Defending Champions
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DEFENDING CHAMPIONS DANIEL MAGAY Sabre RICHARD BERRY 2 AMERICAN FENCING June 1959 ANNUAL MEETING Volume 10 Number 4 Due to our failure to publish the full text of the motions to change the dues structure of the A.F.L.A. and to lower the basic age for Active membership a vote on these pro }lJ}]EJlJJ;}lll FEIlDJJ]B posals cannot legally be token at the Annual Official Organ of the Amateur Fencers League of America Meeting of the League in Los Angeles, Publishing Office Editorial Office July 4. 2709 Grand Central Terminal 601 Douglas Roael I t is perhaps just as well to allow more New York 17, N. Y. Chappaqua, New York time for full discussion. Every previous pro Managing Boord Policy Board posal to increase dues has produced opposi W. L. Osborn, Publisher D, S. Thompson J. R. de Capriles tion based on the assumption that on in ), R. de Capri/es, Editor-in-Chief R. Goldstein L. Sobel crease would destroy the membership poten M. A. de Capriles, Features Editor J, y, Grombach W. L. Osborn tial of many Divisions and drive away current members in great numbers. The experience of the post does not bear this out but the From membership dues in the A.F.L.A" $1,00 is allocated as the cast of subscription. Sub Chairman of the Western New York Division scription to non-rnen1bcrs in U.S. is $2.00. Foreign subscriptions (mailed first class) $4.00. Stephen Zielinski has voiced strong objectio~ Published October, December, February, April, June Gnd August. and the postponed vote will permit a pre sentation of the pros and cons. The opinions expressed in signed articles reflect the personal views of the writers ond not The proposals are two separate motions necessarily of American Fenc'lnq or the AF.L.A. No anonymous articles accepted. and may be considered jointly or in the alternative. The suggested changes in annual dues are: Entered os Second Class Matter at the Post Office in New York, N. Y. Active from $6.00 to $10.00; Collegiate from $4.00 to $5.00; Student no change; Associate from $3.00 to $7.50. The actual DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE IS JULY 15 omount of the increases are, of course, sub ject to change after discussion and it must be remembered that each Division is em PERSONALS powered to waive ollar part of the increase Foil Directors - Note which is ear-marked for the Divisional Janice-Lee and Jerry Romary added The Boord has ruled that Presidents of Treasury. Charles (Chip) to the family an March 23rd. Jury be instructed regarding standardized The suggested change in the basic age Louise and Dick Dyer have Stacy Gwen procedure when electric foil is fenced with as of May 13. for Active members is from 25 to 22. out a neutralized strip. When both lights go While the A.F.L.A. is a non-profit or -0- on against one fencer and either the time ganization, the proponents of the above mo or right of way is against such fencer the Eugene Hamori and Annemarie Ruby were tions believe that increased costs of printing, touch must be nullified even though the married on June 14. Our best wishes. moiling and other services plus the need for President believes the 'off target' light is adequate reserves to insure such promotions due to a touch an the floor. The reason is as American Fencing, up to dote Rules that there can be no positive assurance that, Books, rotation of Notional Championships, Pan American Games in addition to the floor, the paint did not hit etc. require 0 per capita increase in revenue the arm or leg before scoring on valid target. for the Notional Treasury. President Pierre Ferri of the F.I.E. hes While it is recognized that this ruling may designated Miguel A. de Copriles, President -J. R. de C. be a 'bad break' in a few instances, it is of the Pan American Fencing Confedera believed necessary and justified in the in tion, as the official F.I.E. representative at terest of orderly conduct of the bouts. the Pan American Gomes to be held in New International Chicago in August 1959. This will be the Professional Organization first time that a nan-European fencer has Castner Memorial Medals represented the F.I.E. at the Pan American Gomes. Both in 1951 and in 1955, the Following the decision token at Brussels The Col. William V. Costner medals for F.I.E. delegate was Mr. Paul Anspach of lost summer on the occasion of the world's a Metropolitan Open Epee event commemo Belgium, farmer F.I.E. president. professional championships, a new profes rate on outstanding American and member sional federation has been