Theshutter release button activates the exposuremeter. When youdepress the shutterrelease button halfway However, if the the film advancelever is in the flushposition, the shutterre- needlegoes down the instantyou removeyour finger from the leasebutton is lockedand does not operate. To release the loo<, button,power is weak In both of the abovecases. vou must movethe filmadvance lever to itsstandoff position. Slight pres- changethe batteries sure on the shutterrelease button then switcheson the ex- Theshutter release button is threadedat the centerto acceot posuremeter and rmmediately the meter needle within the finder a standardcable release swingsup The meter stayson for 16 sec.after you take your Notes.' fingeroff the buttonand turns itself off automaticallyto con- 1)When the batteriesare almost exhausted, the meter needle may drop servebattery power Pushingthe shutterrelease button all the the instant the is released-this is not a mulfunctron way down releasesthe shutter When releasingthe shutter, D The meter needle doesn't move until the frame counter reaches the touchthe fingerguard €, with the innersurface of your fore- f irst frame or when the /mode se/ector is set at B or M2S0 fingerand depress the button lightly with smooth, even pressure. Tocheck battery power, depress the buttonhalfway lf the blacx Caution: lf you continue to use the until the batteries become completely meterneedle stays in the shutterspeed range even after taking exhausted, the shutter curtarns will not open and the mtrror 2a will remain in the "up" position after you depress the your fingeroff the button,power is sufJicientlf the batteries shutter release button To return the mrrror to the "down" position, switch to the M2S0 arecompletely exhausted, the needledoesn't move, even after settinq

32 lq

Thef ilm advance lever also functions to lockthe shutterrelease Theadditive type frame counter is graduatedfrom 5..12 4- button.The shutterrelease button lock is releasedwhen you up to 36 in evennumbers with odd numbersindicated by white movethe leverto the standoffposition. To advancethe film, dotsin betweenthe evennumbers No matterwhether the film windthe leverto the rightcompletely until it stops The lever cartridgeis loadedproperly or not, the frame counter still returnsto thestandoff position automatically after you take your operatesand advancesa singleframe by one completestroke thumboff the leverA singlecomplete stroke advances the film of the film advancelever After reachingframe 36 of a 36- onef rame and simultaneously cocks the shutter. exposureroll of film,the counterwill not operateeven if you Note: At the end of the roll of film, the lever cannot be wound any further. repeatedlypress the shutterrelease button and wind the film /n lhls case, don't force the lever, just release your frnger, depress the advancelever; film will be advanced,however, until the actual film rewind button and rewrnd the film usino the rewrnd crank end of the film roll.The Jramecounter automaticallv resets to S whenthe camera back is opened. Note: Even on A, the automatic mode does not function prior to the f irst frame and, regardless of the lighting condition, the shutter speed is fixed at 1/250 sec When the frame counter reaches one, the automatic expo- sure mode begins On manual, the shutter speed ls activated as set even orior to frame one ^\ ,,\fv. \-< ;1\i 250-- 32v-

The scale on the ASA/lSO dial has settings for speeds from The ASA/lSO is a numericalrating of the film's sensitivrtyto a ASA/lSO 12 to 4OOOTwo lines between each number stand for given amount of light The higherthe number,the greater the rntermediatesettings, such as 64, 80, etc The diagram above sensitivity,and vice versa The f ilm's ASA/lSO is indicatedon the grves the speeds for all intermediate settings To set the film cartridgeitself as well as on the film carton and the data sheet speed in use, lift up the dial and rotate it until your desired packed insrde number(or linerepresentrng the f ilm speed)click stops opposite the red indexdot

34 Suggested Applications for Erposure Gompensation

+ 2 white background,snow scene + 1 white backgroundoccupying half of vrewrngarea -1 spotlightedsubject, black background occupying half of viewing area -2 black background

