B 03 1 7 1 D © Copyright by ROBERT CORRAN 1979
B 03 17 1 D CQRRAN, ROBERT A COMPARISON OF THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES IN SPOkT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION SINCE 1 9f>0 . THE OHn STATE UNIVERSITY, PH.D., 1979 CQPR. 197 9 CCRRAM, ROBERT University Microfilm s International 300 n. zeeb road, ann arbor, mi8 io«6 © Copyright by ROBERT CORRAN 1979 A COMPARISON OF THE INVOLVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES IN SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION SINCE I960 DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Robert Corran, B.S., M.S. The Ohio State University 1979 Reading Committee: Approved By Dr. Bruce L. Bennett, Chairman Dr. Edward Coates Dr. Barbara Nelson C aI- Adviser School of Health, Physical Education and Recreation ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreci ation to his Committee members, Dr. Edward Coates and Dr. Barbara Nelson for their assistance and evaluation of this study, and to Committee Chairman, Dr. Bruce Bennett, for his interest, encouragement and advice over the past two years. The assistance of individuals and organizations who furnished information and who responded to the questionnaire is gratefully acknowledged. In particular sincere thanks are extended to the staffs of the Sport Information Resource Centre, the Fitness and Amateur Sport Branch, and the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. On a more personal note the author wishes to express his sincere thanks to his son, Patrick, for bringing his sparkle into the process, and to his wife, Libby, for her continual support and understanding throughout the study.
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