organized. This of the 1924 Olympic Team. The recent affiliation of Puerto Rico to is the Academie I nternatianale d'Escrime. Bill Costner, West Point '23, was a great the F.I.E. raises the possible number of The acting secretory is Maitre Bloivel, 13 tennis player and fencer who was consid competing countries in the Pan American rue de Londres, Paris, ge, France. ered one of the A.F.L.A.'s greatest young Gomes from 16 to 17. However, only prospects. After the 1924 Olympics he con those notional fencing organizations which The Pan American Fencing Confederation tracted tuberculosis. Cured after many try are in good standing with the F.I.E. are was founded in Buenos Aires in 1951. Its ing years, he served as G-2 in the Alaskan eligible to compete. At the present time by-lows were formally approved in Mexico Command during World War II and become ,five Western Hemisphere countries are not City in 1955. Its membership is limited to famous for his "Costner's Cutthroats" a in goad standing. countries affiliated with the F.I.E. It has no guerilla outfit of Eskimos which mode fre independent treasury but its Permanent Com quent raids on Japanese occupied islands. mission is charged with special responsibili After a lang illness due to privation and 1958 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ties for supervising the conduct of the Pan exposure he died in 1949 at the age of 47. Latest report shows a deficit of about American Gomes in accordance with inter He received the D.S.M. and Navy Legion of $5,000. for the event. However, over $3,- national rules. Miguel de Capriles is Presi Merit. 000. is due for equipment which the Pan dent and Donald G. Thompson is Secretory The medals are presented anonymously American Gomes Committee agreed to pur of the Permanent Commission. by a West Point classmate. chase jointly with the AFLA. Have You Started a Group at Your Local High School Yet? June 1959 AMERICAN FENCING 3 INTERNATIONAL RULE CHANGES NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS By Miguel A. de Capriles 5. Stateless fencers. The statutory auth ority for the participation of stateless fen June 27 - July 4, 1959 Chairman, A.F.L.A. Rules Committee cers in the world Championships has been Mr. Charles de Beaumont, head of the repealed. British Amateur Fencing Association, who Statler-Hilton Hotel represented the U.S. at the 40th Congress 6. Fencers' equipment. In all weapons, 930 Wiltshire Blvd. of the F.I.E. in Paris, has rendered as usual fencers are required to appear on the strip a mast informative report of the proceed for each bout with at least two weapons, Los Angeles, California ings. A number of important changes in in order to reduce delays in case of break the F.I.E. rules have been mode. These down. ore summarized below. 7. Time warnings. The two-minute warn Schedule I. Definition of an amateur. The F.I.E. ing has been eliminated. A single warning statutes have been clarified by including will be given one minute before the expira June 27-Foil Individual among the prohibited acts the receipt of tion of the time limit. If, after the warn remuneration for training other persons for ing has been given, there should be a con June 2B--Foil Team sports competitions. !The immediote effect siderable interruption of the bout, e.g., for in the United States is that the proposed on injury or to repair the apparatus or June 29-Women's Individual amendment to the Constitution should like change weapons, the President may dvise wise make it clear that a professional train the fencers of the time remining when re June 30-Epee Individual er will not be classified as an amateur placing them on guard. This will be pro fencer. The A.F.L.A. Rules Committee will posed for immediate adoption by the A.F. July 1-Women's Team and Sabre move such a clarification at the annual L.A., so that it may be applied in the 1959 Team meeting in Los Angeles on July 4, since National Championships. the intent is to keep the A.F.L.A. defin July 2-Epee Team ition of on amateur in step with both the 8. Sabre guard. The specifications have Olympic and the F.I.E. definitions. I been revised to require that the guard be July 3-Sabre Individual full in shope, mode in one piece and ex 2. World Championship schedule. A ternally smooth. It must have a continuous July 4-3-Weapon Team radical change in the order of events has convex form without rim or holes. been approved for the 1959 World Champ ionships, as follows: 9. Mask. The spec',fications for the mask have been revised to require that the metal GALA NIGHT - July 4, 8 P.M.