Whenthe overall scene is unusually light or darkin tone or there For unusuallighting situations, such as snowscapes,backlit rsa substantialdifference in contrastbetween the mainsubject subjects,or whenthe mainsubject contrasts sharply with the andthe background,the camera'smeter may be fooledinto background,the exposurecompensation dial allows adjust givingthe incorrectexposure In thesecases, com- mentsto preventover- or underexposureAlso, the dialcan be pensationmust be made For your convenience,the FE2 fea- usedto obtainspecial effects like intentional over- or under- turestwo controlsfor makingexposure compensation-the exposureunder normal lighting conditions Conveniently oper- exposurecompensatron dial and memory lock lever able on A, the dial rangesfrom + 2EV to -zEV in one-third incrementswith the followinq exceotions. 1)At ASA/ rSO 12 Only 1 step compensationin the + direction is possible,the - direc- tion is normal 2) At ASA/tSO 16 Only 1 1/3 steps compensalronin the t directionrs possible:the - directionis normal 3) Ar ASA/|SO 3200 Only 11/3 steps compensationin the - directionis possible,the + directionis normal 4) Ar ASA/rSO4000 Only 1 step compensationin the - direction is possible,the + direc- lion is normal atr To operate,press the lock buttonand turn the dial until the desiredcompensation value click stops opposite the red index line On A, the shutterspeed is shifted,corresponding to the compensatedamount The red LED exposurecompensation mark( + /-)alsoappears on the right side of thevtewfinder after the shutterrelease button is depressedhalfway (except when theshutter speed/mode selector dial is set at B or M250).After takingthe picture,return the dial to 0; otherwiseincorrect exposurewill resultin ordinaryshooting.

36 Fig.1 Another way to make exposure compensation is to use the memory lock lever When there is a substantialdifference in , brightnessbetween the main subjectand the background,such as a stronglybacklit subject. the camera's exposure meter is .t) likelyto be fooled,resulting in under-or overexposure(fig. Tocompensate for this,center the mainsubject in the or move in close to the subject, turn the memory lock lever towards the lens and hold it in, then recompose and shoot (Fis 2) The readingwill be retainedas longas the controlis held in this positionThe shutter speed is "locked in" electronicallywhile you depress the lever The meter needle is also locked and doesn't move Notes.' 1) Be sure to switch the meter on prior to using the memorylock lf the procedure/s reversed,the correctexposure cannot be obtained D Duringmemory lock operation,the meter remainson, then auto- maticallyturns off 16 sec after releasrngyour ftngeroff the lever. Fig.2

37 Depth of field Depth of field refers to the zone of sharp focus in front of and behind the main subject in the final photograph Because the FE2 features aperture-priorityautomatic exposure, you have complete control over depth of field by varying the f/stop The followingare importantpoints to remember: 1) By stoppingdown the diaphragmto smallerapertures (inOi- cated by numericallylarger f-numbers on the aperturering), depthof fieldbecomes deeper and not only your main subject but the foreground and background will also be in sharp focus On the other hand, by using wider apertures(smaller f -numbers),depth of field becomes shallowerand both fore- and backgroundwill be out of focus, thus enablingyou to emphasizethe main subject 2) The farther the subject is from the camera, the deeper the When a lens with an automaticdiaphragm is used,the image in depth of field; the closer to the camera, the shallowerthe the viewfinderis viewed with the diaphragmof the lens wide depth of f ield open However,pressing the depth-of-f ield preview lever will 3) Usually,background clarity is sharper than that of the fore- causethe lensto be stoppeddown to the f -numberset, enabling ground; thus, in shallowdepth-of-field situations, you can you to examinedepth of field before shooting The image in the expect your foregroundimages to be less clear than those viewfinder"darkens" according to the selected f-number- behindthe subject the smallerthe aperture,the darkerthe image The areasof the +) the shorterthe focal lengthof the lens,the deeperthe depth picture that appear in focus when the lever is pressed will be of f ieldat each f /stoo wrthinthe zoneof sharpfocus in the finalphotograph 5) With most Nikkor or Series E lenses,depth of field is Note; Be sure lo depressthe depth-of-fieldprevrew lever fullv A/so, indicatedby pairs of colored lineson the lens 6s.which cor- release lever the beforevou depress the shutter release button respondto the colorsof the f -numbersengraved on the aper- ture ring Therefore,the depth of-field range can be deter- mined by readingoff the correspondingdistances using the depth-of-field scale (see example photos)

