Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan That Awarded with the Medal for the Liberation of Shusha

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Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan That Awarded with the Medal for the Liberation of Shusha Servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan that awarded with the Medal for the Liberation of Shusha President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order on awarding servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan with the Medal for the Liberation of Shusha. According to the order, the medal "For the Liberation of Shusha" was awarded to 4646 Azerbaijani servicemen, who demonstrated courage and bravery while participating in the military operations for the liberation of Shusha city from the Armenian occupation. One lieutenant generals, four major generals and thirty-one colonels, one hundred fourty one colonel lieutenant were among those who have been awarded. Mirzayev Hikmat Izzat oghlu – Lieutenant general Barkhudarov Mayis Shukur oghlu – Major general Mammadov Zaur Sabir oghlu – Major general Seyidov Kanan Alihuseyn oghlu – Major general Sultanov Aghamir Azizkhan oghlu – Major general Atakishiyev Eldar Aleksandr oghlu – Colonel Babayev Emil Sabir oghlu – Colonel Cahangirov Alakbar Mahammad oghlu – Colonel Cafarov Ceyhun Sadulla oghlu – Colonel Dadashov Hagverdi Khudaverdi oghlu – Colonel Ahmadov Bahadir Allahverdi oghlu – Medical service Colonel Ahmadov Etibar Isabala oghlu – Colonel Asadullayev Asif Azadkhan oghlu – Colonel Azizov Firudin Novruz oghlu – Colonel Faracov Asif Heydar oghlu – Colonel Hasanov Maharram Ashir oghlu – Colonel Ibrahimov Elman Adil oghlu – Colonel Israyilov Ragif Ibadulla oghlu – Colonel Gasimov Fuad Kamal oghlu – Colonel Guliyev Khalig Gulu oghlu – Colonel Guluyev Mais Isvandiyar oghlu – Colonel Gurbanov Rufat Telman oghlu – Colonel Mehraliyev Sadig Nadir oghlu – Colonel Mammadov Vagif Shahbaz oghlu – Colonel Mammadov Vasif Khanlar oghlu – Colonel Mansimov Tehran Cavid oghlu – Colonel Mirzaliyev Elshad Hasangulu oghlu – Colonel Mirzayev Intigam Faramaz oghlu – Colonel Movlanov Nizami Baydamir oghlu – Colonel Musayev Telman Gurban oghlu – Colonel Mustafayev Siyavush Ingilab oghlu – Colonel Namazov Eldaniz Firuddin oghlu – Colonel Nazarov Ilgar Eldar oghlu – Colonel Nuraliyev Aflatun Fakhraddin oghlu – Colonel Pirverdiyev Akif Samandar oghlu – Colonel Zeynalov Zaur Ilham oghlu – Colonel Abbasov Khagani Cafar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abbasov Ilham Fikrat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdulazizov Elnur Abdulaziz oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdullayev Cavid Binyat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdullayev Hasan Aghasaf oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdullayev Rasim Yagub oghlu – Medical service Lieutenant colonel (Posthumous) Abdullayev Sabuhi Salam oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdullayev Vugar Arif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abishov Goshgar Huseynbala oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abiyev Seymur Bayramali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aghagulov Elshan Etibar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aghcayev Bayram Ilyas oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Allahverdiyev Ehtiram Yadulla oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aloyev Abuzar Khammad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aslanov Rashad Amirbay oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Babayev Namig Vagif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Babayev Nabi Tofig oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Baghirov Vusal Fazil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Bakhshaliyev Azar İbrahim oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Balaliyev Natig KHanbaba oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Bayramov Nariman Suleyman oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Camalov Ceyhun Fikrat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Cabiyev Gazanfar Tofig oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Cafarov Elvar Fazil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Cafarov Ramiz Subhan oghlu – Lieutenant colonel (Posthumous) Cafarzada Elchin Hidayat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Calilov Eldar Mirzammad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Dadashov Eshgin Yashar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Eldarov Elchin Aslan oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Eynullayev Alasgar Mohubbat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Eyvazov Azar Shaban oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Ahmadaliyev Namig Avazkhan oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Ahmadov Rovshan Fazil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Ahmadov Said Farhad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Akbarov Nicat Zakir oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aliyev Anar Vagif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel (Posthumous) Aliyev Chingiz Arif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aliyev Neman Elyaz oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Aliyev Rashad Alibala oghlu – (Justice) Lieutenant colonel Aliyev Rovshan Yusif oghlu – Medical service Lieutenant colonel Aliyev Safagat Anvar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Amirov Zamig Mahammad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Annaghiyev Valeh SHaig oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Asadbayli Tural Bahruz oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Asgarov Samir Sabir oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Haciyev Elsevar Sahib oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Haciyev Mahammadali Oktay oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Habibov Rufat Vahab oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Hamzayev Zahir Hamza oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Hatamov Mushfig Vagif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Haziyev