Theshutter release button activates the exposuremeter. When youdepress the shutterrelease button halfway However, if the the film advancelever is in the flushposition, the shutterre- needlegoes down the instantyou removeyour finger from the leasebutton is lockedand does not operate. To release the loo<, button,power is weak In both of the abovecases. vou must movethe filmadvance lever to itsstandoff position. Slight pres- changethe batteries sure on the shutterrelease button then switcheson the ex- Theshutter release button is threadedat the centerto acceot posuremeter and rmmediately the meter needle within the finder a standardcable release swingsup The meter stayson for 16 sec.after you take your Notes.' fingeroff the buttonand turns itself off automaticallyto con- 1)When the batteriesare almost exhausted, the meter needle may drop servebattery power Pushingthe shutterrelease button all the the instant the shutter is released-this is not a mulfunctron way down releasesthe shutter When releasingthe shutter, D The meter needle doesn't move until the frame counter reaches the touchthe fingerguard €, with the innersurface of your fore- f irst frame or when the shutter speed/mode se/ector is set at B or M2S0 fingerand depress the button lightly with smooth, even pressure. Tocheck battery power, depress the buttonhalfway lf the blacx Caution: lf you continue to use the camera until the batteries become completely meterneedle stays in the shutterspeed range even after taking exhausted, the shutter curtarns will not open and the mtrror 2a will remain in the "up" position after you depress the your fingeroff the button,power is sufJicientlf the batteries shutter release button To return the mrrror to the "down" position, switch to the M2S0 arecompletely exhausted, the needledoesn't move, even after settinq 32 lq Thef ilm advance lever also functions to lockthe shutterrelease Theadditive type frame counter is graduatedfrom 5..12 4- button.The shutterrelease button lock is releasedwhen you up to 36 in evennumbers with odd numbersindicated by white movethe leverto the standoffposition. To advancethe film, dotsin betweenthe evennumbers No matterwhether the film windthe leverto the rightcompletely until it stops The lever cartridgeis loadedproperly or not, the frame counter still returnsto thestandoff position automatically after you take your operatesand advancesa singleframe by one completestroke thumboff the leverA singlecomplete stroke advances the film of the film advancelever After reachingframe 36 of a 36- onef rame and simultaneously cocks the shutter. exposureroll of film,the counterwill not operateeven if you Note: At the end of the roll of film, the lever cannot be wound any further. repeatedlypress the shutterrelease button and wind the film /n lhls case, don't force the lever, just release your frnger, depress the advancelever; film will be advanced,however, until the actual film rewind button and rewrnd the film usino the rewrnd crank end of the film roll.The Jramecounter automaticallv resets to S whenthe camera back is opened. Note: Even on A, the automatic mode does not function prior to the f irst frame and, regardless of the lighting condition, the shutter speed is fixed at 1/250 sec When the frame counter reaches one, the automatic expo- sure mode begins On manual, the shutter speed ls activated as set even orior to frame one ^\ ,,\fv. \-< ;1\i 250-- 32v- The scale on the ASA/lSO dial has settings for speeds from The ASA/lSO is a numericalrating of the film's sensitivrtyto a ASA/lSO 12 to 4OOOTwo lines between each number stand for given amount of light The higherthe number,the greater the rntermediatesettings, such as 64, 80, etc The diagram above sensitivity,and vice versa The f ilm's ASA/lSO is indicatedon the grves the speeds for all intermediate settings To set the film cartridgeitself as well as on the film carton and the data sheet speed in use, lift up the dial and rotate it until your desired packed insrde number(or linerepresentrng the f ilm speed)click stops opposite the red indexdot 34 Suggested Applications for Erposure Gompensation + 2 white background,snow scene + 1 white backgroundoccupying half of vrewrngarea -1 spotlightedsubject, black background occupying half of viewing area -2 black background Whenthe overall scene is unusually light or darkin tone or there For unusuallighting situations, such as snowscapes,backlit rsa substantialdifference in contrastbetween the mainsubject subjects,or whenthe mainsubject contrasts sharply with the andthe background,the camera'smeter may be fooledinto background,the exposurecompensation dial allows adjust givingthe incorrectexposure In thesecases, exposure com- mentsto preventover- or underexposureAlso, the dialcan be pensationmust be made For your convenience,the FE2 fea- usedto obtainspecial effects like intentional over- or under- turestwo controlsfor makingexposure compensation-the exposureunder normal lighting conditions Conveniently oper- exposurecompensatron dial and memory lock lever able on A, the dial rangesfrom + 2EV to -zEV in one-third incrementswith the followinq exceotions. 