40 Thisdevice is useful in taking self-portraitsor when you want Toremind yourself of thefilm type and the numberof exposures to include yourself with other people. Set the self-timer by on the rollof filmin use,clip off theend of thefilm package and turningthe leveras far as it will go in the directionof the arrow insertit intothe memo holder Of course,you can use the memo shownin the photo This can be done either before or after the holderto storeanything, such as your name card film is advanced After the self-timer has been set, press the shutterrelease button The reflexmirror will go up and the self- timerwill start to operate;the shutter is releasedafter a delay of approx 10 sec lf you want to cancel self-timer operation afterthe lever has been set, move it back to its originalposition withyour finger Youcan then take the picturethe ordinaryway, as before However, turning the self-tirner lever when it is alreadyin operationwill resultin the shutterbeing releasedthe momentthe leveris back in its originalposition. With the excep- tionof B, the self-timer can be usedat any shutterspeed E (.o sl ll I I V

when you shoot infraredfilm, note that the plane of sharpest Thefilm plane indicator (* )is engravedon the top deckjust focus is slightlyfarther away than that in visible-lightphoto- behindthe shutterspeed dial lt indicatesthe exactposition of graphy As a rule of thumb, you can compensate for this shift the film planeinside the cameraand is usedto measurethe in focus by referringto the infraredcompensation index (in the exactdistance between the subjectand film plane,such as in form of eithera red dot or a red line)near the focusingindex on macrophotography.The distancebetween the film planeand the lensbarrel (Somelenses, including the Reflex-Nikkor,do not lensmounting flange @ is exactly46 5 mm needcompensatron ) After focusingthe imagesharply th rough the viewfinder, check the focuseddistance and turn the focusingring to the left until the red infrared compensation index lines up with the prefocused distance Be sure to shoot with the appropriatefilter, such as the R6o, etc (tn ttris photo, the subject-to-cameradistance is setat-)

42 Nikonhas a vast array of accessoriesfor enteringthe exciting Note: Non-Al extension rings, such as fhe PK-1, 2, 3, PN-1,etc , cannot worldof close-upphotography: be attached to the FE2 1)CloseUp LensesNos 0, 1,2,3T,4T, 5T, and 6T Sincethese lenses are attachedto the front of the lensin use. meteringcan stillbe doneat fullaperture 2)Auto Extension Rings PK 11,12,and 13 3) BellowsFocusing Attachment PB 6 TheAuto ExtensionRings and the PB-6are attachedbetween the lensand camera body lf one of the nngs is used with an Al lens,exposure determination is at full aperturebecause the exposuremeter is linkedto the automatrcdiaphragm of the lens As for the Pts6, stop-downexposure measurement rs necessarybecause the exposuremeter is not linkedwith the automaticdiaphragm of the lens Youcan changemagni- ficationscontinuously Dy extending the bellows Note,too, that it is possibleto use a close-uplens, ring and the PB 6 allat the sametime Micro- N ikkors 4) Micro-Nikkor55 mm fl2 B, 105mm t12B, and 2OOmmil4 lF These speciallydesigned lenses offer continuousfocusing 'fhe from infinitydown to 1l2X lifesize closestfocused dis- tanceof the lensesare o 25m (g'ts 116"), o at m (1 34ft)and O71 m Q g+ft),respectively Notethat in close-upphotography, depth of field is generally shallowThus, you should stop down as much as possiblein photographing Auto Extension Rinos a subjectwith very littledepth lt is also advisable s FocusingAttachment to use the Type K2's matte field for focusing,because it is not easyto focus with the split-imagerange-finder or microprism collarOr use TVpe82 or E2 instead



Duplication Work and Photomicrography In copy work, slide duplication,and photomicrography,you r Theexposure compensation values listed below are ieference cannotobtain correct exposure by simplyreferring to the FE2's dataobtained when general-purpose film was used.With color exposuremeter displaybecause these types of photography reversalfilm or microfilmfor duplicationwork, it is advisableto representunusual contrast situations. Exposure compensation takeadditional shots with -r one-stopexposure compensation is required.Shown here is the tableof the relationshipbetween as thesefilms have very small exposure latitude. specificphoto types and properexposure. Since this is meantto o Toavoid vibration, you can makethe exposureby turningthe be a guide,in practiceyou shouldmake furthercompensation illuminationon andoff . by experimentationuntil you achievethe properresults. o lt isadvisable to usea cablerelease to avoidcamera vibration.

