonies of “filaments” — hence the name. These algae are Small pondweed pusillus notorious for forming the large, pillow-like mats of algae Leafy pondweed that float on the surface of ponds. Common types found in Curly leaf pondweed Ohio include Spirogyra and Pithophora. Floating-leaf pondweed Benefits American Elodea americanus None in recreational ponds. Eurasian watermilfoil spicatum

Disadvantages As in the case with planktonic algae, high levels of nu- plants for largemouth bass-bluegill populations is 15 to trients can cause filamentous algae abundance to explode, 20% of the pond’s surface area. This proportion balances especially in ponds lacking other aquatic plants, becoming the predator-prey relationship between largemouth bass so abundant that severe oxygen problems can result in the and bluegill so that both species have all sizes of fish rep- pre-dawn hours during July and August. Treating a severe resented in the assemblage. filamentous algae problem in summer will almost certainly Submerged plants also are an important food source cause a fish kill. Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet for many species of waterfowl in the form of vegetation- A-8-01, Winter and Summer Fish Kills in Ponds, provides dwelling invertebrates or the plants themselves. Notable insight into how these types of summer kills occur. duck species associated with submerged plant beds are Excessive growth of filamentous algae ruins swimming blue-winged and green-winged teal, wood duck, gadwalls, in many ponds every year. No one enjoys swimming in a American widgeon, and northern shoveler as well as several pond in which long filaments of algae cling to everything species of grebes. Many species of herons and egrets hunt they touch. Additionally, anglers become frustrated with the shallow areas of ponds for small fish and frogs where having to remove filamentous algae from their lures after submerged plants occur. A pond managed for wildlife needs every cast. submerged plants as a component. Submerged plants also have an effect on water quality. Their ability to put oxygen into the water is an obvious Submerged Plants contribution, but they also provide for long-term storage Submerged aquatic plants are common to most Ohio of nutrients that might otherwise be used to create nuisance ponds, unless treatment with a has occurred or levels of planktonic or filamentous algae. Ponds with beds grass carp (white amur) have been stocked. Aquatic plants of submerged plants have fewer problems with algae. resemble terrestrial plants in many regards, but lack stem rigidity when removed from the water. Table 1 provides a Disadvantages list of the submerged species that are commonly found in As with all aquatic plants, an excessive amount of Ohio ponds. Other species may occur in ponds on a limited submerged plants can cause problems for the pond owner. basis and are not listed. The exception might be for the dedicated wildlife pond in which no other use is desired. When submerged plants are Benefits too abundant, they can cause problems similar to those Submerged plants are critical to a well-structured fish described for filamentous algae. assemblage. They not only provide protection for small Excessive amounts of submerged plants can present a fish from predators but also produce large numbers of problem for the pond owner who values his/her . Once A-17-06—page 3 plant levels exceed 20% of the surface area, largemouth The abbreviation “spp” signifies that multiple species bass predation on bluegill becomes less effective. Small of that genus are found in Ohio. bluegill can effectively avoid being eaten by darting into the excessive vegetation. Thus, too many bluegill survive, also eat these small floating plants. Pond owners who and their growth declines due to increased competition from value the natural, aesthetic qualities of a pond desire overcrowding. Bass growth also decreases, as they are un- water lilies and their showy flowers. Largemouth bass able to find prey effectively and consume enough to grow and bluegill both like the shade provided by the large well. The classic symptoms of this scenario are populations leaves of water lilies. The key is not to allow the lilies to of small, thin largemouth bass and bluegill. overrun the pond’s shallow areas, maintaining about 15 Excessive submerged plants also pose a problem in ponds to 20% coverage where water is being pumped out for irrigation, livestock watering, or might be pumped out in case of a fire. These plants can clog a pump intake, lessening the amount of Disadvantages As with other aquatic plants, an excess of nutrients can water being pumped and shortening the lifespan of the cause an overabundance of watermeal and duckweed. It is pump due to excessive wear and tear. not uncommon for these small plants to completely cover a pond’s surface in a few short weeks. This type of cover Floating Plants will substantially reduce light penetration so that oxygen- Floating aquatic plants come in all shapes and sizes from producing in the water underneath the float- the pinhead size of a watermeal plant to the large leaves of ing plants ceases. Warm water temperatures during summer a water lily. Table 2 provides a list of the floating aquatic months keep oxygen-consuming animal respiration and plant species common to Ohio ponds. Other species may decomposition rates high, possibly resulting in a fish kill occur in ponds on a limited basis and are not listed. from lack of oxygen. Water lilies are notorious for overspreading a pond in Benefits short order, especially if the pond is shallow and the water In general, watermeal and duckweed provide few benefits is clear. Clear water allows these lilies to send up stems to a pond unless the pond is strictly a wildlife pond. The and leaves from a greater depth. This severely inhibits same species of waterfowl that eat submerged plants will recreational activities. Many pond owners have planted water lilies for aesthetics, only to be frustrated with their Table 2. Floating and Emergent Aquatic Plant Spe- quick coverage of the pond. cies That Are Commonly Found in Ohio Ponds. Emergent Plants Common Name Scientific Name Emergent aquatic plants are plants that live in shallow Floating water or just on the shore along a pond. Most of the vegeta- tive portion of these plants grows above the water rather Watermeal spp. than under the water. From a distance, many resemble Lesser duckweed spp. grasses. Table 2 provides a list of the emergent aquatic Yellow water lily advena plant species common to Ohio ponds. White water lily tuberosa Water lotus lutea Benefits Emergent plants provide important wildlife benefits to ponds. The plants themselves provide nesting habitat for a Emergent variety of bird species, such as song sparrow, red-winged Cattails spp. blackbird, and wrens. Many other aquatic bird species, such Rushes Juncas spp. as rails and herons, utilize emergent plant during Nutsedges Cyperus spp. migration. Many mammals will make a meal of the green Spikerushes spp. vegetative material growing above the water. Additionally, Bulrushes Scripus spp. the seed heads of nutsedges, spikerushes, and bulrushes are attractive to many waterfowl species (mentioned previously) Purple loosestrife A-17-06—page 4 as a food source. A pond managed for wildlife should loosestrife is the result, providing no benefits to the pond strive to have a variety of emergent plants. owner or wildlife.