1)At ASA/ rSO 12 Only 1 step compensationin the + direction is possible,the - direc- tion is normal 2) At ASA/tSO 16 Only 1 1/3 steps compensalronin the t directionrs possible:the - directionis normal 3) Ar ASA/|SO 3200 Only 11/3 steps compensationin the - directionis possible,the + directionis normal 4) Ar ASA/rSO4000 Only 1 step compensationin the - direction is possible,the + direc- lion is normal atr To operate,press the lock buttonand turn the dial until the desiredcompensation value click stops opposite the red index line On A, the shutterspeed is shifted,corresponding to the compensatedamount The red LED exposurecompensation mark( + /-)alsoappears on the right side of thevtewfinder after the shutterrelease button is depressedhalfway (except when theshutter speed/mode selector dial is set at B or M250).After takingthe picture,return the dial to 0; otherwiseincorrect exposurewill resultin ordinaryshooting. 36 Fig.1 Another way to make exposure compensation is to use the memory lock lever When there is a substantialdifference in , brightnessbetween the main subjectand the background,such as a stronglybacklit subject. the camera's exposure meter is .t) likelyto be fooled,resulting in under-or overexposure(fig. Tocompensate for this,center the mainsubject in the viewfinder or move in close to the subject, turn the memory lock lever towards the lens and hold it in, then recompose and shoot (Fis 2) The readingwill be retainedas longas the controlis held in this positionThe shutter speed is "locked in" electronicallywhile you depress the lever The meter needle is also locked and doesn't move Notes.' 1) Be sure to switch the meter on prior to using the memorylock lf the procedure/s reversed,the correctexposure cannot be obtained D Duringmemory lock operation,the meter remainson, then auto- maticallyturns off 16 sec after releasrngyour ftngeroff the lever. Fig.2 37 Depth of field Depth of field refers to the zone of sharp focus in front of and behind the main subject in the final photograph Because the FE2 features aperture-priorityautomatic exposure, you have complete control over depth of field by varying the f/stop The followingare importantpoints to remember: 1) By stoppingdown the diaphragmto smallerapertures (inOi- cated by numericallylarger f-numbers on the aperturering), depthof fieldbecomes deeper and not only your main subject but the foreground and background will also be in sharp focus On the other hand, by using wider apertures(smaller f -numbers),depth of field becomes shallowerand both fore- and backgroundwill be out of focus, thus enablingyou to emphasizethe main subject 2) The farther the subject is from the camera, the deeper the When a lenswith an automaticdiaphragm is used,the image in depth of field; the closer to the camera, the shallowerthe the viewfinderis viewed with the diaphragmof the lens wide depth of f ield open However,pressing the depth-of-f ield preview lever will 3) Usually,background clarity is sharper than that of the fore- causethe lensto be stoppeddown to the f -numberset, enabling ground; thus, in shallowdepth-of-field situations, you can you to examinedepth of fieldbefore shooting The image in the expect your foregroundimages to be less clear than those viewfinder"darkens" according to the selected f-number- behindthe subject the smallerthe aperture,the darkerthe image The areasof the +) the shorterthe focal lengthof the lens,the deeperthe depth picture that appear in focus when the lever is pressed will be of f ieldat each f /stoo wrthinthe zoneof sharpfocus in the finalphotograph 5) With most Nikkor or Nikon Series E lenses,depth of field is Note; Be sure lo depressthe depth-of-fieldprevrew lever fullv A/so, indicatedby pairs of colored lineson the lens 6s.which cor- release lever the beforevou depressthe shutter release button respondto the colorsof the f -numbersengraved on the aper- ture ring Therefore,the depth of-field range can be deter- mined by readingoff the correspondingdistances using the depth-of-field scale (see example photos) <X 39 A multipleexposure is definedas a pictureof differentsubjects or two or more shots of the same subjecton the same frame of frlm Tomake a rnultipleexposure, follow these steps: 1)Takethe f irst shot 2) Pullthe multipleexposure lever in the directionof the arrow shown in the photo,as you wind the film advancelever fully The frame counterwill not advance;onlythe shutteris ready to be releasedagarn 3)After windingthe film advance lever fully,take the second shot To take three or more shots on the same frame. reoeat the proceduresdescribed tn 2) and 3) Notes; 1) Themultiple exposure lever must be pulled backat the starf of film wrndrng,but need not be pulled back after that 2,)ln multipleexposure photography, the FE2 is designedto reduce fitm drslocatronto the mtnrmumBut it may occur due to ftlm curling,ftlm slackor rnapproprratefilm winding 40 Thisdevice is useful in taking self-portraitsor when you want Toremind yourself of thefilm type and the numberof exposures to include yourself with other people.
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