Subject Method of exposure Exoosure measurement comoensation Requiredaccessories Remarks Photographsand pictureswith continu- Compensationnot necessary ous gradation For high-contrastsubjects, use of an 1B% reflectancegray Full-aperture Approx.+1to +2 Micro-Nikkor55 mm f/2.8 card in determiningexposure Copy work stopsfor blackletters ^^[t^,^t^^^^ is recommended.With the exoosure Documentsand or stop-down vdgtv I EtEdSu on whitebackground; compensationis requiredregardless of whether drawingsof high - - the backoroundis white. conlrasl approx. 1/2to 1 blackor stopfor white letters on blackbackqround. Generalfilm with con- Approx.+1to +2 gradation tinuous SIOOS Micro-Nikkor55 mm f/2.8 Approx.+1-112Io NikonSlide Copying Slide + 2-112stops for black AdapterPS-6 Stop-down letterson whiteback- Whenusing Nikon Slide Copying Adapter PS-6, duplication Filmof documentsand ground NikonBellows Focusing set the floodlamp 30cm awayfrom its opalplate. drawingsphotographed AttachmentPB-6 0toapprox.-1l2stop for white letterson Cablerelease blackbackoround Generally,results come out betterwith more in photomicrography. Photomicrography Preparedspecimen Stop-down Approx. + 1 stop Microflex PFX exposure The compen- sationvalue on the leftis only a guide;determine the compensationvalue by test shooting. + : more exposure; -; /ess exposure.

44 Anelectronic unit is convenient not only for nightand dim- lightshooting but also as a supplementarylight to fitl in the shadowsin daylight.With a Nikondedicated flash, such as the SB-15,SB-168 or SB-18,the FE2offers fully automatic through- the-lens(TTL) control of the flashexposure. This meansthat whilethe shutter is open, the camera's silicon photodiode (SPD), locatedat the bottomof the mirrorbox, reads the lightreflected directlyoff the filmand tells the flashunit to cut itselfoff when theexposure is correct. Note: Usable range for TTL flash photography is ASA/lSO 25 to 400.

:: 7a!l; i4!l +:: F ?: |:?! ::l 1 ,!: ::: :! !:: ..::I ::'l ? :.

",1 it: t1 To preventmistakes, the camera also offers automatic switch- overof theshutter speed for propersynchronization with a Nikon dedicatedflash unit, such as the SB-15,SB-16B or SB-18With the shutterspeed/mode selector dial set at A or 1/5OOsecor above,the shutterspeed is automaticallyswitched to 1/250sec as soonas the flashis turnedon For creativefill-in flash effects. you can set the speed manuallyto 1/250sec or belowand the %. shutterfires at the speedset with the speedin use indicatedthe viewfinder Daylightfill in flashis especiallyeffective when shootingoutdoor subjectswhich are backlitor in motion(see the examplephotos on the nextpage) When shootingwith any flash unit set to manual operation,it is necessaryto determinethe flash unit'sguide number for the filmyou are usrng;thenset the apertureto match the shooting d ,.::'.::': distance The FEz, providedonly with an X-contactfor synchronization, synchronizeswith the speedlightwhen the shutterspeed set is .1/250 sec or slower Flashbulbscan also be used at the follow- ingshutter speed sync ranges

M FPand MF Flashbubs

__l l- Cannotbe used

Note; When ustng a specral electronrc flash unit with provrston for trme lag, an electrontc flash untt with long illumrnattonttme, the Medical-Nrkkor 120mm f/4 lF, or the NrkonRepeatrng FlashUnit SB 6 at 1/2 or full output, adlust shutter speed down to 1/125sec or slower 'll60 In daylightfill-in flash, a sync speedof sec does not freeze the movementof the modelairolane 4() Located at the top of the pentaprism viewfinder,the allowsdirect mountingof the Nikon SpeedlightSB-'15, SB-'168, SB-18or any electronicflash with an ISO-typemounting foot Other flash unitsmay be mountedwith a flash unit coupler(see the table on page 49) Four electrical contacts provide proper synchronizationof the flash unit€9, automaticflash output stop % Qr, identification of a TTL f lash unit @, and both ready-light 7,2 indicationin the camera's viewfinder(via an LED) and auto switching to the proper sync speed of 11250sec. @ with Nikon I dedicatedflash units.