Disadvantages Summary An overabundance of emergent plants can create a Most aquatic plants provide benefits to the pond owner problem for some pond owners. This is particularly true if abundance does not become excessive. The “right” for cattails, which account for nearly all pond owner com- amount of plants to have and the “right” composition plaints about emergent plants. Cattails have the ability to is up to the pond owner, with his/her primary goals for completely surround a pond and extend several feet into the pond playing a key role. Pond owners should real- the water if allowed to do so. Even for a pond managed ize the value of aquatic plants and develop a strategy to for wildlife, this poses a problem. Habitat diversity is promote aquatic plant abundances to levels beneficial for good for wildlife, and a monoculture of cattails does not the intended uses. provide diversity. Excessive emergent plants can create Planktonic algae are critical to a pond’s fish life and must problems for anglers who will find it difficult to effectively be present for newly hatched fish to survive. In modera­ fish from shoreline areas. tion, submerged and emergent plants provide valuable fish Cattails are highly attractive to muskrats, a mammal and wildlife benefits. Filamentous algae, duckweed, and that can damage a pond in some circumstances. Dams are watermeal provide few benefits and, in general, should vulnerable to their burrowing activities, and muskrat bur- be controlled in most ponds. These problematic species rows can compromise their integrity. Muskrat use cattails are the result of excessive nutrients, so nutrient reductions for a variety of reasons, including food, den material, and will often reduce the problem. as an escape from predators. One emergent plant species deserves special men- Disclaimer tion. Purple loosestrife is an invader to Ohio ponds and This publication contains recommendations that are and should be controlled, either by pulling the subject to change at any time. These recommendations plant and roots or by spraying a herbicide. If left uncon- are provided only as a guide. The author and Ohio State trolled, purple loosestrife quickly spreads and crowds out University Extension assume no liability resulting from desirable native emergent plants. A monoculture stand of the use of these recommendations.

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