Shamshir Bakhtiyar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Humbatov Emin Zakir oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Huseynov Mahir Oruc oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Khalilov Samad Adil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Khalilov Vugar Khalil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Imraliyev Fuzuli Shiraslan oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Ismayilov Agil Yashar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Ismayilov Samir Almusa oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Kazimov Rasim Kamal oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Karimov Zaur Valeh oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gachayev Huseyn Sadagat oghlu – Medical service Lieutenant colonel Garayev Cavidan Nazim oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gasimov Ayaz Yusif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gasimov Azar Alovsat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gasimov Orkhan Yusif oghlu – 2nd degree Captain Gochuyev Firdovsi Davud oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Guliyev Adil Mammadgulu oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gurbanov Bayram Vahid oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Gurbanov Safar Gurban oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Macidov Emin Shamil oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mammadov Alay Zeynaddin oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mammadov Anar Amirali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mammadov Rashad Bayram oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mammadov Yalchin Allahyar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mammadov Zaur Ragib oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mikayilov Adil Gazanfar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mohsunov Ceyhun Ehtibar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Muradov Tofig Imamali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Musayev Mardan Urfat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Musayev Zaur Gulahmad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Mustafayev Rafail Firudin oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Nadirov Rashad Soltanagha oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Naghiyev Mubariz Mirza oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Nasibov Rasul Yusif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Orucaliyev Vidadi Imamali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Orucov Rovshan Madat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Orucov Zaur Gurbat oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rahimov Kanan Alhaddin oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rasulov Zaur Abimuslum oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rizvanov Anar Tofig oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rizvanov Samandar Samad oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rustamov Elshad Faig oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rustamov Fariz Maharram oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rustamov Rashad Vagif oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Rzayev Gafur Elmir oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Seyidov Ahad Hamid oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Salmanov Elshan Iskandar oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Samadov Ilkin Sadig oghlu – Medical service Lieutenant colonel Sulkhayev Rafail Ali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Shadmanov Nasimi Yunis oghlu – Lieutenant colonel SHahmarov Zahir Abbas oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Shabiyev Nizami Gulali oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Taghiyev Rahman Rahim oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Tariverdiyev Adil Danizkhan oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Tarverdiyev Huseyin Tarverdi oghlu – Lieutenant colonel Abdulov Elnur Tamaddin oghlu – Major Abushov Bahruz Zabid oghlu – Major (Posthumous) Abushov Rashad Bahman oghlu – Major Abushov Sadig Chingiz oghlu – Major Aghazada Yahya Alasgar oghlu – Major Baghirov Ruslan Elbayi oghlu – Major Baghirov Urfan Adil oghlu – Major Bakhishov Radim Rakim oghlu – Major Bayramov Ilham Dunyamali oghlu – Major Bayramov Rashad Agharahim oghlu – Major Bayaliyev Racab Famil oghlu – Major Cafarov Nacaf Maharram oghlu – Major Cafarov Sadig Namil oghlu – Major Cafarov Samir Gurbanali oghlu – Major Camilzada Emin Bayram oghlu – Major Dadashov Elnur Bakhtiyar oghlu – Major Dadashov Rahid Balagha oghlu – Major Damirov Rufat Tarlan oghlu – Major Eminov Elimdar Hasan oghlu – Major Eyubov Elgiz Chingiz oghlu – Major Eyvazov Rashad Cavanshir oghlu – Major Eyyubov Mammadbaghir Niftali oghlu – Major Ahadov Khayal Hilal oghlu – Major Ahmadli Anar Mammad oghlu – Major Ahmadov Bahruz Vahid oghlu – Major Ahmadov Ruslan Zulfu oghlu – Major Ahmadov Samir Sadraddin oghlu – Major Alakbarov Farid Tahir oghlu – Major (Posthumous) Alakbarov Hazrat Tacir oghlu – Major Aliyev Azad Mammad oghlu – Major Aliyev Farid Zakir oghlu – Major Aliyev Sadig Nizami oghlu – Major Aliyev Sadi Sadil oghlu – Major Amiraslanov Emil Cabbar oghlu – Major Asadov Nihad Cabir oghlu – Major Azizov Sadig Khidir oghlu – Major Feyzullayev Ilham Feyzullah oghlu – Major Faracov Aliheydar Israfil oghlu – Major Farzaliyev Yalchin Anvar oghlu – Major Fatullayev Anar Shahrza oghlu – Major Filmanov Khazar Soltan oghlu – Major Haciyev Eltac Nemat oghlu – Major Heybatov Loghman Faraiz oghlu – Major Hamidov Elchin Elyas oghlu – Major Hasanov Hasan Firdovsi oghlu – Major Hasanov Hummat Farrukh oghlu – Major Hasanov Khayal Camil oghlu – Major Hasanov Saleh Valeh oghlu – Major Hasanov Zaur Mustafa oghlu – Major Hashimov Sabuhi Ziyafat oghlu – Major Hidayatov Rauf Balacan oghlu – Major Humbatov Ramil Samandar oghlu – Major Guliyev Huseyn Shahin Yusif oghlu – Major Huseynov Mushfig Nizami oghlu – Major Huseynov Yagub Amrah oghlu – Major Huseynov Zaur Rahat oghlu – Major Ibrahimov Rashad Nariman oghlu – (Justice) Major
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