Caution: The use of other manufacturers'flash units,even with the same ISO-typemounting foot, may causeabnormalities to the lC crrcuitry. Unitshavrng a high voltagesync circuit may a/socause damage in shutter speedprecision

But,at 11250sec , allmovement is stopped Relationship between the camera's onloff When the Nikon FE2 is used togetherwith Nikon Speedlights switch, shutter speed, and ready.light suchas the SB-15,SB-168, SB-18, etc, a viewfinderready-light LED lightsup when the flash is recycled Thisway, you're easily informed of flash readinesswithout having to take your eye away from the viewfinder Dependingon which Nikonflash unit is attached,the same LED blinksto warn of insufficientflash output,incorrect setting of the flash unit or incorrectsetting of A (auto). lightsup 1/250sec the FE2 For more detailedinformation, refer to the flash unit's 1/4000-1/500sec lightsup 1/250sec instructionmanual 1/250-Bsec lightsup as set lightsup * Because automattc exposure mode rs cancelled as soon as the flash unrt rs turned on, you should determtne the proper aperture beforehand

4B ;

; Nikon FE2lflash unit combination chart

SB19 direcl provided yes auto SB18 direcl provided yes TTL,manual SB-17 via 45-6 coupler provided yes auto,manual, MD bu- toA via 45-6 coupler provided yes auto, manual,MD SB-168 direcl provided yes TTL,auto, manual, MD SB-15 direct provided yes TTL,auto, manual, MD via SC-l1sync cord (provided) not provided no sB-11/14 auto, manual via SC-l3sensor cord provided yes auto, manual S8.12 via 45-6 coupler provided yes manual SB1O direct provided yes auto,manual SB7E via AS 2 coupler not provided no au10,manual via SC-6 sync cord not provided no manual Du-c) via AS-2coupler with SC-9 not provided no extensioncord (with SU-1) 4u10,manual SBE direct provided auto RinglightUnit via sync cord (provided) not provided SR.2 no manual MacroRinglight via sync cord (provided) not provided no manual UnitSM-2 via 2-pinsync cord SC-20 not provided no Medical-Nikkor (provided) 12Omm Il4 lF via 3-pinsync cord SC-22 provided yes (provided) .Flash output is determinedby the lens'ASAI/SO ring setting. The focusingilng is coupled to the diaphragm,so as fhe /ens is focused,the aperture is simultaneouslysel to provide the correct exposure.

49 To change focusing screens, Three differenttypes of focusingscreens are usablewith the follow this procedure: NrkonFE2 The Type K2 screen comes with the camera as a 1. Removethe lens f rom the camera body standard accessory.You can also use the optional focusing 2 Note the focusingscreen releaselatch 'a at the top front of screens,Type 82 (matte/Fresnelwith focusing spot) or Type the mirrorbox casting Slipthe smalltip of the specialtweez- E2 (matte/Fresnelwitlr focusrngspot and etched grid lines) ers that come with the optionalscreens under the latch and to match your particularrequirements pulloutward to springopen the holder 3 Take the screen out of the holder by grasping the small tab with the tweezers 4 To mount another screen, carefullyposition it in place with the f lat side face down and the side with the tab up 5 Then push the front edge of the holder upward with the tweezersuntil it clicksinto position Notes.' 1)To avoidgetting smudges or frngerprrntson the screen'soptical sur face,do nol handlethe screen with your fingers D TTL meterrngof the FE2 is adiustedtn accordancewith the clear- matte type frnderscreen Therefore,when you change the focusrng screen,please use lnose screens destanated for theFE2

50 Focusing Screen Selector Guide

Suitable for general photography. Has microprism collar around the central split-image rangefinder spot. t-;-r Split-image range- With PC-Nikkor or lenses having a I (e) I f inder/microprism maximum aperalure slower than f/4.5, system [Y] the split-image rangeftnderor micro. prism collar is dim. In this case, focus on the surrounding matte area. Works well for general photography, close-up photography and duplication TypeK2lB2lE2 screens TypeK/B/E screens work. Especially useful for people who prefer lo focus on the matte Mattesystem focusing spot at the center ol the screen, or when it is inconvenient to use the split-image rangefinder for Caution: TypeK2/82/E2 focusingscreens have a notched tab. lf you use focusing, as is the case with telephoto the TypeK/B/E screen, you must make exposurecompensation by setting lenses. the exposure compensation dial to -1/3. However, no exposure com- pensationls necessary when performing TTLauto flashphotography Extremely useful in pictorial with compo- a TypeK/B/E Horizontal and sition. Consists of Type 82 matte field screen installedin the FE2. vertrcal line with etched horizontal and vertical etched system lines. Especrallyhandy when using PC-Nikkor lenses.

51 Designedto complementthe versatilityof the FEz, Nikon has threeelectronic flash units which mount directly to the camera's accessoryshoe and feature automaticTTL (through-thelens) controlof the flashexposure Also,with the camera set at A or '1l5O0sec or above,the proper synchronizationspeed ol 11250 sec is automaticallyset

Speedlight SB-15 Featuresspecial tilting flashtube module for bounce flash or shootingclose-ups Guide number of 25 (nSnl tSO 100 and meters)or 41 (ASA/lSO25 an1,feet)

Speedlight SB-168 Most versatiledirect-mounting flash from Nikon Trulycreative bounce flash possiblewith two flash heads: main head has zoomsettings for 28,35,50 and 85mm lensesand tiltsback 90o and rotates270o; smaller secondary head faces straightahead SB-15 to providea catchlightin the eyes SpecialMD (motor drive) settingallows shooting of B consecutivef rames aI 4 frames per second Powerful guidenumbe r of 32 (nSnllSO 1OOand meters) or 52 (ASA/lSO25 and feet)

Speedlight SB-18 Lightweightand easy to operate Choiceof TTL or manual con- trol Guidenumbe r ol 20 (nSnllSO 1OOand meters)or 33 (ASA/ ISO25 and feet)

\) The use of a motor drive unit with the FEZ enablesautomatic filmadvance when the unit'strigger button is pressed In addi- tronto singleframe shooting,continuous firing at the maximum Nikon rateof 3 2 frames per second is possible(i e , when the shutter speedset is between 11125and 114000sec ) The motor drive unitproves very convenientwhen shootingfast-moving subjects srncethe photographerdoes not have to wind film manuallyor takehis eye off the subject TheMD-12 can be mountedonto the FE2by simplyinserting and trghtenrngits built-inscrew into the tripod socket oo,at the base of the camera body Light pressure on the MD-12's trigger activatesthe FE2'sexposure meter To keep track of when photoswere taken, the FE2 acceptsthe slim,lightweight Data Back MF 16which attaches in placeof the FE2'sregular camera back with no sync cord required Three imprintingmodes are possible: year/month/day, dayI hour/ minute,or picturecounting (up to 2000);eachmode isdisplayed on the data back in clear LCD numeralsand printed,if you choose so, on the photo in unobtrusivered LED numerals Servingas a handyclock, a quarlztimer with alarm functionis inco rpo rated Note; The NikonFEZ alsoaccepts Data Back MF 72 But in thrscase, a specialcord is necessaryto connectthe socketcontact of the MF 12 andthe sync termtnal zz of thecamera

7 ln cold weather, use the Anti-Cold Battery Pack DB-2, which accepts two AA-type batteries,as an alternativepower supply to the batteries insrdethe camera body Simply connect the DB-2 to the camera body,then slip the assemblyinside your pocketor coat to keep it warm This assuresthat the camera's meteringsystem will functioneven in very cold temperatures

Thescrew-type AR-3 makesfor vibration-free shutterrelease

55 Screws onto the viewfinder eyepiece to provide a viewfinder image at a 90o angle to the camera's optical axis Very helpful for closeup photography,duplication work, and photomicro- grapny

Attached to the viewfinder eyepiece,this accessory enlarges the imageat the center of the viewfinderto assureever orectse focusing in closeup photography,duplication work, and tele- photography DR.3

Attached to the finder eyepiece, this eyecup excludes strav lightand helpsprevent eye fatigue

Accessory lenses that screw onto the viewfinder eyeprece v EyepieceCorrection Lenses to enablenear-and farsightedphotographers to take pictures without havingto wear eyeglasses Nine models are available, offeringa choice of the followingdiopters: -5, -4 -3, -2, O, +05, +1, +2and +3; the dioptersrepresent the combined dioptryof the viewfinder and lens only For best results,choose the eyepiece correction lens most suitablefor you only after actuallytrying out variousmodels at the camerashop

56 Made of optical glass produced in Nikon's own glassworks, Nikonfilters allow you to balancethe lightto match your film or to create interestingartistic effects As shown in the table, Nikonfilters are broadlydivided into the screw-intype and the drop-intype For the Nikon FE2,the filter factor can be ignored except in the case of the R60 When using the R60 in tungsten lrghting,set the apertureone f/stop wider than the figure indi- catedby the exposuremeter Notes; 1) For lensprotectron, the L39or L37Cis recommended ForBolh Color and D Whenshooting a backlitsubject or if there'sa brightlight sourcein the Black'and-WhiteFilm frame,a ghostrmage rs likelyto resultf rom the useof a filter.ln this case,you should take the prcture without a filter. ffiffiffi

Recommended to prevent extraneous light from striking the lens,Nikon's lens hoodscome in four styles:screw-in, slip-on, snap-on,and collapsible-rubberEvery lens should be fitted with the lens hoodspecially designed for it Note,however, that some lenshoods can be used in common bv severallenses

57 Semr soft cases, such as the CF-27,CF 28, CF-29 and CF 2BA are availableThe CF-27 case accommodatesthe FE2 mounted witha lenssmaller than the 50mm f/1 4 The CF 28 can be used withany lens from 50mm f/121o 105mmIl25 or withthe Nikon SeriesE 36,w7Zmmf/3 5lens When the MotorDrive MD-12 is attachedto the FE2,the Ca-29case is recomrnendedThe CF- 2BA is a front-flapfor use with all lensesup to the Nikkor35- TOmmf /3 5 The soft-tvpeCS 16case is alsoavailable

CF-27 AN-6Y Availableare the leatherneckstrap AN-t (black),webbed nylon -4Y neckstraps AN-4Y (yellow) and AN 4B (black), and wider AN webbednylon neckstraps AN 6Y (yellow)and AN-6W (wine red)

A wide selectionof six types to choose from, ranging from a compact type to a largetype which can accommodate large or bulkycamera equipment:FB-8, FB-11A, FB-'14,FB-15, FB-16 and F3-17

qa rlI TIPS ON BATTERY USE . Keepbatteries away from infantsand smallchildren. In case a batteryis accidentallyswallowed, call a doctor immediatelyas the materialinside the batteriescan cause seriousoroblems. r Batterypower falls off in extremelycold temperatures and thismay causethe camera'sphotometric circuit to cease operating.In thissituation, use new batteriesand protect the camerabody from the cold. Note that batterypower will be recoveredas soon as the temperaturebecomes normat. .Shouldthe batterybe leftin the batterychamber for a long period, insufficientcontact may occur due to battery leakage.Thus, it is goodpractice to periodicallyclean the batteryand the contact section in the batterychamber with a soft cloth.lf the batterychamber is contaminatedwith a leakingbattery, remove the batteryat once and clean thechamber. r lf you'reusing a pairof batteries,change them at thesame time; never mix new and old batteriesor batteriesof differentbrands. oWhennot usingthe camerafor a long period,take bat- teriesout and store them in a cool,dry place. o Neverdisassemble batteries or discardthem in a fire. .Always checkbattery power before the shootingsession becausebattery power can becomeexhausted without is a goodidea to havespare batteries on hand duringa lengthyshooting assignment. o In normaluse, a battery'slifespan is aboutone year.The batterypacked with this camera,however, is for test our- posesonly so itslifespan may be shorterthan usual. oRegardless of whetherthe camerais switchedoff or not, the FE2always discharges a smallamount of electricity, becauseit incorporatesa quartz oscillator circuit.

59 Althoughthe FE2 is a tough and durable camera, bear in mind that it is a precision optical instrument,and that careless or rough handling may damage it Observe the followingtips, and the FE2 will always work as perfectly . Before using the camera, it . Never touch the reflex mirror or . Do not touch the shutter cur- as the day you boughtit a good practice to check the focusing screen, to prevent tains thoroughlyfirst them f rom becoming scratched Remove dust with a blower brush

.Generally,the camera does not o lf the camera body is exposed o lf the insideof the camera body .When not using the camera for needlubricatron to rain or mrst, wrpe morsture accidentallygets wet, its inter- a long time, take out the bat- gently with a soft cloth and dry nal precision parts may get teries and store the camera the camera After using the rusty Take the camera right away from high temperature, camera near salt water, take away to the nearest authorized high humidity,naphthalene, or care that you wipe it with a cloth Nikon dealer for a checkup, camohor moistened with pure water to which may require repair pay- remove oossibletraces of salt ment otJ Caution Please note that the use of a spray gun type blower to clean the lens may cause possible damage to lhe g/ass (especiatty when ED g/ass is used for the front lens elemenil, by suddenly lowerrng the temperature on the lens surface To avord damage, hold the blower upright, keep its nozzle more than 30cm away from the lens surface and move the nozzle around so that the stream of air rs not concentrated rn one soot

.Clean metallic parts with a .Clean glass surfaces such as blower brush or with a soft dry the lens or the finder eyepiece clotn wrth a blower brush; avoid using lens tissue as much as possible Gently wtpe dirt, smudges, or fingerprints with soft cotton morstened with a small amount of absolute al- cohol,using a spiralmotion f rom center to periphery Make sure you leaveno wipingtraces

oln a humid environment,it is o Note that storing leather cases best to store the camera in a in a vinyl bag may cause the vrnyl bag with a desiccant to leather to deteriorate,so exer- keep away dust, moisture and cisedue care salt

61 SPECIFICATIONS Type of camera: Electronically-controlled35mm Reflex mirror: Automaticinstant- return mirror '10 single-lensreflex (SLR) focal plane Self-timer: Quartz-timedapprox. sec. shuttercamera delayedexposure; setting Usablefilm: Anycartridge-type 35mm film "cancellable" Pictureformat: 24mmx36mm Memory lock: Provrded;via lever : Nikonbayonet mount Multiple exposure: Provided;via lever Lensavailable: Morethan 60 interchangeable : Built-inhot shoefor mountingflash Nikkorand NikonSeries E lenses, unit;sync terminal also provided; including50mm standardlenses M250setting for 11250sec. sync Shutter: Electronicallycontrolled vertical- Ready-light: Providedinside the viewfinder travel.metal focal olane shutter Exposuremetering: Through-the-lens,center-weighted, withtitanium curtains full-apertureexposure measure- Shutter speeds: Steplessspeeds from B to 1/4000 mentemploying two siliconphoto- '16 sec.on A(Auto)mode: speeds diodes(SPD's) with Nikkorand ouartz-controlledfrom B to 1/4000 NikonSeries E lensesfitted with sec.on manual;mechanically con- metercoupling ridge; exposure trolled,1/250 sec. at M250setting correctlyset eitherautomatically andlong exposure at B setting or by matchingtwo needles;meter Viewfinder: Fixedeyelevel pentaprism type; cross-couoledwith both lens O.BOXmagnification with 50mm diaphragmand shutter speed lensset at infinity;93 % frame controls,meter powered by two coverage 1.55Vsilver-oxide batteries, two Viewfinderdisplay: Shutterspeed, aperture f-number, 1.5V alkaline-manganese batteries exposurecompensation mark, or one3V lithiumbattery meterneedle, shutter speed needle Metering range: EV 1 to EV 18at ASA/ISO100 with Focusing screen: Matte/Fresnelfocusing screen with f/'1.4lens centralsplit-image rangefinder spot andmicroprism collar (Nikon Type K2 screen);two othertypes of screensavai lable optionally (Type82 and E2)

62 frh- Exposure compensation Provided;+2 EY in one-third dial: Incremenls Film speed range: ASA/lSO12 to ASA/tSO4000 Film winding: Viasingle-stroke lever with 135o windingangle and 30ostandoff angle;lever also serves as shutter releaselock; automatic film winding possibleusing the optionalMotor DriveUnit MD-12 Framecounter: Additivetype ; automaticallyresets to "S," threeframes before "'1," whencamera back is ooened Film rewind: By crankafter film rewindbutton is depressed Depth.of.field preview: Via leverprovided on front of cameraback: i?il:ti swins-opentype; removable;memo holderprovided Tripodsocket: 1/4 inch Dimensions(body only): Approx.ta2.5mm(W)x 90.Omm(H)x57.5mm(D) Weight(body only): Approx.55Og